Using cellular automata to simulate wildfire propagation and to assist in fire management Joana Gouveia Freire1 and Carlos Castro DaCamara1 1Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL), Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal Correspondence: Joana Freire (
[email protected]) Abstract. Cellular Automata have been successfully applied availability of modeling tools of fire episodes is of crucial to simulate the propagation of wildfires with the aim of as- importance. sisting fire managers in defining fire suppression tactics and Wildfire propagation is described in a variety of ways, be 35 in planning fire risk management policies. We present a Cel- it the type of modelling (deterministic, stochastic), type of 5 lular Automata designed to simulate a severe wildfire episode mathematical formulation (continuum, grid-based) or type of that took place in Algarve (southern Portugal) in July 2012. propagation (nearest-neighbor, Huygens wavelets), and often During the episode almost 25 thousand hectares burned and the formulation adopted combines different approaches (Sul- there was an explosive stage between 25 and 33 h after the livan, 2009; Alexandridis et al., 2011). For instance, the clas- 40 onset. Results obtained show that the explosive stage is ad- sic model of Rothermel (1972, 1983) combines fire spread 10 equately modeled when introducing a wind propagation rule modeling with empirical observations, and simplified de- where fire is allowed to spread to non-adjacent cells depend- scriptions such as FARSITE (Finney, 2004) neglect the inter- ing on wind speed. When this rule is introduced, deviations action with the atmosphere, and the fire front is propagated in modeled time of burning (from estimated time based on using wavelet techniques.