VOL. XU., NO. 70. Olaaallled AdTertMng on • MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY,' DECEMBER 22, 1926. C o o o - PRICE THREE CENTS - L k t «- ACADEMY 'WINS 310 The Capitol Puts on Its Winter Coat. HUGE RAID m s SPAIN LOTTERY PRCZB Madrid, Dec. 22.— ^All Spain TEARS OF RAGE OVER was in a fever of excitement to­ N.Y.NIIirLIFE day, as the annual lottery was drawn. More than a thousand persons waited all night before SCANDAL OF DIAMOND S i m W B L O W the mint at Madrid to • witness ■A the draw. Half a million people invaded the streets to scan SEEKS TO STAY ~N JAIL t various lists of the winners. The WALSH TELLS FOB CHRISTMAS PEED C O B B W EEPS 58 Famous Clubs Shut Down king and the government shared a ticket in the lottery. The first Bridgeport, Dec. 22.— Tonie prize of 15,000,000 pesetas went INSIDE TALE Tuckey, tailor, would be guest AS HE DENIES At Holidays By Padlock to Beaux Arts Academy, a of Sheriff Simeon Pease on ticket held by that institution Christmas Day. Tonie wi’l have as a whole. OF EXPOSURE finished a twenty-day jail sen­ Proceedings — Driest tence on Christmas ’’’ve, having PART IN PLOT The second prize of 10,000,- been sent up for drunkenness, 000 was held by two persons, and claiming he has no money one resident in Madrid and the Christmas, Says Officials. and no home asks to be permi other in Orense. The third prize Blowoff Doe to Hany HeO- ted t, sta; in jail until after the 'Tor Honor of Baseball”, of 5,000,000 pesetas was held in holiday is ended. Cuba. No'Pf York, Dec. 22.— ^United mann’s Sense of Doty; I (The value of the pesetas is Declares Landis; Nobody States prohibition forces, on tho about 20 cents, U. S. money.) eve of the holiday season of gayety, Big Enough to Be Exempt struck their hardest blow against New York’s night life early today. DID NO WRONG From Publicity; Leonard Seven parties made up of assist­ FAMILY OF 7 ant United States attorneys, police­ It to Navin; Expose Proves KNEW NOTHING, men, federal prohibition agents Said to Have Received and deputy United States marshals, all acting under direction of Unit­ PROBABLETOU That Baseball Is Clean, INSISTS TRIS” $20,000 For Famous Let­ ed States Attorney Emory R. Buck­ ner, served pei^n al Injunctions Says McGraw. ters. and bills of complhlnt In padlock OF LEAKING GAS proceedings of flfty-elght of the Speaker Declares He Isn’t city’s best known night clubs, B Y DAVIS J. W ALSH cabarets and restaurants. Chicago, Dec. 22.— “The good ' Three Months Preparing. name of baseball was at stake.” A shining white cloak replaces the summer garment of green lawns and trees in which the United States New York, Dec. 22.— Harry Heil- Mentioned In Ball Deal The raids followed an Investiga­ All the Children, 5 in Nnm- And so Kenesaw M. Landis, high tion of three months carried out by s S i l l . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' PHotograph was made just after Washington Tad Rs first heavy mann, who is not a league execu­ agents posing as “rich butter and tive, under oath, to preserve honesty Letters Simply Because commissioner, was willing to light egg men” and distinguished visit­ ber, Dead, Parents Near nor a $65,000 commissioner who, is and toss the bomb which has rock­ ors from abroad. Directed by Major committed to the same purpose, nor ed the game with its third great Chester P. Mills, of the prohibition JEANNE EAGELS, He Wasn’t In It. Death at Bridgeport From yet a disgruntled conspirator, but scandal and blotted the escutch­ enforcement branch, the agents In­ JERSEY TROOPERS ONE DISCREPANCY just a man in the ranks trying to gratiated themselves by lavish use TED, MAY PART eons of four of its one-time famous conduct himself in a manner con­ of money and easily gained all the Open Jet. Cleveland, O., Dec. 22.— Tris players, two of them among the sistent with nis honor, is the in­ evidence they needed to start pro­ BESIEGE FARMERS Star of “Rain” and Football Speaker, former leader of the IN STORY OF WIFE dividual who faced baseball’s latest greatest figures that ever pranced ceedings against many night clubs Hero Expected to Arrange a scandal to a show down. Cleveland Indians in a statement upon a diamond. and cabarets in and on the Bridgeport, Dec. 22— ^An entire Paris Divorce. John J. McGraw vouchsafed this issued today declared that he had of the bright light district. For that same reason he would Bridgeport family may be wiped information to the Avriter today in Places visited included such well been made the “goat” in the alleg­ not let the seven years that have out as the result of escaping illum­ Thirty of Them Surround New York, Dec. 22.— proof of his sincere belief that the known clubs as Texas Guinan’s 800 Mrs. Probasco Urged Police ed “thrown” game between Detroit inating gas. Five of seven members Broadway today was talking game was and is fundamentally elapsed since the incidents con­ Club, the Club Dover, Helen Mor­ are dead and two others are in dy­ ibout the alleged . arrange­ honest. McGraw would allow no and Cleveland with only the word cerned occurred stay his heavy gan’s Fifty-fourth Street Club, the Quartette Who Abused ing condition in a hospital. ments between Jeanne Eagels, Be Not Called, Says Su- other construction to be placed of one man to substantiate the Cafe De Paris, Dinty Moore’s Club, hand. The dead, all children of Mr. and star of ‘■‘Rain,” and her hus­ upon baseball’s position, in spite of charges.’ the Club Anatole, the Palladium Mrs. Albert C. Ayre, are 'William The name and fame of Tyrus Cattle; Perhaps Kill One. band, Ted Coy, for a divorce the sensational disclosures involv­ Speaker insisted that evidence in Club, the Club Richman, Barney’s 8 years old; Winslow, 7; Richard, — that is everyone was talk­ perintendent of House. ing Ty Cobb and Tris Speaker, Judge Landis’ hands should prove Raymond Cobb and Tristam Speak­ Del Fey Club, Mori’s restaurant, 5; Jessie 3 and Irene, six months ing but Jeanne am. Ted, and halloAved idols of young America, that he had no knowledge of the er were not great enough to saA-e Texas Tommy Guinan’s Play­ old. they woulr’n’t say anything. supposed crooked game. The state­ Somerville, N. J., Dec. 22.