Recent Decline in Student Population Forces Faculty Cuts By KIMBERLY TAYLOR because we decided to get smaller ence is to protect people that are its hard to even see that cuts News Editor to maintain quality and partly be- currently in their positions Were happen because as the number of cause the number of high school not at this point talking about and students drop so does the number In an attempt to maintain a kids going to private colleges has I dont think well ever have to be of courses you need to offer It steady studentfaculty ratio gone down So were hoping that in a point of talking about elimi- really hasnt had any strong effect Denison will be bidding a farewell were not going to get any smaller nating tenured faculty from posi- upon the academic program to several faculty positions on cam- In fact our goal is to get bigger tions he said Morris said pus We try to have a 121 stu- Morris said Weve made about nine cuts The economics department dentfaculty ratio which is a good Professor of History Don at this point starting next year The has had two people resign and I J ratio explained Provost Charlie Schilling said I think the univer- goal is to get to around 12 but that believe we have authorization to Morris sity does have to be concerned again will depend in part on our add one of those back Lucier i Head of Faculty and Professor about its financial health It has to enrollment picture over the next said Provost Charlie Morris discussed of Economics Richard Lucier ex- meet its obligations We have to couple years Its nothing were Schilling stated Weve lost a the elimination offaculty positions plained that this ratio is set by the be careful of the continuing rise in doing suddenly Morris explained position Were able to I think you obviously have to give some- Trustees They determine what costs thats been associated with Morris said they try to make minimize the impact of that be- thing up and thats not only hap- the number ought to be and whether education and rising tuition rates changes that hopefully have the cause we had two openings in pened here but in several other it should change That comes to us Morris explained that the posi- smallest impact on the programs which to consolidate what had been departments as well as a predetermined ratio he said tions eliminated come largely from that we offer We are proposing three positions I think we are If you eliminate a position there Morris said that with the de- attrition All of the positions that one less faculty position in a num- hiring in a way that will maximize might be an area that that person cline in the size of the student body have been eliminated involve va- ber of large departments like his- our ability to maintain the kind of taught in that no one else in the to around 1700 and the faculty cancies of one kind or the other tory economics psychology program thats important in the department did so you might have numbers totaling approximately either retirement accepting a job mathematics and computer sci- department some loss in a couple departments 160 the ratio is now around 111 elsewhere or something along ence he said He continued But there is a but its relatively minor for the Were closer to 1700 partly those lines Basically our prefer In those larger departments loss whenever you lose a position see Faculty page 2 Computer Accounts Activated by 75 Percent of Student Body

By KRISTEL VANBUSKIRK several years A report from Teresa days as of Feb 1 62 percent have Staff Writer Beamer system and operations used their accounts and 56 per- manager for computing services cent have used their accounts this A large percentage of Denison stated that 75 percent of the semester students are taking advantage of Denison student body enabled a Beamer said computing ser- the technology available at their computer account for use as of vices periodically receives a list of fingertips Individuals can be Feb 1 1995 enrolled students and an account is found tying up computer screens Since the beginning of this set up for each name although it is with the use of electronic mail school year 64 percent of the total off at that time The first time The use of e- mail at Denison student body have used their ac- they come in it actually turns the has been expanding in the past counts at least once In the past 90 account on so students can use their accounts Beamer stated Although they do not report on Young at Heart how each student uses the com- L puter services Jim Freeman asso- Denison students crowd the computer terminals while using e- mail ciate director of academic com- puting said that there has been a Joseph Fleming director of World Wide Web and Mosaic as noticeable increase in mail usage computing services said Its well as other internet connections in that quite often we are at the good because thats the way the The Campus Wide Information maximum number of users that world is going When students System is a menu facility for can be logged on through the graduate from college employers moving around the Internet course of a day are looking for people who can Beamer said Directory informa- Senior Adrienne Binni said understand and use the new com- tion and job postings are two of the You can find people in the lab puter systems listings available under CWIS checking their mail almost any time Vanessa Fuson of computing The World Wide Web and of the day You can talk to people services said We wouldnt be a Mosaic gets you information from from all over the world from the college of the 90s without the all over the world Fuson said privacy of your own home I computer links Beamer explained that Mosaic worked at an amusement park with An advantage of e- mail is the is a reader for World Wide Web people from all over the place and extent that students and faculty information that users can use to this is how we keep in touch can work together Fleming said access graphical information She Sophomore Trish Klei talks Freeman pointed out that You continued Its an easier way to with her brother at Case Western can leave a message any time night view the internet and to get the and his fiancee at Duke with e- or day on e- mail It is a very various resources on the Internet mail Its a nice way to keep in convenient form of communica- For example users with audio and touch that is quick inexpensive tion which he stated could help graphic connections can take a and very accessible Klei said increase correspondence between guided tour through the White Since I am rarely in my dorm students and faculty House using this system is room e- mail is the best way to Many other services are avail- Another route that available communicate with me I also use able with the computer systems to students is a news feed where the faculty and The men ofFraternity Row challenged members of staff it to talk to my family at home These include the Campus Wide the participants post news items the men s basketball game E- to a game offive on five during halftime of said sophomore Emily Krause Information System CWIS the see Mail page 3 Wednesday Feb 8 The Greek men claimed the victory Inside Story Sports AE Seedy Delta Upsilon Big Red Burpees fraternity Swimming Burpees Seedy holds I J auditions The members of Delta Upsilon Swim teams lose in battle with Ohio State annual represent a non- residential fraternity see page 12 see page 6 see page 9 PAGE 2 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 9 1995 News Global Studies Seminars Allow For Senate Notes Scholarly Exchange of Research DCGA met at 630 pm on Tuesday Feb 7 in the Knapp Amphithe- ater A few items on the agenda included Denison 2000 and the By TIM LINKOUS Behdad stated that a faculty Ohio University at Zanesville will academic calendar Staff Writer member submits a paper to the present on Migration Family Jim Pletcher political science professor and chair of University coordinators and they put together Household in Yemen The Impact Council which deals with the business aspects of the campus spoke on Four global studies seminars a schedule of presentations for the of Socioeconomic and Political the Denison 2000 proposal that all DCGA members has received are scheduled for upcoming Mon- upcoming semester The subject Change and Cultural Ideas on Do- He said that the document was not a finished one and that it was days during the spring semester of the paper must deal with global mestic Organization simply a proposal up for discussion It focuses on such topics as tuition The nine year old program has matters The following seminar will be costs and how Denison can be made more attractive to perspective been very successful It is coordi- The presenting professors will in Mulberry House on March 6 students nated by economics professors present a paper on a Monday Eric Evans graduate of Harvard Although it has set the strategic direction for the university for the Paul King and Sohrab Behdad evening from 730- 9 pm A dis- will speak on Slouching Toward next five years it does not include all the objectives that are under way Behdad who has coordinated cussion then follows Behdad noted Bethlehem Middle East Peace The document basically keeps Denison a small liberal arts school with the program for all nine years said that every semester has had a full Prospects a population ofbetween 1800 and 1900 students Pletcher said that itwill that the seminars are structured program so far The next seminar is scheduled be finalized sometime next academic semester more like forums He said that the Behdad said that all the faculty for March 27 in the Faculty Lounge Projects Chair Boyd Hegarty stated that the Bandersnatch will open forums allow faculty who are in- get flyers in their boxes to inform Eduardo Jaramillo will discuss this Sunday He also said that the menu as well as the decor have yet volved in research to engage in them when and where the forums The Politics of Reading Jose A to be finalized discussion take place He wants to announce Silva Student Activities Committee spoke of the upcoming Spin Doctors Behdad called the forums a them electronically in the near fu- The final presentation of the concert on Saturday Feb 25 The doors will open at 730 and the show multi- disciplinary effort to ex- ture over the Internet He added semester will take place on April will start at 900 Tickets will sell for 7 change ideas and allow for a schol- that the attendance will include 17 in the Faculty Lounge Anthony Academic Chair Hartley Johnson reported on the three academic arly exchange of research faculty staff students and the com- Lisska and Steve Vogel profes- calendars being brought before academic affairs one of which is Behdad added that the liberal munity in general sors of philosophy in conjunction favored by the DCGA Executive Board one by the faculty and the third arts environment allows everyone The next seminar will be held in with Scott Warren dean of stu- being favored by academic affairs themselves A vote was taken on the to learn from each other and tap the Slayters Faculty Lounge on Feb dents will present Questioning three calendars and a unanimous decision was made by Senate that the resources available at Denison 20 Tom Stevenson a professor at Post- Modernism first calendar was most favored Sophomore Co- Governor Tim Linkous spoke on the idea of whether 1 or not students should be allowed to run for both senator and co- Faculty from page governor positions on the same ballot A vote was taken and the consensus was that students should be allowed to run for both The most part Morris said determined by the number of stu- suppose it means my students are major argument for the decision was that Senate did not want to chance Morris noted that eliminating a dents that come in because virtu- probably doing more writing Its losing a potential leader position in a smaller department ally every student that comes here better for small group activities Rules Chair Lawrence 2 has a more visible effect For takes Freshman Studies 101 he said Crimmins brought to the attention example we approved reducing Morris said But thats probably not going of the Senate the decision that as the size of the dance department Morris said he doesnt feel as to change to much with a differ- of now there will be no BSU or by one eliminating over time the if cuts is the right word to use ence of 111 and 121 With 121 DISA representatives on DCGA ballet position Theres someone when describing the eliminating you still have a substantial number executive board Because of the j teaching ballet this year there will of positions Restoring the 121 of small classes Schilling said deliberation the issue will be dis- be someone part time teaching studentfaculty ratio that weve No faculty likes cuts thats a r cussed in greater detail at the next I ballet next year so it truly hasnt always been happy with is what given You believe that what Senate meeting W completely disappeared he said this is all about Cuts makes it youre doing is important you There will be no Senate meet Plus as it turns out the visiting sound like youre doing less but in believe your field is important You ing ucai wcc minority artist April Berry- fact were not Were trying to want to see it as full as to represent Professor ofPolitical Science Jim compiled by Staff Writer Burkey is also teaching in dance maintain the same good student the field so your not low Schilling Pletcher discussed Denison 2000 Andrea R Perry So the reduction there I think is faculty ratio weve always had said You want to maintain the going to work just fine Morris stated quality of your programs I think Board ofTrustees might be short- ing system He also said that there Morris stated that the number Schilling stated there are edu- from a faculty perspective the key sighted to make some cuts now are two initiatives currently going of sections of a course needed are cational advantages to a smaller is protecting the program and the Faculty have argued for ex- forward One is to use faculty for also a factor For instance the ratio general quality of the educational ample in conversations with the career connections and the second size of our freshman class directly Im teaching smaller classes experience Board of Trustees that the Board is for management studies determines the number of Fresh- than I ever have and thats prob- Faculty feel pretty strongly we might want to look at ways in which The faculty is concerned that man Studies 101 sections we have ably true for a lot of faculty maybe want to be sure we dont lose so perhaps during what we view as a if were all going to have to get to offer Staffing in the English not in all areas It allows me to do many faculty we find ourselves temporary period of smaller class smaller that should be done department in part only in part is some things I couldnt do before I short in fields in a couple of years sizes that faculty size might be equally cuts ought to be across the when college enrollments ought to sustained and that extra personnel entire range of the college The i i t i K be increasing again Lucier said be used creatively Schilling said administrative staff ought to be Lucier noted that the Denison Lucier explained that for the subject to some of the same cuts so faculty members in the American faculty that is not being used pro- that theres a sharing of the bur- Association of University Profes- ductively in teaching there might den That seems to have a fairness sors were suggesting that the be leaves or changes in the advis notion to it Lucier said Prime Source Oxford Hamil ton Middletown Ohio r i 7 One of the nations largest wholesale distributors of building supply products will be on- campus Wednesday February 22 1995 to present an Information session Over 100 intensive workshops on- campus at 700 pm in the CDC across the US and abroad in places like Job openings are available for a Customer Service Merchandiser

