Soviet Sets 50-Megaton Nuclear Blast for Oct. 31
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Distribution Today Mr today, tonl«ht aad tomor- BED BANK 18,425 nw, Hifh la the «t today; tow twdght 4frM; tomorrow, 7»i. Set Dial SH I-0010 weather, page 2. telly, Koodu ttn>«li frUw. Bieood CUn Foitaf* RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17. 1961 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE VOL. 84, NO. 79 »tRia BM* »n« « AMMon»l MtUtaf ©Blew. $6.75 Million Budget Soviet Sets 50-Megaton Deficit Hiked SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Nuclear Blast for Oct. 31 — Secretary of the Treas- ury Douglas Dillon today broke the news of a further expected increase in the Won't Test Bigger federal deficit. This year's budget, he said, will be "somewhat more than $6.75 bil- lion" out of balance. One, Khrush Says Dillon said that record har- vests—requiring huge farm price MOSCOW (AP)—Premier Khrushchev announced support outlays—and the grow- today that the Soviet Union will explode a nuclear ing postal deficit have caused bomb equivalent to 50 million tons of TNT on Oct. 31. the red ink to run deeper than expected. It was the first time the Kremlin had given ad- But Dillon, in an address pre- vance notice of a nuclear explosion, pared for the annual meeting of "We have a 100-milhon- the American Bankers Associa- tion, discounted the possibility ton bomb," Khrushchev that the excess of federal spend- told the opening session of ing over receipts would in itself Speech the 22nd Soviet Communist REFUGEES AFTER RESCUE — Women and children, part cause inflation. He also renewed the Kennedy administration's Party Congress, "but we do of the 45 Cuban refugees rescued by the Coast Guard promise of a balanced budget for not intend to explode it." from Cal Sal, a tiny Bahamas island, are shown in Miami. fiscal 1963, starting next July 1. Studied "If we happen to explode it In They landed on the island after their tiny boat sprung 'This is exactly what the the wrong place, we might break a leak during escape voyage from Cuba. The 21 men President intends to submit to our own windows," Khrushchev the Congress in January," Dil- For Clues continued. "May God grant that who were aboard the boat ere being queried by immi- lon told the bankers. we.never have to explode such gration authorities. (AP Wirephoto) Dillon said President Kennedy WASHINGTON (AP) - U. S. a bomb." has intensified his pressure on PRESIDENT KENNEDY greets President llrho Kelclconen of Finland a. he arrives at Diplomats kept close watch for The Soviet Union, in announc- federal agencies for strictest Andrews Air Force Base for a slate visit to Washington. I AP Wirephoto) any clues in Soviet Premier ing Aug. 31 that it was resuming economy and the postponement Khrushchev's Moscow speech to- nuclear weapon tests, said its of spending and already has pro- day that might indicate a change scientists had "worked out" proj- Apartment Plans duced what he called substanlial in Kremlin policy on Germany. ects for building bombs with ex- savings. Also of interest here was what plosive power of up to 100 mil- Matawan Mulls Applications; The fiscal 1962 budget sent to 20-Foot Relocation of Bar Khrushchev might say about oth- ion tons of T.N.T., or 5,000 Congress in January by former er foreign policy questions, as imes the power of the U. S. Rczoning Is Necessary President Eisenhower showed a well as his domestic program, in bomb that devastated Hiroshima. $1.5 billion surplus. Democrats his major address before the So- The biggest bomb in the U. S. criticized the budget as "politi- Fails to Win Council's OK viet Communist Party Congress. arsenal is believed to have a MATAWAN — The Borough| the attitude of the board will be." cal" and "unrealistic." The new force of perhaps 20 million tons. Any Khrushchev remarks on Planning Board is considering One of the applicants is Howard administration revised M to show RED BANK—A request for a leased building at 107-109 Oakland natures of 400 parishioners of St Not Practical Berlin rated special attention four or five "informal" applica- Siegel, builder of the new Marc $2 billion deficit. 