Publications Max-Planck-Institut Fur¨ Festkorperforschung¨

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Publications Max-Planck-Institut Fur¨ Festkorperforschung¨ Publications Max-Planck-Institut fur¨ Festkorperforschung¨ PUBLICATIONS Adelhelm, P., Y.S. Hu, L. Chuenchom, M. Antonietti, B.M. Smarsly and J. Maier. Generation of hierarchical meso- and macroporous carbon from mesophase pitch by spinodal decomposition using polymer templates. Advanced Materials 19, 4012–4017 (2007). Ahrens, M., R. Merkle, B. Rahmati and J. Maier. Effective masses of electrons in n-type SrTiO3 determined from low-temperature specific heat capacities. Physica B 393, 239–248 (2007). Alawadhi, H., S. Tsoi, X. Lu, A.K. Ramdas, M. Grimsditch, M. Cardona and R. Lauck. Effect of temperature on isotopic mass dependence of excitonic band gaps in semiconductors: ZnO. Physical Review B 75, 205207 (2007). Albrecht, J., M. Djupmyr, S. Soltan, H.-U. Habermeier, M.R. Connolly and S.J. Bending. Inhomogeneous vortex distribution and magnetic coupling in oxide superconductor-ferromagnet hybrids. New Journal of Physics 9, 379 (2007). Albrecht, J., A.T. Matveev and H.-U. Habermeier. Unusual propagation of magnetic avalanches in gold cov- ered MgB2.PhysicaC460, 1245–1246 (2007). Albrecht, J., A.T. Matveev, J. Strempfer, H.-U. Habermeier, D.V. Shantsev, Y.M. Galperin and T.H. Johansen. Dramatic Role of Critical Current Anisotropy on Flux Avalanches in MgB2 Films. Physical Review Letters 98, 117001 (2007). Ali, N.Z.J. see Nuss, J. Amin, R., P. Balaya and J. Maier. Anisotropy of Electronic and Ionic Transport in LiFePO4 Single Crystals. Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 10, A13–A16 (2007). Amsharov, K.Y. and M. Jansen. Formation of fullerenes by pyrolysis of perchlorofulvalene and its deriva- tives. Carbon 45, 117–123 (2007). Amsharov, K.Y. and M. Jansen.C48 buckybowl and C60 fullerene precursors on the basis of truxenone. Zeitschrift fur¨ Naturforschung B 62, 1497–1508 (2007). Amsharov, K.Y., K. Simeonov and M. Jansen. Formation of fullerenes by pyrolysis of 1,2’-binaphthyl and 1,3-oligonaphthylene. Carbon 45, 337–343 (2007). Amsharov, K.Y. see Simeonov, K.S. Andersen, O.K. see Boeri, L.; De Raychaudhury, M.; Mazin, I.I.; Poteryaev, A.I.; Xie, W.H.; Zurek, E. de Andrade, M.J., M.D. Lima, V. Skakalova, C.P. Bergmann and S. Roth. Electrical properties of transpar- ent carbon nanotube networks prepared through different techniques. physica status solidi (b) 1, 178–180 (2007). de Andrade, M.J., M.D. Lima, L. Stein, C.P. Bergmann and S. Roth. Single-walled carbon nanotube silica composites obtained by an inorganic sol-gel route. physica status solidi (b) 244, 4218–4222 (2007). Ansaldo, A., M. Haluska, J. Cech, J.C. Meyer, D. Ricci, F. Gatti, E. Di Zitti, S. Cincotti and S. Roth. A study of the effect of different catalysts for the efficient CVD growth of carbon nanotubes on silicon substrates. Physica E 37, 6–10 (2007). Ansaldo, A., V. Skakalova, E. Di Zitti, D. Ricci and S. Roth. Catalytic chemical vapour deposition growth of single wall carbon nanotube films on different substrates for transparent electronic devices. physica status solidi (b) 244, 3935–3938 (2007). Antonakos, A., E. Liarokapis, G.H. Aydogdu and H.