Weather •»«•. tmecntro, n.Cktt- *«Jr tnugu tad tt- mmnm. I^uiUyuii twwr- ww lathe Mi. Um tonight, II to U. ThiMKtoy, pertly cloudy and cold. Set weather, page 2. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS DIAL 741-0010

VOL. 87, NO. 154 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1965 7c PER COW PAGE ONE Political Blasts Rock Township Hall MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — The sizzling contacted a single resident before the end two factions — factions that are lining up the superintendent's post. She said: challenged for my strong stand on an ap- pointment that did not involve a Negro. political (use here burned down last night of November. as "old" and "new" parts of the town- "It seems to me when it comes to a ship. At one point Committeeman Charles and .the explosion rocked Township Hall. The committeeman charged this was ' colored person these qualifications are "I have been a Negro for 44 years. I not true and said he didn't have the time W. Dryden, first Negro member of the changed." . resent the implication that I have been A weeks-old feud between Strathmore the mayor has to devote to the community. governing body in township history, was party to discriminatory practices." Democrats and Mayor Henry E. Traphagen charged by Mrs. Henderson Causby, a Mr. Krivitzky answered from the ensu- Mr. Krivitzky continued: "You told me erupted at the Township Committee table. Negro resident, with being discriminatory ing silence in the packed room: BAUiED BY MAYOR you would put the skids to me tonight.,." against Negroes. Climax to the tension-laden meeting arrived "If you really mean that, I resent it. Mayor Traphagen added: "I'll lack MAYOR ANGRY with the mayor and Committeeman Jay Mrs. Causby was objecting to appoint- It is the most inaccurate statement ever that statement 100 per cent." Krivitzky hurling charges at each other. The mayor interrupted. "My record in made in this room. It reflects on every ment of Manuel J. Texeira, Jr. to Public The long-awaited appointments of de- Mr. Krivitzky questioned tiie mayor's this township will speak for me. In addi- Works Department superintendent over her committeeman at this table, including Mr. partment heads brought on charges of appointment to the $10,000 position of Utili- tion to my own work I've done your work husband. Mr. Causby was promoted to fore- Dryden." ties Authority director. The mayor then on the finance department all year. I've man. Mr. Dryden replied softly. "political dealing" by the mayor. Theo- checked your vouchers every week and I'm charged Mr. Krivitzky with doing little "I have been challenged in the past dore Schneider, claiming to be "in the tired of carrying you on my back." WHAT QUALIFICATIONS ? for the township, saying he'd been given on my position regarding appointment of know," said: • the job of obtaining easements on Church The 4%-hour meeting was studded with Mrs. Causby asked what qualifications a Negro. Tonight I am challenged for not Mayor Henry E. Traphagen St. and Atlantic Ave. June 1 and had not charges and counter-charges between the were judged in determining who would fill appointing a Negro. Once before I was (See TOWNSHIP, Page 2) Red Bank Budgets Set .5 Million in Taxes RED BANK — Borough Coun- announce a tax rate at that time. is $2,497,655 of which $324,888 will Mayor Benedict R. Nicosia 26 cents this year. The remainder cil last night introduced a 1965 This Is how the .tax rates were be raised from business personal commended council and depart- of the dollar went to the coun- municipal budget totaling estimated: taxes and $2,172,757 in property ment Reads for holding the line ty—15 cents last year and 14 (1,426,026. Council must have $1,181,847 taxes. on municipal purpose taxes. He cents this year. It won't have an appreciable for municipal purposes plus A breakdown of the tax rate said judging from newspaper ac- $244,179.50 as a reserve for un- for property taxes looks like this: counts of other towns, "it is very Council listed sources: of the effect on the tax rate but the other $527,863 it expects to raise collected taxes (based on 90 per 83 cents tor municipal requjre- rare." ichool tax—also announced last without taxes. night—will. cent collection) for a total budget ments (down one cent), plus 32 The mayor chose another way Included is a $190,000 appropri- The estimated tax rates for all of $1,425,026.50. cents for reserve for uncollected to demonstrate the distribution ation of surplus as compared to purposes are J3;22 per $100 as- Council anticipates non-tax rev- taxes (up two cents), equals $1.15 of tax money. He compared last $175,000 last year. Another sessed valuation on real prop- enues in the amount of $527,863 per $100 toward the municipal year's tax dollar to this year's. $117,000 Is anticipated from de- erty, and $6.30 per $100 assessed leaving a municipal purpose tax budget (up one cent). Exemptions took two cents and linquent taxes, and the remain- valuation on business personal levy of $898,163.50. Add to that $1.55 for schools reserve for uncollected taxes took der will come from fees, per- property. Added to that is the school tax (up 17 cents), 45 cents for the 10 cents out of the dollar each mits, municipal court, state aid, Last year's property tax rate levy of $1,193,829; a county tax county (down one cent), and sev- year. However, Mr. Nicosia parking meters, franchise tax and was $3.05. All of the 17-cent in levy of $349,802.52; and another en cents for veteran and senior pointed out, schools took a 45 cent gross receipt tax. crease is included in the Board $59,860 for veteran and senior cit- citizen exemptions (the same) bite last year and a 48 cent bite of Education budget adopted last izen exemptions. and there is the estimated tax this year while municipal pur- And here is where the money week. The school board did not The total tax levy, therefore, rate of $3.22 (up 17 cents), poses used 28 cents last year and (See RED BANK, Page 3) / .

GOP to Hear Governor Hopefuls DEBUT — The now River Streef School Band will give its initial performance tomor-r; TRENTON — Any candidate session last night ended without Iwith the senator for some time Jones, for some unexplained The committee, between din- row night at a joint meeting of Red Bank Parent • Teacher Aisociations. John W. who really wants the Republican balltftlng or a request for one. had failed, weeks ago, to place reason, then dropped Assembly ner courses, produced a set of Luckenbill, director of instrumental muiic for the dUtrlct, ii ihown «t yesterday'* r«- nomination for governor will get The gathering was held In the Deamer on the 60-member Speaker Marion West Higgins off ground rules. The candidate wil • chance to ipeak up next Tues- Stacy Trent Hotel. screening committee which has the steering committee. Sh« is nominated by a majority vote heariaj with, from l«ft, Meg tovinscrt, Rpbe/rt Rayjjor, a1 .''only eWtlinj Jhlsj Ot»t u advocated' :$ - ef^ralo. "Easy Steps," "German ft by the GOP screening committee happened was a skirmish between 'Lart weekend, Deamer an who has been saying (or weeks Before the meeting, Sen. Frank to appear before its members for one candidate, Walter Jones, who nounced ba.war going to the that he l» not4 candidate4or Farley, Atlantic' County, long a play flute solo. Other memberj «n» Roberta Friedman, Dam'se Rudolph, Linda PeJuso, ~ H briefing at that time. They is also Bergen County's GOP meeting anyway, and said he wa: governor, paid a surprise visit. power in Republican politics, en- Debbi» Setaro, Bernadatte Rudolph. John' Setaro, David. Wilkinson, Gary Coyne, also-will have an opportunity to chairman and state Sen., Pierce entitled to take a seat. He spoke but said nothing that dorsed Sen. Sandman for the Andrew Crockett, Christina Wopat, Tom Rossi, Dennis DeSantis, David Qgden, Pat tell why they want to be gover- H. Deamer, Jr., also from Ber- Over the objections of Jones, a hasn't been said before. nomination, hoping that the com- nor. gen. vote was taken and Deamer won The committee members agreed mittee would give him a quick Hadden, Gail Hester, Marc Willner, Barbara Ciampoli, Claudia Boretlardt, Rdgina As expected, the committee's Jones, who has been feuding Fie now is a member. any person who is a bonafide vote and the nomination. Adams, David Gavin, Allen Fisher, Delores Caimpoli, Patti Bublin, Roxanne Ribustelli, candidate should submit his However, Farley was • advised Pam Gale, Donald Magee, Vincent Talarico, Burton Bradley and Peter DePatio. name to the state chairman, against it and Sandman was not Webster B. Todd, beforo the Tues- put into nomination. day round robin. Sen. Stout said last night he Monmouth's Civil Service Those whose names have been would be on the scene bright and Local COP Comment: mentioned most prominently of early, prepared to make his all- late, are: Sen. Richard R. Stout, out pitch for the nomination. Monmouth; Sen. Wayne Dumont, Monmouth County was repre- Practices To Be Studied Jr., Warren; Sen. Nelson F. Stam- sented on the steerjng committee ler, Union; Walter Jones, Bergen; by the national committeewoman, 'Nice Sounding Budget' FORT MONMOUTH—The New man review team, said fte sur- He emphasized that the survey Rep. William T. Cahill; Camden, Katherine K. Neuberger; Free- York Region of the U.S. Civil vey will be conducted at the here is part of a continuing and Sen. Charles W. Sandman, holder Benjamin H. Danskin and Jr., Cape May. By William Henderson than requested by Commissioner struction. The idea appears Service Commission will scrutl- Signal School and Electronics government program. state committeeman Edward C. Dwight R. G. Palmer. vague to me," Mr. Stout said. nize the hiring, training and pro- Command, Fort Monmouth; "There have been no specific Individual Action Broege. TRENTON — "It was a nice 'It is bad for our economy Assemblyman Alfred N. Bead- motions programs at several ma- Earle Naval Ammunition Depot; complaints of discrimination All these candidates a County chairman J. Russell sounding budget, that's all." to have our highway project cur- leston, Rumson — "Nowhere jor federal agencies in Monmouth the Social Security Administra- from federal agencies In the Coun- pected to go before the screening Woolley, a member, now is re- This was the opinion of Mon- ailed by slashing the apropria- did the governor say anything County. tion Office in Asbury Park, and ty," Mr. Stec declared. committee, individually, and read cuperating from the flu and mouth County's three Republican ion. Hughes says he needs more about state aid; a broad-based The review, one of more than the Long Branch Post Office. off their qualifications. Broege sat in for him. legislators after listening yester- The government is not advocat- engineers to work on road con- tax or how he would get funds 70 similar surveys conducted in At a news conference in Myer day to Democratic Gov. Richard ing a quota or preferential sys- truction but he doesn't say how for highway construction. Aj major centers o! federal employ- Hall, here, yesterday morning, J. Hughes read the major por- tem for members of minority many he wants to hire and how far as I'm, concerned the ques- ment throughout the nation, is Mr. Stec said the team has been tions of his fat, 1965-66 budget groups, Mr. Stec said, and it Is he will pay their salaries and tion of how these and other aimed at assuring that no one is collecting data for the past three Gale Is Given Post report to a Joint session of the not relaxing its qualifications. for all the planning that has to projects will operate remains a denied federal positions on the weeks and hopes to complete Its "But we are interested in seeing Senate and Assembly. mystery. Without a broad based basis of race, creed, color, na- work in the county within the next done." that the spirit, as well as the Patrick J. McGanri, Jr.,. Lin- tax the homeowner will still be tional Origin, or other Irrelevant few weeks. A summary of the Sen. Stout agrees with the gov- letter, of the law is followed," he In Civil Rights Unit croft, the county's only Demo- without financial help. considerations. team's findings will be made pub- ernor that regional sewer sys- said. crat in the Assembly, would not Short- Notice J-Man Team lic, he said. RED BANK - Mayor Benedict Appointed to three-year terms ems must be built to benefit Mr. Stec said the review team comment on the budget, as a "I can't say anything more Joseph M. Stec, area repre- As part of its survey, the team will audit the publicity releases R. Nicosia last night named the were Mr, Metzler, Mr. Gale and public health. The governor whole. about the budget. We only re- sentative of the commission who will meet with representatives of concerning job openings and the nine members of the Red Bank Dorothy Setaro; for two-year proposed a $5 million revolving ceived the report 20 minutes be- will be In charge of the three- minority groups, Mr. Stec said. certifications issued by the Civil .Commission on Civil Rights cre- terms Bernard Hoffman, Mar- "I'm not yet as experienced und to aid planning inter- fore Hughes delivered his speech Service boards of examiners at ated by Borough Council last garet B. Parker and Howard as my Republican colleagues municipal projects. and I haven't had time to read Fort Monmouth, Earle, and the r/iontli. Rudrow; and for one year, Doro- when it comes to taking budgets "The governor says the money it." Post Office Board in Trenton, One of his appointments was thy Allen, Rev. Earl B. Scott and apart. I'll need time to study would be paid back when bonds and the examining boards in As- Republican Clarence S. Gale who Albert Doremus. this one." are sold to finance sewer con- (See BUDGET, Page 3) Plan Board Okays bury Park and Red Bank. has been the mayor's political Here's how the county law- All terms will be for three opponent in two elections. Both makers tried to deflate the gov- Employees of the agencies un- years on the second time around. der scrutiny will be advised of men ran for mayor last year on ernor's budget which soared to The members will serve without the review team's visits so they platforms calling for a Civil record-breaking high of $646,- Little Silver Tax Rate can present any complaints, and Rights Commission. compensation, and will make rec- 829,749. 21-Lot Subdivision ommendations to the governing federal employees who believe According to council's resolu- Sen. Richard R. Stout, West MIDDLETOWN—The Planning study the Oatcbrook subdivision they have evidence of dlscrimi tion, the mayor has the power to body and work with other agen Allenhurst — "The governor's Will Drop This Year Board last night gave approval involving 14 lots- on a 10-acre nation can contact the team at name the commission and its cies to eliminate all forms of dis- budget shows he is spending up to a 21-lot subdivision off Manor tract off New Monmouth Rd. Its temporary offices in the Long chairman. For the top spot, for crimination in Red bank, includ- to the hilt. He asked for $103.1 LITTLE SILVER — There was242 more than last year. The re- Pkwy. in,Lincroft. Branch Post Office, Mr. Stec the first year, he appointed John ing any, if it exists, in the million for highway construction happy news for borough tax- serve for uncollected taxes, based The board referred the map The applicant, Walter Lauden- said. H. Metzler. schools. but that figure is (93 million less payers last' night. on 9J per cent collection, is $75, to the township engineer for fur- 44S.S5, compared to $71,958.17 last •lager, proposes to subdivide 13 The review got under way with Mayor Charles W. Stephens an- ther review. < year. acres Into the 21 lots. a meeting of county federal agen- nounced a two cent drop in the Also held were subdivision re- cy heads in Myer Hall yesterday. tax rate. The anticipated revenue is Approval was granted on the quests involving 27 lots on a 20 1187,345. This includes a $57,000 stipulation that $6,000 be donated Among those present were Maj. The estimated tax rate for 1965 acre tract off Cherry Tree Farm Gen. Frank W. Moorman, com- ippropriation from surplus funds, to the township in lieu of side- Eatontown Apartments is $2.98 per $100 of assessed Rd., and a 23-lot project known manding general of the Electron- $12,000 more than last year, and walk construction in the develop- valuation. The 1964 rate was $3. as Indian Ridge off Mountain Hill Ics Command; ,Capt. A. B. Regis- $90,345 in miscellaneous revenue, ment and another $1,290 be given The announcement came with Rd:. ter, commanding officer of Earle up from last year's $85,107. instead of land for recreational introduction of the Borough Coun- The budget provides for a five purposes. The board recommended to the Naval Ammunition Depot; Ben- cil's $406,764.85 budget for 1965. Township Committee that its an- " " ' Worry Mayor Werner per cent salary increase for the jamin Sandberg, director of the The total budget, presented by The proposal now goes to the nual contract with Herbert H. borough's 20 full time employees. Asbury Park Social Security of- borough auditor, Joseph X. Sea- Township Committee for Its con- Smith Associates, West Trenton, EATONTOWN — Calling the Councilmen Leon B. Smock, Jr., wrough. At Eatontmvn's recent A $2,000 salary is provided for the fice; Fred A. Crine, Red Bank man, is up $22,732.68 over the sideration. for pplanning g services, be renewed. postmaster; Rocco N. Bonforte, borough's apartment situation Joseph A. Kellenyi, and Edward 'family dinner" at the Colonsde building inspector. This is the held for further $384,032.17 needed for municipal first year a salary has been pro- The board Cost of the contract is $2,400 per acting Long Branch postmaster, "very serious," Mayor Herbert O. Clark—supported by borough Restaurant In Monmouth Shop- purposes last year. The amount to vided tor that post. Previously, year. and other county postmasters, as E. Werner warned last night Attorney Henry J. Saling—want ping Center, he promised to in- Notice be raised in taxes is $219,419.85, the building inspector's salary The firm drafted the township's well as representatives of Fort hat "if this continues, we'll have to stop apartment building, but tervene personally with the Coun- I wjll not be responsible for any up $4,494.68 over last year's tax was paid out of the permit fees. master plan and serves as con Hancock and the Asbury Park of- a slum area in Eatontown."' cannot see how a moratorium ty Board of Freeholders to get debts incurred by my wife Diana levy. sultant to the community on all fice of the Internal Revenue Serv- He was speaking of the rela- can be enforced. action on the widening of. WycofJ The budget includes $3,000 for M. Hoffman, because she has left planning mattets. ice. tively large number of garden All but about 600 of the 2,100 Rd. before 1966. Holding the Line purchase of a heavy duty truck my bed and board. apartments built and authorized garden apartment units envisioned A letter from Mr. Keith read Actually, the council Is holding and leal loader for the road de- George J. Hoffman in the borough's R-5 zone, and in the borough master plan bave at last night's council meeting the line on the tax rate for local partment; a $4,400 Increase In 92 Bingham Ave., Rumson the alleged high'mimber of units been built or authorized. said the assemblyman, had written purposes — 56 cents per $100 o( recreation committee funds, for Adv. unrenled, Land for the 600 remaining to Freeholder Director Joseph C assessed valuation this year, the the Improvement of the borough's Holmdel Dog Tax Today's Index Councilmen agreed that apart- units is available in the R-5 zone, trwln requesting prompt action same as last year. It Is the two ballfield; and a $1,795 Increaiit The registrar will sit In.Town Page ment building here should be which specifically permits garden answer from the freeholders cent drop in the local school tax in the Planning Board appropria- Hall Saturdays during month of Anrasemtnts ~ Herblock • suspended temporarily, but dis- apartment construction. Mr. Keith's letter stated, said rate $1.78 this year compared tion to provide for the hiring o! February from 8 to 11:30 After Births ...... Movie Timetable _. 8 agreed on how this best could The three dissenting council- the matter is being actively with $1.80 in 1964 which is bring a professional planning consultant. February February mail to Mrs. Bridge ., Obituaries t be accomplished. men felt that construction in the worked upon and promised early ing the total rate down. The coun- The budget also anticipates tni Helen £yder, Box 164, Holmdel. John Chamberlain Sylvia Porter ...- * Mayor Werner and Bruce J. area cannot legally be stopped. results. ty rate remains at 54 cents and terest of $12,000 on borough In- "Fee $2,25."~Adv. ____ Clarified ...., Sports .'. 10,11 Mangan, the lone council Demo- Still snared in a dilemma, Borough Council has been try the rate for veterans' and senior vestments, compared with the Perkins Pancake House Comic* Stock Market ....:..... 4 crat, want a moratorium right Borough Council resolved to table ing for more than a year to gei citizens' exemptions remains a $3,000 set up in last year's budget.' Kwy: 35, MlddleWwn. WEDNES- Cro« word Puzzle Successful Investing 4 now. the matter for further study. the county to widen Wyoofl Rd. 10 cents. A public hearing on th« budget DAY ONLY, VEAL: CUTLET Editorials ...... Talevlilon . . 8 The Planning Board has rec- Assemblyman Irving E, Kerth scene of four pedestrian fatalities The budget appropriates $331,- will be btld Monday, M*rdl ], «t SINNER fl.00.-Adv. Event* of Yean Ago Women'* N«w ommended such m moratorium. (R-Mon) kept hli promise to the in 1964. , 318 tar municipal purposes. $19,- 8 pjn, is tte bomqjk gpB, 2—Tuesday, Februtry 2, 1965 THE DAILY REGISTER Article Hit Obituaries Entry, Hefts Arc Probed By Civic MRS. MA«Y C. ftODI NEW SHREWSBURY-Police 9:30 yesterday morning, the chiel LONG BRANCH — Mn. Mary are investigating a breaking and said. Unit Editors C. Rodi, 82. died &t home yester- entering at Campbell's Concrete Ishia Rehm, 41 Cherry St., re tyATAWAN TOWNSHIP- day. She lived with her daughter, Co., West Park Ave., Wayside, ported the theft of the automo "Foxes and Squirrels" continue Mrs. John Woods of 533 Bath the theft of a canvas top from bile battery from the car, which to make news. Ave. an automobile in the used car was parked in his backyard, at In the latest edition of Strath Born in Italy, Mrs. Rodi had lot at Bob White Buick, Shrews- 10:55 p.m. more Observer three editors ol lived here three years, formerly bury Ave., and the theft of a Patrolman William Brown is in the Strathmore Civic Associa- living in Lakehurst. She wis a battery from a car parked in the vestigating the first two incident! tion's official publication disas- communicant of St, John's Catho- rear yard of a home on Cherrj and Patrolman Robert Gant is in sociated themselves from an ar- lic Church, Lakehurst, and a St. vestigating the third. ticle printed in December by the member of the church's Altar Police Chief James A. Herring monthly paper. and Rosary Society. said the breaking and entering In a letter to the editor, Henry Surviving besides Mrs. Woods at the concrete company was re Arnold, who recently was named are another daughter, Mrs. Jen- ported about 8 a.m. yesterday. as a possible Township Counci nie McGrory, here; a son, Sam Entry to the batching room had candidate, Arnold Baseman and Rodi, of Runnymede; seven been gained by removing a glass Births Barbara Katinsky wrote that they grandchildren, and II great-grand- panel from a door, but nothing "regret that (it) appeared in las! children. was reported taken, the chief A Requiem Mass will be of- RIVERVIEW month's issue. . .without our said. fered Thursday at 8:30 a.m. at Red Bank knowledge and/or approval:' The canvas top was found St. John's Catholic Church. Mr. and Mrs. Gennard Mar- They added; missing from a Corvette con- Burial, under direction of the ietta, 13 Highland Ave., Leon- "We believe The Observer, as vertible at Bob White Buick abou' Woolley Funeral Home, 10 Morell ardo, daughter, Friday. voice of Strathmore Civic Asso- ciation, does have a right and an Reuben E. While St., will be in St. John's Ceme-, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hoffman tery, Lakehurst. 28 Michigan Ave., Port Mon obligation to comment on any Township mouth, daughter, Friday. matter affecting the community. BERNARD V. RYAN But we further believe, "that (Continued) Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sell, 25: Rtibe' White RUMSON — Bernard Vincent such comment must either be Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Highlands Ryan, 75, of 9 Church St., died "What you are doing is what signed or clearly labeled as edi- daughter, Friday. last night in Riverview Hospital, your predecessor did. You are torial matter." Noted Boatman, making political deals." Mr. and Mrs. Tony Nappe, 12 FIRST AIDERS CHOSEN — Officers elected for 1965 by New Shrewsbury First Aid Red Bank. Editor's Wife Wrote It The mayor replied, "Basically, Hazlet Ave., Hazlet, daughter, Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., he was Squad include, seated, left to right, Anton W. Peckham, captain; Walter Trillhaaie, In a poetic confession, Mrs. you are utterly wrong. Friday. Dies At 77 the son of the late Eugene and Marilyn Brenner, wife of Observ- "I believe committeemen Mr.. and Mrs. John Stiilings, president; Andrew Titko, treasurer. Standing, left to right, are Fred Manasse, firtt RED BANK — "Rube" White, Margaret McElrob Ryan. He had 301 Park Ave., Middletown, son er editor Norman K. 'Brenner, lived here 45 years. should be changed around to give lieutenant; William Tozer, secretary; Robert Parkans, vice president and trustee; admitted writing the article. known throughout the area for them all more experience in Friday. Mr. Ryan was for many years Bill Canfield, second lieutenant. Not shown are Clyde Sabold, sergeant; Mayor John The story, which was a lightly- all his 77 years as a boatman and township affairs. My reasoning Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wyndorf, associated with the accounting veiled criticism of Mayor Henry has been based on this belief. 40 Throckmorton Ave., Red Bank, E. Lemon, Jr., trustee, and John Walzer, trustee. Squad's first activities for the year iceboater on the Navesink River, firm of Darmstadt, Scott and daughter, Friday. E. Traphagen, charged the may- "I don't believe it is right for include publication of "The New Shrewsbury Siren," followed by the annual fund drive is dead. Courtney, New York, as an ac- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hen- or had taken over control of the, you to state rumors. He died yesterday in the Ivy countant. He retired II years dricks, 58 Campbell Ave., Bel- in February and March. township. House Nursing Home, Middle- ago. He was a Democratic Coun- "From a political standpoint ford, daughter, Friday. An Observer editorial, acknowl- it would have been wiser for me town, where he had been a pa- cilman here from 1932 to 1935. Mr. and Mrs. John Powers, 6 edging protests that followed pub- to go along with wishes and de- tient two years. His home was at He was a communicant of Holy Thompson Ave., East Keansburg: lication of the fable, conceeds mands of you and your cohorts." 22 Tower Hill Ave., where his sis- Cross Catholic Church, here, and son, Saturday. Speaks Only suggestions made during the past Mr. Schneider is a member of ter, Miss Phebe White, still lives, was a member of its Holy Name Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Harris, 19 month over the furor, will be the Strathmore Democratic Club, Society. He was also a member Atlantic Ave., Matawan, son, Sat kept in mind In the future. A riverman all his life, "Rube" Will Not Jump For Self In was especially known for his con- of the Red Bank Old Guard. urday. Articles of a controversial na The mayor concluded: "I will cern with water safety. His vast Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sena lure, Herbert J. Parker, presi not jump when someone snaps knowledge of tides and currents Ella C. Ryan; a son, John J. Wayside Rd., New Shrewsbury, Bus Fight dent of the association, said their fingers. I will carry out enabled him to recover the bod- Ryan, here; three daughters, son, Saturday. should be signed or put on the my duties for the good. of the ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - ies of more than SO drowning Mrs. Reginald B. Wolcott of Red editorial page. township and not for any one Mr. and Mrs. James Heary, Mrs. Vivian Poii, Ocean Blvd., victims during his lifetime. Bank, Mrs. Alexander Hammell political organization." 10 Infield La., Matawan, daugh- leader in the running fight to get of Rahway, and Mrs. George ter, Saturday. Until several years ago, The mayor hit a sorespot with school bus transportation for 46 Curtin of Warrenvllle; four sis- Mr. and Mrs. James Hankins, 'Rube" could be found any sum- Strathmore by removing Mr. Dry- children of the hill area, said ters, Miss Ella J. Ryan, Miss Neptune St., New Monmouth, 'Rig W mer day at the North Shrewsbury den from the police committee. yesterday she is representing no Mary Ryan, Mrs. Rose Wilshear daughter, Saturday. Ice Boat and Yacht Club, watch Mr. Dryden was named head one but herself. and Mrs. Daniel Legoza, all of Mr. and Mrs. John Cronin, 11 ing over young folks handling of finance, replacing Mr. Krivit- Market Opc^ns Miami, Fla., and 16 grandchil- Acker Dr., Middletown, daugh- Mrs. Poli had previously said their boats and deprecating their rity. Committeeman Gilbert H. dren. ter, Saturday. that she represented 22 families unsafe practices. Hickman now heads the police Arrangements are under the di- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Flem-j of the Ocean Blvd. area, but AJI Iceboat Champ committee; Mr. Krivitzky was In Red Bank rection of the Worden Funeral ing, 15 Willis PI., Keansburg was challenged in this contention Rube started iceboating when named to the water department Sunday by Mrs. Viola Lynch, 51 RED BANK - Today is t h e Homo, Red Bank. son, Sunday. day local residents can find out he was 10 years old — sitting on with Committeeman Daniel H. Prospect Ave., a member of the a piece of slate, with an umbrel- Downey moving over to sanita- Mr. and Mrs. Warren Colville, for themselves what "Big W" is. MRS. RICHARD J. SKEHAN 21 Country Club Rd., Eatontown, Henry Hudson Regional Board of la to catch the wind. Later, he FREEHOLD - Mrs. Elizabeth tion, buildings and grounds. Education. If they haven't already discov- son, Sunday. ered the meaning of the recent built the Elizabeth R., a Class A M. Skehan, 76. of 11 Broad St. The mayor retained his position Mr. and Mrs, Robert MacKen- Mrs. Lynch told The Register ice boat carrying 340 square feet died yesterday in Monmouth as head of roads and street light- advertising campaign which zie, 38 Pemberton Ave., Ocean she knows of at least 15 people broadcast "Big W is coming," of sail. With the craft, he and Medical Center, Long Branch. ing. port, daughter, Sunday. Mrs. Mortimer Fox Miss Mary Calletto v/ho have stated that Mrs. Poli his brother Ensley, who survives, Triggering the verbal explosion ihey can attend the grand open- Mrs. Skehan was born in Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnold, does not represent them. ing at 56 Newman Springs Rd. won the Class A championship of Yonkers, N. Y., daughter of the between the mayor and Mr. Kri- Morth America more times than 27 Miriam Dr., Matawan, daugh- Mrs. Poli said yesterday she A Big W discount supermarket late Ernest and Margaret Curth. vitzky was a resolution offered by ter, Sunday. any other two men. Mr. Downey to reappoint Sieg- Boro Library's Story Hour has not changed her position that has replaced the Mayfair Market She was a member of St. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaeffer, Also an ardent water sailor, tbund V. Kowalski to the Utilities; bus service should be provided at that address. of Lima Catholic Church, here. I2B Rose La., Union Beach, .son, -Authority. by the Board of Education or According to Angelo Ragona, Rube" spent many years crew- Surviving are her husband, Sunday. J S-2 Vote Popular With Younger Set Borough Council, but added she general manager of Bi^ W Mar- ,ng on Long Island racing sail- Richard J. Skehan, Sr.; a son. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Elice, 18 boats. Before his retirement in 'The resolution was carried by "does not want tp engage in a kets, the new store will feature Richard J. Skehan, Jr. of this Quail Dr., Middletown, daugh- NEW SHREWSBURY — Max, reader, "Children think this is 953, he. was in charge of the boat place; three daughters, Mrs. a 3-2 vote with Mr. Krivitzky and lero of "Where the Wild Things battle of personalities." brand name foods at discount er, Sunday: the funniest book ever. They take department of Ihe Rumson Ccun- Leslie H. Douglass of Colts Neck. Mr. Dryden objecting. They \re," by Maurice Sendak, de- She stated that she will con- prices. "We believe we have Mr. and Mrs. John Barrett, 258 the illustrations as a matter of ry Club for 20 years. He was Harry W. Read, 3d of Freehold Claimed they had nothing against ighted about 40 three and four- tinue to press the school board come up with a' different kind Middle Rd., Hazlet, son, Sunday. course, although the . depictions also sell-employed as a carpen- Township and Mrs. Edward A. Mr. Kowalski but resented tW year-olds as the spring sessionloi grotesque creatures are apt to for transportation for children of of supermarket in Big W," he Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grove sr. McCarthy of Aberdeen, N. C.; a ' fact the appointment was not dis- if the New Shrewsbury Public scare their parents." the hill area,, but will not repre said. >"W,e call It different be- 132 Atlantic Ave., Long Branch sent herself to the1 board as cause this store not only features "Rube" was a member of the brother, Joseph Cur* of New' cussed In executive session as Library's children's story hour The story hours, given now for son, yesterday. speaking for anyone but herself, all of'the basic staples found North Shrewsbury Ice Boat and Milford, Conn.; two sisters, Mrs. ail appointments have been in opened. three years, are held in the li- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burns, 42 n regular supermarkets, but be- Yacht Club; an exempt fireman Claude Bennett of Dearborno the past. According to Miss Mary Callet- brary in Borough Hall each Tues- At last week's council meet- Tatum Dr., Middletown, son, yes- cause Big W features the most of the Independent Engine Com- Heights, Mich, and Mrs. Cath- Mayor Traphagen, indicating his terday. to, children's librarian of thej day in spring and fall, from 9:45 ing, when Mayor Russell W. Mor- pany of Red Bank Fire Depart- 1 famous brand names in the erine Ley of Yonkers, N. Y., and later-expressed resentment to Monmouth County Library, guest to 10:45 a.m. Enrollment is lim- gan questioned how many people Mr. and Mrs. William Dodds, world at honestly low prices." ment; and belonged to Mystic 14 grandchildren. what he termed "pressure from 7 Thelma Ct, River Plaza, daugh- ited to pre-school children three Mrs. Poli represented, she re- Lodge 21, F&AM, here. Strathmore Democrats," retorted: The Mayfair has been redeco- The funeral will be tomorrow ter, yesterday. and four years old. plied, "I represent myself." Besides his sister and brother, rated for the coining of Big W, at 8 a.m. from the Freeman "Times have changed." Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Heinz Weather Mrs. Mortimer Fox, who heads When pressed further by the he is survived by several nieces Last night's fireworks came on Mr. Ragona said. Funeral Home, here, to St. Rose man, 15 ^Partridge La., New New Jersey: Snow in coastal the program, remarked, "The mayor, Mrs. Poli sated, "There and nephews. He had never of Lima Church where a Requiejn the heels of developments lead- Shrewsbury^•'••• daughter, yester- children love the characters in ire 26 families" involved—I repre- The new store hours will be 9 married. ing to a wide-open split between sections ending early this morn- a.m. to 9 p.m. daily except Fri- Mass will be offered at 9 o'clock day. the book, who last become old sent 22." Services will be Thursday from the two Democratic factions. :ng. gradually clearing, becoming| days when it will close at 10 p.m, by Rev. Thomas P. Ridge. Buri- Mr. and Mr£. Daniel Me- friends. If the kids had their the Worden Funeral Home, 60 Protesting the way the mayor sunny, windy and very cold to- At that point, Mayor Morgan and Sunday when it will close at al will be in St. Rose of Lima Menamy, 35 Wolley St., Mata- way, they'd hear about Mike Mul- East Front St., with Rev. W. was named by the Utilities Au- lay. Afternoon temperatures 25- told her to present a request 6 p.m. Cemetery, here. The Rosary will wan, son, yesterday. Itgan and the Steam Shovel over jordon Lowden, pastor of the thority to the director's post, 30. Clear and very cold tonight. "with signatures," and counci be recited tonight at 8 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Robert Malone, and over." First Methodist Church, here, of- though not challenging his quali- Low 10 tp 15 at shore and near would assist in negotiation of a in the funeral home. Disciplinary problems are re- J. W. BARTLETT, JR, iciating. Burial will be in Fair fications for the position, Strath- 63 Crest Rd., Middletown, daugh- zero northwest. Wednesday fair contract guarantee with a pri- markably few during the story ELIZABETH — Funeral serv- View Cemetery, Middletown. more Democrats have been snip- ter, yesterday. ,nd cold, high in 20s. vate bus line which, since Octob- SCHAFFER SERVICES hours, generally speaking. Mrs. ices were held yesterday for J. ing at Mr. Traphagen for weeks. Outlook Thursday partly cloudy er, has been carrying the 46 nil! RED BANK — A memorial Eric O. Holmgren, Jr., director W. Bartlett, Jr., 93, of 380 Verona Defends MONMOUTH MEDICAL md continued cold. Small craft youngsters to and from school at COL. JOHN V. MILLS service for Mrs, Arthur F. Schaf- CENTER of operations for the library, re- Ave., who died Friday in the for of 20 Westwood Rd., Little In a separate interview, away 'arnings are in effect for rough a total cost of $40 per week. FORT MONMOUTH - Col. Long Branch r members, however, the time when Cranford Nursing Home. Silver, who died Friday In Phila- from the committee table, Mr ater and increasing west to bhn Vincent Mills, (Army ret.,) one child quietly pulled off pieces A lifelong resident here, he delphia, will be held in the First Krivilzky defended himselfi Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Rosa, lorthwest winds 15-25 knots with 64, who enlisted at the age of 16 of the carpet's underpad in the was a retired employee of Moore Presbyterian Church, Harding against charges made by the nine- 250 Myrtle Ave., Neptune, son, higher gusts. rom West Orange' when the yesterday. old church where the library used Youth Hurt Brothers Foundry, this place. United States entered World War Rd., tomorrow at 2 p.m. man delegation from the two to be, and dropped them through :? Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vafiadis, TIDES Surviving are a son, Ward M. and was in the Battle of Cam- Rev. Dr. Charles S. Webster " clubs that he has not devoted the floor grating into the burner 1209 AHenhurst Ave., West Deal, Sandy Hook Bartlett of Matawan; a daughter, brai a few weeks after his seven- and Rev. Albert T. Woodward sufficient time to his duties, plac- in the basement. Mrs. Arthur 0. Hoehler with son, yesterday. TODAY - High 8:32 p.m. and During Fight eenth birthday, died in Patter- will officiate, ing added burdens on other lo- whom he lived; two grandchil- low 2:41 p.m. The program was almost son Army Hospital here yester- Mrs. Schaffer, who came from cal officials. RED BANK — An 18-year-old dren, and seven great-grandchil- FITKIN TOMORROW — High 8:47 a.m. gassed out. "ay. Bethlehem, Pa., Is survived by Commented Mr. Krivitzky: Story hours provide the chil- youth was cut on the right wrist dren. "I will say unqualifiedly that I Neptune ind 9:07 p.m. and low 2:47 a.m. during a fight last night on Broad her husband, Arthur F. Schaffer; Mr. and Mrs. Joel Frazer, Free- dren with a literary background He had been ill for seven days. a son, Steven Schaffer, 7; and a have done my job. Part of my and 3:19 p.m. St., near Peters PI. Just two weeks ago he moved hold, daughter, yesterday. For Red Bank and Rumson in the universal stories such as AOTHONY IANNETTA daughter. Elizabeth Schaffer, 6, job has been one of the most dis- The youth was identified as 'rom Arlington, Va., into his iridge, add two hours; Sea "Cinderella," "The Three Bears" KEYPORT — Anthony lannet both at home. agreeable—that of obtaining ease- Robert Taylor, 18, of 51 Drum- newly-purchased home at Phalanx Bright, deduct 10 minutes; Long and "The Billy Goat's Gruff." a, 71, died Sunday at his home, Private cremation services ments on Church St., which has -mond Ave. 'arras, Colts Neck. Branch, deduct 15 minutes; High- They are introduced to reading 129 Atlantic Ave. were held In Bethlehem. been harder than pulling teeth and to the alphabet and counting. Police Chief George H. Clayton, Born in Philadelphia, he was He was a member of the Asso- without Novocain. Library Benefit lands bridge, add 40 minutes. Children acquire the library habit Sr. said the youth was cut by the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. ciation of the Army, of the Army MRS. LOTTIE E. NICHOLLS "If the mayor thinks I am re- while they have fun, and return William Safforld, 16, of 12 St. John Iannetta. He had lived here Ordnance Association, and of the MONMOUTH BEACH - Mrs. sponsible for his downfall in his Card Party Set CAR FIRE as library patrons when they Mary's PI. 43 years. , ' National Press Club in Washing- Lottie E. Nicholls, 83, of 8 Cook bid to obtain freeholder endorse- OCEANPORT - Plans for MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — Fire reach grade school. According to the chief, both A World War I veteran Mr. ton. He is surviveJ by his wife, St., died Sunday in the Ocean ment from Strathmore, he is 'amily card party to be spoi caused minor damage this morn- Children's parents must be reg- youths got into a fight on the Iannetta was a member of the Martha Bell Mills. Grove Nursing Home. wrong. The vote by Strathmore sored by the Friends of th ing to a car parked on Second istered members of the library. street after the basketball game American Legion, here. Democratic Club was unanimous- Later in World War I, Col. Born in Toronto, Canada, she Oceanport Public Library wen St. Patrolman Royce Wallace All borough residents are entitled at the high school. Surviving are his wife, Mrs ly against him. It is what he Mills took part successively in the had lived here 35 years. spotted the fire while on patrol to free membership; non-resi- The fight attracted about 20 to Marie Phillips Iannetta; a daugh did and the way he did it, in announced at a recent meetin Somme defense, the Afsne-Marne| She was the widow of Thomas and extinguished the blaze. The dents pay $5 yearly. 30 onlookers, the chief said. ter, Mrs. Gloria Carter of th's respect to his appointment as di- iy the unit's chairman, Fred Bel campaign, the Battle of St, Mi- Nicholls. Mrs. Nicholls was a auto belongs to Hayes Johnson, End-of-season parties are giv- Taylor has been charged with place; three brothers, five rector of the Utilities Authority :uore. hiel, and the hard-tought Meuse- member of the Asbury Methodist Jr. and was parked in front of his en for the children at Christmas disorderly conduct while Safforld sisters, and two grandchildren. and the transfer of Committee- The event will take place Marc! Argonne offensive. He returned :hurch, North Long Branch. home. The fire apparently started and Easter, with parents donating faces a hearing before Juvenile man Charles W. Dryden from at Price's Fountains, L o n The funeral will be tomorrow home a six-times-decorated com- Surviving are three sons, T. in the engine. refreshments. author: chairmanship of the police de- Branch, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Rose Mi at 1 p.m. in the Day Funeral bat veteran, and quietly re-enterd Roy Nicholls of Wilmington, Del., partment, which provoked many celi and Mrs. Gerald Miceli wer< Home, Keyport, with Rev. David :he West Orange High School, Jack Nicholls of Atlantic High- residents of ^Strathmore . . . lamed co-chairmen. Proceed, Propert, pastor of the Calvary jraduating from there in 1920. He] lands, and Ralph Nicholls of this Methodist Church, officiating. :hen entered Trinity College at place, and eight grandchildren. "My hope is that Township vill benefit the Library. Burial will be in Green Grove Hartford, Conn., where he was a Committee meetings the balance Committee members are S> The funeral will be tomorrow at lemetery. member of Psi Upsilon frater- of this year will not be disrupted Gentile, George Leach, D a v i 11 a.m. in the Poston Funeral Brandt, Domenick StroIIo, Mrs nity, Home, Atlantic Highlands, with by this type of petty bickering, 1 which is not dignified .and does Angclo Caccavale, Mrs. Brand WILLl'AM C. GROOME After college he started work- Rev. George Murphey, pastor of not befit people elected to posi. Mrs. Strollo, Miss Marjorie Drci HIGHLANDS - William C, ing for the New Jersey Bell Tele- the Asbury Methodist Church, of- tions of public trust." bach, Mrs. Louis Mion, Mrs. Dai Groome, 78, of 91 Washington St., phone Co. as a radio engineer. ficiating. Burial will be in Fair Vitello, Mrs. Belcuore, Mr: died yesterday In Monmouth Med- He went back into the active View Cemetery, Middletown. ical Center, Long Branch. CYAC MEETING Leach, Mrs. Gentile and Mrs Army In 1942, this time as a first MRS. C1I*RENCE~GTLBERT Born in Newark, he had lived KEANSBURG - There will be Anthony Sini. leutenant in the Signal Corps Re- OAKHURST — Mrs. Alice Gil- / here 60 years. A retired bridge a meeting of the Northern Mon- Mr. Belcuore announced th serve. In World War II, then, he bcrt, 77, of 1 Woodrow St., died/ attendant, Mr. Groome was a mouth County Catholic Younc event will be the chief fund rai was in combat in both the cen- Sunday In Fitkln Hospital, Nen* charter member of the American Adult Club tomorrow at 8:13 :ng effort of the year. He sa ral European and the Asiatic-Pa- tune. / Legion post here. p.m. in St. Ann's Catholic he proceeds will go toward th cific theaters, Greece decorated Surviving arc her husband, 1 Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Church. A Mass will be held mrchase of shelves to be i him with its Distinguished Serv- Cla-cnce Gilbert; a daughter, Gertrude Fahrer of this place, Friday at 7:30 p.m. in St. An- italled in the library's new qua ice Medal. Mrs. Florine Farnung, and three md several nieces. thony's Catholic Church, Redj £rs, when the new borough ha He exchanged his reserve com- gran^ch'ldren. The funeral will be Thursday Bank. s completed this year. mission (or one in the Regular at 2 p.m. In the Posten Funeral The Franclonl, Taylor and Army in 1945, and served for Home, Atlantic Highlands, with Lopez Funeral Home, Asbury :hree years in the Philippines, BARE FLOORS CRY FOR Rev. Robert Heulitt, pastor of Park, was in charge of local Later, he served what he consid- BEAUTIFUL FLOOR COVERINGS :he Atlantic Highlands Methodist arrangements. The funeral will ered his most significant duty as- Church, officiating. Burial will be take place In Union County, Pa., BY STERLING ignmenr aa commanding officer INTERNATIONAL FLAVOR — Student assembly assumed an international air at in Fair View Cemetery, Middle- this week. Stop in for a free consultation. You'll if the Army Signal Intelligence Middletown High School recently when foreign exchange students discussed prob- CARD OF THANKS find it will make a wonderful world of Agency in Washington. Th» family of Mildred Bly wlih difference In vour decorating! lem! of youth in rhsir various countries. Appearing on the panel were, left to right, lo thank Monalgnor Monarwn, Bl, Jftmea He was retired from active duty Cfiurcrr, William B. Artderaon Funeral Mawa Tejan-Jellah, from Sierra Leone, Africa, who is visiting Red Bank High; Eliza- Johnson Named n August, 1055, and for nearly 10 Home. the, pnllbearera, relatives, MARLBORO - William John- friends and all who lent tlowera an4 bath Noto, Middletown High School and member of the American Field Service: Con- fears thereafter made His home Mrd», son, 5 Longfellow Ave., Is the in Arlington, Va. IN MKMOItl VI suelo Grez, American Field Service exchange student from Chile, and Brittain John- director of the new Cou'"ti.y- Services will be Thursday at Memorial Service i will be tiM lot ;lde Swim and Tennis Club at Arlington National Cemetery, Ft. Mrs. Arthur F. RrhnfUr, wtdnMday, 148 Broad St., Red Bank, N. J. 747 son Middletown student who spent a number of years in Great Britain. Other parti- Fubrua-y 3, 1005 at 2 p.m. in lha Boundary Rd. He is also athlcic Myers, Va. Local arrangements Chut) ol Hit 7l»t PtMbyltrlMi Church cipants were Orlando Carvallo, Venezuela, and Ntjat Uner, Turkey, AFS students at of R«d Bank. In llau of (TOWIII, O«W It A.M. l> t f.HL MM. «MV M director of the Point Pleasant f A.M. ft i PM. Stfurtfayi arc under direction of the Worden claua land contrllmMoni u Iba Chunh Middlitown High, and Goran Hogb»rg, Swedish student. Borough High School. Funeral Home, Red Sank. Memorial fund ol Uu ttrit VrMbyurlU i Church. ' • , •r- *. '. Board Aspirants Offer Momnouth THE DAILY REGISTER Taexhyy Tdavaf 2, Amend Immunization Plan Views at Fair Haven MTl For Students at Eatontown FAHRjHAVEN - The six can- a close analysis of the education complimented the didates for local and regional EATONTOWN — The Board of al offering with respect to the VotNEW SHREWSBURe lodaY -y Polls i Education was unanimous last mothers of studenM who acbool boards who addressed the community's ability and Willing- will be open from 4 to 9 p.m. to- made the school library PTA last night agreed that it i night fa amending its policy ness to pay for it. day as school district voters on polio immunization to con- gram a success.' takes people who care to make Robert D. Haven, appointee choose three members of the » school system good. firm with recommendations of "The school libraries last fall, sees board membershir. Monmouth Regional Board of 'the State Department of Health. be in existence without All called upon the community as representation of the entire Education and accept or reject The amended policy requires he said. for support of good education in community, and as a connecting the board's proposed $1,343,670 :hat all children enrolled in the The board appropriated $125 the borough as well as support link between the people and those budget. borough schools shall have had as its share of the nature area for themselves at the polls next who administer and teach. H< Only newcomer among Hie can- either Sabin (oral) or Salk (in- program proposed for Meadow- Tuesday,. would like to continue his con didates is Stephen W. Klein, ol jected) vaccine. * brook School by Mrs. Norman K Introduced by Mrs. Peter deK. tributlon to the development WOA Eaton Crest Dr., Eatoa- The basic change is the need Thetford and Thomas S. Pricf Dusinberre, the candidates gave a philosophy of education. town. for a booster dose on entering of the Shade Tree Commfasio^ short talks that constituted their Robert V. Strahan, appointet Incumbents seeking re-election school for those children who have The project will include major exposure to voters in the last summer, outlined aims ol are the board's president, Nor- had oral immunization in infancy. meadow and upland areas on race that will result in three full the teaching program—communi man J. Field, of 726 Sycamore Unchanged is the board's policy school grounds, to contain terms and an unexpired term on cation, knowledge of othei Ave., a member since the board's on Salk vaccine. sentative New Jersey plants the local board, and an uncon- peoples, knowledge of- America organization in 1957; Robert E. shrubs, Roscoe W. Angle Benjamin A. Crate All children entering borough tested full term on the Rumson- and its heritage, science ani Billings, of Riverdale Ave., also Edward G. Strohmenger schools shall have had at least Mrs. Beverly Ann Morris Fair Haven Regional High School mathematics, experience in th(a member since the board's in- two inoculations prior to theRed Bank was hired as a sixtS board. arts and sound bodies. He callec ception; and Joseph E. Iiga, of Crate Sells Interest in Miller Shoe Co. opening day of school. A booster grade teacher in MeadowbrooM James Greene seeks re-election public relations the area he wou] 1 Stirrup La., Eatontown, opposed shot is required every two years. School at $5,635 per year. Sli» to the regional board. He listed most like to develop. by Mr, Klein. Parent of children who object will replace Mrs. Rita SchaefMV reasons for "taking education Mrs. Helen Sullivan, a boarc Born in New Haven, Conn., to immunization on religious who resigned last month. seriously" and asked parents of incumbent and a teacher, sa April 15, 1940, Mr. Klein is a 1961 Red Bank Store Changes Hands grounds should present their ob- Accepted with regret was the elementary school pupils to look she is interested in "the best graduate of Worcester Polytechnic jection in writing to the Board resignation, as of June 30, af ahead in the interest of their possible education for every Institute, Worcester, Mass., iRED BANK - One of this owner. Mr. .Strohmenger and Mr. Mr. Angle, who has been with of Education. Miss Lucille Juliano, an art own children, and to take a child" and reminded listene where he received his degree in town's older establishments^the Angle became associated with the firm 14 years, lives here with Board member Gregory J. teacher in Memorial and Steel- greater interest in education in Mr. Crate as junior partners on his wife and daughter. He is a that children cannot vote am mechanical engineering. He isAlbert S. Miller Shoe Co. at 18 man Schools for tho past twO> behalf of all children. "We aretherefore depend upon adults f< presently studying management Feb. 2, 1960. former sales manager for West- years. She will continue her ed- not doing the best job we canassurance of good education. engineering at Newark College Broad St.—changed hands yester- Mr. Strohmenger has been with ern Union Telegraph and a ucation in fine arts. at the local high school", toe Mrs. Glen Van Wagenen, Ion of Engineering. day. the company 24 years. He lives former president of the Commu- Long Branch Shore Restaurant Equipment concluded. active in school'activities, spok A production engineer at the Edward G; Strohmenger of Lit- in Little Silver with his wife, nity Chamber of Commerce. Co., Inc., Neptune, low bidder Mr. Crate will remain with the John A. Flood, Jr., seeking a as a mother of four school-agei Procurement and Production Di- tle Silver and Roscoe W. Angle of the former Ina Wheaton, and Culture Study on two cooking ranges fat children who wants to "keep tfo their two children. company as a consultant. Meadowbrook School, WS§ full term, called himself "a gross rectorate of the U. S. Army Elec- Red Bank bought the interest of beginner" at the business of run-schools striving for excellence.' tronics Command, Ft. Monmouth, awarded a contract at $797, I ning schools, but said his desire Mrs. Van Wagenen said she hai Mr. Klein is married to the for- Benjamin A. Crate. Mr. Crate Mascutello, West End, 1926; John Under Way to give his own children the best time to devote to school boar< mer Miss Carol Fleischmann of has been associated with (he store W. Guire, West End, 1932; Frank Ex-Fire Chief LONG BRANCH — The new possible educations prompted him duties, and to its prime function New Haven. since 1918, and has owned the Clayton Jr., Independent, 1934. Shrewsbury Court • to run. The attorney suggested "to do qur best for the kids." George Sperling, Elberon, 1935; Long Branch Advisory Council on business since 1951. Dinner Set In C. Allen Griffin, Neptune, 1936; Culture is taking a city inven- Fines 3 Speeders The business was started in Cornelius McGlennon, West End, tory—on culture. SHREWSBURY - Three speed- Asking Unit 1846 by John R. Bergen, after 1938; Michael DeLisa, Phil Daly, Aaron Berg, of Hollywood ers were fined here last night. whose family Bergen PI. waLons g Branch 1940; C. Carroll Green, Oceanic, Ave., chairman, said question- Arthur Illmensee, Jr., of Walter Private School Budget named. Later his son, John B. 1942; Thomas Schneider, Atlan- aires have been sent to local res- St., New Shrewsbury, was fined Bergen, was taken into the firm, LONG BRANCH — Twenty- Of Chamber nine former chiefs of the city fire tic, 1943; Richard Richter, Elber- idents in an effort to determine $45 for excessive speed constitut- and it was known as John R. on, 1944, areas where new projects might ing careless driving on Broad Bergen and Son until 1897. department will be honored at a Talks Hit by Board dinner Thursday, Feb. 18, at Pad- Kenneth Yale, Branchport, be advisable. St. Speeding fines of $15 each In for Talk Said the inquiry: , were imposed on Richard R. MONMOUTH BEACH - Pan and "a tactic closely akin to book In 1897 the shoe store was pur- dock Lounge. 1945; Paul F. White, Phil Daly, RED BANK — On the recom- chased by Benjamin Ford and Al- 1946; Kenneth Wardell, Neptune, "To determine what cultural Barlow, 3d, of Fifth Ave., Port J. Masur, Board of Education burning." No person or group mendation of Councilman Daniel The Association of Officers, bert S. Miller, and was known as with Chief Robert W. Volmer as 1949; Edwin Nielsen, Oliver By- activities are lacking in our com- Monmouth, and George W. Hinck, president, and board members was named in the statement a J., O'Hern, Mayor Benedict R. .we are conducting Jr., of Atlantic Way, Sea Bright. being responsible for the allegec Ford and Miller until 1912 when president, will sponsor the anron- , 1951; James Pearce, Ocean- munity. Dr. John Pierrakos and William Nicosia said last night he would ic, 1952; Arthur Sico, Phil Daly, a survey, and need your help." Mr. Hinck was also fined $10 T. Boylan have charged that "or. interference. invite representatives of the Com-Mr. Miller bought Mr. Ford's nual event. share. In 193S Mr. Miller organ- Oldest living chief who will at- 1953. - Areas in which, the committee for contempt because of a late ganized opponents" of the pro- The first of the hearings wa munity Chamber of Commerce wants information are painting court appearance. ' posed 1965-66 school* budget are held in the home of Mrs. Robe to a council executive session. ized the Albert S. Miller Shoe tend will be Andrew E. Nelson, Francis Arrants, Branchport, Company with his son, William, of Neptune Hose Co., who held 1954; John J. Moran, West End, and drawing; ceramics and Magistrate William J. Glading exerting undue interference re Kleinberg yesterday. Topic of the meeting will be 1 garding the public's right to in and Mr. Crate as junior part office in 1917. 1955; Arthur Green, Neptune, sculpture; literature and drama; imposed a $3 fine on Mrs. Robert Today's meetings are sched- traffic and parking. Mr. O'Hern art exhibits; metal and wood formal budget discussions in theuled for 1:30 p.m. in the hom ners. Mr. Crate had been a sales- Here is a list of the surviving 1956; Kenneth Wymbs, Independ- Moynahan of Garden Rd. foi said he had read in The Regis- ent, 1957; Vernon Bennett, Elber- crafts; architecture and design; allowing her dog to run at large! homes of local residents. of Mrs. Stanley Tsigounis, Lo ter's annual Business and Inma- n at the store 18 years. chiefs and their home companies. Rd., where the session will t When the senior Mr. Miller Andrew E. Nelson, Neptune, on, 1958; Donald Van Brunt, Oli- ballet and music; and lectures. The animal was picked up by the The sessions have been sched- dustry review that the chamber ver Byron, 1961; Andrew D'Aver The survey also asks for infor- recently-hired dog control agen- uled this week in different homes again called at 8:15 p.m. At 9:'. appeared unsatisfied with the died, the business went to William 1917; Lambert K. Jackson, Ocean- p.m., another sessim will b Miller and Mr. Crate, and ic, 1920; William G. Presley, so, Branchport, ,1962; J. Webster mation about group activities and cy. A representative was pre- to air the budget, which the trio pace of progress in that field, Lane, Phil Daly, 19C3; Donald individual participation in the recently backed In board action called in the home otMr3. Gen Feb. 1, 1951, William Miller re Oliver Byron, 1922; G. Harold pared to testify, but Mrs. Moyna- Mr. O'Hern and Mr. Nicosia Smock, Neptune, 1923; Bomby Lee Phillips, Independent, 1964. varied fields. han pleaded guilty. ; The statement charged thai Collora, 16 Cottage Rd. through! the chamber might sot :ired and Mr. Crate became sole tchedules of the planned informa- Meetings will take place t be aware of all the action coun- tion meetings were placed in twomorrow at 1:15 p.m. In the homi cil is taking to eliminate traf- local stares. It said: of Mrs. William B. Anderson fic problems, but agreed a joint "Through the pressure bnough Riverdale Ave., and at 8:30 pm session with the chamber's park- to bear by those organized to at the home ol Mrs. Willian ing and traffic committee might take a negative stand on the pass Reeves, 33 River Ave. Thursday' be productive. BUY WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT meeting will take place in th< Ing of the proposed budget, both Also last night. Councilman announcements were removed by home of Mrs. John Pierrakos, AT THE West St. at 1:30 p.m. Thomas F. Oakley, announced the proprietors." that men are needed for the EATONTOWN TAKE UP TO IB MONTHS TO PAY The statement termed the "or- Meetings will be held Friday borough sanitation department. ganized effort" as Interference 1:30 p.m., in the home of Mrs He said he would advertise the CIRCLE George Borgos, 46 Lori Rd.: 8:11 Join in The Register. p.m., In the homo of Mrs. Jo WITH A BAMBrMR HOMMIHL'S CREDIT MXOIjKl Councilman Charles K.'Wood A DIVISION OP R. H. MACV « CO., INC. Fire Damages Kahau, Spaulding PI., and 9: ward announced that the bor- p.m., in the home of Mrs. Fra ough accepted delivery of two (PLUS SERVrCE CHARGE) cto Hickey, 41 Seaview AVe. new police cars last week. House at Hazlet Mayor Nicosia proclaimed HAZLET — Extensive smoki American History Month in Red and water damage to the homt Judgeship Bank in conjunction with the of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Caldcs same event sponsored national- 6 David St., resulted from a fire Appointees ly by the Daughters of the yesterday. American Revolution. Police said the fire was con- fined to the area around the fur- Confirmed nace in the basement. They said TRENTON—The senate yeste: Red Bank Mr. and Mrs. Caldes had left to day confirmed the appointmen (Continued) pick up their three children from of Gov. Hughes of Monmoui achool when the fire broke out. County Judges Clarkson S. Fis will go, listing the areas of major There were no injuries reported er, West Long Branch; Edwar change: Volunteers from the Hazlet J. Ascher, Belmar, and Alton V Tlte capital improvement fund North Centerville and West Evans, Long Branch. was reduced from $30,000 to Keansburg Fire Companies were County Judge Fisher, a former $20,000 but at the same time the at the scene for approximately assemblyman named last sum 1965 budget included (7,590 for an hour. Cause of the blaze has mer by the governor, receive! the borough's share of automatic rot been determined. 