Surface Geology of Hungary Explanatory Notes to the Geological Map of Hungary (1:500 000)

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Surface Geology of Hungary Explanatory Notes to the Geological Map of Hungary (1:500 000) Surface geology of Hungary Explanatory notes to the Geological map of Hungary (1:500 000) Edited by: Zsolt KERCSMÁR Written by: Tamás BUDAI, Gábor, CSILLAG Zsolt KERCSMÁR, Ildikó SELMECZI, Orsolya SZTANÓ Budapest, 2015 Copyright Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary 2015 All rights reserved! Rewier: Gyula KONRÁD English text: Daniella TOLMÁCS Linguistic reviewer: Philip RAWLINSON Technical editor: Olga PIROS DTP: OLGA PIROS PÉTER KŐBÁNYAI Published by the Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary Responsible editor: FANCSIK Tamás director Reference: KERCSMÁR, ZS. (ed.), BUDAI, T., CSILLAG, G., SELMECZI, I., SZTANÓ, O. 2015: Surface geology of Hungary. Explanatory notes to the Geological map of Hungary (1:500 000). — Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary, Budapest. ISBN 978-963-671-302-7 Contents Introduction (Zsolt KERCSMÁR) . 5 Geological build-up of the regions of Hungary (Tamás BUDAI) . 7 Dunántúli-középhegység (Transdanubian Range) . 7 Északi-középhegység (North Hungarian Range) . 9 The Mecsek and the Villány Hills . 10 Dunántúli-dombság (Transdanubian Hills) . 11 Kisalföld (Little Hungarian Plain) and Alpokalja . 11 Alföld (Great Hungarian Plain) . 11 Geological description of the superficial formations of Hungary (Tamás BUDAI – TB, Gábor CSILLAG – GCs, Zsolt KERCSMÁR – ZsK, Ildikó SELMECZI – IS, Orsolya SZTANÓ – OSz) . 12 Palaeozoic (undivided) (TB) . 12 Ordovician–Silurian (TB) . 12 Ordovician–Devonian (TB) . 13 Silurian–Devonian (TB) . 13 Devonian (TB) . 13 Carboniferous (TB) . 14 Permian (TB) . 15 Triassic (TB) . 17 Lower Triassic . 17 Middle Triassic . 17 Middle–Upper Triassic . 19 Upper Triassic . 20 Triassic–Jurassic (TB) . 22 Triassic–Cretaceous (TB) . 22 Jurassic . 23 Lower–Middle Jurassic (TB) . 23 Middle–Upper Jurassic (TB) . 24 Jurassic (undivided) (TB) . 25 Jurassic–Cretaceous (TB) . 26 Cretaceous . 26 Lower Cretaceous (TB) . 26 Lower–Upper Cretaceous (TB) . 27 Upper Cretaceous (TB, ZsK) . 27 Eocene (ZsK) . 28 Eocene–Oligocene (ZsK) . 30 Oligocene (ZsK) . 31 Oligocene–Miocene (IS, ZsK) . 33 Miocene . 34 Lower Miocene (IS) . 34 Lower–Middle Miocene (IS) . 38 Middle Miocene (IS) . 38 Middle–Upper Miocene (IS) . 44 Upper Miocene (GCs, OSz) . 45 3 Miocene–Pliocene (GCs, OSz) . 50 Miocene–Pleistocene (GCs) . 52 Pliocene (GCs) . 52 Pliocene–Pleistocene (GCs) . 52 Pleistocene (GCs) . 53 Pleistocene–Holocene (GCs) . 55 Holocene (GCs) . 55 References . 57 Index . 63 Contributors to the volume . ..
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