SSl Histor i ca l Ar c h ives 129 McP h illips Ave s1~ST) Sa l t S p ri n q Is l a nd, BC V8K 2 1 6 0 1/01 / 2 00 3 F Wednesday, Decemmberii,2002 42ndyear Issue 50 328 Lower Ganges Road, Salt Spring Island, B. C. V8K2V3 Tel: 250-537-9933 Fax: 250-537-2613 Toll-free: 1-877-537-9934 e-mail:
[email protected] Website: THIS WEEK'S INSERTS • Fields • Islands Real • Ganges Estate Cautious optimism to ferry changes Pharmasave • Lifestyle Markets • Ganges Village • Thrifty Foods Market By GAIL SJUBERG Services, it will operate as an under government ownership, "This payment will enable Transportation press release. Staff Writer independent company under but will be leased to B.C. existing service levels for Private sector involvement The long-anticipated fate of the B.C. Company Act and be Ferry Services for a 60-year minor, northern and Sunshine in offering competitive ser INSIDE B.C. Ferries was revealed governed by the B.C. Ferry . period. Coast routes to continue, and vices will also be allowed if Monday as the provincial Authority, in a structure simi Routes, service levels and will also offset the cost of the approved by B.C. Ferry SECTION • People government announced its lar to the Vancouver how much the province will provincial government's trav Services. •Arts plans for the often criticized International Airport pay B.C. Ferry Services will el programs for seniors, A 3.8 per cent ferry fare • T.V.