922,000 a year, as do Justice! gates at the West Bergen PI. Ascher and Evans. tfack crossing and $2,500 for a In his budget report yesterda Broad St. traffic light to keep the Collichio Case the governor asked that all sutotal capital improvement ac- preme, superior and count; count at $30,000. Hearing Delayed judges receive $5,000 raises. .Salaries in all departments rose 'rom $619,850 to $824,033, and oth- KEANSBURG - A Municipal The names of the three judge er expenses to support the depart- Court hearing on a oharge of as-were sent to the Senate a weel ments rose from $362,972 to tault and battery lodged against ago yesterday for confirmation. $174,214. Mayor Louis T. Collichio, Sr., by his wife, originally scheduled for The public event account was next Monday night, has been Crash Kills cut by $1-,000 because the Ter- postponed until later next week. centenary is over, and the public library got more this year—$1,160 The postponement was setShore Man more for salaries and $2,700 more when Magistrate William Lloyd for other expenses. decided to disqualify himself NEPTUNE (AP) - Henry J Workmen's Compensation In- from hearing the case. Schultz, 69, 605 Newark Ave. surance will cost $5,000 more this Court officials said the case Bradley Beach, died Monday i: year, but a $1,000 fund for en- would be heard during tile day Fifkin Memorial Hospital herc gineering services could be cut sometime next week. The exact eight hours after he was injured now that the borough pays a full time will be set when arrange- in a two-car accident. time engineer, and nearly $5,000 ments have been completed to He Jiad been admitted with was cut from salaries for building have anotter magistrate hear head injury following the crasl and grounds maintenance. the case. on Main St., Bradley Beach. Attached to the budget is a The mayor's wife, Mrs. Gladys Police said the driver of th $344,000 water utility budget, but Collichio, has charged that her second car, Jane H. Wilson, 68, does not affect the tax rate husband pushed her over a chair f West Allenhurst, and a pas since it is reimbursed from fees during an argument in their senger, Ann R. Crank, of Ascollected- . home last month. mry Park, were hurt slightly. The entire budget will be pub- lished in The Register Wednes- day, Feb. 10, and a public hear- ing will be held March 1 at 3:30 p.m. in the municipal building. Budget 510 extra-firm coils to the full size (Continued) BOYLE Assemblyman Irving £. Keith, Bradley Beach — "Hughes' make this Eclipse mattress superbly FINE HOME FURNISHINGS and BROADLOOM budget fails to point up our vital needs for the future. He for- got to tell us how we are to get Rt. 35 Circle, Eatontotm — 542-1010 revenue for new highways, in- comfortable and a real buy creased state aid and education. He skimmed right over them. Without a sales tax or even an income tax our homeowners will get no relief. Just where is the money coming from for all his programs and salary TWIN, y , PULL raises?" 4 Assemblyman Patrick J. Me- Gann, Jr., Llncroft — "I was Y«m get not ju»t 200, 300 or 500, but 510 Innerspring toils to the full die, and they're heavy, 15-gange glad, to hear the governor ask iteeL White blended cotton felt and extra firm insulating pads mean great deeping comfort, The 'or $350,000 for the rebuilding if the jetty and a stone wall at heavy duty 8-os. striped ticking has 88 tufts for real firnwees. Other deluxe features are pre-built Shark River Inlet. And the gov- ttg-reristant border, cord handles for easy turning and metal air venta for healthful frethneas. ;rnor's request $5,000 raises for Matching box spring, specially built for long-lasting mippnrt Swln S3S mr Supreme, Superior and Coun- Our Super Stalwart adjustable «teel frame ^ « 12.95 CENTRAL JEBWBAM ty .Court judges is a very good idea. Our justices work hard and should receive more than 1 $22,000 a year." ! CAUL OS MHO OR WRITE for btddlna. Fm dtlivtrf I* Ntw Jemy md la ear oellvtry araat la U, Y. ami Pa. (uctpt C.O.D. . «M SOc). It* art MM* (Dtff. ««>. Slmflar action lo give these Uw*r Uvtl,, lanbtrfltr-lw*trfltf«t IMMuaoatk. AM at tmrnm, Mnlp Paifc. Nvwark, Morrlttowi. rMifWId, awl Chnrf Hill. ttMf ab« at NMHM. udgM raltej lut year failed. I , J , ——. * , F&twr 2, 19® TOE DAILY REGISTER New Peak LOCAL SECURITIES DENNIS THE MENAGE By Hmh Ketchuni Tin foOovtef bid and vtuA qwtatioqwta w frotofroto flu NriaalAw etaitoiito i of StaufhtmStafhtm Dttlen,Dtl totoe., fafa «* represent actual trtnuc- Is Reached ton. They are * guide to the range within which the* aeeurtttes could btve been ibid (indicated by the "bid") or bought (indicated by the "asked") at the time of completion. Successful On Market BANKS Dlv. Bid Asked NEW YORK (AP) • • The stock Belmar-Wall National 3.00 ISO market yesterday weathered Central Jersey Bank (x) 12'/« some profit taking on. its strong Eatontown Nation!] Bank 25 1964 rise and ended the session Farmers & Merchants Investin with a slight gain — enough to First Merchants National Bank 10 put market averages at new Keansburg-Middletown 1.40 41 i Roger E. Spear By ROGER 1 SPEAR peaks again. Monmouth County National 65, N. J. National Bank 26 Q) "My son works reguarly I understand the government At the same time, trading sin* 8 •" Peoples National, Keyport 3.00 ISO and earns about $100 a week. tended them for another 10 years. mered down considerably. Vol- ume slipped to 5.75 million Sea Bright National 1.25 He has several hundred dollars Since this extension period is First National Bank ol Spring Lake 35 in such stocks as J. C. Penney; shares from 6.95 million on Fri- now finished, are my bonds INDUSTRIAL Morrell (John); Royal Dutch Pe- drawing any interest? If not, day, a decrease of 1.2 million shares which reflected growing Brockway troleum and Xerox. Are these should I cash them in and re- Family Circle caution on the part of traders and VA good investments and do you invest in H bonds?" C.V.H. Laird investors. think it wise for him to continue A) I am always glad to dis- Monmouth Capital <*) to buy stocks?" R. R cuss savings bonds which for a The Dow Jones Industrial Av- Monmouth Electric A) j believe your son should great many people represent the erage, which was showing a Monmouth Park William F. Daly be warmly commended for un- stability and security and as- slight loss around mid session, N. J. Natural Gas (x) Cash 24 Rowan dertaking a stock program so sured income which they should ended with an advance of .82 to 6 Spiral Metal 32 Board Candidate early in life. Provided that he have. 903.68, its. sixth straight record high. U. S. Homes HOLMDEL - William F. Daly, has an adequate savings reserve You are correct in your under- Wlnslow Tel. 3 Fairmount Rd., is a candidate I see no reason why he should standing that your E bonds were Of 1,390 issues traded, 584 rose y (x)Dividend (xx) Plus Stock for a three-year term on the not continue hi kb automatically extended in 1952 and 544 fell. New highs for 1964- his stock-buying '65 totaled 117 and new lows 8. Board of Education. program. and 1953 for 10-year periods. Of the 15 most active stocks, Mr. Daly is married and has Of thhe shares he now owns, I When those periods were up— seven declined, six advanced and Cleveland Amory to Speak four children. He has lived here would retain only J. C. Penny in 1962 and 1963—they were au- two were unchanged. seven years. He received his and Xerox. Morrell turns out ex- tomatically extended for anoth- General Tire Leads bachelor's degree in economics tremely good foods—but special- er 10 years, accruing interest as In Town Hall Series Finale 3 General Tire was the most ac- from Lafayette College and his izes rather heavily in pork prod- 3 /t per cent, compounded semi- tive stock, rising % to 20 on 114,- RUMSON - Cleveland Amory roaster of business administration ucts. There has been no import- annually. 400 shares after the company has been called America's fore- degree from Rutgers University. ant earnings expansion here (Mr. Spear cannot answer all raised its dividend to 15 cents most social historian. The Mr. Daly has been active in since 1959 and the price is below mail personally but will answer from 12'^ cents. author of three long-run best- the Holmdel Young Republicans the best levels of the past six all questions possible in his col- After the close, directors of sellers, "The Proper Bostoni- and a coach in the Little League Complete Tune-Up years. umn.) General Motors declared a divi- ans," "The Last Resorts" and baseball program. He is em- For growth over the period dend of 75 cents compared with "Who Killed Society?" will de- ployed by the Minnesota Mining ahead, I would switch this stock liver his views here in "Prop- O flnCl O cyl. models. 65 cents a year ago. Interest was and Manufacturing Company as We check ignition system, distrib- into Northern Illinois Gas. Royal lively in GM during the day be- erly Speaking" —an irreverent a printing products salesman. Astro-Flight utor, condenser, vacuum advance Dutch is a high grade oil, but cause of speculation on what the look at social aristocrats growth here has been slow s chamber, fan belt, air filter, bat- directors would decide at their from Maine to Miami and from I believe your son would do bet- AT NEBRASKA CONFERENCE Gets Aircraft meeting. GM was third most ac- Boston to Beverly Hills. tery, generator, regulator. Adjust ter with Standard Oil of New LINCOLN, Neb. — Robert Al tive stock, up % at 101% on 60,- Hts lecture is slated for points, timing, carburetor. Clean Jersey. exander of United Rent-Alls, 479 00 shares in advance of the tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. In fuel bowl, filter. Q) "Will you kindly advise me PartsContract Shrewsbury Ave., Shrewsbury, tews. Congregation Bnai Israel. Ridge regarding Series E savings N. J., attended the annual na Sears-Automotive Center NEW SHREWSBURY - Astro- Pure Oil, once more in the and Hance Rds. This Is the final bonds. In 1942 and 1943, I pur- tional convention of United Rent- KM Hwy. «—Moo. tbru Ut. »:»•»;» Flight, Inc., Red Bank Airport, news because of a takeover prop- lecture in the 196+65 Town Hall chased some of these securities. Alls, Inc., here. headed by James Loeb, has been osition which would, if agreed series sponsored by the Junior They mature in 1952 and 1953 and appointed a distributor for Silver upon, result in a bid of at least Service League of Monmouth. Crown Systems, aviation com- 162.50 a share for Pare Oil stock, Born in Nahant, Mass., Mr. Cleveland Amory munication and navigation equip- ended the day with a loss of Amory was president of the How To Hold ment produced by King Radio at 56% the exception of "Home Town," Corp. of Olathe, Kans. Harvard Crimson. He was fresh a novel, is still in print. Profit Taking out of college when hired by the CASH SAVINGS Announcing the appointment, " He is a regular columnist for FALSE TEETH Recently strong on more glow- Saturday Evening Post — the King Radio Corp. stressed that the Saturday Review, executive s ing reports about their mineral youngest editor ever hired by More Firmly in Place qualifications for the distributor- editor and columnist for Town Do TOOT MM teeth umoyaad em- holdings in Canada, Texas Gulf that publication. ARE YOUR barrass by slipping; dropping or wob- ship include a radio shop fully Sulphur, down 1%, and Curtis and Country. He has appeared His first book "The Proper blmg wUen jou eat, tenth or tslfc? equipped for testing all King Publishing, off '/$. fell victim to regularly in commentaries for Jtnt sprinkle a little PASTEETH on Bostonians" published when he your plata-Tbls liMlne (non-add) equipment, including complex some profit taking, as did many both NBC and CBS. powder holds false teeth more firmly was 29, is now in its 17th print- distance measuring (DME), an other issues. Mrs. Carleton Boll, Rumson, BEST SAVINGS and more comfortably. No gummy, ing. He has since compiled two «w»y,pMt7tMU> or leellig.Doea not adequate staff of trained radio Bristol-Myers reported a sharp has been appointed general chair- •our. Chens "plate odor" (denture technicians, and an aggressive, unequalled writing records — breath), (Jet FA8TEE7TH today at gain in profits and the stock was man of next season's lecture drug counter! everywhere. creative sales organization. every one of his books has been series for the league, which will UP 154- a best-seller, and every one, with Lockheed raised its dividend to commence In the fall. 50 cents a share from 40 cents TENDER, U. S. CHOICE, BONE-IN and the stock rose %. 13 Pet. Gain Pleat-Pretty Shift Eastman Kodak slipped 2ye, We are pleased to announce that IBM 3, U.S. Smelting % Cana- Printed Pattern dian Pacific 1% and Boeing iys. In Freehold's MR. GREGORY B. BILLMAN Du Pont rose %, Johns-Man- viile I, Zenith 2>/8, Addresso- graph % American Tobacco '/i Local Budget CHUCK will become manager of our firm's and Commonweath Edison %. Losses of a point each by Penn- FREEHOLD - The Borough's sylvania Railroad and New York 1965 budget, introduced at last Put and Call Department Central highlighted the rails. night's council meeting call* for total appropriations of $807,827, The trend was irregularly low- up from $711,579 in 1964, an in- er on the American Stock Ex- crease of about 13 per cent. change. Syntex was active and ROAST Principle items in the increase down 2% at TWA war- are a $61,126 boost in the cost of OWR1EN • rants lost l'/4, and Creole Petro- operations and an increase of $46,- leum 1. Oak Electronics gained OM in the reserve for uncollected CALIF. ROAST COLD CUTS taxes — which is set in accord- TENDER LCAN SHORT FOODTOWM MIMET SULLIVAN & CO., INC. Yesterdays closing stocks: ance with a statutory formula. ACF Ind 82* Int Bus McH RIBS of BEEF PORK R0U Adams Ex Int Harv The chairman of council's fi- 1ONK-IN Members New Yert JtM* Exenongsj It Prod 58U Int Nick 8l4 nance committee, Joseph R. Col- FIIEJH LBAN [r Reduc 59 Int Paper 33jJ Jlef Cp Int TefiTel 11ns, introduced the budget. ' He" I.SHIN MEAT 59< Alleg Lud I-T-E CM Brk 44<4 explained that tax collections in BOKELEIt GROUND CHUCK %. North Atbny fUaa ad 14 South Cnfton Amm Mies Pw Johns Man 57;, AJUHOU* mi Jlled Ch 57« Jones 1 L 7H4 the borough had dropped from AIH> Chll 23% Joy Mis 49U BEEF STEW Sassel AVMM, Atbny Pork Urinwoed, Ntw Jersey Jcoa 62% Kaiser Al 30V. 91.18 per cent in 1963 to 87.76 per Am Alrlin Kennecott 101'i cent in 1964, necessitating the in- TENDER, U. I. CHOICI CUT-UP FOWL K 35* 774-5100 864-lfOO im Brk Sh Hoppers MEM Mirra • .m Can US Kreige 88 56 crease in the reserves. New fork CO 7-5131 >m Cyan Kroger 37! Figures released by Mr. Col- SHOULDER STEAKib ,tn M Pdy 8* Leb, Port 0 18! TENDER, U. 5. CHOICE jn Mot Leh Val Ind 2! lins said that the Freehold Race- Chicken n> 59*k 49< im smelt 18 V, LOF Olass 591 FUBIH .m Std Lib McNAL 15< way owes 1964 taxes in the RIB STEAK n, ,m Tel Tel 56 Llgg k. My 86 amount of $37,904 and A. & M. Am Tob Wi Litton Ind 8H Pork Butt Roast n, 49< Amp Inc 68 Lukens Stl 06" Karagheusian, Inc., which manu- Anaconda 35'/, Mick Trk 36? factures rugs owe $68,215. Armco stl 33»i Magnavox 35$ Armour Harath oil 65 Mr. Collins indicated that the Armst Clc Martin M 18V A»M Oil Masonlle 301 increase in borough spending will Atchlson Merck 52'< Atl Relln 61S MOM (15 add 10 cents per $100 valuation Avco Corp 231i Minn MSN H to the local tax rate. Babcock W Mo A 7B Bald Lima Mont Ward 38>i Other increases in the local tax Bait & Oh Nat Blic 62;i rate include: Bayuk Ctff N Cash Ref 78 REGULAR or BUTTERMILK, Bell & How Jti Nat Dairy 92 Borough schools, 12 cents; Bendlx Nat Distill 2m BORDENS or PIUSBURY Been steel Nat Gyps 42?j Freehold Regional High School, Boeing II" Nat Steel 55»1 seven cents; veterans and senior BISCUITS Borden 82 NY Central ,51 Borg Warn Hla M Pw MH citizens, three cents, and an esti- Brunswk No Am Av 5OH FOODTOWN Bucy Erie Nor Pac 51'/, mated Increase in the Monmouth Bulova NWJI AJrlln Bill County tax rate of six cents for FROZEN Burl Ind Norwich Ph 46(4 6^99* a total estimated increase of 38 ORANGE JUKI Can Pac 4 Outb Mar 16« InffRtoA Case, JI 19H Owens 111 Gl 108', cents per $100 valuation. KOUNTY KIST WHOLE Cater Trac 4014 Pan Am 28ti Celanese 78?1 Param Pict &2K What fun to go off in a whirl AMORTBD CHOCOLATE Ches & Ob i Ptnney, JC 68% of pleats to a party or special Chrysler S9 Pa PwiLt 381i Cities Bv 83H Pa RR 3951 family outing. Straight-falling HERSHEY BARS Require 2 entirely Coca Cola 152% Pepsi Cola 6714 Judge Horn pleats, no waist seams — all KERNEL Coll P»l 52(4 Perkln Elm 66% different leti ol Colilm Oaa 3314 PMzer 6514 very simple sewing. Choose cot- giant $1 Coml 8D1V 36 Phil El 37!! ton, linen. brain mu»cl«s. Con Edls 08 Ph 111 pet S6% Com can 51 ?i Fit Steel 1914 Starts Bench CORN 3 bars I Coop Bea 33'i Pub Sv Eta 43K Printed Pattern 9247: Children's We can't ttop folk* from Corn PI 5S>4 Pullman 43% Corning G 207'i Pure Oil 68!; Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8. Size 6 takes 2'/t 'sliding into debt"... Cm Zell 59 RCA 31H Experience yards 35-inch. Cruc 611 23% Reading Co 13 Fifty cents in coins for this pat- SARA LEE FROZEN BRIOCHE m \ Curtlsi Wr Repub Stl 43li FREEHOLD — New Jersey's DEL MONTE Deere Revlon 4614 tern — add 15 cents for each pat- Del £ Hud 35%II* P.«yn Met 35 =i newest superior Court Judge, Dent Sup tern for first-class mailing and 29% Rey Tob 40H Herbert Horn, of Atlantic City, CROISANT ROILS But... Doug Alrc 3114 Rob Controls 2714 special handling. Send to Marian Dow Ctiem 7911 St lot Lead 4B'i started a judicial indoctrination Dress Ind 3SH St Reg Pap 3414 Martin, The Daily Register, Pat- FRUIT Du Pont 258 % Bears Roeb 129^ course here yesterday. Dun Lt 30 Shell Oil 61'I tern Dept., 232 West 18th St., East Kod 152 Sinclair M'l Judge Horn, who took his oath New York 11, N.Y. Print plainly * 49' We sure can help them End John 27 H Smith AO 2!% last week, has been assigned to Erie Lack Socony 91ft name, address with zone, size andjj COCKTAIL Firestone n Sou Pac 40!4 the law department in Monmouth TO CLIMB OUT! FMC Cp U'i Sou Ry 69'4 style number. Ford Mot 631i Sperry Rd 14% County for the balance of the Gen Accept 55',; StJ Brand 84% January session which continues 350 Spring designs plus one pat- Gen Cigar 20'i Sid oil Cal TO tern free — any one you choose in BIRDS EYE FROZEN 10-oz. The BELL FINANCE Gen Dynam 51 ',i Std Oil NJ 8711 through May 1. CONSOLIDATION PLAN Gen Elec 3674 Studebaker 714 To get some "on the bench' iew Spring-Summer Pattern Cata- LEAF or CHOPPED Gen 1'ils 99 * Texaco 83 pkg. Gen Motors Tex O Prod SW 3S log. Send now for biggest pattern SPINACH B2'i experience he sat with County 10* can handle any combination of: Gen Pub Ut 10H1 Tex a Bui 61% book bargain ever! Only 50c. G TcliEl 39',i Textron 56T4 Judge Edward J. Ascher for sev- Qen • Tire 3T'.l Tldowat Oil 35'1 eral hours during conduct of a FOODTOWN CHUNK Current and Overdue Bills oa Pac Cp Transamer 4D% Olllitte 20 LEGAL NOTICE LIGHT MEAT, IN OIL Wean plus Monthly Time Payments 6tH Un Carbide 133'/i Long Branch riverfront condem- OUn Aid ,3211 Un Pac 43% TUNA FISH 19* nation appeal. Goodrich 1J« Un Tank C MS NOTICE TO BIDDhlW plus Monthly Loan Payments Goodyear 59 Unit Alrc 63'A In a day or so Judge Horn TOWNHIIIl' OF MIUPLKTOWN Grace Co 47','j United Cp 8H MONMOUTH COtlNTV plus Emergency Doctor, Dentist, Gt A«P 58% US Lines 41T4 will take on his own assignments NKIV JKRSHV Greyhound 44% US Plywa *{% NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that 'Foodtown Farm Fresh Produce!' Hospital Expenses Cull Oil 23'i US Rub 63', and will sit in the reg«]ar_/ourt flealcd bldn will be received by the Hamm Pap 5SY, US Smelt lOW room of Judge (Thomas J. Smith. Township Committee of the Township Here Pdr - KV, UR fileel ol Mlddletown, said bids to be re- Even when the total unpaid balances III Cent Ind IV, Van Al Sll Judge Smith has been assigned ceived at the regular meeting at the ig Rand 52 «i Walwortli Townshihip Committee of th» 'fhi 'YELLOW ONIONS 3 ,27< temporarily to Ocean County • Mill,x i lll i amount to $500. 41% Warn B Pic of Mlddletowdid n to be held at the Middle- Wn Un Tel where he will help Judge Alfred town Towninlp Hall, Mlddletown, N. J., Scallions EXTRA FANCY Weslg El on Tuesday evening February 8, 1843 at While Mot Larrabee cut down his local cal- 8:30 p.m.; and opened In public In the Woolwth said meeting, the said bids to be for Radishes Yngst Sti«T endar. Uie furnishing ot automotive equipment Delicious Apples 3 £ 37* If a loan can be made for the use ot the Fire Department ot the Township ol Ulddletown. BXTHA FANCY Iffinancingcan be arranged Complete specifications ana forms of Cukes Airline Stewardess bid are on lUe at the office ot the Receives Medal Township Clerk of the Township of Mld- WE'LL FIND A WAY TO DO ITI dletown copies of which may be re- TEMPLE ORANGES 10 ^, 37* FORT MONMOUTH - First COLTS NECK — Miss Susan ceived br prospective bidders upon ap- Lt. Garner D. Snuffer, 10 Helms Powell, daughter ol Mr. and plication. Bids must be mule on standard pro- Dr., Eatontown, received the Ar< Mrs. James H. Powell, of Lau- Mai forms In the manner designated my Commendation Medal at cer- relwood Dr., has graduated from icreln and required by the specifics- Office! Convenient to nons, must be enclosed in sealed en-.. Your Home or Work. emonies at the U. S. Army Sig- the American Airlines steward- velopes bearing the name and address 6 ot the bidder, and accompanied by it 1 nal School, here, recently. ess college In Fort Worth, Tex., certified check drawn to the order of the Township Treasurer for not less I FOOD CIRCUS FOODTOWN BELL FINANCE Lt, Snuffer was honored for and has been assigned to flight than ten per cent (10%) of the amount meritorious service while as- duty with New York as her home bid. and delivered at the place and [ •niMM FMEHOL0 /*fc OTUNTIC MOHLAHD! LOH1IMNCM hour abovs mentioned. J n MUD IT. IIE. MAIN ST. fjWl HIW«Y » »r. lit ME. 60] BROADWAY signed as radio officer with the base. Right la reserved to reject any/or I] ROUTE 35 and KINGS HIGHWAY, MIDDLETOWH AMPLE FREE PARKING U. S. Signal Communications A graduate of Rumson-Fair Ha- _J1 Bids if deemed to • the Interest of T«t,lNl-tWO T*l.: 4*Z-1«90 ,g3 Tel: 2I1-2I0O T(l.l222-I)M the Township Commutes to do so. HTOHTOWHi tl Him «., MrMf ttWI* II. « T1I.1 Ml-4400 Agency in Taiwan from Novem- ven Regional High School, Miss Br Order of the Township Committee Opt' «tw« doyf-Iviry •vfalnf «c*pf Soft. «d Sum.; SUM. «:W A.M. to |i0O P.M. ' IIIMHTWWIi AtlOm WIWW 13 • Tel.i «7MIH of lh» Township of Mlddletown. " Pricw stlecllye through jSoturdoy, Nbruary e. Not wpmtlHle tar typographical error*. ber, 1983 to November, 1964. He Powell worked for Family ft Chil- . . THOMAS T. CONRAD HSWMI «u et wumvm • WHICH»mtptim. octm coumuT" Is how a itudent ID the Signal dren*' Service),' Inc., befon Join- , township CUrlt W» rewrve Vie rlgM fc limit immlltln. Memoir Twin County Oroctra, i School. ing tbt airline. ruuur W. u« . ' '^. . -. I ' r . • . w M oyee1 . s Don't miss out on

• ••.' : '.-.••''". - , . . i -

••.••-'•••••'.• •••;• I' : • . • '•' valuable benefits

,.:*i::- ,.-Bii-



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IMt BrMd Sfc, Bed Biidc N. Jv-» E»« Main SL, Ffeebold, If. Jy-W Rt S9y MUOetoin, N. J. _-( Progress on Dropout Problem Esbblisbed 1878 by John H. Cook and Henry Cliy By SYLVIA PORTER Published by The Red Bank Register Incorporated This June 2,295,599 students will graduate from V. HARRY PENNINGTON, President JAMES J. HOGAN. Editor M. HAKOLD KELLY, General Manager U.S. high schools-* jump of 14.1 per cent over last Bly xiecutiv» Editor William F. Sandford and Arthur Z. Kamln June's number and comparing with a rise in high school Frank W. Harbour Miaaietowa Bureui Mcr. Charles A. Johnston rr«m>u Bnr«au up. enrollment of only 4.1 per cent over last year. Member of the Associated Press During the past decade the number of high school Ttu Auoclutft Prim If •nllUtd ezcluslv«l7 u Uu UM tot ^publication ol all tl» loon urn ptuttd to tin nwwip&ptr u well u all AP ntwi diuh graduates has soared 93 per cent—more Member ol American Newspaper Publishers Association than double the over-all increase in Member Audit Bureau of Circulation school enrollment—and there are now Tha R«l link R»ti*er. Inc.. ununei no finuiclU reijonjibllltlei lor typographical trrorl Is advertiiemenu. but «1U reprint irlthout charje. that part of an advertisement In which U19 typographical error occur* Advirtlaera will a record 12.7 million students in high pl»asi notify tha management immediate!!1 or any error trhtch may occur. school. Thle newspaper ustunei no responsibllltlee for itatementi of opinion In leUera from ite readera. The rate of high school enrollment SutMOriptlon Prlcel In Advance Lea* than 3 uos. Per month tl-So 12 months—(18.00 6 months—$9.00 tlnfle copj at counter. 7 cents Single copy by mail, 10 cents ft months-413.50 3 months—94. has grown at six times the rate of our population growth in this century and TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1965 college enrollment has grown eighty- PORTER ' fold in the same period. Beautifying Our Highways One quarter of all Americans are now 3n school, getting at least twice as much education as their fa- President Johnson is right in or- "—Request the states to provide thers got more rest areas adjacent to the high- dering that landscaping be made a This is the other—the bright—side of the educa- ways for convenience, safety, relax- required part of major highway proj- tion story in our country. Just these few glistening sta- ation and recreation. ects built wholly or in part with tistics highlight the strides we are making in education "—Broaden the study now under federal money. at every level. way on the needs for scenic roads For too long many of our high- and parkways to include the goal They also underline a deeply refreshing aspect: ways have been cluttered with gar- of maintaining and enhancing the With national determination (and enough money) we ish signs and billboards — and we beauty of America. can conquer our school dropout problem. The task applaud all efforts to beautify our "—Encourage the states in their ahead in adequately educating and training the Ameri- roads. maintenance operations on public can youth is monumental, but not unsurmountable. The President is strongly pursu- highways to aid and abet the growth Education obviously lies at the foundation of any ing the "America the Beautiful" of native wild flowers. Great Society. President Johnson is only recognizing theme he set forth in his State of "—Request the states to organ- the obvious when he sets a "national goal of full edu- the Union message — and we can ize and work closely with civic cational opportunity!' and adds to the traditional "three think of no better place to start than groups and garden clubs in their ef- R's", the "three T's" of Teachers, Teaching Techniques on our major highways. forts to encourage the improvement and Thinking about education. He is scarcely straining "I want to make sure that the of the appearance of private prop- the limits when he requests $2.7 billion for new and America we see from these high- erties adjoining public roads." These Bays; existing education programs in his budget for fiscal ways is a beautiful America," the And President Johnson stressed LETTERS 1966—even though this is up 75 per cent over federal President said in :\ letter to Secre- (The Register Invites letters assistance to education in the current '65 year. that high priority should be given Can the UN Be Reformed? of general interest from read- tary of Commerce John T. Connor to "screening junkyards, excavation ers, provided they contain ad- By JOHN CHAMBERLAIh dress, telephone number, sig- In realistic appraisal of the prospect that 65 per in ordering that landscaping be scars and other unsightly areas ad- nature and do not exceed 500 cent of the nation's young will not attend college, the required on projects for federal jacent to highway rights-of-way." There's plenty of dissatisfaction being voiced the. words. Endorsements of politi- cal candidates or commercial Office of Education is doubling its outlays for voca- aid interstate, primary, and urban He said the land or easements days in the corridors of the UN. And, with the likes products are not acceptable. Burundi (pop: 2,600,000), Rwanda (pop: 2,665,000 —The Editor.) tional education in the coming fiscal year. In equally highways. states are encouraged to acquire ;ambia (pop: 3,500,000) and Mali (pop: 4,305,000) ab FIREARMS: realistic appraisal of the fact that there are great weak- The President also asked Mr. near highways "should involve areas to outvote the 192,000,000 citizens of the United State; 26 Fox Hill Rd., nesses in our elementary and high school education Connor to undertake a program of woodland, shores or bodies of by a margin of four to one in the Gen Middletown, N.J. To the Editor: systems, the stress is to be on innovation in these sys- ahned at goals which we feel are water, vistas of scenic quality, and eral Assembly, there are all sorts < I applaud your fairness in tems, especially for "economically disadvantaged of such importance that we repeat unusual topographic/features^" suggestions for the same sort of legi printing letters such as that lative reapportionment'shuffle in the U recently submitted by Mr. T. I children." them here: All of this is a bold program— Moog deploring the recent rash that the Supreme Court has forced oi It is inevitable that we'll spend skyrocketing to- "—Encourage the states to ac- and one for which the President de- the separate American states. of "Firearms Legislation" propa ganda, including cartoons, tals on education at the federal as well as state and quire land or easements adjacent to serves support. As more and more Alas and alack, there seems to be articles, etc. Certainly there i« local levels in coming years. Under the circumstances, highway rights-of-way where neces- roads are built, more and more e no way of applying the "one man, on a great deal of sentiment for such measures, much of it due news of the progress we have made since we started a sary to preserve and enhance the forts should be made to beautify vote" shibboleth to the nations that an to the recent presidential assas beauty of our country-side in bo'tn them. And that strong first step i< CHAMBERLAIN represented in the UN. The 11-membe sination. major attack on the school dropout problem early in rural and urban areas. being taken. Security Council is dominated by the great nation Let me say that as a hunter, this decade is heartening. and would still be "weighted" in their favor if the ide; target shooter and gun collector, I support Mr. Moog in every But we have only begun. At today's dropout rate of expanding it to 15 nations is accepted. But sine respect; being thus biased, I EVENTS Of .YEARS AGO Security Council decisions cap be vetoed by a sing, must take issue with those who one student in every three now in fifth grade will quit would argue his stand. From Thp faqUter's Files objection from one of permanent member before" Be finishes high school. When he does, he'll be- this body has, in reality, no' more actual power thar Mr. Wistert's letter of Jan. come a prime candidate for our army of unemployed, 27, 1965, mentions several twisted the heads off the chickens caused by jabbing a fish fin into the old Polish parliament, in which one dissenting no 50 Years Ago assorted "reverences," "progres- restless, appallingly useless teenagers. before taking them away. his hand. He was injured whi ble could stop the works. To turn the UN into a rea Daniel Welsh, a Scobeyvill working at a Neptune City fist power, the veto would have to be abolished. But th sive-minded-people" and "nu- If today's school pattern continues, only 16 per Moses Ivins of Bank St., Rec market. clear weapons" all in one short farmer, was the victim of a vi is obviously a Utopian hope: neither Russia nor th cent of our youngsters will manage to finish college. cious assault with a three-foo Bank, was hit on the head with letter. These are profound a brick from the sidewall of hi: While repairing a sagging cei United States would agree to it. words when taken individually, Yet, our era demands as never before a work force of wooden club. He suffered lonj mother's well while he was in thi gashes on his skull, bruises a! well cleaning it. Nine stjtche: ing at Our House Tavern at A As for reforming the General Assembly to giv and expounded upon carefully, highly educated men and women. over his body, and a broker were required to close a cut or dena, a workman found an old extra "weight" to nations with big populations or nig! one by one; but when lumped hand. A neighbor was chargec his head. handmade tool probably lost by capital investment and sizable gross national product together to conjure up visions Unemployment among those with less than & high with the assault and held withoul a carpenter when the building this is both a mathematical and psychological pose of what occurs when the citizenry school education is four times the national jobless rate bail for grand jury .action. Mr. 25 Years Ago was erected 200 years before It is annoying, of course, when a handful of new state of this country ire allowed rea —and while job opportunities for high school graduates The implement was put on dis- Welsh had $16 in his pants pocket, Crescent Council, Sons anc that have been depending on western largesse threatei sonably to procure and possess play at the inn. have climbed 40 per cent in the past decade, oppor- but the money was not taken. Daughters of Liberty, in Eaton, to tell the United States to take its dirty paws o: firearms as set forth in the Con town, celebrated its 47th anni- stitution, they take on the aspect tunities for those with less schooling have declined 10 versary at a pollyanna and birth- Puerto Rico (which already has the government Joseph Mouser of Lincroft Benjamin H. Freedman of As f the usual liberal-leaning "tag per cent. day party in Crescent Hall. It was bury Park was granted a patenl wants), but if voting in the General Assembly wen made a mobile power saw from the final meeting in the Crescenl words," used to deplore any an old automobile. He earned on a theater ticket Mr. Freed to be weighted in accordance with population it woul The average lifetime earnings of a man with four Hall building. man's new ticket was perforatec action which might tend to op- considerable money with the rig not necessarily be an improvement so far as any west- pose governmental control over years of high school are $100,000 greater than the life- sawing wood for local farmers. in the center to make it easiei R. V. R. H. Stout, prominent for the ticket-taker to tear it i ern country is concerned. A combination of Malta individual liberty. time earnings of a man with less than eight years of Red Bank realtor, was unani- half and give patrons Hie stub. labon and Nepal could theoretically stymie the United school. The average for a man with four or more years Edward F. Ford, owner of the mously elected president of the In conclusion, I might add Blue Bell kennels in. Long Taxpayers Association of Red States, the United Kingdom and France in the Genera hat "to have a real fondness of college is $417,000 against only $184,000 for a man Branch, was elected first vice Bank, newly formed to fight for Auto batteries were on sale ai Assembly, which is hardly democratic as the U.S. Su for the cold steel of a lethal with eight years of schooling. president of the National Dog economy in local spending and Sears, Roebuck and Co., Rec preme Court defines the word. But if the vote here wer weapon" is surely no different Lovers Protective Association. ultimate reduction of the local Bank, for $2.65. than to have a liking for the To bring it right home to you, it costs you, a U.S. Mr. Ford bred toy poodles. tax rate. to go by populations, the teeming East could outvote smooth shaft of a golf club in the West anyway. jne's hand, or the heft of a good taxpayer, $2,500 to keep a family on relief for a year, One of the largest family re- A Scotch terrier, "Big Time," fly rod. I think the inference but it costs only $450 to keep a student in school for Edward J. Simonson of Free- unions ever held, took place in iwned by Miss Louise Dressei So what reality does the current UN anteroom made in Mr. Wistert's letter is a year. hold was laid up with a sprained Eatontown, as Mr. and Mrs. Val- of Red Bank, a student at R unfair. leg. He fell while acting as a Bank Catholic High School, won and corridor talk about "reapportionment" and entine Pfister of Corlies Ave. cele- "weighted voting" have? There is a new permanen Very truly yours, The education gap remains huge. Our battle against clown in an amateur minstrel >rated their golden wedding. irst prize in its class and first John R. Rhamstine, Jr. show. M>out 75 relatives came to the }rize for the best Scettie in the United Nations Conference on Trade and Developmen ignorance must be relentless. But as the bright side of >arty. rersey Shore Kennel Club match "o the Editor: the story indicates, if we try, our victory will be ihow. whose 55-member board includes most of the richesi Revival meetings at the Oak- nations, which should mean that power and responsi 232 S. Lincoln Ave. magnificent. nurst Methodist Church resulted A report made by County Jai Elberon, N.J. In 27 conversions. iVarden Joseph Schwark snowed bility in deciding economic matters are more or les The Sapphire Boys of Atlantic I would like to offer to your ihat it cost eight cents a meal, Highlands held a dance in the mated. And there is talk of setting up conciliation com ine paper the heartfelt thanks of Charles Merla of Long Branch n 24 cents a day, to feed prison- auditorium of the Highlands mittees to see to it that the "have-nots" get something srs in the jail. Jie Realtors of Monmouth County passed the state dental exam- grammar ' school. Music was of what they need without robbing a few western na provided by Ivins Voorhees and or your excellent co-operation INTERNAL ination. He was a graduate of ions blind. But if voting in the General Assembly wen Long Branch High School and the Monmouth Memorial Hospital, lis orchestra. ind news coverage over recent REVENUE University of Pennsylvania. Long Branch, awaited the birth o go by weight of wealth, every little weedpatch in rears. DEPARTMENT of the 11,000th child in its ma Former Mayor and Mrs. A. L. Africa would be quite justified in raising the cry o "We in the real estate pro- Daviscm of Red Bank, observed , The state Fish and Game Com ;ernity ward, opened in 1895. "government by plutocracy." 