Deities of Smashfinder

The worlds that collide in Super Smash Brothers have a number of deities between them – so if the normal platter of pantheons just isn't for you, here are some options you might enjoy!

Palutena, Goddess of Light

Alignment: Lawful Good

Domains: Good, Protection, Sun, Trickery

Subdomains: Archon, Purity, Light, Deception

Titles: Lady Palutena, Ruler of Angel Land

Sacred Animal: None

Sacred Colors: White, Blue, and Gold

Favored Weapon: Bow

Holy Symbol: A halo with six feathers protruding from the bottom half. Palutena, as the rightful ruler of Angel Land and Goddess of Light, is the protectress of humanity and source of its prosperity. While this brings her into occasional conflict with Viridi, the two will always side with one another in the face of a greater threat. Notably, she opposes Tabuu on principle, if not personally, and sent her favored servant to combat the Subspace Army during their invasion some time ago.

Din, Farore, and Nayru, the Golden Goddesses

Alignment: Neutral Good (Din is Chaotic Good, Farore is Neutral Good, and Nayru is Lawful Good)

Domains: Good, Air, Fire, Water, Glory

Subdomains: Angel, Redemption, Heroism, Honor

Titles: The Three Goddesses, the Triforce, the Creators, Goddess of Power/Courage/Wisdom

Sacred Animal: None

Sacred Colors: Green, Blue, and Red

Favored Weapon: Longsword Holy Symbol: Three golden equilateral triangles, arranged into a larger equilateral triangle.

As the fabled creators of both the land of Hyrule and the mighty artifact known as the Triforce, Din,

Farore, and Nayru are inextricably linked to that land. The legend tells that Din forged the land of

Hyrule, from the mountains to the seas – that Naryu gave the land laws and order, to be followed – and at last, Farore created all the living things which would populate that land and follow its laws. Since then, they have intervened to protect the innocent on multiple occasions, whether in person or acting through their champions. One such champion, the Hylian named Link, stood against the forces of

Subspace during its most recent invasion, and this has earned the Golden Goddesses no small amount of ire from Tabuu.

Yune, The Lost Emotion Alignment: Chaotic Good

Domains: Chaos, Liberation, Glory

Subdomains: Transformation, Whimsy, Revelry, Freedom, Revolution, Heroism

Titles: Chaos Incarnate, Dark God (by followers of Ashera), Ashunera's Heart

Sacred Animal: Songbirds

Sacred Colors: Orange, Green, and Red

Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff

Holy Symbol: An orange songbird clasping a heart.

Long ago, the goddess Ashunera saw two peoples – Beorc and Laguz – at war, and in attempting to stop them, flooded all but one continent, destroying nearly everything. Disgusted with her own emotional outburst, she cast aside her heart to become Ashera, the Goddess of Order and Restriction.

The discarded emotions, however, coalesced into Yune, the Goddess of Chaos and Transformation, who has proven herself more than willing to interfere on behalf of both races – when Ashera turned the majority of both peoples to stone, it was Yune who led a young mage to ally with heroes and revolutionaries to restore life to them.

Arceus, the Original One

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Domains: Animal, Glory, Law, Nobility

Subdomains: Feather, Fur, Honor, Judgement, Loyalty, Leadership

Titles: The Alpha Pokemon Sacred Animal: All

Sacred Colors: White, Yellow, and Gray

Favored Weapon: Spear

Holy Symbol: A circle with four points extending outwards in an “x” shape, which are then connected near the tips on each side by two crescents.

As the creator of the universe from which all Pokemon originate, it might come as a surprise that direct worship of is rare. This can be attributed to the fact that Arceus is slow to act on matters that do not warrant divine justice. His creations and heralds, the Legendary Pokemon, are usually far more active in the world – as when Rayquaza descends from its home in the skies to put a stop to the squabbles of Groudon and Kyogre. Some of its minor creations stood in the fight against Tabuu not long ago – notably, a , a , an Ivysaur, a , a Lucario, and a .

Master Hand and Crazy Hand, Arbiters of the Tournament

Alignment: Neutral (Master Hand: Lawful Neutral, Crazy Hand: Chaotic Neutral) Domains: Glory, Destruction, Strength, War

Subdomains: Heroism, Catastrophe, Competition, Duels

Titles: The Hands, The Gloves, The Twins

Sacred Colors: White, Gray, and Red

Sacred Animal: None

Favored Weapon: Unarmed Strike

Holy Symbol: A circle with a line crossing it at exactly the halfway point between top and bottom, and another line perpendicular to that which runs from top to bottom and splits the right fourth of the circle from the other ¾ to the left of it.