— One and Joe Wood and “Dutch” Leon­ them when he thought that tho ground, the Embassy Club, the Ayre and his wife are in critical In fact they . were “not at ment follows: New York, Dec. 22— Further in­ ard, first class pitchers in their day. good of the game demanded piti­ Club Biarritz and the Hawaiian condition, according to hospital au­ farmer is believed to be dead, and home” to inquirers. “Entirely ” , quiry today into the tragedy of Behind the Confession less publicity because the finger of Club. thorities. three other persons were barricad­ The temperamental star “ I have been made the goat of A'clghbor Breaks In Sunday was directed by Robert H. It Avas Leonard’^ confession that suspicion had pointed toward them. Worked All Night. ed today in a house on Jugtown and her former football hero that game. Charles Aigeltinger, who occu­ Ihgersoll, founder of the dollar brought the expose into the light of In the eyes of Kenesaw M. Lan­ The raiders set out at ten o’clock husband, according to the Tvatch, on the theory that a third “I want the public to know and pies one section of the two-family mountain, 20 miles from here, day, but behind that confession is dis, anything is justified that Arill last night and at dawn today they rumors, are all set to-sever person fired the shots that killed believe me when I say I am entire­ house, smelled gas this morning while state troopers were planning the story of a man who held honor keep the name of baseball clean. were still busy. Prohibition officials the martial ties via the Paris his wife and sei’iously wounded ly innocent of any wrong-doing in and tracing it to the section occu­ to use tear bombs to rout the be­ and the good name of his profession "B y George, that was the hard­ described the offensive as “a com­ route. Jeanne is scheduled to Wallace M. Probasco, wealthy bus­ connection with the alleged throw­ pied by the Ayre family, forced his sieged men. above friendship. The man who plete success” and predicted that sail soon to appear on the iness executive. The tragedy occur­ ing of that game or placing a bet est job I ever faced!” he said, re­ way in and discovered the tragedy. The siege started when the troop­ took his unassailable position in this would be the driest Christmas stage in London, and the re­ red In Mrs. Ingersoll’s apartment, on the result. I didn’t know any ferring to the hundred pages of He summoned aid and ventilated ers agproached the house to press the face of the tragic consequences and New Year’s New York has port is she will go to the The police, however, hold to bets bad been made on the game typeAvritten testimony which he the house. a complaint against the men of he kneAV must he suffered by two French capital first. their first belief, that Mrs. Inger- until last June when the matter made, public late yesterday, “but known since prohibition went into A preliminary Investigation indi­ mistreating cattle. State Trodpet of baseball’s great stars Avas Harry effect. Miss Eagels and her', so­ soll, angry at Probasco because of was called to my attention by Ban the good name'of baseball Avas at cated that a gas stove in the kitch­ Alfred Larson was rrshed by one Heilmann, accorSin'g to McGra\v’s ciety husband were married his intention to break off their Johnson, president of the league. stake and I thought I owed it to It was declared that the bills of en on the ground floor was pouring of the farmers as he approached statement. some sixteen months ago dt friendship and return to his Avi^e, “The testimony on file in the the public to give it tbe facts.” complaint would make the owners gas through an opened jet. The gas the house, and responded to the The story, as McGraw tells it, the home of Fay Bainter, near shot him three times and then office of Commissioner Landis will W ill Say No More. of the clubs liable to arrest if they entered bedrooms on the second attack by shooting the man in the runs something like this; Stamford, Conn. turned the revolver on herself. vindicate me. I am not mentioned • Those few words constitute the attempted to disregard the padlock floor where the Ayre family were right leg. Leonard, either in a spirit of Find Disci^i>aiicy in the letters written to “Dutch” sole break-in the sphinx-like silence proceedings and start up in bus;, sleeping. Greeted by Volley bravado or beset by the qualms of Detectives working undei^ Inger- Leonard by either Ty Cobb or Joe into which he withdrew himself ness again. Authorities believe Mrs. Ayre Thirty troopers who answered a conscience, confided in Heilmann went into the kitchen to prepare soll haA-e uncovered one^ discrep­ Wood. The reason is plain. I knpw after clothing with facts the skele­ Crowds of men and women in call for help were greeted by a GERMANY AFFRONTED the details of the conspiracy where­ food for the baby and accidentally ancy in the story of the tragedy nothing of any Avagers or of any ton of rumors that have been toss­ evening dress who were dancing, volley of rifle fire when they ap­ by the players were to clean up on opened the gas jet in passing the told by Mrs. Probasco, Avho is the ‘fixing.’ The only thing they say ed around in virtually all baseball- dining and perhaps drinking in the proached the house. The fire was, the game of September 25, 1919. stove. BY ROUZIER’S FREEING daughter of Col. Robert G. Inger- they have against me is the word of circles since Cobb and Speaker sud­ fashionable night clubs watched the answered by the troopers, and is soll, the noted agnostic, though no Heilmann’s Ultimatum proceedings. the man who is behind this entire denly resigned their managership.s believed to have resulted in the kin to the retired Avatch manufac­ “All right,” said Heilmann very flare-up, Leonard. I have requested at Detroit and Cleveland this fall death of one of the men. The farm­ Notifies France Acquittal of turer. earnestly. “Now, I’ll tell you one. repeatedly that Leonard be brought on excuses that. If they were not house is owned by James Meeney. Mrs. Probasco said that after she You are to bring that story before OflScer of Killing German in to face me but he has positively lame, at least limped. The men'besieged in the farmhouse was summoned to Mrs. Ingersoll’s Frank Navin not later than 10 BIG UNER GOES ON TOWN SANTA CLAUS Violates Locarno. refused to come in to a meeting. Those excuses— that Cobb was are believed to be 'relatives of his. apartment by a frantic telephone Deliberately False tired of the game in which he shone The troopers, armed with call from her husband and had dis­ (Continued on Page 2.) RAMPAGE AT PIER “Leonard was deliberately fal­ for a score of years and that sawed-off shotguns, pistols and Berlin, Dec. 22.— The German covered what had happened, she tear bombs, adopted a watchful government today instructed its called the superintendent of the sified in any statement'' he has Speaker’s legs had gone back on made that Implicates me. I never him— are now shown to be just The Paris, Tide Swept, Bumps waiting policy, hoping the men in ambassador in Paris to protest to building and told him to get the the house would capitulate before the French government against police. bet a single penny on that or any that— excuses. It is shown that Another Steamer, Damages LAUNCH DEATH LIST other game and was entirely igno­ further blood was shed. the acquittal im’ Landau of the Lawrence Browton, superintend­ their resignations were turned in Dock Shed at N. Y. Wound Two, Captured. French Lieutenant Rouzier on the ent of the apartment house said: rant of any bets being made until, just when the investigation which Forty Manchester Families Flemington, N. J., Dec. 22— Two charge of murdering one German “ Mr. and Mrs. probasco both askea as I said before, in June. It seems culminated in the present expose New York, Dec. 22.