New Years Reset Pokemon TF/AR by Wolf-Prince-Leon & Regulus58
New Years Reset Pokemon TF/AR By Wolf-Prince-Leon & Regulus58 ~~~ It was a cold new year's eve in St Tobias, with snow and ice all around. It was a particularly harsh year as no one wanted to adopt any child at all, as more came in, while the older kids were getting worried they would never find a new place to call home. But eight kids out of what was now forty, stood out. ~~~ A young boy about seven in age was frowning as a caretaker spoke with him. “N...No adopters today?” he asked, tearing up a bit. “No, unfortunately. I wish I could help you find a family that’s looking for such a sweet and caring boy to love as their own son, but no one’s looking.” The caretaker said back. “I’m sorry Tommy.” Young Tommy was literally the newest orphan at the orphanage, having just lost his family in a fire. A sweet, lovable little bro who deserves a good family, yet no one wanted him. “I do have this for you.” the caretaker then helped Tommy into an adorable set of Rockruff mitted, hooded, footies, compete with paws for the hands and feet, ears on the hood, and even a little tail. “Thank you, Vincent.” Tommy hugged the caretaker. “Alright, little pup. Time for bed.” Vincent said, tucking Tommy into bed with his Rockruff plushie. “Here’s hoping for 2017.” Tommy nodded, before falling asleep. ~~~ Over at another corner of the orphanage, another kid was slipping in and out of sleep in front of a tv when a caretaker came in.
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