MINOR SEMINARY December 2014 Issue 45

Editur Fr Mark Ellul Koordinaturi Ms Michelle Sant, Ms Elaine Gerada Gatt Assistenti Koordinaturi Ms Mireille Balzan, Ms Claudia Custo Qari tal-Provi Mr Bertram Portelli, Ms Phyllis Borg, Ms Elaine Gerada Gatt, Ms Mireille Balzan Ritratti Mr Gordon Baldacchino

“Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love” Mother Theresa

Credit: Photocity,

Is-Seminarju tal-Virtù ir-Rabat RBT 2604 Tel: 2748 3000/8 Email: [email protected] www.maltaseminary.org December 2014 Issue 45 www.maltaseminary.org1 Il-Kelma tar-Rettur Dun Jimmy Bonnici Il-ħolma ta’ Ikaru

Erġajt iltqajt ma’ Ikaru u sibt li għadu żagħżugħ: kapaċi jisfida kemm liż-żgħazagħ u kemm lill-adulti. Skoprejt dan il-mit Grieg permezz tad-diska Flight of Icarus, f’żgħożiti. Iżda meta rġajt qrajt il-kliem sibt li l-enfasi huwa wisq tradizzjonali. Taqra l-mit bħala kritika liż-żagħżugħ li b’mod impulsiv isegwi l-aptit billi jwarrab lill-awtorità

Fil-mit oriġinali, missier Ikaru – Daedalus, As he plunges back towards his sketchy village, bennej tal-labirinti – jintefa’ fl-istess labirint A native son humbly doing as he was told, mir-re ta’ Kreta Minos. Sabiex jaħrab, Thrashing about the midair of exile, dying Daedalus fassal żewġ pari ġwienaħ mir-rix Only in his dreams, only in the myth of leaving u x-xemgħa għalih u għal ibnu. Qabel telaq wissa lil ibnu Ikaru sabiex ma jersaqx wisq Bħal donnu hemm riskju mhux biss li wieħed jikteb il-poeżija (wara li jżur il-mużew tal- lejn ix-xemx u lanqas wisq qrib tal-baħar, ma jagħrafx il-limiti tiegħu u jipprova jilħaq Belle Arti fi Brussel fl-1938) billi jirreferi għal iżda li jsegwi lilu huwa u jtir. Jekk le, il- iżjed milli jiflaħ. Hemm ir-riskju li wieħed żewġ pitturi oħra ta’ Bruegel: Iċ-Ċensiment ġwienaħ idubu u hu jaqa’. Iżda Ikaru inħakem joqtol il-ħolm u terġa’ lura għall-villaġġ biex f’Betlehem u Kristu jġorr is-Salib. F’dawn it- mill-entużjażmu huwa u jtir, baqa’ tiela’ ’l tibqa’ kif kont, tħalli r-rutina għaddejja u ma tliet pitturi l-folla ma tagħtix kas ta’ fejn hemm fuq sakemm inħallu l-ġwienaħ u waqa’ fil- toħlomx dinja aħjar. Għalhekk, żagħżugħ, ibqa’ it-tbatija. baħar Eġew qrib il-gżira mlaqqma “Ikaria”. saqsi, anke meta ma tarax lilna l-kbar nibqgħu Tifhem għalfejn hemm min jinterpreta din insaqsu. Oħlom b’ideali kbar anke meta tarana In Breughel’s Icarus, for instance: l-istorja biex jirrakkomanda l-moderazzjoni, nagħmlu kompromessi biex naqdu l-interessi how everything turns away li wieħed isib it-triq tan-nofs flok ifittex il- personali. Tibżax tkun kreattiv. Tibżax tisfida Quite leisurely from the disaster; gratifikazzjoni tal-mument, li wieħed jagħraf l-istatus quo. Saqsi “X’tip ta’ bniedem nixtieq the ploughman may u jirrispetta l-limiti tiegħu u jsegwi l-għerf inkun?” Tibżax mill-ħajja. Aħjar tissogra għax Have heard the splash, the forsaken cry, ta’ min qiegħed fl-awtorità. Biss hemm timxi, milli tkun żgur għax wieqaf. U fittex But for him it was not an important failure; interpretazzjonijiet oħra interessanti. mudelli ta’ adulti li kellhom il-kuraġġ li jtiru lil hemm mill-medjokrità. Toqtolx il-ħolm Il-folla ma tgħinx liż-żagħażugħ għax mhijiex koerenti, għax ma toffrilux għeruq fil-fond, Waħda mill-interpretazzjonijiet hija dik tal- Nissel il-ħolm tgħidlu li għalxejn jistudja l-istorja taċ-ċiviltà poeta David Moolten fil-poeżija Chagall’s Interpretazzjoni oħra hija dik tal-poeta W. H. u r-reliġjon. Dawk ħmerijiet ta’ elfejn sena ilu. Fall of Icarus. F’din il-pittura Ikaru ma jaqax Auden fuq il-pittura ta’ Pieter Bruegel il-kbir Biżżejjed tkun taf kif tuża l-mezzi kontraċettivi fl-ilma iżda lura fir-raħal. Landscape with the Fall of Icarus. Il-poeta u xi etika vaga. L-għan prinċipali huwa li tidħol parti mill-magna tal-produttività u tas- suq. U x’jimporta jekk hi fost l-ogħla konsumaturi tal-eroina biex niffinanzjaw lit-terroristi li bihom l-adulti ma jafux ħlief jitkażaw u jlissnu preġudizzji ġġeneralizzati?

Għeżież adulti, nisslu ħolm mhux toqtluh. Ipproponu ideali għolja mhux ‘entertainment’ li jaljena! Erġgħu tgħallmu x’jiġifieri ttir! Kun mudell għaż-żagħżugħ għax hemm riskju li ma jsib lil ħadd!

2 December 2014 Issue 45 minor seminary newsletter Headmaster’s Message - Fr Mark Ellul Make sure you obey! Behave!

This is almost a maxim that we hear every day when parents drop off their children to school. It is a word which most often we are allergic to; however, it is an important characteristic which will determine how we react later on in life.

is not about creating robots or subordinates Life is not always easy and may present programmed to just follow rules, but is the will difficult instances; thus, the art of obeying – if to follow order. we go deeper to the etymology (roots) of the word – is a means that will help us deal with help pupils to understand that their emotions How can we train pupils to be in contact with these circumstances. If we had to go to the can be met , if one is sensitive to them. The their daily happenings, with their feelings actual roots of the word we find them in the following table adopted from Dreikurset. and then help them to alter their behaviour Latin term – obaudire where ob means ‘to’ and al. (2004) can help answer for the child’s accordingly? The trick is to be sensitive to their ‘audire’ means ‘listen’. Thus the art of obeying needs at the opportune time, thus obedience needs and to answer for these needs before would call that one listens both to instructions and or correction of behaviour will follow misbehaviour actually takes place. This will given and more so, to the innermost automatically. happenings and feelings.

The recent happenings within the Church are Manifested behaviour Need Corrective procedure manifestations of the bishops listening to the Give attention to the child not voice of the Holy Spirit. The Synod on the Nuisance when he is manifesting such Family is a means through which the bishops Showing off, being lazy, Attention behaviour but praise the child and lay people collectively listen to the Spirit acting as a clown when manifesting desired of God. Together, they discern (listened to behaviour the voice of the Holy Spirit) the route which the church is to take for this important Recognise and admit that matter. Moreover, within our diocese we had Stubborn the child has power, avoid Cremona who through the same Argues, disobedient, tells lies, power struggles, come to an Power discernment asked for the resignation from does the opposite of what one agreement/ negotiate, give the mission of Archbishop of Malta.It is now was instructed power in situations where the the Church in Malta which is discerning for child can use power productively the choice of the next Archbishop. It is a time Vicious Do not behave as though of consultation and prayer so that the Church Steals, defiant, sore loser, Revenge you are hurt. Ensure the child seeks the best Pastor for the needs of the time. kicks, bites that he is liked.