— The big state troopers were wounded in a and wounding another. me not to call the police.” WILL REACH F IF H strange the powers-that-be of was at its height. French liner Paris, displacing 37,- To Receive Needed Gifts; two-hour siege today on an isolated The government advised the Probasco still is in a critical baseball should take the word of a ■Whether “the squire,” as Landis 000 tons, was a feather in the farmhouse at Jugtown mountain, a ambassador to inform France that condition. A technical charge ot man of Leonard’s calfbre when my is somewhat affectionately known, grasp of a strong tide in the North few miles north of here, after they this action is “a serious rebuff to homicide remains against him. name does not appear in the case. believes that a comparatively unim. River today, and in trying to warp WaddeD, Chairman. had gone to arrest James and Tim­ the policy of understanding.” 21 Men Are Still Missing; “I have been told when Leonard portant game between Cleveland into her pier. No. 57, at the foot othy Meeney, brothers, chargea Dr. Bell minister of the occu­ ECLEC'i;iC IS HELD IN \ was waived out of the American and Detroit in the latter city on of West 15th stret, she was smash­ with cruelty to animals. pied territories, issued a statement MANSLAUGHTER CASE League that he made the state­ September 24, 1919, was won by ed ggainst another liner and ment that I was a fine kind of ;. Manchester’s “Santa Claus” will The brothers were captured after today declaring that the verdict is Bridgeport, Dec. 22.— Isidore Bow of Boat Found to Be Cobb, Speaker, Hubert (Dutch) a^jaiust the pier itself. the house was surrounded by thirty Yochelman, former eclectic physi­ friend to have and that he would make his official visits to the poor a slap in the face for the Locarno Leonard and “Smoky Joe” Wood Considerable paint was scraped state troopers, armed with shot­ adherents and that peace cannot cian, was committed to jail heie to­ ‘get me.’ I must say he took a under the grandstand before hos­ from the stern of the Atlantic here Friday afternoon and evening. guns and gas bombs. be restored until the Rhineland is day in default of hail of $10,000 Smashed. fine way to make good his threat. tilities began on the field, the com­ Transport liner MinneGiahda vhen He should have taken into consid­ The Chamber of Commerce, The wounded are Captain Mat­ evacuated. after he was oA'er for trial in missioner refuses to say. til 2 tide drove the Paris against it. eration that I was only the man­ Kiwanis club and local Elks joint thew Daly, head of the party of ar­ Foreign Minister Stresemann the February term of the superior “All in There.” ■The tide then tossed the big ship ager, not the owner , of the ball committee has received subscrip­ resting officers and Sergeant Albert has canceled his proposed holiday court on a charge of manslaughter NeAV' York, Dec. 22-—.\''ciit fifty Neither will be say whether he like a plaything against the side Smith, his chief aide. club, and that I had an obligation tions to pay for presents of food, trip to Egypt, on account of the in connection with the recent death men lost their lives Avhen the believes that Speaker and Cobb won of the pier, tearing many yards of A hand-to-hand fight between clothing and other necessities- for political situation. of Miss Mabel A. Derry. launch “Linseed King” capsized and wagered upon the game, in tin from the roof. one of the brothers and Trooper in the Iludso.i river on Monday, it (Continned ou I’acc 2.) ■forty families. which both took part. Hundreds of persons inside the Albert Larsen preceded the siege. was indicated* today with the an­ The Kiwanis club will provide Nor does he comment on Wood’s pier, waiting for relatives and automobiles to deliver the Christ­ The man attacked Larsen with a nouncement that .1 ch ;ci:-up had re­ friends among the passengers, be­ club, and the other brother opened vealed that approrcimately eighty admission tha£ he and Leonard mas presents and members of the Noted Italian Scientist Nahies 1927 DETROIT JUDGE PUTS and “a friend of mine not connect­ came panic stricken when the big committee assisted by local welfare fire on the trooper from the house. % men were bn board AA’he.n the vessel ship crashed into the structure. Reinforcements were sent for, and started her ill-fated trip. ed with baseball” AA’agered $600 up­ workers will make the presenta­ on the game and took down $420 The crew of the vessel? however, tions. in a short time the rambling Year For World-wide Quake Spasms The annouace.smnt w.as made by LANDIS ON THE PAN managed to moor her without fur­ farmhouse was surrounded by officials of Spencer, Kellogg & Co., profit. How They Were Found ther daffiage. iroopers. Several volleys were fifed owner of the launch, which was “It’s all In there,” he insists, The forty most needy families by the besieged tnen and Ihe troop­ used tb ferry Avorkmen across the ‘Hypocritically Sensational’ He jabbing one lean forefinger at the were listed through the aid of Miss Raffaele BendanI, famous Italian ers. One report says that a third The summer will be noted for riv’er from N oav Y o rk 'lo New Jer- Terms Publication of Cobb- hundred pages of testimony. “ Read Jessie Reynolds, Child Welfare seismologist whose forecasts of several big evor.ts. Another volcanic BOULDER DAM BILL farmer was killed by one of the t;ty. Speaker Charges. their testimony and judge for your­ nurse, and through voluntary sug­ troopers’ bullets. earthquakes have attracted wide eruption of sweeping violence Avill Thirty bodies have been recov­ self whether they are innocent or gestions received by the committee. attention for many years, /has take place in the Japanese Archipe­ ered, and 26 identified. Twenty- Detroit, Mich., Dec. 22.— A guilty.” All have been investigated to learn written the following forecast of lago, together with a fierce earth­ WINS IN COMMinEE nine were rescued, leaving a total scathing attack was made by Cir­ “■What do you think was Leon­ what gifts are most needed. telluric spasms for 1927 for the quake in the Kurile Islands, which of 21 whose fate is yet unknown, cuit Court Jud'

'A- •\?



