New Years Reset

Pokemon TF/AR

By Wolf-Prince-Leon & Regulus58


It was a cold new year's eve in St Tobias, with snow and ice all around.

It was a particularly harsh year as no one wanted to adopt any child at all, as more came in, while the older kids were getting worried they would never find a new place to call home.

But eight kids out of what was now forty, stood out.


A young boy about seven in age was frowning as a caretaker spoke with him.

“N...No adopters today?” he asked, tearing up a bit.

“No, unfortunately. I wish I could help you find a family that’s looking for such a sweet and caring boy to love as their own son, but no one’s looking.” The caretaker said back. “I’m sorry Tommy.”

Young Tommy was literally the newest orphan at the orphanage, having just lost his family in a fire. A sweet, lovable little bro who deserves a good family, yet no one wanted him.

“I do have this for you.” the caretaker then helped Tommy into an adorable set of Rockruff mitted, hooded, footies, compete with paws for the hands and feet, ears on the hood, and even a little tail.

“Thank you, Vincent.” Tommy hugged the caretaker.

“Alright, little pup. Time for bed.” Vincent said, tucking Tommy into bed with his Rockruff plushie. “Here’s hoping for 2017.” Tommy nodded, before falling asleep.


Over at another corner of the orphanage, another kid was slipping in and out of sleep in front of a tv when a caretaker came in.

“There you are.” The caretaker walked over to the kid dressed up in pajamas and picked him up. “It’s almost time for bed.”

The kid looked up at the person and looked sad. “Do you think I’ll ever find a loving family, miss?”

“Of course you will, Sirius. Just don’t lose hope.” She said, picking the boy up.

Sirius was a boy around eight years old and was left at the orphanage. Abandoned when he was five. A shy and lonely kid who prefered to watch tv than interact with the other kids but had a few friends who he looked at as brothers.

“Orion wanted to share a room with you tonight, is that okay?” the Caretaker asked, carrying Sirius upstairs to the housing floor.

“Yeah, that’s fine with me, miss. He’s always welcome to share the room with me.”

“That’s good to hear.” She smiled.


Downstairs, in the kitchen, another little boy, also seven, was trying to get himself a bedtime snack. But the mitts of his pajamas were thickly padded, making his hands useless. But his tummy was growling.

A caretaker walked into the room and helped the little kid out. “Here, I can get that for you.” He soon had a glass of milk and a few cookies set out on a plate for the kid. “Did Renault pad up your jammies again, Ryan.”

The boy timidly nodded. “Could you...”

“I’ll feed you, little Charmander.” He said, scooping the boy onto his lap.

“Thank you, Mark.” Ryan smiled.

Ryan was orphaned at birth, left on the doorstep of the orphanage. Very timid, yet sweet. He is one of the youngest of the little circle of brothers formed at the orphanage. But Mark was like a real papa to him.

“You’re welcome, Ryan. I’m always happy to help you out.”

Mark happily fed Ryan the cookies and milk, sharing a cute moment with the boy.


An older kid was over in the playroom helping out some of the kids. He was dressed up like a Totodile, watching four kids, a boy dressed like a Rattata, a girl dressed like a Buneary, a girl dressed up as a , and a final boy dressed up as a Chimchar, playing.

The Rattata boy was heavy-eyed and yawning.

“You’re ready for bed already, Cody?” The totodile boy asked.

“But... I...” Cody yawned. “I... wanna keep... playing...”

“No buts, Cody. You’re already too tired to keep on going.” Cero said as he carried the young boy over to a bean bag chair.

Cero soon notices that the Chikorita girl was starting to yawn and fall asleep. “You too, Una? Let’s get you to a comfy chair as well.”

“Cero... can I call you big bro?” The Buneary girl asked, obediently following as she was heavy eyed too.

“Of course you can call me big bro, little sis Lily.” Cero said as he carried Una over to another chair while sitting Lily in another.

The Chimchar boy was already sleeping when Cero turned around again. Cero let out a chuckle under his breath quietly as he placed a blanket over the Chimchar kid. “Good night, Roy and sleep tight. We can continue playing tomorrow.”

Cero was a big brother figure at the orphanage ever since he arrived when he was seven. A calm and patient kid, he loved helping out in the playroom and keeping track of the kids there while assisting the caretakers when he could.

“Cero, bedtime.” A caretaker came in.

“Yeah, I hear you. I already got the kids in here ready for bed so I guess it’s my turn next.” Cero said as he yawned. The caretaker simply sat him on the last bean bag chair with his own blanket.


In a four kid bedroom, an older boy, about ten, dressed like a Popplio, was tucking in four kids; A young boy dress like a Buizel, a boy dressed as a , a boy dressed up as a , and a kid dressed as a Poochyena.

The Popplio boy gave the Buizel boy a cute little Buizel plushie. “There you go, Yukio.”

“Thank you big brother.” Yukio snuggled in bed with his plushie.

“You’re welcome, little bro.”

Soon, another voice comes from across the room. “Can I have a hug, big bro?”

“Sure thing, Ken.” The boy came over and gave the Mudkip boy a hug. He then made sure the Pikachu boy was all snug. “You all set for bed Max?”

The Pikachu boy nodded. “Yep, I’m ready for bed now, big bro!”

“And what about me, big bro?” The kid dressed up as a poochyena asked. “Sy wants a hug before he goes to bed as well!”

Sy got what he wanted, a nice hug from the Popplio boy.

“Thanks, bro!” Sy said before falling asleep in his bed.

“Mike, you need to get to bed too.” Vincent said, coming in.

“Alright. I just finished tucking these kids in.”

Mike was also a big brother figure. He often was caring for the other kids, making them happy and causing most of them to call him big brother.

Vincent got Mike to his own room, tucking him in bed. “Sleep tight.”

Mike let out a yawn as he fell asleep in his own bed as Vincent turned out the lights.


A young boy, about seven, dressed cutely as , was in Sirius’ room, on the second bed. “Please let me stay the night, Sirius.”

“You know you don’t have to ask me, Orion.” Sirius said. “I’m always happy to let you sleep over for the night.” The caretaker arrived with the sleepy boy. “Maia? Can you tuck Orion in too?”

Maia tucked Sirius into his bed before turning her attention to Orion. “It seems Sirius wants me to tuck you in, little one. Who am I to argue with such a nice boy.” Maia smiled as she gently patted Orion’s head. “After all, you’re such a good boy as well.”

Orion was one of, if not the youngest, kid currently residing at the orphanage. He was a sweet boy, but very innocent and naive. Orion would constantly follow the older kids around and try to emulate what they did, but Sirius and Maia were his family practically.

“Thank you.” Orion smiled, as Maia tucked him in.

“You’re welcome, Orion.” Maia said as she turned off the lights in the room


An older boy, dressed like a Riolu, was just leaving another bedroom after tucking four more kids in. He yawned, heavy eyed.

“Sounds like someone needs a nap.” A caretaker said as he picked up Leon. “Don’t worry Leon.”

“Thank you... Karic...” The fifteen year old.

Leon was the oldest kid at the orphanage, he was a nice boy, caring and kind, responsible, but he’s still kid at heart, he needed a family.

“You’re welcome, Leon. After all, I’m here to help you get to bed for helping us get all of the other kids to bed.” Karic said with a warm smile.


Reggie collapsed into his bed as Karic brought Leon back into their room. Setting Leon in bed, Karic helped Reggie into his Houndour pajamas. “Long day?” Karic asked.

“Very long, Karic. I had to help out in the kitchen for a while before taking care of the younger kids.”

“You boys spend so much time helping others, you deserve a break.”

Reggie was one of the kids who helped the caretakers take care of younger kids. As a naive and caring kid, he did his best to make sure the younger kids were having fun.

“I know, Karic, and yet I want to make sure the other kids are alright before I can relax and have fun.” Reggie said with a sigh.

“Well everyone in bed now, so it’s our turn.” Leon said, tucking himself in.

“Yeah, that’s true Leon.” Reggie said. “Good night then.”



That night, things got dark.

Karic was just leaving Leon and Reggie, and there was very large creature there in the unlit hall, shrouded in shadow. It grabbed him, lifting him to its face. Its eyes swirled in a calming rainbow of blue.

Karic watched as he was painlessly turned into a , his eyes swirled in the same blue.

“You watch two boys... Are they good boys?” the creature asked.

“Yes they are very good. Always taking care of the other kids before taking care of themselves.” Karic answered, mindlessly truthful.