Feels hopeless Encourage when the child makes Through this reflection it is thus evident that Gives up, tries to be left Wants to show that one mistake. Show pleasure when he the maxim which we hear daily obey moves far alone, does stupid actions, is inadequate tries. Make him feel worthwhile. beyond just obeying the teacher’s instruction or inferiority complex Use a constructive approach the school rules. It is an art which when learnt properly will give the individual the internal capacity and liberty to go against the flow when References necessary. It is the art which will help us to be Dreikurs, R., Cassel, P., Dreikurs Ferguson, E. (2004) Discipline Without Tears. true to ourselves and to our beliefs. Obedience How to Reduce conflict and establish Cooperation in the Classroom, Wiley, Canada www.maltaseminary.org December 2014 Issue 45 3 Mr Mark Farrugia, Deputy Head Primary Success in school or success in life?

The desirable answer to the above question would be success in ‘both’. However, listening to the conversations of the teaching community and following the news regarding education, the concern is most commonly focused on preparing students for the next test, the next grades and so on. The standardised test score (such as Benchmark and Matsec) unfortunately often has taken education to short term aims

Not disregarding the fact that amongst the ‘Teaching grit necessarily means that students aims of schooling is to give the skills of will experience—and perhaps embrace—some reading, writing and calculating, ‘we must frustration and pain. We do our students also teach character, emotional intelligence, no favours if we fail to prepare them for the responsibility, and an appreciation for the real world because they do not know how complexity of human diversity. We must to respond to frustration and failure….. also teach the virtues of grit—tenacity, Responding appropriately when things go perseverance, and the ability to never give up.’ wrong—turning a failure into a good failure, so you know when to intervene. Teach one from which we learn—is key to success in students to be aware enough of their own Lately we are experiencing how our children life.’ feelings to be able to anticipate frustration, are looking weaker in terms of perseverance allowing them to take a deep breath and and self-reliance. This phenomenon is probably Six steps to teach grit forge ahead.’ the result of a changing society where parents • Establish the environment – it is es- • Monitor the experience – We need to have less time with their children and in turn sential that while children are trained for appreciate the individuality of each child. No counteract with an overzealous, overprotective grit they feel cared for, safe and supported. child experiences frustration the same way. and permissive attitude. Children should know that their esteem Children may hide their emotions and cover is irrelevant from the result or difficulty their surrender to a challenging task and are ‘The term snowplough parents—for parents encountered from the task. no longer invested in trying to succeed. who feel their job is to remove the barriers • Set the expectations – Children need to • Reflect and learn– Children should value that their children might encounter—captures understand that nothing comes without an what they have learnt when they persevered this attitude. Of course, parents should be effort and that mistakes are part and parcel in a given task. This should help them for their children’s foremost advocates, but they to their education future challenges that might frustrate them. aren’t helping their kids by serving as a buffer • Teach the vocabulary – Vocabulary that between them and failure.’ children should be familiar with are: failure, To conclude Winston S. Churchill says: frustration, tenacity, perseverance, resil- Generally, parents report that students enjoy ience, self-confidence, self-image, comfort “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the coming to our school. However, they get zone. courage to continue that counts.” worried when periods of pressure either due • Create the frustration – ‘The frustration to workload or academically demanding tasks necessary for developing grit can some- crop up during the year. These are times and times stem from ambiguity. If a task isn’t opportunities when we should teach grit. clear or presents too many options, stu- Reference Hoerr, Thomas R. (2013-08-15). Fostering Grit: How do I Though it looks counter to the caring ethos dents may want to walk away before even prepare my students for the real world? (ASCD Arias) we all value, teaching of grit is becoming a beginning. It’s important to be attuned to (Kindle Locations 307-308). Association for Supervision pertinent concept to consider. students’ emotions, attitude, and confidence & Curriculum Development. Kindle Edition.

4 December 2014 Issue 45 minor seminary newsletter Dun Stephen Magro, School Chaplain L-istess wieħed!

Ftit qabel ma tela’ s-sema Ġesù ried li jibqa’ magħna. Kien għalhekk li f’dak il-waqt tal-aħħar ikla mad-dixxipli tiegħu ħallielna s-sagrament tal-Ewkaristija. F’kull ċelebrazzjoni tal-quddiesa nerġgħu nilqgħu fostna lill- istess Ġesù li elfejn sena ilu n-nies raw b’għajnejnhom iterraq fi triqathom. tidraha jista’ jkun li ma tibqax tapprezzaha Ġesù Ewkaristija żar kull klassi fil-primarja Hekk hu, l-istess Ġesù li tant nies iltaqgħu biżżejjed. Huwa għalhekk li matul din is-sena, waqt ġurnata Ewkaristika li ċċelebrajna fl- miegħu, li tant nies issaħħru bil-kelma tiegħu, bħala motto għall-iskola għażilna s-sentenza ta’ iskola. L-istudenti ppreparaw post xieraq għal li tant nies sabu l-fejqan u l-faraġ fih, l-istess Ġesù waqt l-aħħar ikla: “Agħmlu dan b’tifkira Ġesù f’nofs l-imwejjed tagħhom u fil-ħin li dam Ġesù għadna nistgħu niltaqgħu miegħu f’kull tiegħi.” (Luqa 22, 19) Nixtiequ li kull membru fosthom Ġesù, ressqu quddiemu dak kollu li quddiesa. U kemm hi qawwija li Ġesù ried li jiġi tal-istaff, kull student, kull familja tal-istudenti kien hemm f’qalbhom. Kienet tassew esperjenza fostna f’mument fejn bħala ħbieb tiegħu nkunu tagħna, japprezzaw iżjed is-sbuħija taċ- sabiħa tara lit-tfal miġbura madwar Ġesù, miġbura flimkien. Għalhekk, għalina l-Insara, ċelebrazzjoni tal-quddiesa. jitkellmu miegħu u jkantaw innijiet ferrieħa! iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-quddiesa hi għażiża għax Fl-istess żmien fl-iskola sekondarja ċċelebrajna fiha, filwaqt li ninġabru flimkien, nisimgħu lil Għaldaqstant, matul din is-sena, waqt quddiesa li fiha rringrazzjajna lill-Mulej Ġesù jkellimna u nirċevuh ġewwa fina. Iżda, il-mument ta’ kull ġimgħa li kull sena fis- għas-sena li għaddiet. Wara l-istess quddiesa bħal ħafna ċirkustanzi oħra, meta xi ħaġa sekondarja jkollhom flimkien fil-kappella, għamilna ftit ħin flimkien fis-skiet quddiem minbarrra ċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-quddiesa Ġesù Ewkaristija u fl-aħħar Fr Mark ġabar it- qed nispjegaw il-partijiet differenti tal- talb tagħna f’talba waħda ta’ ringrazzjament. quddiesa. Qed niddedikaw ukoll ħin biex fih l-istudenti stess jippreparaw għall- Nieħu din l-okkażjoni biex infakkar li fl-iskola quddiesa li jiċċelebraw. B’dan il-mod kuljum ikollna ċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-quddiesa il-quddiesa tkun tassew ċelebrazzjoni għal dawk l-istudenti tal-iskola sekondarja, tagħhom mhux sempliċiment xi ħaġa li il-familji tagħhom u membri tal-istaff li jaslu jsegwu b’mod passiv. Fil-primarja, kull kmieni. Tibda fis-7.20am u sat-7.45am tkun ġimgħa, l-istudenti ta’ kull sena jkollhom intemmet, imma dawk il-25 minuta kuljum iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-quddiesa flimkien jistgħu jagħtu togħma differenti lill-ġurnata fil-kappella. Nemmnu li b’dan il-mod tagħna. Fit-8.00am jkollna ċ-ċelebrazzjoni l-istudenti żgħar tagħna jikbru iżjed tal-quddiesa għall-istudenti tal-primarja u bejniethom u fil-ħbiberija tagħhom ma’ għall-familji tagħhom. Tieħu pjaċir tara tfal li Ġesù. Fl-istess quddiesa jkollna ċans kull filgħodu jiġu ħerqana għall-quddiesa u li nirriflettu fuq aspetti differenti mill- kuljum jagħmluha ċelebrazzjoni ħajja għall- ħajja u t-tagħlim ta’ Ġesù. ikbar ħabib tagħna bil-kant, iċ-ċapċip u t-talb tagħhom! Ma nistax ma nħeġġiġx ukoll lilkom Wara l-quddiesa, l-istess Ġesù ġenituri biex, meta tkunu tistgħu, ma titilfux Ewkaristija jibqa’ magħna fil-kappella. opportunità waħda li tieħdu sehem fil-quddiesa Mhux xi ħaġa kbira u hi tassew sabiħa flimkien ma’ wliedkom, almenu nhar ta’ Ħadd li ġo nofs l-iskola tagħna għandna imma wkoll matul il-ġimgħa! Meta tiftakar li lill-istess Ġesù li qiegħed dejjem l-istess Ġesù qiegħed jistiednek, żgur li tagħmel hemm magħna! F’Ġunju li għadda naqra iżjed sforz! www.maltaseminary.org December 2014 Issue 45 5 Charmaine Falzon