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All students interested in finding out more about sales financial and general i

management with Prime Source should attend Til tU 1 W For more information call 513 529- 1508 Hl lfc M Miami University Equal opportunity in education and employment THE DENISONIAN PAGE 3 News Black History Month Brings Awareness and Knowledge By ALLISON JERVEY topic of The Holistic and Liber- versities and community centers one of the larg- Staff Writer ating Legacy of Malcolm X at 8 Madhubuti has published 17 est AME pm on Monday Feb 13 in Fel- nonfiction and poetry books He churches in the Denison is commemorating lows Auditorium The Convoca- most recently edited Why LA Hap- United States Martin Luther King Jr and Black tion is sponsored by the Black pened Implications ofthe 92 Los He is the author History Month through March 21 Student Union and the Office of Angeles Rebellion a book dealing of The While various events have been Student Affairs with race relations the riots in Cali- N eh e m i a n A brought to campus over the course Madhubuti is a professor of fornia and civil rights Plan Prepar- of the semester more are still to English Literature and director of Director of Multicultural Af- ing the Church take place Three upcoming at- the Gwendolyn Brooks Center at fairs Betty Lovelace commented tractions are American Book State University He was on Madhubutis written work I Lives Award- winning author Haki named author of the year in Illi- remember his book The Con- Reid has re- Madhubuti the Reverend Doctor nois by the Illinois Association of spiracy to Destroy Young Black ceived two Frank Madison Reid III and writer Teachers of English He has lec- Males in which he talks about how NAACP Im- V actor and director Ossie Davis tured spoken and conducted work- some things are put in place sys- age Awards J Ossie Davis left and Rev Dr Frank Madison Reid III Madhubuti will speak on the shops at over 1000 colleges uni temically which impede the He also served right are featured during Black History Month progress of black men she said as a delegate to E- Basically thats the theme out the 1984 and 1988 Democratic Na- Dream and The Drum andA Walk Mail from page 1 of which he continues to write Its tional Conventions Through 20th Century with Bill not so much a conspiracy as much As part of the Denison Lecture Moyers for PBS Davis also co- in a discussion group Fleming all our position is that its a good as it is the fact that there are some Series Ossie Davis is scheduled to produced the series With Ossie and said This can be accessed by thing things that are in place which do speak at 8 pm on Tuesday Feb Ruby for three seasons with his typing news at the prompt A report from Beamer stated prohibit the success of blacks in 21 in Swasey Chapel Daviss wife Ruby Dee after exiting the main menu of e- that Denison had a networking general and more specifically of speech is entitled An Evening All three events are free and mail accounts Fleming stated that model installed in 1986 for ad- black males Lovelace said With Ossie Davis He has per- open to the public there is probably some useful stuff ministrative data Expansion has Among his other accomplish- formed in many movies including There is a rich history that for students in these discussions included a link to BITNET in ments Madhubuti is the founder of Spike Lees Do The Right Thing comes out of the black experience There is something for every 1988 and a full internet connec- The Third World Press and the for which he received a Best Sup- Lovelace stated She said that taste such as soap opera updates tion in 1990 Now dorm rooms in Institute of Positive Education porting Actor award and an through exposure to the various games science aviation and on Shorney can be connected to the Lovelace stated that this is tar- NAACP image award speakers who come to campus Clarinet is the section of the sys- schools system for easy student geted specifically for black males Davis has also appeared in tele- whether they are poets some ofthe tem where real news articles are access New computer labs have Hes still coming out of that basic vision shows and mini- series more controversial speakers or edu- coming in Fleming said He recently been installed in the Olin method of operation she noted Currently he stars on CBSs cators people can begin to break stated that the news comes in over Science building I think the theme he will bring Evening Shade He performed in through some of those barriers that the internet at night Theres Regarding the future Freeman to Denison is one of how young CBSs mini- series Queen which have existed not necessarily here in tremendous resource at your fin- stated that it is increasingly more blacks in particular can begin to was Alex Haleys last screenplay at Denisons campus but just gertips all of a sudden that weve difficult to avoid using the com- put some things in place to help In addition to his acting career general in terms of how we address never had before puter in some aspect of life elevate themselves Lovelace said Davis has added many writing and each other said Lovelace I aware- Fleming said there are indi- Fleming predicted that Two Rev Dr Frank Madison Reid directing credits to his name For think if we talk about Us The the ness and knowledge of diversity in vidual specific things that are nega- years from now there wont be III will deliver a sermon in memory his work For Living X at on Wednes- Medgar Evers he re- general Black History Month con- tive such as the possibility of anybody who doesnt e- mail off of Malcolm 7pm story of tinues to raise to the height of being a distraction although this campus Both stated the use of day Feb 15 in Swasey Chapel ceived the Neil Simon Award His awareness that diversity depends upon the individual user the internet makes Denison a less His visit is sponsored by the Office directing credits includeAs Cotton anyones To a for is very much a part of our commu- As you have contact with the isolated campus You have the of Religious Life and the Black Comes Harlem film Gordon s War nity she continued Sometimes system you learn how to make input of people all over the world Student Union United Artists and we look at it in terms of numbers sensible choices Fleming said Freeman said For the last seven years Reid for 20th Century Fox Davis also developed Emmalyn but I think Black History month Freeman stated that Elec- Binni stated E- mail is the has worked as the pastor of Bethel a company which has says numbers while thats impor- tronic mail is a tool and like any thing of the future I think every- African Methodist Episcopal Enterprises produced MartinLuther King The tant that isnt the only thing we tool it can be misused but over one should use it Church in Baltimore Maryland need to be focussing on she said Black Student Union Minister Denison professor William Henry Lewis of Defense and Order Oyauma Town and Gown will read from and sign his award- winning first book Garrison said Black History Month 1 17 N Prospect Granville 587- 3261 and diversity of stories In the Arms of Our Elders brings more culture i short to Denison Knowledge is power Heavyweight Champion Hooded he said We study America His- wontforget at the tory for eleven months out of the Sweatshirts I Valentines year Why not take out one month Day is lining i 7 1 to celebrate black history Nylon Windpants with cotton Chief Minister Elect Adrian Cox Tuesday I M felt that Black History month of- Perfect your sweetheart agreed for t K V fered a lot to Denison He 1 i u h Saturday Feb 11 that it brings in history that you might not normally get in the class- 11 am 1 pm room Cox also said that Black 140 E Broadway Granville History Month can give people a L J 587- different perspective of different Hank Lewis 3051 The 1995 Xavier summer sessions bulletin of classes people than the ones they may get workshops Is now available Undergraduate graduate level from everyday life interactions When people talk about the coursesoffered in the areas of arts and sciences business Day is Tuesday struggle people can understand education professional studies and social sciences Valentines what that is It helps us move May 1 5 June 22 July 3 August 1 0 Session dates February 14 unilaterally in a positive direction CALL OR WRITE Cox stated 7 Whether youre African or 0 UA StctfUt AMKtUc ft Atxe 9 jttm fat African American or whether you are Euro- American or Hispanic or J what have you by being exposed and history of Summer Sessions U IN 1 V LlOl 1 Y to the background fl each of these ethnic groups we can I j 3800 Victory Parkway Village Flower Basket begin to bridge some of those gaps j I Cincinnati OH 45207- 3120 that exist and Black History Month 51374- Broadway 587- 3439 j 54381 226 East is just a way of doing that Lovelace said Xavier University is an academic community committed to iqual opportunity for Free Delivery to Denison all persons regardless of age sex race religion handicap or national origin PAGE 4 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 9 1995 Editorial Denisonian Editorial Off- Campus Trips Offer