ISSN 2064-4507 (Online) ● ISSN 1219-9672 (Print) © Department of Botany, University of Debrecen, Hungary 24(2): 173–226.; 2019 DOI: 10.17542/kit.24.173 Adatok a Tarnavidék, az Upponyi-hegység és környéke flórájához SULYOK József 1 & BERÁNEK Ábel 2 (1) Bükki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, H-3300 Eger, Sánc utca 6. (2) H-3600 Ózd, Bolyki főút 107.;
[email protected] Contributions to the flora of the Heves–Borsod and Uppony Hills and adjacent territories Abstract – Results of nearly two decades of floristic research in the territory of Heves–Borsod Hills (Tar- na-vidék) and the northern foreground of the Bükk Mts are presented in this paper (altogether 4421 re- cords; BÁ: 1665, SJ: 2752). Several old literature records – partly supported by vouchers – are confirmed, e.g. Hypericum elegans and Lappula heteracantha from the Uppony Gorge, as well as Cephalaria transsylva- nica , Cypripedium calceolus , Diplotaxis erucoides and Plantago indica from the Heves–Borsod Hills and the northern foreground of the Bükk Mts. Other former literature records (partly from the authors) are revi- sed. These revisions are mainly due to changes in taxonomic concepts of some genera in new keys (Carex , Chamaecytisus , Epipactis , Molinia , Sorbus ). Old literature and herbarium records of other significant taxa (Onosma visanii , Scutellaria columnae , Sorbus sp., Utricularia bremii/minor ) are revised too. The new occurrence of Ferula sadleriana in the Uppony Gorge is probably the result of intentional seed dispersal. Of the many rare plants listed in our paper some are new for the flora of the region under study: Agrimo- nia procera , Alchemilla micans , Asplenium adiantum-nigrum , Astragalus austriacus , A.