Annual Report for the Town of Duxbury for the Year Ending
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ANNUAL REPORT " OF THE OF THE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDING FEBRUARY 17, 1866. PLYMOUTH : GEO. F. ANDREWS, PRINTER. 1866. 4 i REPORT. In accordance with a vote of the Town, the Selectmen and Over- seers of the Poor submit their annual report of receipts and expendi- tures of the Town of Duxburj, for the year ending February 17th, STATEMENT OF SCHOOL MONEY. 1864. of (mmittee udential Dist. sscssm't 1865. Mass. School Balance fund. Total. orders Balance due. drawn. Am't ). from < 1 H. Wadsworth, S $183.23 $12.08 $195.31 $108 44 $86.87 2 S. C. Gushing, 27.10 231.83 17.49 276.42 134.60 141.82 3 0. W. Woodward, 5.24 203.11 14.30 222.65 121,77 100.88 4 E. Chandler, 141.62 207.53 14.79 363.94 259 50 104.44 5 Chase Taylor, 44.68 150.10 8.38 203,16 203.16 6 I. D. Chandler, 12.91 130.22 6.16 149.29 127.12 22.17 7 J. S. Ford, 95.90 198.69 13.80 308.39 186 50 121.89 8 J. Peterson, 158.94 9.37 168.31 93.93 74.38 9 Augustus Weston, 64.4.^ 112.55 4.19 181.17 181.17 10 Eufus B. Dorr, 60.93 132 43 6.41 199.77 125.75 74.02 11 Jabez Keep, 105.80 158.94 9.37 274.11 188.66 85.45 12 Nahum Keene, 73,98 132.43 , 6.41 212.82 140.49 72.33 $632.59 2,000.00 122.75 2,755.34 1,871.09 884.25 4 INCIDENTAL EXPENSES. Paid balance Selectmen's bills for 1864, $152. 50 Selectmen's and Assessor's bills tor 1865, 800.00 " School Committee, 157.10 " School Committee book tax, 81.00 " printing Selectmen's and School Committee's reports, 127.12 " overwork on Highways. 172 96 " removing snow, 29.37 " Constable's fees, 46.38 " recruiting expenses, 423.80 " repairs on Blue River bridge, 284.74 " widening, laying and grading road from Martin Winsor's lane to S. Stickney's store, 287.96 " Assessor's valuation books 30.00 " repairs on Engine, 12.82 " surveying land, deeds, stamps, &c., 16.55 " Eden S. Sampson, balance on settlement, 369.41 " printing tax bills, stationery and stamps, 28.52 " Auctioneer's services, * 6.66 " balance on hearse house, 12.00 " Martin Winsor, land damage, 4.00 " rent of land for engine house, 3.00 " engine men, 54.00 " running boundary lines, 6.25 " repairs on Town House, stove, pipe, &c., 25,89 " Sexton returning deaths, 4,10 " Clerk, recording marriages, births and deaths, 27.40 " " making record of soldiers, 29 62 " coal for Town House, 9. 49 " remittance uncollected taxes 1860, 5.88 " " " " 1862, 6.00 " 1863, 27.40 " " " " 1864, 34.50 " " taxes for 1865,' 93.03 " balance Collector's fees for 1860, .38 " " " " " 1863, .76 " Treasurer's and Collector's fees for 1865, 384.90 $3,204.99 5 Cr. By balance from 1864, 145.83 " assessed for incidentals 1865, TUO.OO " deficiency, highways and books 1864, 267.52 " overlays on taxes, 849.66 " received Massachusetts School fund, 122.75 " omitted taxes, 83.47 " received, Charles H. Chandler, lumber sold, 4.00 " " Harvey Soule, balance uncollected taxes, 1859, 5 3. 31 " " C. H Chandler, " " I860, 9.33 " " E. S. Sampson, " • " 1863, 41.38 " " Treasurer Bond Committee, balance, 2 94 " Augustus Weston, for use of Town House 1865, 16.00 $2,296.19 Balance overdrawn, 908.80 $3,204.99 State Aid to Families and Parents of Volunteers. Paid from Feb. 18, 1865 to Feb. 17, 1866, $2,396.80 Due from State from Jan. 1, 1865, to Feb. 17, 1866, 2,813.80 SETTLEMENT WITH LIQUOR AGENT. Amount of liquor and cash at last settlement, $108.29 Whole amount of liquor bought, 1,233 33 U. S. license from May 1, '65 to May 1, '66, 25.00 Agent's salary, 40.00 1,406,62 Amount of liquor sold, 1,334,22 " on hand, 42.60 " cash " " 152.02 1,528.22 Balance in favor of the Town, 122.22 # REPAIRS OF HIGHWAYS. Assessed for repairs of Highways in 1865, $500.00 Paid for repairs of Highways, 17.80 Balance unexpended. 