■?Tj '% - V ' *■- m ti’Wfl NET PRESS ^UN rerc^ M t I t r IT. g. W ^tlwr Bare**, AVERAGE DAILV CIRCUIiATION Kew ■• , ,^ OF THE E^NING HERAIJ). for the mmith of Decemhert 1926| Oiaacly, niia attd eoldor 'jUH- 4,957 night. Friday fidr, cdMer. ' PRlCkTEEEE GRNTS Classified Advertising on page S MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1927. VOL. XLI., NO. 94. SWEDISH PRINCE ADMITS Clings to Forlorn Hope HE HAS MOVIE CRUSH PLAN TO TAKE BIRTH CONTROL Boston, Jan.'20.— His Royal Highness Prince William of Sweden, self-confessed “ hard- ..... Sj. PARLEY C O K POISON OUT OF 4 ^ - A BILL OFFERED boiled egg” with women today mm§i .. ^ T H admitted that he has a movie Idol— Greta Garbo — and he •■'y INLEUTURE hopes to see her when he visits A LC O m H ALTS $600,000 PEAB1< CXJLLAB Hollywood. STILLMAN PEACE GIFT Admimstratioii Senators In The prince, who prefers farm­ ing and hunting gorillas to tip­ Kellogg Denial is Looked on , New York, ;ian. .20.— ^The ping tea cups, said that mar­ Chemists Fail to Find Nasty presentation of a magnificent Final Drive Seek By Sheer Legalizes Practice Under riage to him is a sequence of pearli and sapphire love— that royal shackles do But Harmless Split— May As Gesture In Jockeying necklace to liirs. Anue U. Still­ Force of Argument to Win Conditions; New Bill Pro­ not bind him. m an-bt-ter husband, James A. However, the prince said he For Position In Arbitra­ Stillman, former president' of had come to America to lecture. Cut Wood Element Per­ the National City Bank, as a Enough Votes to Seat Re­ hibits Pledging Children token of their recent recpncilia- tion Problem. tion, was made known today by centage a Little L a ter.. James “ Bud” Stillman, their publican Member— Dem­ To Any Religion. son. "Bud” Stillman is a stu­ MODERN THOUGHT dent at Princeton University. Washington, Jan. 20.— Despite Washington, Jan. 20.— Settle­ ocrats and Insurgents The value Of the necklace was Hartford, Jan. 20.— The matter the plan of Secretary of the Treas- ment of the land-law controver.<y estimated at more than 5500,- of birth control came before the CHENEY SUBJECT iii'y Mellon to remove poison from with Mexico by peaceable negotia­ 000. It is comprised of pearls, Claim Victory.- House today, when the Legislature industrial alcohol, treasury chem­ tion, rather than resort to an open rubies, sapphires and diamohde, ists so far have failed to discover break, was still regarded as the in which pearls predominate, started its third day of work this held together in strands and Washington, Jan. 20.— Unleash­ •an effective “ nasty but harmless” paramount policy of the administra­ week, in the form of a resolution Bush- linked together to form a band ing a flood of oratory In^the Sen­ Will Discuss Horace substitute for wood alcohol, it was tion today, despite Secretary of or collar about one and k quar­ offered by Rep. Bridge, of Enfield, ate, administration l^ders this learned today. State Kellogg’s denial that he had ter inches broad. w’hich if passed would give physi­ afternoon launched a final drive to nell’s Beliefs at Men’s Instructed by Mellon to investi­ 7 committed this government to cians the right to prevent births. talk Col. Frank L. Smith j (Rep., gate non-poisonous denaturants, arbitration. Mr. Bridge pointed out he had pre­ chemists are continuing the quest nia.,) into being allowed 'to take sented the bill solely by request. League Meeting. Secretary Kellogg’s latest state­ of a new formula-, although a re­ ment was coincident with reports I his oath of office as a United From the town of Ashford came port made to the treasury indicat­ DIAZ AND SACASA States senator. a bill that would forbid residents from Mexico City quoting President ed no material progress. Calles as saying that while he With Smith ^Ited at the portals of the state from agreeing before The influence of the religious In view of the chemists’ reports and knowing that a majority of marriage to have their children favored peaceable adjustment there life of Horace Bushnell, one of the and the subsiding of the storm of could be no arbitration of the Mexi­ MAY MAKE TERMS the Senate 18 waiting to bar him. trained In any certain religion. Republican spokesmen sought to earlier liberals in the Congrega- criticism by alcohol deaths during can constitution itself. Representative Armitage of Ashford the holidays, it was learned that Col. Frank L. Smith, Senq.tor-elect from Illinois, was this afternoon gain him admission by the force of presented the bill. ti(fnal churches in New England, waiting in the Senate chamber at Washington on the hare chance that Approach Cantiotts the Treasury would take no imme­ In diplomatic