Annual Report 2017 Arts Council Malta Annual Report 2017 Contents

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Annual Report 2017 Arts Council Malta Annual Report 2017 Contents ARTS COUNCIL MALTA ANNUAL REPORT 2017 ARTS COUNCIL MALTA ANNUAL REPORT 2017 CONTENTS Chair’s Foreword ����������������������������������� 4 Cultural Participation Survey 2016 ��48 Organisational Structure Artivisti �������������������������������������������������52 & Governance ����������������������������������7 EU Projects Office ������������������������������56 The Arts Council Malta Board & Directors �������������������������������������������� 8 The Cultural Programme of the 2017 Maltese Presidency of the The Strategy Team ������������������������������� 9 Council of the European Union ��������58 Arts Council Malta in 2017 ���������������� 10 Funding & Brokerage ��������������� 62 Government Budget 2017 Key figures for Funding allocations to ACM and Public Programmes in 2017���������������������������64 Cultural Organisations (PCOs) ���������12 Amounts Awarded in 2017 ����������������66 Strategy ������������������������������������������� 14 Funding Programmes – Evaluations 74 Progress to date for the Strategy2020 Actions ������������������������� 17 ACM Brokerage and Training Services 2017����������������������������������������75 ARTS COUNCIL MALTA Strategic Action Highlights ��44 ANNUAL REPORT ACMlab sessions 2017 ����������������������� 76 2017 The Malta Pavilion at the Biennale Arte 2017 �����������������������������46 ACM’S Digital Presence in 2017 ��������77 0051 – Cover.indd 3 03/05/2018 10:15 Cover shows an image from Human_Construct, Kane Cali, Project Support Grant – Malta Arts Fund� Photo by Alexandra Pace Report compiled by: Adrian Debattista, Research Associate, Arts Council Malta Sandra Borg, Communications Executive, Arts Council Malta Design: Gabriel Bajada, Moose Published in May 2018 Survey through a symposium and Since then, 66 of these Executive Chair’s Foreword accompanying publications – with its actions have already wealth of insights and analysis – was been – or are in the another important milestone� Albert Marshall process of – being On the funding front, the launch of implemented. Most 2017 – A year of firsts the Professional Development Grant involved bold new was followed by Artivisti, Arts Council initiatives, a change in Malta’s mentoring programme for mindset – a cultural young artists� 2017 also saw the launch Cultural democratisation has been the overarching mission of the Creative Industries Platform, paradigm shift – and and vision of Arts Council Malta since its inception in a sector-specific fund which aims to an addressing of the build business clusters in the cultural sector’s needs to 2015� Much has happened in the two years since the and creative sectors� stimulate growth and Council published its Strategy2020, its five-year action create jobs plan for the cultural and creative sectors� At the time, New initiatives also kept rolling out: the EU Projects Office and Il-Premju għall- the Council committed to implementing 70 actions Arti, the first national arts awards, both in five years, a long-term plan which would transform of which were launched last year� Malta can fully focus on its role as policy maker and strategic nerve Malta’s cultural and artistic landscape in line with its Finally, 2017 came to an end with the centre, paving the way for the final vision of placing the arts at the centre of people’s lives launch of Festivals Malta as a new implementation of its Strategy2020 public cultural organisation, marking vision while proactively taking the its separation from Arts Council Malta� initiative to design its next five-year Since then, 66 of these actions have received considerable press acclaim On the eve of 2018, the year of Valletta commitment inspired by the new already been – or are in the process and marked Malta’s return to as the European Capital of Culture, we National Cultural Policy due to be of – being implemented� Most involved the Biennale� are now looking forward to the year published shortly� bold new initiatives, a change in ahead, the first when Arts Council mindset – a cultural paradigm shift – The publication of the results of and an addressing of the sector’s needs the 2016 Cultural Participation to stimulate growth and create jobs� On the eve of 2018, the year of Valletta as the European Capital of Culture, we are now looking forward to That is why, for Arts Council Malta, The Council committed the year ahead, the first when Arts Council Malta can 2017 was a year of firsts� We started to implementing 70 fully focus on its role as policy maker and strategic out with the Maltese Presidency actions in five years, a of the Council of the European nerve centre Union, in which the Council played a long-term plan which pivotal part through the design and would transform implementation of