'ession lean heavily on the news- mission sent 12 cans of black their golden wedding. paper media not only in paid ad- bass to Freehold to be liberated It's bad to be outvoted by Burundi, Rwanda, vertising but also through your in Lake Topanemus and Millhurs William Hulse of Bradley Beach lambia and Mali, which have a combined population many news releases which carry pond. was awarded $1,548 for an injury messages of interest to the pub- Letters ust about equal to that of the Greater New York area. lic that you serve so capably. But Burundi, Rwanda, Zambia and Mali would never Harry Cooper of Belmar in The Realtor, has, through the WHERE IN THE WORLD 45 Scholer Dr., consent to combined rule by "Wall Street" and the 'ears, attempted to co-operate stalled a wireless outfit in his . Union Beach, N.J house. He said he expected to Bank of England. So where do we go from here if we ilogely with the newspapers and 'o the Editor: ointly bring information of in- receiVe long distance messages seek to change the nature of the UN? in a short time. I want to express my grateful irest to the homeownlng and ippreciation for the wonderfu This columnist can't see us going anywhere except lomebuylng public," relative to write-up of my baby and me in rends in mortgage financing, F. Palmer Armstrong, asslstan |*>ur December I6thissue. :o some quite unimportant modification of the status cashier of the Keyport Bank, at- governmental regulations, 'multi- tended a meeting of the Mon- The response to my appeal was uo unless we are to seek an international organization ple listing sales and pending leg- mouth County Bankers' Associa- good. I want to mention, we here mtside of the UN. As a believer in freedom, I have station affecting real estate. tion at Long Branch. In Union Beach are ready, willing lways been doubtful of the idea of setting up a federal The Monmouth County Board of and able to help the Monmouth Realtors Is well pleajed and nion of the western democracies as long as France Rev. William N. Dunne!! of bounty Heart Association in "their •rovdot the close association we Red Bank, retired pastor of Trin lever ending battle to conquer and Italy have huge and menacing Communist parties. lave had with you and your staff My Church at Red Bank and leart disease. But if the power of the way-out collectivist, Left were md sincerely appreciate your :onslderation. Christ Church at Middletown, Two former countries merged io Our fund-raising campaign will o shrink in the Latin countries, the idea of western celebrated his 90th birthday. lommence Feb. 1. create this nation. What It It* new ederation propounded by Clarence Streit would begin Continued success to you u name? Thank you for your sincere In- truly one'of the nation's leading "If anybody complains about tajcos, WB Chicken thieves visited the yard terest and wholehearted cooper- to have its appeal. Let Mr. Streit get rid of the power jertodicals. tal(--'«ffl not to worry — they'll qst of Rev. W. H. Davenport of ation. f communismJn Italy and France and he could Respectfully, Bridge Ave., Red Bank, and stole It bocks through th* nor on poverty Very truly you*. have me. . Kenneth L. Walker, Jr. 1 his entire flock. Hie thieve* J—Tuesday, February 2, 1965, Helen J. Falmieri Pmfctot proo/oni' THE DAILY REGISTER 3 Parents and Teachers Ta«d«r, February 2, 1965-7 Club Circuit RED BAKK - "Geriu of Double Celebration 1 Romance, ' a romantic ttory of BELFORD - A double celebra- school, and how she determines (one of the world's most ftmouj tion honoring Founders' Day andin what way a child needs help', diamonds, their origin and his- the seventh birthday of Bayview Robert Todd spoke of assistance tory, will be presented in an Il- Secretaries To Study- School Parent-Teacher Associa- to pupils falling behind, and ex lustrated color slide program tion, will be held at the PTAplained how they art prepared Friday by the American home meeting tomorrow at 8 p.m. in for high school. department of the Woman's Tomorrow's Security' the school's all-purpose room. Frank Carapezza, speech ther- Club of Red Bank, In (he efub A candletighting ceremony, apist, explained the importance house, Broad St. It will be EATONTOWN — A topic of top interest with a birthday cake and eight of the proper use of words. preceded by tea at 1:45 p.m. secretaries has been adopted as the 1965 "Prograr candles, will be conducted bj Hostesses will be Mrs. Raymond Mrs. Robert Watson, president ART DISPLAY Garman, Mrs. Albert Wedg- of the Year" by the National Secretaries Associatior The candles will be lighted in EAST KEANSBURG - Pupils bury, Mrs. Joseph Rooney and with 550 chapters scheduling for their February meei dividually by each chairman t< of the school held a display of art Wrs.Gustave Steffen. <3iairman ings a study of social security benefits entitled "Ti represent her committee', at the recent PTA meeting. It Is Mrs. Maver J. Campbell. achievements^ was directed by Mrs. Paul Bruno day's Contributions — Tomorrow's Security." art teacher. Taking part will be Mrs. Mi- Miss Arlene E. Willis RED BANK - The Red Bank The Monmouth-Ocean Chapter of NSA hai chael Motsek, library; Mrs. Her- Children of grades 2 and 6 gav Business and Professional Wom- planned its program for to man Northrup, parent education a demonstration of gymnastics n's Club formulated plans for led by Vito Ingerto, physical edu morrow at 7 p.m. in the operate with NSA Chapters Joseph Morowski, safety; Mrs, National Business Women'« the special February program Carl Engemann, grade mothers cation teacher. Miss Willis Week at its recent meeting here Colonnade Restaurant, Locally, Benjamin Sandberg, Mrs. Edward Dennis, member- Founders' Day will be cele- the home of the president Monmouth Shopping Cen- district manger of the Soci ship; William Marshall, budget brated Feb. 15. Mrs. Frank En- To Marry Mrs. Mary Hufnagel, 131 Bod- Security Administration office and finance; Herbert Wendt, Boy glemann is chairman for the pro man PI. ter, Eatontown. gram which will include vaude SHREWSBURY - Mrs. Willard NSA, with its more than 24,000 Asbury Park, is assisting thi Scouts, and the eighth candle fo D. Willis, 131 Beechwood Dr., has The national observance set Monmouth-Ocean chapter in ar the Visual Aid Fund achievement ville acts by PTA members. members, is the world's largest Richard Gollet, chairman foi announced the engagement of her or March 7-13 will be repre- organization of business women ranging its program. NSA mem will be lighted by Mrs. William daughter, Miss Arlene E. Willis, sented locally in conjunction bers will learn their rights am Marshall. ' the end of the year project, re- in one profession. The associa- ported that funds will be given tc to Jacob A. Bloom, 3d, son of ith the Red Bank Library tion estimates that, based on the benefits under social security ii Mrs. William Krenza, the Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Bloom, where there will be displays by the major areas of retirement Mrs. Edith Britton, principal, foi Jr., 30 Washington St., Red Bank. three and five-eighths per cen school's first PTA president, and books for the school library. he Red Bank club. Literature of salary witheld, matched by survivors and disability. Mrs. John Raczek, immediate Miss Willis, daughter also of will be available along with the employers' contributions of an past president, will be gues BUZZ SESSION the late Mr. Willis, is a graduate ational Business Women's additional three and five-eighths speakers. Members of the Mid, of Red Bank High School. She Magazine. per cent, its membership of County PTA dletown Township Board of Edu- MIDDLETOWN - A buzz ses- is employed by the Monmouth sion on pressure and tensions of The club will present gift* in secretaries has more than an $8 cation will be guests. County National Bank, Little Sil- 'alentine baskets to the women million annual stake in the U.S The program was planned by school children, how to develop ver Branch. Luncheon responsibilities in our children, f the John L. Montgomery government's social security Mrs. Joseph Morowski, Founders' Mr. Bloom, a graduate of Red Home. The club has made this program. Day chairman, assisted by Mrs and whether to extend the school Bank Catholic High School, is SPRING IS HERE—ALMOST for Mrs. Robin Bumiide, year to 10 or 11 months, wa1 n annual project over the past The rate will be increased to Marshall. employed by the Atlantic & Pa- ive years. Chairman is Mrs. Tomorrow Fair Haven, left, and Mrs. Ben Dolson, New Monmouth, held at a recent Harmony School cific Tea Company, Shrewsbury. four and one-eighth per cent MATAWAN — The seven pa Betty Baldwin, assisted by Mrs. dt they modal their choices for rha Junior Woman's ACTIVE PROGRAM PTA meeting. Candidates for the for the calendar years of 1966 presidents of the Monmoutli Middletown Township Board of ara Harrigan and Mrs. Gene- and 1967 and to four and five- County Council of Parent-Teac Club of Red Bank card party and fashion show slated HAZLET — An active program Education were present. . Theater Series ieve Schwedfeger, Eatontown, eighths per cent for 1968 and er Associations will be honors for tomorrow, at 8 p.m. in the Willowbrook Inn, Fair was inaugurated at the first meet- A card party is planned for and Mrs. Ella Diggle, Sea thereafter. This is separate and at the annual Founders Da; ing of the Sycamore Drive School April 30 in the school. Mrs. David Bright. above the many private retire- luncheon tomorrow at noon hen Haven. Mrs. Burnside, fashion chairman for the event, PTA held recently in the school. Drive Extended Greenhalgh and Mrs. Ruth Fin- RED BANK - Ticket head- The club will hold a dinner ment and disability plans in in the Magnolia Inn, Rl. 79. is wearing a two-piece suit in leaf green mohair loop Officers introduced by Mrs. ney are co-chairmen. Proceeds meeting Feb. 10 in the Old which secretaries participate. Jack Goldberg, president, were quarters for the Monmouth Arts The month of February is thi with jewel neckline. Mrs. Dolson, public welfare chair- will go towards the library, 'oundation's new theater series Union House. Chairman is Miss Commenting on the February 68th anniversary of the foundini Jack Hazzard, first vice presi Elizabeth Smith, Rumson. Miss man, is in a princess-line double-braasfed coat of powder will remain open this week at 101 , program, Mrs. Hazel A. Kellar, of the National Congress of Pa: dent; Mrs. Theodore Strobel, sec- DINNER DANCE Mi Kk Hl is in national president of NSA, said, blue wool and mohair loop. The fashions are from Vogel'i ond vice president; Arthur Dar- Monmouth St. Staffed by MAFMarie Koskey, Hazlet, mts and Teachers by Alice Me- LEONARDO — The PTA wil volunteers, the office wilLbe open "Based on U.S. Census Bureau Lellan Birney and Phoebe Ap- Fashion Center, Red Bank. nell, third vice president; Mrs charge of the program. statistics, women on the average person Hearst. The Monmoutl Salvatore Orlando, recording sec- hold a dinner-dance In Alpine through Friday from noon to 4 Manor, Rt. 36, Highlands, Feb. 13p.m. RED BANK — The literature live approximately 10 years County Council was organized i; retary; Mrs. Robert Cloward, department of the Woman's Club longer than men. Since 1900, 1923 and now numbers more thai corresponding secretary, and at 7:30 p.m. The second anual theater series The next meeting of the PTAwill offer three Broadway plays of Red Bank meets today at 1 life expectancy has increased by 85 local associations. Miss Dorothy Hunsicker, treas- .m. in the club house for a dis- 24 years for women but only 20 Ann Winning Is Bride urer. A Founders' Day program will in a period of three months in 1 Special guests will be Mrs. Heo be held tomorrow at 8 p.m. in he Carlton Theater. The first is ussion of the life of Lincoln. years for men. Women will con tor Reid, Point Pleasant, treas Joyce Clark, curriculum coor- Mrs. Leslie D. Seely is chairman. dinator, was guest speaker. Her the school auditorium. There wil "Luther," on Feb. 15; followed tlnue to collect benefits for a urcr of the New Jersey Congress The board of directors will longer period after 65 than men. topic was "Modern Math." be an exhibit prepared by the by the comedy, "Never Too of Parents and Teachers, am Of Patrick R Rampino Cub Scouts. meet Feb. 16 at 10:30 a.m. The Moreover, women may elect to Earl Garrison, county superin A book fair will be held in Late" on March 11, and a musi- begin collections at age 62. It tendent of schools. WEST LONG BRANCH - Miss the school Feb. 16, 17 and 18. A cal, "Oliver," in April. regular meeting is slated for h evident, therefore, that NSA Ann Wenning, daughter of Mr. physical fitness program for CANDIDATES Chairman of the series is Dr. Feb. 16 when a "Salute to Our Luncheon chairman is Mrs 0th State, Hawaii" program members have a huge financial Jack Goldberg. Committee mem and Mrs. Bernard Wenning, 22 women will be held this evening EATONTOWN — Board of Ed-Bertram Feinswog, New Shrews- stake In the social security pro- bers are Mrs. Joseph Madursky Monroe St., became the bride of in the school. One for men wasucation candidates presented iury, assisted by Dr. David will be presented by the Lawlor gram." Red Bank; Mrs. Joseph Smith, 'atrick R. Rampino, son of Mrs. held last week. their views at a Vetter Memoria Woodward, Little Silver. ravel Agency, Rumson. The 613 social security district Middletown; Mrs. George Weber, Luigi Rampino, 21 DeForest A bowling league has been in School PTA meeting held last Mrs. Arthur A. Kurrasch, Lin- Hazlet; Mrs. H. G. Home, Sea Ave., Red Bank, and the late augurated for children from sixth week in Memorial School. 'The Big Picture* roft, is chairman of the Red offices throughout the U.S. have Mr. Rampino. been alerted by Victor Christgau, Girt, and Mrs. John Polhemus, grade up at Airport Plaza Lanes Incumbent candidates are RED BANK — The monthly Bank club's dessert card party executive director of the Social Neptune, Founders Day chair- The ceremony was solemnized The first of a series of films tegory J. Guarino, Robert C. luncheon meeting of the Women's lated for Feb. 23 at 1 p.m. in Security Administration, to co- man. an. 15 at a Nuptial Mass here in Alice in Wonderland" was shown Stillwagon and Robert A. Quinn. Association of the Red Bank the club house. it. Jerome's Catholic Church, Friday, evening in the all-purpose Challenging their seats are Jo- 'resbyterian Church, tomorrow with Rev. Francis McGuinness room of the school. Others to seph P. Gaetano, Robert P. Invln will feature a talk by Mrs. RIVER PLAZA - At Thurs- : ii II afficiating. A reception followed be shown are "Johnny Ter- and Edward J. Kinney. Running Elmaar Bakken, synodical presi- day's meeting of the Woman's ENCYCLOPEDISM ,n the Asbury Park Elks Hall. maine," Feb. 19; "Dumbo,1 unopposed for an unexpired two- dent of New Jesey and a mem-Club here in the fire house, on Mr. Wenning gave his daughter March 19, and "Rob Roy," Apri year term is recently appointed ber of the National Board of 'auction will be held by the wel- When It comet to picture frames . . . and in marriage. She wore an Em- 30. . I?rank Bilanin, United Presbyterian Women. She far^'e department under the chair- pire-styled gown of peau de soie !i A presentation of the< modern manship ol Mrs. W. Gilbert Man- the mem that has all the answers, tee . . . - The PTA will sponsor Boy will speak on "The Big Picture.' trimmed with lace. She carried Scout Troop 136, with Lou Monte approach to mathematics filled The luncheon will take placi son. It begins at 8:15 p.m. out the program. Participant! Aides include Mrs, Elwood F. a bouquet of red and white roses «f:M of Monmouth County veterans budget and the petition for school were being made on the prob- Today's top television shows nel 13's profile ol Nehru, an J-Newi—Robert Troul i:» J-Fllm-Klss The Boys Goodbye- this month, thanks to instructions 3—Search for Tomorrow 2—Ntws—Robert Trout Mary Martin—«5 mln. itransportation for children in thelems of snow removal and park" previewed and selected by TVChannel 2's Eye on New York 4—Trufti or Consequences—Game 4—Local News—Gab* Pressman, 4-M Issued by President Johnson to borough. A question and answer ing, sewerage and streets, juve- Key's staff of experts who atinterviews with Gov. Rockefeile: 7—Fattier Knows. Best Bill Ryan 1—Film—Mind Your' Own Business- the Veterans Administration. period followed. nile, police and summer beach- Mayor Wagner, and William Mi 13—Franklin to Frost 5-Soupy Sales-Vorlety Charles Ruggles—flS min. He ordered that all dividends tend rehearsals, watch screei 11:43 7-local-News-Bill Beutel WEDNESDAY Three new members were wel front operations. Each of these ings, and analyze scripts in Ne- Keon, on The Democrats in A 1—Guiding UgM-Serlal 9—Cheyenne-^Westerri MORNINO that will become payable this corned. Luigi Guarnieri, Carmen problems will be assigned to a bany. 11—Superman—Adventure <:M year to holders oi GI insurance York and Hollywood. 4—News—Roy Scherer 13—Survival In the Sea *—Education Exchange Stoppiello and William Petersoft. sub-committee. S-Nevra <:«5 be paid now rather than held <:» This brings the total paid mem Plans were completed for t 1:09 7—News—Peter Jennings 7-News until the anniversary dates of Red Skelton and Marcel Ma 7:30-8 (2) - Eye on New York 4—Everything's Relallve 4:55 bership to 50 members. <:W the policies, when they would dinner dance to be Held Feb. 17 ceau, great French mime, joi "The Democrats in Albany 5—Topper— Comedy 4-Weottier-Pat Hernon 2—Sunrise Semester An American flag was donated in Barnm Hollow Golf Club, Mid- Round One." Governor Nelsc 7—Ernie Ford—Variety 7M *—Bachelor Ftottter—Comedy normally be paid. forces for a rare hour in pai II—Film—The Big Tlp-011— 2— News—Woller Cronklte 7—Prolecl Know—Education by Werner Muller, a member. dletown. Joseph Hanily is chair- Wagner, and New York Sta Rlchord Conle—1 hr.. 20 mln. 4—News— Huntley. Brlnkley NSLI Policies tomime, and make it the sho 7:00 A telephone poll will be taken man. The event is for members Democratic Chairman Willia: 13—Magic ol Words Il-Woody Woodpecker t-News and Weather Sharing in the distribution, of the evening at the very lea 1:15 13—French Chef—cooking A—Today by Edward Toth, membership and their families. Reservations H. McKeon, are interviewed which will amount to about $224,- The Bell Telphone Hour is 13—Sounds to Say—Desmdnd 7:» 7—Cartoons—Children chairman, on the suggestion of will dose Feib. 10. 1:10 2—Eye On New York 7:1! 500,000, will be 4,400,000 veterans melodic jaunt through region political correspondent Mo the fourth Tuesday night of each Dean on the current controvers; I—As tti« World Turns 4—Mr. Novak—Drama 5—Survey of Hie Arts of World War II who hold Na- American song styles; episodi 4—Lets Make A Deal 5—Wells Faroe—Western «:« month for regular meetings. A WalltipHoiKlii Sloi*i!l and stalemate for Democrati S—Film—Colonel Etflnoham's Raid- 7—Combat!—Drama 2—Captain Kangaroo tional Service life insurance pol- on The Doctors and The Nurse vote will be taken at the nex leadership of the Legislature Charles Coourn—1 hr., 25 mln. 9—Film—Caesar the Conqueror— 5—Cartoons—Children icies and 210,000 World War I fluialrc Difiwliirv and The Fugitive have thei 7—Ann Sofhern—Comedy 11—Lloyd Thaxton—Variety II—Frontiers o( Knowledge regular meeting. and its possible consequences. 9—Pomelo Mason—Interview 13—D9th Congress—Report I:1S veterans who are covered by moments of interest; and TW 13—Mathematics 5 1:00 7-News U.S. Government life insurance The group voted to write to is at it again. Also, there's Ctiai 1:50 2—Joey Bishop—Comsdy i:» policies!) Borough Council asking for lim- 8:39-9:30 (2) - Red Skelto 13—Parlons Francois II 5—Eleventh Hour—Drama 5—Romper Room—Children 1:35 itations on liquor permits and re- A delightful hour of pantomim 13—Glory Trail—Documentary 7-11 Cartoons—Children Only a fraction of the Gl's in 4—News—Floyd Kolber Mitchell—2 hrs. 1:40 the nation, slightly more than 20 fusal of permits to out-of-town with Red and famous Fren 2:00 1:30 11—Kuklo and Ollle—Puppets 2—Possword—Game organizations. mime Marcel Marceau. Separa 2—Red Skelton—Comedy I:SO per cent of them, have such in-- LAST DAY TV Key 4—Moment ol Truth—Serial 4-Hullobaloo-Muslc. 11-Cortoons-Chlldren surance. Requests will be made to the ly, Marceau, made up as B 7—Flame In the Wind—Serial 7—McHale's Navy »:M "Two »n a Guillotine" 2:05 II—Greafesf Show—Drama }-My Llttli Morjle—Comedy As for the 8,026 local residents council and Board of Education in white face, plays a gamble 13—Get on Board—Children 13—News—Gary Gllson 4—Birthday House—Children who are veterans of the Korean for periodic meetings with the a skater, and a mask make 2:20 1:35 7—Gale Storm—Comedy Il-Ncwi 13—Nehru— Documentary 11—Jack La Lonne—Exercise conflict, they will not share in association to discuss borough Mailbag while Red plays an old man ai 1:21 »:J0 problems. »:M the distribution. The policies 13— Books Thai Live—Dorian 9—Form Report PREVUE a drunken doctor. Together, R 5—Film—Cry Havoc- they hold do not provide for an- Gus Strauch, parking chair- By STEVEN H. SCHEUER and Marcel revive the Pinocch l:J0 Margaret Sullivan—2 hrs. f:U 2—House Party—Llnkletler 7—Tycoon—Comedy 9—News ond Weather nual dividend payments. man, announced that members of Question — Did Richard Crei tale. The only talk of the hour 4—Doctors—Serial M0 9:30 The $460,250 that is going to the parking committee met with na, who plays the leading role supplied by Maurice Chevalii 7— Doy in Court—Drama 2—Pettlcoot Junction 3—Love That Bobl—Comedy TONITE 9—Dr. Joyce Brothers 4-Thal Was The Week That Wos-Sotlre 5—Film—The Pled Ploer— veterans in Monmouth County the Planning Board to discuss the TV series "Slavery's Pi 11-Womfertjl World-Travel in introduction. Easily tonight 7-rPeyloa Place—Serial Monty Woolley—1 hr., 2J mln. will be divided by 9,450 men and pie," play Walter in "Our M best hour for grace and humo 1:4! 9—Fractured Flickers 7—Film—Lost Horizon- 13— Parlons Frolncals 111 11—Hot Line—Panel Ronald Colmon—2 hrs. women who saw service in either Brooks" on radio or on TV? J 8:55 2:55 13—Art of Film—Kaulfmonn P-Oues! for Certainty of the two World Wars. husband and I have a wager o 8:35-9:30 (13) - Nehru: Th S-News 10:00 11-Racket Squod-Pollce Hominy Hill 7— News—Marlene Sariders 13-Mathemotlcs 5 The checks to World War I this. - Mrs. N. C, Memphi: 2— Doctors/Nurses Starts Tomorrow! Road from Allahabad. Against ]:M 4—Bell Telephone Hour f:50 vets will average $69 each. Those Tenn. 2-To Tell the Truth-Panel 7—Fugitive—Drama 13—It's Your Business background of the Nehru M going to the others will be Honored For Answer — Richard Crenn morial Exhibition, soon to 4—Anoltier World—Serial 9—Mystery Hour—Dromo t:55 5— Peter Gunn—Mystery 13—News—Robert Polls 4—News— Bob Wilson smaller, averaging $48 apiece. 7—General Hospital—Serial played "Walter Denton" in bol opened to the public at the Unii 10:05 10:00 In individual cases, the pay- the radio and TV versions i Carbide Building in Manhatta 9—Jams Beard—Cooking !J-World"bt Ten J—News—Mike Wallace Hay Curing 11—Pioneers—Drama 10:30 4—Make Room for Daddy ments will be above or below "Our Miss 'Brooks" whi program host John Stoessinger 13—Music Interlude 13-Poriroll In Thought 9—Film—The Unholy Wife— these figures, depending upon Hunter College discusses the li 1:25 11:00 . Rod Sfleger—90 mln. TRENTON-Hominy Hill Farm, starred Eve Ardcn. Z—News—Douglas Edwards 11—Code Three—Police the amount of insurance held. and career of the late, gre 2—News—Jim Jensen Colts Neck, has won the grand 3:30 4—News—Frank McGee 10:10 The Veterans Administration Question — I think the act: Prime Minister of India wi 2- of Nlohl-Serlol 5—News 13—Parlons Franc-'< I championship and four other 4—You Don't Soy!—Game 10:2] explains that the dividends are Nehru's daughter Mrs. Indira 7—News—Bill Beutel first prizes in the annual New who plays EHiot on "Peyti . 5—Cartoons—Children f—News—John Wlngofe, Walter Klernon 13-Worklno Wilh Science primarily a return to the in *>lace" is very good and I woul Gandhi; Nehru's friend and 7—Young Morrleds—Serial II—News—Kevin 10:M Jersey Hay and Grass Silage 9— High Road lo Adventure 13—British Calendar J-l Love Lucy—Comedy sured veterans of part of their show. Its top honor was for ar- like to know if he is new to T ographer, Mrs. Dorothy Norman M—Supercar—Cartoon 4—What's This Song? 11:10 premium payments. The money tifically curing hay. or if he has ever done any othc and Indian Ambassador to thi 13—Primary Reading 4—Weather—Tex Antolne 11—Star Theater—n---ia 4:00 10:45 became available because the became the leader of the siiows.-H. N., Mooresville, N.I U. S., the Honorable B. K. Nehru 5—Film—Dante's Inferno— Edward Noller, of Cream Ridge, 2—Secret Storm—Serial Spencer Tracy—1 hr., 4J mln. 15-Lels Make Pupi il mortality rate among the Gl'swon best of show in the Christ- tex revolution lit America... Answer — Tim O'Connor, w 4—Match Game il—Weather—Marilyn Grey 10:51 has been lower than anticipated. 5—Astroboy—Cartoon 11:15 4—News—Edwin Newman mas tree show for his Norwa; plays Elliot Carson in the popu 9:30-10 (4) - That Was rh 7—Trollmaster—Western 5-News 4-Locol News—Jim Hartl No Correspondence spruce entry. lar bi-weekly TV series, has bee: Week That Was. TW-3's song am 9—Claude Klrchner—Children 7-Les Crane—Variety 11:00 11—Chuck McConn—Children 2—Andy Griffith—Comedy For those who are eligible to Eatontown Nurseries, of Eaton- acting for a number of years h ?—Sports—Mosher skit gang take their weekly tool I3-Speech—Junior Hinh school 1—Sports— Bob Wollf 4—Concentration—Gome receive these dividends, it adds, town, won three first place he hasn't enjoyed the kind at the top of the news of 4:15 13—Reflections S -11—cartoons—Children 11:05 "the preparing and mailing of awards for scotch pine, douglas exposure he's currently gettin; week that was. (Color). 4—News 11:20 4:10 5—Film—Stop. You're Killing Me— 13—Time Now for Music payments are automatic and re-fir and miscellaneous variety, on "Peyton Place." He has gue 5—Jack Benny—Comedy Broderlck Crawford—1 hr., 40 mln. 11:20 2—McCoys—Comedy quire no correspondence from starred on a number pf the lea 9:30-11 (11) - Hot Line. Mai 4-Doble Glllls—Comedy I—Best of Groucho Werener Koetter, of Eatontown, 5—Sandy Becker—Children 11:55 4-Jeopardy—Game veterans or their families." took second place for light honey Ing drama series, including "Tin colm X, Jimmy Breslin, and Oi 13-About People—Psychology 9-Film-Coged— 5-Hall of Fun-Fred Hall 1—Price \% Right—Game Many ex-servicemen will gain Defenders," "The Doctors am sie Davis, join regulars Doroth; 5.00 Eleanor Parker—2 hrs. in the annual Honey Show. Jer- J—Film—Arliona Mission— 11:50 . 11:40 in other directions, beginning sey Homestead, of Farmingdale, and "Slattery's People." In a Kilgallen and host David Sus James Amess—90 mln. 13—lf'« Your Business il^-Stor Theater—Dromo this' month. One new law libgathere- d four blue ribbons for He play». dition to TV, O'Connor has don kind tonight. 4—Film—Pot and Mike— 11:30 Katharine Hepburn—90 mln. 4-johnny Carton—Variety eralizes the amounts going to commercial^ brands it produced. a great deal of stage acting, on 7-Rlm—The Flohllno Swbeejt- I:.JJ pansioners and provides basic and off Broadway. 