Fabio Corsico

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Fabio Corsico Fabio Corsico Fabio Corsico was born in Turin on 20 October 1973. He achieved a secondary school diploma in Classical Studies (46/60) and graduated in Political Sciences (110/110). In 1997, he worked at the Italian Ministry of Defence, Office of the Diplomatic Councillor for the Minister, Beniamino Andreatta, dealing with the preparation of international dossiers, and at the Military Centre for Strategic Studies. Between 1998 and 2001 he worked for Olivetti/Mannesmann, firstly in Ivrea and then in Rome, and at Infostrada in the communication and HR sectors, until taking the role of head of Public Affairs. During this period he represented the company in Assinform (Italian Association for Information Technology) and AIP (Italian Association for Industrial Policies). In 2001 he worked for the Economy and Finance Ministry as Head of the Technical Secretariat of the Minister Giulio Tremonti. During this period he was also a member of the Committee for the introduction of the Euro. In autumn 2003, he was hired by Enel as Head of Institutional and Territorial Affairs and of the relations with Confindustria. Since February 2005, he has been the Director of External Relations, Institutional Affairs and Development for the Caltagirone Group. For the Caltagirone Holding he also deals with regulatory issues for the Group’s companies and oversees the various industrial and financial holdings. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Cementir Holding, of “Il Gazzettino”, of Terna and of NTV. He has been Senior Advisor at Credit Suisse AG for Italy since 2009. In 1998, he edited the book “Interessi nazionali e identità italiana” (National interests and Italian identity) for the publishing company Franco Angeli in the Studi Strategici (Strategic Studies) series, and in 2011, together with Paolo Messa, he was the author of “Da Frankenstein a principe azzurro, breve storia delle fondazioni bancarie” (From Frankenstein to Prince Charming, a brief history of banking foundations) for Marsilio, with a preface by Carlo Azeglio Ciampi. In December 2015 he published the book “Manager di famiglia” (Family Manager) for “Sole 24 Ore” with Bernardo Bertoldi. .
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