Brian Wilson
Volume ! La revue des musiques populaires 10 : 2 | 2014 Composer avec le monde Kirk CURNUTT, Brian Wilson Daniel Harrison Electronic version URL: DOI: 10.4000/volume.4094 ISSN: 1950-568X Printed version Date of publication: 10 June 2014 Number of pages: 228-233 ISBN: 978-2-913169-35-7 ISSN: 1634-5495 Electronic reference Daniel Harrison, « Kirk CURNUTT, Brian Wilson », Volume ! [Online], 10 : 2 | 2014, Online since 30 June 2014, connection on 10 December 2020. URL : ; DOI : L'auteur & les Éd. Mélanie Seteun 228 Notes de lecture Kirk Curnutt, Brian Wilson, Icons of Pop Music, Halstead & Lang, Equinox Publishing, 2012. Finally, the Professors Brian’s work, often using terms, snatches of of English have gotten lyric, song titles, and other saved bits of text to Brian Wilson! This is produced by Brian and the Beach Boys, as well great news, since we as their spokesmen, chroniclers, and critics. don’t need any more (Thanks to previous authors and collectors, chronologies, antho- the documentary record of Brian’s professional logies, mythologies, career, at least, is extremely rich.) From his own psychologies, or hagio- training, Curnutt makes us aware of aspects graphies. The main of Brian’s work that invite questions about facts of his biography race, gender, and social positioning. What’s a to date are settled, and white “glee club” doing with Chuck Berry licks? those few in dispute What’s up with Brian’s falsetto? What’s so great are both long-standing and familiar to fans.
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