The PTA Experience For Your Diary

I joined the PTA in 2013 when my son started attending the Archbishop’s Seminary. The main reason that made me For Your join was to help the school and indirectly, my son and his school mates. Attending the first PTA meeting I immediately Diary realized that the group was enthusiastic to commence a new Primary School scholastic year and keen to start working on the first event.

December 2014 PTA meetings are held once a month and Being a member of the PTA requires a lot of 6 Year 1 Outing during these meetings two main topics are hard work and sacrifice. For example, this 8 Public Holiday normally discussed: school improvements year, as PTA, we decided to make the ‘Għadam 9 Whole School Photos and upcoming events. With regards to the tal-Mejtin’ which were then sold for school 15-16 Christmas Experience Preparation school we normally discuss current issues fund raising. This was also a great occasion Days and together see how we can overcome that brought together the PTA members and a 17 Christmas Experience at the these issues keeping in mind the students. bunch of other parents who joined to help with Seminary Organising events is also an important task the preparation and baking. Luckily, the school 18 Film Show Years 1-6 of the PTA since these events help raise has ample facilities and so this all happened 19 End of 1st Term Christmas Party - money for the school and ensure that certain in the Seminary’s Pastry Room. This was a School ends at 11.30 am projects can be carried out since as most of successful and great experience and in fact we you might know the Government funds and have already decided to do it again throughout January 2014 the school donations are never enough to the year by preparing cookies for Christmas 5 Start of Term cover the day-to-day costs, let alone these and ‘Kwarezimal’ for Lent. 7 Staff Meeting – School finishes at additional works. 12.00pm We parents were fortunate to get our sons into 23 Patron Saint Day The PTA organizes a number of events the Archbishop’s Seminary and the least we 29 Parents’ Evening – Years 4, 5 throughout the year, some of which have can do is show our gratitude by helping the and 6 become a yearly appointment such as the school by any means we can and attending the 30 Parents’ Evening – Years 1, 2 and 3 ‘Meet & Greet’ held every October with the events organized by the school and the PTA. main objective to bring the parents of new In this way we will encourage the organisers to February 2014 comers closer to the school. This year some continue the good work that is being done. 5-13 Half Yearly and Test Week 350 parents and students attended. I am proud to be part of the PTA family! 13 Carnival Activity – School finishes at 11.30am 16-17 Carnival Holidays 27 Parents’ Day

March 2014 11 Staff Meeting – School finishes at 12.00pm 19 Public Holiday 27 Our Lady of Sorrows - Mass 27 End of Second Term

April 2014 13 Start of Third Term

6 December 2014 Issue 45 minor seminary newsletter Bertram Portelli, Koordinatur C3 ll-ħames sena għall-Grupp C3

Iż-żmien itir u ma jistenna lil ħadd. Matul din is-sena skolastika, se nkunu qegħdin infakkru l-ħames sena mindu twaqqaf il-Grupp tal- volontarjat fl-iskola tas-Seminarju C3. Kien fis-sena 2010 meta grupp ta’ għalliema u studenti ltaqgħu għall-ewwel darba bil-ħsieb li permezz tal-volontarjat jgħinu biex l-ambjent ta’ madwarhom ikun aħjar.

Matul dawn il-ħames snin, il-grupp kompla kitbilna l-esperjenza tiegħu ta’ dan il-live-in li jevolva kull sena u llum il-ġurnata nistgħu sar bejn l-1el u t-3 ta’ Lulju 2014. ngħidu li kważi l-istudenti kollha tas- sekondarja, kellhom sehem xi darba jew oħra ‘Naħsbu, Naħdmu u Ngħixu f’komunità’ – f’dan il-grupp. dan kien it-titlu mogħti lil-live-in tal-grupp tal-volontarjat C3 li kelli x-xorti nattendi Fost l-attivitajiet li żviluppaw tul dawn l-aħħar għalih għall-ewwel darba. Fil-bidu tax-xahar snin u li issa daħal sew fil-kalendarju tal- ta’ Lulju kellna tlett ijiem li ċertament ħa attivitajiet ta’ C3, hemm il-live-in tas-sajf li nibqgħu ngħożżu tul ħajjitna. Esperjenza jiġi organizzat għall-istudenti l-kbar u għall- indimetikabbli! Nirringrazzja minn qalbi eks studenti, membri tal-grupp. Gabriel Lia, lis-Sur JohnPaul Vella li bħala kok prim, student fil-ħdax-il sena tal-iskola tagħna, dewwaqna ikel tant bnin kif ukoll lis- Sur Bertram Portelli tal-organizzazzjoni tal-attivitajiet u tal-mument ta’ talb li ppreparalna. Grazzi kbira tmur ukoll lill- għalliema l-oħra kollha li taw il-kontribut tagħhom biex dan il-live-in kien wiehed ta’ Fil-bidu ta’ din is-sena skolastika, ġie mwaqqaf success. Filwaqt li tajna daqqa t’id fit-tindif ukoll it-tielet kumitat tal-istudenti u kull tal-ġonna ta’ madwar l-iskola, tgħallimna wieħed mill-membri ġie assenjat bil-ħidma ngħixu f’komunità u sirna familja waħda! tiegħu għal din is-sena. Il-Kumitat qed ikollu Din l-esperjenza kienet xhieda tal-għaqda u l-laqgħat tiegħu kull ġimgħa biex jikkoordina l-komunjoni. Naspira li nerġa’ ngħix dawn wkoll il-ħidmiet kollha li qegħdin isiru mill- il-mumenti fil-futur! Grupp matul din is-sena.

www.maltaseminary.org December 2014 Issue 45 7 Aħbarijiet mill-istaff Nagħtu merħba Lid-Direttur il-ġdid tal-Vokazzjonijiet Dun Charlo Muscat u lid-Direttur Ezekuttiv il-ġdid tas-Seminarju Mr James Perry. Nilqgħu magħna wkoll l-għalliema l-ġodda li huma Ms Madeleine Agius Carbonaro, Dr Nicole Bugeja, Ms Mandy Camenzuli, Mr Leslie Cassar, Mr Paul Cutajar, Mr Emmanual Giordmaina, Mr Kurt Kind u Mr Matthew Sultana. Merħba wkoll lill-membri ġodda tas-Support Staff tas-Seminarju - Ms Josette Borg, Mr Jacques Savona u Fr Ionut Iftima