DEATH OP r . S. OWNERSHIP OP COBB WEEPS AS HE WALSH TELLS INSIDE TEA IS SERVED GIFTS OF FOOD .ONLY BOSTON LIKELY TO GET RUDNER’S FINGER IS (vms. ELIZA P. LONG BUM CLUB CHARGED TO EMPLOYEES Washington, Dec. 22.— Charges STORY OF EXPOSURE TO GO TO .WHITE HOUSE SOUTH AMERICA FLEET AN ALIBI WITNESS Eliza Pettlcrew Long, widow qf that federal prohibition agents DENIES A l l GUILT OF BIG STORE Andrew Long, died at her home, at operated an exclusive Bridge Whist 335 Adams street this morning, phe Club near Fifth Avenue and forty- "And at the 'tea Mrs. Blank (Continued from page 1) AJl Sorts From All Sections in Dalton Recommends Allocat­ He T

A ''v^- -\ • • ^ ■’ ■• .• .'*“ ' ■ , * •’ '.• '• •“ •• , • . ■'•*«^,.fi’' •■ ■* . ^ ' . ‘ "• . M'/ ^ w: ': ' V ’’. I . ^ ' '* ■''■•<■' •* ■ ' ‘ ■* » „ s*‘- '■' • *^’ ' " , i. •'* • . . ^ ' ' ' ' " -"i--Slf^; w . :';€: ' .*■•«* s’rfiV*'- ■ -■ ^. .,-t.'** Mi^CHESTE® KViadNO WIIDNI^AT, 10^ 22,1928. <;■?!■: ■•■'A. . Tit ' i?A g b

Mrs. Doris • RjsByon o f/ 9. Chnteli. SAXOPHONE ihtreet was r e ^ v ^ Jw> the Hemor- -lal hosplt(U;:l^tierd«y’^t^rBOiHi 111 Local Stocks OF THE ARMIES FIGHTING IN CHINA INSTRUCTION with Jjlwi^l pjpeuijionl^:. a r g a i n s (Faraished by Patnam & Co.) ■ .J-. ‘ ' Walter Luettgens Tel. 4iB7 or hemp’s Music Honsci B u k Stocks. - T i ; - TRUCKING By RANDALL GOULD in us ranks. And because opposing City B'k ft Trust------300 — armies have been based on the old- Local and long diatan'ce faniitare Conn. Hirer Bank’g. .250 — Peking (United'Press)— Treachr ery, that incalculable but. ever­ t,imo personal question, treachery I’moving. Cattle and Tobacco a i n t / i e . > , y First Nat (Htfd) ...2 3 0 — has been behind every one of their I a specialty. Httd Aetna Natl ... .400 — present factor In Chinese civil war­ fare, may yet pave the way for a numerous rbv'erses. S hopping clAssifietl Htfd-Conn Tr Co ...575 — lUtMS t i t t C .W . Johnson Htfd-Conn Tr Co r’t.l2 3 127 sane solution of China’s troubles, in Even the recent capture of Wu­ co/umn$ Land Mtg ft T itle __ 65 . — the opinion of many close observ­ chang ■ after stubborn resistance Is CHRISTMAS lilirAPPING. F b o n e ^ lE . - --f '1 Htfd Morris Plan B’k 115 — ers. said to have been finally due to an Phoenix St B’k Ti; .. 400 — It has been treachery which for opening of the city gates by traitors months past has set' at naught-the Park St T r u s t...... 415 — within. Whether true or not, this forecasts of foreign military ex­ story finds Its duplicate In many do rights ...... 155 — perts and which has rendered ap­ Riverside Trust ....450 — another tale of undoubted truth. parently simple campaigns impos­ Less than two years ago, the When the Christmas Tree is Trimmed, U S Security...... 425 440 sible to understand In the final Bondf. “ Christian General,” Feng Yuhlsi- outcome. Treachery has reduced. ang started Marshal Wu Pei-fu on \ East Conn Pow 5 . . . 9 9 — Chinese civil wars, In’ short, to a when the peace and good Qh^er Htfd & Conn West 6s 95 — the toboggan slide which he is still phantasmagoria wherein leaders traveling through Feng’s act in Hart E L 7% ...... 292 298 and. troops shift sides at the sign mas pervades your house-'^feec sure''you Conn L P 5%s . . . . .109 110% abandoning the anti-Chang Tso-lin 6f a silver dollar. campaign and entering Peking city Conn L P 7s ...... 1 1 6 — So long as these civil wars con­ Conn L P 4 % s ...... 95 96 gates which were opened to him have a box or more of our * tinued to be based purely on the from within. Brid Hyd 5 s ...... 103% 105 personal equation— on the individ­ Insurance Stocks. ual merits of demerits of any Chin­ The Hankow Herald has an in­ Aetna Insurance ....4 7 0 510 ese-militaristic Tom. Dick or Har­ teresting account of the chain of Aetna L if e ...... 495 610 ry— there could be n o . more sense treachery which has attended the Aetna Life full pd .. 500 510 to the sight than to a waterfront present Cantonite northern drive. Aetna-Life part pd .. 4.40 — brawl among so, many dcugshore- The Southerners were logically to Aetna-Life part pd ..45 0 — men. In spite of brave talk con­ he opposed by Sun Chuan-fang of The wise foB( have but fewihngs left Automobile ...... 150^ 200 cerning‘.'the man on hprseback” the Shanghai .area, Wu Pei-ful For .whid) they have to look. ,Conn General...... 1570* 1600 who was tO'Uplte -all. China -by around Hankow, and various min­ (The popping time it vny short, among the pile of gifts assembled/ for National Fire ...... 7 2 0 740 force,,: the fact remained that no or leaders notably including one Ai^ so’s pocke^k. Htfd Steam Boiler. ..640 660 sooner did one man rise than all Chin Yun-ao. family and friends. xHartford F ire ...... 495 510 the, others started to pull him xP h oen ix...... 480 500 Wu assured himself that Sun down. . T would work with him and, on this And Bargain Basement Phoenix rights ...... 76 80 Wu Pel-fu preached “ forcible un- assurance, drove into southern Hu­ T ravelers...... 1170 1190 fIcation,” .'and Wu today roams the Whitman's, Art Style, Town Talk, Public Utility Stocks. peh province. Instead of taking wide open spaces with a handful of forces down into Hunan from Conn Power Co . . . . . 320 330 rag-tag and hob-tail Soldiery. Chang - Sehrafft's Chocolates • ^ • C o n n L P '7 % ...... 112 115 Kiongsi, as expected'. Sun roosted Tso4in sought foreign aid as “ the on the fence and declined to act— Conn L P 8 % ...... 120 123 stsohg man of China,’’ yet now he having secretly agreed with Chin Maxine Cherries: Xmas Hard Candy Gr’ch Wat & Gas pfd.105 107 holds' Peking most precariously Yu-ao that they would allow Wu to Hart E L ...... 842 348 and has grave financial trouble'in he defeated and then, with Wu out xHart Gas co m ...... 72 75 his own home;province's in Man­ of the political picture, would drive De Vilbiss Perfuine Atomizers Hart Gas com ...... 335 340 churia. (he Cantonites southward again. xHart Gas p fd ...... 