Valuable Educational Opportunities Denison is an institution that claims a sound and student that a classroom setting seems to naturally open relationship between teachers and students and enforce Outside the classrom teacher and student all the benefits that come with that relationship invariably form better understandings of each others A Professors have been making good on that claim by positions This can only be considered a positive taking their classes on off- campus ventures Profes- outcome particularly for a school that advertises itself sor of Political Science Emmett Buell announced as hrving professors who are very approachable plans to take his political science class to New Hamp- The university plays an important role in these shire while last semester Professor of History Don projects Denison funded the trip to the Holocaust Schilling took a trip to the Holocaust Museum in museum Obviously a trip of this nature can be costly Washington DC and many students might face an obstacle in undergo- These ventures are beneficial for several reasons ing such a venture without that financial assistance not the least of which is the sound pedagogy in- The funding of these trips is a very sound educational volved Hands- on experience with a topic is invalu- investment for it illustates to both prospective and able in many educational settings providing a con- enrolled students that Denison is serious about teach- text for the material that simply cannot be acquired ing from a textbook or lecture Additionally it lends real- Such trips should be encouraged where applicable world application to subjects that may seem inappli- Professors students and the administration should cable when in the classroom pursue opportunities for worthwhile off- campus ven- Beyond that such trips are valuable for their role tures when they present themselves for these trips in removing potential barriers between teacher and bring about positive results for all concerned Misdirection On November 15 1994 Denisons Discussion Implies Board of Trustees officially put into Lack of Student action a plan that could forever change our university This move has been hailed An Endorsement of Board Proposal by many as a bold step in the right direction I disagree The lack of response to the Board of Trustees proposal another outlet which students have not This is not a matter of merely dis- proposal throughout the Denison community sug- utilized DISA and Panhel have submitted counter- agreeing with the proposal in hopes that gests that students are indifferent to their social future proposals yet even these documents represent only a doing so will prevent a crowding of at this institution Students fail to realize that their small portion of the campus opinions Another indi- j where I live the exciting dorms I think silence is synonymous with supporting the decision cation of the lack of formal student discouse concern- John D Carroll the residential fraternity system does Option 3 of the proposal favored by the trustees ing the trustees proposal is the absence of an IFC have something to offer the community although in recent years this Despite attempts made by the administration and counterproposal benefit has not been the most clear With guidance from the administra- campus organizations to promote discussion with Many students do not realize that the Board of tion this system might work students the turnout for planned programs has been Trustees proposal will affect the entire campus not Certainly the trustees are correct in addressing this issue for prob- consistently poor Though members of the Denison only the Greek system IFC and Panhel have held a lems exist and need to be corrected At the same time a bear does not community have opinions regarding the proposal series of meetings concerned with their future status at need to be killed with a nuclear weapon when it could be tamed with few are actively participating in any formal discus- Denison However forums which incorporate per- some tranquilizer darts Whereas I am certainly not suggesting we shoot sion spectives of the entire campus Greek and indepen- all the Greek men with darts I believe there exists a better course of Only a small percentage of the campus opted to dent students alike have had poor attendance action for our situation There is room for discussion take advantage of attending the recent open forum If students do not agree with the proposal they IFC should be working nonstop to illustrate potential problems with with the trustees Due to lack of student interest the need to take action immediately because time is dwin- the proposal Unfortunately they have remained silent over the last three Huffman Forum scheduled for last Saturday Feb dling As the outcome of this proposal will affect the months thus indirectly validating the trustees argument IFC must 4 was canceled Although many student organiza- entire Denison community students need to express realize that a mere counterproposal will not work Getting into a yes tions have held meetings to discuss the proposal their individual responses to the proposal in formal you didno I didnt argument with the trustees is ridiculous It is gatherings which include more of the diverse student settings Discussion behind closed doors creates no imperative that IFC does more than talk the trustees have been hearing community have had poor attendance community- wide discussion talk for years IFC needs to act Now Students have been urged to take advantage of the In all the Denison community needs to voice their We hear that students are upset with the social system here Which many available outlets for discussion yet have been opinions regarding the proposal Students need to students Why On their recent survey on social life the administration reluctant to do so The addresses of the trustees are take advantage of administrative forums and show asked only two questions on the demographics of their sample gender available in Doane so the Denison community can that they share a genuine concern for their social and class Unknowingly the administration might draw an erroneous easily communicate their individual responses to the future at this institution conclusion Before a final decision is made student support or dissent on this issue must be defined for each demographic group on campus IFC should do this and not let its future be influenced by a flawed adminis- SHg 3Be111 rr ix trative survey s itt it The Greek system has been criticized for creating many social Volume 138 Number 14 barriers on campus IFC should address this issue One course of action would obviously be a co- sponsorship of activities between Greeks and independents Two years ago the BSU and IFC signed an agreement to EditorinCh- ief John D Carroll it at In system Managing Editor Dan Fiden do just that but did not last long all addition the Greek should work in an attempt to build a social environment for themselves and the campus that does not revolve around alcohol The bottom line Advertising Director Julie Driscoll Advertising Director Liz Valliere AE Editor Joe Raiser The trustees have the impression this main emphasis is on Inside Story Co- Editor Draco Forti News Editor Kim Taylor Photography Director Carol Jacobs systems drinking IFC that impression through actions Quorum Editor Brian Voroselo Senior Copy Editor Eric Conkle Sports Editor Willy Clark must change Perhaps I am an optimist I think the system might have some redeeming qualities enough to warrant its existence Unfortunately I Advertising Rep Andy Murphy Advertising Rep Elizabeth Ellis Asst Business Manager Julie Conwell dont see IFC making this argument IFC is really dropping the ball here Asst Photo Dir Kristofer Anderson Business Manager Rae Richards Cartoonist Ben Blake I certainly do not want to see another Denison tradition removed from the campus but this tradition is one over which I have no control If IFC The opinions expressed in this newspaper are not necessarily those of Denison University nor any of its constituents Unsigned editorials does not show they can create an effective argument then sadly the represent the majority view of the editorial board Columns letters and Quorum pieces represent the views of their authors Letters to the residential fraternity system here at Denison should die For if IFC does editor of less than 200 words will be accepted prior to 6 pm the Monday before publishing Letters may be edited for size or content not have the gumption to save its own way of life then it certainly does not contain the energy or motivation it would take to implement changes Remaining issues February 23 March 2 9 30 April 6 13 to correct the existing problems If the trustees have to wait any longer any action on the part of IFC Slayter HallDeni ersity Granville OH 43023 Phone 614 587- 6378 Fax 614 587- 6767 no matter how serious will be considered triv and insignificant The e- mail DENIS0NIANCCDEN1S0NEDU death of this system much like its current state of deterioration will come from within It shouldnt be this way and I wish it wasnt Quorum Hood Critiques Trustees Decision and Student Apathy