James Perry Madeleine Agius Carbonaro Nicole Bugeja Mandy Camenzuli

Leslie Cassar Paul Cutajar Emmanual Giordmaina Kurt Kind

Matthew Sultana Josette Borg Fr Ionut Iftima

8 December 2014 Issue 45 minor seminary newsletter Aħbarijiet mill-istaff Insellmu... Nifirħulhom u

Lil Fr Michael Bellizzi li wara diversi snin bħala Direttur tal-Vokazzjonijiet tas- nawgurawlhom Seminarju issa laħaq Kappillan fil-Parroċċa ta’ Ħal Tarxien. Insellmulu u nawgurawlu Fix-xhur li għaddew iċċelebrajna erba’ okkażjonijiet importanti u tassew sbieħ għall-istaff għal din il-kariga ġdida. tal-iskola sekondarja – is-sagramenti taż-żwieġ ta’ Ms Leanne Vassallo , Learning Support Assistant, ta’ Ms Odette Fsadni, għalliema tal-PSCD, ta’ Ms Dorianne Buttigieg, l-għalliema

Insellmu wkoll lil diversi membri tal-istaff: tar-Religjon u dak ta’ Mr Jordan Mifsud, l-għalliem tal-Bijologija u Xjenza. F’okkażjonijiet l-għalliema Ms Maureen Cristina, Mr Stefan bħal dawn, il-familja tas-Seminarju tifirħilhom u tawguralhom snin mimlija risq u barka. Busuttil, Ms Saskia Prepens, Ms Elfriede Fit-28 ta’ Settembru , kellna wkoll l-aħbar sabiħa tat-twelid ta’ Mia, bint l-għalliem tal- Bonello, lil Ms Adrienne Borg u lil Ms Mużika, Mr Romeo Giacomotto u martu. Nifirħulhom u nawgurawlhom minn qalbna. Nicolette Coleiro, membru tas-Support Staff, li żgur ser inħossu n-nuqqas tagħhom. Nawguraw lil… Nirringrazzjawhom kollha mill-qalb għall-impenn tagħhom fis-Seminarju u Membru ġdid tas-Senior Management Team, Mr Gordon Baldacchino għall-kariga l-ġdida tiegħu nawgurawlhom fil-ħidma l-ġdida tagħhom. bħala Assistant Head tal-iskola sekondarja. Żguri li s-Sur Baldacchino ser ikompli jsaħħah it-tim amministrattiv biex l-iskola tibqa’ tkun innovattiva u tkompli timxi ’l quddiem.

Daniela Demicoli, Assistant Head Primary & Literacy Co-ordinator Literacy at the Seminary

Following last year’s success, the Young Writers’ Club is once again up and running at the primary section of the Seminary. This year though with a twist! All students wishing to explore their writing skills were invited to take part. Alongside them, students with artistic inclinations were invited to participate too!

Together these two groups of boys are invited to follow up the session with a simple writing and designing comics! The authors drawing or writing activity. A good number are writing the scripts and the artists are of boys actually do these activities in their drawing the corresponding pictures. Ms. spare time at school or at home. This shows Daniela Demicoli is co-ordinating the club, the remarkable enthusiasm the boys have with the assistance of Mr. Andrew Borg (Year for such initiatives! 4.3 Teacher) and Mr. Raphael Borg (Year 2.1 LSA) The Parents’ Literacy Club is once again taking place, offering parents a unique The little ones have their fair share of literary opportunity of experiencing literacy in a opportunities too! They have their own Story- hands-on manner, getting in touch with Club. Every Tuesday, during the first ten processes used within our classes by our minutes of their break, they meet Ms. Daniela teachers. In this way parents can themselves in the school’s foyer, where they are treated to give invaluable help to their own kids at an exciting story. At the end they are always home in an efficient way. www.maltaseminary.org December 2014 Issue 45 9 Mr Raphael Borg, LSA Celebrating the Fourth Wall in Maltese Pop Culture: The Malta Comics Statue

Taking part in the MaltaComics Statue & material such as the use of comics as an Figure Expo was a truly inspiring and unique Educational tool and how an amateur artist experience; not only I had been given the could make it in the mainstream comics opportunity to meet and have my own artworks industry and also interviews with creators exhibited alongside those of internationally as well as actors who have been part of acclaimed artists such as Yannick Paquette major franchises in recent years, such as the (known for his work on Grant Morrison and A-Team’s Faceman himself, Dirk Benedict, DC’s Batman Inc. and Jason Aaron and Marvel’s Sylvester McCoy, the seventh incarnation Wolverine Weapon X) and Ron Marz (known for of Doctor Who, and Star Trek’s Roberto the being one of the people behind the creation Picardo. of Green Lantern Kyle Rayner and DC vs Marvel) but also to be part of a convention of individuals I look forward to more opportunities for who share my passion for sequential art. other Maltese artists to showcase their work alongside the titans of the industry, giving The event showcased all things comic and them the opportunity express their passion pop culture related, hosting panels discussing for the medium.

Mr Ron Marz holding a signed copy of Green Lantern #48, the debut of his creation Green Lantern Kyle Rayner

Mr Yannick Paquette at his display exhibit working on his artwork

Mr Raphael Borg manning the exhibit 10 December 2014 Issue 45 minor seminary newsletter Dinja ta’ Arti

Fr Charlon Muscat Born 30th April 1985, I was ordained on the 3rd of July 2013. Since then I have worked with different people in all walks of life gaining instrumental experience and knowledge about humanity itself.

When I was young I was very active in sports activities –mostly football and scouts. I always loved painting and experimenting with different media such as ink and acrylics. My art teacher in secondary school constantly encouraged me to take up this talent more seriously. I still enjoy painting up to this very day. Unfortunately, it is time which is a problem now! As a teenager, facing all the stress related to studying I started looking at prayer from a different perspective as I realised that God has a plan for each and everyone of us. This was probably the spark which ignited my interest in becoming a priest. There were also many people who helped me along the way.

Wirja t’arti 2014

Fl-ewwel ġimgħa ta’ Mejju 2014, id-daħla tal-iskola tal-Primarja ħadet bixra differenti. Fi ftit sigħat inbidlet, għall-ewwel darba, f’żona fejn wieħed seta’ japprezza arti ta’ kull tip. Din il-wirja ġabret stili differenti ta’ arti taħt saqaf wieħed

Wieħed seta’ jammira xogħol minn skulturi fil-ġebel sa ritratti professjonali, minn pitturi bl-akrilika u biż-żejt sa tapizzerija. Din il-wirja ma kinetx biss esebizzjoni t’inkwatri u pitturi imma serviet bħala vetrina għall-ħdax-il artist u artista li jiffurmaw parti mill-istaff tas-Seminarju stess. L-esebizzjoni kienet tagħmel parti mill-fiera li ssir kull sena fil-bidu ta’ Mejju, fejn persentaġġ minn kull pittura li nbiegħet mar għas-Seminarju. Ċertament, wara s-suċċess li kisbet il- wirja, din ser tibda ssib postha kull sena fil-kalendarju ta’ din l-iskola.

www.maltaseminary.org December 2014 Issue 45 11 Staff training Staff Training and Development

Being part of a community is like being part of a big family. This is how I consider the seminary staff, a part of my extended family. For the past two years I formed part of the staff committee of the seminary, a committee made up of primary teachers, secondary teachers, LSAs and a member representing the domestic staff. Last year the committee came up with the idea of organising a team building activity for all the staff. In this way, the persons would get to know more each other in an informal way

The first year, the day had kicked off with the staff being divided into small, different groups chosen randomly and we made sure that the new staff would be combined with the old staff who have worked at the Seminary for a number of years. We commenced the day with a mass to thank the Lord for the fruitful year which had passed. There were various games such as musical games and coordination games. One of the activities was that of constructing a donkey out of newspaper and tape. The atmosphere during this game was quite competitive but preparation phase was not easy and each in a healthy way. This was considered to be a member of the committee was responsible for challenging task by some of the participants. a particular area. We had various meetings We ended the day with a water game where before we set up everything. The Headmaster nearly all the staff members ended up soaking gave us a budget and we had to work around it. namely those who started immediately, those wet. The purpose of the whole activity who first discussed as a group and others primarily was for the whole staff to get to Before the actual team building activity we where two or three members took the lead. know each other a bit better since during the started with an ice breaker where each group scholastic year the primary staff rarely meet the had to grab a bottle using only 4 elastic bands During the day, apart from cooking, team secondary staff. and a string. Inside the bottle there was a clue members also had to do take photos and and the team members had to search from record themselves singing the school anthem. This year, the staff committee had decided to some matches and a griddle. Once team found At the end of the day each group presented do something bigger yet more challenging. the hidden objects they had to go near their delicious dishes which were then judged by With the help of some teachers, we managed station to pick up the food which they had to the committee. Everyone was satisfied with to come up with a cooking challenge. The cook. There were different group dynamics, their work and it was a fruitful activity for both the minor and the major staff members. Such activities help the staff to integrate and get to know each other more. Last but not least we would like to thank the school administration for their help and understanding and for letting us organise such activities.

