Traffic Accidents Rr°Od~Area of the ", ~ ."
All the News of .AII the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse Pointe 1 ewS Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the New! VOL 29-No. 5 Entered al Second CiaII Matter at t5 .00 Per Year thI Post OfficI at Detroit, M1eh1ellJl GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, FEBRUARY I, 1968 IDe Per Copy 36 Pages-Two Sections-Section One IIEADLINES High School Girls Learn A~~~~f'::"""""-' Traffic Accidents rr°od~Area of the ", ~ .". ': .k- 'w '< ~.""1" ,,/$'/ '.., ' T k h s Scene of '''EEl{ . ,,';~':;'\\,~,' ..:t;. ~( :'t.:':" i;4,' ~:':>,:iII a e Tree L;ves Big ProJ.eet As Compiled by the , ~J.~~ ~'":::~>~ .../N~ ~~~"X~~,1r%:a.~~ " Grosse Pointe News ~...l!During Past Year D~~c~iVB~VSt~~~~~n. ,j I Evaluate Stormwater '11l.ursnay, January 25 A STRONG NEW EARTH. .~ I Compilation Of Re-c-o-rd-s-O-f -F-iv-e-Pointes Shows Total Treatment QUAKE shook western Sicily Of 1,352 Accidents In Which 500 Other A bill for $30 hillion today, burying rescue workers still digging for bodies from the Person Suffered Injuries hangs over the U,S. tax. island's worst quake disaster in I Three persons -\~eie--killed in-POinte traffic during payer, but it could be re- 60 years. The tremor killed at I 1967, and an. even 500 were reported injured in the total duced considerably if work least four persons and inj ul'ed of 1,352 aCCIdents recorded by the five Pointe Police just getting underway in about 50, police reported. The I " pepart~ents and sent to the Secretary of State's Office the Grosse Pointe Woods epicenter of Ihe new tremors '.i .'t..:.1,:.',',',1 In Lansmg.
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