20-foot relocation of a liquor li- St. to an adjacent vacant store he Anthony's Catholic Church and 85 U. S. military experts said ear- among Washington policy makers tions for the construction of gar- Woods housing development. Mur- In July the Beifln crisis cense was denied last night by owns at 115 Oakland St., on the neighboring residents of the tav icr that building a 100-miIlon-ton ray Liebertnan, Elberon, who is because (1) it is potentially the den apartments, it was revealed prompted Kennedy's request, Borough Council, corner of Bridge Ave. era. bomb would not be particularly building a small housing project most explosive of the East-West kst night. quickly granted by Congress, for George J. Taylor, 199 Bridge Nearly 75 residents were pres- The church, at Bridge Ave. and difficult but that it would not be in Matawan Township, is also stepped-up military outlays Ave., president of Lucian's Depot ent to object to the transfer. John disputes and (2) this was Calvin M. Bell, newly elected Chestnut St., is approximately 31 worth the money because the seeking to construct apartments which increased the prospective Bar, Inc., sought permission to A. Petillo, local attorney, pre- Khrushchev's first public occa board chairman, said the appli- feet south of the site ol the pro- bombs already available have here. deficit to 15.3 billion. move the site of the bar from a sented petitions bearing the sig- sion to speak on the subject since cants are "probing at this point posed new bar. the recent exploratory talks held sufficient explosive power to ob- Several Hundred la an attempt to find out what Lease Expired by President Kennedy and Secre- literate any conceivable military The board did not reveal the target. Mr. Taylor, who was repre- tary of State Dean Rusk with names of the other applicants or Khrushchev told the congress sented by Abraham J. Zager, Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A the proposed locations for the Na Special Problem Expected Gromyko. the Soviet Union had been forced Loscoe Quits apartment structures. It was in- local attorney, said his lease or There was no great expectation to resume nuclear testing because dicated thatuveral hundred uniu the building presently housing Lucian's Bar expired two years among U. S. authorities that of the sharp international tensions A$ Secretary have been "informally applied the Western powers had created tor. ForRegionalization of District ago and he has been leasing the Khrushchev would publicly veer much from his plan for a peace around the world, especially in Board members said, however site on a monthly basis from Fre treaty with Communist East Ger- Germany. that if any of the applications are FREEHOLD — The county su- ond in the county to takeTdvan- of more than one municipality. Latteri, Long Branch. -, MatawajHs many and a new non-occupation Khrushchev said the Soviet finally approved, it would be on > perintendent of schools, Earl B. tage of the Matawan law. There are three more schoo The vacant store tie has pur- toATAWAN-George P. Loscoe. Garrison, said yesterday that he Several districts throughout the districts in this county that quali- status for West Berlin. Union will not insist on signing •ecretary of the Board of Educa- 'limited" basis and, as Mr. Bell chased would have an entranci a German peace treaty by the will complete, "as soon as pos state have applied for regional! fy in this respect, in addition to door facing Oakland St. and The Western powers figure the tion, resigned' last night, effective put it, "only if we are convinced end of this year—as he had apartments are for the good of sible," a study requested by the zation, Mr. Garrison said, but Matawan and Shrewsbury Town Bridge Ave., he said. Soviets aim to squeeze them out Nov. I, on the advice of his threatened earlier—"if the West- the borough." Shrewsbury Township Board of have failed to qualify under ship. of West Berlin. However, the physician. Most of the residents who op- ern powers display readiness to Councilmen Vernon A. Ellison Education on the feasibility of terms of the law. These, according to Mr. Garri- sounding-out talks with Gromyko The board accepted the res- posed the license transfer cited settle the German problem." and Everett Carlson, both mem- "regionalizing" the district. The law permits regionalization son, are the Upper Freehold dis- so far have left unclear In West- ignation with "deep regret." Har- the fact that parishioners—includ- ern minds just what Khrushchev 'Will Be Solved' bers of the board, said they felt He said he knows of no im- of existing school districts only trict, which includes Allentown; old J. Dolan, president, said the ing children—of St. Anthony's means when he speaks of pro- But the Soviet premier de- apartments "could be a good pediment to the formation of a in cases where the district is al- the Manalapan district, which in- board will attempt to find a re- would have to pass by the door posed guarantees of Western thing" if adequate restrictions are regional school district there, but ready consolidated* or composed cludes Englishtown, and' the clared that "The German peace placement by the end of the of the bar on their way to church rights to West Berlin and other imposed as to apartment sizes. prefers to reserve comment on Ocean Township district, which treaty must be and will be signed, month.