12 December 2014 Issue 45 minor seminary newsletter Our newsletter competition The two winning entries for our first School Newsletter winners competition:

Nathan Hull Class 4.2

Nicholas Anastasi Class 1.2

www.maltaseminary.org April 2014 Issue 44 13 FunDay May 2014

Joy, disappointment, laughter, crying, support, respect and arguments and fair play - and many more values marked last May’s Fun Day which hosted a variety of games such as Spartan Throw, Capture the Flag, Rugby, Warrior Clash, Dodgeball, Sprints, Basketball and the ever popular game of Football. Some of our students’ work

Galaxies - Nicolai Garnisi, Year 6.2

Different types of energy

www.maltaseminary.org April 2014 Issue 44 15 SchoolThe Seminary School captured Photo in photos by D avidCollage Ellul (Year 10)

16 Ms. Daniela Demicoli, Assistant Head Primary Eco-News Last year, our school took part in the Dinja Waħda Project for the first time. Each class had a number of lessons and activities related to the environment and its conservation. The national board administering Dinja Waħda awarded the school points for each activity done

In the end a Gold Award was given to our sunflowers, constructing bird feeders and They see to the general well-being of our school, the highest achievement reward bird houses out of recycled material, sowing surrounding nature and help in the day-to- possible. The ceremony took place on the 19th of gulbiena and preparing jam from the lemons day environmental tasks, such as emptying November, and for the second consecutive time that grow within the Seminary premises. the recycled paper bins in the appropriate our school was chosen to host the event. We are Well done to the boys and to Ms. Sarah for disposal sites. Besides, once a month these very proud of this achievement as it witnesses their constant enthusiasm and hard work! boys have a meeting with the members of our community’s dedication and commitment staff responsible for Eko-skola, to discuss in favour of a brighter and better environment! The Eko-skola team is growing bigger this what school activities can be carried out in year! Two Eco-Guardians were chosen favour of the environment and to propose For the second consecutive year, the Green from each class. The boys were chosen ways in which the school can improve its pro- Fingers Club is very active, busily planting because of their love for the environment. environmental measures.

Mr Jordan Mifsud, EkoSkola Coordinator EkoSkola’s New Junior Members

After a successful 2-year cycle that ended Management Team, started working to the Drop Campaign, being supported by last year with the Green Flag award for checkthe water quality of the secondary section HSBC. It is plannedthat these Water Hippos our school, EkoSkola started off this school fountain. On the sametheme of water, will be fitted inside over 100 flushing year with a boost in thenumber of junior the seniors committee received over 800 water- systems inour school, and possibly the members. Twenty new students from saving bags,called Water Hippos, which when Major Seminary as well. After this exercise years 7 and 8 have joined our team. fitted to old toilet water cisterns, reducethe itis planned that the rest of the Water Right from the first meeting, the junior consumption of water by 30%. These bags have Hippos will be distributed to allstudents in members, in collaboration with the School’s been granted to our schoolthrough the Catch our school, to be fitted inside their home’s toilet systems ona voluntary basis.

The Seminary EkoSkola teachers’committee has also received new blood, and is this year being supported by Madeleine AgiusCarbonaro, Jordan Mifsud, Jeanette Tanti, Kimberly Sacco, Sarah Spiteri and Keith Giacomotto. One of the aims towards which our teacher’s team will beworking is a stronger collaboration between the Primary and Secondary sections of Ekoskola, which hopefully with contribute synergistically to improving the quality of life of the students and staff in our school.

The Ekoskola Seniors Commitee having just received the Water Hippos www.maltaseminary.org December 2014 Issue 45 17 John Paul Vella, Christopher Cardona Student Council 2014-15

Primary Students’ Council Coordinator: Christopher Cardona Secondary Students’ Council Coordinator: John Paul Vella

The Students’ Council aims to democratically represent the student population of the Archbishop’s Seminary to serve as a voice for each and every student.

This scholastic year, The Archbishop’s Seminary Students’ Council has been restructured in order to better reflect the student community, introducing a committee in the primary for the first time and dividing At the start of the scholastic year, all students the Secondary School, meetings are held the committees in the secondary school. Thus, who were interested in forming part of the once a week during the break. During the the Students’ Council is now divided into three Student Council were asked to submit a first meeting with each committee, roles were committees: nomination form, where each candidate had to immediately assigned following an internal The Primary Committee be nominated by at least 2 other students. No democratic vote: Years 4, 5 and 6 elections were necessary as all seats were filled. The Secondary Junior Committee Senior Committee (Years 9, 10 and 11) Years 7 and 8 Led by Mr Christopher Cardona in the • President: Gabriel Lia 11A The Secondary Senior Committee Primary School and Mr John Paul Vella in • Vice-Presiden t: Andrea Pavia 10A Years 9, 10 and 11. • Secretary : Jack Cassar 11E • Assistant Secretary: Kenny Bonavia 10E • PRO: Kieran Galea 9B Muffin - • Assistant PRO: Nicholas Zammit 9L Donation Albania Junior Committee (Years 7 and 8) • Secretary (Juniors) : Liam Camilleri 8B • PRO Juniors : Luke Scicluna Cascun 8E • Member: Christian Wright 7W • Member: Sam Bouaji 7R • Member: André Agius 7L • Member: William Cachia 7B

Primary Committee (Years 4, 5 and 6)

Some of this year’s activities include: • launch of Students’ Council official website • fund-raising activities • participation in Christmas Experience 2014 • joint activity with another Church School • timetable settling prior to Half-Yearly and Annual Examinations

Contact [email protected]

18 December 2014 Issue 45 minor seminary newsletter For Your Diary

Ħassejt il-ħtieġa li nagħti daqqa t’id fis-soċjetà u d-dmir tiegħi ta’ President hu li fiċ-ċentru, ikun hemm il-formazzjoni tal-istudent. Nistqarr li l-esperjenzi For Your Diary fil-gruppi volontarji Ekoskola u C3 jsostnuni biex flimkien inġibu l-bidla mistennija! Secondary School Gabriel Lia, President December 2014 2 Visit by HE Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca 5-7 Live-In Year 9 Jien għażilt li nidħol fil-Kunsill tal-Istudenti biex inkun 9 Secondary School Photos nista’ nwassal l-ideat tas-sħabi biex b’hekk finalment 17 Christmas Experience at the Seminary 18 Secondary School Christmas Activity l-attivitajiet li jiġu organizzati mill-Kunsill jkunu tassew 19 School Christmas Outings tal-istudenti kollha. Jiena se nagħmel minn kollox biex End of 1st term il-Kunsill ikun u jibqa’ dejjem aktar qrib tal-istudenti. Min-naħa tiegħi nagħmel appell lil sħabi biex jaħdmu id January 2015 f’id mal-Kunsill għall-ġid tagħhom stess. 5 Start of 2nd term Andrea Pavia, Vice-President 8 Staff Meeting – school ends at 11.45am 20 Parents’ Day Years 7 & 9 21 Parents’ Day Years 8 & 10 22 School Patron Saint Celebration

