Annual Report for the Town of Duxbury for the Year Ending

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Annual Report for the Town of Duxbury for the Year Ending 3 ANNUAL KEPORT OF THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF THE TOWN OF DUXBURY, FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDING^FEB. 18, 1872. Ax N UAL Meeting, March 11, 1872. PLYMOUTH. J'l.Y.MOUTn ROCK PRESS. 1872. REPORT. Ill accordance with a vote of the Town, the Selectmen and Assessors of the Town of Duxbnry submit the fol- h)wing^Keport, with the schedule of Receipts and Expen- ditures annexed, for the year ending Feb. 18, 1872: ACCOUNT WITH TOWN SCHOOLS. Dr There was expended for the Grammar school, and those in the sevei-al Districts as follows, viz : Grammar School. Paid Susan B. Holmes, teacher, $223 40 Emily W. Sears, 110 00 Henry WadsAvorth, wood, 11 63 Frederic P. Sherman, ^' 2 75 George A. Holmes, care of hall, 2 00 Edmund Sanders, " " 1 65 Arthur C. Holmes, 2 00 Henry Alden, drawing wood, 97 A. W. Haskell, incidentals, 13 65 $368 05 4 District No. 1. Paid Mary R. Crocker, teacher, |252 81/ Henry Wadsworth, wood, 19 00 George K. Freeman, sawing and housing wood, 5 OS $276 8a District No. 2. Paid Georgie A. Bickford, teacher, $93 20 Emily W. Sears, " 103 12 Clara A. Dawson, " 87 50 Levi M. Cushing, cleaning house, 6 00 wood, 12 37 Willard Clark, school furniture, 4 04 1306 23 District No. 3. Paid Ella J. Geary,' teacher, $82 50 Lydia F. Hunt, " 82 50 Georgie A. Bickford teacher, 84 50 David Chandlei*, Jr., cleaning house, 5 00 wood, 12 00 " sawing wood, 3 20 Joseph D. Geary, care of house, 5 00 " " incidentals, 6 60 $281 30 5 District No. 4. Paid A. W. Simmons, tcaclier, $82 50 Ella J. Geary, 79 50 Susan B. Holmes, 100 00 Levi Ford, wood, 15 50 care of house, 5 00 " preparing fuel, 4 00 George E,. Freeman, preparing fuel, 2 50 Mrs. H. Chandler, cleaning house, 1 00 Town of Kingston, teaching H. B. Ma- glathlin's children, 21 00 $311 00 District No. 5. Paid Asenith C. Holmes, teacher, $165 00 Mercy J. Packard, 82 50 Asenith C. Holmes, incidentals, 1 33 E. A. Randall, care of house, 2 00 Nathaniel Strang, fuel and preparing same, 1(3 00 P. S. Strang, care of and cleaning house, 4 70 Jessie Simmons, wood, 12 75 $284 28 District No. 6. Paid Mercy J. Packard, teacher, $1()5 00 Mary'D. Boylston, " 82 50 Benjamin Boylston, incidentals, 2 15 wood, 10 00 6 Paid Benjamin White, wood, $10 00 E,ufns B. Doit, wood and repairs, 9 87 $279 52 District Xo. 7. Paid Mercy Alden, teacher, $70 75 Georgie A. Bickford, teacher, 84 50 Lydia F. Hunt, " 82 50 Ichabod W. Chandler, cleaning house, 4 00 Samuel Atwell, wood, :\ 50 $245 25 District 'No, 8. Paid Bettte P. Simmons, teacher, $70 75 Mary C. Goodspeed,- " 134 40 Henry Wadsworth, w^ood, 11 62 F. P. Sherman, " 2 75 Henry Alden, preparing wood, 3 25 Caroline Winsor, cleaning house, 5 00 $227 77 District No. 9. Paid Clara A. Dawson, teacher, $63 00 Clara Shepard, 68 75 Nathan C. Keen, wood, 6 50 " preparing wood, 2 25 cleaning house, 1 50 \ Paid