10-11 (2) — The Doctors am John Wayne—1 hr., 25 mln 5-News cost-of-living increases for most Schuster's Poultry Farm, Lake- Tony Curtis 9—Film—AI Copone— 1:00 MOVIE TIMETABLE wood, won best of show in the The Nurses. "Night of thi Rod Slleger—90 mln. 2-News RED BANK of them. Natalie Wood Question — I just adore "Hul Witch." More of a tour de forci M—Beachcomber Bill 4—News—Geoffrey Pond state Egg Show with a dozen 13-Chorlfy Bailey—Children CARLTON— Another bill grants increased 7—Film—Passport to Treason— medium Grade A eggs packaged Henry Fonda labaloo" tind I hope it become: for actress Eileen Heckert, witl 1:30 Two on a Guillotine 2.0O; 7:00- I0-5O pensions for those wifh non-serv- Rod Cameron—1 hr., 25 mln. for Dorrer's of Brielle. Colonial a big hit. My favorite part of thi overtones of an Agatha Christ 1—Three Stooges—Comedy 1:05 Preview: Sex * the Slnnle Girl 8:55. ice-connected disabilities. This Lauren Bacall show is the section from Londo mystery story, than an episodi 13-Whafs New-Children 2—Fllm-^Amona the Living— EATONTOWN Poultry Farms, of Freehold, cap- COMMUNITY- will affect 1,300,000 veterans and Who is the man who introduci on this series. Miss Heckert play tured six blue ribbons for en- Goldllnger 2:00;- 8:00r'8:D0; 10*00 their families. the acts during this part of th a ventriloquist who stages tries in the large white Grade A FREEHOLD class. show each week?—V. L., Bridge night of vengeance against FREEHOLD- port, Conn. staff of Alden General, becausi QoldflnBer ?:20: 9:35. School Remedial Answer — Brian Epstein, vrtv she believes their indifferem ASBURY PARK Hebrew, Sunday Is responsible for discovering ai killed her child. LYRIC- Bej ft the 8ln|le Olrl 7:18: 8:2s. promoting the "Beatles" amcu MAYFAIR- Program Studied Schools Planned Other popular rock 'n roll groups 10-11, j(4}|t, -tr Bell. *DsIephon< ^.KRL'OMMiysiooi' lo:W RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Lo- MATAWAN TOWNSHIP -The Is the lx>5t for the London based Hour. Ajnelodic hour of Ameri NEPTUNE CITY cal schools were host recently Board of Education of Temple portion of "Hullabaloo." can regional music that shou NEPTUNE CITY- have you singing along. Jam rt'» «. Mad, Mad. Mad, Mad World to Mrs. Margaret Whiting, su- Beth Ahm is now starting to for 8:30. pervisor of remedial instruction mulate plans for the next schoo Question — Please settle som Powell and Jack Haskell sing BRICKTOWN thing for a friend and me. Wh passe! of popular tunes like "Ol on the staff of the county super- year of their Hebrew and Sun- BRICK PLAZA- day schools. starred in the movie "Imitatio lahoma," "I'm Alabamy Bound aoldllnser 7:20; 8:35. intendent of schools. General" which was on T\ hio,'"'-*!*.* Louis Aimstron; Mrs. Whiting visited the schools Boys who will reach the age awhile ago? Was it Henry Fond plays New Orleans' jazz with hi NORTH OF RED BANK in the district, viewed thejreme- of eight prior to Dec. 31 are re- or Glenn Ford?—C. S.,Memphi AllitarsjTRoy Rogers and Da: dial instruction facilities and ob-quired to commence Hebrew ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Showtot2-i-e-10 Tenn. Evan? "sing those memorabli served the activities of the reme- Sctiool studies by September. In ATLANTIC— Answer — Glenn Ford and Re< western standards like "Home oi dial instructors. She discussed order to maintain the high stand- It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World ards of the school, the board Buttons co-starred in the Wor the Range," and Max Moral! 8:00. with the teachers the specific EVERYTHING HE TOUCHES. stated, they will not be accepted War II comedy film about thi and his Original Rag Quartel HAZLET problems with which they are at a later date. Army. Henry Fonda was in thi give Ragtime's hits like "Helh LOEWS DRIVE-IN- concerned. My Baby" a wonderful whirl Carloon 7:00; Qoldtln&r 7:07: 10:30 This week, R. Thomas Janna- Registration for the new term Navy in the World War II com ift Invitation lo a Gunfighler 8:00. edy "Mister Roberts." Inciden (Color). PLAZA rone, superintendent of schools, will take place In May. Parents ally, both Ford and Fonda wi TONY CURTIS clad in a woman's negligee while his own Qoldllnser 7:24; 9:35. will confer with County Superin- will be notified as to time and EAST BRUNSWICK tendent Earl B. Garrison for theplace. Chairman of the board is be seen in the forthcoming wesl 10-11 (7) - The Fugitive clothes dry after a fall into the wafer, proceeds fo warm TURNPIKE- em "The Rounders." 'Scapegoat." This week's drama iNDOon— Goldllngcr 7:30; 10:40- No purpose of evaluating the special Donald Broder, 66 Irangate La plays like a modern dress wesl himself—and get Natalie Wood tipsy—in this scene Time to Kill 9:40 . services program of township OUTDOOR — GcliHlngcr 7:00; 10:10 Every day is bargain day in Question — In what year wai rn. Kimble returns to a smal from "Sex and the Single Girl". The hilarious new War- No Time lo Kill D:l». schools. Mr. Garrison will be ac- companied by several members the Daily Register Classified sec- the movie "Ministry of Fear' town too late to help clear u| ner Bros, comedy in Technicolor starts tomorrow at the SAYRE WOODS first released and was it basei a miscarriage of justice, am SAYRE WOODS- of his staff. tion. on a book? I would like to reac meets the aftermath of hate and Carlron Theatre, Rad Bank. Based on the bast-selling 8ex * the Single Olrl 7:15; 1:20. revenge instead. Director Alex book, 'the film stars Miss Wood and Curtis, along with SOUTH AMBOY the book.—Mrs. S. J., Richmond MADISON CINEMA— ASSOCIATED • INDEPENDENT • THEATRES Va. ander Singer keeps the pace tight Lauren Bacall, Henry Fonda, Mel Ferrer, Leslie Parriih Ooldflnser 2:00; 3:10; 5:55; 1:ii and gets good performances from 10:00. Answer — The Ray Millani and Fran Jeffries. Richard Quins directed from a scena- starrer "Ministry of Fear" wa the cast. PERTH AMBOY Free Parking! • Free Smoking! • All Theatres rio by Joseph Heller and David R. Schwarti, and William AMBOYS DRIVE-IN— first released in 1945. The of! Cartogna 7:00: GolitHneer 7;06: 11:28; beat spy melodarama was basei 11:15-1 (7) - Les Carne. Foui T. Orr produced. Dave Clark "5" 8:55; All Fine irotin Cannibal! 9:31. on a Graham Greene novel. youthful performers, Keir Dullea PLAZA fFREEHOLD HELD (ohn Davidson, Julia Migenes MAJESTIC- aoWllnger 12:00; 2:00; 4:00; 6:00; OVER! (For an answer to your ques- and Lada Edmunds, Jr., discus: 8:00; 10:00. tion about any TV program oi Lhe problems and attitudes of thi Lists Library Gains EDISON actor, write to Steven H. Scheu- young, and rock 'n roller Dionnf MENU) PARK CINEMA- JAMES BOND IS BACK IN ACTION! Ooldflnger 2:00; 3:50; !:50; 7:55; er, TV Key Mailbag, in care ol Warwick illustrates a youthfu' MIDDLETOWN - In his an-New York Times on microfilm. 10:00. this paper.) vocalist's style. nual report as director of Mid- New specialired indexing and WOODBRIDGE dletown Township Library fo business services have been add- DRIVE-IN- EVENINGS 7 and 9:1 S 11:30-1 (4) — Johnny Carson's 1964, William J. Le Kernec rated Oold/lnger 7:05; 11:10; Twice Toll ed, such as The New York Times Talcs 9:10. -based show has com-public support and interest in a Index, the Biography Index, the -Tony Curtis'" TONIGHT eidan-actor Don Adams, William lew library building, and a com- Dun and Bradstreet Million Dol- Natalie wood Jane Powell, hostess Frawley, and Rose Marie on hispetent advisory committee to as-lar Directory, Dun and Brad- Cited By Army schedule for tonight. (Color). ilst in furthering the library street Middle Markets Directory, FORT MONMOUTH - First Lt. Henry Fonda on the board's program, as the year's Thomas' Register, and the New Richard B. Roleke, formerly of greatest satisfaction. Lauren Bacall BELL TELEPHONE York and New Jersey Industrial 280 Westwood Ave., Long Branch, Mr. LeKernec listed several li .. i». HOUR Shore Multiple Directories, he reported. was hbnored for outstanding per- o Mel Ferrer irary service improvements, in In the coming year, said Mr. formance of duty as program an- :luding the acquisition of a mi EVERYTHING HE TOUCHES Le Kernec, the most urgent task alysis officer with the U. S. Ar- xofilm reader and an order Listing Service will be the program for the newmy Satellite Communication >Iaced for several years of The library building. Efforts will be SATCOM) Agency, In a cere- Has Installation made also to complete revision mons at agency headquarters re- of the card catalogue and propos- cently.. Co-Stirrta W W, ASBURY PARK - Carney G als which have been made to Lt. Roleke was presented a cer- LESLIE PARBISH iod EDWARD EVERETT HORTOi atta of Asbury Park, recentlj Dr. Toren rectify the decline in use of thetificate of appreciation for his •e-elected president of the Shore Navesink Branch Library will be contribution to the Agency's proj- Multiple Listing Service, and oth Is Honored explored, he added. er officers were installed at th< sct management plan. The offi- WEST LONG BRANCH - Dr. The library statistical report cer served with the agency from Elks Club here last week. Oth- for 1964 showed total circulation ulius A. Toren, Portaupeck, re- May, 1962, until last, Wednesday, ers taking office were Jack Okun, was 189,808, an increase of 2,843 TURNS TO EXCITEMENT!!! West Allenhurst, vice president ired county physician, was hon- when he left for assignment with books over 1963. Total registra- the 25th Signal Battalion In Karl- Saturday & Sunday Walter Reid, Allenhurst, Ireas- ed recently at the Holiday Inn tion on Jan. 1, 1965, was 18,513,sruhe. Germany. Matinee Only 2 p.m. irer, and Mrs. Hazel Leichter, iy the Monmouth-Ocean Funeral an increase of 2,355 members aberon, secretary. New trustee; over the previous year. Total jlected for a three-year term irectors' Association. volumes on Jan. 1, was 47,335. JOW-THOSn DWARFS WITH starling /ere John Conover, Harry Faby, James C. Day, association pres ATLANTIC That figure includes the 5,817 vol- SNOW WHITE COME TO LIFE1 Louis Armstrong ir., Theodore W. McGinness dent, presented a clock to Dr. umes which were added in 1964, and his All-Stars ack Okun and Walter Reid. foren and a corsage to his wife. Max Morath and the and 4,316 volumes which were NOW THRU SATURDAY F. Leroy Garrabrant, Jr., past Dr. C. Malcolm B. Gilman, withdrawn. ONE SHOW TONITE AT 8 Original Rag Quartet iresident, reported that 1964 sales lewly appointed county physic- JackHaskeU •olume of homes sold through the »n, and his wife were honored ..HUM SUNN rvice totaled $5,275,000, an in and special guests guests. Dr. Toren has been re- Soy Rogers and Dale Evans ;rease of over 30 per cent over the 1963 volume of $4,009,000. tained as a consultant to Dr. IAN FLEMING'S '60LDFIBGER' with Donald Voorhees There were 315 sales in 1964 as jilman. and the compared with 248 the year be- Bell Telephoiit Orchestra Also attending were John Hart- ore. an, secretary of the state Board ERTFROBE— HONOR BLACKMANufVSSVMW 10:00-11:00 P.M. Shore Multiple Listing Service, Mortuary Science; William LIVE IN COLOR ow has a membership of 35 real reeman, association secretary- EXTRA! "THE DAVE CLARK S" . . . color state offfces and agencies, with •easurer, and H. Laurence Scott, NJ5C-TV CHANNEL 4 combined sales personnel of r., second vice president of the early ISO, Itate Funeral Directors' Associ- A MAD, MAD, Presented by (he WTBEEB tWlV / CHtLDftEM 50* tlon.i MAD. MAD WORLD" Bell System Quidc and inexpensive. That's About 80 local association TICKETS NOW ON SAUL the Dally Register Classified. members attended. ' For Quick Results "k HOME DELIVERY if Use Our Want Ads R4IN OR SHINE 741-wiowor 741-11 i 7 741-0010

SECTION TWO TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1965 7c PER COflf Redistricting Blocks Legislature Vacation By JOHN KOLESAR man, Jr., R-Cap May, and as- when the secretary of state must tion plans may also be disrupted. TRENTON (AP) — The reap- semblly Speakek r Marion WWest notify county clerks, what offices He had planned to go to the Vir- portionment problem has reached Higgins, R-Bergen, said they are open for filing. Candidates gin Islands Feb. 6 to make a the crisis stage in the New Jer- hhop e it can be ddone before it then have until March U to get speech to the Eastern Conference sey Legislature. Both houses becomes necessary to postpone their nominating petitions filed. of Attorneys General and follow have decided to postpone their the April 20 primary elections. "I hope we don't have to post- it up with a few days in (be sun. traditional midwinter vacation. But just in case, Senate Ma- pone the primary, but it looks But a spokesman for the gover- The legislators planned to go jority Leader William E. Ozzard, like we will," Mrs. Higgins said. nor said he may have to pass up on a month's vacation after their R-Somerset, introduced a bill to The legislature started its the entire trip, because he wants meeting next Monday. But at postpone the primary until June policy of one-month, midwinter to be in town when the legislature PLANNED ADDITION — Plans and specifications for the proposed addition to the Rumson Country Day School their regular session yesterday, 1. He said the Senate will act vacations after World War II, to works on reapportionment. «re in the final stages, prior to actual construction. The school and its future addition, as designed by Gerard A. they decided to meet again Feb. on the measure next Monday. give its Appropriations Commit- Senate Plan 15 and maybe on Lincoln's birth- tee a chance to work on the Barba, Shrewsbury architect, are shown. It would house an administation suito, locker rooms, a gymnasium-audi- Mrs. Higgins said the Assembly A 12-member legislative com- day, too. would wait until it is certain the governor's budget. No one could mission headed by former Gov. torium and possibly an art studio and woodworking shop. The plan is to keep meeting April 20 date cannot be met. remember any previous issue Robert B. Meyner has recom- until a solution is reached. Sen- The legal machinery for the which had delayed the vacation. mended a Senate reapportionment ate President Charles W. Sand- primary election starts Feb. 19, Gov. Richard J. Hughes' vaca- based on realigned congressional Districts. It recommended an Assembly system similar to the Country Day Addition Work to Start present county setup, except that School Demands Rising the five smallest counties would RUMSON *• Planning of the plans, and specification planning The structure is slated to be south length. The present admin be joined to other counties to $225,000 addition to the Rumson is said to be in the final stage. built adjacent U> the south end istrative facilities will be con reduce some of their voting Country Day School at Ridge and The structure Is designed to of1 the present building, facing verted to classroom space. power. Bellevue Aves., is nearing com- house a gymnasium-auditorium, Bellevue Ave. The girls' playing Borough Council Thursday gave The commission's written re- boys' and girls' locker rooms Mayor in Englishtown pletion. field, which will be partly taken final approval to a Zoning Board port is due to be handed to the Gerard A. Barba, Shrewsbury and administrative offices. Op- up by the new addition, will be of Adjustment recommendation legislature next Monday. architect and engineer, has com- tional plans call for classrooms relocated to an east-west direc- to allow a variance for the pro} Hughes and other Democrats pleted the structural and exterior tor art and woodworking also. tion, rather than its present north- ect. oppose congressional redistricting plans now and the governor has Backs Taxation Change hinted he might veto any attempt 14 hi Raritan Fined $15 Each to tie reapportionment and re- Set Study ENGLISHTOWN — The amoun are merely raising an objection Industrial Committee was re- districting together. He says of taxes this borough needs tc to the tax rate. We are hopeful ferred to the Planning Board for there is plenty of time next year raise to support its municipa that our problem will be solved action. to draw up new districts because Remove the Snow—Or Else Rally For budget has decreased this year. by state action. Should, the legis- Council, at the suggestion of there 'is no congressional elec- But counteracting that decreasi lation not be changed, and should Mr. Zackowitz, requested parents tion until November 1966. A — from $22,059 in 1964 to $18,19! our taxpayers be hit with the es- malapportioned legislature is not RARITAN TOWNSHIP - If last nigirt, "We are embarking property owners remove snow to keep their children off the this year — is the increased rah timated tax bill, our citizens the proper body to do such a you don't want to shovel snow, on a sidewalk construction pro from sidewalks within 12 day skating pond when the red flag New Hall per $100 of assessed valuatioi would find it very difficult to pay is posted. job, he argues. hire someone to do it. It may gram to provide walkways foi light hours after snow has LITTLE SILVER - Plans foi from |3.89 last year to an est that kind of tax. be cheaper than the alternative. school children on hazardou: stopped falling. a proposed new borough hall will mated $5.69 In 1965. That was the moral yesterday streets. If sidewalks are not kep "We will purse the matter in The road department can be unveiled at a public meeting for 14 property owners who were clear of snow the program make* The increase is due entirely t< most vigorous manner," he move the snow, if property own here Thursday, Feb. 25, at the new local district school rat< said. Freehold WUl Weigh fined (15 each in Municipal Court no sense." ers fail to do so, and charge thi p.m. of $2.64 per $100. Councilman Raphael Zackowitz by Magistrate Harold Stern for He said the governing bod; cost against the homeowner oi Because of this, Mayor Theo. questioned the advisability of citi- failure to shovel snow from side- has decided to enforce the snov businessman, as a tax lien. The plans now are being pre- pared by Bernard Kellenyi, Red dore J. Narozanick last week ap zens sending telegrams to Gov, on walks in front of their homes. removal ordinance, and that 01 Under the ordinance, the roai Issue vartments Bank architect. pealed to Gov. Richard J. Hughes Hughes objecting to the school In addition, some of tfiem will Jan. 25 notices to this \>ffect wen superintendent, Robert G. We Mayor Charles W. Stephens "to initiate, and/or support inv tax rate. FREEHOLD — To table or not On a move to table the resolu- face further charges to pay the distributed to school i-iuldrei gand, has the power to sign com said last night that all depart- mediate legislation to correct ex- The mayor said he believed, to table? tion, council split 3-3 and Mayor township for labor in removing to take home "even though suci plaints. isting laws which arc inequitable That was the question pondered Gibson then postponed his tie- the snow. notice is not necessary." ments of the borough will have however that,"all that the citi- The 14 summonses which wer< an opportunity to review and dis- and unjust." zens can do to let the legislators by Mayor Frank E. Gibson In breaking vote. Mayor Marvin Olinsky said The ordinance requires thai Last night, returnable in court yesterda; cuss the proposed plans before The budget was introduced al know about ™the "problem will the past two weeks. , the mayoy r had d ii H d were signed by Mr. Weigan the public meeting. last night's council meeting bj help." At Borough Council's meeting reached a decision. He voted Thursday and delivered by pa C. Bergen Groendyke of Groen- - In other business, council of Jan. 18, a resolution was in against tabling the resolution and lice, Mr. Olinsky reported. The proposed building will be dyke and Co., Trenton, registered troduced instructing the bor- Keansburg Charter of one-story, colonial design, granted a solicitor's license to in a subsequent vote on the orig- All 14 of the property owner: ough attorney,' Harry SagotaYsy, inal resolution, council voted Councilman Charles Forfar, dyk* Is" thVb6rough»«udStor. to draw up an ordinance rezonln, pleaded guilty and paid the fine chairman of the governing body's Ration fund drive to be unanimously to Instruct Mr. Sa- In four of the cases, the mayo March 1 Hearing 'this month. The money will be the Lydia Parker property on gotsky to prepare the amend- Discussion Is Slated building" and grounds; committee, The hearing on the proposed Broad'St! to permit the construc- reported, road department crew; said. used for research and develop- ment. KEANSBURG — The Charter of suggestions and comments removed snow. Th« Townshij budget and tax resolution will be ment. tion of garden apfirfments. The The rezoning is opposed by Study Commission has scheduled the existing form of governmenl Committee, he said, will vot< Plans call for the present build- held Monday, March 1, at 8:45 An appointment of a represent rezoning was asked by Franklin more than 30 residents of the a series of conferences with mu- here. Friday to assess these homeown ing, 66-years old, to be razed and p.m. in the municipal hall. tative to the Central Monmouth Brothers. area, who have submitted a peti- the new building erected on thi nicipal officials to get their views Mr. Kinsella said the commis ers for the labor. The average Broken down by amounts, the tion to that effect. site, Mr. Forfar said. ' • < on local government. , sion has decided not to releas charge will be about $7, the may tax rate per $100 is as follows: Councilman Frank K. Woolley; Rental Funds According to John J. Kinsella any statement on the manager': or reported. —For the local district school, said this area is one for which commission" secretary, Mayor The .municipal :;bAidjaj intro- $2$4 Redistricting Planned the recently completed master comments. It is the first time the ordi- duced by the ' Borougji' Council •--For the regional school, $1.52 Louis T. Collichlo, Sr., and Wil- nance has been enforced. Mr. plan — prepared by L. Eugene Once interviews with officials last night includes funds for the •w-For the local purpose tax liam Herlthy, borough clerk, will Olinsky said "it will not be the Oross Associates, New Bruns- are completed, the commission rental of space to house the police rate, 83 cents. be interviewed tomorrow night. last," and that it should serve wick—recommends garden apart- Councilman Martin C. Lohsen plans to select a government con department and other borough —For Monmouth County, =56 In Matawan Township ments. sultant to assist in the review ol as a warning. and Frederick W. Kalkhof, as- offices during an estimated 10- cents. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - Ac ic county committeeman Alvin In another rezoning move to the local government here. Most of the summonses issue sessor, will be interviewed on month period. —For senior citizens and veter- tion on redistricting in this rap- A. Margulies contends new fig- permit garden apartments, coun- were to homeowners in Fleet- Feb. 10, and Councilman T. Ed- The commission, established by The council awarded a $3,377.50 ans benefits, 14 cents. idly-growing community is abou ures will show 2,000 voters there. cil accepted on first reading an wood Park, Woodland Park and ward Kinlin and Robert Kronen' the voters last November, has contract for purchase of a heavy Reasons for Rise to start, probably Sunday, at i Figures now show a total of rdinance rezoning a portion of Raritan Ridge. berger, police chief,on Feb. 17. nine months to make its report duty road department truck to Mayor Narozanick listed three private session of the Township 6,778 voters divided in this way,; Henry St. The Planning Board Mr. Kinsella said the commis- on its findings. It can recom- Circle Chevrolet, Red Bank, the points that have resulted from the Committee, Mayor Henry, E District one, 692; district two, ad asked that the ordinance sion Is considering interviewing mend any one of three courses of tow bidder. The price includes increase in the tax rate: unequal Traphagen announced last night 874; district three, 951; district jermit the construction of other employees at » later date. action; recommend no change in List Details trade-in of a present borough, school costs in a regional dis- After a stormy committee meet four, 526; district five, 1,091; dis- in eight-unit garden apartment The commission already has the government; suggest voters owned truck. The proposed 1965 trict;, a new awareness for future ing, at which Strathmore Demo- trict six, 1,678; district seven, ly Lanza and Scott, Inc. net with C. Bernard Blum, bor- accept one of the options under budget appropriates $4,100 for the communities involved in planning crats pointed accusing fingers a 966. Council also adopted an ordi- purchase. ough manager, last month. the Faulkner Act, or recommend to control excess housing, and a the mayor and some committee- County elections clerk Stanley isnce rezoning an area on Barka- Of Township recognition that there must be According to Mr. Kinsella, Mr. that the state assembly be peti- Mr. Forfar announced Bhat the men over the issue, Mr. Trap- A. Davis, in a letter, reminded ow Ave. from "A" Residential a revision of the tax system to Blum met with the commission tioned for a charter for a specia dedication ceremony for the hagen told The Register: the committee that any changes to commercial to permit the Sta- relieve property owners of the ex- for an hour and made a number orm of government. borough's new public library, at in districts must be made be- ility Savings and Loan Associa- Hall Addition cessive burden of taxes. "Of course, we're going to the rear of the borough hall fore March 1. He urged however, ion to Construct a building. Adop- MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — The property, will be held on Satur- "The only portion of the tax work on redistricting. It's an ab- ion was recommended by the Township Committee released de- solute must here. Why some peo- that Matawan Township act day, March 27. •ate that the Mayor and Council quickly and attempt to have such 'lanning Board. Job Created, Appointee tails of the proposed addition to ire responsible for is lower this ple have gotten steamed up and Township Hall last night, sched- charge me with dragging my feet changes completed by Feb. 15. Council approved a resolution fear than last," said Mr. Naro- He said that overcrowded dis- calling for the filing of Survey uling a public forum for next anick. on it beats me. Tuesday to discuss questions con- tricts create hardships on his of- nd Planning Application with 2 Rob Shop, Thomas Lenahan, 18 Center St., Work Load Cited Goes Right to Work cerning it. fice that could lead to mistakes he federal Urban Renewal Agen- iffered the suggestion that "Eng- "The work load here in the in records and cause waiting for cy in Phiadelphia, in a move to The project, as outlined in ar- lishtown merge with Manalapan EATONTOWN—Borough Coun torn National Bank to erect a Pistol-Whip past few months has been tre- voters who wish to cast their ring the borough under the chitectural specifications, calls Township because of the inequi- oil last night adopted after pub- sign on the northeast corner of mendous and we just haven't ballots, agency's program. for an expenditure of $225,000, to table apportionment of the bor- been able to get at it. lic hearing an ordinance creating thp Garden State Parkway spur and Wyckoff Rd., .directing mo- be raised by a bond issue. Proprietor ough compared with the town- "I suppose if we had worked the post of borough administra- torists to the Rank's shopping cen: An addition to the existing build- ASBURY PARK - A county- ship." on redistricting, and put off oth- tive assistant—just in time. ter branch until its new building ng will total 7,216 square feet wide alarm is out for two armed Harry Chomko, member of the er projects, we'd have been Civil Service Rating Quipped George A. Morgan of is erected at Wyckotf Rd. and and cost 5144,320. Alterations to- men who held up the Midway lanning Board, asked the mayor blamed for loafing by someone 19 Elizabeth Pkwy., appointed to Rt. 35. taling 3^828' square feet have been Stationery Store, 1137 Springwood Englishtown could "split away who was affected by lack of ac- ram Manalapan Township in the tion in other matters." the $6,000 a year Job, "I started Councilman Bruce J. Mangan estimated at $10 per square foot Ave., last night and pistol- •egional district." Policy Is Requested work tonight." stated that some of the garden for the sum of $38,280. whipped the owner. Strathmore districts five, six Mayor Narozanick replied that apartment' developments in the A contingency allocation of $2,- Police said the two, each and seven, as well as district MATAWAN TOWNSHIP-Mrs ney moved that the question be One of Mr. Morgan's first jobs "new and separate legislation borough have signs listing the fi- 400 has been included in the to- irmed with a .38 caliber pistol, three in the older part of the Wilhemina Gums became a cen- tabled until the Commission had will be to look into possibly illegal would be needed in order to split nancial institutions that support tal. held up the proprietor, Henry township will be considered for ter of controversy at last night's been queried as to exact factors dgns being displayed in the bor- away from the township." them. These signs, he said, may Lopez, 69, of 1307 Bangs Ave., action, the mayor indicated. He Township Committee meeting. used for ratings given Mrs. Gums ough. Other costs were given as land In reply to the suggestion1 that be too large. about 10:45 p.m. They took $30 agreed with Strathmore Dems Mrs. Gums, a township resi- and Miss Swan. The motion car- The question arose when co development, $10,000; furnish- from a cigar box, Mr. Lopez' wal- he borough merge with Manala that district six is most in need dent, was certified as high scorer ried 3-1 with Mr. Dryden dissent- ell granted a temporary use per- Mr. Morgan was instructed to ings, $15,00(1; architect's ffees et, which contained $4, and a .38 >an, the mayor said that "a com of a split. As of last election in an "unassembled examination" ing and Committeeman Gilbert mit to the newly formed Eaton- investigate all such signs in the $12,000; engineering ' fees, civil caliber colt pistol which Mr. plete study would need to be day there were 1,678 registered by the Civil Service Commission H. Hickman abstaining. borougb h and make their owners and percolationlti , $1/000$1000, and lega Lopez kept in the store, accord- made regarding the merge. I'm voters in that district. Democrat- afler she filed for the position o Mr. Hickman had mentioned get use variances where neces- tees, contract and bonding, $2,- ing to police. ' not so sure that it would be a clerk in the tax collector's office Hold 3 in Entry sary. 000. good idea, and it is not an easy that Mrs. Gums was a personal One of the gunmen beat Mr. Committeeman Jay Krivitzky friend of his. •Proposed construction will pro- Lopez about the head with the matter. It would mean a long said Mrs. Gums' age difference At Cheesequake vide council chambers to seat butt of his pistol, police said. Mr. rawn-out study." Shoots Self and job experience over the only During the public portion of the 100 residents, instead of present Earlier, Mayor Narozanick had meeting later, several of friend* OHEESEQUAKE (AP) -Three Blast Kills Lopez was taken to Fitkin Hos. other certified applicant was not capacity of 50. The room will al- pital, Neptune, by the city First stated that he was "not opposed Accidentally, reflected in the scores and ques- and relatives of Mrs. Gums ques- Hudson County men were so be used as magistrate's court. Aid Squad, where he was treated ;o the Board of Education. tioned why this happened. tioned the action of the commit- tee. They asked why the ratings raigned yesterday on breaking, . Miners There will be .a caucus, room to and released. Hospital authori- "The board," he said, "is' an Close Rating elected body with the responsibil- were disputed in this case when entering and attempted larceny LENS, France (AP)-At least eat 15, and space for files. Also ties said seven stitches were nec- Youth Critical Mrs. Gums was rated at 70.500. ity to educate the children. We on Jan. 18 the committee ap- charges in connection with an at- 13 coal miners.were,killed early provided are offices for the mu- essary to close his head wounds. NEPTUNE TOWNSHIP - A 16- Donna J. Swan, described by Mr. r pointed Manuel J. Texeira, Jr., a nicipal clerk, tax assessor, tax Mr. Lopez, alone in the store ear-61d township youth is in tempted burglary at a supermar- today when an explosion rocked Krivitzky as a recent high school Public Works Department super- collector, , water department, at the time of the robbery, sum- critical condition in Fitkin Hospi- a northern France coal mine 2, graduate without experience, was intendent, at a much higher sal- ket Sunday night. town manager arid town- man- moned police after the gunmen Hospital Worker tal, Neptune, after accidentally 200 feet underground, Eihfi rated at 70.417. ary, without further investigation Police said (he three, Carl A. ager's secretary, welfare direc- fled. shooting himself in the abdomen ers were missing and e/qs "I think we're going behind the of his qualifications. That ap- Meyer, 31, of -Hoboken; James tor, building inspector, zoning of- One of the gunmen is described Is Reinstated last night. littllittl e hhop e theh y would be found Civil Service Commission," Com- pointment was based on a Civil Salvatore, 34, of Jersey City, and ficer, plumbing inspector and a s about- 5 feet 8 inches tall, TRENTON (AP) - The state alive, mine officials said. Police said the youth, Fitzhugh mitteeman Charles W. Dryden Service Commission rating. William Platero, 32, of North meeting room for all township ight skinned, and wearing khaki Civil Service Commission today The disaster probably would ee Emerson, 3d, of 19 Hillvlew said, adding: Bergent waived preliminary boards. rousers. The other is described reinstated Melvin P. Davis of 4 r., was cleaning the 410-gauge "There are established stand- hearing and were taken to Mid- have had far greater proportions as about five feet 10 inches tall, Mechanic St., Englishtown, in his except that it was a regular off- The police department will have shotgun in the bedroom of his ards. They should be used as a Strike at Titanium dlesex County jail pending Grand with dark complexion, and wear- job as an institutional charge at- home about 10:27 p.m. yesterday guide. Are we to set aside these Jury action. time period for the some 2W min- a chief's office and a captain's ing darit clothing. tendant at Marlboro State Hos- ers who usually work the coal office. There will be space for a when the weapon accidentally dis- standards whenever they are in- SOUTH AMBOY (A4>) - A Detectives Lee Davis and Ed- pital. ' charged. According to police. Patrolman face, A small crew of miners was task sergeant, radio equipment, convenient?" strike by some 1,400 hourly wage ward Burke; Jr. head the local Davis had been firid last year John Ryan spotted a rear door on duty preparing for the regular t detectives' office, three jail The boy's mother who was in Mr. Krivtzky said he never workers at National Lead Co.'i nvestlgation. on charges of sleeping on duty. Titanium Division has stopped forced open at the Shop-Rite Su- shift to go down. cells for miles, one for women he living room, heard the shot, knew that unassembled exam- Civil Service Commissioner Wil- production at the South Amboy permarket on Rt. 9. in this sec- and one juvenile lockup. There entered the bedroom and found inations existed, and that he just The mine wag equipped with LEAPS POULTRY GROUP liam G. Dowd, Jr., said the re- er son slumped over, police said, plant, a company spokesman tion of Madison Township. He detectors for black damp, a po- will also be two interrogation wants "to know how tHsy arrived TRENTON - John Vaccaro of port on the Incident showed only he summoned the Hamilton said. called for assistance, and, as oth- tentially high explosive gas rooms, a locker room,, squad at the scores." 