-U. Habermeier. Strain effects on La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 thin films. Materials Science and Engineering B 144, 83–88 (2007). Argyriou, D.N., N. Aliouane, J. Strempfer, I. Zegkinoglou, B. Bohnenbuck, K. Habicht and M. von Zimmermann. Melting of incommensurate-ferroelectric phase with magnetic field in multiferroic TbMnO3. Physical Review B 75, 020101R (2007). 99 Max-Planck-Institut fur¨ Festkorperforschung¨ Publications Arita, R. and K. Held. Dynamical cluster approximation study of d- and p-wave pairing in the Hubbard model at T → 0. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310, 645–647 (2007). Arita, R., K. Held, A.V. Lukoyanov and V.I. Anisimov. Doped Mott insulator as the origin of heavy-fermion behavior in LiV2O4. Physical Review Letters 98, 166402 (2007). Arita, R., A. Yamasaki, K. Held, J. Matsuno and K. Kuroki.Sr2VO4 and Ba2VO4 under pressure: An orbital switch and potential d1 superconductor. Physical Review B 75, 174521 (2007). 1 Arita, R., A. Yamasaki, K. Held, J. Matsuno and K. Kuroki.Designofad-analogue of cuprates: Sr2VO4 and Ba2VO4 under pressure. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19, 365204 (2007). Arrigoni, E., M. Daghofer, M. Aichhorn and W. Hanke. Variational cluster treatment of the three-band Hubbard model: Electron vs. hole doping. Physica C 460, 981–982 (2007). Arulraj, A., R.E. Dinnebier, S. Carlson, M. Hanfland and S. van Smaalen. Strain effects in perovskite manganites. Progress in Solid State Chemistry 35, 367–377 (2007). Arumugam, N., E.-M. Peters and M. Jansen. Synthesis and crystal structure of K6Mo10O33. Zeitschrift fur¨ Naturforschung B 62, 1–4 (2007). Assmus, T., K. Balasubramanian, M. Burghard, K. Kern, M. Scolari, N. Fu, A. Myalitsin and A. Mews. Raman properties of gold nanoparticle-decorated individual carbon nanotubes. Applied Physics Letters 90, 173109 (2007). Assmus, T. see Burghard, M. Ast, C.R., J. Henk, A. Ernst, L. Moreschini, M.C. Falub, D. Pacile,´ P. Bruno, K. Kern and M. Grioni.Giant spin splitting through surface alloying. Physical Review Letters 98, 186807 (2007). Ast, C.R., G. Wittich, P. Wahl, R. Vogelgesang, D. Pacile,´ M.C. Falub, L. Moreschini, M. Papagno, M. Grioni and K. Kern. Local detection of spin-orbit splitting by scanning tunneling spectroscopy. Physical Review B 75, 201401 (2007). Aydogdu, G.H., Y. Kuru and H.-U. Habermeier. Structural and electrical properties of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 films deposited on differently oriented SrTiO3 substrates. Materials Science and Engineering B 144, 123–126 (2007). Aynajian, P. see Keller, T. Babizhetskyy, V., K. Hiebl, R.K. Kremer, Hj. Mattausch and A. Simon. Crystal chemistry and physical prop- erties of the ternary compounds R10B9C12 (R = La, Ce, Pr, Nd). Solid State Sciences 9, 1126–1134 (2007). Babizhetskyy, V., O. Isnard and K. Hiebl. Intermediate valence behaviour of the ternary Cerium-Nickel- Phosphide, Ce2Ni12P7. Solid State Communications 142, 80–84 (2007). Babizhetskyy, V., A. Simon and K. Hiebl. Single crystal investigation and physical properties of the binary compound CeB4. Zeitschrift fur¨ Naturforschung B 62, 896–900 (2007). Babizhetskyy, V., C. Zheng, Hj. Mattausch and A. Simon. Ternary rare earth metal boride carbides containing two-dimensional boron-carbon network: The crystal and electronic structure of R2B4C(R=Tb,Dy,Ho,Er). Journal of Solid State Chemistry 180, 3515–3520 (2007). Babizhetskyy, V. see Kienle, L.; Kim, J.S.; Smetana, V.; Zelinska, M. Baitinger, M., H.G. von Schnering, J.H. Chang, K. Peters and Y. Grin. Crystal structure of sodium barium silicide (2:6:46), Na2Ba6Si46. Zeitschrift fur¨ Kristallographie: New Crystal Structures 222, 87–88 (2007). Balasubramanian, K. see Assmus, T.; Burghard, M.; Lee, E.J.H.; Maroto, A.; Schlecht, U. Balaya, P., J. Jamnik, J. Fleig and J. Maier. Mesoscopic hole conduction in nanocrystalline SrTiO3 –A detailed analysis by impedance spectroscopy. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 154, P69–P76 (2007). Balci, S., K. Noda, A.M. Bittner, A. Kadri, C. Wege, H. Jeske and K. Kern. Self-assembly of metal-virus nanodumbbells. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 46, 3149–3151 (2007). 100 Publications Max-Planck-Institut fur¨ Festkorperforschung¨ Balog, P., D. Orosel, Z.ˇ Canˇ careviˇ c,´ C. Schon¨ and M. Jansen.V2O5 phase diagram revisited at high pres- sures and high temperatures. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 429, 87–98 (2007). Banks, M.G., F. Heidrich-Meisner, A. Honecker, H. Rakoto, J.M. Broto and R.K. Kremer.Highfield magne- tization of the frustrated one-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet LiCuVO4. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19, 145227 (2007). Banks, M.G. see Lukachuk, M. Bartal, B., I.Z. Kozma, A.G. Stepanov, G. Almasi, J. Kuhl, E. Riedle and J. Hebling. Toward generation of μJ range sub-ps THz pulses by optical rectification. Applied Physics B 86, 419–423 (2007). Baumann, F.S., J. Fleig, G. Cristiani, B. Stuhlhofer, H.-U. Habermeier and J. Maier. Quantitative compar- ison of mixed conducting SOFC cathode materials by means of thin film model electrodes. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 154, B931–B941 (2007). Bayrakci, S. see Bernhard, C.; Keller, T. Bensimon, D. and R. Zeyher. Effective action for phase fluctuations in d-wave superconductors near a Mott transition. European Physical Journal B 59, 141–150 (2007). Bernhard, C., C. Niedermayer, A. Drew, G. Khaliullin, S. Bayrakci, J. Strempfer, R.K. Kremer, D.P. Chen, C.T. Lin and B. Keimer. Muon-spin rotation study of magnetism in NaxCoO2 single crystals with 0.78 ≤ x ≤ 0.97. EPL 80, 27005 (2007). Bishop, A.R., A. Bussmann-Holder, O.V. Dolgov, A. Furrer, H. Kamimura, H. Keller, R. Khasanov, R.K. Kremer, D. Manske, K.A. Muller¨ and A. Simon. Real and marginal isotope effects in cuprate super- conductors. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 20, 393–396 (2007). Bittner, A. see Balci, S.; Gomez-Navarro,´ C.; Yang, Y. Boeri, L., G.B. Bachelet, M. Giantomassi and O.K. Andersen. Electron-phonon interaction in graphite inter- calation compounds. Physical Review B 76, 064510 (2007). Boeri, L. see Kim, J.S.; Kunstmann, J.; Mazin, I.I. Bohnenbuck, B. see Argyriou, D.N.; Nelson, C.S.; Strempfer, J. Boris, A. see Kovaleva, N.N. Bornemann, S., J. Minar,´ J.B. Staunton, J. Honolka, A. Enders, K. Kern and H. Ebert. Magnetic anisotropy of deposited transition metal clusters. European Physical Journal D 45, 529–534 (2007). Bornmann, L., L. Leydesdorff and W. Marx. Citation environment of Angewandte Chemie. Chimia 61, 104–109 (2007). Brydon, P.M.R. The effect of phonons on spin-fluctuation superconductivity. International Journal of Modern Physics B 21, 3075–3077 (2007). Brzezicki, W., J. Dziarmaga and A.M. Ole´s. Quantum phase transition in the one-dimensional compass model. Physical Review B 75, 134415 (2007). Bubnova, R., R.E. Dinnebier, S. Filatov and J.
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