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Provided by Institutional Research Information System University of Turin Anal Bioanal Chem (2005) 383: 341–348 DOI 10.1007/s00216-005-3417-8


Paola Fisicaro Æ Enzo Ferrara Æ Enrico Prenesti Silvia Berto Role of the activity coefficient in the dissemination of pH: comparison of primary (Harned cell) and secondary (glass electrode) measurements on phosphate buffer considering activity and scales

Received: 18 April 2005 / Revised: 20 June 2005 / Accepted: 25 June 2005 / Published online: 2 September 2005 Springer-Verlag 2005

Abstract Despite recent efforts devoted to assessing both the theoretical rationale and the experimental Introduction strategy for assignment of primary pH values, these have not yet been accomplished satisfactorily. Traceability The concept of pH is very special in the field of physi- and comparability of pH values are achieved only within cochemical quantities, because of its widespread use as the constraints of internationally accepted conventions an important control property and process descriptor and predefined conditions that cannot account for all and because of the difficulty of defining its theoretical possible situations when pH is measured. Critical meaning. Its definition involves the activity of a single ion parameters to be defined are, in particular, the activity [1], which, according to the rules of , cannot be inferred alone in practice. To bypass this point, coefficients (ci) of the ionic species involved in the equilibrium with the hydrogen ions in the solution, several experimental details related to the primary which are usually estimated with the approximation measurement of pH have been carefully and extensively typical of the Debye–Hu¨ ckel theoretical model. For this developed and discussed along with a series of theoretical paper, primary (Harned cell) measurements (traceable to considerations of thermodynamics [1–6]. Unfortunately, the SI system) of the pH of a phosphate buffer have been the overall accuracy of currently established methodol- considered and the results have been compared with ogy suffers because of the approximate nature of some secondary (glass electrode) measurements obtained by general assumptions, which leads to difficulties in com- considering either the activity (paH) or concentration parison when properties of the solutions such as ionic (pcH) scale of the hydrogen ions. With conventional strength and ionic medium are changed. In this context, approaches based on measurements related to activity or recent IUPAC recommendations [1] emphasized the need concentration scale, discrepancies emerge which have for careful inspection of the reference model used to calculate the activity coefficients of the ions, even beyond been assigned to incomplete inferences of ci arising from chemical features of the solution. It is shown that fitting the Bates–Guggenheim convention. In fact, scientists and comparable paH and pcH results are attainable if regarded the Bates–Guggenheim convention as an axiomatic tool, whereas additional attention might be evaluation of ci is performed using better estimates of the , according to an enhanced application fruitfully focused on the correct choice of ionic activity of the Debye–Hu¨ ckel theory. coefficients (ci) to avoid losses in the accuracy attainable with modern powerful experimental apparatus. Keywords Primary pH measurement Æ Activity To overcome the limitations and incoherencies of the coefficients Æ Phosphate buffer Æ Ionic strength Æ Ionic Bates–Guggenheim convention, we propose in this medium paper an analysis of a series of comparative experiments supported by modifications of the theoretical approach to activity coefficients, which was the outcome of our P. Fisicaro (&) Æ E. Ferrara tests and reflections. The final aims are: Istituto Elettrotecnico Nazionale Galileo Ferraris, Strada delle Cacce 91, 10135 Torino, Italy 1. improvement of the agreement between primary E-mail: fi[email protected] (Harned cell) and glass electrode measurements of E. Prenesti Æ S. Berto pH, and Dipartimento di Chimica Analitica dell‘Universita` , 2. achievement of better harmonization for this fun- via Pietro Giuria 5, 10125 Torino, Italy damental quantity of chemistry [7], control of 342

