NAGY LÁSZLÓ CITY LIBRARY AND LEISURE CENTRE REGIONAL INFORMATION POINT 8400 Ajka, Szabadság tér 13. Tel/fax: + 36 88/ 210-252 E-mail:
[email protected] Treasures of Crystal Valley TOURINFORM VESZPRÉM 8200 Veszprém, Óváros tér 2. Tel.: + 36 88/404-548 E-mail:
[email protected] We can not assume the potential liability for typographical „It is a human landscape. Made by hard- and printing misstakes working hands, shaping it for themselves PUBLISHER: by the force and mood of being, dreariness Új Atlantisz Többcélú Kistérségi Társulás became gentle, fr om the wilderness became home, EDITORS: life-giving tradition.” Johanna Jakab, Balázs Szabó, Gergely Tóth DESIGN, DTP: Kreátor Reklám Kft. – Jenő Keresztes RELIGIOUS – NATURAL – INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE 2013. RELIGIOUS HERITAGE TREASURES OF Crystal Valley VESZPRÉMÉ Th e place where religion and the people living in conformity. N 47° 5’ 48.91”, E 17° 54’ 9.54” Th e Szaléziánum Archbishopric and Touristical Centre LoremLet thisipsum area dolor to charm sit amet, with con- the The Szaléziánum Archbishopric and Touristi- seteturvarious sadipscing religious elitr, and sed cultural diam cal Centre named after Saint Francis of Szalézi nonumymemories, eirmod which tempor tell invidunt stories (Szalézi Szent Ferenc) waits for the visitors in the ut aboutlabore the et powerdolore ofmagna belief andali- whole year with interactive and special services quyamthe depthserat, sed of diam soul voluptua.through the At for families in the renovated house of Bíró-Giczey. Guests can visit the magnifi cent baroque halls, veroveil eos of ethistory. accusam et justo duo the grassy room with the glass fl oor, follow the doloresIn this et area ea blessedrebum.