482.20 — / 6 TOWN'S DEBTS. Dr. Assessed for Town Debts in 1865, $6,000.00 Received reimbursement family aid, 1864, 4,600.00 " from State incorporate stock, 1865 1,684.25 " balance*' " " 1864, 3.39 balance of family aid furnished, 1863, 134.00 12,421.64 Cr. Paid Abraham P. Glass for bounty, 125.00 " Notes and interest, 9,370.02 Crow«' heads, / 8.22 " balance overdrawn from incidentals, 908.80 10,412.04 Balance unexpended, 2,009 60 TREASURER'S ACCOUNT. We have examined the accounts of Frederic P. Sherman, Treasurer for 1865, and find them as follows : Dr. Tax bills, 19174.98 Omitted taxes, 83.47 Rec'd Massachusetts school fund, 122,75 " Lumber sold, 4.00 " Eden S. Sampson, balance on taxes 1863, 41.38 " Harvey Soule, " " " " 1859, 53.31 Charles H. Chandler, " " " 1860, 9 33 " Treasurer bond committee, 178.94 " Augustus Weston, use of town house, 1865, 16,00 " Reimbursement family aid for ' 1864, 4600.00 " State incorporate tax, 1865, 1684 25 " balance, " 1864, 3.39 State aid furnished in 1863, 134.00 Cash on hand at last settlement, 2699.60 Uncollected taxes " " 3."32.44 Hired to pay family aid, 1837.45 30995.29 7 Cr. Paid State tax, 5,546.00 " County tax, 1,111.80 " family aid, 2,396.80 • " Notes and Interest, 9,546.02 " Crows' heads, 8.22 " Overseers of Poor, 2,200.00 " Selectmen's orders, 5,218.88 Uncollected taxes, ^ 888.87 Cash on hand at settlement, 4,078.70 80,995.29 OUTSTANDING DEBTS OF THE TOWN. Outstanding Bonds, 17,600.00 Interest on Bonds to Feb. 17, 1866, 313.86 Outstanding notes and interest up to Feb. 17, 1866, 3,373.11 Due the School districts, 884.25 Due the Highways, 482.20 22,653.42 Available Means to Pay the same. Due from State on Family aid from Jan. 1, 1865, to Feb. 17, 1866, 2,813.80 Cash in hands of F. P. Sherman, Treasurer, 1865, 4,078.70 Uncollected Taxes in hands of F. P. Sherman, Treas- urer, 1865, 888.87 7781.37 Indebtedness of the Town, $14,872.05. Feb. 20, 1866. —The undersigned, being an Auditing Committee chosen by the Town, April 18tn, 1865, have examined the accounts of the Selectmen fur the year ending Feb. 17th, 1866, and find them correctly cast and vouched for. Elbridge Chandler, George W. Ford. 8 SELECTMEN'S ACCOUNT. Of the $17600 00 outstanding Bonds there is 1500,00 which ma- tures on the first day of May, 1866, together with the Interest due on 17,600.00 from Nov. 1st, 1865, to May 1st, 1866, of 528.00, making 2,028.00 which is expected to be met at that time from funds now in the Treasury. There will be due Nov. 1st, 1866, the Interest on the $16100,00 Bonds then outstanding from May 1st, 1866, to Nov. 1st, 1866, 483.- 00,together with the 2000.00 Bonds, which mature May 1st, 1867, and the interest on the 16,100.00 Bonds from Nov. 1st, 1866, to May 1st, 1867, 483.00, making 2,966.00 to be provided for by as- sessment. We are of the opinion that the outstanding Notes and Interest amounting to 3,532.20, Dec. 1st, 1866, can be met by family aid fur- nished by the Town in 1865, due from State Dec. 1st, 1866, and in- corporate stocks taxed by the State and due the Town about that time The Selectmen would therefore recommend the following sums to defray the expenses of the Town the ensuing year : Viz. Schools, $2,000 Highways, 1,500 Support of Poor, 2,500 Deficiency of last year. 547 Incidental Expenses, 1,000 Town Debts, 3,000 $10,547 All of which is most respectfully submitted. SAMUEL ATWELL, ; Selectmen JAMES M. WESTON, [ of CHAS. H. CHANDLER, ) Duxbury. 9 REPORT OF OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. The committee appointed by the Overseers of the Poor, to report to the Town tlie expenses of supporting tlie poor, in and out of the Almshouse, with the cost of rep^iirs on the Almshouse and out-build- iiigs, submit the following report : — Expenses of the Almshouse for the year ending February 18, 1866. Judah Chandler, services as Superintendent, from Feb. 15, 1865 to April 1, $S1M George Bradford, meat for house and butchering, 75 4.^ Samuel H. Gurdey, " " 66 05 Gershom Bradford, flour, grain, meal, shorts &c.; 412.85 Nath'l Ford & Sons, goods for house, 491.38 John Sampson, ' " " " 258. OS Harvey Soule, " " 89.7(> Elbridge Chandler, wood for house, 28 00 Richard B. Chandler, " " " ' 23 00 Joseph F. Wadsworth, " 19.75 Jesse Chandler, " " " 19 50 George Wiiislow. Coal, 88.55 Martin Freeman, coffins for Mrs. Churchill, S. Peterson, Bradford Chandler, John Joice, robes, &c , 81.42 Augustus Weston, sexton's bills, 13.00 , Sylvanus Prior, teaming &c., 85.48 Andrew Stetson, shoemaking, 17.24 Otis Weston, " 2 54 Willard Clark, tin ware, 9.88 Nathan Brewster, shoat, 21.97 John Burns, dry fish, 22.25 Julien Curtis, fish tongues, 4 32 PelegFord, beef, 40 51 Estate of Dr. John Porter, med. attendance, 1864, 2.50 D avid Cushman, returnmg paupers to Almshouse and settling with Guardian of Mary P. South worth, 4.50 Cbas. H. Chandler, expenses on Wm.