By RICHARD HOOD ously a bad situation I Deni- Since came to be interested in seeing that its fun The students say Theyll never let us do that son five a and half years ago Ive heard landlord wants to see that its secure and as though doing that an obviously prefer- I had intended nothing but complaints from students about safe But fun doesnt always involvesafe able social situation needed some sort of to remain silent the social situation on this campus and Ive Once in a while it does involve sex drugs approval before it could be instituted after my letter seen nothing but whining defenses of the and rocknroll So if I want to have fun I This is high school mentality and and the ensuing I current Greek system Now fail to under- take charge of the party myself and I find whether it originally came from the stu- grief of last year stand how a student body can be so eager to ways to satisfy the landlord by taking charge dents who are here or whether it came from After all my defend the structures that produce this social of security myself Id see to it that my guests the administrative attitude toward the stu- point in that let- situation treated my place and more importantly them- dents here it is destructive to any commu- ter was that I This is the problem of private clubs dedi- selves and each other as friends and neigh- i nity of adults trying to live anywhere I 1 didnt want to cated to the powerful members of any com- bors should Once again I challenge whats left of discuss an obvi- munity In power I reserve the right to asso- Im not particularly happy with the trust- the Denison community and I mean ous situation the fraternity system didnt ciate with others in power and I call that a ees decision Of course it was bound to students as primary movers and shakers need reform it needed extinction I stand by free choice Once I buy into that logic I cant come the fraternity system has made itself to abolish a system of private mens clubs that opinion see that what I ve done is trap myself into the such a burden upon the finances and security To take over those clubs and turn them into Ive been asked repeatedly for my opin- power structures that isolate me from every- concerns of the university that they had to do coeducational open- enrollment homes ion on the current proposal about fraterni- one else And then I find myself complaining something But Im deeply disappointed in where the wildest sorts of parties might ties and after many requests from various that others with less power are doing the the student body as a whole for their lack of take place where everyone felt like she people Ill try to restate my point in a same thing or that my rights to that power ability to anticipate this situation belonged clearer way I didnt call upon the board of are being violated or that Im protecting There are obviously better alternatives to It could happen trustees or the administration to abolish something sacred and crucial without hav- the current situation But when it comes to Hood is an associate professor of En- fraternities Thats not their job I called ing any idea what it is I want to save discussing the possibility for change I hear glish upon what is left of the Denison commu- If I want a decently interesting social life nity to realize that fraternities had outlived I see to it that my options arent dominated by their ability to provide an effective social someone else I dont fight for the right to put Survivors of Sexual Abuse and residential situation for the Denison my social choices my drinking choices my community In other words I was asking sexual choices in the hands of some homoge- students the bulk of the community and neous group If my only social choice in- Are Able to Reclaim Lives by far most of the people who live on this volves submerging myself within some group By MICHELLE TIMMERMAN changed me forever but it did not ruin me campus to abolish the fraternity system mentality or some expected behavior Im not The pain is still a part of me Once in a I was neither advocating nor supporting any having fun Im being oppressed During June Orientation Dr Stukus pro- while I still get flashbacks and I still get move by others unilaterally to abolish this Conversely if some authorities take charge fessor of biology told me We expect great cravings to injure myself distracting my system of the social situation their concern will not things of you Michelle In the last two and mind from its psychological torment Im I must say that Im disappointed in the be fun but will be security After all if I let a half years I have done great things different but Im coping and Im enjoying student body and the community as a whole my landlord plan a party that I want to throw although not what he had planned and not my life I still have to lock the door to fall for its inability to act upon what is so obvi in my apartment my landlord isnt going to what I had dreamed of A few weeks into my asleep but I dont get nightmares I have freshman year a male on my floor continu- even been back to my old floor because I ally sexually harassed me Many saw him am no longer abused there Students Make Their Case for terrorize me eight nine ten times a day I I have reclaimed my life But I can never went through the little university channels to get the last two and a half years back and I Option get him to leave me alone to little or no have only begun to mourn the loss of what Cohabitation Living effect Right when I was in the middle of all I could have become However after buck- and of counsel- By STEVE CHALMERS Denison would force some students to com- this administrative runaround my ets of tears j illions of hours And DENIS BLOT mute Who are we to discriminate against soulmate Chris visited me from Florida ing I like who I have become I have fought marital status After all Denison is known It didnt matter to him that I didnt want to with every ounce of my being to exorcise With all this talk about new residence for its diversity see him He raped me these demons of sexual assault I still bear hall options weve decided to discuss and Upon coming to college many students At the time I had every symptom of the emotional and physical scars of those explore an option that while currently un- develop close friendships among the oppo- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder from my other demons and their exorcism but they are a available at Denison is a reality on many site sex friendships that are perhaps even situation and so I do not remember Decem- part of who I am I do not blame myself nor campuses across the nation This option is better than those with the same sex With this ber January and February of my freshman am I ashamed of what has been done to me that of men and women cohabiting in suites option of living with the opposite sex friends year I suppressed the rape I stumbled through there is no way any of this hell is my fault andor rooms thus allow would be able to get a life getting nightmares and flashbacks Fi- I have accepted in my heart that I was new and broader view on nally on the first day of classes I admitted completely helpless however I also tell ing living arrangements Why doesnt Denison suitable for all The op life Males would be get- that Chris had the R- word me myself that I am no longer that sobbing mid- an of my freshman tion is as follows during think of cohabitation as ting more of a female per- What timing In October I had terrified paralyzed victim the freshman year stu Other spective on things and emotional breakdown complete with a squad and sophomore years being viable while I survived but I have dents would still be re vice- versa This enlight- run and an emergency room visit followed Not only have despite this trauma noticed quired to live with a colleges have already ened view on life would by about a three to eight week absence from thrived Ive survivors we keep roommate of the same adopted it give Denison students a all my classes Making up four classes something about rape We let the fate worse sex however beginning bilateral perspective as during Christmas vacation and the second bouncing back dont Junior Steye Chalmers a massive death keep us down We fight back with the sophomore year they enter the real semester while in the midst of than r J and sophomore Denis Blot most We weave the pain into a new and stronger students would be al r world depression wasnt fun and it took of I my work being Two years later I can now concen- lowed to choose room A few weeks ago the the second semester but made up I scholarship trate remember eat dream sleep feel talk mates andor suite mates of either sex With Trustees placed surveys into students boxes and even kept my the Night march in and laugh Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is this additional option for the housing lot- listing possible options for living accommo- At the Take Back I between two poems to but a hideous memory A little part of me tery students will not be limited to the few dations apartment units for upper- class stu- October debated Marge Piercy s Rape Poem will always hurt but that hole is gradually options that are currently available rather dents theme houses substance- free residence read Reading said These hideous things hap- being filled with happiness courage and they will have nearly the entire spectrum at halls quiet residence halls multi- person would have to me and they really messed me up strength their choosing from single- sex dorms to suites etc Never here to be found on this list pened with the poem I read An Open I am a survivor ef sexual harassment coed rooms was the option of living with students of the However to my Harassers They Know and rape I am not my abuse Question how many times have you opposite sex Why is this Why doesnt Letter All They Are I hoped to tell everyone I Timmerman is a junior biology major been kicked out or felt the overwhelming Denison think of this option as being viable Who was sexually terrorized and raped And that and chemistry minor need to leave your room because your while other colleges have already adopted it roommate had hisher significant other over Does Denison realize the support that would Its happened to almost all of us at least be received if it were to add the option of coed once With the addition of this rooming living to its existing residence hall options to ask option those involved in serious relation- These are questions that we may have Quorum Call of ships can undisturbed go about their busi- ourselves as Denison continues in its state say ness To go a step further take for example transition And as we sign off remember Anyone interested in writing for Quorum should those students who are married As of now yea to bi- gender living and say nay to homo contact Quorum Editor Brian Voroselo at 9194 students who have entered the state of mari- geneity and Spanish Slayter Box 2113 tal bliss must live off campus if they are to Chalmers is a junior biology or cin- live together with over 95 percent of the double major and Blot is a sophomore students living on- campus it seems odd that ema major PAGE 6 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 9 1995 Inside Story

First in a two- part series on Denison fraternities A Day in the Life of a Denison Non- Residential Fraternity SARAH M SWARTZ busy social calendar They are cur- By years weekly chapter meetings IF 31 Editor Emeritus were held in the University Room V 3 rently planning a Spring Formal to i in Slayter Hall Recently they have be held off campus in March Last A blue and white flag can be been held in larger residence hall year they held their formal in seen in a window of Shepardson rooms js Denisons Mulberry House The Hall symbolizing the residence of DU subscribes to a nons- ecretive l problem with Mulberry is that you i members ofone of Denisons non- set of bylaws and does not could have a formal there but you residential fraternities Delta Up- participate in secret ceremonies could never have a party silon Two non- residential frater- according to junior Kash Eagleton Schraeder said theres no place nities currently exist at Denison current president of DU Our Rush for a bar Nixon noted they follow the Alpha Phi Alpha and DU is open and so are our meetings i I Absent of house cooks formal Eagleton said same registration policies for par- chapter rooms and composites Rush functions are now held in ties as the residential fraternities adorning the walls it is here and in the basement of Taylor House a We are not allowed to have late- several other residence halls on convenient location for freshman nights because we live in the 1992 renovation built the campus that the brothers of DU men who are visiting several Taylor House shown here during its was as dorms and have to observe the Delta Upsilon house in 1959 Although the university took the house away call home houses on Fraternity Row quiet hours policy he said in 1984 the fraternity still holds some Rush activities in the basement I recently spent an evening din- Junior Seth Nixon recently com- You can get away with a lot ing with various members of DU pleted his term as DUs rush chair wards the other fraternities because while others such as Eagleton saw more in the houses than you can in in Huffman Dining Hall and had and said he felt his fraternity was at they have houses I dont resent it as a complement the dorms Nixon said We have the opportunity to see what life a disadvantage during Rush be- them for having a house because We have the experience of to work within the confines of the was like as a non- residential fra- cause they dont have a house that was a choice that I made When functioning in the nonr- esidential residence halls and we try hard to ternity In light of the proposed Its kind of a pain because we I was thinking about which frater- system Eagleton said I stay within those rules Eagleton changes in the Board of Trustees dont have a place to have parties nity I wanted to go to I decided think its a complement to the up- added working paper regarding Greek I think thats the biggest prob- that Id rather go DU than have a perclassmen and graduates who Most of the DUs agreed that it life non- residential fraternities lem junior Kristofer Anderson house said Schraeder helped build our organization up was a lot easier for them to hold have found themselves in the spot- added we just need a place to We have guys who dont want and helped make it work he private social events when they light have parties a place where you to live in the houses but still want added had a member with an off campus According to Seth Nixon DU dont have to ask the school for that togetherness philanthropy and We just dont have the prob- house It makes a huge differ- was chartered at Denison in 1909 permission fraternal organization Eagleton lems that come with living in a ence Nixon noted This DU chapter has added We attract different kinds house Eagleton said He cited The members of DU hope to gone through several of people than the other fraterni- large debts security and hazing as eventually have a meeting place changes through the ties They attract the kind of per- examples of those problems similar to the sorority lodges How- years including a loss son whos more apt to go to the Were the only house thats not in ever due to financial constraints of recognition in 1984 Row he noted debt and we have the highest and the upcoming Trustees deci- After several appeals an The DUs agreed that there GPA Schraeder pointed out sion that idea is being tabled agreement was reached seemed to be a greater sense of When its time to party the When asked what their ideal with the University in brotherhood because they dont all residential situation 1992 to establish them- live in the same house Of course would be some DUs an- selves as a nonr- esidential you have smaller groups theres We have guys who dont swered We need Saw- fraternity the Shep group and the Huffman yer an echo was heard Fraternity members group but were still pretty tight want to live in the houses all over the dinner table participate in the on- Nixon said but still want that The Trustees are ex- campus housing lottery I think were closer because pected to make their de- along with independent we dont have to live together togetherness philan- cision in regards to the students and affiliated Schraeder agreed tropy and future ofDenisons resi- women They eat in the Senior Elizabeth Burner said fraternal dential fraternities in dining halls and follow Members oftheDelta Upsilonfraternity remain she felt it was easier to get to know organization April the same residential active in the residence halls the DUs because they live in the Junior Jeff Schraeder Anderson noted that guidelines as the other students We cant say come down to dorms But you dont choose who he had spoken with a who live in on- campus residence the house and party we can say youre going to hang out with based friend who lives in a fra- halls come on over to Shep but not on where they live she added DUs must look to OSA for assis- ternity house and he had asked But these men are members ofa everybodys in Shep junior Jeff The Board ofTrustees cited the tance The fraternity must hold what it was like to live in the dorms fraternity and therefore hold chap- Schraeder noted DUs in their working paper as a their social events in on- campus I told him hes going to think it ter meetings and plan social events If you have that facility it fraternity that works due to their establishments such as the Roost sucks because its so different he similar to their counterparts on makes you more visible Eagleton non- residential structure But there Mulberry House or the said Fraternity Row Though they do said It gives you an identity were mixed feelings about that la- Bandersnatch Its going to be unhappy living not have a chapter house in which But the members of DU dont bel from the DUs Some members Regardless of a lack of space situation for them if the Trustees to hold these events In previous seem to feel any differently to of the fraternity disliked the label the DUs still manage to have a chose Option 3 Anderson added