49 51 Canfon’s array,' whatever else "Wu called for to Sun help, did So N E Tel C o ...... 153 157 may:be said for it, hangs together not' get it, and cs'.lled for Chin. Perfumes Compacts Toilet Waters xConn Elec Serv pfd, ‘ 66% 68% as a basic of so'mething rnbre than Chin’s men took a look at the fight­ Manufacturing Stocks. the personality of its leader Chiang ing front and came back hot-foot. xAm. H ardw are...... 85 8T Kai-shek. It' stands for an idea. Its So Wu packed up and went north, Individual Ivory Pieces American Silver . . . . 30 34 present drive northward is the defeated. The time bad come for Acme Wire ...... 1 0 15 “ Northern Expedition'’ of which Chin to help Sun, but in a matner Billings Spencer pfd — 10 the late Sun Yat-sen dreamed a of days he too wa'S fleeing, since for Christmas Christmas Candle Sets .25c to $1.00 Billings Spencer com — 6 dream so intense that it fastened Sun -gave him no support. Finally W omen’s Blgelow-Htfd com .. 80 84 itself immovably in the mind of all Sun, having “ dbuble crossed” both Bristol Brass...... 7 9 Canton. ' Wu and Chin, finds himself In tnni We have received Collins C o ...... 13.7 145 Pipes, Cigar^,. Cigarettes,. Tobacco Because it stands for an Idea-'- lacking, in the supr-cn which he very beautiful stock of Just xColt Fire Arms .... 28 30 whether gQod or bad its open to de­ hoped to get from Chang Tso lln Eagle Lock ...... 112 118 bate— the Canton . army has thus of Manchuria, and he in turn seoms lamps, which are ready Fafnlr Bearing ....; 90 — f%r been immune to treachery with- due for eliml'/iation. Give one of the new Ingersoll Dollar Pens , Hart & Cooley ...... 190 — f6r your selection. xint Silver p fd ...... 102 107 , xint Silver com ...... 96 100 Queen Winter in Her Royal Garb styles. Beautiful ' xJewel Belting pfd . . 80 —- xLn’drs Frary & Cl’k 89 91 and priced right. Misses’, Children’s Mann B’man Class A . 19%’ 21 Come In And Look Mann Bo’man Class B 9 11 and Women’s Extra good quality, V xNew Brit Mach pfd.K tf Over the New Lamps. New Brit Mach com .. 16 .18 4 buckle Overshoes , Niles Bt Pond new . . 18 20 $7.50 to $35 several colors i North & Judd ...... 23 26 Niles Bt Pond pfd . . 80 85 ‘ J R Montgomery pfd. — 85 ' J R Montgomery com. — JS $1.95 pair 69c pair I Pratt Whitney pfd .. 85 —- KEMP'S -Peck, Stow & Wilcox 22 2.4 ('Russell Mfg Co .... 58 65 Gifts o f Jewelry Can Be Selected Any size you wish. fxSmyth Mfg C o ...... 330 —■ • x^tapley Works com. 75 77 Stanley Works pfd .. 27% —• At the Last Minute at Hus Store Scoville Mfg Co . . . . 61% 63 Boots, Rubbers, 'Standard Screw ....1 0 5 112 We have a large assortment of appropriate gifts for ’xTorrington...... 68 70 mother, farther,, the children and your friends, all of the W om en’s U nderw ood...... 46 48 Sheepskin Slippers. U S Envelope pfd... .108 112 iSnest quality at reasonable prices I Union Mfg. Co...... 27 30 Hosiery for all at Whitlock Coir Plpt ;. 20 25 Felt * X Ex Div. XX—Ex stock dividend. Diamonds bargain Prices. In a fine selection of setings Juliets You Save Here. N.Y. Stocks Ribbon trimmed and r,-'

High Low 2 p. m. $ 3 5 ° plush trimmed, At Gulf W I . 40% 40% 40% leather soles, rubber Men’s Am Beet Sug .25% 25 25 Am Sugar Ref 83 82 83 .Am T & T .. .149% 149% 149% heels, several colors "Anaconda . . . 49% 48’% 49% Am Smelt ...1 4 4 % 143% 144% Men’s Watches Leather Amer Loc ...109 108% 109 pair Am Car Fndy.102 101% 101% $1.19 Atchison ___ 167% 165% 166% $ 1 2 , 5 0 t Balt & Ohio . .108% 107% 108 ers We have a fine selection of Beth St “ B” . . 48% 47% 48% XXTOATEVER station you Chili Copper . 35 34'% 35 Children’s Leather * y want, Qrebe Binocular Coils / watches to choose from. Con Gas N Y.110% 110% 110%' Felt Slippers, leath­ 2^-"'if t Col Fuel Iron. 45 45 45 will get it for you and then prevent ' Men’s Wrist Watches $10 and up. Tip Bootees Ches & Ohio .167% 164% 165% all other stations from interfering Cruc Steel . . . 81% 80% 81% with your enjeyment ofthe program. er soles, rubber heels Can P a c ...... 168% 167% 167% Other exclumve Grebe developments Erie ....■ _____54% 52% 53% are S-L-F Condenaera, the Colors 59c pair Erie 1 s t ...... 41%' 41% 41% tone, Low-Wave Extenaion Ctr» 69c to $1.95 Pair Gen Asphalt . 8 5 84% 84% cuits. Flexible Unit Control, etc. Gen E l e c ___ 86%' 86% 86% Gen Mot ____ 153% 151% 152% Come in end let us Shoes and Oxfords Gt North pfd . 82% 81'% 82 . demonetiete them ell. 111 Central ...1 2 5 124% 124% LEI for men, women and Kenn Cop ... 63% 62% 62% Our chain store buy­ Insplra Cop ...2 6 % 26 26% Ladies’ Wrist Watches children make ap­ Louis & Nash. 132 132 132 While Palm Beach receives its flock" of year-round summer girls. Jack ing enables us to Lehigh Val ..103% 103% 103% Tnadt *< a w a u u MT.oeft propriate gifts. Marine pr .... 38% 38 38 Frost’s cortege of winter sports enthusiasts are making for the snow­ $ 1 0 . 0 0 “ ' " ' bound resorts. Above is shown the most attractive winter scene that An Qrebe Miami ...... 20% 20% 20% apparatus A wrist watch malces a fine gift. give you 12 months a Norfolk West .161% 160% 161% The Herald photograph'ep found on.a trip to the mountains. is covered Nat Lead______.173 173 173 by ^pa^^a year values that can- North Pac ... 79%' 79% 79% pMdina. Solid Gold and 1 t A A Me^y N Y Central .142% 141% 142% BIG HOLIDAY DANCE ARMY BAND TO PLAY gold filled Knives * 0 v l N Y N H & H. 44% 43% 44 and up not be duplicated Pam Am Pet . 65'% 65% 65% MONDAY EVENING Pennsylvania .5 7 56% 56% CAROLS XMAS MORN C h ristin a s elsewhere. People Gas ..128 128 128 STERLING SILVER BAR Pierce Arr... 23%’ 22% 23 - set with rhinestones, hand­ Press S t ...... 41 40% 40% One of the looked for events In D. A.. R. Affair to Attract connection with the Christmas some new de- ^ ^ J H Rep Ir & St .. 57% 57 57% Many Collegians Home For To You All Reading ...... 