“Ssshhh, sleep then. Sleep... You will see them in the morning. Sleep.”

Karic soon closed his eyes and fell asleep as the creature carried him away.


After Vincent was finished tucking Mike in and left, a creature snuck up behind him and gave him a hug before staring into his eyes, their eyes swirling a deep black as space.

“It’s nice to meet you, Vincent. You seem to be a nice guy taking care of those kids, so why don’t you take a night off.” The creature said as Vincent was quickly transformed into a Krookodile. His eyes swirled with the same black.

“A.... n-n-n-n..n-night.... Off?” He mindlessly asked.

“Yeah. You deserve to sleep and have your children watched by others. My friends and I will gladly oblige. Sleeeeeeeeep.”

Vincent obeyed and nodded off into a deep sleep as the creature carried him away.


Ryan was all tucked in, and Mark left. A flame appeared in front of him. He found it beautiful, unable to look away. His eyes swirled with a rainbow of red, orange, and yellow. A creature melded and molded the human into a Charmeleon, looking more teen than adult. As Mark stared helplessly at the flame, his eyes grew heavy.

“Sleep, my new son, for you will need your rest as well. For the boy will soon join our family.” The spoke, as they picked up Mark and carried him away as he fell asleep.


Maia gently smiled as the two kids she was taking care of finally fell asleep before a mysterious figure appeared behind her. “Listen to my voice carefully. I want you to carefully turn around and look into my eyes.”

The sound of the voice lured Maia into a peaceful state as she obeyed without much hesitation, the small eyes swirling a deep blue and causing to regress back into into a teenager and caused her to painlessly transform into a Croconaw. “Sleeeeep, it’s bed time...”

Maia nodded and fell asleep as the creature carried her away.


A little time later, Ryan woke up. And he was quickly worried. He was allowed to share a Caretaker’s room with Mark. But was nowhere in the room, that’s weird for him at this hour. And Ryan was scared of the dark, and being alone.

“Mark?” he quietly called. Cuddling his Charmander Plushie, Ryan slowly, fearfully step out of the room. With his Charmander buddy being glow-in-the-dark, he could see where he was going. But he couldn’t find Mark. Fear gripped his heart, he began to tear up.

Then, a small little flame appeared before him, floating in mid air. It felt warm to Ryan, lighting the way a little better. As it began to move, Ryan couldn’t help but wanna stay in its warmth and light, so he followed it as it led him downstairs and to the lobby.

As Ryan got downstairs, a shiny black Charizard with brilliant red scales stepped out of the shadows and gave him a hug. Before he can scream, the Charizard covered his mouth. “Shhh, I’m not going to hurt you. How could I hurt my own trainer.” She said to him.

This made Ryan perk up, he remembered hatching a shiny Charizard female in X, and liking to pretend it was his mom. The Charizard then uncovered his mouth. “P...P...P-p-p-pyrrha?” Ryan timidly got out.

“It’s alright, Ryan.” Pyrrha said as she petted Ryan’s head. “I’m here to take you and Mark to a special place.” As Pyrrha cradled and cuddled Ryan, he slowly shrank down, getting younger, to about five in age, though he couldn’t tell the difference. “Mark is already there, safe and sound. Here, you liked this didn’t you?” Pyrrha held the little flame in her claw, bringing it close to Ryan.

Ryan looked at the little flame, and his eyes began to swirl in the red, orange, and yellow rainbow, they grew heavy as Pyrrha rocked the boy.

“Night-night... momma...” He managed to say, his body slowing down.

“Night-Night, sweetie.” Pyrrha smiled, as Ryan fell into very deep slumber. He was snoring a little, until Pyrrha placed a pacifier in his mouth for him to suck on, and placing a cute little charmander muzzle like mask over it. “There, a little cuter for mommy.” She said, as she took Ryan away.


Sirius was startled awake by a noise outside his room and quietly exited his room to see what it was. Nothing was there.

“Huh, maybe it was my imagination, but I thought I heard something out here calling for me to follow it.” Sirius spoke as he walked down the hallway.

But something caught his eye that didn’t seem possible: A dragonite peeking around the corner. “Wait, what is that?” Sirius said as he chased after it. The Dragonite was there waiting, grabbing him and covering his mouth.

“Champion Lance would like to speak with you, young Sirius.”

Sirius was shocked that the Dragonite spoke, as it carried him to what was thought to be an unoccupied, empty children’s bedroom. It was not empty at all, it looked really nice, with cozy beds and drawers, even a tv. Sirius was in awe as he saw Lance on the tv and holding his hand out.

Dragonite set the boy on the bed, and went to the tv, reaching into it, and brought Lance out. “Thank you Dragonite.”

“You’re welcome, Champion.” Dragonite said, bringing Sirius to the champion.

“So you are the boy who defeated me this morning.” Lance said, as Dragonite was secretly regressing Sirius in its arms. “I was defeated by a mere five year old boy dressed as a Squirtle.”

Sirius meekly nodded his head yes as the Dragonite gave him a Squirtle pacifier. “But I’m not a baby.” He said before the pacier was put in his mouth.

“Shhh.” Dragonite rocked the boy back and forth. “You’re going to need your sleep before we introduce you to the rest of the cubs.” He then began whistling a magical lullaby, the music traveling through Sirius ears. Sirius started to hum along with the lullaby as it put him to sleep while Lance and Dragonite stepped back into the tv.


Mike was moaning and groaning, tossing and turning in his sleep, as he suffered a terrible nightmare. Mike was gently roused from his slumber by two creatures and Mike was shocked. It was two Primarina. One with Sapphire blue eyes, the other with Ruby red eyes.

“...Barker? Angel?” Mike asked, as Angel took him in her flippers.

“Having another nightmare, Mikey?” Angel asked, as Mike shrank down into a five year old. “Little Popplio have another bad dream?”

Mike nodded as he was cradled in Angel’s arms.

“That’s why we're here. To help you sleep and take you so a fun place.” Barker said. The Male Primarina then used some magic on Mike’s Popplio pajamas, the legs fused to better resemble a Popplio tail containing his legs all snug, the pajamas also felt even more warm and comfy like he was wrapped in a blanket. “Sleep in Angel’s arms tonight, okay?”

Mike nodded as he naturally drifted off to sleep in Angel’s arms, a popplio pacifier placed in his mouth to prevent snoring. “Isn’t he just adorable as a little boy?” Angel asked, adoring the boy.

“Yeah, he is adorable, Angel.” Barker responded as the two of them left.


Cero had woken up, and was quietly tip-toeing out of the playroom, to head to his own room since the kids were safe in the playroom.

Unknown to him, a creature had noticed him leaving and quietly walked up behind him. “That’s not the way to your room.” It said, hugging the boy and covering his mouth.

Cero was quietly placed on the creature's back and was given a ride up the stairs. The moonlight through the windows showed blue scales and red spikes.

“Chomp, is that you I see in front of me?” Cero asked when he saw the clues, unsure if it was really the Feraligatr he treated like a friend and brother in his games.

The creature entered Cero’s solo bedroom, and turned on the lights. Cero was indeed on the neck of a Feraligatr, and was also shrunken to a six year old during the ride.

“You’ve always been a smart kid. Ready for your usual bath?” Chomp said, going into the bathroom.

“Yeah, bro, I’m ready for my bath!” Cero said excitedly as Chomp placed him in the tub.

“Shhh, it’s ten at night, all the cubs are asleep, I can only give you a bath cause I’ve soundproofed the room.” Chomp said.

“Okay bro.” Cero said as he was changed out of his pajamas, and Chomp started the water. Cero’s eyes were swirling with a rainbow of watery blues as Chomp was keeping his mind on the bath and him.

“That’s right, we’re gonna have a nice bath, while the others get to work.” Chomp said.


Poor little Tommy woke up with a growling tummy. “Oh man...” Tommy said, as he got out of bed and landed on the back of a creature. “Wha?”

“There you are, Tommy. Let me help you fill that tummy of yours up.” The creature said as he carried Tommy down to the kitchen.

Tommy was shocked to be greeted by five Pokemon. A Dragonair, a , a Lucario, an Infernape, and a Miltank. The creature he rode on was a Lycanroc, in Midday Form.

“K...Kiara?” Tommy asked, looking at the Dragonair.

The Dragonair just looked at him before wrapping Tommy up in her coils. The two were placed on the Lapras’ back, then the Dragonair nodded. “It’s me, little bro, and Aqua’s here too.” The Lapras nodded.

