ISSN 0970-8669 Review

ndia is a land of many religions, many sects and Imany cults. It owes it’s heritage to an ancient civilization which in its onward march with time has assimilated the essence of many cultures. It’s amity lies essentially in its cultural pluralism. To- day when a controversy is raging across the country over the concept of Hindutwa, the peaceful co-existence of different communities in and the Hindu Muslim amity prevailing to this day in certain parts of the then Khordha Kingdom really makes amazing reading. Khordha the then capital of Odisha, a fortress strategically selected and fortified to repel Siddha Purush Bokhari Baba's Shrine, Kaipadar the continuous aggressions of neighbouring

Hindu Muslim Amity in Khordha - An Historical Overview

Satyabadi Baliarsingh

Muslim rulers of Bengal. Therefore it remained 2. Tangi Block : Mulijhar, Kusumi, the hub of political, social, cultural and religious Rautapada, Khajuria, Chhanagiri, Dikhitapada, life of the Utkaliyas for a fairly long time. Since Gayabandha. those days, down through the British era Muslim 3. Chilika Block : . padas had grown at different places around Khordha. Besides in certain villages Hindus and 4. Block : Hantuad, Salapdiha, Muslims remain in peaceful co-existence. Gambharimunda, Sunakhala. Following are some of the prime Muslim inhabited 5. Block: Kusupalla, villages in the present . Saradhapur(near ), Routapada, , 1. Khordha Block : Khordha Town Pangarsingh. (Jajarsingh), Mukundaprasad, Totapada, 6. Bolgarh Block: Chuda, Arakhapalli, Kaipadar, Kerang, Taratua, Panabaraj, Haripurpatna, Asanapalli, Kaunripatna, Kadab, Saradhapur (near Khordha Town), Haripur, Jamusahi, Dakhin Parikheta, Manikagoda, Nijigarh Tapang. Dhalapathar.

4 DECEMBER - 2017 Odisha Review ISSN 0970-8669

7. Block: Jadupur, existence. There are certain predominantly Muslim Mendhasal, Raghunathpur, Sundarapada. inhabited villages which have been historical 8. Jatni Block: Benapanjari, Rathipur, testimony to both Hindus and Muslims living in Haripur (Manipur), Taraboi. amity and each participating and practicing the rituals of the other communities. Some such 9. Balianta Block : Balianta, Fategarh. interesting historical traditions are narrated below. 10. Balipatna Block : Bengabati, KAIPADAR – 11 kilometers away from Khajuriapada, Majhihara, Padanpada, Barahala, Khordha, the village has a population of over Siripari, Narada, Mukundadaspur, Chitalpur, 4500, of which one fifth are Muslims. It is famous Saheb Nagar. for ‘Siddha Purush Bokhari Baba's shrine”. It’s Besides the Muslims, Khordha has a an unique place of worship for both Hindus and sizeable Christian population too. They live in Muslims. Not only from nearby villages nor from Jajarsingh, Minchinpatna and Ashrayapur. different corners of the state but devotees from Moreover, some converted Chiristians live in 8 all over the country and abroad visit this shrine to forest villages of Damia-Barabara and offer their obeisance to Satyapir. Here the priest Niladriprasad G.P. of Banapur Block. But their is a Muslim known as the ‘Khadim’. The offerings ancestors were Hindu of Saura tribal. They (Bhogas) are prepared by the Hindu Gudia and embraced Christianity by the lure of money of the Hindu Mali provides the floral offerings. While the missionaries. But their relationship with the offering the Bhoga, a big drum like instrument Hindus has remained cordial as ever. (Bada katha) is beaten which is prohibited in other Muslim rituals. Every year the 24th day of Ramjan The three religious communities living in is observed as the ‘Urs Utsav’. On this day, the Khordha have a track record of brotherly co- Khadims sprinkle rose water on Baba's Samadhi and cover it with a new canopy accompanied by Haribola, Hula-Huli by the Hindus and Allah-u- Akabar by the Muslims. The entire day remains festive with religious fervor. The Hindus perform Nam Sankritan and the Muslims recite the Koran and organise Kawalis. Although the ‘Urs’ is principally a Muslim festival, the devotees comprise a large section Hindus. The Hindus also perform ‘Satyanarayan Pala’ here. The concept of ‘Satyapir’ has been derived from the Hindu God ‘Satyanarayan’ and the Islamic ‘Peera’. ‘Satyanarayan Pala is performed by devotees for fulfillment of their wishes. The ‘peacock’s tail’ which is used by the Khadims to bless the devotees is also used by the Hindu priest in the ‘Satyapira Puja’. Belief