'rinceton was elected president a suspicion that Davis had been First 4ld Squad, which rushed er police arrived, three nten fled which sometimes builds up in coal room, arms room, a laboratory 4 It later was determined that Plant manager Walter O. Mor» if the'N.eJ. State Poultry As- sleeping. In view of Davis' 14- th b t the, hospital, police through the.door and Into a wood- nines. Mine officials laid there and a dark room. he boy to the ratings apparently had bee.i an iissued a statement saying ociation at, its] meeting year record of above-average laid. based on education and experi- ed area. Police conducted a two- was no Indication that the black management and union negotig - There will .be offices for the tore last week. He replaces service, Dowd said,, a'suspension Detective Capt. Alfred Atkinson ence, as listed on the applica- hour hunt thai ended .with the damp had reached.dangerouj pro- magistrate and Uw Violations ators had failed to reach agree- obert Herman of Freehold, of no longer than six months was •nd DetectivDti e WilliWillie LLyons roundup ofthe three Hudson men. portions. •;•• ^•-i-:v--;s."-.. in- ment on a new contract by an I Girlc; outgoing association president. all that wai justified. ' vesUgated. i Commltteeman Daniel H. Dow- a.m. deadline yesterday. C.B.A. Defeats Cathedral, 48-JJ9, la'Yearling Tilt TRENTON — A 19-3 fourth quarter surge gave Christian Brothers Academy's freshman basketball team a 48-39 victory TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1965 1( over Cathedral of Trenton last Friday. CYO Basketball Both teams hold 8-2 records. Midway through the final stan- za, Bill Glading sank a field goal to give CBA its first lead of the game, 39-38. The winners out- Holy Cross Defeats St. Ann's; scored the Trentonians, 9-1, the rest of the way for the victory. Cathedral held a 28-19 first half St. James Leads in Tight Race lead, before the yearling Colts found the scoring range. The win- NEW MONMOUTO - The ra< Holy Cross never trailed five-point deficit at Jialftime tc ners cut the deficit by two points In the Northern Division of tl turning back the previous league earn its victory over St. Leo in the third session via a 10-8 Mcnmouth County CYO Hij teader, St. Ann's. The Rumsor With five minutes remaining in margin. School Basketball League was squad opened up a 43-30 first ha the contest, Bob Peerless con- Andy Gill paced CBA's attack drawn tighter than the proverbial lead via 25-15 and 18-15 margins nected with a field goal to pul by tallying 18 points while Glad- drum when Holy Cross of Rum- in the first two quarters, respec the winners ahead for good, 53. ing added 17. fon defeated St. Ann's of Keans lively. St. Ann's cut the margi 51. These two teams will meet burg,.82-70, and St. Mary's of to six points, 58-52, in the thirc Ned Carton took individual again Thursday on the Lincroft New Monmouth edged St. Leo the stanza by outscoring the winners scoring honors with 25 points. team's court. 22-15. This was as close as th Great of Lincroft, 59-55, in games Peerless and Howie Maguire add- CBA (48) Cathedral 1391 last week. losers could get, however, a ed 12 and 10, respectively. Fred G F P G FP Glading 5 T 17 Robotln 3 4 10 As a result, the division'* top Holy Cross held a 24-18 margin Seitz scored 20 markers, all from Rl'letto 2 9 4 Hurcir 2 2 FOOTBALL AND BASEBALL — Al Downing, canter, New York Yankee chucker, chats with members and coaches in ths final session. the floor, to lead St. Leo. Donnelly 2 0 DeMatteo 10 2 five teams are separated by only GUI 8 2 18 Ltndauer 3 0 6 of the New Shrewsbury Rhinoi of Pop Warner Football League at a recent dinner held for tne member* of the one game. St. James of Red Ron Macdonald paced the win- lilt Nllht'l Rtmll Wooiiwird Oil Moreno 3 2 8 St. Acute M. Holy Funllj a McNea 10 2 K.irntr 3 17 loam. Left to right, are Lester "Chummy" Steven*, coach «f the P«awees; Charlei P. Herbert, Douglas A. N!«6l», Bank, (6-1), leads the loop with ners with 25 points while Joe Lo- STANDINGS HUton 10.2 bello of St. Ann's tallied 29 and Walter "Babe" Jackson, vanity coach. Herbert and Nichols are graduates of Pop Warner FooH>all at «f St. Ann's, Holy Cross and St. Rt. Junee 8 19 10 «8 IS 9 3!) Mary's all tied for second with take scoring honors. St. Ann's . _ ._ T CBA 8 11 10 1!)—48 Holy Cri>«« _. 1 Cathedral _...1O 18 8 3—39 last season. • 7-2 records, St. Joseph's is next St. Mary's, the division's de- St. Mary's - 7 In line with a 5-3 mark. fending champion, rallied from St. Jonrpli'i - B St. Agnes _ - J Hoty Family - „ _ 2 Unanimous Decision Victor St. Catherines ... I Anttiani'K 6

TODAY St. dsflierta'n «t St. .' Tosionnow St. itmn «l St. Atnp« THDBSDAY Ht. JoKrph'e fU St. Ann's !oly Crosi at St. Jamei Patterson, Out of Boxing's Graveyard, t. Ms at Holy tamlly BUNBAY St. Jamee at St. M.ry'i [oly Crois (82) St. Ann'e (70) G F P By Hy Cunningham MacdtmaM 11 3 25 Barry o r P Tetowitl 6 0 12 LoBslto 3 78 2182 j'Well » 3 21 Mayer Seeks Cassius After Whipping Chuvalo 1i1 ir TRACK'S NIGHT — Madison Square Garden was packed AM 111 Morgan J. Sullivan 10 2 Valley 8 0 12 to the rafters Thursday night when the 58th annual Wana- {. Sullivan 4 5 13 Barrecelll 0 4 Be; D 0 By JACK HAND commentary, was shouting, of the. ex-champ. "He's the tomers poured $166,423 Into the maker Millrose Games had track buffs screaming for their >aty 0 0 0 Kothler on Patterson's jaw, he found none .wrence 0 0 0 NEW YORK (AP) — Floyd "You've got the title shot. Floyd, Garden till. The big arena, where favorites from the shot event to the featured Wanamaker Mile. of the china that had tinkled in strongest guy Patterson has ever 33 16 82 23 2« TO Patterson survived a heavy body you've earned it." so many previous fights. boxing supposedly died of over This sport doesn't reach headlines as often as do other loly. Cross _ 25 18 15 24—82 faced He hit him with his Sun- bombing by bully boy George Patterson took such a congra exposure to television, had been (ports—but when the big meets are held In New York, Boston It. Ann's 15 15 22 18—70 Fought Clmvalo's Fight Chuvalo of Toronto and moved tulatory pummelling from Clay day shots and didn't budge him." sold out of everything Including arid other parts of tbe country, jt gets a shot at headlines, Some SI. LFO (15) St. Mary's Floyd said he had trained spe- G F P giant step toward a third term at the conclusion that the other There were no knockdowns in standees since Friday night. of the top athletes in this sport were on hand pleasing New OFF cifically to fight Chuvalo's type Bumlnnkl 5 2 12 Carton 10 5 25 as heavyweight champion by video announcer, Don Dunphy, this furiously fought brawl be- With closed circuit television Yorkers and other travelers who went to the big town for the U'.nlg O 0 Clark 2 2 6 of fight—aggressive—then added, Kill 10 0 20 Dugan 0 0 - whipping the husky Canadian on asked him if he hadn't had a tween the exchamp with the quick in some 68 locations in 54 cities big track show. ranlow 2 0 4 Pereless 4 4 12 "But as you saw, it was when I [mlth 6 0 12 unanimous decision in 12- toughler time with Cassius than hands and the damaging punches across the nation and in Cana- Watching the Wanamaker Mitirose Games with Fred E. Maguire was most aggressive that I got ..Espoalto 1 2 4 DeSimon rounds before a standing room Chuvalo. and the sturdy Canadian with da, the exact purses of the fi- Giersch, vice president of Montgomery Ward & Co., and John Mipoelto 113 Escandon hit by those stinging punches. jnly crowd of 19,100 last night Chuvalo's Strength the searing body barrages. Pat- ghters must await a final audit ' J. Ryan, the stock-bond demon out of Newark, we had an 25 5 55 22 15 5» is Madison Square Garden. "Chuvalo gained a tremendous "His punches in the clinches terson at 19714 was the heaviest weeks in the future. However, it interesting evening, due to the fact it was our first trip to the it L«o _ _ II 17 M 5—55 Patterson, fighting desperately were so powerful I had to change of his career, giving away 10% Mary't IT 11 14 12—58 amount of fans tonight, perhaps was believed Patterson, who was games. We were on the finish line when speedster Sam Perry my style and start boxing." i an attempt to erase the more than myself, as I was un- pounds to Chuvalo who scaled 208. guaranteed $50,000 probably will equalled the 60-yard mark in 5.9 seconds. The Fordham flash lemory of two humiliating knock- able to cope with his strength," It was a bitter fight that kept Patterson, a 7-5 favorite, ac- get about $135,000 for his 32'^ was flashing and Giersch, being a Fordham man, probably luts by Sonny Liston, punished Shore Patterson said. the big crowd, first sellout of tually wept in his corner when per cent. would have went over the side if he had been in the first row- Ihuvalo with his quick punches A quick ringside poll of news- the Garden since Clay and Doug he received an ovation from the Probably $60,000 for Chuvalo instead of the second. to the head but couldn't bring men covering the bout showed a Jones in 1963, roaring constantly. home town crowd that he always Fred, who specializes In pro football, but takes in all sports, Conference Mm down. 9-0 shutout in favor of Patterson, The eighth and 10th were great had considered antagonistic (0 Chuvalo, the Canadian cham- had the stop watch on Ferry and suspected something was in The sturdy Chuvalo, a body who was fighting to avoid fistic rounds that could go down in the him. Patterson had not fought pion at 27, will probably get about the making when the dockers took too long announcing Perry's juncher with a tom-tom beat, oblivion. books with the best, with first in New York.since the night he $60,000, depending on the closed time. One docker caught Perry at 6.2. Quite a difference, es- Basketball :ept slamming away at the ex- It was a dramatic victory for Patterson and then Chuvalo became the first man to win back circuit money. He was guaranteed pecially when world records hinge on the boys with the A DIVISION :hampion's spare ribs all through the often-bitter Patterson who had flurrying. the heavyweight title by knock- $3»,0O0. watches. Last Night's Result lie furously waged fight. not fought in the Garden since Chuvalo had a red mark un-, ing out Ingemar Johansson June :oms River 78, Brick S4 v The fight also was seen in six It was great to see the speed of the dashes—but the longer Referee Has It 6-5-1 1956. After the decision was an- der his right eye as early as the 20, 1960. distant cities on home televison races toured so many taps it was difficult to keep lap score Today's Games Judge Joe Armstrong scored it third and a slight cut around the nounced, Floyd blew kisses to Clay Bout In Future and in Toronto and Hartford, mentally. They go around more laps in a two mile race than Neptune at Long Branch 1, judge Tony CasteUano 7-5 the huge mob that had changed left eye in the night. But his Brick at Torn) River For Patterson the future prob- Conn., on subscription TV. The rides on a merrygo-round. Two milers certainly must get more and referee Zach Clayton 6-5-1, "Let's-, go Floyd" through the corner crew did a good job clos- New York area was blacked out than their share of training, and this is one athlete who has to McnmoHith at Mlddletown all for the 30-year-old Patterson. hottest action. ing the gash. • ably will include a fight with A more complete poll of sports be in tip-top condition. Others The AP card had Patterson on ,rnmW3'MtV»tti

Atlantic HlgMandt MIDDLETOWN DIRECTIONS: From Shore I Branch Offiet 874 Highway }S Area: Garden St;tj Park. (Five CornenJ NATIONAL (way North to Exit I27A, Mrs* Av». and MAIN OFFICE turn right 2 blockt to lot. $o what's new. Valentino's Day is n»w. "You sure I'm not being Hlgkway 3* ^Bino mum of FORDS a dreadful nuisance, Mr. KI-0100 671.2400 k gift from J. Kridul is new. FORDS, NEW JERSEY Wolfe?" 136 N Shrewsbury (3D The Greater New Orleans G F P Short Hills Club .15 20 .429 G F P Every year, the PGA sets a Open Invitational — which for- KcFarlane 10 2 Eeuflert 0" 1" minimum for its National Cham- Raritan Valley C.C.....12 18 .400 :oneiy oil Kubinnteia 0 0 merly was a part of the Win- Kilmer OOO Connors 0 0 pionship and then establishes the Plalnfield C.C ...7 23 .233 Wade 3 0 6 Halse; ter Tour — and the Americ SadowBKl 2 0 4 actual purse while the champion- Elizabeth T.&C.C. 5 20 .200 BrancherMatmen Still Unbeaten Warden 5 2 121 olf Classic, Increased their Davidson ship is in progress. The mini- 'ButterfJeld 0 Cavfola 0 0 ^ 1963 purses by $50,000 to be- Brealow 1 Morse 0 1 mum for this year la $50,000. Wtlnl 3 Nlll 0 O come $100,000 events. Connor 0 Eoll'.nj 0 0 0 Applications The St. Paul Invitational ' Helper 0 2 2 End Tom Clarks, 6-foot-3 jun- ior from RMgewood, NX, will After Eight Wrestling Meets added another $35,000 to make 11 S30| Fait H&ven captain Dartmouth's 1969 football its purse $100,000. Shrewsbury ^. - Open For Long Branch's varsity wrestling Shore is 5-3 on the season while while the Indians won 11. South SUMMARIES Two" more events, the Colo- Officials—PIIIPPH. Carhart. team. Iteam extended its unbeaten Ion? Branch «8) — IWi Bank (6) Rumson-FH. is 4-5. era Freehold holds a 2-4-1 mar! 97—Steve stanl (LB) p. A] Sehenc: Tournament streak to eight dual meets Fri- Neither Southern Freehold or Boro is winless i :23, 1st, day by easily routing winless Seven of Toms Ri 105—John Albertl (LB) p. Jerome Ore; Holds 48-Point Bulge . ASBURY PARK - The com Toms River had any trouble dis- zle, 1.-0S, 1st, Red Bank (0-7), 48*, while Chris-j 114—Steve Grasao (LB) p. Dave Le" mittee for the Garden State Ele- enson, :5S, 2nd. tian Brothers Academy took the posing of their respective oppo- 122—Jim Vlncelll (LB) forfeit. mentary Basket Bowl Tourna- measure of Asbury Park, 39-8, in 129-NciI Green (LB) p. Dick Lumber nents. The Rebels took eight bouts son, 1:00. 1st. ment recently announced that ap- the lone other Friday match. ' plications may be made for entry) 135—John Tomalno (LB) p. Mark Sen; Horlacher Averaging 25.7 cotr, 1:50,. 3d. OBA is 7-3 on the season, while HO—Fred Sailor (LB) d. Stu ScMcol in the eighth annual tourney. 9-4. : The dates set for the playing of Asbury Park is 3-3. H7—Paul Torre (RB) d. Steve Gallarl* In Saturday's action, Middle- 3-0. the games will be between March 150-Con Caskli) (LB) p. Steve Kei 1 end March 20, with the finals town easily defeated Freehold Re- nsdy, 1:30, 1st. gional, 45-3f Shore Regional 167—Carl Larsen (LB) p. Ralph Sturm To Lead Area's Scorers dated for March 20 in Conven- downed Rumson-Fair Haven Re- Mil, 1:17, 2nd. tion Hall. .71S-A1 orlirjn (RB) d. Al Bernstein, 8-! Bill Horlacher, Red Bank's 6-3 Warren has the second highest Robinson was the leader In the gional, 31-18; Southern Freehold Unl—DtnniB DclVecohlo (LB) p. Lanf Harris, 1:48, 1st. senior sharpshooter, continues to number of field goals, 118, while foul shooting department up to A record number of close to 40 Regional turned back Point Pleas- set a torrid pace to remain the Cutillo is third with 109 buckets. last week by 14 over Crawford, teams are expected to enter the ant Boro, 38-14; Toms River CBA (39) — Anbury Park (8) 07—Leo Kern (AP) d. Fred Grail, V. top scorer among Shore area Central Regional's Bob Winkel is but, playing in one game, he competition, sponsored by the notched its 51st straight victory 105—William White (CBA) p. Bob Byui City of Asbury Park. In addition :32, 2nd. cagers with 334 points. the only other player with over tossed in only nine as compared over a tour-year span by routing 114—Jim Sailer (CBA) d. Chart 100 field goals. He has 106. to Crawford's 23 in two games. to the games, there will be a foul Central Reg., 45-3; Brick Town- Young, 1-3. Horlacher became the first eager' 122—Harry skouraa (AP) d. Charl Jim Crawford of Toms River Rick Dooiey of Rumson-Fair shooting contest open to team ship whipped Wail Township, 27- of the season to go over the 300- Carliaslrm), 1-0. made the biggets jump in the Haven Regional follows the two members as well as a cheerlead- 14, and Southern Regional beat 129—Don RovOEno (CBA) p. Am point mark Friday night when ing contest. Skokas, 1:40 1st. he rang up a personal high of standings. In two games, Craw- leaders with 75. Lakewood, 30-14. 135—Ron Jones (AP) tie Charles O Shore Regional's Pete Berger The winning teams will receive tlngcr, 2-2. 37 points against Brick Town- ford tallied 63 markers to climo The Branchers won 10 of the HO—Bob BlacK (CBA) d. Fred Cone: ship. In the process, he sent 17 Tom ninth to fourth place on 259 and Wall Township's Bill McGow- trophies and the winning and run- 12 matches, eight by pins, in ner-up squads, will attend the fi- 147—Jerry Kemp (CBA) d. Ken Shan field goals through the .nets, the points. Last Tuesday, the 5-111 an are still the cc-leaders for routing Red Bank. Steve Stahl 6-2. nals of Hie New Jersey State 156—George Conway (CBA) pin Joh: most by any eager in a single senior scored 39 points against the most successful foul shots in (97), John Albert (105) and Steve Bertalan, .-20, 1st. game this season. Long Brandi for the high individ- one game, 16. f, Tournament In Atlantic City. A Grasso (114) posted pins in the 107—John Martin (CBA) p. Gary Fi | trophy will be presented to the garts, 1:45, 1st. Red Bank's ace has also made| ual single game performance tojw—«••« ~ first three bouts to put Long 177—Joe Manzo (CBA) d. George •' tournament's outstanding player 1 field. EH). the most field goals for the cam- date, In his record breaking «E-11 MOHMOU1H Branch Into a commanding early IBM.—Frank Ballon* CCSM v. : t<$t, CraWJotd connected 1» times'" ' u mil M the first and second 1 Ithurt, 1:33. 2nd. paign, IM. Hl3 point toal give* lead. Stahl gained the fastest him a 25.7 average for 13 games. from the floor and an equal num- place cheerleading teams. pin when he decked Schenck in Mlddlctovrn (45) — Freehold (3) Application blanks are avail- 97—Dave Stelner (H) d. John D Cutillo id, Warren 3d ber of times from the free throw |j 23 seconds of the first round rleKo, 5-0. Two players from Neptune's un> line. able by contacting either chair- 105—Tom Muckinhaupt (M) p. Sa: iThe only point winners for Red defeated team occupy the nexl Robinson is Fifth' mma n Lester M. Eddingerg,, vice to Jackson, 1:47, 2nd. Bank were Paul Torre (147) who! 114—Bob JenniiiEH (M) p. Joe Tyrre! two positions in the race, the Christian Brothers Academy's principal of Asbury Park High 'decisioned Steve Gallario, 3-0, and 1:15, 3d. 12Z-Andy Wlrtth (M) p. Clllf Gal same spots they held iast week. Kirk Robinson rounds out the top School, or the Convention Hall Al Griffin (177) who gained an over, 1:25, 1st. •Bob Saunders (F) d. Dave Wlrln, Steve Cutillo trails Horlacher by five with 251 points, one more 8-2 verdict over Al Bernstein. 7-2. 48 markers, have 286 points, to! than Winkel. Robinson and Craw- 135—Jim Florlo (M) u\ Cornell Joh; CBA won the last six bouts to son. 6-5. hold the second spot over team- ford are the top foul shooters thus easily rout the Bishops. After MO-Tora Blovtas (IT) d. Glenn Di mate Fred Warren, who is third rlclio, 5-0. far «s they have both the first six events, the Colts 147—Bin Johnson (M) p. John Bei on 262 points. 85. ' i .liiv WINTER held a 13-8 lead. Ten of these, net!, 1:37, 3d. 155-Peta saslle (M) d. Rich Fuelck, G FO F IP points came when Bill White 5-2. Bill Horlacher. Red Bank . 13 130 gj -'334 HEADQUARTERS (105) and Don Rovegno (129) won 67—Tom VanNortwIck (M) p. Eageti< 14 109 68 ..!«) Gall, :27, 2nd. Fred Warren. Nentune 14 11B !S -JW FOR ALL YOUR by pins. Other pins were regis- 77—Dave Anderson (M) p. Harold Con Ilm Crawford. Tr>jn» Itlver „ 1! 87 SS «9 over, :34, 3d. Kirk Rnhlnwn. CB* IS 83 85 851 tered by George Conway (156), Unl.—John Furialo (M) d. Eandol Boh Wlnkrl. n«nlr»l Bmt 14 108 38 880 John Martin (167) and heavy-! Jonc3, 2-1. Joe Mnrrii. Brick Twi> _ 13 8 II 91 Me Bfrror. Shorn H»» _...U 91 50 !32 weight Frank Ballouz. Conway's Shore lies. (31) — RulmonFH (18) left Hammond. M»lw llel ;„ U 80 51 £31 AUTO-NEEDS pin was the fastest — 29 seconds 97—Jack Kavanash (It) p. Ed Koch, HIIJB HcBdrlckii. Henry Hudson _ _.. 14 R9 Bl t20 1:36, 1st. III Mrr.ouan. w»!l Tlvn U W to 21S |of the first round. 05—Chris Murptiy (R) A. Steve Meai ,vnn . navraDnrt. MldillMomi - 12 89 37 215 12-0. Eilch nnntav. Rnmaon-FH . „„ ..„ 12 6!l 73 213 SNOW TIRES Middletown upped its over-all THIRD STRAIGHT PIN — Long Branch's Steve Grasso, .14—Carl Isbrandtsen (R) p. Jim Perry JooWion Two. - —H 12 81 !05 mark to 7-2 and remained unde- 1:53, lat. flarry Shore. M»t*r Pel II in M Kit 122—Henry Vaccaro (S) won by forfeit feated in the Northern Division partially hidden in white jersey, gets ready to dump Red 2&Art Woolley (S) drew-Jerry Barl BATTERIES lett, 5-5. of the Shore Conference Wrestling Bank's Dave Levenson in the 114-pound class of Friday's .35—Bob Swoope (B) d. John Kuthroff, (5-0) by downing Freehold Re- 5-1. ANTI-FREEZE match. Grasso earned five points for the Branchers by 40-Bob £*u (•) i. Mike Ferre. 9-7. Long Games, But Fans Stay On gional. The Lions won all but one .47—Reed *wope (S) p. Jack eleven of the bouts. The only Freehold pinning Levenson in 56 seconds of the second round for BCr, 1:05, 3d. t IOCA1 itAMUAIH, U*. 156—Ed Smith (S) p. Lloyd Quorc! ACCESSORIES win came in the 129-pound class the third straight pin by a Long Branch grappler in the 1:07, 2nd. ASSOCIATE? PRESS leave.this one. when Bob Saunders decisloned 167—Greg Roga (R) d. Chuck Ficca, "I don't think they'd have NO MONEY DOWN WHAT IS NICER THAN first three events. Long Branch remained undefeated 0-5. WILLIAMSBURG, Va. - Thi CHARGE ALL Dave Wirth, 7-2. Six pins were [77—Steve Travlos (S) d. Ernie Hallam, time is back in joint now in thi budged if they smelted smoke.' FLOWERS ON THE TABLE? (8-0) by swamping the Buccos, 48-6. 0-8. registered by the Lions with James Blair High School gymn; MEAT AND POTATOES! 'nl.— Art Travlo3 (S) D. Bill Grimmer, Andy Wirth gaining the quickest :51, 1st. sium after eight basketball game; — 1:25 of the first round. The 0, Freehold (38)—PI. Pleas. Boro (14 DON'T FORGET . . . while Peter Rogers scored the that really added up to almo, other pins were by Tom Muckin- Three Squads 97—Alan Ettenberg (S) d. Bob Gesu- WE DO AIRSHOTS AND Warriors' only points. naria. 2-1. nine. haupt (105), Bob Jennings (114), Tlgort (13) Hunk: ... 05—Rich Greco (P) d. Danny Hobblna, " (6) 1:37,, 1st1st. Foes of James Blair have beei WEDDINGS. PARTIES, Bill Johnson (147) and Dave An- Q F P G F P 22Wil T ( Undefeated In Moore 0 0 0 Taylor 2 0 122—Wilson Torres (8) p. Bob Ralph, losing regularly in the gym am INDUSTRIAL AND derson (177). Boscro 0 0 0 Bradley 0 0 1:40, 1st. Jetler 0 0 0 ttock 1 0 129—George Couto (S) p. Art Brow: so, it turns out, has the tim ADVERTISING PICTURES. Shore Downs Rumson Talcrico 4 0 8 Webster 0 0 ;58, 1st. clock. Basketball Loop Y' borough 10 2 Zimmerman 0 0 .35—Ron Brown (P) d. Jack Foster, With Jack Kavanagh (97) and Slmmona 0 1 1 Rrown 0' 0 0-0. A check Friday night before RED BANK — The Tigers, McLa'horn 10 2 Moore 0 0 .10—Andy Grlgnon (S) won by forfeit. Carl Isbrandtsen (114) winning Romos 0 0 .47—Carlos Fontanez (S) p. l>ave Rauh, game with Poquosen showed tha by pins and Chris Murphy (105) Yellowjackets and Thunderbolts i:oo: 1st. it took the clock 74 seconds to tick 1 13 >0—Orlando Fontanez (S) p. Jim r»all, gaining a decision, Rumson-F.H. all won their gameI s last week to 3 0 1:00, 1st. off a 60-second minute. Thu: Imperial jumped off to a 13-0 lead after Vpllow Jackets <8> Dafcotfas (4) »7—Jack Haynea (PJ p. Rich Dubrow. games at James Blair had beei remain undefeated in the Parks a F p O F P sky, 1:46, 1st. the first three bouts, but. Shore o u u Jeffernon 0 0 7—Bob Sweettnan (P), d. Steve Arm- lasting nearly 40 minutes insteai IS WALLACE ST. won six of the next nine events, and Recreation Department's fifth ooo OnuEchak 0 0 strong, 2-1. ooo Carter 0 0 rnl.—George Evans. (S) p. John Eva, of J2. and sixth grade boy's basketball :38, 1st. presents its 747-2237 - 4 one by forfeit, and gained a draw 3 0 Brown 0 0 They got another clock for thi Fields 0 0 0 Graves 0 O in another to take the victory. league. roccicelll 0 0 0 Claella 2 0 Tomi Itlur (45) — Cenlntl Bet. (3) Poquoson game. Lucky for P<. Alleood Edwards 0 0 97—Ron Trenery (TR) d. Chuck Daro-I In the first game, the Tigers Ramos O 0 la, 5-2. quoson, too, for even a genuini downed the Hawks, 13-8. Vinnie 15—Pat Belna (TH) won [orteit. 32 minutes seemed interminabl credentials 0 4 4-Sklp Costa (TR) d. Ty Carr, 4-2. AUTOMOTIVE Talerico tallied eight points for 22—Jay Kllpatrlck (TR) d. Roger to the visitors. James Blair won the winners, all on jump shots ThunderboltK (12) I Warrlori (2) Reaves, 33-0. 103-38. O P PI G FP 29—Tom Pavu (TR) d. Mike Byano- from the corner. Teddy Taylor, Butler 0 0 vltl, :51, 3d. COLFAX, Wash. — St. Joh; had four points to lead the S. Hill 0 0 15—Wayne Bush (TR) d. Steve La- finally defeated Colfax 60-58 in IMPERIAL Hill 1 Smith 0 0 Ratos, 4-0. Hawks. B. Carter 1 J.M'L'Jiorn 9 0 10—Bill Sorrenlno (TR) p. Jim RDbert- high school basketball game ovei ^.Jefferson 1 Williams 0 0 ron, :57, 3d. Diagnostic Center With Darris Gooding tallying Melbourne OOO I7-Kca Leone (TR) d. Ed Grant, 6-2. the weekend that: Jackson 0 (I ! six poinfs, the Yellowjackets Swanaon OOO Sakowilz 0 0 0 1—Tom Maauhr (CR) d. RUSB Eitel, Rogers 1 8-7. —Went four overtimes. edged the Dakotas, 8-4. Anthonyi B.Yb'ough ooo 17—Paul Hazlllt (TO) p. Dave Burke, Have your car tested Ciaglia scored all of the loser's :25, 1st. —Was halted four times by lighi HIRAM WALKER 6 0 12 I 1 o "i 7—Bruce Chamheati (TR) p. Brandt failure. , points. STANDINGS Orat, 1:45, 1st. w il Jay Welsa (TK) p. Monnle Cocci, —Was halted once by clock am In the final game, the Thunder- 1:53, 3d. electronically on Thunderbolts _ _ _ 2 Iscoreboard failure. bolts overpowered the Warriors, 'ellowjachets 'IRera ..._ _..._ „ HlIItSDAY NIGHT HANDICAPFERS —Was halted once, in the fourtl 12-2. Kenny Credle scored six Varrlors ...-...»...... _..„.„.._ MludlctowQ Lanes our indoor markers to pace the winners W overtime, by a fire alarm. 'ink's Market 43 iburban Improvements 41 And did everyone then get oul •ystlc Restaurant 40 safely: road... artlnl'a Diner 38i£ 'arold's Sunoco , 36 "Get out?" chuckled Colfax Genealogy: srrace Ine; _ 35 Coach Rich McConnell. "Nobod; Hiram Walker & Sons Tirad of spending money for neediest repairs ? Let imeiaon Builders .. . „ 2714 rah Mauer Studios v .27 moved. They weren't going ui test your car in gear on our dynamometer under Character: road driving conditions. With our latest electronic Salt-Calcium 86 Proof test equipment we can diagnose your trouble ac- curately and fast. TEST DON'T GUESS 1 YOU HAVE 'TIL Ttek: Smooth • • IGNITION • CARBURETOR a TUNE-UP Chloride TON LOTS OR BAGS FEB. 10th References: call today for a complete WHOLESALE OR RETAIL / to go to Finf Marcfianli National and op«n a livings Knowledgeable People ENGINE ANALYSIS account that will start earning interest from February 1st. 747-0128 Interest on Passbook Savings Prut: 4.40 %Q»- 2.79 Km 314%O Accounts 4% InUrttt til IS-mHihi ttma ctrtlfleata »vall>t>!» m any d>t Atbury Park _ IIEHKDWHISKEV • II PROOF • ]«X STRJUGHIWHISKHS • |ffi 0MIK HEUIUl SPIRITS Douglas Electric Co. LA WES Fair Haven • Holmdtl Red Bank HUN W1UURI SOUS WE. K0M. IUIWIS SYCAMORE AVE. SHREWSBURY North Ashiry park Mancunian • BrUlla 35 E. FRONT ST. • Coin Nick 741-6300 Member Federal Reserve System/Feaerol RED BANK Detwsll Insuranca Corp. APASTMENTS HEI-P WANTEIMFEMALE HELPWANTED-MALE MEKCHANDISE WANTED THE DAILY REGISTER AUTOS FOR SALE SALE rot SAIE TOP DQLUB. - JW SICELT nnunsflm li«J CORVAIK, Horax coupe, auto _ ..^~~ taanmtr* LDA AL'S YOUR MAN main or 12-TwatUy, February 2, 19651*63 CHEVY Jl. WOMIH. AUTO SALESMEN 12} tnlu. tnsUJee, eauleo. SBBII ted three roomj and ,17». MCAlUtoJ mult tit*S. U*CAX21» Cbirrtlet. »!• otfctton, iu cv&fUA 9*1 tor* ~~l"^m. ilso em Uaa. Wt-aTM4I710. m, lltt : UA be&tcr. Call lor app USXD CABi t Al Ho»tU caa utli&aU a t ost*, "««Sf« I QJt of K»» J«f«*r. Ur* win Halt ts et»Dtnt we tarn teirevsmwrt in BUT urn t*ix occui>oie7. Do ANNOUNCEMENTS urn vouotAa —• 3t,«» miles. tgetUM «Utn «Hert»Ur Va OLXI pm BlBk. 7«1*7P» TRVCKS FOR SALE KTTB&8 WAWTEZJ t»o tin win *ne «4*<>!wri AST 'AOt akUJBXVKM IsxeUent amdltton. ecu to atrtlu tt riek. U—i cu *» ud low pn(*», krrunt m L, KJJA. MMtrift tai » * a. COMMEEOAJ. KENTAU LOST fc FOUND ru-sun Call certeM* or otli«r (Una MM in»nt ThU ij the tuat «t U« LOOIOIO »0RR A IPSCIAX. TTRUCat- .Q7-UM badMttaund ^awntlftl U«JMC»- rheo r«* Mve money. rout GUITAR — Citialc flat top, ISM ANULIA — Ttree months 044, Fof a >|>|*da* i InkIk?? LM m. blbelll joit merit coos*ra*at with eouiw- BUILDING - LOST — Com., tstnals, sable nut tvo year guarantee, radio and neater. Call StaStaaa , W lim &MAKTNG whiteHlt , wcinttnlnltyy —Ot_t HIH., nddletowtt tent ftd?«rUaiag am main* PROWN'S tOxlOO, iale or leaae. RasonaMa. »p»i 1,300. 671-1671. 1652 FOBD PANEL TRUCK — 28,323 Fruuay, »S. Ulna lane stock a cholca lor any bualnesa, CaU 872-1773 alter 11 £2 Anterens to name or Lucky. No collar. 747J1S5 on Apply onlr If r« ha»« Broad BL Retf Bull. flANOS UKI musical laatrumenu 1MI CHEVROLET Bel Air, tuaa. mU«. Nteds a lltui work. Pleax make wanted. H. Tennr, 305 Main St, Lako- t.m. daily. * >tfer. Call 7)1-0404. 