Audit Risk Level: High Rapid Impact Assessment summary report Each of the numbered sections below must be completed 1. Title of plan, policy or strategy being assessed. Closure of Minor Injuries Service, Belhaven Hospital, Dunbar 2. What will change as a result of this proposal? A recommendation will be made to East Lothian CHP sub committee to decommission the minor injuries service at Belhaven Hospital based on clinical governance and safety considerations. 3. Briefly describe public involvement in this proposal Through a series of meetings over several months, the Belhaven Hospital Forum, a constituency of local politicians, wide ranging community stakeholders, patients, health and social care representatives and clinicians have been involved in the planning and evolution of the proposal and have contributed thoughts and views which have been fundamental in shaping the recommendations. 4. Date of RIA 24 th July 2012 5. Who was present at the RIA? Identify facilitator and any partnership representative present Name Job Title Date of RIA Email training Carol Transformation
[email protected] Lumsden and Integration Manager (Facilitator)
[email protected] Thomas Partnership Miller Lead, East & Midlothian CHP
[email protected] Sandra Glass Charge Nurse, Belhaven Hospital Gillian Wilson Public Partnership Forum, East Lothian CHP Steven Dunbar Bunyan Community Council 1 6. Population groups considered Potential differential impacts minority ethnic people (incl. No differential impact