Report Without the Section "Selected Results"

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Report Without the Section “jb” i i 2010/12/1 page 1 i i MAX-PLANCK-INSTITUT für MIKROSTRUKTURPHYSIK HALLE ANNUAL REPORT 2010 01.11.2009 - 31.10.2010 i i i i “jb” i i 2010/12/1 page 2 i i Board of Directors Prof. Dr. Ulrich Gösele († November 08, 2009) Prof. Dr. Peter Fratzl (Interim Director) Prof. Dr. Eberhard Gross Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kirschner Managing Director Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kirschner Representative of the Institute Dipl.-Phys. Detlef Hoehl Address Weinberg 2 D-06120 Halle Tel.: +49-345-5582-50 Fax.: +49-345-5511-223 Secretary Tel.: +49-345-5582-656 Fax.: +49-345-5582-566 E-mail: [email protected] E-Mail J. Kirschner [email protected] D. Hoehl [email protected] WWW i i i i “jb” i i 2010/12/1 page 3 i i Members of the Scientific Advisory Board Prof. Dr. Harald Brune Institut de Physique des Nanostructures, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Prof. Dr. John N. Chapman Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow Prof. Dr. Olof Engström Microtechnology Center at Chalmers (MC2), Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg Prof. Dr. Helmut Eschrig (Chair) Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung, Dresden Prof. Dr. Helmut Föll Technische Fakultät, Universität Kiel Dr. Dominique Givord Institut Néel, Grenoble Prof. Dr. Heinrich Graener Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften, Universität Hamburg Prof. Dr. Balasz L. Gyorffy HH Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol Prof. Dr. Peter Levy Department of Physics, New York University Prof. Dr. Bene Poelsema Faculteit Technische Naturkunde, Universiteit Twente Prof. Dr. Frans Spaepen Division of Applied Physics and Engineering, Harvard University, Cambridge Prof. Dr. Knut Urban Institut für Festkörperforschung, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH i i i i “jb” i i 2010/12/1 page 4 i i Director Emeritus Prof. Dr. Johannes Heydenreich External Scientific Members Prof. Dr. Peter Grünberg Institut für Festkörperforschung, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Prof. Dr. Sajeev John Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Toronto i i i i “jb” i i 2010/12/1 page 5 i i Contents Preface 7 Experimental Department I . 8 Experimental Department II . 9 Theory Department . 10 International Max Planck Research School for Science and Technology of Nanostructures (Nano-IMPRS) . 11 Max Planck Fellow Group - Prof. Mertig . 12 Max Planck Fellow Group - Prof. Widdra . 13 Selected Results 15 Double photoemission illuminates the Auger process . 16 Asymmetric spin-wave dispersion on Fe(110): Direct evidence of Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction . 18 Spin-dependent multiphoton excitations in copper . 20 New model for magnetism in ultrathin fcc-Fe on Cu(001) . 22 Spin-dependent quantum interference within a single magnetic nanostructure . 24 Surface depletion in boron-doped silicon nanowires: Verification by current-voltage measurements and 3-D carrier profiling . 26 Strain in silicon nanoscale systems . 28 Complete characterization of thermoelectric materials by a combined van der Pauw approach . 30 Atomic scale investigations of interfaces of perovskite superlattices combining HAADF-STEM, EELS, EDX and image simulations . 32 Biotemplate synthesis and catalytic properties of Pt nanoparticles embedded in protein spheres . 34 Controlling terahertz magnetization dynamics . 36 Exact factorization of the time-dependent electron-nuclear wavefunction . 38 Magneto-electric coupling via induced surface charge . 40 Time-dependent phenomena in quantum transport . 42 Reduced density matrix functional theory: Towards an ab initio description of strongly correlated systems . 44 Composite multiferroic with giant magnetoelectric coupling: The effect of Fe-Co alloying studied from first principles . 46 The dominance of the extrinsic spin Hall effect for dilute alloys . 48 Personnel 51 Scientific staff and guests . 51 Scientists from abroad . 63 Third-party funds . 63 BMBF Projects . 63 5 i i i i “jb” i i 2010/12/1 page 6 i i Contents DFG Projects . 65 Collaborative Research Centres (DFG Sonderforschungsbereiche) . 66 Projects of Saxony-Anhalt . 67 German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) . 67 Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety . 68 Joint Research Projects: Max Planck Society / Fraunhofer Society . 68 Miscellaneous / Industrial Funding . 68 Doctoral, habilitation and diploma theses . 68 Dissertations . 68 Awards . 69 Invited professorships . 69 Activities in scientific boards . 69 Academies, scientific societies, committees etc. 69 Publishing committees of scientific journals . 71 Preparing committees of conferences . 72 Scientific events 75 Scientific meetings . 75 Joint Colloquia with the Institute of Physics at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg . 75 Joint Colloquia with the Theoretical Physics Group at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg . 76 Institute seminars . 77 Visiting groups . 79 Events for the public at large . 79 University lectures . 79 Publications and presentations 81 Journals and books . 81 Conference proceedings . 99 Invited lectures . 102 Contributed presentations . 120 Invention disclosures, patent applications and patents . 145 Author and editor index . 147 6 i i i i “jb” i i 2010/12/1 page 7 i i Preface The Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics focuses primarily on solid state phenom- ena determined by small dimensions, surfaces and interfaces. Our Institute was founded in 1992 as the Max Planck Society's first institute in Ger- many's new federal states. The Institute has three departments: • Experimental Department I (Director: Prof. Dr. J. Kirschner) • Experimental Department II (former Director: Prof. Dr. U. Gösele, Interim Director: Prof. Dr. P. Fratzl) • Theory Department (Director: Prof. Dr. E. K. U. Gross) and • International Max Planck Research School (Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. E. K. U. Gross) • Max Planck Fellow Group (Head: Prof. Dr. I. Mertig, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg) • Max Planck Fellow Group (Head: Prof. Dr. W. Widdra, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg) Through our research we want to establish relations between the magnetic, electronic, optical, and mechanical properties of solids and their microstructure. We explore thin films, surfaces, and nanocrystalline materials. Our findings provide information for creating new and improved functional or structural materials. Areas of application are, among others, sensorics, opto- and microelectronics. The individual departments' fields of research are outlined in the following three pages. Since April 2005, the Institute hosts the International Max Planck Research School for Science and Technology of Nanostructures (Nano-IMPRS). This is a joint initiative funded by the Max Planck Society and the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt. Our partners are Mar- tin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials Halle. In October 2010, the MPI staff was comprised of 101 positions, including scientific, technical, and administrative personnel. These positions were filled by 42 scientists (22 of those non-tenured) and 59 non-scientists (9 of those non-tenured). Additionally, 11 scientists with a temporary contract were financed by the Max Planck Society. During the period under review, third-party funds financed 50 coworkers including 8 graduates studying for a doctorate. Finally, 90 graduate students and postdocs were financed by the Max Planck Society. Of all those coworkers listed above, 138 came from abroad. 7 i i i i “jb” i i 2010/12/1 page 8 i i Experimental Department I Preface Experimental Department I We do basic research on magnetic properties of materials at reduced dimensionality. This includes magnetic surfaces, thin films, wires, and dots with linear scales of 1 to 1,000 atoms. We are particularly interested in the correlation between structural properties and growth modes of these structures on the one hand, and their magnetic and electronic properties on the other hand. Thin films are grown by molecular beam epitaxy and/or laser ablation. Magnetic wires and dots are made by using specially structured substrates for molecular beam epitaxy. Sur- face structures are analyzed by surface X-ray diffraction, scanning tunneling microscopy, and low energy electron diffraction. Magnetic properties of surfaces, interfaces, and mag- netic nanostructures are analyzed by spin-polarized low energy electron scattering, spin- polarized scanning tunneling microscopy and by photoemission with femtosecond lasers. The magneto-optic Kerr effect serves as a transfer standard between different experiments. Our present interests also include oxides, either as ferromagnets in their own right or as insu- lating films in spin-polarized tunneling devices for magnetoelectronics applications. We are currently exploring experimental ways to reveal electron correlation and positron-electron correlation effects by means of coincidence spectroscopy. Our long-standing (since 2003) enjoyable and fruitful cooperation with the Laboratoire Louis Néel (Grenoble, France) within the framework of the Laboratoire Européen Associé (LEA) will be continued now only on a less intense level. The reason lies in the expiration of the former generous funding by CNRS and the Max Planck Society. Since April 2010 we have a new collaboration with the India Fellow group of Prof. Anil Kumar at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. The field of common interest is surface magnetism of metals and oxides probed by elastic spin-polarized eletron scattering. 8 i i i i “jb” i i 2010/12/1 page 9 i i Preface Experimental Department
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