DECEMBER - 2017 5 ISSN 0970-8669 Odisha Review has it that if a devotee writes his wishes on a piece the cow-herd boy, they came to have a last of paper and hangs it in the shrine, the wishes are darshan of the Baba. The Baba since then fulfilled. Even people from far off places unable became ‘Jinda Pira’(The greatest devotee of to come personally, write letters expressing their Allah). Even the Gajapati came there and he was wishes. left with no doubt that the Baba was ‘Satya Pira’. How the shrine was established in After this, the place became a seat of worship for Kaipadar has a history. In the 17th century, Hazrat both Hindus and Muslims. The Gajapati Raja Syed Jallaluddin Bokhari, a Muslim saint from gave three (3) batis and ten(10) manas of land Samarkand came to . Before that, he has (about 32 acres) for the Sevapuja. This was about already visited Mecca and Madina. The Baba 1734 AD. The Fakirs and Rankis were given visited ‘Delhi, Ajmer, Gujrat and other places in Khecheri and Khiri prasad on every thursday India before arriving at Kaipadar. Some say Baba which practice is in vogue even today. on his way to Srikshetra was enchanted by In 1883, a merchant from Mumbai Hazi the flower and fruit garden at Kaipadar and Ramzan Alli, who had received a boon from the decided to stay there. There he met a Hindu Baba turned Baba’s ‘Pitha Mandap’ into a Sanyasi who was long since engaged in Tapasya. ‘Mazar’. Thereafter in 1925, Seth Hazi Ushman Both engaged in religious discourses. While the of Kolkata constructed the inner Mazar, the Sanyasi worshipped ‘Ishwar’, Baba worshipped Mosque and the Sarai. Covered with marble this ‘Allah’. From that part of time in history, it’s a holy place glitters with Muslim architectural legend afterwards. Both by practice and precept, beauty. This is a place of great tourist importance. the devotees showed that whether Ishwar or It’s top is dome shaped and on the top of the Allah, there is only one God. But to attain God, dome adorn the Muslim symbol of crescent as the paths may be different. well as Chakra of the Hindus. Dushashan The congregation of two saints from two Mangaraj was its architect. different religions not only attracted curious people Hindu and Muslim alike receive the Sirini from the nearby villages but deeply influenced them prasad made of milk, flour, ripe bananas and as well. After some days the Hindu saint went out coconut from the hands of Muslim priest as also on a pilgrimage not to return at all. One day the the ‘Guda Bhoga’ which is prepared by the Hindu then Gajapati Rama Chandra Dev of Khordha Gudias. Having failed to secure any cure with the visited the Baba and received his blessings. With help of modern medical science, many people by Baba’s permission, he built an Ashram there and receiving ‘hukum’ have been miraculously cured made arrangements for Baba’s daily maintenance. of many dreaded diseases. Undoubtedly, the A cowherd boy on his own, provided milk to the socio-cultural milieu of Kaipadar portrays a rich Baba. Baba’s fame spread as he could fulfill the blend of historical sagacity and religious fraternity. wishes of the people seeking his blessings. The MANIKAGODA: cowherd boy one day noticed that an ant-hill had been formed around the meditating Baba, only It is a village under the Bolgarh Police his face appears slightly. But it glows with a divine Station in the district of Khordha. It itself is not a radiance. When the villagers heard of this from revenue village, rather the congregation of revenue