February 2015 3 Oral exams - Year 11 4 Staff Development Training - no school 5-20 Half Yearly Examinations 16-17 Carnival Holidays 18 Ash Wednesday Celebration 20-21 Live-In Year 7 23-3/3 Year 11 Mock Final Examinations continuation 24 Year 10 - Lenten activity by Youth Fellowship ACTS 24-3/3 Year 9 – Lenten Talks

March 2015 2-3 Year 7 – Lenten Talks 5-7 C3 Live-in & School Clean Up Year 8 – Meeting Subject Choice 10 Staff Meeting – School ends at 11.45am 11 Whole School Outings 13 Subject choice deadline 13-14 Live-In Year 8 16-18 Live-In Year 11 16 Year 10 – Seminary about Sexuality 27 Our Lady of Sorrow Mass End of 2nd term

April 2015 13 Start of 3rd term www.maltaseminary.org December 2014 Issue 45 19 David Grillo It and the E-Generation Few people would argue against Darwin’s theory of evolution. The evolution perspective is raising new questions about how future generations will have to adapt, given the rapid developments in the use of technology

While there is no research that shows that find these online networks as entertaining as have grown up to process makes their brains technology will alter our genetic or biological a night out. Worrying if you ask me! Others more alert. Computer games and faster internet makeup, a lot is being explored regarding the loathe them for the chaos they can create. I’ve connections have taught our kids to be good at way our kids are developing intellectually, heard quite a few stories of marriages being multi-tasking. This is why perhaps some kids and socially. A curious relationship exists messed up because ‘he met her online’ or ‘I are finding school life dull and teachers are between the growth of the nervous system caught him on the webcam’. It is also true that challenged to make their lesson plans more and the unfolding of intellectual facilities. We sometimes ‘cheat’ starts with ‘chat’, but again, animated and IT oriented. know by now that external factors do effect is cheating about personalities or about more the outcome over development. And one of the availability and accessibility to social networks? While both of the above arguments sound strongest external factors of this generation is One might also question the waste of time that relevant, no one knows the long term outcome technology. these networks generate. Many places of work on the next generation. And that is why in fact, are restricting access to them because of research in this area is crucial, especially in In a world of e-mails, e-chats, e-relationships drastic declines in productivity. the education sector. While we have no idea and webcams, one wonders how our brains Back to the topic of the digital generation; of the advantage and inadequacies that rapid will adjust. The gap between virtual and real neuro-scientists and psychologists are technology brings, we take it for granted that is becoming slimmer. ‘Chat’ does not literally researching the effects of computer use the more computers we have in our schools mean ‘talk’ anymore. “Playing with friends” on cognitive development. Some are very the more modern (what does modern mean could mean being alone in a room in front of concerned that our kids are becoming lazier now?) we are and therefore the healthier our the computer playing with someone ‘online’. by the day because of computer use. They call education system. This might be the wrong ‘Google’ has become a verb. Language has this problem solving deficit disorder. This premise. Have economical and political changed because society did. The changes are group of researchers claims that creativity and concerns taken over educational ones? rapid and research needs to catch up. Are these imagination are being suppressed because the We will see in a few years time, but questioning developments healthy? What effects do they computer and other technological means make taken for granted premises is better than have on social contact, social intelligence and tasks easier and computations no longer take showing certainty where certainty does not lie. social networks? Will our kids be better off place in the heads of our kids. The hard-disk As far as I can tell, the healthiest kids are those and more intelligent in the future, or will they has taken over. who manage to find a balance between the adjust to virtual laziness because the mouse virtual, and the real world. does it all? Another school of researchers take the other side of the coin. Computers, according to Some people from the pre-E.T. generation them, are making our kids think faster. The The author had previously published this (remember E.T.?) despise computers and hate overwhelming amount of data that our kids article in FM Magazine having to catch up with the high-speed changes to become literate. New generation gaps have emerged, and became wider. The digital divide is real. Our generation knows a world without IT. I remember my first ZX Spectrum and friends’ Amstrads and Commodores. The new generation has been born into the digital world. Our kids are digital natives. We are digital immigrants.

If computers will not alter our genetic make- up, they surely will alter our social and cognitive one. Social networks on the internet have taken over older patterns. Some people

20 December 2014 Issue 45 minor seminary newsletter Tislima lill-istudenti tal-Year 11 (2014)

Issa saret tradizzjoni li l-istudenti tal-Year 11 għall-quddiesa ta’ ringrazzjament kif ukoll għal Fil-fatt nixtiequ ngħidulhom prosit għar- itemmu bil-kbir l-aħħar ġranet tagħhom fis- riċeviment tal-gradwazzjoni tagħhom. Bħalma riżultati tajbin ferm li kellhom u bħalissa Seminarju. Barra l-logħba tal-futbol mal-istaff, tkun kull sena, din hija okkażjoni speċjali ħafna minnhom qed ikomplu l-istudji iqattgħu tlett ijiem flimkien mal-għalliema fejn l-għalliema, l-istudenti u l-ġenituri jkunu tagħhom fl-istituzzjonijiet postsekondarji. f’Għawdex, fejn ikollhom diversi attivitajiet. jistgħu jiltaqgħu għall-aħħar darba. Hija wkoll Nawgurawlhom kollha suċċess għall-istudji Kif intemm il-live-in, fis-7 ta’ Lulju 2014, okkażjoni biex nawgurawlhom għar-riżultati u x-xogħol ġdid tagħhom kif ukoll għall- l-istudenti ltaqgħu ma’ diversi membri tal-istaff tal-O levels li jkunu qed jistennew. ġejjieni.

Interviews Myles Beerman

Was it easy for you to take the decision What would you have done instead of to leave Malta to become a professional football? footballer? I can’t really imagine having a different life It was a massive decision for my family and but if I didn’t have football I would have just I as we had to move house, change school, concentrated on school. I obviously would have study different subjects and adapt to a still done sports but school is a massive thing. different culture. However, it was for my own You need to study and do well. Which team would you like to play good. It was a life-changing experience for me. with in the future? What do you do in your free time? I don’t really have a particular team to How do you manage to study? It depends on what day of the week it is. I play with in the future as long as I make it I find it quite hard because I get home at 8 usually stay at home, watch a film, play a sport to where I want to make it, in the premier o’clock and after training you’re tired, but at such as table tennis, maybe go to the gym. league, and make it as a professional the end of the day you do what you have to Sometimes at the weekends I go out with my footballer. do. Although you’re tired, you still study to do mates for dinner or shopping. well in your exams and have a good job in the Is there someone you look up to? future. There are quite a lot of people I look up to, for example, one of the players for city, Pablo Zabaleta. He’s a great player and he is really hard working. He just shows that he’s got the heart and spirit to make it as a footballer.

Brendon Micallef and Alec Grech Year 9 www.maltaseminary.org December 2014 Issue 45 21 Interviews Ms Mandy Camenzuli

Għalfejn kellek ix-xewqa li ssir Xi tħobb tagħmel fil-ħin liberu tiegħek? għalliema? Fil-ħin liberu tiegħi nħobb naqra. Meta jkolli Jiena kelli x-xewqa li nsir għalliema minn ċans, l-iktar li nħobb naqra huma kotba bil- meta kont żgħira. Meta kelli 7 jew 8 snin kont Ġermaniż u nħobb nara wkoll ‘videos’ qosra ngħallem il-kuġini tiegħi u noqgħod intihom jew ‘series’ bil-Ġermaniż. Id-dar ma tantx nara il-‘homework’. Kont diġà dħalt f’dik il-‘frame ħafna bil-Malti iżda kollox bil-Ġermaniż. Inħobb of mind’ u naħseb li twilidt b’din ix-xewqa. Il- ukoll niltaqa’ mal-ħbieb biex immorru nieħdu passjoni tiegħi hi li ngħallem. kafè. L-hena tiegħi hi li nqatta’ l-ħin man-nies li nħobb. Liema suġġett l-aktar li tħobb tgħallem u għaliex? Tista’ tgħidilna xi ħaġa fuq il-ħajja Jien hawnhekk qiegħda ngħallem Ġermaniż, personali tiegħek? Reliġjon u P.S.C.D. Kollha nħobbhom is- Għandi ħija sentejn iżgħar minni. Għamilt xi suġġetti imma nammetti li l-Ġermaniż qiegħed żmien ngħix il-Ġermanja bejn l-2010 u l-2012 wisq għal qalbi. Jiena kont studjajt il-Ġermanja fuq raġuni ta’ studju. Kont diġà ngħallem u l-lingwa Ġermaniża għalija hija sabiħa wisq qabel ma mort il-Ġermanja u waqaft biex Min jispirak l-aktar? u rikka. Meta nkun qed ngħallem il-Ġermaniż immur nistudja hemmhekk, iżda meta ġejt lura M’hemmx persuna waħda iżda diversi persuni ngħallmu b’ċerta passjoni u ħafna mill-qalb. komplejt ngħallem. Dis-sena bdejt qisu kapitlu jispirawni. Xi kultant ikunu l-ħbieb tiegħi ġdid ġewwa s-Seminarju. Qabel ma żżewwiġt stess. Jekk nara li ħabiba tiegħi tħobb ħafna Kieku kellek treġġa’ l-arloġġ lura, kont kont noqgħod Bikirkara u issa noqgħod il-Mosta. l-familja tagħha u tagħti ħafna ħin lill-familja tagħżel l-istess suġġett jew kont tagħmel tagħha, jien nitgħallem ħafna minnha. Nies għażliet oħrajn? Għażel tliet aġġettivi li jiddeskrivu aħjar bħal Mother Teresa jispirawni wkoll iżda iktar Le, naħseb li l-istess ħaġa kont nagħżel. Naħseb il-karattru tiegħek. jispirawni nies li għandi kuntatt magħhom illi bħala lingwa żgur kont immur għall- Mill-aspett professjonali nħossni mmotivata direttament. Ġermaniż għaliex fl-opinjoni tiegħi, għalkemm ħafna u mill-aspett personali naħseb li jiena mhix lingwa faċli, hija lingwa ‘challenging’ persuna ġenwina. Ma tantx naf nigdeb. Wiċċi juri Mark Xuereb u Nicholas Zammit ħafna u sabiħa. mill-ewwel! Naħseb li jien ukoll persuna ‘caring’. Year 9

Mr Kurt Kind, Art Teacher An Artist’s journey: The Introduction of Art at the Secondary School The introduction of Art at the secondary about Art through art history. The combination these students will begin to understand the sector marks the start of an exciting chapter of these two elements serves to not only inform qualities of different media and materials. This in promoting and cultivating a school culture students about different artists and techniques, will ultimately lead the students to find their that respects, appreciates and provides but to also give them space to work and try out own means of artistic expression. Lastly, plans opportunities for artistic production and art things for themselves. for exhibitions and further expansion of the appreciation. Undoubtedly, the primary goal With regards to the Art Option Class (Year 9), subject, through the introduction of different of the Art department at the school is to give students are being immersed in an experience media such as clay and sculpture, will surely students a taste of what the subject offers. This that not only enables them to learn about Art, not only leave a mark on the school, but it will will be done through a mixture of activities but allows them to become better artists. By also equip students with the necessary skills to based on producing Art as well as learning experiencing different media and techniques, become more appreciative of the arts.

22 December 2014 Issue 45 minor seminary newsletter Mill-Ħajja tal-Iskola Outings and activities Ms. Daniela Demicoli, Assistant Head Primary As usual, the students have had a number of outings to make their scholastic experience more interesting. Year 1 boys have had their annual visit to Santa’s Toytown, at Popeye’s Village, where they could wonder around the elves’ factory and meet Father Christmas too!

Year 2 boys had a fun walk and scavenger historical knowledge about our dear island lessons at the national swimming pool at hunt at Buskett, among other activities related when they visited the 100 Objects exhibition Tal-Qroqq. All the school was treated to the to nature. Year 3 boys visited Gymstars, at the Museum of Archeology in Valletta. annual film-show during Christmas time. where they actively enjoyed themselves They also had an interesting fieldwork session Other interesting activities are planned for the doing gymnastics. Year 4 boys enriched their at . Year 6 students also visited coming months, so as to make our children’s knowledge about fish when they visited the Valletta and explored its historical heritage. learning experience as varied and interesting National Aquarium. Year 5 boys enriched their Year 4, 5 and 6 boys also had swimming as can be!

Visiting Benjamin Dalli, Year 11 the Moskea and Birgu

Friday 9th May – Whole School Outing

You couldn’t believe that a visit to the Moskea in Paola would change our whole picture about the Muslim religion! The thoughts and traditions of the Islamic religion are totally different from the ones told by certain people. We learnt diverse issues about this religion such as the fact that these people live by five pillars which are, 1. They will only worship God 2. They are obliged to pray five times a day 3. Fasting from dawn to dusk in the month of Ramadan Science in the City 4. Once in their life they go and do a ritual at was held on the following days. The project Mekka After participating in the NSTF Science helped people understand the physics of 5. They give 2.5% of the net worth of their Expo in April with my Airflow Experiment, it all. All in all, it was a great experience possessions to charity. I received the news by the Science Club coordinators at school that our team had speaking to people of different ages, from different countries, who were all eager to After an interesting discussionith a Muslim the opportunity to take part with the same learn so much from our presentation! woman, we headed off to Birgu where our project in the now reknowned Science in the teacher began explaining the different City event. We immediately agreed, and on fortifications built by the knights in this touristic Friday before the opening, we set our stand place. At a later stage, we took a short break up close to the “Zieme”. As people started and went back to school. I will surely never to come along, the tension that held us in a forget this experience where I broadened strong grip began to ease, as the people that my knowledge with the differences multiple visited were very interested in the project, religions and made me appreciate the antique and it was a great coincidence that the buildings and fortifications surrounding me. project was about aerofoils, as the airshow Laurent Grech J, Year 10.A www.maltaseminary.org December 2014 Issue 45 23 Hubert Dalli: Talk EU institutions

Issa jekk l-istudenti ma jkunux interessati? Ħriġt mill-għatba tas-Seminarju b’sens ta’ U jekk ikun aktar moħħhom biex jgħaddu sodisfazzjon, mhux biss għax l-attività kienet ż-żmien? U jekk il-kliem idur fuq politika marret tajjeb, iżda fuq kollox għaliex rajt fl- partiġġjana? Ikolli ngħid iżda li l-biżgħat tiegħi istudenti għarfien, maturità u rispett li mhux ma setgħux ikunu aktar infondati. L-interess dejjem huma skontati. Fil-ftit sigħat li qattajt muri mill-istudenti kien enormi u jekk kelli xi fl-iskola rajt li s-Seminarju ma baqax li kien diffikultà kienet li nikkontrolla l-entużjażmu erbgħa u għoxrin sena ilu, imma aġġorna Ta’ spiss kont naħseb fuq is-Seminarju. Min tagħhom. Waqt l-attività l-istudenti kellhom ruħu u żamm maż-żminijiet. Għandu fih il- jaf inbidilx? Kieku qegħdin Malta t-tifel tiegħi jagħmlu tabirruħhom li kienu qed jiddiskutu faċilitajiet u juża l-metodi ta’ skola mill-aktar nibagħtuh is-Seminarju? Inħoss li s-Seminarju u jagħmlu liġi Ewropea ġdida. Kont ippjanajt moderna. Iżda, min-naħa l-oħra, baqgħu huwa parti essenzjali minni, minkejja li li nevita argumenti li setgħu jwaqqgħu l-istess dawk l-affarijiet li jġegħluni nħares lejn ili erbgħa u għoxrin sena li kont student d-diskussjoni fuq livell ta’ politika partiġġjana, is-Seminarju bħala l-isbaħ istituzzjoni li qatt hemmhekk u ftit li xejn kelli kuntatti miegħu imma l-istudenti fl-entużjażmu tagħhom għamilt parti minnha: il-bilanċ bejn tagħlim minn dak iż-żmien ‘l hawn insistew li jitkellmu fuq dawk is-suġġetti akkademiku u bini tal-karattru, l-attenzjoni Għalhekk, meta sirt naf li l-Parlament li huma l-aktar ta’ attwalità, u fost dawn għall-iżvilupp ta’ persuni responsabbli u Ewropew, fejn naħdem jien, għandu programm kien hemm proprju wħud mis-suġġetti li li jaħsbu f’ħaddieħor, u l-attenzjoni għall- li permezz tiegħu stajt immur lura fl-iskola kont ippjanajt li nevita. Iżda d-diskussjoni iżvilupp ta’ persuni motivati imma li jħarsu fejn kont meta kont żgħir biex nitkellem tagħhom qatt ma kienet banali, qatt ma kienet lejn l-essenzjal tal-ħajja u mhux biss lejn dak li mal-istudenti dwar ix-xogħol tal-Parlament partiġġjana, anzi, kienet diskussjoni mill- jistgħu jilħqu u jakkwistaw. Ewropew, ma ħsibthiex darbtejn biex napplika. aktar matura u bis-sens. L-istudenti wrew Ħsibt li tkun ħaġa sabiħa kieku b’xi mod għarfien wiesa’ ta’ ġrajjiet kurrenti u suġġetti ninvolvi ruħi fil-ħajja tas-Seminarju, imqar ta’ attwalità, iddiskutew fuqhom, argumentaw, b’okkażjoni ta’ darba. ma qablux ma’ xulxin fuq ċerti argumenti, iżda f’kull ħin urew rispett lejn xulxin u lejn ideat Imma meta bdejt naħseb fuq dak li stajt differenti minn tagħhom u waslu wkoll biex niddiskuti mal-istudenti ħabat se jerġa’ jibdieli. jilħqu kompromessi.