which is ubiquitously pursued in scientific applica- Chemicals tions to monitor both natural and industrial pro- cesses. Disodium hydrogen orthophosphate (Na2HPO4, 99.0%, Merck) and potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate In this work, primary measurement of the pH value (KH PO , 99.5%, Merck) were used to prepare the of a phosphate buffer was performed by using the 2 4 0.05 mol kg1 phosphate buffers. A 30% HCl solution Harned cell, together with the critical estimation of in (Merck) was used to prepare the 0.01 mol kg1 the properties related to the electrolytic composition of HCl solution used to evaluate the standard potential the solution which significantly affect the final result. To difference of the primary cell (E). Pure potassium expand the study we also considered pH measurement chloride (KCl, 99.995%, Merck) was used as back- using an indicating device as glass electrode (secondary ground salt (primary and secondary procedures). Phos- pH measurement). The outcomes have been compared phate (paH 6.98±0.02, Merck) and citrate (paH to check whether discrepancies increase as a result of 2.00±0.02, Merck) buffers were used to calibrate the evaluation of E by use of either: glass electrode at 298.15 K. Standard solutions of 1. standard pH-metric reference solutions (calibration NaOH and HCl were prepared by diluting concentrated in activity scale), as usually performed in most of the Merck solutions from ampules and were standardized chemical and biochemical laboratories, or against potassium hydrogen phthalate or sodium car- 2. acid–base titration supplying pH values (concentra- bonate, respectively. All the solutions were prepared tion scale), as typical of the experimental framework using deionized and doubly distilled water in grade-A followed for formation constant refinement from glassware. NaClO4 (anhydrous, >99%) was from potentiometric data [8, 9]. Sigma. Besides classical procedures [1], preliminary evalua- tion of E has also been performed using two back- Primary potentiometric apparatus (Harned cell) ground , KCl or NaClO4, to verify the sensitivity of our potentiometric apparatuses with regard The Harned cell [12] has been considered as a means of to different ionic strength and media. Three tempera- gaining international acceptance of a thermodynamics- tures were tested, 288.15, 298.15, and 310.15 K, in pri- based procedure for pH measurement. It consists of two mary measurements, whereas use of the glass electrode symmetrical semi-cells containing the hydrogen working was performed at 298.15 K only, because in the ther- electrode and the silver–silver chloride reference elec- modynamics literature 298.15 K is the reference tem- trode, respectively. The hydrogen electrode is made of a perature [10] and usual laboratory practice is to operate platinum plate immersed in the semi-cell in which pure at room temperature. H gas flows, saturating the solution. The reference For calculation of the activity coefficients at dif- 2 electrode is made of a platinum wire coated with metallic ferent ionic strength we used a Debye–Huckel type ¨ Ag and AgCl salt. The cell is immersed in a 7005 Hart equation [11] with a tested high level of accuracy. The Scientific thermostatic bath (±0.001 K) and the poten- value of the activity coefficient was revealed to be a tial difference (E) between the electrodes is quantified source of discrepancy between pH values obtained with a 34401A Agilent digital multimeter (resolution from activity or concentration scales. We believe it is ±0.001 mV). appropriate to exploit the matching of the results The complete cell is usually represented schematically originating from use of different measurement methods as follows: leading to paH evaluation, if the thermodynamics equations applied are adequate for the level of accu- PtjH2jbuffer solution; Cl jAgCljAg racy required. Consistency between Harned cell (activity scale) and glass electrode (concentration scale) With this device, definition as a ‘‘primary method of outputs can be improved by calculating the activity measurement’’ traceable to the International System of coefficients according to a reference model faithfully Units (SI) (i.e., without the need to relate results to corresponding to the exact properties of the test additional references for the same unit) is applicable for solutions. potentiometric inference of paH[1].

