Crystal Valley TOURINFORM VESZPRÉM 8200 Veszprém, Óváros Tér 2

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Crystal Valley TOURINFORM VESZPRÉM 8200 Veszprém, Óváros Tér 2 NAGY LÁSZLÓ CITY LIBRARY AND LEISURE CENTRE REGIONAL INFORMATION POINT 8400 Ajka, Szabadság tér 13. Tel/fax: + 36 88/ 210-252 E-mail: [email protected] Treasures of Crystal Valley TOURINFORM VESZPRÉM 8200 Veszprém, Óváros tér 2. Tel.: + 36 88/404-548 E-mail: [email protected] We can not assume the potential liability for typographical „It is a human landscape. Made by hard- and printing misstakes working hands, shaping it for themselves PUBLISHER: by the force and mood of being, dreariness Új Atlantisz Többcélú Kistérségi Társulás became gentle, fr om the wilderness became home, EDITORS: life-giving tradition.” Johanna Jakab, Balázs Szabó, Gergely Tóth DESIGN, DTP: Kreátor Reklám Kft. – Jenő Keresztes RELIGIOUS – NATURAL – INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE 2013. RELIGIOUS HERITAGE TREASURES OF Crystal Valley VESZPRÉMÉ Th e place where religion and the people living in conformity. N 47° 5’ 48.91”, E 17° 54’ 9.54” Th e Szaléziánum Archbishopric and Touristical Centre LoremLet thisipsum area dolor to charm sit amet, with con- the The Szaléziánum Archbishopric and Touristi- seteturvarious sadipscing religious elitr, and sed cultural diam cal Centre named after Saint Francis of Szalézi nonumymemories, eirmod which tempor tell invidunt stories (Szalézi Szent Ferenc) waits for the visitors in the ut aboutlabore the et powerdolore ofmagna belief andali- whole year with interactive and special services quyamthe depthserat, sed of diam soul voluptua.through the At for families in the renovated house of Bíró-Giczey. Guests can visit the magnifi cent baroque halls, veroveil eos of ethistory. accusam et justo duo the grassy room with the glass fl oor, follow the doloresIn this et area ea blessedrebum. withStet won-clita history of the Main Diocese of Veszprém, have an kasdderful gubergren, natural no makings,sea takimata we insight of the process of making a violin and taste sanctuscan fi est nd Lorem the marks ipsum of dolorreligious sit the spciel drinks of our tea and coff ee house. The Loremeverywhere, ipsum dolor where sit amet, the house gives home to colourful and diverse exhibi- conseteturreligious sadipscingheritage representselitr, sed tions in the whole year. diamremarkable nonumy valueeirmod in temporthe lives in- of The centre is also the strating point of the ecclesi- viduntlocal ut residents labore et even dolore today. magna astical trip.From the early middle ages Veszprém aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. was an ecclesiastical centre. This is the reason At Specialvero eos churches,et accusam wonderful et justo why can be found many ecclesiastical monu- duoCalvaries dolores etand ea rebum.elevated Stet places clita ments in the Castle of Veszprém, its museums and of worship preserve and prove exhibitory places guard precious objects relating kasd gubergren, no sea takimata to the church. The Cathedral of Saint Michael sanctusthe importance est of church, re- ligion and belief. The religious (Szent Mihály Bazilika) at the Holy Trinity Square memories can be followed (Szentháromság Tér) is the location of romantic well-ordered on the only Way weddings, and the Archbishopric Palace with the Gizella’s Chapel is spectacular. of Ecclesiastical Heritages. RELIGIOUS HERITAGE TREASURES OF Crystal Valley VÁROSLŐDÁ Ő N 47° 8’ 36.492”, E 17° 39’ 0.432” N 47° 8’ 32.05”, E 17° 37’ 11.83” KISLŐDŐ Saint Michael Roman Catholic Church Michael Rőthy Museum of Ecclesiastical History The baroque church was built on In the renovated building of the the ruins of the carthausian mon- parish house in Kislőd, which was astery between 1747 and 1750 built in classicistic style, can be with the help of the remaining found the ecclesiastical collection, carved stones from local buildings. named after Michael Rőthy (Rőthy The main altar is carved and ar- Mihály), the former priest of the vil- tistic, containing several parts, a lage, and this collection is known as spectacular construction, together one of the matters of special inter- with the rich decorated, imposing est in religious and cultural tourism pulpit they are nationwide regis- in Hungary. tered monuments. The founder is László Markója, dean priest between 1924 and 2007, FURTHER INFORMATION: who organized and exhibited the Simon Gábor – priest local and european treasures of folk Tel.: +36 20/344-5135 religiousness. Perlaki Antal He was also the developer of Tel.: +36 30/214-3592 the chapel in cemetery and of 14 station calvaries.The sigths of Kislőd can also be preveously seen in the form of a virtual trip: Can be visited after previous registration: Tel.: +36 20/388-0950 RELIGIOUS HERITAGE