What should the Campus Opinion be next week By Allison Fuleky


Kim Hornung 95 Michelle Kahlenberg 98 Todd Roberts 97 Fitz Totten 95 Whats your flavor of Fig How many layers of clothes What do you consider the Why are school- hired Newton does it take to keep warm hidden meaning behind the architects coming into my carnation you have re- fraternity house ceived Inside Story

It mi IS ipK- it Denison Student is Pastor of Church 1 By DRACO FORTE ages of 13 to 18 using alternate realized their greatness Inside Story Editor ways of praise towards the Cre- Matthews said the children of Are Our Voices Heard ator to dance from a biblical stand- Noni Youth Church will have their Many Denison students are in- point said Matthews first Black History Month program Open forums surveys and residence volved in activities outside of the Noni Youth Church has two on Feb 26 and will have a youth hall discussions allow the student body to class that are interesting and youth choirs and other aspects revival in May Adolescents will share its opinions on school issues with an unique Peter Matthews is no ex- which makes them different from dress up as their favorite African- administration that appears to be making ception Matthews is a senior black American scholar historian edu- a valiant effort to understand and consider studies major associate minister i r cator or political scientist and give these concerns However many students at Allen Temple AME Church in a brief synopsis of that individual have interpreted these efforts much dif- Cincinnati and the pastor of his he said In addition he said they ferently Commonly students very own youth church Africa- i express the celebrate that there are indeed belief that decisions have already been Since the summer of 1992 we nAmerican kids who are not made and that the desire for student opin- at Allen Temple had begun to cre- single mothers who are not hooked Catherine Gray ion seems to be done only to save face ate some alternate ways for our on drugs who are not hooked on What I am respectfully suggesting is youth to participate in the worship gangs who are not hooked on low that the Denison administration explains to the student body exactly how experience explained Matthews self- esteem it makes decisions and to what extent it takes student opinions into By the fall of 93 we began to Matthews is a full time student consideration incorporate youth even more by and drives to Cincinnati every week- By not providing an explanation of the process the whole idea of creating their own youth church end to preach When the stress of asking student opinions is undermined by perceived insincerity This he said The new church was called school and work build up Matthews Senior Peter Matthews is an suspicion against the genuineness of administrative requests for student the Noni Youth Church Associate Minister at Allen said he turns home for support My input results from the products of past experience- namely those involv- We decided to name it Noni Temple AME Church wife is not only my best friend but ing last years debate over the existence of fall and winter break Youth Church because Noni is a my soul mate Her love and support weekends west African word which means other youth churches Matthews is the driving force behind me mak- In another example taken from this past semester a forum was held gift from God and we believe its said One of the unique aspects ing it everyday he said in which the futures of our receptionist positions both student and critical at this time in history that- we have is that we just dont Matthews concluded One of professional were discussed under the pretense that opinions were being all African- American children un- sermon but we have a teaching the things that I find so intriguing gathered for possible changes derstand that they are indeed gifts moment he said Through this about the youth church is that kids It was merely an invitation for opinion and many students expressed from the Creator Matthews said teaching moment we teach the from all different backgrounds that they felt the school should maintain or simply modify the jobs Services at Noni are entirely kids how the Bible applies to thought they are all AfricanA- mericans Following this many were surprised to hear the decision rendered which youth lead and Matthews said be- them in their daily lives They come from all socioeco- will eliminate the professional positions at the end of this year tween 75 to 100 youths participate The teaching moments take nomic and cultural backgrounds Termination seems to be the most extreme aspect of modification in the service According to the form of a series one of which they all have a reason for rallying and students became justifiably curious how much the committee Matthews they are still growing was on rap music Matthews said together their common Creator listened to their opinions Then again the fact that only a small percent- Now we have seven auxiliaries Matthews current series is titled I think that we at Denison have to age of the campus expressed their views in the first place may have been working within the church From Realizing Your Greatness He look for something to rally around a factor The committee may have considered lower attendance at the our Boys to Men program which explained We look at different It is imperative for us torally each forum to be a sign of indifference as well as permission to make the is a rites of passage for African- African people in the Bible who other some cause that we might be decision on their own American young men to the were just ordinary people who a greater asset to those around us Since we have no idea how this decision came about a great number Praise dancers where we have may at critical junctures in their and those in surrounding communi- of students tend to look scoff ingly at current attempts by the administra various young women between the lives made serious decisions and ties tion to obtain their thoughts on Greekresidential life Notably Its a done deal is a phrase repeatedly heard from students when they speak of the trustees proposal to make fraternity houses non- residential It is a widely expressed idea that the administration has already passed i 1 tpt 4Wc tJlV the proposal and is ready to put it into action- and that the discussions HOT VIATEL with students are only for appearances Could this be true or is it merely a misunderstanding We are again bombarded by surveys discussions and oddly sched- uled forums How much will they really matter Has this drastic decision towards a fundamental change in the foundations of Denison already been decided These are questions many members of the student body want to have answered and questions that will also determine the extent to which the administration truly respects the viewpoints of Denison students My message to the Denison administration is this 1 You need to be aware that many students feel they are being patronized by your requests for their opinions 2 In order to develop a relationship of mutual trust and respect between yourselves and Denison students you need to

describe with a severe degree of honesty what your intentions are and V how exactly it is that you reach the decisions you reach ITS CIAO TIME so run dont walk to Victorias and chow down on a plate full of BAHAMAS LA MOLISANA The official pasta 1 llriI of Italys track team Spring Break Party 3 pastas 3 sauces vegetarian meat also Ciabatta with garlic rosemary olive oil and Caesar salad all at a CRUISE price you can afford Mon- Sat after 5 CIAO WORLD HEADQUARTERS 134 E BROADWAY GRANVILLE 587- 0322 279 ftprinp Break Special 110 SESSIONS 20 or 6 DRVS- 12MERLS bo SESSIONS 39 RLL TRHES 1- 8B867B63S6 Free Accelerator with package Call 587- 3753 ITS BETTER IN or Stop In for Appts THE BAHAMAS Available Early AM Late PM i V T Featuring Austrailian Gold PAGE 8 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 9 1995 Sports