Experimental Experimental procedure with the primary cell

Symbols The term paH is conventionally defined as the negative logarithm of the activity (a) of the hydrogen ion: paH is used to indicate the quantity expressed on the paH=log aH. In aqueous solutions, the activity (a) activity scale (paH=log aH); pcH is used to indicate and concentration (m) for a single ion (i) are associated the quantity expressed on the concentration scale by the activity coefficient (ci). When the molal concen- (pcH=log[H+]). tration is expressed as m in mol kg1 and the standard 343 Table 1 Experimentally obtained acidity function extrapolated to empirical term, p(aHcCl), which is called the acidity zero chloride concentration p(aHcCl), the activity coefficient of chloride ion, log(cCl), and the resulting paH from measurements function and is considered to be mainly dependent on on phosphate buffer at three temperatures (288.15, 298.15, and the chloride concentration: 310.15 K). E evaluation conditions: HCl 0.01 mol kg1 pðÞ¼aHcCl logðÞaHcCl Quantity T=288.15 K T=298.15 K T=310.15 K ¼ ðÞEI E =½þðÞRT =F ln 10 logðÞðmCl=m 4Þ p(aHcCl) 6.994 6.957 6.938 a log(cCl) 0.1078 0.1095 0.1119 paH 6.887 6.847 6.825 As an example, the experimental results plotted in Fig. 1 give the values of p(aHcCl) as a function of the aConventionally calculated according to IUPAC recommendations added chloride and temperature; the experimental [1] readings of potential are the average values after the solution reached equilibrium temperature and gas flow conditions. Measurements are repeated at least twice for molal concentration for the hydrogen ion (H+)as 1 each series. Extrapolating the lines of best fit, the acidity m=1 mol kg , then aH=cHmH/m. When the Harned function at zero chloride , p(aHcCl), is obtained cell is employed in solution, the following equilibrium 3 1 for each temperature. A test at 2.50·10 mol kg must be considered: chloride ion was also used to reduce the arbitrary 1 þ character of the extrapolation; even if low in KCl con- =2 H2 ðgÞ þ AgCl ðsÞ Ag ðsÞ þ H þ Cl ð1Þ centration, this measure provided readings as meaning- On application of the to Eq. 1, the ful and accurate as others in the series. potential difference between the electrodes is described By extrapolating the data to zero chloride concen- as depending on the ionic activities in the solution: tration (Fig. 1), the term p(aHcCl) is obtained, accord- ing to a procedure based on the specific ion interaction EI ¼ E ½ðÞRT =F ln 10 log½ðÞmHcH=m ðÞmClcCl=m theory [13, 14]. Finally, to evaluate the paH of the ð2Þ buffer, the following calculation is used: where EI is the potential difference (corrected to paH ¼log aH ¼ pðÞaHcCl þ logðÞcCl ð5Þ 101.325 KPa hydrogen using the cor- rective factor from ref. [2]); E is the standard potential (cCl) is independently calculated from the extended difference of the cell; m and m are the molal con- Debye–Hu¨ ckel equation valid for aqueous solutions H Cl with low ionic strength, namely, I £ 0.01 mol kg1. The centrations of the ionic species, and cH and cCl are the activity coefficients of the single ions. Bates–Guggenheim convention (BG) [15] enables the following equation to be used to estimate (cCl): Before measurement of the buffer, the standard po- ffiffi tential difference (E) of the cell must be separately p A I ffiffi determined experimentally. A standard solution of HCl logðÞcCl ¼ p ð6Þ was therefore measured in the Harned cell. In this case we 1 þ 1:5 I assume mH=mCl, and c±HCl is the average activity where A is a temperature-dependent term. At 298.15 K, coefficient of the ions in the HCl solutions, the recom- 1 for I=0.1 mol kg , log(cCl)= 0.1095. mended value of which is 0.904 (I=0.01 mol kg1, T=298.15 K, see also Table 1)[1]. Appropriate ci values 1 were used in this paper when working at I=0.1 mol kg Secondary potentiometric apparatus (see ‘‘Results and discussion’’ and Tables 2 and 3). In the conventional procedure [1], Nernst Eq. (2) can be re- The potentiometric measurements of paH were per- duced to: formed at T=(298.15±0.10) K and I=0.1 mol kg1 E ¼ E ½2ðÞRT ln 10=F logðÞm c ð3Þ (KCl or NaClO4) by means of a Metrohm 713 potenti- I HCl HCl ometer (resolution ±0.1 mV) equipped with a combined For assessment of paH for the phosphate buffer, the glass electrode provided by Metrohm (Switzerland), potential E has been measured for four phosphate mod. 6.0222.100, internal Ag/AgCl reference electrode solutions by adding different amounts of KCl, corre- (filling 3 mol L1 KCl), ceramic single junc- sponding to 2.50·103, 5.00·103, 1.00·102, and tion (electrolyte flow in the range 15–20 lLh1). The 1.50·102 mol kg1. Rearranging Eq. 2 gives an titrant, a standardized solution of KOH, was dispensed