98% 98%’ 98% season is the march by the Salva­ .. AI25:and iip Jacent,'playefs wiP'he welcojh^ Cuftfe'Liifiw $1.5(?aiid:iip. ’• ELL-ANS Whhe. tickets axe being distribut­ FITTING Cl a s s e s ed by the committee of nine ladies, SHOE STORES FOR INDIGESTION headed'by Mrs. Charles F. Sumner, B a i P i t o w ' i and 75t Pkd'&Sold Evetywhiera it is not necessary'to secure tickets in ad-^nce and afniiBBlDn rngy be 1013 Main Street, South Manchester paid itt.^t^e door oh!the evening’ of Optomeirist ^ Manchester Ortnge members will the dance. Esnpert Watchmuker aiid Jew^er. 915 Main St. So. Manchester. State Theatre Building. V Open Evenings Until Christmas. •11 Joy a Christmas party In connec­ 999 Main St> to Postoflice, South Manchester. ■'i 'v tion with their meeting in Tinker DrMses of a mlxtufe of wqoI and Hours. 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Bissell St.|, South Manehester ItiMl this evening. Europe.. Nowin Our Fifth E«ay. metal'aDDeared.'in .'•A • • jrel.epl|oiie .39'3. #» -V, ■ , ,.-y- '\- /


New Yorkj Philadelphia, and even premium on the sudden up-flare of In that cradle of liberty, Boston W resinous tree, panic, death. itself. But he happened to he of the ' There will be many Christmas Ettentns 3HfralJi stuff of which American patrlbts trees in Manchester, and many a POBLI8HED BT ------beq,mlng Santa Claus will appear THE HERALD PRINTING C a were made, and he put his money Founded by Elwood 8. Bla back of the war. He lent altogether to d elisted groups of children. Not Oct. I, 188- for worlds would we say a word to ^ Every Evening Except Sunday* and several hundred thousand dollars ftd lld ay a ^ — an enormous fortune for those discourage the practice. But let us ■\ \ E ntered at the Po*t OfBce a t Man* be very sure that no risk is run of Chester as Second Cla*> VImU Blatter. days—to the struggling colonies. nantnnfc-i contribution, here, to the annual 18' Inch genuine tf SUBSCRIPTION RATES- By Mall And he never got it back. » Cape Cod ‘Whale six dollnrs a year, sixty cent* a list of holiday disasters. mahogany, Banjo month for shorter periods. For a century and a half the Clocks with Oil Lamps; glass By carrier, eighteen ents . weelt. Satety first is the best gift that United States government has painted glass ‘ bases ^wlred for \ Sl..gle copies. I ree cent#.; the Christmas tree Santa can pos­ j , ■ single bulb and SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPRE­ evaded payment of the Salomon panels, brass sibly bring out of the top of his brackets, silver pleated glazed SENTATIVE. Hamllton-De Lluer, loans. Now heirs are pushing once ' • 1 chintz shades, for Inc.. 2S West 43d Street. New more for payment. We should say bag. dials, 8 day and 613 North Michigan Avenua, movements, gold desk or bedroom Chicago. the time is propitious. le we can eagle at top. The Manchester Bveninj; Herald is become virtuously impatient, even 'V on sale *n New York Clty. at Schultas \ News Stand. Sixth Avenue and^43nd indignant, with hard-up nations i $7,15 Street and 42nd Street, entrance of $13.95 Ue I'"'■>?*** I Grand Central Station.. over war debts owed to us less than ir ir i . I . “International News Service b u the a decade, we can hardly continue, exclusive rights to use lor republloa- WHNGIDN Quality brand Electric Toasters tlon in any form all news dlspatohe* with any sort of face, to stall much 20 inch Mantel (Jlock In genu­ lp‘ nickel finish with cord. credited to or not otherwise credit­ longer on the settlement of war ine mahogany case, has silver ed In this paper. It Is alsoi»xoluslvely m i E Toasts two slices of bread at debts owed by us, to our own prosecuting officer to possess, ported back that Marshall never 5PX.1 z u i' I- m I munity’s reputation for progres­ a sense of proportion. It enabled had been tried Jn his home state, siveness and Industrial and com­ him to realize the unfairness of where courts were best able to judge his guilt or Innocence, that mercial Importance has a definite continuing to attempt to convict no explanation of thts failure to pecuniary value. of murder a man whom the evi­ try him had been offeied, that oth­ We do not propose to saddle our­ dence showed to have acted, beyond er Kentuckians in Congress appar­ selves with the cumbersome stand­ reasonable doubt, in self-defense. ently deprecated the charges, and 18 inch genuine cow­ 18, 20 or 22 Inch suit ardized governmental machinery That he has also the courage of that “there is no prosecuting ac­ hide Traveling Bags in cases in black grained, tion from the constituency.” black grained finish; leatherette with 2 dull which some tradition-bound people his convictions Is shown by the That ended it and today Gould brass locks, rayon and some of them legislators— fact that before the defense had leather lining, nickel probably recalls the Roach an . -finished catches and lined and fitted . with seem to think must be tied up with anywhere near completed Its case Marshall cases with satisfaction. lock ' tray — city classification. We have a far he threw up his hands, abandoned The most uotorlous similar case \ before the House of Representa­ $7.00 better and more efficient govern­ the prosecution and asked leave of tives was the Credit Mobiliar scan­ Taffeta Pillows, handsomely $13.05 ment, right now than any city in the court to enter a nolle. dal of 1872 in which Representa­ tailored, in round, oval, half Imported Chinese Brass Desk the state of approximately Man­ To the layman this would not tive Oakes Ames of Massachusetts oval and oblong shapes. Blue, Bet, heavily carved. Blotter chester's size, and we propose to seem to be such a very extraordi­ and Representative James Brooks rose, gold, green, etc. corners, set- 4, $8, Hand Blot­ of New York were accused of hav­ Fii- ter $2, Pen Tray $4, Paper stick to It or something substan­ nary thing for a prosecutor to do, Knife 58.SO, Ink Well $7. tially the same. ing btlbed congressmen some years once the trial had developed to the before