These divine brothers oversee the Smash Brothers tournaments, and are noted for taking on the most powerful Smashers in person. While neither seems to possess any moral objectives, what is clear is that the trophies from which Smashers arise are almost certainly the work of Master Hand himself. His brother, Crazy Hand, appears to merely seek strong opponents rather than having any interest in running a formal event. The clergy of the Hands, if any, is small, but their power is well-recognized – the evil Tabuu once sought to control Master Hand forcibly, and temporarily succeeded. It is said that were one to take on both of the brothers in battle simultaneously, they might well reveal a shared true form. To this day, the followers of the Hands hold nothing but animosity for those who serve Tabuu or any other inhabitant of Subspace. In all other respects, the Hands hold no enmity or favor towards other deities.

Viridi, the Goddess of Nature Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Domains: Plant, Destruction, Chaos, Weather

Subdomains: Growth, Decay, Hatred, Catastrophe, Transformation, Storms

Titles: Mother Nature, Leader of the Forces of Nature

Sacred Animal: All except humans

Sacred Colors: Green, red, and brown

Favored Weapon:

Holy Symbol: A single yellow eye.

Among the gods of her home dimension, Viridi is notable for her specific grudge against humanity.

While Palutena seeks to protect the world and all its , the Underworld Army destroys indiscriminately, and more minor gods like Pyrrhon and Poseidon guard only their particular domains, Viridi holds mankind in specific contempt for what she sees as its usurpation of the natural order and their inclinations towards violence. Few mortals would dare point out how similar her own tendencies are, or the manic glee she expresses when leveling a city with one of the mighty Reset Bombs.

Mechonis, the Machine God

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Domains: Artifice, War, Law, Strength

Subdomains: Construct, Industry, Duels, Tyranny, Ferocity

Titles: The Machine, the Black Titan

Sacred Animal: Constructs

Sacred Colors: Black, Grey, and Silver Favored Weapon: Greatsword

Unholy Symbol: A curved rust-red greatsword with a half-gear attached to the side of the hilt.

At the beginning of time, this mighty creature of metal and oil was locked in pitched combat against the White Titan, Bionis. The two were evenly matched – so much so that they slew one another, yet did not die. Their fallen bodies make up the two halves of the world that knows them best, and the living races spawned from Bionis' flesh fear the insatiable and conquering Mechon for good reason. It is said that only the Monado, the sword the Bionis wielded in battle, can truly defeat Mechonis – but it remains to be seen whether the sword's current wielder is up to the task.

Tabuu, Master of Subspace Alignment: Neutral Evil

Domains: Evil, Void, Darkness, Protection

Subdomains: Fear, Corruption, Dark Tapestry, Loss, Solitude

Titles: The Subspace Emissary

Sacred Animal:

Sacred Colors: Black, Purple, Green

Favored Weapon: Axe

Unholy Symbol: A pair of butterfly wings that appear to be made from blades.

Tabuu has been foiled once, but only barely. As the master of Subspace, he seeks to pull all other worlds into his own, and will stop at nothing until this goal is achieved. To this end, he sends his

Subspace Army to conquer any world he can find an entry to, and once they are there, the Subspace

Bombs he produces are distributed throughout, pulling bits and pieces of the world in question into

Subspace. This undying hunger (and a previous incident of a personal sort) has made Tabuu a specific enemy of the Hands, and has earned him no love from Palutena.

Giygas, the Almighty Idiot Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Domains: Evil, Chaos, Madness, Destruction

Subdomains: Fear, Qlippoth, Insanity, Nighmare, Hatred

Titles: The Evil Power, The Universal Cosmic Destroyer, The Embodiment of Evil

Sacred Animal: None

Sacred Colors: Black, Red

Favored Weapon: Dagger

Unholy Symbol: A screaming, distorted face.

Originally an alien named Geigue, the incomprehensible Giygas is the result of that being's fusion with the Apple of Enlightenment and the Evil Power its PSI granted it access to. Few can claim to comprehend its motives – and those who can know that it has none. This practically mindless entity threatens reality not by schemes and antagonism, but by the very impossibility of its existence. Its greatest enemy, a boy named Ness, is a well-known Smasher and adventurer.