171 CONTRIBUTIONS EMPIRICAL APPROACH TO SATELLITE SNOW DETECTION NIILO SILJAMO FINNISH METEOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE CONTRIBUTIONS No. 171 EMPIRICAL APPROACH TO SATELLITE SNOW DETECTION Niilo Siljamo Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research Faculty of Science University of Helsinki Helsinki, Finland ACADEMIC DISSERTATION in meteorology Doctoral dissertation, to be presented for public discussion with the permission of the Faculty of Science of the University of Helsinki, in Auditorium P674, Porthania, on the 18th of September, 2020 at 13 o’clock. Finnish Meteorological Institute Helsinki, 2020 Author Niilo Siljamo Meteorological Research Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland
[email protected] Supervisors Dr Otto Hyvärinen Weather and Climate Change Impact Research Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Professor Heikki Järvinen Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR) University of Helsinki, Finland Pre-examiners Professor Kari Lehtinen Department of Applied Physics University of Eastern Finland Assistant Professor Jaan Praks Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering Aalto University, Finland Opponent Dr Patricia de Rosnay Coupled Assimilation Team Leader Earth System Assimilation Section European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Reading, UK Custos Professor Heikki Järvinen Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR) University of Helsinki, Finland ISSN 0782-6117 ISBN 978-952-336-119-5 (paperback) ISBN 978-952-336-120-1 (pdf) DOI 10.35614/isbn.9789523361201 http://ethesis.helsinki.fi/ Edita Prima Oy Helsinki 2020 Julkaisija Ilmatieteen laitos Julkaisun sarja, numero ja raporttikoodi (Erik Palménin aukio 1) Finnish Meteorological Institute PL 503, 00101 Helsinki Contributions 171, FMI-CONT-171 Päiväys Syyskuu 2020 Tekijä(t) Niilo Siljamo ORCID iD 0000-0003-3909-8650 Nimeke Empiirinen lähestymistapa satelliittilumentunnistukseen Tiivistelmä Lumipeitteellä on huomattava vaikutus säähän, ilmastoon, luontoon ja yhteiskuntaan.