Mens Hoops Drop Two in NCAC r In I f By CHRIS COLEMAN j jr Staff Writer Skating on Thin Ice The Denison mens basketball With the shortening of the NHL season team dropped two NCAC games r m the pressure to win in a hurry is the number to Ohio Wesleyan and Case West- NtVA one demand these days No longer can ern Reserve this week ft teams afford to lolly- bob through a long The Big Red lost to Ohio I A t season and then make their run late in the Weslyan 74 to 58 last Saturday year Clubs that are favored to win their Feb 4 for the second time this respective divisions must go out each night season Although the game was like its a playoff game or they might find played on Denisons floor the Big themselves wondering if a hockey season Red just could not get into the flow r ever took place For the underdogs ie of the match- up John Beam the Nordiques Senators and Whalers this It was just not our night said is your year Youve got fifty games to get Junior Brian Malinowski The ball lucky by stringing a couple of victories together Hockey is like baseball was rolling the wrong way and it in that the normal season is so long any team can win on a given night seemed like Ohio Wesleyan was For instance no one is that surprised when the Padres beat the Braves getting all of the brakes because there is always that excuse of well its just such a long season The first time these two teams that it really doesnt matter The same holds true for life on the frozen met Ohio Weslyan won 75 to 63 on The Big Red Mens Hoops squad fell to Ohio Wesleyan and Case Western pond except that someone better warn teams like the Rangers 3- 51 their home court However the Reserve last week The Big Red faceWittenberg of Wednesday Feb 11 Canucks 1- 42 and Devils 2- 42 that there was no November Big Red was extremely confident December and half of January The Isles Penguins Blues and Sharks are that they would win this game at Red to climb back into the contest could just not finish the job the leaders going into the third week of hockey season and thats pretty home Itjust did not happen Deni- Denison suffered another loss The team was down by nine scary Everyone besides San Jose who upset the Red Wings and almost son was down by 11 points at the to Case Western Reserve 90 to 81 points with 250 left on the clock did the same to Toronto in last years post- season are 1994 burnouts who half and would never get any closer on Wednesday Feb 8 This was They tightened the gap down to werent given much of a shot to do any better this season than that also the second time this season seven points with 203 when This is early on and I can think back to an article I wrote not long ago Although senior Tom Duncan that they lost to their NCAC rival Chroust hit a tough baseline jumper that praised the surprising play of the Bullets and Mavericks early in their hit two big three- pointers in a row Despite sophomore Casey Then freshman Brian NBA season Look where they are now Hockey teams dont have thej it still wasnt enough for the Big Chrouts 18 points the Big Red Sommerhauser stole the ball and luxury of time to play different lineups and sit around for their teams to popped in a lay- up with 1 47 on the gel it must happen now Its a shame that hockey had to endure such a ticker Unfortunately for Denison nagging lockout considering the nationwide excitement the 94 post their luck turned The seven point season generated last spring A lot of it had to do with the Rangers Indoor Track and Field gap was as close as the Big Red winning the cup but the whole sport seemed to take a gigantic step would come to downing Case toward being recognized on the same level as the NBA NFL and MLB With the losses Denison falls to There is still time for the cream of the crop to rise but no team wants Hosts DU Invitational nine and twelve overall and six and to take a chance on letting too many games slide through the five hole seven in the NCAC Although going into the Stanley Cup playoffs as a high seed isnt exactly By ANDREW BIGGS Junior Dan Stoner Stoner also The Big Red looks forward to the stamp of death Vancouver rode a seven seed all the way to the finals Staff Writer took the first place spot on the playing Wittenberg on Wednes- last year and San Jose was an eighth seed when it knocked off Detroit victory podium for the 500- meter day Feb 11 They hope to even One reason for the upsets was hockeys realignment of the playoff On Saturday Feb 4 the Big with a blazing time of 1 092 Matt up their NCAC record and finish system where they seed the top eight teams accordingly as opposed to Red indoor track and field team Hurling Thunder Pulskamp also strong in the league seeding the top four teams in each division before the Conference Finals hosted the Denison Invitational did well in the shotput with a dis- That same playoff system will be coming up quicker than most people meet at the brand new Mitchell tance of 40feet- twoinches can imagine and if some teams dont tighten the laces on their skates Recreational and Athletics Center For the women Lynn Super heyll be wondering where the 95 season went right here in Granville Frosh Garrett led the squad with A myriad of schools sent teams a first place finish in the 1000 with Last Weeks Trivia Answers to challenge the Big Red jugger- the time of 3178 She also took 1 The 1979 Final Four was held in Salt Lake City Utah naut Among nine other schools second in the 500- meter 2 UNLV currently has the highest Division I winning percentage Kenyon and Earlham stood out as Freshman Becky The Flying 3 The 1976 Indiana Hoosiers finished the season at 32- 0 two of the Big Red squads tradi- Squirrel Graham snagged second 4 LSUs Pistol Pete Maravich scored a record 445 ppg in 1970 tional rivals place in the 400- meter with a time 5 Mookie Blaylock stole 13 balls in a game in 1987 and once again The highlight ofthe mens meet of 1067 which helped boost the in another ballgame in 1988 r i was none other than Junior Light- Big Red unit 6 UCLAs Bill Walton and Virginias Ralph Sampson won the

itfjfitii- ning Ben Peases performance in Next Saturday Feb 11 both iiti t- i Naismith award three times the 1 000 meter run Pease blew the the men and women track and field 7 James Worthy was the number one pick in 1982 by the Lakers and doors off of the competition en teams will battle Oberlin College Brad Daugherty was the top choice in 1986 by the Cavaliers route to a stellar time of 2339 Case Western Reserve and 8 Washington DC has produced an incredible amount of Hoop legends just one tenth of a second off the Wittenberg The meet will take 9 Lorenzo Charles was the player who caught Derek Wittenbergs shotj Denison record place at 1 pm out of the air and slam it home to win NC State the 1983 Championship Denson s OjrcfCnnuaf 0jf Ganjous 7

cSa arcay C7eruezry Aafpas ninep n JirouyJ one am Do e Aefcfa Ae Srano Dfos as t7eynofcsury OAo Sem forma are SnacAs d2 euerayes proooeo CasA zr 7re formal 7ary eyA pm OArcf Door Sayer neranmen ancffoodprouaeot Dces evjf e on sae in c5ayer C7eruary 9 and for yJ2 cofars THE DENISONIAN PAGE 9 Sports Swim Teams Battle the Buckeyes Athletes of the Week By CHAS GRIFFITHS The men were led as usual by Parini were one week out from Name Ben Pease Name Bridget Colleran Senior Staff Writer its butterfly corps Sophomores Conference and our focus now is Sport Track Sport Basketball Tom Richner and Steve Nagy as to shake off the effects of a seasons Position Long Distance Position Point Guard At the end of a quiet week of well as senior Doug Day took sec- worth ofresidual fatigue and blow Class Junior mid- taper preparation the Big Red ond third and fourth against the the doors off people at Confer- Class Junior swim teams traveled to Ohio State Buckeyes Additionally senior ence Hometown Melrose MA Hometown Chicago IL to race the Buckeyes last Saturday George Mix earned second place The Big Red has one week of Feb 4 The Denison women fell in the 100- yard freestyle tapering left before the NCAC 166 to 114 and the men dropped to As the meet went along we Championships Oberlin College OSU 142 to 74 started gaining speed sharpness plays host to the annual shave- Ohio State is a tough Division and emotion said coach Gregg meet starting on Feb 16 I team and we gave it our best said senior Wendy Miller We scored well against them and were involved in some competitive events The highlight of the womens meet came in the last event as seniors Allison Begg and Carrie Sprigman teamed with sophomore One of the best long distance Junior Bridget Colleran is the speedsters Kristin Goldthorpe and runners in Denison history junior general in the Big Red offense Judy Ossello to win the 200- yard Ben Pease is eating up the compe- On Saturday Colleran was the key i freestyle relay tition once again in Denisons 61- 60 victory over Other impressive swims in- After a stellar season for the Kenyon cluded Sprigmans second place Big Red cross country team Pease Colleran accounted for 14 finish in the 1 00- yard butterfly with is now moving his success indoors points seven assists four re- a time of 10127 and Beggs sec- Nicknamed Lightning by the bounds and three steals Leading ond place in the 100- yard breast- Denisonian staff Pease proved the team in assists Colleran stroke Sprigman and Goldthorpe worthy of his title this Saturday clearly can dish the rock from her also challenged in the 50- yard Feb 4 point guard position freestyle missing victory by 11 The Big Red swim teams are looking forward to the NCAC Conference Pease came within a tenth of a With 10 seconds left in the and 14 seconds respectively tournament that will start on Thursday Feb 16 second of breaking the Denison game Denison was down by two record in the 1000 Pease also Colleran hit a three pointer and notched a strong time in the relays won the game for Denison

i- iocney invia STEP INTO ANOTHER WOULD 1 Before last year when was the ht time the New York R jcrsv i the Stanley Cup

i V I TO I D Q I WO Q1 I WB QT 2 Last seasun marked the first time a rujsin er vri 1 Trophy as the MILs MVP v ho v as it 3 Name the team who koLs the record forrv tSuiley Crps w h 23 the next closest team has 13 4 Only two players have won the Art RossTr hy forscor- ij r e Peace Corps is coming 1981 who are they 5 Name the current NIIL coach who holds the record for cll- t i 5 wins as well as all- time winning percentage THURSDAY FEBRUARY 16 6 Who was the Canadian who took five straight Vezina trophies f r the Goalkeeper whose team allowed the fewest goals 7 What trophy did Bobby Orr win eight consecutive times that is Information Table annually awarded to tire top defenseman in the NHL Slayter Hall 8 Philadelphias Eric Lindros was the number one pick in the NIIL the Flyers Who picked him in 1 IV km 900- 300 however he wasnt picked by 9 Name the goalie who last season led the NIIL in goals against average Presentation of the new Turn in answers to The Denisonian box on the 2nd floor of Slayter Peace Corps film Punled over what to give your Completely Alive big or little sis Fellows Auditorium 700 pm PH0T0ALBUMS

g i Application Reviews p I NTs ba s Career Development Center R Yj Wj N 900- 1130 am IT T JTj E Call 614 587- 6656 o fcT ulT s prj for an appointment wl K Tj s applications must be completed E El SJC K B O O K jS For more information call TT 800 424- 8580 press 1 s m