Natliaii C. Keen, incidentals, $1 34 J. L. Hammett, furniture, globe, 15 00 $158 34 RECAPITULATION. Paid per order of School Committee for Gram- mar school and the several districts, 12,738 57 Bahmce to new accoimt, 1,657 67 $4,396 24 Cr. Balance from 1870, $1,019 52 Appropriation 1871, 3,000 00 Received from Mass. School Fund, 183 44 County Treasurer dividend dog funti, 193 28 $4,396 24 INCIDENTAL EXPENSES. Dr. accounts, 00 Paid George W. Ford, aaditing~ 1870, $2 Harvey Soule, 2 00 Joseph P. Bosworth, for repairs school house Dist. 5, 75 Balance Selectmen and Assessors bills, 1870, 217 65 Paid F. P. Slieriium, Stationery, $4 03 Charles Delano, removing snow, 1870, 1 75 W. W. Avery, printing Town and School r- " Kej^orts, 114 i') J. S. Lormg lor surveynig and plan ot Cnt Island, deed to J . G. -Day, including survey oi roads irom bept., ihb9, to March 1871, 24 00 George H. Torrey, removing snow, 1870 ?) 50 Charles E. Brewster, damage to carriage near J. D. Geary's, 25 00 W. el. Alden, cleaning school liouse, Dist. Xo. 1, 8 00 William T. Harlow, services as School Committee, () 00 Allen Prior, horse hire for School Commit- tee, 5 50 Chas. Iv. JJarlmg, Books and Stationery, 6 7() LutherTjicnSherman, work1 on school111house. Dist. 10, 5 75 • T 1 1 al 1 1*1 "T A J Luther bherinan, ^voriv on highway, iJist. 10, 4 70 ihomas JJavis, printing notices. 1 50 "r> • * TT' J. 1 • 'J T) 1 Benjamin Jboster, making Guide Boards, 3 50 J. L. Hammett, school lurnitnre and books. 36 82 Duxbiuy Monumental Association, 250 00 Harvey Soule, repairs school house Dist. 2, 2 50 Purges & Bailey, school furniture, 5 90 Henry H. Lewis, removing snow, 18()9, 2 20 Asa Brewster, care of Engine, 7 50 , 9 Piiid Hiram Siraiuoiis, repairs scliool liouse No. 2, $2 50 Augustus Weston, Constable fees, 6 70 Witness fees in Bradley case. 47 60 Lewis Simmons, repairing stone wall, Dist. 9, 1 00 Eden 8. Sampson & Co., liorse hire for School Commmittee, 1 50 Harris <fc Tucker, services in Bradley case. 100 00 Henry Wadsworth, Book ink and Tele- graph despatch. 4 19 Overwork on Highways, 351 65 Selectmen and Assessors bills, 1871, 350 00 John Gr. Moore, Book Agent, 88 00 David Chandler, Jr., repairs school house, ' Dist. 3, 5 84 Remittance Taxes, . 82 30 Wm. H. Myrick, stove for ne^v school house, Dist, 4, 21 05 Henry Wadsworth, furniture for new school house, and carting the same, 245 90 Henry Wadsworth, services School Com- mittee, 78 60 Henry Wadswwth, horse hire for School Committee, 27 75 Rufus B. Dorr, repairs school house, Dist. 6, 8 65 Special Police, Captain's Hill, Aug. 17th, 26 00 Isaac Keen, lumber for Guide Boards 4 26 Geo. Loudon, cleaning weights and mea- sures, 1 50 2 10 PaidKufus Holmes, rent of land for Engine house, $5 00 Chas H. Chandler, express and school fixtures, 1 5() Levi Ford, repairs and fixtures, School No. 4, 4 36 H. E. Smith, rent of Masonic Hall for G. School, :30 00 Micah A. Soule, repairs School House. Dist. 2, :3 24 J. L. Fairbanks & Co., Valuation Books, 19 50 Geo. P. Prior, removing snow Dist. 2, 4 .50 Nathan Sampson, repairs School House, No. 2, 1 80 Leander B. Pierce, repairs on School House, No. 2, (U) Thaddeus W. Chandler, and others, watcliins: fire in woods 4 50 J. W. Hathaway, Painting Guide Boai'ds. :]0 85 W. W. Avery, printing Tax Bills, 9 00 Wm. H. Myrick, stove and pipe for Dist. 1, 25 22 Wm. H. Myrick, stove and pipe for Dist. 7, 19 83 Ellis F. Peterson, removing snow, Dist, 2. 