Table 2 Step by step calculation of the activity coefficient ci for a singly charged ion (Eq. 9)

2 –1 3/2 I IziIÆ(2 + 3I) CI DI ci

0.1 0.3162 0.1072 0.033±0.005a 0.0032±0.0003a 0.837±0.010a aThe range (value±standard deviation) is estimated from the uncertainty of the coefficients in Eq. 8 344

Table 3 Extrapolated data of the acidity function at zero chloride concentration for three temperatures and two ionic strength values, and the corresponding paH

E conditions Quantity T=288.15 K T=298.15 K T=310.15 K

1 a b c IHCl=0.01 mol kg p(aHcCl) 6.994 6.957 6.938 paH 6.921d 6.879e 6.853f 1 g h i IHCl+KCl=0.10 mol kg p(aHcCl) 6.995 6.956 6.940 paH 6.922d 6.879e 6.855 f 1 g h i IHCl+NaClO4=0.10 mol kg p(aHcCl) 6.978 6.942 6.927 paH 6.904d 6.865e 6.843f

d e f cCl values: 0.845; 0.837; 0.823 a b c g h i c± values: 0.9060, 0.9042, 0.9020, 0.8000, 0.7964, 0.7907 with a 765 Dosimat Metrohm burette (minimum deliv- solutions was maintained consistent with the specimens erable volume 0.001 cm3). Temperature control was under examination. Each titration was repeated at least achieved by water circulation in the outer chamber of twice. the titration cell, delivered by a Haake model D1-G thermo cryostat. Data analysis and calculations

Measurement in activity scale The nonlinear least-squares computer program ESAB2M was used to evaluate the purity of the reagents Certified paH-metric buffers traceable to NIST (Na- (starting from acid–base titration data) and to refine all tional Institute of Standard and Technology), corre- the data related to the evaluation of E for the glass sponding to paH=2.00 and paH=6.98, were used to electrode system [16]. This program allows refinement of calibrate the electrode couple (glass electrode) at the analytical concentration of reagents (the strong acid, 298.15 K, according to the activity scale. in this context), the electrode formal potential E, the coefficient ja relative to the junction potential (where + Ej=ja [H ])[8, 9], and the ionic product of water Kw. Measurement in concentration scale The slope for the glass electrode is considered to be equal to 59.16 mV at 298.15 K. The operator is allowed Before measurement the electrode couple was used to to choose the set of data to be refined in each job. In obtain E at 298.15 K by application of the Nernst + particular, we verified the influence of ja around neu- equation in terms of concentration (pcH=log [H ]). trality and found it was close to zero. Alkalimetric titration with standard carbonate-free The standard uncertainty, u(pH), of measurements KOH was previously employed, under a stream of with the glass electrode is currently quantified in the purified nitrogen gently bubbled in the cell to avoid O2 range 0.01–0.03 [1, 17, 18] according to various experi- and CO2 dissolution, to determine HCl concentration 1 mental results. (mmol kg level). The ionic strength of the calibrating Calculations of linear fits and overall uncertainty estimates were performed by means of standard com- 7.00 mercial software.

T = 288.15 K 6.98 Ionic strength and activity coefficient calculation ) - Usually, in literature concerning the primary measure- Cl γ + 6.96 ment of pH, each ionic activity coefficient (ci) is calcu- H lated according to the extended Debye–Hu¨ ckel p(a T = 298.15 K equation: pffiffi 6.94 2 Azi I ffiffi log ci ¼ p ð7Þ T = 210.15 K 1 þ aB I

6.92 where A=0.509 at 298.15 K, z is the electrical charge of 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 ion i, a˚ is the radius of the aqueous ion, and m - (mol/kg) 10 1 Cl B=0.33·10 m at 298.15 K. Some constraints affect the limit of the Debye–Hu¨ c- Fig. 1 Acidity function p(aHcCl) as a function of the added chloride for the phosphate buffer at 288.15, 298.15, and kel equation, including the arbitrary linearization of the 310.15 K. The following relationship is assumed [1]: log Poisson–Boltzmann equation. It is recognized that (aHcCl)= log (aHcCl) S mCl the extended Debye–Hu¨ ckel equation provides accurate 345