h7Biinr7ii3D7JiilD7iiq 2L Malian Man designed by Former J Peace Corps Volunteer Bonnie Carlson Lithuania 1992- 1994 isl lot STEP INTO PEACE CORPS Crosswalk Cards Gifts has all your sorority needs 127 E Broadway Granville 587- 3726 PAGE 10 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 9 1995 Arts Entertainment 2 Video Pick l ill of the Week JEFF BUCKLEY a mediocre folk singers illegiti- Grace mate son hes a legitimate musi- Turner and Hooch movie Before he made his cross- cal force Dan Fiden over into dramatic roles he did If I buy a flawless album once Tom Hanks has achieved le- some hilarious work in films like in ten years I consider myself LETTERS TO CLEO gitimate actor status Seemingly a The Money Pit and The Burbs lucky Jeff Buckleys Grace is Aurora Gory Alice different actor than the one who good films in their own right my ten year pick played a wacky transvestite in the Turner and Hooch however is the Buckley received quite a bit of I was first introduced to the sitcom Bosom Buddies he s starred zenith the early Hanks style He press from the music media upon Boston rock group Letters to Cleo in recent films like Philadelphia has his single greatest comedy the release of Grace his first on Oct 6 1994 when the band and Forrest Gump Are those his moment in this film I won t give it full length album Most of the performed at the Roost It was best performances Perhaps away though Keep your eyes out press was concerned with quite a show and I was immedi- though Id like to suggest that it for it Buckleys father the late folk M ately impressed with the band might have been in an earlier film As for the dogs performance singer Tim Buckley Although guished cry or a quiet mournful After finally finding a store with a simpler film a cop and dog film what really needs to be said Hes Jeff never knew his father the sigh Though his music is vocally the cd I bought it And I must say called Turner and Hooch very ugly and slobbers entirely too media beat up the like father the driven theres much more to it I am still impressed with Letters Hanks stars as small town cop often but hes the most believable son angle What most of the press than catchy melodies The instru- to Cleo named Scott Turner Hes anal and dog Ive ever seen Hes not recog- seems to have missed however mentation is a perfect blend be- Kay Hanleys vocals are bored with his job He hates the nized as the DeNiro of animal per- is the quality of Jeffs music tween dreamy atmospheric and enough to piss one off but the small town life and dreams of fight- formers for nothing The music ranges from the unrestrained entire sound of the music is good ing crime with the big boys in the Cop and dog movies have been hard- rock edged Eternal Life to The album has many high Newcomer to the band drummer big city Enter Hooch an unde- around since Hollywood was born the contemplative Last points and no real low points The Stacey Jones does an impressive niably disgusting junk yard dog Theres some stiff competition but Goodbye Buckley whose first album starts off with the restrained job The songs leave one with the Hoochs owner has been murdered Turner and Hooch is the best cop EP releaseLve at Sin- e was an all Mojo Pin and is followed by sense that they were put together and Hooch is the only eye witness and dog film ever made Theres acoustic live recording brings his the first single Grace which is carefully and skillfully Nothing Turner and Hooch move in to- no denying that this is a typical coffee house sensibility to a four unbelievably catchy Buckley is out of place getherduring the investigation and Hollywood story but the differ- piece band on this album His does justice to Leonard Cohens Good breaks have been com- while the dog destroys his house ence between so many other film song writing style is truly original Hallelujah and also covers Li- ing for the band Here and Now Turner learns to loosen up and and this one is that Turner and something like a mix of Cat lac Wine Both songs display has been getting radio play and love life Before the film is over Hooch pulls it off flawlessly Stevens Led Zeppelin and Buckleys emotion wrought vo- has been shown on MTV And the cop and dog tandem get the bad Yes the script is packed with Leonard Cohen cals and beautiful guitar playing rightly so the song is good guys and fall in love with each cliches but sometimes it takes a The most notable aspect of the Overall every song seems to show The quickness of the vocals makes other and with a cute veterinarian well crafted cliche to make an au- Buckley sound is his unique vo- another side of Buckleys multi- the song flow well Though few and her cute dog I refuse to spoil dience laugh cry and smile for two cals He masterfully teeters on the faceted talent other songs on the album jump it but the ending would make Clint hours straight edge of falsetto occasionally soar- Grace is a tremendous release out as potential hits the album is Eastwood cry so have some Everybody needs a no- brainer ing into a beautifully feminine from the young Jeff Buckley He worth buying to hear some qual- Kleenex handy occasionally Turner and Hooch is soprano then drives into an an proves that hes much more than ity music Joe Raiser Hanks absolutely shines in this it Dan Fiden A A TV 1 1

1 Jerky Boys harassing behavior in Mitchell Gymnasium yVii I I i M It 515 and 745 pm daily Wednesday Feb 15 at 7 MensAVomens Swimming 945 Friday and Saturday pm in Mulberry House and Diving Feb 10 Feb 16 NCAC Championship 1030 Dumb and Dumber Ellen Bryant Voigt poet on Thursday Feb 16 DFS 445 and 715 pm daily Voigt will read from her Saturday Feb 18 Forrest Gump 930 Friday and Saturday work as part of the Beck Mens Basketball 730 pm on Friday Feb Feb 10 Feb 16 Lecture Series Wednesday At Wittenberg 3 pm on 10 and Saturday Feb 11 The Quick and the Dead Feb 15 at 8 pm in Saturday Feb 11 and in Slayter Third Floor 5 and 730 pm daily 930 Fellows Auditorium A against Wooster 3 pm on Say Anything pm Friday and Saturday reception will follow The Saturday Feb 18 730 pm on Tuesday Feb Feb 10 Feb 16 reading is free and open to Womens Basketball 14 in Slayter Third Floor the public Call Mary Ann Against Wittenberg 2 pm Raising Arizona Malcuit for information on Saturday Feb 11 and 730 pm on Wednesday 587- 6207 against Wilberforce 730 Feb 15 in Slayter Third Moo pm on Wed Feb 15 Floor Everybodys Fine Sports 730 pm on Friday Feb 17 and Saturday Feb 18 in Slayter Third Floor Haki Madhubuti Indian Mound Six Madhubuti will discuss The Billy Madison Holistic and Liberating 1 5 and 730 pm daily 945 Legacy ofMalcolm X at 8 Faculty Recital William pm Friday and Saturday pm on Monday Feb 13 Mens Indoor Track Osborne Feb 10 Feb 16 in Fellows Auditorium The Big Red go against The program will include Richie Rich Oberlin Case Western works dedicated to Clarence 515 and 730 pm daily Sexual Harassment Reserve and Wittenberg 1 Eddy and will take place at 945 pm Friday and Workshop pm on Saturday Feb 11 730 pm on Sunday Feb Saturday Feb 10 Feb Lisa Ransdell director of in Mitchell Gymnasium 19 in Burke Recital Hall 16 womens programs will Womens Indoor Track House Guest encourage participants to The Big Red go against Dirty Dozen Brass Band 5 and 715 pm daily 945 evaluate case studies and Oberlin Case Western Will perform at 9 pm on Friday and Saturday Feb explore empowering Reserve and Wittenberg 1 Thursday Feb 16 at 10 Feb 16 strategies to confront pm on Saturday Feb 11 Staches HE DENISONIAN PAGE 11 Arts Entertainment Jerky Boys CD Duo Makes Poor Effort at Cinematic Debut By DAN FIDEN pletely unfit to be acting in front of a camera Managing Editor Watching this pair bumble their way through i a scene was painful and thats even after j The lights in the theater dimmed and as some unfortunate editor waded through thou- 13y- a large number of earold boys started sands of feet of film and found the best takes veiling shut up liverlips I realized watchi- Whats especially unsettling is the fact that ng The Jerky Boys would be more of a the professional actors in the film arent r i nightmare than I could ever have foreseen much better than the stars They could have 1 I Not only was watching this movie a night- found a better cast at any elementary schools V mare but it was the worst nightmare Ive production of Peter Pan Ik ever been unfortunate enough to live through James Melkonian directed the film I had The film is an attempt to make a movie not heard of him before I saw this film and lout of those two phone pranksters known as I wish I still hadnt He brought absolutely Johnny B and Kamal Through some conj- nothing to a script that needed anything at tiactual mistake or gross overestimation of all If there ever was a reason to use the split Jieir English skills the two actual Jerky screen Melkonian is now an argument Boys wrote the story along with Rich Wilkes against it My eyes googled for hours after I f and director James Melkonian about a left the theater A chameleon couldnt have couple of unemployed construction work- taken in what was happening on the con- ers who by making wacky prank calls get stantly split screen The best thing Melkonian Johnny Brennan andKamal play themselves in Caravan Picture s The Jerky Boys The Boys themselves involved with the mob I would couldve done to this film was throw it away take their try at film after two albums ofprank phone calls hate to spoil such an in- depth storyline but When paging through the presskit for in the end Johnny B and Kamal turn in dirty The Jerky Boys I noticed that the executive xops and mobsters and become big wigsin producers for this film were Tony Danza and Show Talent in Show March 24 the city government who do nothing more Emilio Estevez Though they are not en- than get this make wacky phone calls tirely responsible for the disaster they helped By ELIZABETH KOUDRA terested in reading poetry performing origi- How crazy and ironic bring to the screen I cant help but feel Staff Writer nal dance routines or any other hidden tal- The premise is contrived and thats disappointed Danza was always my favor- ents that people may wish to display the understatement of the decade The com- ite loony boxerhousekeeper and Estevez A talent show has been scheduled for Some students have shown interest in the edy of The Jerky Boys album lies in the fact was the only young gun for me Now though Friday Mar 24 Denison students will Talent Show One freshman Kristina that the calls are real Who wants to watch I can feel only hatred for these two men have the opportunity to audition for the Grabowski is a voice student interested in the same calls theyve heard 100 times staged They had a hand in creating one of the most show coordinated by senior Kanika DoBosu performing This sounds groovy I think Ill badly on the screen How many times torturous movie experiences of my life on Feb 17 and 18 The show will be spon- try out she said does the phrase they call me rubberneck The best thing about this movie is the fact sored by Multicultural Affairs Dobosu hopes that this event will help get laughs The answer is one less than the that its a mercifully short hour and 15 The auditions are open to both faculty bring the campus together and unify all Icreators of this movies seemed to think minutes long Please do not see this film and students Vocal groups instrumental aspects of the Denison community includ- Johnny B and Kamal star as themselves The best thing it has to offer is the phrase and musical groups and sensational solo- ing the Greeks independents and faculty Unfortunately for the viewer they have no Hey there milky licker Its not worth the ists are encouraged to try out Sensational members We want everybody to come out excuse to be on the screen They are com torture soloists are those performers who are in for this she said