Soon, the Miltank walked over to the boy and gave him a pudding cup. “Milly?” Tommy asked, before the Miltank began spoon feeding him.

“It’s me, sweetie. Now enjoy my special Moo-Moo Milk Pudding.” She said, as she saw Tommy was really enjoying the pudding.

Next, the Infernape walked over and gave Tommy a glass of Moo-Moo Milk and chewy chocolate chip cookies.

“...Pyro?” Tommy asked, before being fed the cookies and milk.

“Yep, it’s me kiddo. Now just seat there, snug in Kiara’s little cocoon and let Pyro feed you your favorite cookies, just the way you like them.”

Tommy just nodded and let Pyro feed him the cookies before offering the glass of milk to wash it down.

And finally was the Lucario, bringing the coiled up boy a plate with a slice of Cheesecake. “It’s your favorite.”

“...Aura?” Tommy was a little teary-eyed, as the Lucario fed him bite after bite.

“Sshhh, eat first, little pup, enjoy your snacks,” Aura said, as Tommy was on cloud nine from the Cheesecake.

Then, after licking his lips, nice and full, though failing to notice he was now a five year old, Tommy looked at the Lycanroc. “Does that mean... you’re Rocky?”

The Midday Lycanroc nodded his head and spoke up. “Yeah, it’s me Tommy. We came to give you a nice meal before taking you home.”


“You’ll see... Milly, the lullaby please?” Rocky asked.

The Miltank nodded and started to sing a peaceful lullaby to put Tommy to sleep. As the Lullaby passed through Tommy’s ears, it soothed him. His eyes grew heavy, and he yawned, falling asleep in Kiara’s coils.

“Aura, the pacifier, and little muzzle mask, please.” Rocky said.

Aura responded and placed the pacifier in Tommy’s mouth before covering it with a mask that looked like a Rockruff’s muzzle. The team then took Tommy away.


Orion soon let out a yawn and noticed that Sirius wasn’t in his bed.

“Bro?” He asked, looking around. Peeking from the closet, a creature was waiting for Orion to exit his bed before hypnotizing him. As the little boy got out of bed and went for the door out of the room, a nice little song traveled out of the closet and passed through his ears. Orion’s eyes soon swirled into an array of brown colors as the song lured him over to the closet, shrinking him into a five-year-old along the way.

So the boy opened the door, and was hugged by a Marowak. “There you are, son.”

“M..Ma..Marrrow... wh...where... big... b-b-b-b.b-b-bb-b...bro?”

“Shh. big bro is already safe with Lance and it’s your turn next.”


Marrow gently cuddled Orion and gave him a pacifier before putting him to sleep. “Yeah, it’s time for you to sleep so you can wake up with big bro tomorrow.” She then carried him away.


Leon was woken up with a feeling of concern, like something was wrong. He hopped out of bed, making sure not to wake Reggie, and being checking the other rooms. Most of the kids were in bed, asleep, and okay. But then Leon tried to check Tommy’s room.

Leon noticed that the door to Tommy’s room was open and paw prints could be seen leading from his room to the kitchen. Curious, Leon took a photo with his phone, and then he checked Ryan’s room.

The door was cracked as a strange flame was seen flickering inside. Taking another picture with his phone, Leon made a note of it and walked over to Cero’s room next. The door was open, with claw and footprints leading into it. Leon took a photo and went to Mike’s room. At Mike’s room, he could hear the sounds of singing coming from the room with a little trail of wet spots leading into the room. One more photo, and then it was off to Sirius and Orion’s room. At Sirius and Orion’s room, he saw more pawprints and took another photo. Now scared, he was just heading back to his room.

“Guys, are you there?” Leon called out. But something was following. Leon then suddenly found himself shrinking a lot, getting younger and younger. “What... wha... help...” His mind was regressing along with his body, as the five year old was picked up and cradled by a Kangaskham. “Who... who...” The regressed, tuckered out boy asked.

“Shh, shh, shh, it’s alright Leon. I’m here to take you to a new life.” The Kangaskhan said as she tucked the younger Leon into her pouch.


“Shhhh....” Kangaskhan said, as Leon’s eyes suddenly swirled with a beautiful blue rainbow “You’re all tuckered out. You need your sleep. You need your sleep. You need your sleep. You need your sleep.”

“I...need...m-m-mmy.. Sl..eep...:” the hypnotized boy’s eyes grew heavy.

“Yeah, good night, Leon. When you wake up, you’ll be in a better place.” Leon was then given a pacifier, and a cute little Riolu muzzle mask, as the Kangaskhan spoke to a hidden pokemon. “Isn’t my baby adorable, as a little boy?”

“Yes he is Kanga, but ours will be cute soon as well.” One of the creatures said.

“Please allow me to carry your kid after you retrieve them.”

“You have our permission once we’ve finished regressing him back into a younger kid.” The other creature said as the two of them walked into Leon and Reggie’s room. Kanga smiled and just watched her boy sleep.


Inside Leon and Reggie’s room, the two creatures walked over to Reggie and placed a Houndour mask over his mouth while they gently woke him up. “Wakey wakey, son.”

The boy woke up, and noticed the mask strapped snug over his mouth. “What the hey, why is this over my mouth?” but his words were muffled out with the mask.

“Don’t worry, Reggie. You don’t have to speak, as we’re here to bring you to a better place.” The other one said as he stared into Reggie’s eyes, his eyes swirling a gold color and causing Reggie to shrink back to a seven year old kid. Reggie’s eyes swirled with the gold as well while causing him to fall asleep.

“But...friends... good... k-k-k-k-k-kids... here...”

“Don’t worry about them, they’ll find a good home where we’re going eventually son.”


In a nice little snow-coated clearing, a man was watching various Pokemon playing, talking with a cute little Pikachu. “How many?” He asked.

“Forty kids all good, Arc.” The Pikachu said “But eight of them stand out along with four of their caretakers. We already got the caretakers and turned them into pokemon, but the eight kids have yet to be transformed.”

“After this first group is pokefied and welcomed, we need to keep getting the kids from that orphanage. Keep the time slowed, so we can collect them all in that earth night.” Arc said. “You may go play though, Pikachu.”

“Alright, Arc. See you later then.” The Pikachu turned around and ran back to the other pokemon playing.


It was a beautiful day, in a nice little Pokemon town, as Pokemon were living like humans.

At a little cafe by the snow covered park, an Incineroar was enjoying a cup of tea and reading the newspaper.

“Can I get you anything else, sir.” A teenaged female Lucario asked.

“No thank you, I have everything I need at the moment.” The Incineroar said.

As the Incineroar enjoyed his tea, he was also watching four cubs playing on the playground in the park: a Litten, a Electrike, a , and a Buneary.

“It’s getting a little chilly now...” The Buneary shivered. “Litten, you said your papa got us snow clothes, right?”

“Yeah, he left them over there.” The Litten said as he walked over to them. The other cubs came right behind him. The Incineroar then came over.

“You cubs ready to bundle up?” He asked.

“Ready when you are, Papa.” The Litten said as Incineroar bundled the four cubs up in winter clothing.

“Thank you, Mr. Roar.” Electrike said politely, as the Incineroar help him into snow boots for his paws.

“Thanks for the clothes!” The Buneary said as Incineroar helped her into a winter jacket.

“You’re welcome. Thank you for being Thomas’s best friends.”

“So is it true, Arc’s bringing humans from Earth to Poke-Paradise?” Bulbasaur asked.

“Yeah, it certainly sounds like it.”

“Can we go visit them, please?” Buneary asked.

“Maybe later, bunny. I hear that they’re not ready to meet other pokemon yet.”

“Awww...” Electrike sighed.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take you all to see them once they are ready.”

“Thank you.” Bunny smiled.


Cero woke up in a nice house and a bed dressed back in his Totodile pajamas as Chomp walked back into the room.

“Ah, good morning, little bro! I brought you breakfast.” Chomp said as he placed a set of Oran berry pancakes in front of Cero along with a mug of hot cocoa.

“Where are we big bro?” Cero asked.

“Right now, we’re in the Poke-Paradise bro, and I brought you here to have fun and relax. But first, you need to have your breakfast before we can have some fun.”

“Thank you, big bro.” Cero smiled, as Chomp sat him on his lap and gave him the plate.

“You’re welcome, little bro.” Chomp said as he helped Cero out with his breakfast.