6 DECEMBER - 2017 Odisha Review ISSN 0970-8669 villages like Kumutisahi, Ramachandrapur Patna, Goddess for the Puja. On the Saptami Day, the Chandi Patna, Hat Sahi and Dalei Sahi known as Chhatri of Manika Bhuyan, worshipped by the Manikagoda. It has a population of more than Kandhas, the Katari of Mahisasuri worshipped 8000 of which 3500 are Muslims. The history of by the Dumal Gaudas, the palm leaf and Lekhani Manikagoda, where one witnesses a rare cultural of Karan Panjikar and the Patakhanda given by integration between Hindu and Muslim religious the Gajapati to the Muslim Dalabehera and observances is also unique. Once there was a worshipped by the Dumal Gaudas, the palm leaf beautiful natural garden in Manikagoda. Birabar and Lekhani of Karan Panjikar and the Dev, the youngest brother of Khordha Gajapati Patakhanda given by the Gajapati to the Muslims visited this place. Some say that banished by the Dalabehera and worshipped in the later’s house Gajapati, he had come here as a Sanyasi. Here are placed together as ‘Saja’. The Khandayat he became a great devotee of Goddess ‘Bhuyan’, Paiks also cleanse their traditional weapons and the deity of Adivasi Kandhas. It was decided to place them in Akhadaghar for the puja. All this construct a temple for the deity. But the wall of lie there till Dashami. On Vijaya-dasami day in the deity could never be erected. It collapsed each the afternoon, different techniques of the many time it was built. The deity told the King in his martial arts with the swords, the sticks, the knives dream to make a human sacrifice. When Manika, and wrestling etc. are performed by the Paiks. In the daughter of Jani (Kandha priest) knew this, the evening all assemble in Manika Bhuyan’s she sacrificed her life. It is said that Manika was place. The Jani decorates the symbol the lover of the King. Since then the Goddess representative of the Goddess with sindur, was known as ‘Manika Bhuyan’. Subsequently chandan, bilwa patra and Mandar flower and a fort was built there and it was named after all pray to the Goddess for the welfare of the entire Manika to be known as “Manika Gada”. Latter mankind. The Jani is then possessed by Goddess on the name has been corrupted into Manika Bhuyan and sacrifice is made to appease “Manikagada”. the Goddess. Thereafter Hindus and Muslims move with the possessed Jani in a procession In Manikagada, during the Dussehra round the village accompanied by beating the festival of the Hindus, the Muslim Dalabehera drums and Paika Akhada. When the procession occupies the prime of place. The first Dalabehera moves through the Muslims ghettoes, many occupies the prime of place. As per the records, Muslims fall flat before the Goddess and offer the first Dalabehera Sheikh Mun had come from their prayers to fulfill their wishes. The Muslim Hyderabad. After him the genealogy runs through Dalabehera dressed up in traditional Hindu Sk. Anwar, Sk. Golam Alli, Sk. Agazan, Sk. costumes (in Dhoti & Doshada) has the distinction Basiruddin to the present descendant, Sk. of first welcoming the Goddess and offering puja Habibur Rehman who is now the Dalabehera of at his door steps with incense sticks and bhogas Manikagada. It is customary here to observe the prepared by the Hindu Gudias. Muslim ‘Sohala Puja’ before Dussehra. This puja takes Dalabehera along with Kalisi and others come to place in the Bhagawati Peeth situated to the east the Yogamaya Peeth in the middle of the village. of the village. “Kanak ” worshipped in the Interestingly, a Khandayat, the traditional martial nearby Dibyasinghpur is brought here as the race of Odisha is the priest of the Peetha. Here