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deferment ofprincipal or interest defer Plan available only to qualifymg student faculty and staff Offers will change your monthly payments The Apple Computer Loan is subject to credit approval Apple Computer Loan and 90- Day Deferred Payment offers Apple All rights reserved Apple the Apple logo Macintosh Performa and Thepower to be your best are regmed trademarks of available only from Apple or an authorized Apple Campus Reseller or representatm 1994 Computer mc Apple Computer Inc AppleDesign and Power Macintosh are trademarks oj Apple Computer mc PAGE 12 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 9 1995 Arts Entertainment Inside Improv Burpees Seedy Seen by an Auditionee By JENNIFER KARON groups all over the red- carpeted sight into the unique bonds be- the group was looking for in pro- over eight hours The addition of GREEN lobby of Ace Morgan filling out tween the Burpees that help make spective Burpees these freshBurps as they are Staff Writer the information forms them such a successful improvi- With a performance schedule called makes this the largest the I had seen Burpees Seedy per- sational group consisting of at least ten shows group of Burpees ever As I walked in the door I was formances around campus but I The group has changed and each semester and rehearsals twice This semester will be busy for politely offered a cracker and an never knew anything more about grown since it was started in 1 979 a week making great comedy is the group They plan to go off audition application for the them than their interactive stage Initially based on well- known not the only thing Burpees learn campus to perform at places like Burpees Seedy Theatrical Com- antics I began to understand what comedy acts such as Second City while in the group Though the Columbus School for Girls and pany I quietly explained that I was the Burpees were all about as I Chicago Burpees Seedy now cre- students in Burpees Seedy come Granville High School The high not there to try out but I ended up scanned the form of questions ates and performs original impro- from varying backgrounds sepa- point of the semester will be the staying the entire afternoon and Question number three read visational comedy According to rate areas of the country and have annual Out With the Old Show a participating in the audition pro- What is your favorite anatomical senior Tim Schory Burpees have totally different interests they de- freshman and senior performance cess People were crouched in small measurement Veteran Burpees to go out on a limb and just get velop a close- knit family- like re- in April Outgoing senior Burpees led the anxious hope crazy This creativity is the basis lationship with each other Its will team up with the freshBurps fuls down into the for their act During the past played a major role and has been for a show They also create a new basement of the the weekends auditions it was this such a positive influence on me as sketch format for the group to use ater building and be- ability to bring out the a person Schory said Its a great in future shows The next Burpees gan the four hour- long unobvious to bring creativity outlet a great support structure It Seedy performance will be some- audition It was not and diversity to a scene along just jams time in the next two weeks pro- only an enjoyable af- with an expression ofstrong com- Seven new members were cho- bably during the upcoming ternoon but a real in mitment and a good attitude that sen after a difficult vote which lasted prospectives weekends 1 fi o 8 Mi I Me Mine I knew as soon as I woke up that it would be an interesting day The television was still on from the night before As soon as I woke up I saw above Freshman Jennifer God That is I saw George Burns in McConaghie and The Oh God Book II What a terrific film Denisonians own Jennifer but what an odd way to wake up Green in action at auditions I proceeded through my morning routine and headed to my 830 class I right Senior Burpee Tim had walked through the quad for two Schory runs the Burpee Joe Raiser seconds when I realized that the auditionees through the temperature must have been 300 below paces like a drill sergeant zero The nip in the air alerted me and jumpstarted my senses I then noticed that it was very foggy very Thriller- esque Fortunately no howling Michael Jacksons were to be found Come to think of it no Minority Scholar Celebrates Homosexuality one was to be found I was the only person going to class Wow I kept walking I had a hunch By JOE RAISER been a very difficult year for me as two gay black men said Suddenly a bright light appeared The fog began to swirl An angel AE Editor At the start of Tongues Untied Houchins He wants us to be appeared Actually it was a spirit that took the form of Michele Tolela Riggs compared the African- mindful of past Myers I knew it wasnt really Myers when I saw the spirit levitating On Monday Feb 6 Sue American male to an endangered as a gay man but it was soothing nonetheless to see the presidents face in front of me Houchins visiting minority species One point of the film was Much of the film was made to I expected myself to be scared but I felt something that made me scholar presented and discussed that silence is the deadliest look as if it had poor film quality very comfortable with the spirit Then the spirit talked to me three films illustrating gay les- weapon Riggs stressed that This is partly to make the actual Hello Smokin Joe it said bian and bisexual cultural diver- people should end the silence to- footage of Hughes seem more like Hello I replied Why are you here sity in Slayter Hall The event was gether now the rest of the movie I have come to tell you that you are right You are right about co- sponsored by Black Studies Part of the film is devoted to Julian shows actual news- everything When you are in a situation you must have an opinion Outlook and Womens Programs tracing the life of a gay African- reels and home video footage of Whatever that opinion may be it is right Go with it Joe said the spirit Houchins wished to show the American man from childhood and the Harlem Renaissance said You can imagine how honored I felt to be told that everything I felt movies as start of Gay Lesbian continuing through adulthood In Houchins Julian also uses about anything was right Still confused about my powers I asked th and Bisexual Awareness Week this way Riggs portrays the diffi- voiceovers of Bruce Nuget and spirit to elaborate which coincides with Black His- culties of a gay black man Langston Hughes Joe it said your opinion is always right Everyone must folic tory Month Houchins presented Tongues The third film Khush is from it not for the sake of popularity but because you are right Every perso I had a good time showing Untied because she thought it India It involves gay and lesbian has an opinion and everyone thinks he or she is right but only you will the movies Houchins said I would make a point clearly people from India and Pakistan actually be right And the people will know People will come Joe oh showed some of my favorite mov- I chose Tongues Untied be- The word khush means homo- people will come ies It is Gay Awareness Week as cause it is autobiographical and it sexual love Khush featured Pick an issue the spirit continued f well as Black History Month is a clear representative of gay black many interviews with gay and les- Ummmm the fraternity situation here at Denison Boy does j

these films supported both America she said bian Indians everyone have an opinion on that I suggested j The first film shown Tongues Tongues Untied is available in The film also dealt with the Well whatever you think is right it said Untied focused on gay and les- the library for student use dispersion of Asian people No kidding Gee what about some of my other opinions I bian African- Americans The film Hemphill was also featured in Houchins stressed that there is Go with them So Smokin Joe what do you think about the j was directed by who the second film Looking for more than Chinese and Japanese baseball strike recently died of AIDS It also fea- Langston There are two versions in the Asian group Included are Owners are buttheads I said tured poet Essex Hemphill of in exist- those in India and Pakistan Very true agreed the spirit And what do you think about OJ According to Houchins Riggs ence One is the American version Houchins said those people con- Innocent as an ugly virgin was a good friend which is part of The other is from England and con- sidered themselves part of the So he is said the spirit the reason she chose to present tains actual audio and video foot- black movement Smokin Joe you are on the road to understanding your powers Tongues Untied age of Langston Hughes Houchins Scattered throughout the film Just remember that your opinion is always right Many people will try Marlon Riggs was a friend of showed the latter were short scenes which contained to change your mind Try they will Joe Dont listen In fact its mine and I miss him Houchins The film is directed by Isaac many Indian women dancing In probably better to avoid communication with those people Just ignore said She continued by saying there Julian who is homosexual Julian Indian films kissing on screen is them Ideally you should state your opinion once and leave it at that are several recently deceased black made the film to show people about not allowed In place of kissing Close the door behind you After all if it is your opinion once and it is j men whom she misses In the last Hughes gay lifestyle Julian felt scenes ofdancing women are sub- right why should it change year I have been deeply devastated that Hughes had a major voice in stituted This is true in Khush as This was the greatest day of my life I had always thought I was by the loss of black men I have 20th century literature well The scenes were put in at smart Now I knew for sure So follow along sheep By the way the known I knew Marlon I went to Julian feels some sort of kin- seemingly random times and opinions in this column may not represent those ofthe entire Denisonian school with Arthur Ashe It has dred spirit with Langston Hughes sometimes served as transitions staff j