Ryan stirred and opened his eyes. He was a in a really cozy bedroom in a nice house. He was refreshed and rested, stretching out. “I think that was my best sleep ever.” He said, as Pyrrha and a Charmeleon came in, the latter holding a plate of Cinnamon Rolls. “Mommy! ...oh... who might you be?” He asked, looking at the Charmeleon.

“Don’t you recognize me, Ryan. It’s me...”

“...Mark?” Ryan asked.

The Charmeleon nodded and hugged Ryan. “Yeah Ryan it’s me, Mark.”

“Does that make us brothers now?” Ryan asked.

“You could say that Ryan. I’m your big bro now! Come on, I made your favorite, just the way you like it.”

“...Thank you mommy, you’ve already made my life better.” Ryan said, as he sat on Mark’s lap, and the Charmeleon fed his little brother.

“You’re welcome, son.” Pyrrha petted both Ryan and Mark’s head. “After all, we have a big day ahead of us.”


Sirius and Orion were sleeping soundly when Lance’s Dragonite and the Marowak walked into the room. Dragonite was carrying two plates, one with waffles, the other with a bowl of oatmeal. “A nice little wake up song, Milady?” Dragonite asked.

“With pleasure, sir.” The Marowak started humming an uptempo song to wake the boys up.

The boys yawned, stretching and sitting up.

“Bro! There you are!” Orion said happily at the sight of Sirius.

“Nice to see you again as well, bro.” Sirius said when he saw Orion as well.

“Breakfast for two good little boys.” Dragonite said, coming over. “Oatmeal for the Squirtle, and Waffles for the Cubone.”

The two of them looked happy and grabbed the food before looking up at the pokemon. “So, where are we and what are we doing here?”

“This is Poke-Paradise. Your new home.” Dragonite said.

“Our home?” Orion asked.

“We can explain a little later, for now, eat up while it’s warm.”

“Alright then. Let’s eat then.” Orion said as he dug into the waffles.


Tommy yawned, sitting up and stretching. “Best sleep ever...” He noticed the nice bedroom he was in now. “Did Rocky and the others bring me here?”

Rocky and the rest of Tommy’s pokemon soon walked into the room, Aura carrying a plate of toasted poptarts.

“Is that for me?” Tommy asked, kept in bed with Aqua and Aura’s psychic moves.

Aura nodded as he floated the plate of pop-tarts over to Tommy. “Eat up little puppy.”

Tommy chowed down happily. “So...” He gulped his mouthful down. “Is this that new home you promised me?”

Aqua nodded. “Yeah, that’s right. This is the Poke-Paradise that we brought you here to live in as home.”

“With all of you?” Tommy asked.

“Yeah, we’re get to be your family.” Lapras floated a glass of milk. “Now eat up, little pup. We have a big day ahead of us.”

Tommy nodded and took the glass of milk from the Lapras.


Reggie woke up in a nice room next to a Houndour plushie and the mask off of his face. His room was really cozy, with houndour themes.

“Wow, this is a really nice place.” Reggie said as a Krookodile walked into the room along with two Houndooms. The Krookodile had a plate of doughnuts and a glass of milk.

“Morning, little pup. How was your sleep?” One of the Houndoom’s asked.

“Good morning to you as well. Are those for me?” Reggie asked while pointing at the doughnuts.

“They are, little puppy.” Krookodile said, giving Reggie the food, and Reggie recognized the Pokemon’s voice.

“Vincent, is that you?” Reggie asked as he took a bite out of the doughnuts.

“Yep, all pokefied and enlisted as a caretaker here in the cul de sac.”

“That’s cool!” He looked over at the Houndooms. “What about you?”

The one with emerald green eyes spoke up first. “I’m Fang and this is my wife Lilica.”

“Wait... Fang and Lilica? As in my twin Houndoom from Emerald?”

The other Houndoom nodded and revealed her clear sapphire blue eyes. “The very same ones. We brought you here to the Poke-paradise to give you a new life.”

“But we can explain that later. Eat up, pup. We have plenty to do today.” Vincent said.

“Alright, Vincent.” Reggie said as he continued eating his breakfast.


Leon was adorable as he slept, allowed to sleep in a little for all his good work, as Kanga and a Lucario came in.

“Good morning, little Riolu.” The Lucario spoke, nudging the boy while Kanga was holding a plate of breakfast burritos to feed Leon.

“Aw, can’t I have five more minutes?” Leon said with a yawn.

“Sure.” the Lucario said, as Kanga used some magic to keep the food warm. They gave Leon five more minutes.

Once the time was up, they woke him up and gave him the food to eat.

“Thank you for giving me a little extra time.” Leon smiled as the Lucario petted his back.

“You’re welcome little cub.” The Lucario said as Leon recognized his voice.

“K..karic?” Leon asked.

“Yep! I was pokie-fied to be a big brother just for you, Leon.”


“Yes, now finish your breakfast, so we can get ready for the day.”

Leon just nodded and finished off his breakfast burrito.


Mike was the last one to be awakened by his twin Pokemon as they brought in his breakfast, a plate with omelettes while a Croconaw was holding milk for him to drink.

“Yummy breakfast for a good little Popplio?” Angel smiled.

Mike nodded and smiled as he took the omelettes from the Pokemon before looking over at the Croconaw.

“Just the way you like them, little hero.” The Croconaw said.

“M-maia, is that you?” Mike stammered as he looked at the omelettes.

“How’d you guess?”

“The nickname is what clued me in.”

“Eat up, all your food, then we can talk.”

“Alright, Maia.” Mike said as he started eating his omelettes.

Maia patiently waited for Mike to finish.

Mike soon finished up his breakfast and looked at Maia and the twins.

“How was it?” Maia asked, getting him out of bed, and undressing him from his pajamas.

“It was delicious, Maia. You always know how to make the best breakfasts for all of us.”

“Good, anyway, I was pokefied to be your big sis... and now it’s your turn.” Maia said, as magic pulsed through the boy’s body.

Mike looked down and watched as his legs started to be covered in deep blue fur while the bones painlessly cracked and disappeared, while the skin between his legs merged together and formed the basis of his new tail. Mike soon watched in awe as his feet were covered in more of the blue fur as his toes disappeared one by one into the fur, becoming fins in the process, then it seemed to pause.


“I’m controlling your changes.” Maia said. “Just take a moment to feel your new tail.”

Mike raised and lowered his new tail a few times before rubbing it with his hand, with the fur, his own self petting felt really really good. “This feels really good.” Mike said to himself. “So this is my new tail?”

Maia nodded her head. Yeah, and that’s not all. Why don’t you look at what’s happening to your hands.”

Mike nodded and watched as each of his fingers got covered in a patch of blue fur and disappeared into his arms. He wiggled his hands and watched as his arms began to flatten out quite a bit into flippers. Maia paused the changes again.

“Aww... no hands to pet my tail any-” He was stopped as he felt someone pet his tail, relaxing him.

“Aw, don’t worry about that, Mike.” Maia soothed the soon to be Popplio cub by petting his tail for him.

“Thank you sis... So I get to be a Pokemon too?” Mike asked, shrinking a bit to fit a Popplio’s size.

“Yes you do, little bro.” Maia smiled as a light blue collar appeared around his neck and pausing one more time. “And after you’re finished, we can go out and play together.”

“With mommy and daddy too?” He asked, now thinking more like a little boy.

“Yes, with them too.” Maia said as she petted Mike’s head, causing the blue fur to quickly overtake his hair as his ears changed to be more teardrop shaped and floppy.

“That sounds wonderful! I can’t wait till I’m finished then!” But Mike stopped talking as his face felt weird.

Mike watched his eyes as his nose became more rounded and turned pink as white fur covered the front of his face and caused his mouth and nose to extend out into a muzzle, with a small amount of black fur near his nose to resemble whiskers. He soon lost sight for a while as his eyes became rounder while retaining his human eye color and pupils. He was now a cute little Popplio pup.

“Am I cute as a Pokemon?” Mike asked.

“You are very cute as a Pokemon, Mike.” Maia said as she picked up the Popplio cub.

Angel then came over, with a cute little full body, hooded winter suit designed for a Popplio, in a nice jet black. “Time to bundle you up sweetie, it’s snowing outside, and pups need to stay warm.”

“Alright, mommy. Thanks for the coat!” Mike smiled, as his new mother zipped him up all snug, pulling the hood over his little head.

“And for you too, honey.” Barker gave Maia a matching winter suit for a Croconaw. “Our baby needs a good sister, no need to get you a cold.”

