Weather •»«•. tmecntro, n.Cktt- *«Jr tnugu tad tt- mmnm. I^uiUyuii twwr- ww lathe Mi. Um tonight, II to U. ThiMKtoy, pertly cloudy and cold. Set weather, page 2. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 87, NO. 154 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1965 7c PER COW PAGE ONE Political Blasts Rock Township Hall MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — The sizzling contacted a single resident before the end two factions — factions that are lining up the superintendent's post. She said: challenged for my strong stand on an ap- pointment that did not involve a Negro. political (use here burned down last night of November. as "old" and "new" parts of the town- "It seems to me when it comes to a ship. At one point Committeeman Charles and .the explosion rocked Township Hall. The committeeman charged this was ' colored person these qualifications are "I have been a Negro for 44 years. I not true and said he didn't have the time W. Dryden, first Negro member of the changed." . resent the implication that I have been A weeks-old feud between Strathmore the mayor has to devote to the community. governing body in township history, was party to discriminatory practices." Democrats and Mayor Henry E. Traphagen charged by Mrs. Henderson Causby, a Mr. Krivitzky answered from the ensu- Mr. Krivitzky continued: "You told me erupted at the Township Committee table. Negro resident, with being discriminatory ing silence in the packed room: BAUiED BY MAYOR you would put the skids to me tonight.,." against Negroes. Climax to the tension-laden meeting arrived "If you really mean that, I resent it. Mayor Traphagen added: "I'll lack MAYOR ANGRY with the mayor and Committeeman Jay Mrs. Causby was objecting to appoint- It is the most inaccurate statement ever that statement 100 per cent." Krivitzky hurling charges at each other. The mayor interrupted. "My record in made in this room. It reflects on every ment of Manuel J. Texeira, Jr. to Public The long-awaited appointments of de- Mr. Krivitzky questioned tiie mayor's this township will speak for me. In addi- Works Department superintendent over her committeeman at this table, including Mr. partment heads brought on charges of appointment to the $10,000 position of Utili- tion to my own work I've done your work husband. Mr. Causby was promoted to fore- Dryden." ties Authority director. The mayor then on the finance department all year. I've man. Mr. Dryden replied softly. "political dealing" by the mayor. Theo- checked your vouchers every week and I'm charged Mr. Krivitzky with doing little "I have been challenged in the past dore Schneider, claiming to be "in the tired of carrying you on my back." WHAT QUALIFICATIONS ? for the township, saying he'd been given on my position regarding appointment of know," said: • the job of obtaining easements on Church The 4%-hour meeting was studded with Mrs. Causby asked what qualifications a Negro. Tonight I am challenged for not Mayor Henry E. Traphagen St. and Atlantic Ave. June 1 and had not charges and counter-charges between the were judged in determining who would fill appointing a Negro. Once before I was (See TOWNSHIP, Page 2) Red Bank Budgets Set .5 Million in Taxes RED BANK — Borough Coun- announce a tax rate at that time. is $2,497,655 of which $324,888 will Mayor Benedict R. Nicosia 26 cents this year. The remainder cil last night introduced a 1965 This Is how the .tax rates were be raised from business personal commended council and depart- of the dollar went to the coun- municipal budget totaling estimated: taxes and $2,172,757 in property ment Reads for holding the line ty—15 cents last year and 14 (1,426,026. Council must have $1,181,847 taxes. on municipal purpose taxes. He cents this year. It won't have an appreciable for municipal purposes plus A breakdown of the tax rate said judging from newspaper ac- $244,179.50 as a reserve for un- for property taxes looks like this: counts of other towns, "it is very Council listed sources: of the effect on the tax rate but the other $527,863 it expects to raise collected taxes (based on 90 per 83 cents tor municipal requjre- rare." ichool tax—also announced last without taxes. night—will. cent collection) for a total budget ments (down one cent), plus 32 The mayor chose another way Included is a $190,000 appropri- The estimated tax rates for all of $1,425,026.50. cents for reserve for uncollected to demonstrate the distribution ation of surplus as compared to purposes are J3;22 per $100 as- Council anticipates non-tax rev- taxes (up two cents), equals $1.15 of tax money. He compared last $175,000 last year. Another