3 00 Thomas McNaught, " 1 87 Andrew North ey, labor on School House, Dist. 7, 5 00 Joseph D. Geary, Guide Posts, 3 75 Rufus Hathaway, repairs on School House, 5 30 Harvey Soule, furniture School Dist. No. 2, 5 OG J. L. Hammett, School Books, 22 84 J. L. Fairbanks & Co., stationery, 2 10 11 Paid Lee <fe Sliepard, dictionaiy, $7 50 J. P. Bradley, seivices School Committee, 85 75 Riifiis B. Dorr, material for Highway, 7 25 Thomas Soule, removing snow, Dist. 8, ' 3 25 George Loudon, returning deaths, 3 20 Joseph P. Bosworth, repairing hearse house, 1 00 Augustus O. Leonard, land damages on new road, 1 72 00 Charles A. Rogers, land damages on new road, 15 00 Charles H. Chandler, Constable fees, IG 00 Josiah Peterson, Town Clerk services and recording marriages, births, deaths, and express bill, 35 75 Benj. B. Cushing, removing snow% order Elb. Chandler, (; 00 Charles H. Chandler, carting and setting guide posts, 11 50 Willard Clark, stove pipe and labor, Dist 2, (> 05 Zenas Faunce, repairing lock Grammar school, 30 PandalFs express bill, 25 Orders for new Barn at Almhouse, 718 81 Balance carried to new account, 3,373,06 $G,868 54 CoiSTEA Ck. Balance from 1870, $2,054 15 Received from Duxbury <fe Cohasset R. R. Co , for land, 34 50 * tteecived J. P. Bradley, Book agent, $5 20 Henry Wadsworth, school books. 109 26 Overlayings on Taxes, 1871, 724 85 Deficiency in Highway tax, 1870, 234 90 Unpaid school books, 1870, 128 79 Charles H. Chandler, lease of Town Hall, 31 25 Omitted Taxes, 20 74 State Incorporate tax. 1,908 16 " bal., 1870, 4 74 George C. Prior, Dist. interest on bonds, 4 00 Sale of Cut Island, 750 00 " Beach, 850 00 George Boylston, License, 8 00 $6,868 54 EEMOYING SNOW. 28 Appropriation for ; 1871, $897 Balance overdrawn and carried to Town Debts, 4 14 $901 42 Paid for removing snow, $901 42 ACCOUNT WITH SUEVEYOHS OF HIGHWAYS. Dr. Approp]iation for repairs highways, 1871, $1,600 00 Overlayings on highways, tax, 21 39 $1,621 39 13 Cr. Surveyors orders drawn, $467 80 Balance to new account, 1,153 59 $1,G21 39 NEW SCHOOL HOUSE, DISTRICT NO. 4. Cost of lot, house, furniture, &c., $2,o7o (J;] Paid Henry Wadswortli, Chairman Building Committee, Money received for sale of old house, wood, lumber, cfec, lOG (58; William H. Myrick for stove, paid from Incidentals, '21 05 Henry Wadsworth, furniture and carting from Incidentals, '^45 9() Heiuy Wadsworth, from money hired and carried to Town's debts, 2,000 00 $2,373 63 NEW BAKN AT ALMSHOUSE. Dr. Paid George Loudon, labor on barn, $72 60 Sheldon & Prior, lumber, 377 84 Ziba Hunt, for labor, 50 00 B.
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