Maia nodded as she put on the winter coat and got dressed up. She then carried Mike off to go play.


Cero had finished up his breakfast when Chomp picked him up and carried him over to the bathroom. “Time to get you all cleaned up before we meet the other kids, little bro.”

“Okay, Chomp.” Cero said, as Chomp undressed him from his Totodile pajamas. “Can I pretend to be a Totodile even without my pajamas on?”

“Of course you can, Cero. Go right ahead.”

“Alright!” Cero jumped up happily and and a huge grin on his face as Chomp carried him into the bathroom and placed him in the tub.

Chomp started the water, and as it poured on Cero’s feet, they began to tingle.

Cero wiggled his feet and look up at Chomp. “Big bro, my feet feel weird. They feel as if they’re falling asleep.” Cero said two of his toes disappeared off of his feet while the remaining three toes remained slightly similar with blue scales covering them as well.

“That’s because the magic of this bath has started to pokefy you.”

“What?!” Cero was quickly fear-frozen, as his legs, tailbone, and waist all tingled.

“Shh, shh, shh, just calm down and everything will be alright. The magic of this world wouldn’t pokefy you unless you were ready.” Chomp said as a small tail grew out of Cero’s tailbone and was tipped with a red spine. Soon, Cero’s legs shrank down and became digitrade as his waist caused him to start shrinking.

“But... but... how... can I be adopted as a Pokemon?” Cero asked.

“I can adopt you and take care of you as a brother.” Chomp said as cream colored scales grew in below Cero’s neck in a V formation.

“Re..really? You’re turning me into a Pokemon to adopt me yourself? ...OH! Does that mean I’m turning into a Totodile?!”

“Exactly! You’ve hit it right on the head, little bro!” Chomp said as he petted Cero’s head, Cero’s arms and hands being the next thing to start tingling as they were covered in more of the blue scales. Cero’s fingers shrunk down and became cute little claws.

“So... will the others all be Pokefied too?”

“Yeah, they will be pokefied, now let big bro wash you and complete your pokefication.”

“Alright, big bro!” Cero said as his mouth extended out into a small muzzle while his nose shrunk and two nostrils on his face. His hair was the next to go as it was covered in blue scales while his ears disappeared. Soon, the only thing left was his eyes and Chomp watched as they became slightly bigger and rounder while retaining his brown color and pupils, leaving Cero a Totodile cub, as Chomp proceeded to wash him. “Hey! You’re tickling my new tail, big bro!”

Chomp let out a laugh when Cero said that. “I can’t help it if you’re ticklish there, bro! Every part of you needs to be washed before we can meet the others!”

The two enjoyed this little bath time.


Tommy licked his lips, as he finished his breakfast. “Mmm, so good! But I still feel hungry.”

“Get undressed, while I prepare something.” Rocky said, preparing a series of cookies that resemble Rockruff parts, coming together to form a Rockruff, like a puzzle.

Tommy begins to get undressed, and sees the cookies that Rocky presents to him. “Ooh… those look really good.” His stomach then starts to growl, showing the signs of hunger lingering.

“Try the tail cookie.” Rocky smiled.

“Alright.” Tommy said, eating the tail cookie first.

As he was eating the cookie, a big fluffy tail started to sprout out from behind Tommy.

Tommy watched as the fluffy tail wagged to and fro under his command. “Oh wow, that’s so cute!”

Rocky smiled, he then offered two more cookies, the feet and legs and the torso.

Tommy proceeded to eat the feet and leg cookies first, followed by the torso. Once eaten, his feet began to morph into paws, his toes merging together until they had three instead of five, dark brown fur covering them up nice and warm. His legs then started to grow lighter brown fur as well as his whole torso. He then felt his body lock into all fours, thankfully Rocky had him sitting on the bed.

“Are these Cookies... transforming me?” Tommy asked, petting his new puppy legs.

Rocky nodded and gave him a hug. “You feeling okay so far, little buddy?” Rocky asked, as Tommy stroked his new furry tummy.

Tommy nodded. “Feels kinda nice.”

Then came the arm and hand cookies, and the ears too.

Once Tommy finished eating those, his hands began to morph into paws as well, the fingers merging into three toes, and getting covered in dark brown fur. The light brown fur started covering his arms, and his ears started to look more canine like with light brown fur covering most of it with dark brown fur covering the tips.

“So... does this... mean I live as a Pokemon, in my new home with you guys as my new family?” Tommy asked, doing the math despite his regressed mind.

Rocky nodded. “You were always a smart kid, Tommy.”

Then right to the neck ruff cookie.

Once eaten, Tommy’s neck got covered by a ruff of grayish-white fur stubbed with dark brown pebbles.

“Almost done, how do you feel, Tommy?”

“Warm and cozy.” Tommy admitted.

“You like the paws and tail and fur so far?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“Ready to be a Pokemon now?” Rocky offered the last cookie, the head.

“I’m ready.” Tommy said, eating the last cookie.

His head started to get covered in the light brown fur, a dark brown muzzle beginning to form as well. Tommy was now an adorable Rockruff Puppy.

“How do I look, Rocky?” Tommy asked, tail wagging, panting, and tongue lagging.

“Adorable, little one.”

“I brought his clothes.” Aura said coming over and helping Tommy into a cute little blue winter suit, with boots for all four of his little paws.

“Bundling me up?” Tommy asked, the hoodie pulled up on him.

“Yeah, we need to keep you warm out in the snow, little pup.”

“Thank you big bro.” Tommy said, as Aura placed him on Rocky’s back.

“Off to the park then. We’ll have lunch ready for you and little bro when you get back.” Aura said.


Marrow took Orion to a little daycare in the home, leaving Sirius with Dragonite. “Sirius?” The dragon type asked.

“Yeah? What is it Dragonite?” Sirius asked as a walked in behind them.

“I got this for you.” Dragonite said as he presented a fake Squirtle shell to Sirius. “And I also found someone who should be special to you as well.” Dragonite then turned Sirius around and waved at the Blastoise.

The Blastoise waved at them. “Good morning, Sirius. Do you recognize me?”

“What... Hydro?!” Sirius was shocked when he saw his partner standing in front of him. “What brings you here?”

“My little brother. Come now little bro, how could I ignore you being here?”

Sirius nodded and walked over to Hydro. “Thank you, bro. But what’s up with the fake shell Dragonite gave me?”

“It’s your new shell. So you can feel like a squirtle cub.” Hydro said, opening the shell, and helping Sirius into it. “Go on, make sure it fits.”

Sirius nodded and tried on the shell, noticing that it was actually very comfy to wear and actually had a fake tail as well... that wagged as he was happy. “Thanks bro. It feels so nice and I love how the plush tail moves with my thoughts.”

Hydro chuckled at what Sirius said. “That’s because you really have a Squirtle’s tail at the moment, bro.”

Sirius did notice the tail felt connected to him... and felt real.

“Hydro, did you know this would happen when you helped me into the shell?” Sirius asked as his legs shrank down and caused him to fit into the shell better, two of his toes disappearing on each foot as well.

“Yeah, I figured you were ready to be pokefied and had Dragonite give you the shell before meeting you.” Hydro said as he gave Sirius a big hug. “After all, I want my little bro to be welcome in Poke-Paradise, and be allowed to forget his abuse as a human.”

“Really?” Sirius asked Hydro as his transformation paused for a little.

“Yeah. If you want, I can erase the bad memories, and replace them with good ones, sparing all the good memories, like your friends and all our fun times in Pokemon Leafgreen.”

Sirius thought about what Hydro said for a moment before nodding his head in agreement. “Yeah, I want to forget all the bad memories, big bro.” Then, from a Pokeball collar he was wearing, Hydro summoned a Shiny Hypno, one Sirius knew.

“Hey, Kiddo.” The Hypno said.

“Hey, Cronos.” Sirius said.

“Ready to forget?”

Sirius nodded his head and watched the pendulum the Hypno was carrying, as Cronos lightly swung it back and forth, the half-squirtle’s eyes swirling a purple color and carefully forgetting all of his bad memories from where he used to be while the good memories he had were kept and altered slightly to match his upcoming new form.

As his memories were being altered, his arms were the next thing to change as they shrunk down and became covered in light blue scales, with two fingers on each hand disappearing as well. Next, his head was covered in more of the light blue scales as his ears and hair were lost.

Hydro spoke to the still hypnotized cub. “Little bro wanna help pokefy littler bro Orion?”

