T H E L E G I S L A T I V E A S S E M B L Y O F B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A S P E C I A L C O M M I T T E E O N T H E C I T I Z E N S ’ A S S E M B L Y O N E L E C T O R A L R E F O R M FINAL REPORT FIFTH SESSION, THIRTY-SEVENTH PARLIAMENT FEBRUARY 2005 LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES CANADA CATALOGUING IN PUBLICATION DATA British Columbia. Legislative Assembly. Special Committee on the Citizen’s Assembly on Electoral Reform. Final report At head of title: The Legislative Assembly of British Columbia. “Fifth Session, 37th Parliament.” Submitted to Legislative Assembly of British Columbia. Cf. Covering letter. ISBN 0-7726-5282-1 1. British Columbia. Citizen’s Assembly on Electoral Reform. 2. British Columbia. Legislative Assembly - Elections - Planning - Citizen participation. 3. Elections - British Columbia. I. Title. II. Title: Special Committee on the Citizen’s Assembly on Electoral Reform final report. JL438.B74 2005 324.6’3’09711 C2005-960023-3 Office of the Clerk of Committees SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE CITIZENS’ ASSEMBLY ON ELECTORAL REFORM Location: Room 224, Parliament Buildings Victoria, British Columbia V8V 1X4 Telephone: (250) 356-2933 Toll free at: 1-877-428-8337 Fax: (250) 356-8172 Email:
[email protected] Internet Homepage: This report and others are available at our Internet Homepage which also contains further information about this and other Select Standing and Special Committees: http://www.leg.bc.ca/cmt February 8, 2005 To the Honourable, The Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia Victoria, British Columbia Honourable Members: I have the honour to present herewith the Final Report of the Special Committee on the Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform.