Recent Decline in Student Population Forces Faculty Cuts By KIMBERLY TAYLOR because we decided to get smaller ence is to protect people that are its hard to even see that cuts News Editor to maintain quality and partly be- currently in their positions Were happen because as the number of cause the number of high school not at this point talking about and students drop so does the number In an attempt to maintain a kids going to private colleges has I dont think well ever have to be of courses you need to offer It steady studentfaculty ratio gone down So were hoping that in a point of talking about elimi- really hasnt had any strong effect Denison will be bidding a farewell were not going to get any smaller nating tenured faculty from posi- upon the academic program to several faculty positions on cam- In fact our goal is to get bigger tions he said Morris said pus We try to have a 121 stu- Morris said Weve made about nine cuts The economics department dentfaculty ratio which is a good Professor of History Don at this point starting next year The has had two people resign and I J ratio explained Provost Charlie Schilling said I think the univer- goal is to get to around 12 but that believe we have authorization to Morris sity does have to be concerned again will depend in part on our add one of those back Lucier i Head of Faculty and Professor about its financial health It has to enrollment picture over the next said Provost Charlie Morris discussed of Economics Richard Lucier ex- meet its obligations We have to couple years Its nothing were Schilling stated Weve lost a the elimination offaculty positions plained that this ratio is set by the be careful of the continuing rise in doing suddenly Morris explained position Were able to I think you obviously have to give some- Trustees They determine what costs thats been associated with Morris said they try to make minimize the impact of that be- thing up and thats not only hap- the number ought to be and whether education and rising tuition rates changes that hopefully have the cause we had two openings in pened here but in several other it should change That comes to us Morris explained that the posi- smallest impact on the programs which to consolidate what had been departments as well as a predetermined ratio he said tions eliminated come largely from that we offer We are proposing three positions I think we are If you eliminate a position there Morris said that with the de- attrition All of the positions that one less faculty position in a num- hiring in a way that will maximize might be an area that that person cline in the size of the student body have been eliminated involve va- ber of large departments like his- our ability to maintain the kind of taught in that no one else in the to around 1700 and the faculty cancies of one kind or the other tory economics psychology program thats important in the department did so you might have numbers totaling approximately either retirement accepting a job mathematics and computer sci- department some loss in a couple departments 160 the ratio is now around 111 elsewhere or something along ence he said He continued But there is a but its relatively minor for the Were closer to 1700 partly those lines Basically our prefer In those larger departments loss whenever you lose a position see Faculty page 2 Computer Accounts Activated by 75 Percent of Student Body By KRISTEL VANBUSKIRK several years A report from Teresa days as of Feb 1 62 percent have Staff Writer Beamer system and operations used their accounts and 56 per- manager for computing services cent have used their accounts this A large percentage of Denison stated that 75 percent of the semester students are taking advantage of Denison student body enabled a Beamer said computing ser- the technology available at their computer account for use as of vices periodically receives a list of fingertips Individuals can be Feb 1 1995 enrolled students and an account is found tying up computer screens Since the beginning of this set up for each name although it is with the use of electronic mail school year 64 percent of the total off at that time The first time The use of e- mail at Denison student body have used their ac- they come in it actually turns the has been expanding in the past counts at least once In the past 90 account on so students can use their accounts Beamer stated Although they do not report on Young at Heart how each student uses the com- L puter services Jim Freeman asso- Denison students crowd the computer terminals while using e- mail ciate director of academic com- puting said that there has been a Joseph Fleming director of World Wide Web and Mosaic as noticeable increase in mail usage computing services said Its well as other internet connections in that quite often we are at the good because thats the way the The Campus Wide Information maximum number of users that world is going When students System is a menu facility for can be logged on through the graduate from college employers moving around the Internet course of a day are looking for people who can Beamer said Directory informa- Senior Adrienne Binni said understand and use the new com- tion and job postings are two of the You can find people in the lab puter systems listings available under CWIS checking their mail almost any time Vanessa Fuson of computing The World Wide Web and of the day You can talk to people services said We wouldnt be a Mosaic gets you information from from all over the world from the college of the 90s without the all over the world Fuson said privacy of your own home I computer links Beamer explained that Mosaic worked at an amusement park with An advantage of e- mail is the is a reader for World Wide Web people from all over the place and extent that students and faculty information that users can use to this is how we keep in touch can work together Fleming said access graphical information She Sophomore Trish Klei talks Freeman pointed out that You continued Its an easier way to with her brother at Case Western can leave a message any time night view the internet and to get the and his fiancee at Duke with e- or day on e- mail It is a very various resources on the Internet mail Its a nice way to keep in convenient form of communica- For example users with audio and touch that is quick inexpensive tion which he stated could help graphic connections can take a and very accessible Klei said increase correspondence between guided tour through the White Since I am rarely in my dorm students and faculty House using this system is room e- mail is the best way to Many other services are avail- Another route that available communicate with me I also use able with the computer systems to students is a news feed where the faculty and The men ofFraternity Row challenged members of staff it to talk to my family at home These include the Campus Wide the participants post news items the men s basketball game E- to a game offive on five during halftime of said sophomore Emily Krause Information System CWIS the see Mail page 3 Wednesday Feb 8 The Greek men claimed the victory Inside Story Sports AE Seedy Delta Upsilon Big Red Burpees fraternity Swimming Burpees Seedy holds I J auditions The members of Delta Upsilon Swim teams lose in battle with Ohio State annual represent a non- residential fraternity see page 12 see page 6 see page 9 PAGE 2 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 9 1995 News Global Studies Seminars Allow For Senate Notes Scholarly Exchange of Research DCGA met at 630 pm on Tuesday Feb 7 in the Knapp Amphithe- ater A few items on the agenda included Denison 2000 and the By TIM LINKOUS Behdad stated that a faculty Ohio University at Zanesville will academic calendar Staff Writer member submits a paper to the present on Migration Family Jim Pletcher political science professor and chair of University coordinators and they put together Household in Yemen The Impact Council which deals with the business aspects of the campus spoke on Four global studies seminars a schedule of presentations for the of Socioeconomic and Political the Denison 2000 proposal that all DCGA members has received are scheduled for upcoming Mon- upcoming semester The subject Change and Cultural Ideas on Do- He said that the document was not a finished one and that it was days during the spring semester of the paper must deal with global mestic Organization simply a proposal up for discussion It focuses on such topics as tuition The nine year old program has matters The following seminar will be costs and how Denison can be made more attractive to perspective been very successful It is coordi- The presenting professors will in Mulberry House on March 6 students nated by economics professors present a paper on a Monday Eric Evans graduate of Harvard Although it has set the strategic direction for the university for the Paul King and Sohrab Behdad evening from 730- 9 pm A dis- will speak on Slouching Toward next five years it does not include all the objectives that are under way Behdad who has coordinated cussion then follows Behdad noted Bethlehem Middle East Peace The document basically keeps Denison a small liberal arts school with the program for all nine years said that every semester has had a full Prospects a population ofbetween 1800 and 1900 students Pletcher said that itwill that the seminars are structured program so far The next seminar is scheduled be finalized sometime next academic semester more like forums He said that the Behdad said that all the faculty for March 27 in the Faculty Lounge Projects Chair
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