Sirius nodded his head in agreement as his eyes became rounder and retained their white color while his nose sank into his head and became nostrils as well. “I would love to do anything to help big bro out especially if it involves little bro Orion.”

Hydro had Cronos stop the hypnosis and gave Sirius a hug as his mouth extended out into a small muzzle, signifying the end of the changes.

“Bro... I feel dizzy and my head hurts.”

Hydro gave Sirius a pat on his head and comforted the new Squirtle. “Shh...Shh...Shh, everything will be alright, little bro. It’ll go away quickly.”

“Orion’s in the daycare with Marrow.” Cronos said.

“Then let’s go there and have Sirius play with him then.” Hydro said as he picked up Sirius. “After all, Sirius needs a playmate.”


As Ryan finished his breakfast, he was rubbing his tummy and licking his lips. “That was the best breakfast ever.” He said, smiling.

Pyrrha leaned over and gave Ryan a hug. “You’re welcome, Ryan. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

“So, Mommy, Mark, what do we get to do for my first day in this new home.”

“We can have fun playing outside once you get a special gift.” Mark said, conjuring a small orange flame in-between his paws.

“Oh... that... preeeetyyyy flaaaaaame....” Ryan looked at the flame, his eyes swirling with red, orange, and yellow colors. Pyrrha gently undressed the kid, and sat him on her lap. His body seemed so malleable now.

Pyrrha started by molding the five toes on each foot into three white claws while molding his legs to match as well, shortening them a bit, with orange scales growing in as well. Pyrrha gently tugged on Ryan’s tailbone next and formed it into a short tail with cream scales on the underside and orange scales on top.

Mark gently placed the flame on Ryan’s tail and stepped back as Pyrrha molded Ryan’s chest to be covered in cream scales and compressed it down to better match his new size.

“May I meld the arms, mother?” Mark asked.

“Sure you can, Mark.”

Mark gently melded the arms, shortening them, and getting them covered in the orange scales. “The hands are yours mother. Should we wake him and explain?”

“Yeah, I think we should, Mark.” Pyrrha said as she molded his hands into three fingered paws. Then with a snap of Pyrrha’s claws, she broke Ryan out of the trance.

Ryan looked at himself and panicked. “Mommy! What are you doing to me?!” He was teary-eyed, scared and panicked.

“Shh...Shh...Shh, Don’t worry, little one. We’re pokefying you so you can have fun as a Charmander cub. You’ll truly be my baby, and I promise you’ll never suffer again.” Pyrrha said, hugging the human headed charmander. “Please, Mommy only wants what's best for you. You’ll love being a Pokemon, I promise.”

“O-okay, if you say so mama.” Ryan said. “Can you finish it up now? I’m calm enough now to finish.”

“Close your eyes for me, sweetie.” Pyrrha said, preparing to meld his neck and head.

Ryan obeyed and closed his eyes as Pyrrha melded his hair into his head and replaced it with orange scales. Next, she pushed down on his head gently and made his neck almost disappear while pulling his mouth and nose out into a small muzzle.

Ryan was now an adorable little charmander cub, but Pyrrha wasn’t done. “Keep them closed, sweetie.” Ryan felt Pyrrha moving his arms and legs, and things being put on him, even on his feet. “Okay, open your eyes.”

Ryan found himself not only a Pokemon, but dressed in an adorable blue sweater with snow designs, matching wool slacks, and even little shoes.

“Th...Thank you mommy!” Ryan said, his eyes alit with awe.

“You’re welcome, sweetie.” Pyrrha said, before getting Ryan into a blue winter suit, with matching mitts and boots.

“Is it cold outside?” Ryan asked, as the hoodie was pulled up over his head.

“Yes it is. Both you and Mark will need to be bundled up before you can actually play.”

“Me?” Mark asked.

“Of course you. Ryan needs someone to play with, and you are his big brother after all.” Pyrrha said, bundling Mark up. “Now we’re off the park, we have to meet with the others.”


Orion was down on the daycare playing with some of the pokemon there along with Marrow when Hydro, Sirius, Cronos and the Dragonite all walked into the room.

“Now, you will not tell him, until he’s a Pokemon too... riiiiight?” Cronos instructed, hypnotizing Sirius.

Sirius nodded. “I will not tell Orion who I am until he is a pokemon as well.”

Hydro looked a little upset at what Cronos did. “But what about Marrow? Wouldn’t he be suspicious about who the new kid is?”

“He knows what we were gonna do, silly?” Dragonite said.

“Oh, hello.” Marrow said, as Orion was pacified with a game. “So you pokefied Sirius?” He whispered.

Hydro nodded. “Yeah, He’s already a pokemon now but we want to keep it a surprise from Orion until after he’s been pokefied as well.”

Marrow nodded his head. “That’s good to hear.”

Orion spotted a toy box, and walked to it, hoping for more fun toys. After digging through the box, he soon found a fake helmet and bone club and put them on before running over to Marrow.

“Look papa, I’m a Cubone now!” He said excitedly while waving the club around.

“Yes.” Cronos said, swinging his pendulum in front of Orion. “You’re a Cubone. You’re a Cubone. You’re a Cubone. You’re a Cubone. You’re a Cubone.” He repeated.

Orion watched the pendulum swing back and forth, his eyes swirling with a purple rainbow, and repeated the words that Cronos was chanting, while a small tail poked out of his tailbone and started wagging in excitement.

“I’m... a... cubone...” Orion said, as he shrank down, the toes on his feet merging together and forming a single white claw on each foot, while his legs shrank and became smaller.

“Yes, that’s right. You’re a Cubone.” Cronos said as Orion’s waist shrank and became smaller, with beige scales appearing all over his body.

“I’m... a… human? No.. I’m… a… Cubone!” Orion shouted as the fingers on each hand stuck together and formed a glove shaped while his thumb was tipped in a sharp white claw as well. “Am I human... but... I thought I... was... no... I’m human... I’m...Cubone... Papa... I can’t... think... help...”

Lance soon walked into the room and gave the human headed Cubone a comforting hug. “Shh, I’m here to help little one and so is your papa. We’re going to give you a better life in the Poke-Paradise and you’ll always have Marrow as your papa and Sirius as your brother. And uncle Lance is here.”

“U-Uncle?” Orion stammered out as a slight change occurred to his head as his hair disappeared under a swath of beige scales. “Will you always be there to help me out when I need it?”

“For both you and Sirius,” Lance said, as Orion was now a Cubone cub. Lance then set him next to the Squirtle. “I’m sure you two will recognize each other.”

Orion looked deep into the Squirtle’s eyes and recognized him. “Big bro, is that you as a Squirtle?” He asked as the Squirtle didn’t seem to recognize him.

“Yep. You’re adorable as a Cubone!” Sirius said as he gave Orion a hug.

“Okay boys, time to bundle up.” Lance said, getting the two into winter suits with mitts and boots.

The two boys nodded as they were helped into matching cobalt blue winter suits with boots, mittens, and hoods to keep them warm.

“Snowy day?” Orion asked.

“Yeah, and so it’s going to be very important to keep you warm while you play with your other friends once we reach the party.”


“A welcome party for you and the others.”

“That sounds so cool! Will Hydro and the others be coming as well?” Sirius asked.

“Yep!” Hydro said, all bundled up.

“Cool! So can we go now, Uncle Lance? I can’t wait to meet the others?”

Lance had a Ponyta with a kid trailer ready. “Buckle the cubs in, we don’t wanna be late.”

Hydro and Marrow nodded and placed the two kids into the trailer, and the group headed out.


Vincent was dressing young Reggie in a Houndour themed winter suit when he asked him a question. “So, how are you feeling at the moment, little one?”

“It’s comfy and makes me feel warm as well, Vincent!” Reggie responded with glee. “So when are we leaving for the party?”

“Very soon, little one, but I think Fang and Lilica have something special to give you before we leave.” Vincent said as the two Houndoom’s walked into the room with a blue collar that had a gold medal with Reggie’s name in the middle.

“A doggie collar?” Reggie asked as Vincent placed the collar on the boy.

Fang spoke up to ease Reggie’s confusion. “It’s alright son, everything will become clear soon enough. You just need to relax, that’s all.” He then walked over to Reggie and nuzzled his leg, distracting Reggie from the black and orange fur that was growing in underneath the coat.

Reggie soon drew in a deep breath as exhaled as his chest barreled out a little bit and causing his suit to adjust as well. “I’m feeling very calm and relaxed right now, Fang.” He reached over and gave Fang a pat on his head.

