SZTE Klebelsberg Könyvtár ¡ SZTE Kiefcí. - ••.. -í Xónr»tir XJ1S5'35 i Egyetemi Gyűjtemény 3. ACTA J001030179 Mineralógica ACTA MINERALOGICA-PETROGRAPHICA, FIELD GUIDE SERIES, VOL. 9, PP. 1-19. Petrographica HELYBEN OLVASHATÓ Zeolite mineralization of the dacite laccolith of Csódi Hill, Dunabogdány Written by ERZSÉBET TÓTH1* AND TAMÁS G. WEISZBURG2 with the contribution of MELINDA JÁNOSI2 AND ERZSÉBET OROSZ2 1 Eötvös Museum of Natural History, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/c, H-1117 Hungary;
[email protected] ('corresponding author) 2 Department of Mineralogy, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/c, H-l 117 Hungary Table of contents 1. Introduction 1 2. A sketchy roadside geology 4 2.1 General features 4 2.2 Brief itinerary 4 2.3 An appendix to roadside geology - Why "Danube Bend" (Dunakanyar)? 5 3. Field stop: Csódi Hill, Quarry 5 3.1 Geological background of the Csódi Hill laccolith and its surroundings 5 3.2 Petrology of the Csódi Hill dacite 3.3 Serpentine-bearing xenoliths in the Csódi Hill dacite 9 3.4 Cavity-filling minerals 12 3.4.1 Hypothermal minerals 12 3.4.2 Hydrothermal zeolites 12 3.4.3 Hydrothermal calcite 14 3.4.4 Hydrothermal saponite 15 3.5 Contact metamorphism 16 4. Acknowledgements 17 5. References 17 1. Introduction Budapest (even in the close vicinity of the Eötvös Loránd University Campus, location of the IMA2010 Congress). The hill is a classical mineralogical locality in Hungary. Printed Dunabogdány (called Bogdány previously) is a medium-sized and manuscript field trip guidebooks are witnesses of student village at the northern foot of Visegrád Mountains, along the field trips for more than a century.