the Presidency’s Malta’s cultural and Cultural Programme� artistic landscape in line with its vision of This was followed by the Malta Pavilion at La Biennale di Venezia placing the arts at the 2017, Homo Melitensis: An Incomplete centre of people’s lives Inventory in 19 Chapters, which 4 Arts Council Malta Annual Report 2017 5 Organisational Structure & Governance Strategy Dancer Yasmin Bohn� Photo by Ritty Tacsum� The Arts Council Malta The Strategy Team Board & Directors FUNDING & BROKERAGE Executive Chairman Albert Marshall Elaine Falzon, Head of Funding & Brokerage Christabel Catania, Creative Broker Vice Chairman Dr Paul Cachia Joseph Lia, Creative Broker Annalise Buttigieg, Senior Fund Administrator Rachel Vella, Fund Administrator BEFORE JUNE 2017 Dominic Galea ASSOCIATES Charles Hili Jackie Scott Joseph Buttigieg, Education & Training Associate Joe Micallef Adrian Debattista, Research Associate Marquis Nicholas De Piro Romina Delia, Internationalisation Associate Caroline Tonna Frances Catherine Farrugia, Business Development Associate Frederick Testa Simone Inguanez, Diversity & Communities Associate Christopher Spiteri, EU Projects Associate AFTER JUNE 2017 Sandra Borg, Communications Executive Luke Dalli, Legal Officer Veronique Farrugia Eric Fenech Sevasta, Management Support Executive Charles Hili Martha Scicluna, Support Administrator Jackie Scott Joe Micallef Marquis Nicholas De Piro Caroline Tonna Paul Giordimaina ARTS COUNCIL MALTA DIRECTORS Director of Strategy Toni Attard Director of Festivals & Events Annabelle Stivala Director Corporate Affairs Etienne Bonello 8 Arts Council Malta Annual Report 2017 9 Arts Council Malta in 2017 January February June • Mighty Box wins the • Uċuħ Ġodda, Kitba Ġdida - an • The Creative Industries Platform, • A symposium on the findings competition of the Malta evening of readings from a new funding programme from the Cultural Participation Digital Games Fund the shortlisted scripts of the to support the creation and Survey 2016 is organised by ACM; Premju Francis Ebejer development of clusters for the results also form the basis for • The Cultural Programme of the various niches in the Creative and three publications launched by 2017 Maltese Presidency of the • ACM announces that Cultural Industries, is launched ACM on the same day July Council of the European Union 40 donations to cultural is launched organisations have been made • Artivisti, a new programme by businesses in the first 12 for young artists is launched months since the introduction by ACM in collaboration with of the 150% tax deduction Aġenzija Żgħażagħ and 89�7 Bay scheme, a total of €138,412 August • ACM reveals artists for Homo • ACM and MCST sign an MOU Melitensis: An Incomplete on the creative industries, Inventory in 19 Chapters, the science and technology March Malta Pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2017 • ACM launches the first edition of • Viva t-Teatru, a programme of the Culture Pass programme for events around World Theatre all secondary school students Day, is launched by ACM and Teatru Malta September • Spazji Teatrali, the first ever audit of theatre spaces in Malta and • ACM launches a new training and • Launch of Il-Premju għall-Arti, the • Arts Council Malta’s funding Gozo, is published development grant for creative May October first national awards to celebrate programmes go online; the first professionals, the Professional Malta’s artistic achievements applications for the Cultural Export Development Grant • The Malta Pavilion at the • Arts Council Malta welcomes Fund’s Travel Grants are received Biennale Arte 2017 is officially the increased investment in the through the Council’s website inaugurated; between May cultural and creative sectors and November over 100,000 announced in the 2018 national visitors will visit the Pavilion budget • New strand for Il-Premju tal- President għall-Kreattività is launched December November April • Festivals Malta is launched as a • 10 young artists selected • ACM announces the first new public cultural organisation, • The EU Projects Office is set for Artivisti, the new beneficiaries of the new Creative marking its separation from Arts up within Arts Council Malta development programme Industries Platform Council Malta 10 Arts Council Malta Annual Report 2017 11 Government Budget 2017 allocations to ACM and Public Cultural Organisations (PCOs) ACM RECURRENT EXPENDITURE 2017 € PUBLIC CULTURAL ORGANISATIONS (PCOS) RECURRENT AND CAPITAL EXPENDITURE € Arts Council Malta 2,200,000 Festivals Malta 1,322,000 Teatru Manoel 1,835,000 The Valletta 2018 Foundation 4,517,000 ACM PROGRAMMES AND INITIATIVES 2017 € Pjazza Teatru Rjal 2,300,000 Malta Arts Fund 320,000 ŻfinMalta 550,000 Cultural Export Fund 150,000 Fondazzjoni Kreattività 1,090,000 Cultural Partnership Agreement 510,000 The Malta Philharmonic
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