Fang blushed and licked Reggie’s hand while Lilica licked Reggie’s face, distracting him from the fact that he he was shrinking and becoming smaller.

Reggie let out a laugh and a small bark when they did that. “Hey cut that out! That tickles a lot!”

Vincent ruffled Reggie’s hair and gently set him onto all fours as Reggie’s feet changed inside his boots as pawpads appeared on the soles of his feet as two of his toes disappeared on each foot while the remaining toes cracked and gently became paws.

“What the?!” Reggie finally noticed the changes, and tried to get out of the suit to see. His paws couldn’t get the zipper and the suit quickly sealed the paws in a second pair of boots. Poor Reggie was whimpering and scared. Vincent was kind enough to help Reggie get undressed, revealing the boy as a human headed Houndour puppy. “What’s going on?”

“You’re being Pokefied at the moment, Reggie. It’s for your own good. Just keep breathing.”

“For my own good? How?”

“Just keep calm and we’ll explain. We decided to Pokefy you so we could adopt you as our own son.” Lilica said. “You spent years caring for all the little children, never concerned for yourself. Well now it’s time for you to be the kid, getting all the love and care you deserve.”

Reggie calmed down and let out a small whine when he heard that.

“It’s okay, don’t be sad. We want to give you back the kindness you’ve shared. You made many children happy, so we want to make you happy.”

Reggie soon looked at his two Houndoom’s and gave them a big smile. “That sounds very nice actually. Thanks mama and dad.”

“Now then, you feel some canine traits right?”

“Yeah... like I really wanna be petted on the back.”

“Vinny, go ahead, make Reggie enjoy his puppy form, and he’ll be fully transformed.”

Vincent nodded and petted Reggie on his back, causing his ears to point and move to the top of his head while nose darkened and became triangular, his mouth extending out into a muzzle as well. Reggie was now a cute little Houndour puppy.

“So... does this mean all the other children will be Pokemon too?” Reggie asked.

Fang and Lilica nodded as Vincent got Reggie dressed back up in the coat, also changed to match his new body as well. “That is correct little one.”

“You look wobbly on your new paws.” Vincent said, getting the paws into boots. “Would you be okay if we have you just relax with a nice ride?”

“How so?” Reggie asked

The houndoom revealed something kinda cute, a modified blue bike trailer on two wheels. The windows have nets to prevent bugs from getting inside the trailer. The trailer attaches to a Pokémon harness by two straps.

“Is that for me?”

“It is, heavily and magically modified to be pulled by Pokemon, a little bigger on the inside to hold up to five cubs, coldproof, has a water mode for aquatic travel, unlimited food and water, so you’ll never go hungry, and has magic TV for entertainment.” Fang explained.

Reggie looked amazed at the trailer and let out a long howl of approval. “Oh wow, that’s so cool! I love it a lot, mama.” Then he perked up with an idea. “Are Leon, Cero, Tommy, and Mike on their way?”

“Leon’s not Pokefied yet, but yes to the others.”


Tommy was trotting down the street with Rocky, when Fang came up, pulling the trailer.

Fang spoke up. “Hey Rocky. Reggie’s all ready to play and we were wondering if we could carry Tommy with us in the trailer? We’ll get him to the park faster, more time to play.”

“This trailer’s Reggie’s?” Tommy asked, impressed.

“Yep, and he wanted to share a ride with you and the others, we already scooped up Cero and Mike, and we’ll be going to pick up Leon next.”

Rocky nodded. “Tommy can ride.” Rocky then jumped into Tommy’s magic collar.

“Okay... could you let me in?” Tommy asked.

“With pleasure, Tommy.” Fang said as he opened the trailer and let Tommy in.


Leon has just finished breakfast and was cuddling with Karic.

Karic looked down at Leon. “Are you ready to see something special, Leon? I promise it won’t hurt.”

“You know I write TF stories. You wanna turn me into a Riolu, right?”

Kanga and Karic were BOTH surprised. “Y-yeah, that’s exactly what I was going to do!”

“Can it be slowly, with pauses, so I can enjoy it? Please?” Leon asked.

Karic nodded and placed Leon on his lap. “Of course I can do that, Leon. Anything for my little bro.” He then placed a paw over Leon’s chest and focused his aura to begin the transformation.

Leon looked down at his hands and watched as a smooth oval shape appeared on the back of his hands while his fingers merged together and became a three fingered paw. His arms soon shrunk down and became covered in blue fur as the transformation stopped.

“My new paws are so cute!” Leon said, loving the new paws. “Can I have my tail and legs next please?”

“It’s coming up right now.” Karic said as he focused more of his aura into Leon, Causing a small blue tail to pop out of his tailbone. Light blue fur grew in on the top of his legs as they became digitrade while the bottom part and feet were covered in black fur, the soles of the feet gaining pawpads and two toes disappearing from each foot as they became paws.

“Feels... so good...” Leon said, as Aura paused the pokefication again. “All those stories, and now I get to feel it too. In a good way too, no tearing clothes, no painful snaps or stretching, no brainwashing... and this is permanent, right?”

“This will be permanent. That way you can have a lot of fun as Leon the Riolu.” Karic said as he petted Leon’s head.

“With you, Kanga, the other Pokemon, and even my friends, right?” Leon asked, feeling the aura in this chest and neck.

“That is correct, Leon.” Karic said as a band of yellow fur grew in around Leon’s neck while black fur grew in on his torso and back with a peak in the middle as well.

“Almost there...” Leon leaned on Karic. “Thank you, big bro. I never wanna be human again.”

“You’re welcome, little bro.” Karic said as he focused a little more aura into Leon to finish off his transformation. Two oval shaped sensors grew in on Leon’s head as his ears moved to the top of his head and became pointed. He watched as his nose darkened and became black while his mouth and nose painlessly shifted into a muzzle while a stripe of black fur grew in between his eyes and formed a mask. Leon was now an adorable Riolu cub. The cub simply leaned against his brother, as Kanga placed collar on Leon, and got him into a Blue Winter Suit.

“This collar contains all your Pokemon, and you can call them anytime. Karic and I can even jump in and wait if needed.” Kanga said.

“And... the bundle up is for?” Leon asked, as Karic was bundled up.

“It’s to keep you warm while we walk to the party.” Karic said when a sound could be heard coming from outside.

Ding! Dong! Went the doorbell.

“Now who could that be at the door?” Karic said as he walked over and opened the door.

It was Fang.

“Hey, that’s Reggie’s Houndoom partner, Fang!” Leon said.

“Hey Karic. Do you mind if I take Leon with us to the party?” Fang said.

“How?” Karic asked.

“I brought a special trailer to carry several of the kids in. Reggie, Tommy, Cero, and Mike are all buckled in snug, and we saved the final seat for Leon.”

“If that’s the case, then yeah Leon can travel with you.” Karic said as he and Kanga entered the collar around Leon’s neck. Fang then gently ushered Leon into the trailer and headed off towards the party. The inside was really nice, bigger on the inside, with the five seats set in a row. Reggie, Tommy, Cero, and Mike were all snug in seats, with one seat next to Reggie being empty.

“...Who... is who?” Leon asked, as the cubs noticed him.

The Houndour with the blue collar spoke up first. “I’m Reggie. The popplio with the sea green collar is Mike, The totodile with a cream collar is Cero, and Tommy’s the rockruff with a vibrant blue collar. Does that clear things up for you Leon?”

Leon nodded, happy to be with friends, then the straps of the first seat magically reached out and gently wrapped around Leon's limbs, picking him up and bringing him into the seat, buckling him up all snug and cozy, then tucking him in with a pillow and blanket, and reclining his seat.

“Is everyone ready back there?” Fang asked.

“Leon’s all buckled up.” Reggie replied, he then looked at Leon. “I set it for extra cozy, just for you.”

“Thank you, Reggie.” The Riolu snuggled as the trailer was zipped up, and Fang trotted off.


At the park, the Litten’s group were still chatting with Litten’s father.

“So they’re all coming here?” Electrike asked, as a Ponyta was melting snow to make a large area for the big Pokemon to set up tables and chairs, and some grills and stuff.

“Yep. We have to make sure everything is all set up before the party starts.”

“So we’re not visiting them at their houses?” Buneary asked.

“That’s correct, little one. Arc wanted us to have an area ready for them to have a winter party.”

First to arrive was Orion and Sirius.

