Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver Johto Pokedex Locations of All 254(+2) Pokemon in Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver Needed to Complete the Johto Pokedex
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver Johto Pokedex Locations of all 254(+2) Pokemon in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver needed to complete the Johto Pokedex. Contains Story Spoilers. Contains the most common/easiest locations or requirements for obtaining each Pokemon. Pokemon may be found in locations not listed. Information pulled multiple sources, including the "Official Pokemon Johto Guide and Johto Pokedex Vol. 1" and Serebii.net 001: Chikorita - Starter 002: Bayleef - Evolve from Chikorita (level 16) 003: Meganium - Evolve from Bayleef (level 32) 004: Cyndaquil - Starter 005: Quilava - Evolve from Cyndaquil (level 14) 006: Typhlosion - Evolve from Quilava (level 36) 007: Totodile - Starter 008: Croconaw - Evolve from Totodile (level 18) 009: Feraligatr - Evolve from Croconaw (level 30) 010: Pidgey - Route 29 (morning/day), Route 30 (morning/day) 011: Pidgeotto - Evolve from Pidgey (level 18), Route 43 (morning/day) 012: Pidgeot - Evolve from Pidgeotto (level 36) 013: Spearow - Route 33 (morning/day), Route 42 (morning/day) 014: Fearow - Evolve from Spearow (level 20), Route 47 015: Hoothoot - Route 29 (night), Route 30 (night) 016: Noctowl - Evolve from Hoothoot (level 20), Ilex Forest (night) 017: Rattata - Route 29, Sprout Tower 018: Raticate - Evolve from Rattata (level 20), Route 38 019: Sentret - Route 29 (morning, day) 020: Furret - Evolve from Sentret (level 15) 021: Pichu - Breed Pikachu or Raichu then hatch the resulting egg 022: Pikachu - Viridian Forest (in Kanto), Trade from D/P/Pt, Evolve from Pichu (level with maximum friendness) 023: Raichu - Evolve from Pikachu (Thunderstone) 024: Caterpie - HEARTGOLD VERSION SEMI-EXCLUSIVE. HeartGold: Route 30. Both Versions: Bug-Catching Contest in National Park 025: Metapod - Evolve from Caterpie (level 7), Bug-Catching Contest in National Park (both versions) 026: Butterfree - Evolve from Metapod (level 10), Bug-Catching Contest in National Park (both versions) 027: Weedle - SOULSILVER VERSION SEMI-EXCLUSIVE.
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