sessed valuation on real prop- enues in the amount of $527,863 per $100 toward the municipal year's tax dollar to this year's. $117,000 Is anticipated from de- erty, and $6.30 per $100 assessed leaving a municipal purpose tax budget (up one cent). Exemptions took two cents and linquent taxes, and the remain- valuation on business personal levy of $898,163.50. Add to that $1.55 for schools reserve for uncollected taxes took der will come from fees, per- property. Added to that is the school tax (up 17 cents), 45 cents for the 10 cents out of the dollar each mits, municipal court, state aid, Last year's property tax rate levy of $1,193,829; a county tax county (down one cent), and sev- year. However, Mr. Nicosia parking meters, franchise tax and was $3.05. All of the 17-cent in levy of $349,802.52; and another en cents for veteran and senior pointed out, schools took a 45 cent gross receipt tax. crease is included in the Board $59,860 for veteran and senior cit- citizen exemptions (the same) bite last year and a 48 cent bite of Education budget adopted last izen exemptions. and there is the estimated tax this year while municipal pur- And here is where the money week. The school board did not The total tax levy, therefore, rate of $3.22 (up 17 cents), poses used 28 cents last year and (See RED BANK, Page 3) / . GOP to Hear Governor Hopefuls DEBUT — The now River Streef School Band will give its initial performance tomor-r; TRENTON — Any candidate session last night ended without Iwith the senator for some time Jones, for some unexplained The committee, between din- row night at a joint meeting of Red Bank Parent • Teacher Aisociations. John W. who really wants the Republican balltftlng or a request for one. had failed, weeks ago, to place reason, then dropped Assembly ner courses, produced a set of Luckenbill, director of instrumental muiic for the dUtrlct, ii ihown «t yesterday'* r«- nomination for governor will get The gathering was held In the Deamer on the 60-member Speaker Marion West Higgins off ground rules. The candidate wil • chance to ipeak up next Tues- Stacy Trent Hotel. screening committee which has the steering committee. Sh« is nominated by a majority vote heariaj with, from l«ft, Meg tovinscrt, Rpbe/rt Rayjjor, a1 .''only eWtlinj Jhlsj Ot»t u advocated' :$ - ef^ralo. "Easy Steps," "German ft by the GOP screening committee happened was a skirmish between 'Lart weekend, Deamer an who has been saying (or weeks Before the meeting, Sen. Frank to appear before its members for one candidate, Walter Jones, who nounced ba.war going to the that he l» not4 candidate4or Farley, Atlantic' County, long a play flute solo. Other memberj «n» Roberta Friedman, Dam'se Rudolph, Linda PeJuso, ~ H briefing at that time. They is also Bergen County's GOP meeting anyway, and said he wa: governor, paid a surprise visit. power in Republican politics, en- Debbi» Setaro, Bernadatte Rudolph. John' Setaro, David. Wilkinson, Gary Coyne, also-will have an opportunity to chairman and state Sen., Pierce entitled to take a seat. He spoke but said nothing that dorsed Sen. Sandman for the Andrew Crockett, Christina Wopat, Tom Rossi, Dennis DeSantis, David Qgden, Pat tell why they want to be gover- H. Deamer, Jr., also from Ber- Over the objections of Jones, a hasn't been said before. nomination, hoping that the com- nor. gen. vote was taken and Deamer won The committee members agreed mittee would give him a quick Hadden, Gail Hester, Marc Willner, Barbara Ciampoli, Claudia Boretlardt, Rdgina As expected, the committee's Jones, who has been feuding Fie now is a member. any person who is a bonafide vote and the nomination. Adams, David Gavin, Allen Fisher, Delores Caimpoli, Patti Bublin, Roxanne Ribustelli, candidate should submit his However, Farley was • advised Pam Gale, Donald Magee, Vincent Talarico, Burton Bradley and Peter DePatio. name to the state chairman, against it and Sandman was not Webster B. Todd, beforo the Tues- put into nomination. day round robin. Sen. Stout said last night he Monmouth's Civil Service Those whose names have been would be on the scene bright and Local COP Comment: mentioned most prominently of early, prepared to make his all- late, are: Sen. Richard R. Stout, out pitch for the nomination. Monmouth; Sen. Wayne Dumont, Monmouth County was repre- Practices To Be Studied Jr., Warren; Sen. Nelson F. Stam- sented on the steerjng committee ler, Union; Walter Jones, Bergen; by the national committeewoman, 'Nice Sounding Budget' FORT MONMOUTH—The New man review team, said fte sur- He emphasized that the survey Rep. William T.
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