“We’re here now, papa. Can we go play with the other pokemon?” Orion asked.

Just as Orion said that, Ryan Pyrrha and Mark showed up behind them.

“Orion? Sirius?” Ryan asked, remembering his friends’ favorite Pokemon.

The two kids nodded their heads. “Yeah it’s us, Ryan.”

The Charmander hugged his friends happily. “Great to see you! You look cute as Pokemon, especially all bundled up like that.”

“Thanks, you look adorable as well.” Sirius said.

Then Fang arrived with the trailer. “Greetings all.”

“Greetings Fang!” Everyone present said as Fang opened the trailer. First, out came Mike.

“Hi guys.” The Popplio smiled.

“Hi Mike.” Sirius said as he gave him a hug.

“Do I make a good Popplio?” Mike asked.

“Yeah, you look so cute and adorable Mike.”

Next came Tommy. “Hi guys!” He barked and wagged his tail. “Do I make an adorable puppy? Do I?”

Mike nodded. “Cutest puppy ever!”

Cero stepped out of the trailer and gave Sirius a hug. “Hey dude! Do you think I look amazing?”

“Whoa! Cero’s a Johto cub too!” Ryan said excitedly. “Think anyone got turned into a Bulbasaur we’ll have the Kanto trio?”

Cero shook his head. “I don’t think so, Ryan, but I think one of the cubs we can play with is a Bulbasaur though.”

Leon hopped out next. “Hey! We all made it to Poke-hood!” He said.

“Welcome back, Leon!” Orion said as he gave him a hug. But then the kids noticed how Leon was a cub, just like them.

“Wait, why are you a cub as well?” Sirius asked.

“Kanga decided I’m done being the big brother...”

As Leon said that, Reggie stepped out of the trailer and walked over. “And what about me?”

“Reggie!” Ryan said happily.

Reggie smiled and ran over to Ryan, receiving a hug from the charmander. “Nice to see you again, Ryan! Are you doing okay?”

“Better than ever, I’ve got a momma and brother, and I’m happy!”

“I’ve got a momma and a papa in the form of Fang and Lilica and a really big bro in Vincent.”

“You got Vincent?” Tommy asked.

“Yeah, he’s a Krookodile. Here, let me call him.” Reggie said as he focused on his collar, a bright light emanating from it as well. Soon, Vincent was standing in front of Reggie and Tommy.

“Reggie, I think Tommy is sad that a caretaker wasn’t turned into a brother for him.” Leon said. He then called Kanga. “Mommy?” He asked.

“Yes Leon, what is it?” Kanga asked him.

“Can we merge families with Tommy? So Karic can be his big brother too?” Leon asked, to Tommy’s surprise.

“Sure we can, Leon. That way, Tommy can be your bro as well.”

Leon then happily hugged Tommy, and the two were coated in an aura, as they were bonded as brothers.

Tommy was excited when Leon did that.

Then Karic was called, “So, Tommy, you weren’t happily with a caretaker you could trust?” He asked, retracting his chest spike and picking up Tommy.

“No Karic, which was strange.”

“Well how do you feel now?” Karic asked, hugging the puppy.

“Much better, thank you.”

“I see you’re all here.” A human like voice said.

All of the Pokemon in the area turned and looked at the location where the voice was coming from. In front of them was a tall human in a sleek blue blazer with black boots and blue gloves, dressed for the winter party.

“Who... are you?” Leon asked, quickly running to Kanga, who tucked him and Tommy into her pouch snug and safe.

“You...may call me Arc, little cub. I’m the master of Poke-Paradise.”

“But... but... you’re human...”

“Really? I figured you’d feel more trusting of a human guise, but very well.” In a glow of light. Arc turned into a Shiny . “Is this better?” He asked.

The cubs stared in awe at the shiny mew in front of them.

“What? I’m just a Mew?”

“JUST a Mew?!”

“Yes, I may be considered ‘Legendary’ but at the end of the day, I’m a Pokemon all the same, just like you kids.” Arc said.

“Does that mean you’ll play with us?”

“Of course, little ones. But first, I need to give you the full explaination for your New Year’s Reward.”

“New Year’s Reward.”

“Indeed, just like how St Nick has his top of the nice list reward.”

“Wait... Santa’s real?”

“You bet. OH! And a message from him, you’re all permanent Nice List.”

“Oh wow!”

Reggie looked a little sad though. “But what will happen to the others?”

“If you mean the others at the orphanage, they’ll be joining you, the night isn’t over in the Human World, so we’ll make sure all four kids come to Poke-Paradise by human New Year’s Day.”

“Really? That’s so awesome, Arc!” Reggie said as Arc flew over and petted him.

“Anyway, Poke-Paradise is meant as a sort of Heaven on Earth, a reward for good kids who survive despite the shackles of the world.”

“And what do you mean by that, Arc?” Sirius asked.

“Which part?” Ark asked in return.

“How is this a special place?”

“Pokemon are real, you’re all Pokemon here, no cruelty, bullying, or corruption. Immortality, Eternal Youth, all the things you need and want, the families you all deserve. The place is meant to give you eternal lives of peace, happiness, and love.”

Sirius was left with a look of awe on his face. “Oh wow, that sounds so much better, Mister Arc!”

“That’s the point, a better home and life for the children who survived the cruelties of the human world.”

“So all our friends will be Pokemon too?” Leon asked.

“Yes, that’s right Leon.” Arc said as he flew over to him, coming into the pouch. “Soon, everyone will join you in this paradise. Hey this pouch is comfy.”

Kanga blushed a little when Arc said that. “That’s nice to hear, Arc. You may stay in here if you want to.”

“Thank you. Now then, Incineroar, is the party ready?”

“Yeah, Arc it’s ready. I even got the grill all fired up to cook burgers.”

“Okay then. Children, I and several members of Poke-Paradise are holding a New Years party, to welcome you home.”

With that, the New Year’s Party was kicked off, and the kids are treated to LOTS of fun and good food.


But with all things, the party, and the day ended, as the pokemon took their cubs home to tuck them in.


First was Sirius and Orion, as Lance got the tuckered out cubs to their room.

“Good night, you two.”

Next after them was Reggie getting tucked into bed by Vincent.

“All cozy, little pup?” Fang asked.

“Yes I am papa.”

“Okay, night-night.” Fang smiled.

Over at another house, Chomp was busy tucking in Cero and handed him a plushie.

“For good little totodile?” Cero asked.

“No, for the best little bro I could ever ask for.” Chomp said while giving Cero a hug.

“Awww, thank you.”

Mike was already asleep in the flippers of Angel. “Barker, honey, can you get our sweetie a blanket and pillow? He looks so comfy in my flippers.”

“Sure Angel, I can do that.” Barker said as he grabbed a pillow and gently placed Mike on it.

“Promise this all isn’t a dream?” Ryan asked, Mark getting him into his new blue footies.

“No sweetie, this is not a dream. I promise.” Pyrrha said.

“Thank you for rescuing me, Mommy.” Ryan said

“You’re welcome, Ryan.” Pyrrha said as she tucked Ryan to bed.

“Good night,”

And finally, Kanga gets her two cubs into their matching Blue camo mitted footies, as Karic tucked them into their beds.

“More fun tomorrow?” Leon asked.

“Yes we can, Leon.”

“Me too?” Tommy asked.

“You too, Tommy.” Kanga said.

“Night.” Both said, as they got cozy in bed.

“Good night, you two.” Kanga said.

As soon as Kanga tucked them into bed and closed the door, she noticed Arc yawning and heavy-eyed.

“Awww, Mew getting tired.”

“But... I’m the Paradise... master...”

“Sssshhhh.” Kanga said, cuddling the Mew cub. “You’re a Pokemon, and a child, you need your sleep too. Let us Pokemon run things, you deserve a rest.” She got the Mew into pajamas.

“Oh, alright, Kanga. You... take good care of the place in my absence.” Arc said.

“You’re not going anywhere.” Kanga said, tucking the Mew into her pouch. Arc could feel Kanga accessing his powers. “Let Kanga take charge, you’re hereby on break.”

“I...know...Kanga. I’m very grateful for you taking care of me as well.” Arc spoke as he fell asleep in her pouch.

Kanga looked at Karic. “Before you go to bed, tell group two the light is green for their turn, they have one human hour to collect the next group.”

Karic nodded. “I understand, Kanga. I’ll go tell them right away.” He soon left the room and ran off to tell the Incineroar that it was their turn to collect a group of kids to be brought into the paradise.