Profiles of Top U.S. Agricultural Ports
Agricultural Marketing le, WA tt Service a Profiles of Top U.S. e S Tacom September 2013 a , W A Agricultural Ports a, WA m York, N la ew Y a anco N K V uv e r , W A e ilad lph h ia P , P P R A o O O rtland, ak land, CA ston, ou TX H A , V ve No olk al sto rf G n L , o A s C T , X Angeles A S G a , va ah L nn o A n C g h, Beac J a L c F C , k le o so il nv L r X p T F u i, , s t s C is B X hr e e T P a , o d u nt r la mo t Everg N e LA w , M Orleans L iami, F he agricultural community uses the ocean Top 20 U.S. Ports Moving Waterborne Agricultural Trade, 2011 transportation network extensively to serve its global customers. In calendar year 2011, 80 percent Imports Exports Total T Rank U.S. Ports State Share of U.S. agricultural exports (146.5 million metric tons), Metric Tons and 78 percent of imports (40.7 million metric tons) were waterborne (Census Bureau, U.S. Department of 1 New Orleans Port Region* LA 1,905,984 59,716,467 61,622,450 33% Commerce, and PIERS). The following Agricultural Port 2 Los Angeles CA 2,725,490 7,666,611 10,392,101 6% Profiles provide a view of the top 20 U.S.
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