■?Tj '% - V ' *■- m ti’Wfl NET PRESS ^UN rerc^ M t I t r IT. g. W ^tlwr Bare**, AVERAGE DAILV CIRCUIiATION Kew ■• , ,^ OF THE E^NING HERAIJ). for the mmith of Decemhert 1926| Oiaacly, niia attd eoldor 'jUH- 4,957 night. Friday fidr, cdMer. '

PRlCkTEEEE GRNTS Classified Advertising on page S MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1927. VOL. XLI., NO. 94.

SWEDISH PRINCE ADMITS Clings to Forlorn Hope HE HAS MOVIE CRUSH PLAN TO TAKE BIRTH CONTROL Boston, Jan.'20.— His Royal Highness Prince William of Sweden, self-confessed “ hard- ..... Sj. PARLEY C O K POISON OUT OF 4 ^ - A BILL OFFERED boiled egg” with women today mm§i .. ^ T H admitted that he has a movie

Idol— Greta Garbo — and he •■'y INLEUTURE hopes to see her when he visits A LC O m H ALTS $600,000 PEAB1< CXJLLAB Hollywood. STILLMAN PEACE GIFT Admimstratioii Senators In The prince, who prefers farm­ ing and hunting gorillas to tip­ Kellogg Denial is Looked on , New York, ;ian. .20.— ^The ping tea cups, said that mar­ Chemists Fail to Find Nasty presentation of a magnificent Final Drive Seek By Sheer Legalizes Practice Under riage to him is a sequence of pearli and sapphire love— that royal shackles do But Harmless Split— May As Gesture In Jockeying necklace to liirs. Anue U. Still­ Force of Argument to Win Conditions; New Bill Pro­ not bind him. m an-bt-ter husband, James A. However, the prince said he For Position In Arbitra­ Stillman, former president' of had come to America to lecture. Cut Wood Element Per­ the National City Bank, as a Enough Votes to Seat Re­ hibits Pledging Children token of their recent recpncilia- tion Problem. tion, was made known today by centage a Little L a ter.. James “ Bud” Stillman, their publican Member— Dem­ To Any Religion. son. "Bud” Stillman is a stu­ MODERN THOUGHT dent at Princeton University. Washington, Jan. 20.— Despite Washington, Jan. 20.— Settle­ ocrats and Insurgents The value Of the necklace was Hartford, Jan. 20.— The matter the plan of Secretary of the Treas- ment of the land-law controver.

% " f ' -' ■' ' '^ - "■',"^:--':-r ■ ; V-V :. r ^ -t. ■ “".•.> -■•; ;. >V. . . . - •< 1?K‘ ‘V >TAivi7WKamgy agylgWlNG H ERAlP. THO k SUAY, JAIT. 20, 19Z7. f- ' ^ i*A G B T W O

h a y m a k e r s t o in s t a l l town Saturday night =pt CHOSE McCAW hall. The local loft wlU .4p)'In^T BIR1| CONTROL BILL MEXICAN PEACE DEAL . ChiUivn h'h'L' stall its officers and a- sp ^ h e i^ : Pn«ii|e!att.l[ff The Haymakers, a branch of the dinner Vtill be served at At Oitf High School COMING, STILL BELIEF K e m P S local'Red Mep will witness degree Men’s club following the ^gu lsc " M H ) 1 N ^ H ^ work by Arrawana Loft of Middle- meeting. James MeCair, mresident of the Told to OurC, ofC, BALSAM Junior class at the South lianehes- (Ooiitlnaed from page 1.) (Contlnned rrom page I.) ^foi' Coughs/ ter High school was elected chair­ ■was heceBST,ry in connection with man of the general oommittee on Thomaston Savings Bank may bor­ arrangements for the annual Junior or more of cases o f 'American oil the export huHlness. row funds of the corporation. producers which are now before tlik District Managier Interests Detailed explanation ■was made Prom yesterday.# field, the elocutionist who was to Providing for appointment qf courts sh^ll ’ be settled before any as to how cables are laid in the Robert Carter was named chair­ chief deputies by sheriffs of each have entertained was unable to be ritlALTO I man ef the music committee, Hath-* attempt at arbitration is made. The ocean also the repairs, and pictures county and appropriating the fol­ lilanchester Business and were displayed •of the cable operat­ present owing to illness. Miss Bea­ ryn Foley, chairman of the invita­ arbitration It. Is stited must follow trice .Johnson of Johnson, terrace, a lowing salaries therefor: New Hav­ the decisions of the Mexican courts. ing machines, also of the laying of tion coqamittee, Ludwig Hanson, en, Hartford and Fairfield coun­ promising young reader and a 2 BIG FEATURES TODAY AND TOMORROW chairman of the refreshment com­ President Calles has not commit­ the new 19 21 Permalloy cable, to­ ties, $1,000 each; New London, Professional Men at Meet­ gether with a piece of 1866 cable prominent member of the Town mittee and Miriam Watkins, chair­ ted himself to the acceptance of players, gave several selections Middlesex and Windham $75*) arbitration, hut it Is emphasized picked up by cable ship Colonia. With Gaston Glass man of the decoration committee. each; Litchfield and Tolland, $500 which were very well: received. “Broken Homes” Others will be named later to fill that if he does the arbitration must ing Last Evening. One .Han Vandoville and Alice Lake each. The evening was closed with a Interesting Debate out the various committees. be confined to specific cases and One o f the pleasurable numbers a Poignant Story of the Havoc Wrought by Small Tdwn Prohibiting the tax commission­ half hour’s entertainment by A1 not to a general consideration of on • the .program was the debate—• Gossipers. So Beautifully Told You'll Never Forget It. er from making public records con­ Noda, one of tne moot versatile en­ cerning sources o# income, profits, the Mexican constitution. At a well attended meeting of "Resolved that mothers should Adapted from a Trpe Story Magazine Tale. Mexico Insists that it is her sov­ tertainers ihat had ever been seen losses and expenditures submitted the Chamber of^Commerce In Tink­ in Manchester. Mr. Noda’a reper-? more often accompaay their ereign right to enact whatever laws daughters to social functions,’’ with. to him on income tax returns. er hall last evening, the members toire included singing, . dancingj STARRING Authorizing the Rockville-Willl- she pleases to enact and that her Mrs., L... S. Burr and Miss j^Alice PILES constitution can not he submitted playing the saxophone, xylophone, “ Ridin^ Straight” mantic Lighting company to Issue listened to reports of the general Harrison- on the affirmative side BOB R EEVES to arbitration. ^ steel guitar, musical saw and bal­ Go Quick With'Harmless Internal first and refunding mortgage bonds committee In charge of the Febru­ and Mrs, George Keith and Miss El­ An Epic of the Modem West T