Evidence for Impact-Generated Deposition
EVIDENCE FOR IMPACT-GENERATED DEPOSITION ON THE LATE EOCENE SHORES OF GEORGIA by ROBERT SCOTT HARRIS (Under the direction of Michael F. Roden) ABSTRACT Modeling demonstrates that the Late Eocene Chesapeake Bay impact would have been capable of depositing ejecta in east-central Georgia with thicknesses exceeding thirty centimeters. A coarse sand layer at the base of the Upper Eocene Dry Branch Formation was examined for shocked minerals. Universal stage measurements demonstrate that planar fabrics in some fine to medium sand-size quartz grains are parallel to planes commonly exploited by planar deformation features (PDF’s) in shocked quartz. Possible PDF’s are observed parallel to {10-13}, {10-11}, {10-12}, {11-22} and {51-61}. Petrographic identification of shocked quartz is supported by line broadening in X-ray diffraction experiments. Other impact ejecta recognized include possible ballen quartz, maskelynite, and reidite-bearing zircon grains. The layer is correlative with an unusual diamictite that contains goethite spherules similar to altered microkrystites. It may represent an impact-generated debris flow. These discoveries suggest that the Chesapeake Bay impact horizon is preserved in Georgia. The horizon also should be the source stratum for Georgia tektites. INDEX WORDS: Chesapeake Bay impact, Upper Eocene, Shocked quartz, Impact shock, Shocked zircon, Impact, Impact ejecta, North American tektites, Tektites, Georgiaites, Georgia Tektites, Planar deformation features, PDF’s, Georgia, Geology, Coastal Plain, Stratigraphy, Impact stratigraphy, Impact spherules, Goethite spherules, Diamictite, Twiggs Clay, Dry Branch Formation, Clinchfield Sand, Irwinton Sand, Reidite, Microkrystite, Cpx Spherules, Impact debris flow EVIDENCE FOR IMPACT-GENERATED DEPOSITION ON THE LATE EOCENE SHORES OF GEORGIA by ROBERT SCOTT HARRIS B.
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