their election to the forty- $4,75 Nevertheless the time has arriv. point where the Innocence of the seeJond Congress. ed when this man’s town is all accused was fairly established— A special committee Investlgatefi through permitting Itself to be re­ but how many times has It ever and voted to expel Ames and garded as occupying a plane below Brooks. But the House judiciary been done, either In Connecticut or committee decided that the House BROTHERS. Inc. Ansonla, Danbury, Bristol, Rock any other state? So few that not a could not expel in such a case—- 'S' vllle and Putnam. It expects its single Instance of such a proceed. that its rights of expulsion were own representatives in the Legisla­ Ing comes to mind tq,^ep company remedial rather than punitive. ture to fight, if necessary, for city with the_ one at Bridgeport yester­ So the House didn’t vote to THE GIFT STORE ■ day. throw out Ames and Brooks, but classification for Manchester at the passed separate resolutions ot coming session, and It expects that Perhaps it is essential to a good public condemnation against the I the Legislature will do the only m*kny prosecuting officer tha.^, accused congressmen. m fair thing it can do, and grant it once he has set his feet on the trail And if we don’t get what we of conviction, he never stops nor want something is going to pop. yields nor turns aside till he either gets his man or meets with definite defeat, like a good hound. riation of this stunt is highly suc­ -“Paying $3 a cover afid $2 a bot­ DIFFERENT. Just the same we are for the Ue in this fact; for what has so tle for gingerale, for the privilege In that little matter of war debts, 'IN universal an appeal as the circus? cessful. One of the best mimics gets TEST ANSWERS Fairfield county precedent as being $450 a week for making guests ri­ of being laughei- at and shoved concerning which so many people There are the soft «Jriuk stands, about, may seem to many a bit at once, fair, humane and economi­ the alluring lights, on a morp diculous. in the United States, and partlcu- hard,to understand, but Broadway These are the correct answers cal. Richard Plantagenet, belived to elaborate scale, of course; all thu The^rick waiter, disguised only has taken to the idea with great to the questions which appear on \ larly a small group of senators who have been a son of Richard III of catch-penny stunts ' from rubbei by a somewhat bad-fitting evening the comics page: J * ■■■‘‘ England, died 1550; earned his gusto and high grade clown wait­ happen to be a bit lacking In his­ roosters tojrick tops ballyhoo coat and a “boob” look, pretends to ers are in great demand. • i 1—Renee Adoree. living as a bricklayer, men, roundTng up the crowds in newcomers to be very awkward. He 1 torical background, otcupy a lofty PLAY . New York, Dec. 22—The highest 2—^Not guilty, for all defend-, • Edward Arlington , Robinson auction rooms and around street will stand in the alsl is blocking the .1 ' GILGERT SWAN. ahts. position of mathematical justice, It As surely as Christmas rolls bom, 1869. rental in the world for the amount corners and-idde shows to no end, approach of new guests: he will of space Involved is now being pala ; 3—Ten. will be interesting to note what be­ around the joyousness and gaiety j. But the latest steal from the cir­ drop ice on the dance floor ' and 4—Thirty-one., for a tiny Broadway comer. cus is that of the trick waiter in have great difficulty-picking It up, comes of the Haym Salomon claim. of the festival are turned into grief ( • T.IKES IT STRAIGHT, For this minute space, the size i 5—Golf of Mexico. Hayjn Salomon was one of Amer­ and mourning, In some community ^he night club. all but upsetting the dancers; he , 6-^Wet. of a modest kltchenet, a rental of will let a small piece of ice trickle ica’s first Jews. He had money of this country, by the over-hover­ New York.—Babe, a big truck- $65,000 is collected. No, it is not j Do you' remember the clown ' 7—Twenty-one years or older.' •’■** horse, with a back like a pool tabic, character in the old-time circus down a bald head and will spill when be came the colonies and ing tragedy of the Christmas tree occupied by any quick-money ’ : 8—Ithaca, New York. likes his coffee black. Babe was a iwho stood in the entrance and fol­ trick trays over the heads of well- • ... he made more, fire. scheme, but Is used solely to dem­ 9—No. Contrary to the hospital patient recently, suffering onstrate the making and-use of a lowed folks to their seats, making dressed'women.. , - ' iff—John T. Scopes. course of many Cotton.wool snow, tow-bearded a strained leg. Doctors found he fun of them as they went? This Many newcomers at hrst, are' thtoe -house' Ui order.—Isaiah ? rich men of the popular brand of cigars.' S --v • ^ time be favored the revolution Santa Clauses, flimsy, inflammable had water in the blood and recom­ The more one sees of Broadway, kas great stuff for the early arriv­ highly indignant, but the laughter 88^1. . ------.----^----- als who waited eagerly to see who against England. He had every in­ decorative dew-dads, toppling can­ mended coffee and plOnty of It. the more one realizes that the good from other tables assures them 'So work the honey bep , crea- Babe drinks a pall every .morning old-fashioned circus had most of would be picked bn next. tbat^lnnocent antics are afoot and tvres that by a rule nature ; Pipe and -pouch sets In Holly. ducement to be a Tory, like dles and, above all, hasty and Im­ before starting to work, but re­ its ingredients. The vast popularity Certain night clubr now have so they sit back ' to watch what teach the act of'order to ‘peopled boxes. Corner Soda Shop. Spruce many others of the well-to-do perfect electrical wiring,, put a fuses it with orsam. and enchantment of- the'street'may waiters who find that a modern va­ happens to the next couple. klnadom.—Sbakesneare. at Blssell street.—adv.