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importantly the most horrendous communal blood-bath in the wake of partition of the country or the occasional community clashes elsewhere has not wrought any wedge between the communities to create any deviation in this observance. One can hardly come across a similar or parallel case of Hindu Muslim amity in any part of the country. In addition to this, we can know well Manikagada from a poem written by a German Professor G.G. Sweth of Indology Deptt. of Dubenjen University. He had visited Manikagoda though cocks are offered to the Goddess as on the eve of Dussehra in 1991. Late Rajakishore Pujabalee, but they are not sacrificed. Thereafter Pattanaik, the then President of OSSTA and an the procession reaches the Bhagabati’s shrine to eminent social worker who accompanied the the east of the village. From there the Paiks carry German Professor to Manikagada village gave the “Patakhanda”, the Damal Gaudas carry the me the poem which depicts as such:- “Katari”, the Palm leaf and Lekhani is carried by MANIKAGADA the Karan, the royal priest carries the Kanakdurga There is a village in Khurda. and the Bauri (a Scheduled Caste) bears the A jewel set amidst hills. symbolic Chhatri of Manika Bhuyan and the It’s name recalls Manika’s saga procession reaches the Somanath Shiv temple. And it’s people know all varied skills. In the precincts of the temple and It’s emeralds large fields of paddy beside Kanak Durga Mandap, the “Aparajita It’s rubles the flowering trees. Homa” is performed. This is a sacrificial fire lit to This jewel, dear friend believe me. offer oblation to the Goddess which is the Chief From communal tensions is free. ritual of the Dussehra festival. In this ‘Homa’, the There are Muslims trained to be Paiks Muslim Dalabehera sits as Karta, whom the And Khandayats proud of their sword. Brahmin priest offers Kushabatu. Vedic mantras Their Lord was the Raja of Khurda, are chanted to invoke all the Gods and Goddesses Still this day is remembered his word. and ahuti is offered to them by the Dalabehera. The Karans learned and martial. At last he gives dakshina to the Brahmins and Have taken a humanist’s stand others. The entire expenditure of the Dussehra And to all as teachers impartial. festival is borne by the Dalabehera, for which land They made everyone everyone’s friend. has been given by Khordha Gajapati Raja. There are Brahmins of various Gotras Amazingly this tradition of a Muslim playing Host Immersed in their ancient lore. and Karta to a prime Hindu festival has withstood To Durga they chant their stotras the vicissitudes of change in the governance culture To-day as in ages before. and religion of the subsequent rulers. And more Two mosques stand open to render

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To Allah one’s heart and one’s mind. Find Goddesses, tribal and Hindu Remove dangers of every kind. With Manika-Bhuyan protecting The heart of the ancient fort And the Dalabehera reflecting. Law and order beg a Khurda King’s sword The shaman of Khond extraction And the Mullah just side by side Offers sacrifice, prayer and affection To the deities shows devotion abide And with Bhagabati on the cross roads. Mahishasuni towards the west And Yogamaya at the centre Scheduled Castes remain sheltered best. rebellion against the Gajapati of Khordha. The Whatever quarrel or tension Gajapati had entrusted the task of quelling the May arise in this village by chance rebellion to the Muslim Dalabehera of Keranga. By the Paik’s sport in converted The Tarakai Dalabehera having developed cold Into physical training and dance feet at such developments surrendered before the All sections join full of devotion Kerang chieftain with Mahaprasad on a golden In a ritual once in a year plate which the later received as a token of Which writes them in joyful emotion friendliness and informed the Gajapati accordingly. And removes every sides of fear. The Gajapati was overwhelmed at the prospect This is a village in Khurda of the Muslim Dalabehera respectfully accepting A jewel set amidst hills – the ‘Mahaprasad’ of Lord Jagannath and May it grow a living example decorated him with honours. For the harmony which it instills. During the ‘Dola Yatra’ the presiding deity GADA KERANGA of this ‘Gada’ ‘Sri Radhamohan Dev’ is taken in a Viman to the Gates of the Gada and the Muslim This village is 10 away from Dalabehera offers sweetmeats to the deity as Khordha town with a population of above 3000. Bhoga of course the Bhoga is offered through the Most of them are Ahemmedia Muslims. This Hindu priest. village is an example in many respects. Most of the people are serving in defence and Odisha SIKO police. When we say Sundargarh for Hockey, This is one of the many erstwhile fortresses similarly we can say Kerang for Football. (Gadas) of Khordha. From the Sanskrit word However, it is known for exemplary communal “Shirsha” or the top the name “Sheekha” has been harmony. The Dalabehera of the village is a derived which is course of time has been corrupted Muslim. Once the Dalabehera of ‘Tarakai Gada’ into Siko. Around 35 Kms. away from Khordha that touches the limits of Banki State rose in town, this village has a population of about 6000.

