The Wolf Print” by Email
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A special thanks to all of our sponsors! Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Centre IImmppoorrttaanntt DDaatteess Your generous contribution to our centre has March 10th: Daylight savings time helped us through tough times. th March 17 : St. Patrick’s Day In Loving Memory of TTHHEE WWOOLLFF PPRRIINNTT March 31st: Easter Sunday nd 1745 Short Rd Golden B.C 1-877-377-9653 Fall 2012 Volume 1 Issue 2 April 22 : Earth Day th May 12 : Mother’s Day th: Father’s Day June 16 st st Tuk 1999-2011 Aspen 1998-2013 June 21 : 1 day of summer! July 1st: Canada Day M M o o t t h h e e rr NNaattuurree:: HHooww DDoo WWee nd Our Karelians Sept. 2 : Labour Day Luke, Utah, Hopi & Jackson Depend On Her? Depend On Her? You can help promote wolf awareness; help to educate people, and help change legislation to protect our wilderness Help us reach our goals: Expand the facility to include interactive and educational exhibits about wolves and the environment Continued petition of government to protect top predators The New Wolf Print! And, of course, the care and feeding of our wolf pack Your Name and/or Business Name_____________________________________________________________________________ We are happy to announce that Address:________________________________________________________City:______________________________________ beginning this fall we are changing the format of Wolf Print. We will be Province / State:__________________________________________________Postal / Zip:_______________________________ sending out a larger more Telephone: ( )_________________________________Email:___________________________________________________ informative newsletter twice a year. Renewal Yes! I wish to receive “The Wolf Print” by email T-Shirt Size (if applicable): Adult – S M L XL Youth – S M L XL Kids – 2T 3T 4T Adopt A Wolf $75 Pack Membership Howling Wolf Aspen Maya Wiley Alpha Pack Member $100 Wolf Guardian $1000 Moab Keehta Mack Beta Pack Member $50 Receive a photo session for 2 Moki Flora Scrappy Puppy Pack Member $20 Pack Membership includes a bi-annual newsletter, photos, and other assorted goodies 8 Adopt a Wolf from our pack and you will receive photos of your wolf, updates and stories in spring and fall via our newsletter, and the undying devotion of your sponsored wolf… Sponsorship may be renewed annually A howling thanks! CENTRE NEWS Time flies when Birthday Season you’re having fun! What’s Happening This Summer at the Our babies will be one year old in April! The Unfortunatelly,, thiis year we have opted not to holld an open house whole staff at NLW has really enjoyed Wolf Centre! event to kiick off our summer; the next one wiillll be for our 15 year Since all wolves are born during watching these young ones grow right before anniiversary. Nonethelless,, whether you are iinterested iin llearniing our eyes. This was their first winter at the spring time, all of our wolves are more about wollves or are a “wollf llover”,, we have somethiing for centre and their first time experiencing snow! going to be celebrating their you! We stiillll offer our 30 miinute iinterpretiive tallk where our It didn’t take them too long until they figured birthdays in this Spring! That means awesome staff teaches you allll about wollves,, as wellll as our Wallk out how to keep warm during the colder lots of cake for the human pack wiith the Wollves where you can iinteract more clloselly wiith some of winter months. Even though they look like a Flora’s first visit with Maya at 20 our wollves. We are allso hopiing to have a kiid statiion ready for the members and hopefully a piece of mini Moab and Wiley, Scrappy Dave & Flora summer so that allll ages can enjjoy theiir tiime at our beautiifull days old roadkill for the wolves. have developed their own unique facility. facility. personalities; Scrappy Dave has become our This year, our beautiful Maya will resident goofball and Flora has become our celebrate her 14th birthday, Wiley Siince 2004,, the Wollf Centre has hosted tour groups of young new ambassador wolf that goes into schools. will be 11, Moab and Keehta will peoplle from a program calllled Peoplle To Peoplle; these kiids come Scrappy Dave’s First visit with Maya both be 9, Mack and Moki will be 2, from allll around the Uniited States and have the amaziing at 20 days old opportuniity to travell around Western Canada. Not onlly do we and our babies Scrappy Dave and enjjoy receiiviing these young follks but we allso thiink that iit’’s Flora will be 1!! Oh how time flies! iimportant for them to come llearn about our wollves iin Canada and Flora & Scrappy Dave theiir iimportance