1 result for ci only when I £ 0.01 mol L . Hence, use of plotted in Fig. 1, which reports the values of p(aHcCl)as the extended Debye–Hu¨ ckel equation under the chemi- a function of added chloride and temperature. Numer- cal conditions investigated in this paper is substantially ical results are collected in Table 1. incorrect, because the overall ionic strength of the test- ing solution (phosphate buffer) is close to 0.1 mol kg1, Primary method: determination of E with KCl or as obtained according to the so-called self-medium NaClO added technique (and as one can estimate by considering the 4 protonation constants of the hydrogen phosphate ion For this work, the 0.01 mol kg1 HCl solution usually and the paH value of the solution). Consequently, ex- used for E evaluation was modified in composition by tended calculation models for c must be considered i adding KCl or NaClO in amounts giving an ionic according to an experimental design that should enable 4 strength of 0.1 mol kg1, which is consistent with the more reliable results to be obtained. With this objective buffer sample. Two different salts were used to verify the we started using a Debye–Hu¨ ckel type equation widely robustness of the apparatus with regard to electrode- discussed elsewhere [19]. This equation enables calcula- sensitive (Cl) and electrode-insensitive (ClO) ions. The tion of activity coefficients at different ionic strengths in 4 1 Harned cell, responds reversibly to the chloride activity, the range 0 £ I £ 1 mol L : while KCl addition adjusts the ionic strength of the pffiffi I 3 solution. The measured potentials (298.15 K) correctly 2 ffiffi 2 log ci ¼zi A p þ CI þ DI ð8Þ account for these important variations of the chemical 1 þ B I features of the solution: EHCl=465.13 mV, EHCl+KCl= 2 2 where A=0.5, B=1.5, C=c0+c1z1, and D=d1z1; z is 408.94 mV, EHCl+NaClO4=471.42 mV. These changes the electrical charge. enable the response of the method to be checked in In Eq. 8, we have (298.15 K): c0=0.10±0.03, accordance with the applied rules of thermodynamics, c1=0.23±0.02, d1=0.10±0.01 (uncertainties were indicating how chemical modification of the sample can estimated in ref. [20]). Then, assuming for A and B the affect the overall procedure. values quoted we obtain: The important variations of ionic strength imposed pffiffi on the system under investigation force us to find suit- I 3 2 ffiffi 2 able values of c±HCl to calculate E. For estimation of log ci ¼zi p þ CI þ DI ð9Þ 1 2 þ 3 I c±HCl at I=0.1 mol kg we used the values given by Harned and Owen [12]: at 288.15 K c±HCl=0.8000, and The terms involved in the assessment of C and D have 298.15 K c±HCl=0.7964; at 310.15 K c±HCl=0.7907 been estimated for a very large number of inorganic and was obtained by linear interpolation of the values re- organic electrolytes [11, 19–21]. ported between 308.15 K (0.7918) and 313.15 K (0.7891). Excellent agreement is found for c±HCl at I=0.1 mol kg1 and T=298.15 K as reported by Har- Results and discussion ned and Owen (0.7964) [12] and Robinson (0.796) [22]. Table 3 collects the acidity functions extrapolated to Activity coefficients zero chloride according to chosen temperatures, ionic strengths, and ionic media. In Table 2 calculation of the activity coefficient (ci) for a singly charged ion (H+ or Cl in our context) is re- ported step by step to clarify the contribution of each Secondary method: glass electrode and calibration term. with paH-metric buffers Using Eq. 7, at I=0.1 mol kg1 and 298.15 K, a The measurement performed on the phosphate buffer value of ci=0.777 is obtained, whereas by using Eq. 9 with a glass electrode at 298.15 K, after calibration with we calculated ci=0.837 (Table 2), which is in excellent agreement with the findings in ref. [11], where a rec- reference paH buffer solutions, yielded a value equal to 6.85 (averaged value from triplicate measurements). ommended value of 0.839±0.0061 is reported for ci for the H+ ion at 298.15 K and I=0.09 mol kg1; this va- lue was obtained as an average from a wide set of work Secondary method: glass electrode and evaluation based on the same theory as that used to estimate of E in concentration ci=0.837. Optimization of E was performed by titrating a solu- tion of HCl at 298.15 K with standard KOH. The ionic Primary method according to IUPAC recommended strength was adjusted to 0.1 mol kg1 with KCl or approach NaClO4. The measurement is performed following the variation of the potential by the glass electrode. This Two series of measurements were performed with the yields E and pcH of the testing solution (phosphate primary Harned cell. The experimental results are buffer) in terms of concentration. 346