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Hindus and Muslims together observe the religious Muslim Dalabehera clad in costume like Hindu in festivals of the other community. Both the the traditional ‘Dhoti & Doshada’ sits as the Karta communities perform “Paika Akhada” during to offer prayer to the Goddess after receiving Dussehra. Kushabatu from the priest. After the Puja, the Dalabehera with the sword in hand and ROUTAPADA accompanied by other Daleis and Paiks moves The village comes under Begunia Block in a procession to the Khandadhar field. After of Khordha District. Have Hindus and Muslims that various martial art forms of Paika Akhada is live together and the Muslims participate actively performed. in the procession during the “Sitalshasthi” festival In this village, also Dola Yatra is observed and provide all the fire crackers for this festival. with traditional religious gaiety. Sri Arteswar Dev Besides, they also co-operate and financially (Shiv) and Sri Patitapaban Dev (Vishnu) come in support the observance of Dussehra and Dola two Vimanas. The first offering of bhoga is made festivals in the village. by the Muslim Dalabehera on the rock slab in TARATUA front of his doorsteps. The Bhoga is prepared by a Hindu Gudia. The Deities then move to other This village near Khordha town has a doors where Bhoga is offered. Permanent land sizable Muslim population. Unity and cultural has been allotted for the exclusive purpose of integrity is the hallmark of this village. During Bhogas to be offered to the deities by the ‘MahaVishub Sankranti’ and ‘Odia Naba Dalabehera. Similarly, Raja Yatra is also observed Barsha”– a pious Hindus festival, the Muslims lend in this village where both the communities active support for the smooth observance of the participate. festival. The Managing Committee formed for the development of the village comprising of both KADAB Hindus and Muslims work in tandem for the Kadab is an important village situated 5 common good. away from Begunia. Most of the people GADA BANIKILO are warriors. Eighty per cent of the people belong to Khandayat, Muslims and Sabar (Kabari-S.T.) On the outskirts of Ranapur Police community. Here the Dalabehera is a Muslim. Like station, this is a village surrounded on three sides Manikagoda and Gada Banikilo the Muslim by Khordha District. Both Hindus and Muslims Dalabehera sits as the Karta on Saptami Dussehra live here but the cultural integration is so complete Puja of Devi Durga. Both Hindus and Muslims that one can hardly distinguish a Hindu from a observe the occasion. However, this tradition Muslim. Since it was a “Gada” of a King in the failed to continue since 42 years. But another bygone days, Daleis and Dalabehera are found tradition of Dola festival under the leadership of in this village with all the accompanying traditional Muslim Dalabehera is in continuance here. Five rituals. Like in Manikagoda, on the “Saptami of day Pala programme is conducted near Gada Dussehra, the presiding deity of this village Dwarasuni Thakurani on Dola Purnima and Goddess Ramachandi is taken in a procession to onwards and Dalabehera spends money for the the Dussehra field. On the day of Dussehra, the occasion.

10 DECEMBER - 2017 Odisha Review ISSN 0970-8669

GUAPUR observes Laxmipuja or Gurbar Manabasa in the Guapur is a village in Guapur Panchayat month of Margasir like Hindu families. of Balipatna Block of Khordha District, where “If we live in our oneness-heart, we will feel the Samadhi of Peer Nirguni Avlia is there. It is the essence of all religions which is the love said that in the 16th century AD, a Sufi saint of God. Forgiveness, compassion, tolerance, Nirguni lived in Guapur who was famous for many brotherhood and the feeling of oneness are of his miracles. After his demise, the Hindu the signs of a true religion.” Zamidar Chowdhury of Bhingarpur had set up a – Sri Chinmoy Samadhi in his honour and allotted some land for a permanent arrangement of Sevapuja. A Muslim “What is needed is a fellow feeling between Fakir of Bengavati village was also appointed for the different types of religion, seeing that this purpose. Everyday in the evening a drum they all stand or fall together, a fellow (Dumaly) is beaten and Aarati is offered near this feeling which springs from mutual esteem Samadhi. Hindus and Muslims alike come here and mutual respect, and not the with special wishes to be fulfilled. Every Thursday condescending, patronizing, niggardly the Fakir moves from door to door to beg handfulls expression of goodwill, unfortunately in of rice with which Kshiri Prasad is made and vogue at the present time with many.” distributed among the devotees. Every year on – Swami Vivekananda. Sunia (the first day of the year as per Gajapati Calendar), a Mela is organised here by Hindus and Muslims. A specially prepared sweet meat is offered as Bhoga on this occasion. SALAPADIH This village is 4 away from Nachuni in Banpur Block. Here the village head is a Muslim Satyabadi Baliarsingh, Viswatma, M-23, BDA Colony, Dalai to whom local people call Nahak. This family Khordha - 752055.

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