iin our enviironment as a keystone speciies. It can Approximately 8 months get a lliittlle chaotiic here wiith these groups,, but that’’s jjust part of the exciitement! Don’’t forget th at as the weather gets warmer and the days get Hey Kids! Want your artwork published Don t forget that as the weather gets warmer and the days get llonger,, our busiiness hours wiilll be extendiing as wellll.. As of May 1st,, Flora, 9 months in our newsletter?? Keep sending us st we wiillll be opened from 10 am untiill 6 pm. On Jully 1 ,, our summer your wolf drawings! hours wiillll begiin; we wiillll be open from 9 am untiill 7 pm. Wiley, 5 years old Moab, So come and jjoiin us! We are exciited for another fun fiilllled summer! Approximately 10 Scrappy Dave, 9 months months old Did you know… Insects are essential to... Birds will... Silent Auction Pollination Robert Bateman: Water’s Edge – Picture by Gracie Decomposition & Spread seeds Wolves nutrient cycle Do population control for Lundgren Please submit bids to: [email protected] Food for wildlife insects and small Population animals/rodents (birds of prey) Bidding will start at $250 control (parasites Are a good indicator of Bids will be accepted from Fun Fact: environmental changes & diseases) Mar 1/13 until June1/13 8o% of animal species Brighten up our lives with their Proceeds will help fund wolf Medicine on earth are insects beautiful songs awareness Scientific research Mother Nature: What she provides Fresh Water Trees provide… One good print for us In a healthy state, our environment provides countless Habitat for hundreds of animals The first time I saw a wolf I was hiking with my friend on crown land out services & resources from medicine to fuel. But for from song birds to insects. behind my house. I live in the Boundary-Similkameen and my home borders Mother Nature to provide these things for us, we must Drinking water for animals and kilometres of range land. It was sometime in late April or beginning of May. We care for it; even small disturbances can create a cascade humans. saw him, one ridge over from us. At first we thought it was a old burnt stump of changes in our environment because the key to a Canada exports a large quantity of until he got up and moved away. We watched him lope along the ridge. We healthy ecosystem is biodiversity. water to other countries; so a knew it wasn't a coyote or a bear. Watching it run, we knew it was not a dog source of income as well. either. It could only be one thing: A Wolf. Oxygen What we do to Mother Nature We can generate hydroelectricity; which is also exported. My friend and I had to see the prints to make sure it really was as big as it Habitat Our planet has provided everything that we need to Artwork by looked from where we were standing. Rolling in the snow behind us was my Shade (for lower local thrive; what have we done to thank her? We are Rayana Pedlar neighbour's 100 lb. St. Bernard/Lab mix, so we brought her with us for print temperatures) extracting everything we can from her to benefit comparison. We used our hands to measure the size of Sasha's paw prints. One Building materials financially without ever stopping to ask ourselves, how will this affect others and our future generations? Every of Sasha's prints would fit in the palm of my hand. “Individual species and Deforestation year natural disasters happen; this is Mother Nature’s When we got to where we thought we had seen the wolf, we searched for his ecosystems have evolved way of cleansing herself and getting a fresh start. How This is what happens to our paw prints. We found many but only one that was clear enough to get a good over millions of years into many more “fresh starts” do we have left? forests for us to be able to measurement from. The print was not quite as big as my hand, but it was much a complex have all the paper we need Dams are built for hydro-electricity bigger then Sasha's. interdependence. This can (including toilet paper), the but at what cost? Since I've seen that wild wolf, all I want is to see another one. be viewed as being akin to lumber for construction, etc. I have recently read through the British Columbian DRAFT Management Plan a vast jigsaw puzzle of They cause environmental damage to for the Grey Wolf (Canis lupus) and as far as I can tell, it isn't much of a plan at inter-locking pieces. If you But, this causes habitat loss the area, they destroy the habitat and remove enough of the key all. It seems to me, we are still just hunting wolves and calling it a plan. I don't for animals, erosion, and a migration of fish and other animals, pieces on which the believe it’s the wolves that need to be managed; I think it’s the humans.