A Manual for the Use of the General Court
Otofiuntontocaltl] of llitssacljusttts. MANUAL FOR THE USE OF THE OENER^^L COURT CONTAIMNG THE RULES AND ORDERS OF THE TWO BRANCHES, TOGETHER WITH THE COXSTITUTIOX OF THE COMMONWEA.LTH, AND THAT OF THE UNITED STATES, AND A LIST OF THE EXECUTIVE, LEGISLATIVE, AND JUDICIAL DE- PARTMENTS OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT, STATE INSTI- TUTIONS AND THEIR OFFICERS, COUNTY OFFICERS, AND OTHER STATISTI- CAL INFORMATION. Prepared, pursuant to an Order of the House, By WILLIAM STOWE, CLERK OP THE HOUSE OP BEPRESENTATIVEg. / ^ BOSTON: tn> William white, printer to the state. 1858. CHARLES VJ-. UKIAM, President Commonbealtfj of fEassacIjusctts. House of Representatives, Jan. 13, 1858. Ordered, That the Sergeant-at-Arms cause to be printed and bound in suitable form, two thousand copies of the Kules and Orders of the two branches, with lists of the several standing and special committees there of already constituted, together with such other matter as has been pre- pared for the purpose by the Clerk of the House of Representatives, in pursuance of an Order of the last House. Sent up for concurrence. WILLIAM STOWE, aerk. In Senate, Jan. 14, 1858. Concurred. S. N. GIFFORD, aerk. V - u jrrr A TABLE OF CONTENTS Page. Agriculture, State Board of, . 134 Alien Passengers and State Paupers, Commissioners of, . 136 Almshouses, 135 Bank Commissioners, 136 Board of Education, 134 Boston Athengeum, 229 Cabinet Officers of the United States 139 Census of inhabitants and legal voters, 115 Cities of the Commonwealth, 123 Colleges of the Commonwealth, 132 Ccmmistioners, 136 Committee Rooms, assignment of, 226 Committees, Standing, of the Senate, 214 Standing, of the House, 223 Joint Standing, 215 Joint Special, 220 Congress, members of, 140 Congressional Districts, 101 Constitution of Massachusetts, 33 of United States, 9 Council Districts, 106 Councillors, 187 Counties, Officers of, 126 Court, United States Supreme, 139 of Claims, United States, 140 of Common Pleas, 124 Supreme Judicial, 124 Courts, PoUce, 125 Contents.
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