

( www.TriviaChamp.com )

1> According to the rhyme "Sing a song of sixpence", whom is the pie full of blackbirds for?

a. The birthday child b. The king c. The knave d. The old maid

2> In which book would you find a Nerd, a Nerkle and a Seersucker?

a. The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe b. The Wizard of OZ c. If I Ran the Zoo d. Alice in Wonderland

3> Which video game has the characters , and Goombas?

a. Bros b. The Sims c. The Kingdom of Hearts d. The Legend of Zelda

4> Which stuffed toy has an online world?

a. Jumbo Love b. Build a Bear c. Gundy d. Webkniz

5> In the movie Pokemon, which creature is made by scientists?

a. Vileplume b. c. d. Squirtle

6> What color is a ruby?

a. Pink b. Green c. Red d. Yellow

7> Which candy slogan is "Melts in your mouth, not in your hands"?

a. Starburst b. M and Ms c. Skittles d. Snickers

8> Where would you wear a beanie?

a. On your feet b. On your head c. on your legs d. On your hands

9> What is another world for pollywog?

a. Pupa b. Tadpole c. Signet d. Cocoon

10> Which of these is not a kind of butterfly?

a. Swallowtail b. Yellow jacket c. Monarch d. Peacock

11> How many railroads are there on a standard Monopoly board?

a. 8 b. 4 c. 12 d. 2

12> Where would you find a polar bear?

a. Brazil b. Canada c. Australia d. Kenya

13> How many sides are on a triangle?

a. 1 b. 4 c. 6 d. 3

14> What instrument does a doctor use to determine if a person has a fever?

a. Thermometer b. Tachometer c. Barometer d. Stethoscope

15> What made Captain James Cook famous?

a. He was an inventor b. He wrote children’s books c. He was an explorer d. He is an actor

16> What is another word for reindeer?

a. Marmot b. Lynx c. Caribou d. Puma

17> What is the capital of Mexico?

a. Istanbul b. Madrid c. Vienna d. Mexico City


1> The king - According to the rhyme, the birds began to sing when the pie was opened. 2> If I Ran the Zoo - Dr. Seuss wrote the book. 3> Mario Bros - This game also includes Bowzer and Warrio. 4> Webkniz - The Ganz Toy Company introduced these toys. 5> Mewtwo - According to the movie, scientists were trying to clone . 6> Red - Rubies are precious gem stones. 7> M and Ms - M and Ms are candy come in peanut and chocolate varieties. 8> On your head - A beanie hat is also called a skully. 9> Tadpole - A pollywog is a young frog. 10> Swallowtail - Yellow jacket is a type of wasp. 11> 4 - There are four railroads and two utilities. 12> Canada - Polar Bears live in the arctic. 13> 3 - A square has four sides. 14> Thermometer - A stethoscope is used to hear a person's heart. 15> He was an explorer - Captain James cook is known for exploring the west coast of the United States. 16> Caribou - Reindeer are normally called caribou in North America. 17> Mexico City - Madrid is the capital of Spain.

Source: Children's Trivia Questions VII - TriviaChamp.com