24 December 2014 Issue 45 minor seminary newsletter Andrea Pavia L-Esperjenza tiegħi ġewwa l-Vatikan

Kemm ilni nservi bħala abbati dejjem kelli x-xewqa li nitla’ abbati l-Vatikan. Fl-aħħar bdejt nattendi l-laqgħat ta’ preparamenti ta’ kull xahar u wara għamilt ezami. Kont se ntir bil-ferħ meta rċivejt l-ittra li fiha Dun Frans qalli li kont wieħed minn dawk l-għoxrin abbati minn Malta u Għawdex li kienu ser jitilgħu jagħmlu servizz fil-Bażilika ta’ San Pietru f’Awwissu tal-2014!

Il-ġurnata tant mistennija tas-sebgħa ta’ Awwissu Personalment waħda mill-isbaħ ġranet 2014 waslet. Dakinhar, meta wasalna, dorna kienet meta għamilt il-vestizzjoni ġewwa l-Bażilika ta’ San Pietru u l-Preseminario Piju l-Cappella del Cuore. Il-quddiesa kienet X. Dun Frans spjegalna xi affarijiet li konna se ikkonċelebrata mill-Kardinal Comastri. nagħmlu matul dawn il-ġimagħtejn. Nibqa’ niftakar il-mument meta l-kardinal tani l-faxxa l-ħamra li kienet tfisser li jiena Ta’ kull filgħodu konna nqumu f’xil-5.30 u eżatt issa sirt abbati tal-Vatikan. Avveniment wara nibqgħu sejrin biex nilbsu l-libsa tal-abbatini ieħor kien meta l-Papa Franġisku waqt tal-Vatikan. Konna nqsamna fi gruppi, xi gruppi l-udjenza faħħarna għax -xogħol li konna kienu jixegħlu l-artali u oħrajn jgħinu l-quddies. qegħdin nagħmlu. Uħud jgħinu l-qassisin jilbsu u jippreparaw il- kalċijiet u l-impulluzzi, kulħadd skont ir-roster. Nista’ ngħid illi waqt it-titjijra minn Malta għal Ruma kulma kont naf kien biss xrara Wara konna mmorru nieklu xi ħaġa bnina mill-fjamma kollha li kienet tagħmel bħala kolazzjon. Iżjed tard konna mmorru fil- din l-esperjenza sbiħa. Matul dawn il- kmamar tagħna biex inbiddlu u noħorġu nduru ġimagħtejn sirt naf lil Ruma u l-Vatikan diversi postijiet. Wara konna niġu nieklu l-ikel ħafna iżjed u sirt napprezza iżjed l-arti u ta’ nofsinhar u wara jew nilagħbu jew nistrieħu. anke l-lingwa Taljana u fuq kollox fl-aħħar Filgħaxija konna nieklu u noħorġu jew inkella qtajt ix-xewqa li nservi bħala abbati fil- nilagħbu. Vatikan.

Mission Camp 2014: Make it Count! Gabriel Lia

Mission Camp kien il-qofol tal-btajjel tas-Sajf tiegħi u ta’ ħafna żgħażagħ oħra li jiffrekwentaw il-laqgħat tal-Acts. Imqassama fuq ħmistax, b’tiżwiqa ta’ live-in fl-aħħar din kienet esperjenza tal-ġenn ! B’attivitajiet varji, laqgħat interattivi u togħma tal- volontarjat inħossni kbirt mentalment u spiritwalment. Għaraft l-importanza tat-talb u l-bżonn ta’ daqqa t’id fis- soċjetà filwaqt li ħadna gost flimkien. Inħeġġiġkom mill-qalb biex iddaħħlu b’ferħ din l-esperjenza unika fil- kalendarju tagħkom, għal ħajja aħjar, ħ a j j a a k t a r s i e w j a ! www.maltaseminary.org December 2014 Issue 45 25 Sports Team Work New teacher At the Archbishop’s Seminary, With the increase in the a lot of importance is given to number of students and a teamwork and communication. permanent increase in the Both in the primary and in number of PE lessons, the the secondary section, team PE department has seen the building activities were held addition of another PE teacher. during the lessons, during which a lot of emphasis was put on the social aspect of Physical Education. These were highly appreciated by the students!

Lesley Cassar Physical Education

Age: 23 Sport: Football Favourite Quote: It always seems impossible until it’s done!

Michelle Sant, French Teacher Paris Immersion Experience 22 – 29 November 2014

Following the previous years’ successful school Montmartre, Louvre, Versailles, Opéra Garnier, This unforgettable experience not only gave our exchanges both in France and Italy, as part Notre Dame Cathedral and Sainte Chapelle. students of French the opportunity to gain more of the Secondary School’s Foreign Languages We also experienced eating out at typical exposure and practice the French language in Programme, this year we decided to propose French bistros and restaurants and concluded an authentic context but also experience living a different cultural experience to our Year 11 our stay with a trip on one of the Bateaux in a main European city while helping them students of French. After several months of Mouches on the river Seine. become more responsible and independent. preparation, early on Saturday 22nd November, a group of excited students accompanied by Mr Daren Scerri, Mr John Paul Vella and Ms Michelle Sant, met at the airport for their week long Paris Immersion adventure!

During their week’s stay in Paris the students had the opportunity to visit and get to know more about the main sites and attractions which they had often heard about during the French Culture lessons. Our guided tours included the Tour Eiffel, the Arc de Triomphe,

26 December 2014 Issue 45 minor seminary newsletter Competitions

Secondary Students’ Competition Can you guess the teachers? In this photo there are five (5) teachers. Can you guess who they are? Send your replies by 10th January 2015 by email at [email protected]. Late entries will not be considered. The first correct entry will be the winner of the competition and a prize will be given.

Primary Students’ Competition Spot the differences!

Spot the differences between these two photos. Kindly send your entry by Cut out this part of the page, mark clearly the differences and leave your 10th January 2015. Late entries will entry at Ms Carmen Calvagna’s desk in a sealed envelope addressed as not be considered. The winner of the follows: Ms Mireille Balzan, Primary Students’ Competition Newsletter competition will be given a prize.

www.maltaseminary.org December 2014 Issue 45 27