Choice of ci values predicted for environmental, clinical, geological, and biological chemistry, for example, where multi-com- When the acidity function and the pcH in concentration ponent systems are examined; have to be converted in terms of paH, choice of the – In other papers [23–25] in which ci values are evalu- appropriate ci value is necessary. As previously de- ated, efforts are pursued considering each single ion scribed, scientists in the past promoted a variety of with its chemical character, leading to a wide set of theoretical approaches for evaluation of activity coeffi- specific interaction coefficients depending on physi- cients and this resulted in a tangled mass of papers, cochemical variables. sometimes contradictory. The activity coefficients of ions in aqueous solution have been shown to depend on Values of ci suitable for a predetermined chemical many variables, in particular temperature, ionic medium environment of particular meaning can be regarded as (nature of the background salt), and ionic strength. The very useful, especially when pH is applied in the study of reference model adopted to describe the chemistry of the stability constants of aqueous solutions, whose the electrolytic solutions and then used to calculate the refinement is always performed starting with data col- dependence of thermodynamic quantities on ionic lected for synthetic solutions [7]. Otherwise, average strength is critical and together with other variables (see values of ci suitable to fit different experimental below) accounts for the wide range of values available scenarios can also be seriously considered for their in the literature. An unambiguous value of ci proba- ability to describe important properties of the ions when bly cannot be found, because extra-thermodynamic inserted in a complex context. The power of the model assumptions are unavoidable to obtain the desired term chosen will be limited by assumptions about ci, but the and results are often technique-dependent. Moreover, wideness and the generality of the description will be besides extra-thermodynamic assumptions, several the- enriched by the availability of averaged thermodynamic oretical, empirical, and semi-empirical equations are data. Fortunately, the ionic strength considered in this used to process experimental data or to obtain ab initio paper, 0.1 mol kg1, corresponding to a low slope of the based values of ci. What is also remarkable and inter- logci/I curve, enables exclusion of errors that could esting is the dependence of ci on the nature of the introduce bias in the mean ci values adopted. If we background electrolyte used to fix the ionic strength (if consider higher ionic strength values the slope of the self-medium behavior is not adopted). logci/I curve increases and the chemical assumptions Two series of equations for ci calculation developed related to the ionic interactions in solution become according to chemical or physicochemical models can be fundamental to correct calculation of the activity coef- identified: ficient. – Many papers regarded each ion as characterized by its charge (according to the original Debye–Hu¨ ckel the- ory) and found a strategy to optimize a value of ci Acidity function conversion to paH only dependent on the ionic strength; specificity fac- tors are neglected but the coefficients of the semi- paH values in Table 1 have been evaluated by sub- empirical Debye–Hu¨ ckel type equation—optimized tracting from p(aHcCl) the ionic chloride coefficient, by calculations on a large amount of experimental log(cCl), calculated according to the conventional data—enable smoothed and averaged values to be terms of the extended Debye–Hu¨ ckel equation (BG obtained. Fruitful applicability of this choice can be convention).

