Analysis of Innovation in the Video Game Industry
Master’s Degree in Management Innovation and Marketing Final Thesis Analysis of Innovation in the Video Game Industry Supervisor Ch. Prof. Giovanni Favero Assistant Supervisor Ch. Prof. Maria Lusiani Graduand Elena Ponza Matriculation number 873935 Academic Year 2019 / 2020 I II Alla mia famiglia, che c’è stata quando più ne avevo bisogno e che mi ha sostenuta nei momenti in cui non credevo di farcela. A tutti i miei amici, vecchi e nuovi, per tutte le parole di conforto, le risate e la compagnia. A voi che siete parte di me e che, senza che vi chieda nulla, ci siete sempre. Siete i miei fiorellini. Senza di voi tutto questo non sarebbe stato possibile. Grazie, vi voglio bene. III IV Abstract During the last couple decades video game consoles and arcades have been subjected to the unexpected, swift development and spread of mobile gaming. What is it though that allowed physical platforms to yet maintain the market share they have over these new and widely accessible online resources? The aim of this thesis is to provide a deeper understanding of the concept of innovation in the quickly developing world of video games. The analysis is carried out with qualitative methods, one based on technological development in the context of business history and one on knowledge exchange and networking. Throughout this examination it has been possible to explore what kind of changes and innovations were at first applied by this industry and then extended to other fields. Some examples would be motion control technology, AR (Augmented Reality) or VR (Virtual Reality), which were originally developed for the video game industry and eventually were used in design, architecture or in the medical field.
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