TREASURES OF Crystal Valley MAGYARPOLÁNYÁ N 47° 9’ 59.97”, E 17° 32’ 32.93” N 47° 2’ 0.7”, E 17° 32’ 0.68” HALIMBA Saint László Church and Calvary Dr Miklós Szalai Hous of Memories and Herbal Garden With almost one hundred protected buildings, Halimba is a well-known village of the Magyarpolány is registered as the part of the Veszprém Main Diocese. This small village National Heritage. The Calvary, built around is located one of the richest herbal lands of 1770 in the centre of the village, stands out Hungary, where the Bakony and the Kisalföld from the other monuments. Next to the stairs (Small Lowlands) meet, where those plants leading to the chapel can be found almost life- can be found that like highlands, lowlands sized, painted wood sculptures in fi ve station and marsh-lands. The dean priest dr Miklós (‘’stáció”) buildings. The sculptures represent Szalai, who gained nationwide popularity the fi ve secrets of the painful saint reader. In to the village, who knew the curative herbals the south side of the chapel a grave of a saint very well, and who died over twenty years, can be found, maybe it can be the sixth station left his memory, his life pattern and his sci- in older scripts. ence as a heritage to the residents of the vil- The church built for the respect of Saint Lás- lage, to the youth. zló, built in baroque style was consecrated in The unique herbal garden is a well liked des- 1769. The calvary can be freely visited, while tination of the people who like nature, and the chapel and the church can be visited after who are interested in alternative medicine. previous registration. From early spring to late autumn 180 living The square in front of the church is the location plant species pour out their fragrance and of the internationally well-known Polányi Pas- give the chance to get acquainted with the sió, organized at Whitsun every year. ‘’Pharmacy of Nature’’. Visitors can get ac- quainted with the propagation, culture and FURTHER INFORMATION: processing of herbals interactively. Can be visited after previous registration: Tel.: +36 88/237-003, +36 30/227-6966, +36 20/528-6687 NATURAL HERITAGES TREASURES OF Crystal Valley SZENTGÁLÁ Where the body, the soul and the mind can be relaxed. N 47° 06’ 05.67”, E 17° 46’ 33.96” Nature Reserve with Yew In the romantic West-Bakony It cannot really be told other things about it, only landscape extends the beauti- impressively beautiful, elevating and fascinating. ful Crystal-Valley, what ensures Who has ever seen a hundreds years old yew in excellent land and sightseeings a botanical garden or in a fl ower-garden can im- for the lovers of trips on foot, by agine the feeling when over more hundred thou- sands yew-trees create a forest. The yew forest of bicycle or on horse. Szentgál is the second biggest native yew forest The unique landscape and the of the continent, which can be seen even today, area with natural values, with thank to the good water supply and the narrow wide and fl at ridges, with turkey rocky land, Another natural treausure to mention oak, oak and beech forests, with is the Kőlik-cave. It can be found on the north- diverse terrain surfaces and with western slope of the Mecsek hill above the Alszegi meadow. The revealed length is 420m. There is a the beauty of the natural environ- chance to take part in hiking in the cave, which ment charm the visitors, provid- is a good opportunity to learn the techniques of ing unforgettable experience for hiking. all visitors. The exhausted visitors can visit the Country House, The way of natural heritages the Statue Park and the spring of the Cinca stream has several spectacular and nice and of the Kútvölgyi spring. The chance is given places, where the beauty of the to visit the historical churches as well. Who would enchanting surface forms are like to spend more days here and take a trip in the hand in hand with the beauty of nearby countryside can fi nd accomodation by us. the experience of being in nature. Contact: Tel.: 88/506-581 NATURAL HERITAGES TREASURES OF Crystal Valley CSEHBÁNYAÁ N 47° 10’ 52.38”, E 17° 41’ 00.25” N 47° 04’ 57.76”, E 17° 39’ 10.79” ÚRKÚTÚÚ Th e way of the „Vízkeresők” Ancient Karst Nature Reserve Úrkút The german-speaking village is located 8 km from Ajka, in Úrkút, in the area of the in the High-Bakony, in a fascinating en- former manganese mine can be found the vironment, in a valley fenced by forests Úrkút’s ancient karst nature reserve with its of the Torna stream, so it is a popular romantic beauty, today working as a geol- place to take a trip or to relax. ogocal showroom. In the 1930s manganese Fresh, clear, and according to many was exploited with hand so the surface of people its „curing” air allure many the karst remained in its original state.
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