Table 4 Comparison of paH (activity scale) and pcH (concentration scale) values obtained with the primary Harned cell and the glass electrode, respectively, at 298.15 K using different activity coefficients

Apparatus Quantity Measurement conditions

Aa Bb Cc

Harned cell p(aHcCl) 6.957 6.956 6.942 Glass electrode pcH 6.80 6.76 6.79 ci=0.777 Harned cell paH 6.847d 6.846d 6.832d Glass electrode paH 6.91e 6.87e 6.90e ci=0.837 Harned cell paH 6.879d 6.879d 6.865d Glass electrode paH 6.88e 6.84e 6.87e aE evaluated in solutions containing HCl 0.01 mol kg1 (I=0.01 mol kg1) bE evaluated in solutions containing HCl 0.01 mol kg1 and KCl 0.09 mol kg1 (I=0.1 mol kg1) c 1 1 1 E evaluated in solutions containing HCl 0.01 mol kg and NaClO4 0.09 mol kg (I=0.1 mol kg ) d Calculation of paH from p(aHcCl) performed using the signed coefficient eCalculation of paH from pcH performed using the signed coefficient 347 pcH conversion to paH estimate the range of variability of the (cCl) value. Varying the coefficient a˚B in Eq. 6 between 1.0 and 2.0 1 1/2 pcH can be easily converted to paH by considering the (mol kg ) , the (cCl) value is affected by a variability 1 appropriate activity coefficient cH. Results are collected of ±0.012 at I=0.1 mol kg . This corresponds to in Table 4, using two values of cH selected according to varying the ion-size parameter in the range 0.3–0.6 nm the previous considerations. [1]. paH can also be obtained by direct calibration via Starting from the standard deviation associated with paH-metric buffers (the usual laboratory practice). Re- the coefficients in Eq. 8 and estimated on the basis of a sults on activity scale from primary—paH=6.847 very wide set of thermodynamic data of stability con- (ci=0.777)—and secondary—paH=6.85—devices re- stants, at various ionic strength values, the ci term veal a very satisfactory agreement, as expected. (calculated from Eq. 9) varies between 0.827 and 0.847 A different situation is obtained when primary paH (Table 2). This standard uncertainty remains within values are compared with those of the glass electrode ±0.010 paH units. based on a concentration scale and obtained with the conventionally adopted activity coefficient (ci=0.777) (see Table 4, upper part). Fortunately, the observed Conclusions discrepancies can be overcome if the appropriate activity coefficient is applied (lower part of Table 4, In this paper we assumed cCl=cH as a tool of compar- ci=0.837). ison to obtain paH values from various experimental Let us examine the results related to measurement sources. This assumption is coherent with the reference conditions B and C in Table 4 and ci=0.837. Outputs model for calculation of ci (i=positive or negative from the Harned cell show very small dependence on charge) and is in agreement with the IUPAC recom- ionic strength and ionic medium. These results clearly mendation [1] for handling hydrogen ion concentration. indicate the ability of the calculations to take into ac- We can conclude by observing that conventional count the variation of I obtained with KCl. As far as values of chloride ion activity coefficients which are results obtained with a glass electrode are concerned, adopted worldwide and applied for primary and sec- dependence on both I and the nature of the background ondary paH measurements can be further improved electrolyte [26] is found, as expected. As for the com- according to the theory of thermodynamics that better parison between primary and secondary apparatuses, it describes the property of solutions. Improvement of is clear that measurement conditions for both A and C agreement between primary (Harned cell) and secondary type lead to better comparability, which is fundamental (glass electrode) measurements of paH can be achieved for dissemination purposes. to ensure a higher level of harmonization and dissemi- In Table 3 the extrapolated data of the acidity func- nation for this fundamental quantity, control of which is tion at zero chloride concentration are collected for dif- performed in a variety of scientific and technological ferent temperature and ionic strength, along with the applications to monitor natural, clinical, and industrial corresponding paH. For cCl calculation at processes. 1 I=0.1 mol kg we used Eq. 9; the coefficients c0, c1, and d1 are those in ref. [19] at 298.15 and 310.15 K, whereas Acknowledgments The authors thank Giulia Fiorillo for her valu- for 288.15 K we exploited the relationships linking the able contribution to the experimental work. coefficients with temperature in the range 283.15– 318.15 K. We obtained cCl=0.845 at 288.15 K, and cCl=0.823 at 310.15 K. References

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