quarters here, argument. Hartford Anexation. will be the subject of discussion diate action to change the indus­ administration senators might overcome the determination of a small Watson Leads Fight Hartford’s case for annexation of majority to refuse him the right to take the oath. Col. Smith at right. these statements were taken as a Deal to D i^ e Control in Ni­ Led by Senator Watson, Repub­ before the Men’s League of the trial alcohol formulas. necessary part of the diplomatic its border towns will be presented Reduction Later His colleague. Senator Deneen, left. lican of Indiana, they demanded to the present session of the Legis­ Center Congregational church here game. Neither government Is de­ Later, it was stated^-a reduction the Senate respect the so'vereign lature through a bill providing for Sunday noon. Howell Cheney, a sirous of exhibiting any signs of re­ caragua Proposed By of wood alcohol content in dena­ IMjwer of Illinois to name a sena­ annexation of a portion of Bloom­ grandson of Horace Bushnell will ceding from the position it has as­ turing processes probably would be tor from its own choice. field to the Insurance City. At the lead the discussion and will talk sumed In the controversy, and both on •What Modern Religious authorized to forestall new charg­ PREDICTS NO WAR W F H E ENEMY’ Conservative, Report. gmith sat in the rear of the same time Bloomfield residents, ap­ governments have to contend "with Senate, an Interested and patient parently not fearing such a step, Thought Owes to Horace Bush- es that the government is' poison­ domestic opposition of more or less nell.” ing liquors to aid prohibition en­ listener to the debate. His presence asked the Legislature to charter strength. Hence, It Is pointed out, was necessary because technically Sketch of Life forcement. Managua, Nic., Jan. 20.— New ef their own Water Company and to WITH MEXICO NOW IN W AR OF THE MICE the approach to arbitration must he was waiting to take his oath. establish a board of finance for the Horace Bushnell ■was the lead­ A thorough study of alcoholic deaths in the United States last he cautious. forts toward peace between the Democratic leaders, meanwhile, town. er of liberal or* modernist group President Coolidge has sum­ of thinkers in the Congregational year has co^nvinced Treasury offi­ Diaz government and the Liberal announced that his wait would hs A proposed amendment to the marized the Mexican problem as in vain as the oath would be de­ so-called Bridgeport “Ripper Bill” churches of New England frbm cials that from two to four per party led by Dr. Sacasa, now In re­ cent wood alcohol used for denat­ Rajah Raboid Says There Draft of Cats Offered as embracing the question: “ Shall the nied by a majority ranging froto was lifted from the finance com­ about 1835 until his retirement in property of American citizens be volt, are reported In progress. 1865, Born at Bantam Lake, in uring does not create a deadly seven to ten votes. mittee by the House today and sent confiscated without its being paid Some Liberals are understood to The battle over admitting Smith to the Committee on Cities and Litchfield county. Conn, in 1800, poison. have suggested to Dr. Sacasa that The psychological effect of wood Will Be Revolution, How­ Cavalry to Help Stem A e for?” found the old Democratic-Insur­ Boroughs. This followed action by he was graduated from Yale in he appoint delegates to a peace 1827. H e taught school, studied alcohol, however, tends to keep Put bluntly on that basis,, the gent coalition revived and uniting the Senate which had not consid­ controversy does not lend itself to conference to be held in Managua against him. Their attack was ered the Finance Board was the law and acted as an instructor in much of the completely denatured ever, Soon. Bakersfield Offensive. or aboard the United States cruiser Yale college and as an assistant ed­ alcohol out of bootleg markets,’ ac­ arbitration, for this goyernment bused chiefly oh the Reed cam­ right one to act on the matter and cannot put itself in the position be­ Rochester. paign committee’s revelations that sent the bill to the Cities and Bor­ itor of the New York Commercial, cording to officials. forehand, at least, of being willing President Diaz, it is understood, Smith accepted 520^7,000 in gifts oughs Committee at the start. The before he returned to Yale to study Anti-freeze Mixture “ There will he no war between Taft, Cal., Jan. 20.— “ We are to concede that the question is has made a tentative proposal that from public utilifies of Illinois for House concurred with the Senate in for the ministry.
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