0U8XW0RKBR — Or CQok-waUreas. amMtton and ability to urn ALX OVEN — Hot pIMM, IT caDiut. wood. 3SJ-J1W , Automatic I15B. ttcCARthj Chevrolet. SomforUhle room and hath, lire In re- J15.0CO and up y«»rlj. For call OFFICE SPACE PUBLIC NOTICES 291-1101. WE ARE "SNOWVERaTOCKID"—With mind. No others apply. Permanent. Inlervlsw appointment uk for med trucks. Take, advarMI. of our .efenneea. m-om Mi. News. 2M-718*. 1963 CHEVROLET — Super aport con- mld-wlnttr prices. tUDEABSD — Simmons^ double, gray PETS & UVESTOCK NEED RIDE vertible, 377 engine. ¥our*tptetl, posl 1»55 Dodge aa/f Ion pickup. weed; babr eqiipmnt, eicclltnt con 11 PHONE 741-4700 to Itlddletown High School. afternoon traction, 23,000 miles. Very clean. OBI 1S53 Itetro S'6 wilklu. ltlon. Call fOl-taM after 7 p.m. TRAIN YOUR DOG session at noon dan; (mis vicinity owner. Call after 5 p.m. 747-5776. 1957 International lt>' van. Cherry Tree Farm and Morford Roads PARTS MAN — No experience necu •IAH0 — Console, co« H.OOOi Uust UAYBUORI COMPANION DCM3 CLUB U58 Chevy »' rack. ARTIST ry. App'v Aabury Park—New York .HI S465 or beat offer. Call 717- The Oaks p 'YoTi ARE 1NTBRB3TED—In a to eiehang* for ride home. {Parent 1962 TEMPEST LE MJUN8 — Power 1359 Irrternfltlonal one-ton dump. •arjil Carp, 147 8. Main Bt., Neptune. Obedlenca ciasa tUrta Feormry 3£ brand new modern olflce space, well driving) Call 141-0010 ext S», during steering. Air conditioning. fl.291. Me I960 Metro i:'7" walk-In. Experienced In fuhton layout! tor .881 / day. YOI.NO MAN (over 21) needM for located in tne center ol Bed Bant son- CAHUiv Chevrolet. 291-1101. 1561 Cilery Corvalr pickup. large shore area department store. et;WlUT£K& AUU1N0 macilnii »cl us lor lurther lnlormatlon. THE 1562 Scout 4i4. B«nd resume to "B.B.", Box Ml, lull time position, nQuirins aome mB makes new or used.' Ouarasteea. AKC DACHBHt/NO PUP — F«m«la 1968 HILLMAfl MINX — Deluxe con For a real toad deal call Stan. 747-0787. Red Bink. hanlcal ability. XDtelllsence and will w u |2& Berpieo's. 101 Ifonmouth Tbree months, permanent shots, paper TRAVEL - TRANSPORTATION vcrtlble Excellent condition, dean, lov M. SCHWARTZ & SONS, Red Bank, ingness to work a mast. Call 229-U14 Nut to metier. TIT-MSS. trained. Reduced lor clearance. T41- mileage. JIM. 741-3344. for appointment between 10 a.ra. and B2tM after » wn and weekenda. SUBLEASE OFFICE SPACE TWO CHEVROLET TRUCKS—One half VVL LENGTH, LET OUT IIUSKRAT Leaae runs to March of IM* MOT avail- RIDS WANTED Irom Mala 8t., Ocean- 196! FOUR-DOOR DODGE DART - p.m. ' able Immediately. Modern air com) - port to Holmdel Bendii riant and re- ton. 1952 pickup, $75. 1957 pickup, J700. x»U coloring mink. sfio. stae IS. oa&(UCKUAN 6HXPHERD rUPPIES—AKC 25,000 miles, one owner, Hcritlce. H9- Call 787-0384 alter 5:30 p.m. — Must b« *bl MACHIWBT FJR8T-CLASS 87-OKO anytlnlt reilMered, eicellsnt Mood lines, MIVY Soned newly decorated offle. of £oul- turn, the nlgfcU a week. 11 p.m303. 7 or Z2J-9069. P« well, GeneraJ duties with advance- BET UP AND OPERATE LATHE AND toSwi. males, nine weeks. W-OBM. ible Ufe. Any reasonable offer. Call ttroajh 7 a.m. ahllt. Call &42-3183, ieat. DJ.VJBNPORT Personnel Services IILUIIO MACHINE. MONUOUTH ± B.7580. Alt for Mr. Nebb. 1962 C0RVA1R, four-door automatii ELXCTRIG CO., INC.. 1809 CORLLE3 D Y K "OODLES — Beautiful tiny miniature*, McCARthy Chevrolet. 11.095. AUTO PARTS-REPAIRS , 77 Broad St., Rsd Bank. 74T-3355. >ld you know Frown'i baa Venetian DESIRABLE RIVER FRONT julte- 291-1101. AVE NEPTUNE. N. 1. AN EQUAL silver, black, miles, 10 weeks old. AUTOMOTIVE AAMCO AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYBR, iluida in itoek from H" to 47" wide* cnAmplon pedigree, AKC, 5^4^8149 lSfiret floor In IhejTuller Building. 1962 VOLKSWAGEN — One owner, Low — 809 Railroad Ave, Asbury Para NURSE (RN) teel bllnda as low at 2 (or 19.50. Call 747-2440. • AUTOS FOR SALE mlleagt. Call 747-0804 alter fiETIRED OBNTLEMAK — In •llUe*, Free towlci. 7JI-6800. tours 4 P.m. to 12:30 a.ra. Prefer light work and companionship in ex- PROWN'S 5 p.m. Industrial nursing, but will consider REAL ESTATE FOR RENT IMS VOLKSWAGEN — Convertible. change Tor room sutd board. 787-1489. Broad Bt. Red Bank 7(1-7500 HOUSES FOR BENT 1955 FORD SEDAN — Good tires, ra- other related experience auch u emtr- APARTMENTS dio and heater. One owner. $100. Cal BOATS AND ACCESSORIES gency room or public health. COAL OR FUEL OIL TRUCK DRIVER OPA — 70" Lawson, tout, two seta JM to »175 Per Month MeCARttiy Chevrolet. 231-1101 after 1 p.m. 264-065O. wanted. Slocum Fuel Co., 374 Broad- Up covers, excellent condition. S5U. 'ay. Long Branch, 2294026. 17-3431. THREI LAROI1 ROOMS — And bltb. THE BERO AQENCV 1963 FORD Qalaxle. M.ilOO milei. Ej 1963 CHEVROLET Irapala, convertible. — a' Delanjr «klH. Bull freshly decomted, one or two persons eellent condition. Two-door hardtop. S20S5. SlcCABthy Chevrolet. In 1557. 103 Gray marine motor. Call CLERK-TYPIST [WO round limed oak end tables,only By appointment only, Hlddletowa S111O0O Mint green, whltewalls, discs, tinted 717-1154 after 6 p.m. ROUTE MEN ery heavy: regulation pool table, 9' glass, radio. Standard transmission with 291-1101. 'ermanent Inlerestine work, houra 8 I FULL AND PART-TIME STEADY ». (47-4S6S. WIDE SELECTION OF RENTALS,- MUN.ST0N MARINE RADIO — 35 watt, 1:30. Uuat be jood typist (prefer at ild books. 7$l-444a Furnished and unfurnished. Imniedl- over-drive. Full price 11595 or take 1984 PLYMOUTH — Four-door seda east 90 w. p,m. > Able to handle detailed YEAR-ROUND WORK. NO LAYOPFB, THRGfi R0OUB — And bath, furnished. over payments. 291-1233. Fully equipped. Heavy duty transmis four-haqda. Call 84W313 alter a or 102. CAR AND PHONE REQUIRED Wallace St.. Red Bank. *Si ile occupancy. SAMUEL TBICH1CR anytime on weekends. derical work, phones. CALL 4G2-1074. DRIVE MARKERS 741-9500 AOENCY. Oceanport Ave., -Oceanport. 1858 METROPOLITAN sion. 10,000 miles. 50 East Garfle Belore snow falls, muk your drive CaH 741-5761 Ave., Atlantic Highlands. MEAD ICE BOAT — Good condition. These positions offer good atartlng ROUTE SALESMAN EXPERIENCED— war With sturdy wood drive way RED BAXK - Brancn and UadUon between 6 and 7 p.m. 196* CHEVY" U — Nova two-door hard Call nalarles and liberal benefits. Thny at> For established route la Central New marker*, 80" Ion*. Only IO« each ID Avfc. spacious aa* anl two-bedroom WINTER and year round notall. top. Automatic, like new. KI 1-4330 located In our new plant and offe; Jeney, must be young, married and bargain basement mrden uartmtnt. Apply apt. 14, Holly SI WU.T8HIRK AQBHCV, Realtors. 1959 WHITE BOrWEVILLE—Four-dooi modern worklnz conditions. Interview wiuiig to wort hard lor juaranteed ntchH Vlllan Court or call Mr. Sam >nen seven days. 1480 Ocean Are., hardtop, all power, push button, per. McCARthy Chevrolet 231-11' CLASS C AND CLASS D stem steering RED BANK LUMBER «alf-rl«ged loe yachtt. Like new. A - appointmenTonly. CaH 2M-8T0O. aalary against Ubml commlaslon, Lomaaio, Hl-tUt, OafsSe,a J^aejlj***Brllfat- vm—. —.!-•»812-0004. . Met condition, best oner. Weekdays- att- 1962 0LOBM0BILE 88 — Complete!: Comer Pearl and WaJ] Red Bank Iceboat Clubhouse, Ft. Union SL, Sat- many benefits tnciudiiiK paid vacation BIOHLANDS — ad-room turUshed stu- FOUn-BBDROOM bl Isrel Colonial. ar 4:», W-4693. equipped, 38,000 miles, $1,990 or br urdays and Sundays. *15O aad f2!X. and nowitalliaUon .For Interview IH Tin Low Overhead Lumb«r Tard cornel lot, built-up pool, two-car «a- offer. Call 842-0878. dio apartment private bull, tloee to IBM CHEVY II. coupe. «IS*. Like now. Mr. CoodseU. at Mollj Pitcher Inn, ITALIAN HARMONIUM ACCORDION rort Hancock and Hl[hlanils Air Force rsK. llvii room, dlflnl room, kitchen MARINE, SUPPLIES MATTEL INC. Wednesday 9 to 12 and 1 to 6 p.m. Sn ltt baths, laundry room. WU1 1MUKW ag 1957 VOLKSWAGEN — Excellent cot Jrrerythlng tor the Boatman. New Jer- Equal opportunity employer. Or call - Beat otter. CaU after 4:30 p.m.Base. All utllltlea supplied. 872-0541. dillon. *600. Call 's largeit marine supply bouse, 12-3322. dtcoratf to suit. Ron! UTJ. per monlh. 741-93S3. appointment, 025-6811. WATERFRONT APARTMENT3 - Kew CaU K1-J8SJ between 2-J or alter « p-»- TAULT PEUOKOT U.O, Evinruie Sales and Service TOY MAKERS ••OOh TABLE — Regulation llza, lllte 'hree-room furnished sanleii apart- AUSTIN HBALEV - SPRITE 1961 CHEVROLET, Impala, wagon. THE BOATMAN'S SHOP SALESMAN ~- Experienced furnishings op, all new cloth, S450. meots Puttoa, air coadltlonlnx and TV.ONK-BEDSOOU HOUBB - Full cellar UONlfOUTH MOTORS $1155. McCARthy Chevrolet. Wharf Ave. 741-9780 Red Bank U. 3J Holmdel, N. salesman. Full time- Apply In person. Weekly monthly rates. NAUTILUS al 1U Thomas St.. Bellord. Rent H00 Hwy. » M2-W1I Eatontowi 291-1101. Bond Clothes, Monmouth Shopping On- pliia utilities. Call T87-48O6. ICEBOAT — Class C, food condition. 'OOLWORTH'S REMODELING - p EWt APARTMENTS Dial 842-O5O5. PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 1963 — AlCORVETTE — 1962, clean, 350 h.p. Ci Icallons now being taken for expert- MAHOGANY MOLDINGS KATONTOWN - Freshly painted six- 741-3287 need walt-eaa Exeeilciil hcreftls -i:iti UNO JAWKS - A fen 3U room powered, sir conditioned, radio, heater, four speed, S2.575. Will trade. 'orklngr conditions. Apply F. W. Woo]' SUPERINTENDENT 'nfinished to match your luan paneling nits left Furnished oi unfurnished. room house with three bedrooms, plpe- white walla, new mow tlrps. wnrraity 222-2746. AUXILIARY SAIL BOAT — 3O'«22:i9'. - we have litem Is stock tor ImJroadloom carpet upstairs apartments. less oat air oil tired heal, convenient •orth Co.. 5? Broiid St., Red Bank. Couple to tnke care of new 72-unit gar- nediate pick-up. to shopping, schools and bus line, one •till In effect. Sacrifice fi 595. 222-1821. 1955 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD Designed liy Phil Rhodes. HutU by den apartment in Matawan. Mual bf From Ho3 incliidea heat, liot water, Jerolman Boat Works, 1936. Two bunks, IOUSEKEEPER -- Five flays Inclucl.n air conditioner. Full balcony or patio. year or longer lease unfumlahed at 195S FORD - Slick shift, (99. M7- I Call 747-1551 or experienced. Apartment plus salary RED BANK LUMBER 50. call S42-0152. CARlhy cnevrolet. 747-0729 cenlerboarcl. Listed in Lloyd's Register laturday, .three young children, refer Good opportunity (or right couple. Fo: Momonal Drive, Atlantic Highlands. under "South Wind." Four-cylinder Un- ;nces. own traasiwrtiilloii. 7U-735ti. lorner Peart ami Wall Sts.. Red Ban 11-0770. • ilMBDLVTE OCCUPANCY — Large 291-1101 19(M RAMBLER AMERICAN convei Information call MU 7-2TOO between 1( 711-5500 iversal. Alay be seen at Rumson IURSE — Registered, staff, 3:30 toa.m. and 5 p.m. Evenings 7:30 to 1< The iaw overhe*-Am_ JUR1! FARROW AQENCy. IM Broad YOUNG MAK-ai or over, ambitious, llnettft i«a at loweit prices. Uonmouth [47-WM. • SI., Red Bank. 7414450 mile*. Very good shape. 11,100 firm, 1958 VOLKSWAGEN ~- Two-door, goo BTBERGLAS DINOHY — Coi'un mod io*d soop« of professional activities, high school graduate with cur. Will) EATONTOWN — One-bedroom apart- to ( call 741-9739. condition, WM. Call el. Complett with oars. Price *"5. Call 'or appointment call 671-0177. dinette Co., 116 - Monmouth St, Red BBA BRQUT — Two-bedroom bouse, 747-36S3. to learn small-loan business and ad- Jink. 741-8833. ment, unlumlshed, second floor, neat THTJNDIRKRD — 1955 Classic, on 747-2765. IOUSEKEEPER — Must know how t vance rapidly. Mo experience neces- tramportallon. W5. 747-8384. wo baths, centrally heated, furnished, ia.ryi only wWlagntss to work. Inquire FOU« miSSTONE — Safaly Charop- immeiliale occupancy, available until owner car In showroom condition, rea- 1981 T-BIRD — Excellent meonani' SAILBOAT — Turnabout elaaa. Com- ook. May live m if desired. Call 29Z- TWO-ROOM APARTMENT — All utlll' sonable. 77V821» after 6 p.m. condition, asking; $1,650, Call plete with dacron aall. Price $X0. Call lin Jlr. Tuocl. Btn*(iciAl Flr»anc« Co., 2X i tlrei-, 710x15. Call 7I1-WO4 aflor June 1. W> Includes all otlllUU. 71?- 7I7-I8S1. Broad St, Red Bank. 741-9020. p.m. ties, parkins* space. 81 Shrewabury Ave 1S58. IMS OLDOMOB1LK 88. Twonloor, tar 747-37GS. Red Bank. * INSURANCE CAREER OPENINGS — SMALL COTTAGE — Furnished. Open top. power steering. 12.095. JAOUAR—XKE 1981 coupe 8,000 miles, OPERATORS USE YOUR PHONE PORT MONMOUTH — Modern three- JIcCAMiy Oieviolet 291-1101 excellent condition, definitely MUST In nutomoblle, homeowner, lire, lite, fireplace. Reasonable monthly rental, SELL Best offer. 222-8017. STORAGE AND SERVICE swing machine operators to work on hospitsllwitlon, etc. Will train, full oi SAVE YOUR FEET room apartment. Unfurnished, nil elec- •allable now to July L M1-00M- 1KB PONTIAC - Bonnevllle Matlon dies coats and toppers. Shore Coat part time. Call M2-17Q0. tric home. Conveniently located. Hwy, wagon. Immaculate, 13,000 miles, many I960 CHEVROLET — Parkwood wagor SUP RENTALS — Boatt to 35'. Float- K. Inc., 22 Bridge Ave., Red Bank. Ihop by ptoae &nd use out free dc 58. »7o. 64B4163» or 2518733 srattlORS AVE - Four mile* from extras. Sacrifice B.70O. 741-5455. automatic. $991 McCARthy Chevrol«l Ins docks with water and electricity. iisner Building) EXPERIENCED boat cwpenter. Also I very. Almost 40 years or service inr Km! Bank, spacious living roam, three 291-1101. experienced painter ind reflnisher, Hi going «tron|! Call now! TERRACE APAHTMEKTS — Red Bank bedroon.*. modern kitchen, two tiled . 1987 CADILLAC—Four-door hardtop ae- Coaat Yacht Works. U6 Bodman PI. ASSISTANT MANAGER — For ladies*, Sandy Hook Bay Marina, Highlmda. 3\i, 1% and 5 room apartments. Im- baths, larga baaement. M2-8183. dan DeViUe. Excellent condition. Motor 1957 CORVETTE — Two tops, 245 &• Red Bank. One hlocH East ol HWT. men's specialty shop in Monmouth 8T2-J450.' call between 8:30 and 4. PROWN'S medtata occupancy, and February i oc- wise and all, A-l. If interested, cal Original mileage. Interior and painl 35 Bridie, Red Bank. 741-4338. bopping Center. Person with strong cupancy. 741-48M. HAZLET — Four bedrooms, two baths 787-1620. If no answer, 787-2209. Mint condition. 775-8M9 after 8 p.m. piling ability and capable of assuming BUTCHER — Steady position for a Broad St. Ked Bank 741-7901 JnlU an per month. Option buy. espoasibttity. Excellent salary. LERH- responsible person. Excellent working OFA BED — (Kroehler), jray, red UNFURNISHED APARTMENT ^ Move In today, movs out, or buy June 1963 VOLKSWAGEN — Red, sun roof, (958 FORD STATION WAGON—Crulfl BUSINESS NOTICES m SHOPS. conditions. Also man for counter work Up covers. $35. Three rooms and bath. $105 per month. It. CaJI CO 4-1994. snow tires, radio, perfect condition, O-Matic. Interceplor engine. 5225 on Saturdays. Sab«tos Pork Store. M2-J7U Ineludtat heat. DOWSTEA AOENCV, »I,30O. Or but oner. 747-3089. beet offer. Call 264-2871. CLERK — Experienced, refer- Red Bant 741-8700. NK FAMILY HOUSE - Six rooms. SLATE * BUYER Wi. Matawan Druffa. 7S7-9119. I improvements, newlydecorafed, MM •"• 1962 WHITE THUNDERBIRD - Hard- OPEL — I960 wo-dooi- ffedsn, gooa Painting — General ccntntctlne POLYETHYLENE EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS — »100 ontiilv Ealonlown. 84M1M. top. Escellent bur at JLtSO. Call 8i2- condition. Ideal commuter transpor- 741-4JM 787-0316 a cleaj pliable iheoL plistic ,00 monutly. Booms, |M weekly, maid 0315. tation. 666-7471. rOOLWORTH'S REMODBUNO — Ap FURNITURE REFiNISHER thick and Ii uied lor all kinds ol service TV, Indoor pool, TradevflndJ HOUSE — Four rooma and bath, sun UJCOMB TAX RETURNS — Prepared llcatlona for experience personnel rlnter tnclosurta, (Porches, boat eov- Mote], 13S3 Ocean Ave., Baa Brlrnt. porch, M S. River Bt, Red Bank, J560 CHEVROLET. Impala hardtop. 19«3 OLDSHOBILE, Cutlass coupe. si your home or business. Reasonable EXPERIENCED nhode Mr. J»y, 747-0489 between 5 and edert in various departments tnciud rt, and larie ooverlni johs>. It1 comes FURNI3HED — Threa large r, J1094 McCARthy Chevrolet. Beautiful Car, automatic. McCABthy rates. Monthly or quarterly accounting n& houaeholi. waging apparel, dr»> ID rolli CiW. S3-5O aa.; S'xlOO . U9& • p.m. S91-U01. Chevrolet. 291-110t tarvlce* 741-2682. Many company benefits, tncludlnj baUl, leparate enuartce, 130 Wilson >ry. pet auj>plJes toys, notions, shoes. *a.; S-ilW1, ^9.30 ea-; IX*x 100', I9.W '.ve., Port Moomoulb. TS7.1489. JI1DDLETOWN —Pine area, near Red Vages aecordiof to experience and profit ahaxlDC, noapltallsaXlOD, group ta.; lS-xioo . *13.» ea.; wx\w, «H6 Bank, four-bedroom ranch. Immediate AUTOS FOR SALE CARPENTRY bllity Apply F. W. Woolworth Co. liuurance, paid vacation, amployea ML ID stock at LOCATED IN REI) BANK - Three oocupancy for quallrlfld teoajit with AUTOS FOR SALE Dormers. Additions. Alterations. Mod- Broad St., Red Bank. discounts. Apply personnel depart- rooma wllh all utllltlea. Near bus andgood credit relerences. 11110 per month. ernize kitchens, balh9, ceramic tile, ment Bears Roebuck * Company, RED BANK LUMBER train. 741-Z37J. LAWLEY AOENCY, Realtors. 741-6»i. etc Stanley OgonowaU. 787-0636. OMAN — To train for positloa ol 1500 Hwy. 35, MMdlrtown. Oomer P«ar. and Wall, Rei Bank. islstant houselteep«r, excellent career 7U-W0G RUMSON GARAQE APARTSiBNT - LARGE HOUSE — 714 rooms, entrance HAVB TRUCK WO!. TRAVEL ?portunity, re<]utia high school rilpto- Tie [jow Overhead Lumber Yard Three rooms and bath. Unlumlihed. ^aJI, laundry room, cellar, garage, at-> Llebt hauling, clean up jobs, handyman, a. supervisory experience helpful, 3H0E BALSSUAN Call 842-B'I- ' tic. Available March 1. 264-IKta. One of our prime objectives cellars, attics and s&racea cleaned. atrtirulng; education otfered and re- 21 or over, apply «gA HIUOHT — Klve ronms. unlur- WATERFRONT PROPERTY — In Uontnouth Service Co. 7S7-2890. lulretl. TOT interview »ppolrv(ment, call THOM McAN. Red Bank RENT A TV nlshed, JSO per month. Call lersonnel Uonmontlk Medical Center. 741-1144 Oceanport. seven-room house. 11H per is to maintain •IREPLACES A SPBCIAWTX — All 122-5200, ext. 231. OPEJNIN'O NEW TERRirORY ftmble dai week. BAY8H0RB TV, month. Call «(ter live. 711-ma. types of masonry. CHARLEB HOWEa Kxclllnf cajeer In sales counclllng It Church St., Keaniburt. 7J7-U0O. NKW IJUPUSX — Five rooms plus Contractor. Call 747-1479. XPBRIENCED NURSE'S AIDES — with managemeint opportunity. Central 11OL&1U&L — Two bedrooroj, living Jersey la the market. College graduate, 1OLD — OvsL heatproof ta)>lepad. full basement, iocatud In Long Brancli room, dining room, Bunporch, fun base- ADDITIONS, REMODELING AND AL- 'ay and evening shirts. Apjdy in perso Qx44. One exlra leaf, very [ooa con-IKI-3413. ment. Two adulu only. Slto per month, Ultop Private Nursing Kom« Inc., owner ol business or someone will lltlon. 741-4KH. PUBLIC CONFIDENCE TERATIONS OF ALL KINDS. EASY ^i Highway, Mldriletown. saJes experience. Should be 30 to 43. RUMSON — Excellent one year lease. Walking distance of PAYMENTS ARRANOED. CALL RAY. No travel. We will pay as hlfh « IK6TINQH0USE — 2!" floor model un-furnlshea apartment, -rood location, Bell Labe. Call »71-2»O4 or (7J-U7I. UOND BOECKBL. 741-2382. IOU8EKEEPER-COOK — Five In fam- ET90 monthly to th« man that quaJlflea. .V. But offer over (40. wo-tn seeing, adiilla only. S52.1M1 Occu[>a»ioy immedlute. through ly, must like cftfidren, rteep In, owe tD ROOFING — UUtera and lead- Days 549-7573. evenings, U7-O131. oW-TsTT NBW — Flve^room brick front house )rs. FTet estimates, 10.year suaxintee. oom, bath, TV, must hav« nlerences. EATONTOWN — Two-bedroom rood salary to start 7U-5918- U noBALS33 TRAINEE - Long Branch of* aparu^nv CWI^^ with attached garage, flfio monthly, 'tT-9741. .talr Have* nswer call 741-C988. Ocs of New York Corporation, requires adults only. WU1 MU U tenm axe SATISFACTORY CLEAN CELLARS. YARDS, GAP-AOO two bright young men, to cover shore HAMMOND agreeable. W-30M. 'ELBPHONB SOLICITOR — Call from RUMSON — Furnished three-bedroom - Hare truck. L)|tt haullns. CaU after area, M00 per month, driver's license, HIOIILAND3 -~ Pour bedrooms, large I I.m. T41-U49. your home 7 to 9 p-m. No selling. no experience necessary, ai six w«k •Mrtmeni, utllltlei included, $120 per (alary plus commission. CaH between training program ts required. CaU Mr. month. AvalUhJft lmn.tdla.ttiy. 8<2276L dining and living room, flnlalxd attlo CUSTOMER RELATIONS HANDYMAN—Plumbing and electrical and 3 Wednesday, M&-7575. Dunn, 22&2&a ORGAN and basement. Pier tacllltlet for boats. York, tainting, etc. Reasonable. 222- Boaitflful ptuioramlc view porch over- H87. JAILE8GDU. — Must have sales ex- OF ASBURY PARK looking river and ocean. Ready Feb. • » • • perience. Personable person. BaUvrc MAN COUNTRY CLUB li. Call after 11 a-m. 8721771 TAX RaTtUBNS PREPARED — Vot SO. DAVKNFORT Personnel Services. Bsjsxv 9M0 tih sUlt. Work lor large TRI LARaEST ORQAN AND P1ANC tndrvUUuls tnr eiperleaead aect—'—' , 7T Bto*d St., RM Baa*. TI7-3MS. He* Tort firm wttb MS>I> esubllshid Ai'AJlTMKUm * 8WIX CL.UB FAIR HAVBN — Three bedroom, 114- THIS IS MY PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY rsnuier wttb Mini mad stue Hrf Jersey ofnoet, AsslM mene4nr DIBPLAY m THE SHORE AMU- TINTON AVE. bath modem kitchen, fireplace. Oonveo- tlons. IS most returns. D. EAR OUT THIS AD, and ma« wttl and superYlalon o( 33 women. Mils NEW AND'USED lent location. Immediate occupancy. 560-733). lame, address for big box of horn possess si conjenls.1 personsllty. For In 7U-&SS5. TO YOU ... OUR .CUSTOMERS. needs and cosmetics for Free Trial teMow call Hlllcrcit 2 tM9. Ml> Use. our rental-purchase plan 9w i mm In t In your own p rival* awli PAINTING — Exterior and Inlerlo !o test In your home. Tell your friends, Devenroit. dub right on tlia sile . . . onlr znlnuio BUNGALOW — four ••rooms and bath, Retaon&bl» ratci. Call 747-3167 or T4' make money. Hush mime. Bt»AIR for plinos and oriana. away Irom oceaa buthtng, while ianij quiet surroundings, • M C. ftlver 81.. STSfi. t, 753BA3, Lynchburtf. Va. RETUUED BU>Eni.r MAN - Room From $12 ptr Month beacliaa, boat Int. ilshtng and M an m out I Red Bank. Phons Mr. Jay, 74T44I8 be- am! board. To be ntffht man In hotti. Open dally til 9 p.m. 8at. Ill Q p.rn ibopiilni Cenier . , . one block froii tween f> and fl 11. m. WOMAN. PAJVr-TlME — Pleasant sur Ulrticn, Job. CaU 81MJT3 alter 11 a.m the Wesl O»te ot Fort Monmouth . . . EMPLOYMENT roundlngs in Long Branch office. 4 todally. Corner or. llaln St. k MitUaoo Av- within walking distance ot eipnia p.m. iiamlllng telephone. Sirs. FletcJv PR 5-9300 IJUSM to Newark anil New York City. FURNISHED ROOMS HELP WANTEO-FEMALE . 222-2590. SALES TRAINEE — Some college cle- • ALL— Bltclrie kitchens with O alled. Some aalea baCKfiraund In act-FIREPLACE WOOD - Cut, spill and rang*. GE reFrlgeratoi. GE ALB CON- COOK-GENERAL HOUSEWORKEH — vertlalns preferred or with lnlattva and delivered. US for rt eord. RED BA.NK — PrlvatB entrance, slttlnf Uvo in, nice quartera, TV, muat like DITIONING. Ample off-street light* room, kitchen rlvilegel. Inqulra is THOMAS E. EXPERIENCED BEAUTY OPBRATO1 wUHnk to learn. Salary draw, DAVEN- parking ar«ai. t with loiiovlni. Contact Mr. Frank children, recent references required, PORT Personnel Services, Mnc, 77 1'clen PL 222-SM8. 747-3749 LYTTLE Broad St., Red Bank. 747MJ1 SHOPPING PRICES? 3H-R0OM APAHTUE^JTS ROOMS - OR season, ram nun HO GBT CHRISTMAS BILLS off you: MEN Buy at contractor prices on pick-ups lUNK-UEDHUOM) per month and up. Heated, dally mala President mind. A few opening! mvallable. We LABOB NATIONALLY KNOWN COM- )t building material tt Rid Bank Lum- UJ2 MONTH tervlce. New York but stop at comer. train you to show Avon Cosmetics. SWITCHBOARD PANT WILL INTERVIEW MEN ATMr, tl» low overhead lumber y»rd. Alpine Manor Hotel Hwy 38, HlfUanda, For Interview call 741-4343 or write THE NEW JERSEY STATE EMPLOY. 4W-R0OM APARTMENT 175-1771 lln. Unmet OulMte, p. a Box UO. MENT AGENCY, 48 EAST moNT ST., RED BANK LUMBER (TWO BBDROOMS) THREE BINOLE ROOMS — In prl- Red Bank. RECEPTIONIST RED BANK. WEDNESDAY. FEB S. Otnter Pearl and Wall St.. Red Ban] $150 MONTH vato home Near shopping and trana* TELEPHONE SOLICITORS - Experi- 10 to U A.M. APPUOANTB MUST Bi portatlon. a Waverly PI., Red BmH. enced preferred. Work from your own Excellent permanent opportunity la ou; PIR£ONABLE. NEAT, HAVE OAK HEAT A HOT WATXH home. Saliry and or commission. Call new building. Switchboard experience, AND PHONE. WO PER W»EK FOR PAINNT DISCDISCOUNTO S EXTRA LARGE - KlOtly 93S-9O9] jr aplpy at A.M. Mimiy Inc., especially on 60S, highly dill table. THOSE WHO QUALIFY. tiwrri n * williiraiwilliirai . OPOuPoni i KtmtoKtmt n Renting office on Premlaes. room. CaU f 162 Arr.BoF Ave., Woodbridie. Typing ability, general office back- Oook A Dunn. S*v« M ptiait now it ground helpful. Must work alternati TEL: MS-84M TYPIST — A(e 18-X. Atlantic Hl|h- Saturdays. HELP WANTED-Male • Female PROWN'S TWO ATTRACTIVE ROOMS — On* TOM S FORD lands oTile*. Must be resident of area. single Ana double, breakfast privileges. SI BroalSt Red Bank 711.7500 DIRECTIONS: From Keit Bank. Kout< T47-1JUI Good salary plus pleasant working con. tood starting salary, advancement po ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 33 to Tlnton Ave., turn rlahl on Tin 60 MAIN ST. MATAWAN dltlons. Five day work week. Apply lbimies, liberal fringe beiWIti aju Every order & applicant our speciality. WALLPAPER your room lor JU.7'ton Ave., approximately 1.000 ft. toLAItOK ROOM—Private family, lentie. Mr. Mklona, manager, Bell Finance Co., me working candltiom. 33 White at. Shrewsbury T47-3<94 labor and materials complete, Prlo Country Club Apartments and Swim inan preferred, convenlint bus train Atlantic Highlands. covers s single rolls wallpaper am Club. vlce. car space. 741*s:j3£. 566.1500 •PPly in person weekdays from 8 BARB EMPLOYMENT AOENCY laper hangers labor. Larger room! >.in, or eft]) 2&4-S7OO for an intervie Qualllled Peroonnol For yuillty Ortlcn iltintly hlihler. KLAniN'8. 20 tlon TWIN OAiJLEa — 30 Riverside A - FURNISHED ROOM — Woman pre- AUTOS FOR SALE ppolntmcnt. 210 Broad toni Branch J22-<7y AR STOOLS — Cut prices. Monmoutti LONO DRANCH — Near bui, mlrns bedroom. All utilities and TV Included. 1-4 p-m. Newberry'i 7T Broad Bt HANDYMAN — Part time. In loc«: tlnettc Co., 114 Uontnouth St., Red and MhoPDlnc, 3>.i rooms with hek Convenient transportation iml shopping. FEBRUARY 2nd - 6th led Bank. stores. Call before 6 unk. T41si33 new building. UOQ. Call iljosso Call H4M10Q. Bea Bright Squash Club, SECRETARY — Law office In Re 747-1300 „ NEW DELUXE - eft - room apart UNPAINTED FURNITURE ment, centrally air condltlonod, wall- Bank, Experience preferre11 d but noRETIRED GENTLEMAN — Typing, REAL ISTATE FOR SALE ««waj-y. Write "A.Y. Boi 511, Redclerical work. Call 25% OFF CASH CAR*1V DISCOUNT to-wall carpeting, seven large clonels, Bank stating qualifications and sl 711.1533 two tlla bathrooms, glass enclose! HOUSES FOR SALE $ required. RED BANK LUMBER showers, garage and all utilities In eluded. No Pets, no children. U80. 74: WANTED — Woman to help witn Tornex Fear) and Wall ft«d B*n1 7823. MIJDDLETOWN — Tlve-rcom ranch, homework. Call 1Q2-15SJ3 FINANCIAL The Low Overhead Lumber Yard two bedrooms. -}i-acre. Excellent loca. • after 4 p.m. KEANSBURO — Furnished. Two amtlon. Call alter S p.m. D03-137I. 95 DOWN BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ' SALE three rooms. Heat and. utilities, buec 'ART-TIME DFFICE WORK — Aftei >urlng month ot February only. FREl 717-0652. 414 PEll CENT O.I. ASSUMPTION — noons, Hazlet area, no experience nee $112 month pays all on this three-bed* WITH ACCEPTABLE CREDIT BROAb "C" LIQUOR LICENSE, an NBTALLATION o» all eustom alum RED BANK — Three-room furnlshet aa&ry, but typing; pJeajant peraona: restaurant In Ked Bank. Books opened num awnlnra, door floods, patio nwnlnf room ranch just painted. Two full y essential. "A.O." Box 511, Rei and carports, OnJtr now, nvoM lout d or unfurnished apartment. Private balha, garage, large recreation room., to aerlous buyer. ALLAIRE-FARROW •ntrancs. 741 44)1 or U2177 Only eight years old. Full price 118,800. AOENCY. U» Broad St., Red Bank. lays on delivery. BavQ S $ Private snlo. 774.3878. .OUSBKEEPER-0OMPANI0N—For el 711-3(50 MIPIHJ1TOWN AREA- Threi (u: THAT'S ALL YOU NEED FOR A NEW '65 FORD lerly person. Sleep In, will drive, re PROWN'S nlshed rooms, utilities Included. M1UDLETOWN — New split level, tout lent r»ferenc«i. Call 440-5061 btfora U Broad St. Red Bsnk 741 T47.1OTJ. bedrooms, 214 baths, den, dining room, large kitchen, laundry room. Call 842* TWO AFARTMBNT9 — Oood trunspo: S310. SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS — Fill MERCHANDISE WANTED tatlon, ichooU, Improvemerus. jarag< or part time for night shift. Also eorni AMERICAN OIL CO, yard, riasonable. Evenings 787-QO1S. lay work available. Call »1-1700 for ap !A8H for old toj trains, trolley oan FfJRNIRHBD APAJITMSNTH — 1*4 (Mor* Classified Adi F>olntment. ind oast Iron toya made bvfora 1940 two rooms, with utilities, (35 and '4M9W after 6 p.m. per month. Ca]j 222-4HH. On The Next Page) HELP WANTED-MALE Offers higher profits. Service station for lease. River lid.. Fair Haven, wo* IAUSSMAH - To anil luiljlm nut. financing available. Call [or detalli •lali Tor larga central New Js 7 ta 9 p.m. 774-im. TOM'S FORD INC jumbvr and Mill Work Company, In GULF two-bay service jtallon for leL :entlve basis. Reply to "A.K. BoRt: . 35, Hazlet. Paid training, sonw LOOK AT THESE LOW WEEKLY PAYMENTS! 111, Rid Bank. financial help. HEmlock 0-9GOO, 8 to 6 weekdays. Or 2S4-O13D, nlghti and CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY PART-TIME WRITER — Bzperlenei required. Night work, approximate we&keiidB. A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDSl ioura 8 p.m. to 1 a.rfi., about threi ESTABUSHED BEAUTY BHOP — !«• FORD CUSTOM 2-Dr. i*ht» a w«tJc. Must U 'Mi I15.ll moatb 178J ot V41-T330, CARL a' JONBa — Painting and $1/(35 decorating. Fully Insured. IPor nee OIUDAt NOHTIISnN UORTOAOD 00. Auto and Track Rental estimate call I&3O41. U so answer 7(1<3« itSW Ilome improvemmtM oall alter 9 p.m, LEASE X SAVE Our Bondtd Personll Representative ANY MAKE OR MODEL Will Call At Your Homo At Your AVIS Rent a new car 01 truck. Low INTERIOR AND BJCTBRIOR paint- PER WEEK Convenience. No obligation, nteg. Mapll Ave,, Red Bank. 7<7. VTORKIHO KKti'i contractor. Altsr- fng. Also decorating.''Our prices era 0308. T?Wm Dally 7 a.m.-lO p.m. ations, adlltioni, paintlnr, maiimri. cjieao«r than theirs. Oall Slack Paint- 1965 CAR FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAaBJ small lobs too. Photic evenings Dl. JogToo (or tree esltnute. HlAw AVAILABLE — Edwin ». (tart. Ru WH. tltmto A Mortgage Consultant. 2lM-o3j. Brut Polishing FALCON 2-Dr. Rooflnf, Siding and Innlatlon TOD *JmQUB ODNTER - J17 W. MoWa| and Ctong* '65 CHEVROLET MERCHANDISE rront Bt,, 11J> daily. Frl. evenln|« QLSSN CO. INC. Roofing, Biding s> til >. 141-5331 for estimates. Insulation Installed ana sroaraateea IDEAL WAT WILL MOVE - Three tor 10 years, 775.Q7W, 2910540. FOR SALE raoms|3O. four rooms #41. five rooms . 79 Month Diamond! Bought or Restyled 04, au rooms H3. Also World WMe ROOFItJO — Billing, remcdsllni ind 13" Impala 2-Dr. Hardtop or HOMELY RADIATORS lervlci. For Ires eitlmate oall 40- general oontrtcltni, Ut ua buy tbe diamonds you don't BlJl or 393-3314. 4-Dr. Hardtop Ost that ugly radiator enoloaed. Cru •ear or 1st us rutyls them (or you PROWN'S PER WEEK meuurlns and delivery service. R*dlt,< pinonally. Reu»slll»s. 3» Broad at. a Br«a4 Bt. Red BanK 741-7(00 24-26 MO. LEASE tor encloarei In any l[>e or color: Nurslnj Horns PROWN'S Septic Tank Service HIGHEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES Electrical Contractor HolmdBl Nursing Horns, For Ilia con- VL Broad St. Red Bank 1I1-7JO0 r REBIDKNTIAL and commercial wir- valescent, chronically III asl dlllloull ABaORTED KITCHEN CABIrfETS — li re patlenu, ltat« Bwy. M, Fc« -"QleiAedQleiAed.. InIniurtsi TaK tjPJreA UlaJrltM iteM Holpolnt oven, top-of- ing. Few installation or npaJr 0 J-diyy, 24-hou24hour seservicei urtsa. , tj SEAC AS counter r»nge, oil) Kosal typtwrlter, . 7414Mt THESE PRICES WILL NOT BE REPEATED! nine sewlnt table, Hawajln steal »ul'« Odd Job* LEASI Tir-ues. Entertainment Tel. AuwcrtBg Service IS BROAD STREET .UBKa Hi up. FILED 113.50 us. tables ABONRV — Patloi, steps, lldews LET Ut BI isoretary. Mo neM otialrs. vUlng maeliiiies, tjrpewrlters. pcketi available for litest BI not "I bour answering 60 MAIN ST. 566-1500 MATAWAN RED BANK, NEW JERSEY .ifleiA AMiiltunjml SS#M At nsirivsiFii nHflll &Juan PAnmNa, caflfcinT IT mm S T.I. Aru Cod* 201.741.1134 Nn. S •utl Bates. 