HOW TO MAINTAIN YOUR Infi ltration Berm

Anne Arundel County, Maryland Department of Public Works Watershed Protection and Restoration

What is an infi ltration berm? Infi ltration berms Infi ltration berms (planted mounds of , , and stone on a planted slope) fi lter require regular, but simple, rainwater that becomes polluted as it fl ows over hard surfaces like streets, parking maintenance. lots, roofs, and driveways. We are legally required to clean this “stormwater runoff ” before it reaches our streams and rivers. Th e good news is that polluted naturally • Weeding, mowing, becomes cleaner when it is retained by, and fl ows through an infi ltration berm. pruning & mulching • Trash & debris removal Infi ltration berms are made up of several components (see image on back of page). Rainwater falling on paved surfaces such as roads and parking lots fl ows off the pavement into a of gravel to slow it down and for pretreatment before fl owing Who is responsible down a vegetated slope. Any stormwater which does not infi ltrate into the soil as it for this maintenance? fl ows down the slope is retained by the berm. Th e berm is made of mounded sand or As a property owner, you are gravel covered with soil and plants. Th e water then infi ltrates into the soil behind the responsible for maintaining the berm or may seep through the berm. On steep slopes, a series of berms may be used to prevent . infi ltration berm. Routine maintenance Can I remove or alter An infi ltration berm requires routine maintenance. Ideally, these areas use native the infi ltration berm? grasses and other plants which fare well in this region. Once established, your planting As a registered participant in usually won’t require fertilizer or pesticides, and will require watering only during periods of extreme drought. Th e most important thing you can do to make sure your the County’s Stormwater Credit infi ltration berm keeps working is to inspect it regularly and maintain or replace Program, you may not remove components as necessary. or change the infi ltration berm without losing your stormwater MONTHLY credit. Additionally, if the infi ltration ✓ Inspect pretreatment area (grass strip and/or forebay) and the gravel trench, berm berm was installed as part of the surface, and surrounding drainage areas for any erosion. subdivision’s required stormwater ✓ Check for any obstruction or blockage of fl ow along infl ow areas or pipes management, the homeowner may in and out, including trash, debris or . not remove or alter the facility ✓ Remove weeds and plants that do not belong. without prior consultation with ✓ Check the area a few days aft er rainfall to make sure the water does not pond on the the County. surface for more than 2 days.

AS NEEDED ✓ Remove dead plant material in late winter or early spring. ✓ Water new plant material (fi rst 3 months and during drought). ✓ Maintain a depth of 3" of mulch. ✓ Remove leaf accumulation in the fall to ensure fl ow of rainwater is not blocked. ✓ Inspect and maintain or replace components.

2014/How to Maintain Your Infi ltration Berm Page 1 of 2 DRAFT TYPICAL INFILTRATION BERM Why maintain these areas? CROSS SECTION If you do not maintain your infi ltration berm, the following things may happen: • Cleansing of polluted rainwater will be impaired. Pea Gravel Compacted Topsoil • More frequent and expensive repair will be Plantings Sand or Gravel required if simple maintenance is neglected. Berm Interior Water Storage • Water ponding longer than 3 days on a clogged area may allow insects to breed.

By maintaining your stormwater best Infiltration Berm management area, you are doing your part to help the environment and protect your local streams and the Chesapeake Bay.


Recommended schedule for routine maintenance

TASK JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC Remove sediment, leaves & debris Remove trash Weeding Pruning Mulching

Watering, replanting, as needed repair eroded areas

Troubleshooting WHAT IF I NEED HELP? SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION For further assistance contact: Poor plant Lack of water; too much Irrigate during establishment and periods of Anne Arundel County health shade or sun; too much salt in drought; consider shade and sun tolerance vs. Watershed Protection soil/lack of salt-tolerance; soil species and microclimate; select salt-tolerant and Restoration Program pH too high or low; species; monitor soil pH and amend (see below); Department of Public Works plant disease treat diseased plant species or remove and replace 2662 Riva Road with a different species Annapolis, MD 21401 Erosion and Plant die-off or Stabilize/revegetate swale areas and contributing 410.222.4240 exposed soil high velocity fl ows areas with geotextile/matting and seed or sod; consider adding weirs or check dams to slow fl ows Soil pH below Soil, rainwater, or stormwater Add lime to soil if pH is below 5.2; add iron sulfate 5.2 or above 7.0 pH infl uence plus sulfur if pH is above 7.0 Water ponding Clogging due to sediment, leaf Remove sediment, leaf litter, and other debris for 2+ days litter, or debris accumulation

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