747-1M3 or terrle*. Kit. *K HOUSES FOR SALE RED RANCH THE DAILY REGISTER Tueadty, F^rawy 2, i*SS—13 atfwn utcto trimmwl » POGO By WALT KELLY BEACH EXCLUSIVE tint Ziriy Xm«ricto look, tUoplu wltii mutivt OLk VETS NO $$$ DOWN oo troytrty. ThTM Ixrtt -" —" — ^ feweed to i«u Uvlng mom, two lull poncied dea, ptof lux- DAILY CROSSWORD M cune rvjffl In -fet*wn*irf d ACROSS iBarly M Mtrjtfe. Qtt*t$6 is th§ Vm, ZLkgfm- ONLY $13,500 . Vftixx * t]ifl &te tt looey. •ettlet ZttTUIi OUKJI Appnaimitly mmo i*r numui t»vi • S. Pitcher • pet' JC jitynuou lie •.»rajE£t, 4tt (itbjecl w »HA or VA approval. CROWELL'AGENCY, 7. Past lmrw- 63 BJyerstde 741-W30 Aed'BiAk S.SIe«veleM equal •ace Oit Mo)ly. Pitcher Inn mmm BEACH AGENCY puta 11CO RU 35 Middletmrn. N EXECUTIVE RANCH NsarSast 8. Hautboy off 671-2727 Three years old. Three large bedrooms, Open daily to 8 J>.m., gat, Sun 6 n 14 sun room, 30' Unladed recwatlon 10. Shew 6. Biblical IJCBNSED REAL ESTATE BROKE room, antique paneling, two fireplaces, labrio Herald 23-Muslo hot water heat, 2¥j baths, two-car ga- T.WearieB note EXECUTIVE SPECIAL rage,, city sewers, 2i' swimming pool, 1L Parts of This tliree-bedroom homa la located 20 patio. Overlooks bay. Many addition- ears 9. Scorches 21 Bever* » lovely arsa, beamed celling ID t al features. Must see to appreciate, IS. Bower 10. Spanish, ber- Uvlne rorom and dining room, panel *32,ow. Call Dick Stephaw. recreation room and screened porch U.WUd length ate . 8L Seaweed* Bummer living, a kitchen that It 787-5500 15. Check unit SSS. Trana- S3, Taverns woman's dream, 2^ batha, t'arage an baiement. Many outstanding feature) THE KIRWAN CO. 16. Mon'» name 12. Lath parent 84. Scotch Bet It now, $28,500. Realtor-Insuror 17.SlmUarto material river: pou. Campbell's Junction, BeJford IB. Mother: LAWLEY AGENCY 18." of ' colloq. 27. Cant 88. Greek ANDY CAPP By REG SMYTHS A RARE BUY! Satan" 20. A lever 28. Headland mountain Established 1932 Three-bed room rajicft, modern eat-i kitchen, finished basement, attached ga 21. Examina- Realtor - Insurers rag«, appraised (or J16.400, down pay tion 1 J b ment oniy $600, mortgage'payments ap 741-6262 proximately $138 per month. No closinf SJ.Appre- IT'S ABOUT TIME fees to qualified buyer. Don't mlis thi. henfllvo 7 1* YER<3OTTHEM one call now. 2t Selve» RUM5ON OAKS E. R. SNYDER & CO. 28. Sweet Id 1 I BOOTS JWN6O> MJDDLETOWN 5 CORWSRS 671-2590 potato Holly Tree Lana MEMBER BOTH MULTIPLE LISTING 27.Tln:«ym. \i Bpacloui new lour-bedroom, two- BBEK YE NO M<0UB - A lovely three 29. Elevator bedroom low ranch type hou«fl wltil 20 w icra wooded foot deep lot. Large eat-in kitchen. Ful cage Ii Other Loli Available basement with built-in ertrage. Bee th 3O.Larg« rrM'Call Builder, E. Mlltenberjtr many extra features, $16,900. Oh yes, Ii 7 m excellent condition. Imndle I* 20 21 291-2200 Leave the financing to us. 32.Molat Trade your home la S5. Wide- if PAUL P. BOVA mouthed % v> % Reattor-Insuror 26 ii NO DOWN 671-2M4 NO CLOSING COST S8. Form of 1 FHA apprlalstd 59,800. Five rooms I MIDDLETOWN I ) S6 baiement. Immediate occupancy, « Four bedroom, liJ.bath ipllt Intl. Built- ST. Trace* Jlrtd iteam heat, city Mwtrj, O»ra«i in garage. 21x14 game room. Ik' ' TO (lualltlej buyer. ' * wjthln two blocks. $17,800. 3a Serf k it is 787-6600 787-6600 59. Projecting MICKEY MOUSE By WALT DISKEY THE KIRWAN CO. branch a THE KIRWAN CO. Realtor-Insuror 40. Donkey Realtor-Insuror O. Grow oW Sri » 180 Hwy. .16 Weal Kearuburg, N., 160 Hny. 36 West Keauburg. N.3. % % USD BANK — RUMSON and mile £ BEAUTY, CONVENIENCE. around. Laree, free catalog on re- DOWN it OKAY, ' AND SPACE quest. Multiple and open listings. ParK % 1'U. BE KI6HT Dcicrlbel mil lovely Ilve-bedrooi In comfort at our modern office, ISizcusa THEKE1 house. Lar^e modern kitchen, two In baths, l:irs« endmed screened patt RAY STILLMAN, Realtor Full basement, extra large trcc-ahad "Our 46th year" ]ot. Prime incBUon, Ml Ifola and on -jSHwy. 35 Shrewsbury 741-8600 asking $20,800. STERLING, THOM SON, AND ASSOCIATES, Btaltoi COLONIAL — Double lot runs to Hwy. 35 ojinoilu Cobblestones Keita brook, Beautiful grounds. House in OK- rant. 747-M00. celient condition. Entrance hail, living room with fireplace, lull dining room, Bridge Column charming den. three bedrooms, full WHY PAY RENT? basement partlajiy finished, new fur- $100 down, Vets no down, lubjcet nace. Heat costs only $120. Wail-to-wall approval. ITiree-bedroom ranch, coi carpeting. Blacktop driveway, Thin By ALFRED SHEINWOLD venlent location, approximately 1103 hou$& won'* last long. Transferred own- znontli. call now. er sacrificing Tor S25.600. THE LOW AOENCY, Realtors, 636 Itlver Rd. Bruce Elliott and Percy Shear- THE CURTIN AGENCY Fair Haven. 7*1-M77. t Realtor down, leading Toronto experts, Leonardo 201-181 OPPORTUNITY FOR A BARGAIN — managed to bid a difficult slam Haslet 264-111 Only $900 down for qualified buyer with two useful singletons during The Hand FOUH-BEDIIOOM COUNTRY HOME iuy« tills aeven-room Cape Cod home Just off Hwy. 9, over one acre. 1 >l{n largo plot, Fireplace In living room, the 1964 Team Trials last Decem- bath* hoi water heal, lull cellar, Jarg. j baths, wall-to-wall carpeting in first East dealer STEVE ROPER By SAUNDERS and OVERGARD ilvlng room, separate laundy room. $5J loor bedrooms. Attached garage, full jer. Perhaps Sheardown was down to qualified bum. |i5,awj. l>fcfH>merU. Vacant! 8ce it today. Only Both sides vulnerable $18,600. ROLSTON WATERBURV. Real- iucky that dummy showed up NORTH AFTER EVERY SUDDEN COID NOT IF THE BODY 15 / IVE THOUGHTOF THAT, NEVER FEAR.' Weisgokl & Krupaick, Inc. tor, 16 Weat Front Si., Red Bank. 747- 35OD. with the right king, but the bid * AKJ4 A BRILLIANT SOLUTION 1 THE PETAILS, SPELL, THERE ARE DISTRESSING FOUND TRUSSED SAND WE SHALL NEED CERTAIM-UH Brokers V AI2 TO OUR PROBLEM.'-AND, V AUGIE.' ITEMS INTHE WPERS ABOUT UP LIKE A TURKEY.' J PROPS FCR OUB 2215 Hwy, 9 LaKcwood 363-3081 ding was instructive even if a REJ> BANK lllVEHFRONT! A scarce O Q10432 I AM TOLD, FREEZING IS A DERELICTS FOUND DEAD LITTLE DRAMA/ "WICK"—I DARE FIVE-BEIIHOOM RANCH—You ha commodity. Watch the races and re-trifle bold. 0U1TE MERCIFUL WAY TOGO/ >*, * FROM EXPOSURE/—AIL dreamed or a ranch like this and no' Rattas from your rictiire window! Three SAVVOUICVOW we have It! A kflchen anil family roi delightful bedrooms, two baths. A Elliott, with the North hand, EAST RULED ACCIDENTAL huge paneled dun and a massive living WEST WHERE TO FIND that ineanurei 33 ft. long with a beaut! could see a reasonable chance A 32 AQ10976 DEATHS BY THE ful tirlck fireplace, built-in countoi room. Lovely view. Riparian rights! The CORONER, BOBBIE/ US SOME CHEAP couciica, radio, TV, G-E range, ovei [flspji will ptoajse you. Call us. We for slam at hearts as soon as he V 10 7 tf 9 4 WINE AT ami a Oialiwashur. Other ftiJCliwUU ave the kay! Asking $32,500. RUSSELL 0 AK97 O 865 •1. HORUS RpiiltoiH, BOO Rivrr Radg, to djs.card a club, 41* Per cent d.I. ASSUMPTION—5 U: 3BLLING YOUR HOME? W» have buy. slam ambition, and only a'single 1 v month puyi all on tlili Lhrec-hedrooir era. List your home with Us for fust on the queeri of diamonds. ' ranch Just painted. Two Jull baths, ga- und efficient service. Call THE CUR- ton in clubs. tagp, larg» recreation room. Onlv eijitit TIN AGHNCY, realtors. Thompson DAILY QUESTION yciu-i old. Full pricft (15,500. Private Ave. and Hwy, 36, Leon&rdo. Call 2&1- Jumps to Slam mlc 774-3878. 1HO0. Or 31*1 Hwy. 35. Hazlei or call As dealer, you hold: Spades— 261-1110. Sheardown knew be might have BPACIOUB UVINO — Owner moving. A K J 4. Hearts-A J 2. Dia- Belling old at tractive spin DEVELOPMENT HOME OWNERS rouble if North had the king of level In fine reslrfentta. area, of LIUli IS THIS YOUJt SITUATION? diamonds rather than the king monds—Q 10 4 3 2. Clubs—3. BHver. Large living room, dining room Want to buy a blgier home, but an What do you say? modern kitchen, four bedrooms, 2* stopped because you can't icll > our of spades, but he knew that the tf'ed baths. 17x12 foot finished rucrci ireaaat one? singleton club was pure gold Answer: Bid one diamond. tlon room, built-in garage, As kin Well, read thii. i-'4,500. UUS3ELL M. BORUS Real We'll buy your present home, put theHis jump to slam was bold, but Start with the 5-card suit "and tors. 600 reiver Road, Fair Haven, money Jit your pocket, tticn itart look- justified. prepare to show the 4-card suit 147-4W2. Member Multiple UBtlng Her ins for your dream house. Xou can slay in your house while you look and fay West made the normal lead of later. In general, show length By ALLEN SAUNDERS and KEN ERNST inly tho mortfigt payments. STou pay MARY WORTH FAIR HAVEN SCHOOLS — AM thl low — NO MORE — and you can he king of diamonds, then before strength. haiine needs, In n-decurHllrtp ami you itay until you find the OOUHB of your presence lo make It a home wel shifted to a trump. Sheardown For Sheinwold's 36-page book- WE HAVE JU5T ORDERED A MY HEART AND MY worth having. WeLMmilt older two-stor; :holce. We will buy your homo with my problem you have. won the trump in dummy with let, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge," COMPANY JET! YOU COULD HAVE HEAD ARE HAWN6 en largo treo shaded' plot, living roon Remember, never u commission in- hits an open flrp[»];icc, there's u larR' the ^aek and ruffed a diamond, HUGH, I JU5T CAN'T HNT WHAI BREAKFAST IN PLAIN5VILLE, 5PEN0 AN AWFUL ARGUMENT, formal dlnfnu room, roomy kltchor volved ivheifter, w» buy, st)l , or tr»d» send 50 cents to Bridge Book, in. Don't watt, call us cow, He cashed the ace of clubs, BELIEVE THAT WU WOULD I HAVE m A- DAY OH YOUR BLAND-AND HLKMl-ANDI'M with pantry, threp nice sized bedroom! IIANUGY AS3OC. INC. Red Bank Register, Box 3318, GIVE UP THE PUDENCY OF Ami batii, lull basement, two-car sa ruffed a club in dummy and MIW>,IADME! BE HOME FOR DINMER..-WITH A AFRAID 1HE HEART niRf", hot mur-r oil heat, i-rlcrd 6?f5353 Grand Central Station, New York, PLANET SUPERMARKETS, INC., ruffed another diamond. 6 WINNINfi! $19.5(10. ELWOOD A. ARMSTRONG EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE 1 17, N. Y. TO HEP ME MILK COWS AGENCY, Realtor. MS Prospect Ave. What You Have LlUle Silvfi. 141*4500. for ON MY DAIRY FARM! "DON'T MISS THJT~ONK' — ShT What You Want -LEGAL NOTICE IN THAILAND bury nplit-Jcvc! in excelieat coiullllon, Call Tlirce Rood-alte brdroums, living room WALKER it WALKER, Realtor! LEGAL NOTICE THAILAND - Army Staff Sgt. full d Inlnft room, recrfiitlon. room, 861 Broad St. Shrewsbury 741-5212 Lucious W. Bonds, 48 William tencfd patio, attached mirage. $18,200. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to thi A. FRED MAFFEO AGENCY. 669 RlV WE SEED VOUH HUMB legal voters of the School I>is!rlct of St., New Shrewsbury, N. J., ir Hd., Kair llnvcn. 741*0333, 3ur 12 taleipeople nave clients wailing tile BoroiiKh of Ejitontown. In tlie [or your listing. They need v&nchei, County of Monmouth, New Jersey, that has been assigned to Headquar- THREfi-BEDROOM RANCH — Cleati, ipllt lavelf, two storle*; also lavejtmonl Uie annual meeting 0/ the legal voters ters Detachment, 9th Logistical well-Kept. JH.lHKl, PleaJie call lor ap- property. Call ui (or a r'lck Mle. Two f said District lor tlie election of pointment. 787-6058. tfflcei serving you. Tour M) mombers of the Board of Command here. He was last sta- WALKER A WALKER Education ajirf for othrr purposes wjll 81X-BEDK00M COLONBAIi — 15'x24' Retlton held at 5 o'clock P. M. nn Tiles- tioned at Fort Monmouth. living room with fireplace, three-cai Shrewsbury otrice aUddletown Office .y, February 0. 1065. Tho polln will ddncheil piraKc nn 1>4 Acre plo m-5212 «7l-33U emaln open until 0 n'clock P. M. nM Asking only $18,500. HELICOPTER COURSE E. R. SNYPER & CO. WE NEED — Five or six, 2-3 bedroom ill milch longer afl may bo necessary REALTORS SINCB 1X13 INBU homes, furnished or unfurnished, from ;o permit nil leKul voters then present FORT RUCKER, Ala. - Pvt. i:W 1st Avt'.. Att. HWjS SS to *175 i'or month for lncomLig 1 rant their ballots. enontitl. THE BERO AGENCY. RL The meeting will lie held and all Lee P. Langan, son of Mr. and THE PHANTOM By LEE FALK NEW CUSTOM RANCH ON WOODED A Middletown. 671-1000. Uie legal voters of U» School District LOT! Flni'Rt custom materitila ahapod ill vote flt tli« respective polling Mrs. Lester E. Langan, 75 Twin- YOU ARE—J SUPPENLY~ THE TOUGH CHIEF GETS THE SHIVERS—LIKE A JUNGLE into a handsome ranch. 31X-ROOM RANCH — Hot water heat, laces stilted helow. HE, STARES INTO THE brooks Ave., Middletown, N. J., • ' THE-- *| \ KIP 0 THE DARK/mpv LarRp sunny kitchen, lmgp baaement, wo car garage, basement. Holmdel or 3 meimbcrs will he eleclccl ror 3 THB PVUCE CH/EF IS PARKNESS-ALMOST m T conveneint traffic pattern, Asking only Mlddletown spclion. Write "B.A," Box ears; 1 member win be elected for has completed a single-rotor ob- t PHANTOM?J ^^ i, I, •> CHIUYIN HERE--YOL( NOW TEUA 410,94)0, Cnll torfnv and compare Ihls •11, Red Bank. years. EPUCATEP ANP crrmEP TO SEE-- fr>r value. WALKER & WALKER, Real- servation helicopter maintenance tors, 2068 Hwy. 35, MMdietown-Holimiel. ,M the Bald meeting will he sun- illtefl propositions /or votlns taxes course here. HE KNOWS THE. RING/ llultlple Lilstinps and Trade - Ins. 3PEN LISTINGS WANTED — Homes for the following respective purposes: PHONE: fl71-331il. Send for catalog. md building; lots, for our ready buyers. Current Expenses „ 53*3,129.0(1 Open 7 dnya. Capita! Outlay _-— 33,225.0*1 BROWN & OVBRTON AGENCY The total amount thought ItANCH ON 100x140 CORNER LOT — White St Rerl Bank 741-W28 to he necessary Is ._ 1378,354.00 I»vc]y neighborhood, fiva minutes to exclusive of Debt Service. nil transportation, plaster walls, llirp) The polling places lor said meeting bedrooms, living room with llreplac -LEGAL NOTIC inrt their respective polling districts WHY PAY and carpiMIng, larjfc dining room an lave been designated below, and no large eat-In kitchen with lota of closel person slinll vote at aairt meeting apace, enclosed hctitcd porch, garapje elsewhere than at the polling place which contain;) extra Insulated storage iUl'ERIOn COURT OF NEW JERSEY pslfinatfd for the voters of the polling oloHPl. lurpe cellar. $22,000. 7*1-7130. CIUNCEUY lllViSlON Istrlct In which he or she resides. MORE? FOUR-BEDROOM COLONIAL — On a HONMOUT1 U COUNTY POLLING DISTRICT NO. 1 woucied liH, nearly completert, center DOCKM NO. F-1UM4I Polling Place at the MEMORIAL hitll layout, living room, dining; room, 8TATK OF NKW -UIISEV SCHOOL nt GRANT-AVENUE In the kitchen mul ilen, overlooking hrook am To Schco-1 District lor legal voters residing woods. Fireplace, 2'^ (Met! baths. Full AUBTER'S INC.. a New Jersey ivlUiin General Election Districts Nos. basement opens, to ground level. Buy corporation, and and 4 of the Borough of Etitontown. now and chouse your colors. XJOW dowt MAItY E. MC ENENY POLLINO DISTRICT NO. 2 riLymcnt if qunUfhd. Convenient Fa I Polllni place at th» NBW FIRE Haven area. $26,500. Cannot be matched You are hereby summoned and re-HOUSE at BROAD STREET In tho By GEORGE SIXTA for value in the Red Bank aren, HALL lUlred to serve upon Meyers and Leas- School District for legal voters resid- Bros., Rffilmrs, 813 Rlvei ltd., FM r, ttttorneva for the plaintiff, whose ing within General Election Districts Haven. 741-78R6. .ritlresa is SO Park Place, Newark, Noa. !• and- 3 of the Borough of Eaton, lew Jereey, an answer to the com-town. 6T, MARYS PARISH — Thrcc-bfd- ilalnt filed in a civil action, In which NOTE; The term "current expenses" mom rriiii:h, ganiRc, leoa thun 5T) 'irst Feileral Savings und Loan Asso- inoludes principals', leachers', jtuif- down. A stcnl, at $H,n25. Call for ap- iiton of Nuw York is the plaintiff, :ors', and medical inspectors' salar- NOW DAD HAS \ GOOD nn-tntmrilt; CORNELIUS AGENCY, 071- iid Gilbert B. Cowan, et als,, arc de- es, fuel textbooks, srhool supplies, 5*05. fendants, pending ii\ ine Superior Court lags, transportation of pupils, tuition tO SHOVEL SNOW |EWOUStf WATERFRONT WITH MAQNIFICNET if New Jersey, within 35 dayB after »[ pupils attending school In other dlB- FOR SIX MORE FORA KIVER VIKIV—Kifjfst view on tne [•\l)rii(iry Hi, 1964, exclusive of uuch xlcts with the conuent of the Board Nnvealnk. HlRh ground, riparian rights. [Hie. If you rail tn do HO, judgment ,f Education, school libraries, compen- WEEKS AND ITS /SWOUWO 27' paneled den ovorlooklnu river, 27'x >y default may be rendered ngulnst latlon of the Secretary, ot the Cus- MIDDLETOWN ALLYQUR FfiULT./HOSjrS 14' 1'iWng room, /ul! rflning room, mod- •u fo the relief demanded in the .odlan ol School Monies Jinn" of attend- ern three botirooms, twn Imths, :omplainl. You shall tile your answer ance officers. "Every clUzen of the GOOD full baacment, hot water heat. Reason rid proof ol uervlce in duplicate with United States ol tho age ot 21 years Route 35 and ENOUGH able tiiKot. Perfect condition, FantasM [ha Oierk of thB Superior Court, mate who shall have hoen a resident of Uie buy at J32.5OO, THB LOW AGENCY, KOUBC Annex, Trenton, New Jersey, in Slate SIX MONTHS unrl of the cnirrtv Reiiltom, 636 River Rd,, Fair Haven, ccordance with the rules of civil prac- In which he claims His vote SIXTY New Monmouth Rd. 74M477. Ice and procedure. DAYS next before the election i-ml HEY/ The action has been instituted for who has been permanently registered A LITTLE BEAUTY — In drt Shrewa- la purpose of foreclosing & mortgage in the municipal election district tit HE SAW bury ai 515,000. This home H In per- >n certain luntli situate In the Bor-least forty days prior to the date of New Shrewsbury fect condition in every way. Three iigh of Atlantic Highlands, County of ftloction, shall be entitled to vote itt VOUR> bedroonii, on* tiled hath, Low, low ;onmouth, and Stat6 of New Jersey, he school election. Application for mil- at Route 35 SHADOW/ tux en. Fine achoola, good location. A icai.L'L a» 39 Soutti Avenue, Atlunllu itary or civilian absentee ballots may terrific first home for the young mar Ighlandi, New Jersey, described as t made to the Secretary of the Board rlcUi or retlrea couple, KUBSELL M IIIOWJI: f Educiillon." Shrewsbury Ave. BORUH Realtors, 600 River Rd., FU BEQINNINO at the point of In- Dated: January 2S, l!)6f> Havnn. 747-4632. Member Multiple List tersection of the uuuthoriy tide of HENRY Ii. OIOFt'i, Secretary ing Service. Bouth Avenue and the Euterly line 'eb. 2 MD.K of Avenue C; tiience running (1) MARK TRAIL By ED DODD Boutb SO degrees 00 minutei East HOUSES FOR SALE 50 feet along' the southerly line of South Avenue to a point; thence YES, THAT'S JOHNNY HEY, M&BK, PO YOU OBJECT THE FOLLOWINQ D6V (2) South 30 degrees 00 minutes MALOTTE'S DAUGHTER JEAN IF I CHANGE MY MIND... I'D MAUK, SCOTTY. AND West 175 feet to & point; thence ANDY &EE ON 7HBR MORE LISTINGS SHOWN (3) Norm 60 desraei 00 minutes NOW GOING ON! SHE'S GOING TO DRIVE A LIKE TO 60 WfTH YOUf WeK 60 feet to the easterly line SLED IN THE DOG ABEANGEMENTS, WAY TO JOHNNY MORE LISTINGS SOLO of Avenue C; and thence (4) North RACES/ ROMEO/ MALOTTFS 30 degreoa CO mlnutci I ait 175 CANADIAN CAMP feet along tha easterly line of Ave- WHITE GOODS SALE nue C to ttio point or place of Be- ginning. The aforesaid description fs In AT accordance with a survey made by Robert oreenberg, Associates, dated Sept. 23, 1962. NEWBERRYS Premises are known as 39 South Avenue. Atlantic Highlands, NBW Thru The Red Batik Area Jersey Yot. nre made defendants because DOWNTOWN. RED BANK Multiple Lilting Service on obtained Judgment* against Gilbert 3, CowAn. S» P«g« 200 in th« MORTIMKP. O. NEWMAN", JR. Ytllow Pign. , : Clark of tn« Superior Court "ASTRO-GUIPE" By Ceean i4-TtM*4,y, February 2,196S THE DAILY REGISTER' I For W«dfMfti«y, February 3 Inside Washington Why Buy Second Best? Preienf—For You *nd Youn' • • Guard your reputa- tion ind doa't allow anyone to Soviet Test Underground? jeopardize it through misinter- By ROBERT S. ALLEN AND PAUL SCOTT PARK • «'» i*HK * •*<« «•*• pretation of what you say and what you mean. Weigh your WASHINGTON — Alarming new information ga&ered by the words carefully to avoid such a 4 joint Air Forc«-Atomic Energy Commission airborne detection team has cast a mysterious cloud over Russia's "underground" situation. Work should go along nuclear test. rather well. Recognition and re- The explosion, which the Soviet claims "vented" the earth's muneration should come your surface, spewed twice as much radioactive de- There are way if merited. bris into the atmosphere a3 did Red China's first above-the-ground nuclear test. Past... American people were Future . • • The new status This jolting Air Force-AEC discovery was healthier during the year ending symbol of the fairer sex. will bp revealed by Central Intelligence director John in June, 1964, than in the pre- wild game hunting. Some 1.3 McCone during his private briefing of the Joint vious one. The estimated 387 million women arc expected to Congressional Atomic Committee on the Soviet. million acute illnesses and in- lake up the sport in 1965, open- Chinese tests. juries from July, 1963, through ing up an unexpected market for McCone, head of the Atomic Energy Com- June, 1964, showed a decrease of manufacturers of hunting equip- mission during the Eisenhower administration, ment told the legislators the startling new data re- 13.4 million. suited from a comparison of air samplings tak- Only en over1 Japan following fi»e detection of the Scolt The Day Under Sign separate Communist nuclear explosion. Although the Air Force-AEC finding is not conclusive proof ARIES [Born March 21 to April 19] LIBRA (Sept. 23 fo Oct. 22} You arc willing to listen to all sugges. You should feel more relaxed now and that the Jan. 15 Soviet test was conducted in the atmosphere, Mc- tions, but be sdcctiv£. can see tile situation more clearly. Cone testified, it does raise grave questions on whether the nuclear TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) SCORPIO [Oct. 23 to Nov. 21J explosion was set off undergronud as the Russians contend. (»o about your work systemically to save Stabilizing influences are predominate; lirecious time and energy. Proceed witli confidence. McCone estimated the blast yield of the So- GEMINI (May 21 to Juno 21) SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 fo Dec. 21) viet test at one megaton — comparable to a Tensions are starting to build up, but Don't take yourself too seriously, A sense can be cased if you relax a little. of humor will offset depression. million tons of TNT. 2 Kinds CANCER (Juno 22 fo July 21 j CAPRICORN (Dec 22 to Jan. 20) He stressed that if the explosion was deto- You'll come to the right conclusion; Shop, ty mail or pbone if you doa't fed nated underground, as claimed by the Russians, listen to your heart instead of your head up to bucking the crowd* and weather. it was the largest ever attempted below the LEO (July 22 to Ai«. 21) AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 to Fefc. 19) Set the pace for the crowd. They look to Attend to somethinjt you neglected—cor- earth's surface. No U.S. underground nuclear you for leadership and new ideas. resixmdence, b\]ls, etc test has approached that size. VIRGO (Aug. 22 to SepK 22) PISCES [Feb. 20 to March 20) In comparing the two Communist tests, Mc- Create an atmosphere of fn^n'iinfss and Work should go wtll now and remunera- time will go by, faster. tion should follow suit. Cone reported that China's first explosion had a blast yield of less than 50 kilotons (50,000 tons 1965, Publishers Newspaper Syndicate of TNT), but appeared to be an advanced nu- clear device. Allen of LACK HARD INFORMATION — Under intense questioning by committee members, the CIA director admitted the U.S. has no information other than that furnished by the Russians to support the general AEC and State Department belief that the test was conducted underground and accidentally vented. The limited nuclear test ban reaty signed by both the U.S members of the Joint Committee, and the Soviet forbids expert headed by Representative Chet mental atomic blasts in the Holifield, plan to quiz Defense COLOR TV atmosphere, space, under water; Secretary McNamara on why and also underground explosions such a disarmament proposal is that spread radioactive debris be- even being circulated at the Pen- yond the testing state's borders. tagon. According to McCone, the So- The committeemen also plan to Last Week of Sale! viet explosion occurred in th ask McNamara to furnish them Semipalitinsk area of southern with all disarmament studies on Russia. The U.S. has recorded the control of nuclear weapons 42-piece English White seismic events" in this region which were paid for by Defense RCA VICTOR from time to time, he said, but Department funds. Chelsea Dinnerware for 8 the government has no way ol Other agencies, including the determining whether the inci Atomic Energy Commission and dents are underground tests oi the U.S. Arms Control and Dis- RCA Victor's Color Television earthquakes. armament Agency, will be re- NOW 13.7S In a frank discussion of the quested to submit similar studies experience is unequalled. For Soviet's growing nuclear arsenal to the committee for review. more than 11 years, only RCA McCone stated the Russians are Open stock value 37.55 going all out to catch up with our THE BOMBSHELL — Retiring has continuously produced, lead in small-yield nuclear weap- Air Force General Thomas Pow- Beautiful Myott white china for the woman wfio ons. er's book, "Design for Survival," sold, and serviced color When pressed about their prog- to be published in March, should loves the quality of fine English dinnerwar* ress in big devices, he admitted hit the best-seller lists. The for- ... for the home that likes tradition in design television ... proved its the Russians had developed and mer Strategic Air Commander, detonated nuclear weapons of far who served as director of the ... for the budget plan that lovet to be pam- dependability in American homes higher yield than the U.S. had Pentagon's Joint Strategic Tar- prior to the treaty banning at- get Planning Staff, goes all-out in pered. You'll want to use it for every day, for from coast to coast. ANNIVERSARY WALTZ — At a dinner given by their mospheric tests. his attack on the Johnson admin- company dinners, too. Completely dishwasher lix children, Mr. and Mrs. George Duckers, Sr., of Porf istration's arms policies. He DISARMING THE POLARIS — charges that for the first time in safe. If purchased as open stock would be RCA's unequalled experience Monmouth, observe their 50th wedding anniversary. The Joint Congressional Atomic our hisotry, most of the nation's 37.SS I adds value beyond price to Committee has quietly launched striking power is to be entrusted 32 Yes, 32 Motifs an investigation Into the use o: to weapons never fully tested op- every RCA VICTOR COLOR TV! County Squads Defense Department funds to pay erationally. His book stresses Each 42-piece service for 8 includes for disarmament studies propos- that the U.S. has never tested an ing restrictions on the Navy's Po- intercontinental ballistic missile • 8 dinner plates • 8 cereal soups * 8 bread Croup Elects laris-firing nuclear submarines. all the way from launch to deto- The committee's unannounced and butter plates • 8 cups • 8 saucers • one AVON — The Monmouth Coun nation of the warhead, despite his inquiry was touched off last week insistent urging to do so. 12" platter • I round vegetable dish. ty Association of First Ait by the discovery of a unilatera' Squads has re-elected Richarc arms study suggesting that So- Open stock pieces available. Pomphrey of Leonardo presiden viet observers be placed aboard A toZ Brands and Charles Bennett, Red Bank Polaris submarines, and that treasurer for his 15th term. Democrats To these underseas craft "be con- STEINBACH'S CHINA, S.cond Floor Mr. Bennett, a first lieutenam fined to sea areas outside of the alto Aibury Park, Brick Town in the Red Bank squad, was com missile-firing range of the Soviet Hold Election The Color TV production line mended for his record, but hf Union." experience of all other TV makers said this would be his last yea Prepared for the Navy by the LITTLE SILVER — The Dem- as treasurer. He has been an o Institute for Defense Analysis, ocratic Club will elect officers is limited and recent. It is only ficer since the association v/i the disarmament proposal was Thursday, Feb. 4, at 8:30 p.m. organized in 1945. turned over to the committee by at the Borough Hall. during the last year or two that Also elected were Thoma: a high Navy officer who was Nominated at the January, these makers have produced Bergendahl, Lincroft, vice presi shocked that taxpayers' money meeting were Joseph H. Weber, dent; Lewis Dawkins, Wall Town was used (o make such a report. Northvale Ave., for president; and sold their own Color TV ship, secretary, and Merrill Ril The IDA study, now being care- Raymond J. Florian, Silverside zendollar, Neptune, trustee foi fully reviewed by the commit- Ave., for vice president; Mrs. Chassis or Color Tube, or both! three years. tee's staff, contends that by tak- Louise Kellum, Riverview Ave., The next meeting will be Feb ing this unilateral arms action for treasurer, and Lester A. Gim- Knowing how to build a black 24 at Port Monmouth. "the U.S. could demonstrate re- pelson, Alwin Ter., for secretary. straint in our relations with Rus- With the exception of Mr. Weber, and white TV receiver is not la." who is president, none of the It states, "This kind of deploy- nominees have previously held enough. A Color TV receiver is ment could be viewed as provid- offices in the club. the most sophisticated electronic ing the U.S. with an option of In addition to electing officers, moving the submarines forward, the club will hear a report from device ever developed by man as a 'bargaining' device in a time Fred Seidenzahl, chairman of the of tension short of war." dance committee, regarding the for home use. Since the deployment of the date and location of the annual Polaris submarine is one of the spring dance to be held in May Navy's highest classified secrets, or June.

Add a pretty, personal touch with embroidery to hankies, towels, scarfs. DOES YOUR Bonanza! 32 molifs to decorate inens galore. Lots of variety in stitches — fascinating!' Pattern 862: transfer motifs I%x2'/i to "How come '4x714 ins. ROOF LEAK? everybody Thirty-five cents in coins for Extenslva and expensive damagt to your home can raralt his pattern — add 15 cents for from even Hw smalltst leak In your roof. If your roof it each pattern for lst-class mailing damaged or leaking, call us for fair repair wrvlc* . . . doesn't eat it?" and special handling. Send to ALL JOBS FULLY GUARANTEED! Laura Wheeler, The Daily Regis- ter, Needlecraft Dept., P.O. Box Not everybody knows this 61, Old Chelsea Station, New bread is sold bnly at A&P. York, N.Y. 10011. Print pattern Sale! Our Own Famous RGA VICTOR umber, name, address, Zip. i • , But now you do. We guar- GUTTERS LEAK? antee you'll like it or your 1965 Needlecraft Catalog — 200 DON'T TAKE COLOR IV lesigns; 3 free patterns! More to UaMng. rfamagtd gutter, art also dangtroui to your horn*. Men's Chino Trousers money back. :rochet, knit, sew, embroider Water mpliig through parted |olnr» can g»t Into riw house A CHANCE... offers the !5c. and too, Hwy can causa wood rst. Our nptrt crcrtrsmtn usually 5.95 a pair JANE PARJCES "Decorate with Needlecraft"— will repair your gutters and guarantee rk* |ob. DEMAND abulous, new book packed with priceless extra 25 patterns for top decorator ac- 3.69 pair 2 pr. WHITE essories shown in 5 idea-filled Fast Expert Service •J RCA VICTOR! of II YEARS of BREAD ooms, Applique co-ordinates, pil- »ws, wall hangings, more. 50c. These trousers were' made to, Steinbaeh'i ex- It Costs Ik Mon Send for superb Quilt Book — i complete patterns. 50c. acting specifications. They're rayon and cotton, than Snood Best Windows Re-glazed cut and tailored to. take lots of rugged wear. EXPERIENCE! FURNITURE CO. kll TYPES ALUMINUM FRAME WINDOWS! Completely wash and wear. Trim plaatlest mod- al in all lengths; sand, olive, black. 29 to 44 WEST KEYPORT. N.-'J. waist. 264-0181 • WPMI mm • ntn MUVUY |\ Daily aed Saterday • i MID.WINTIR Deilf aed SMerday • A.M.-5:J0 P.M Wadenday eed Mao, HI f P.M. I W "lehnwa Vaake'i ead STEINBACH'S MEN'S SHOP, Floor SALE - Vaake'i . flto Aibury Park, Brick Town Distributed by KRICH-NEW JEBSEY, INC., Newark, N. J.- NOW IN IP Blgetow 87400 • America7* First RCA Distributor PROGRESS XT0WD.8 had wetythmg SHOP 32 BROAD ST. 741-7500 RED IANK Red Bank, Aibury Park Open Mori, and Fri. evenings 'til 9 p.m. Widnftiday and Friday Nights 'til ?