/ Ma n c h e s t e r ' e v e n in g HERAtD, w k d n e s d a t , d e c . '22, i 926. .______. ----- " r*______K-> t- % *iV

, .... - . .X. . ------Mille, the man who made “ The Ten Itartford visited at G. Hibbard Louis McCabe, Nprwalk. ■' y BLINH JAZZ BAND. GORGEOUS SCENES, RNE cominandinents,” is showing at the Wwli’s dyer ihetweek-^rid.^ , . : 28DB|VE^LOSE : WUiiam MckAana. Springdale. FINDS OLD ROSTER Circle. This prodijctlonj, rivals E>e- •The 'C^iistm'a^s tre^OEiad exercises’ Howard Morgan, Lowell, Mass. Mllle’s fqrmer masterpiece in sheer of the Federated Sunday school'will Albert Mutch, iftrohx, N.. Y. NeyTji'York.y-rA modern J w DRAMA IN “ SIBERIA” beauty of photography, excellence he held Thoi'sday evening at 7:30 ' . T H M LICENSES Walter blpjski,-Newih|;toh. . chpatra./ inad€ of ihUkdt musicians, with’ a" mlfid leader, r ' OF S T M l MILITIA of actipg, and excellence of story. , Maurice Meacham Is at^ his home- o’clock. Bach’ cia)^ is preparing an Peter PI'ankQ. vNorwich/"*^- : - , centiy was organised apder the a i| a - < You have waited years to see this here for a short" time. • exercise of teA; .^Inates for .the pro^; Nick Ramanuck, Bristol. ,1 »- Picture Depicting: Splendor and r? .i ’pbe"' ’Weeklyj.list - of operators pices of the Bew iYurk A ^ t^ a tlb a production, so be sure to see it to­ ' Miss Gladys Rhodes of Rockville 4'ram after''whicV'S^ta will ar^ver George Ripe, Sharon. - - Horror of Russian Court at night. ' vialted,.'her grandfather,’! Mr. J. I.- and gifts will be''dlstribnted; _ ' i" ‘y^ose Ifce'nses to- idrive a'utoido- Henry Riley, Suffield. , for the Bllnd.:':Aii;. inst'rhdtlon.JlB, On Saturday, Christmas Day, the hUen in Cohnecticut have been susr' Joseph Albiston’s Story of Circle Tomorrow dnd Friday. Rhodes, over the week-end. Miss Helen S p ^ h w of Brown Peter SabloWskI,*iNorwich. vocal,,; toe pU^ent bemg tangkt-^^ Circle will have* S'special holiday University la spending the Christ-/ pepped tpr-ftae year for drivijug Joseph Sarra, New Britain. hearing the piece played oh ‘ m attraction, “ The Last Frontier,” • ■ The Gh|istian Epdqayor meeting^ w i^ , funder the influence of vii- | was'.held Sunday evening'at the,^ mas yacation wlth;,l^er parents, MY/ Bartholomew J. .Shea, Rartford. piano flrat. Ti)c . mnsleiaus’ men-- i with Jack Hoxie as Buffalo Bill. ^upr’ was givan>,,out today at tpie Michael Va’rnelli, Bridgeport. ories are highfy toabed. ' Original "Company G” Re- This is the "greatest “ Western” ever home of Mrs. Sarah 'Young. The^ rad Mrs.'Myroh5Sparrow.; ■ "Sibera” is a big country, and a , The children of the Hicks Mef- etate motor vehicle department/as Charles White, Bridgeport. filmed, f ’ . • leader was Miss Bertha Place. a part of the effort to reduce this big motion picture. The Czar’s spy • Robert Meacham has returned; orlal school will have their exer/ Charles Yattaw, Westerly, R. I. calls "Company B ” system at work;"the orgies of the clses and a Christmas tree Wednes­ highway menace.,’There are twen-' from a trip to New Jersey. ty^eight names oh the list. One* winter palace; love and romance * The Grant’s Hill truisk-did not day aftdrnoon.v'r... ' case was appealed. Three were! Why nbt say ‘^Merry Christmas” that triumphed despite oppression! CHRISTMAS PROGRAM bring the children to Sunday school' The Grant’s Hill school exercises Cpimecticut operators con-victed "with flowersi'They are appropriate A Manchester man read Joseph last Sunday. Tvvo of the children’, and Christajas . tree will be hel4 ■for everyone and they keep your Albiston’s story about the forma­ All this is depicted granduously In ini other' states. 'The department' the William Fox production, "Si- AT NORTH M^HODIST walked the distance in the bold and "Wednesday-evening at 7:30 o’clock,. statement advised people to noUfyf greeting within the true meaning tion of ‘(‘Company G” which was arrived in time for the last half of' Mrs. Ladd and son, E sm ond, of Christmas. Park Hill Flower carried as a special story In The beMa,” which will be shown atithe the department or the police . In Circle theater two days commencing the service. They certainly deserve, visited her - sister V in , Springfield; C|iae they shbuto see lany pf the Shop.— Adv. ' Herald recently. He felt In his At the North Methodist church commendation. Sunday. : > T , •< •' bones that he had read something tomorrow. Tom Stanschi. the old luspendPd drivers operating mo-;. timer who has the art of movie tomorrow evening at 7:30 the Sun­ Miss FlorehceiMeacham a teacher tor vehicles. ’ ,V Y ‘somewhere that went back even acting down to an outstanding de­ at the New Britain High 'school, is: further than Mr. Alblston. remem- day school children will have their Ronald C. Andrews, New Haven. gree of perfection will be seen in Christmas tree'and entertainment, at her home here for the Christ­ HIS TRANSLATION Victor Blrdsall, Waterbury. ' one of the leading roles. Others mas vacation. Golng to his attic he hunted the program for which follows: Ignatz- Jr Chamerda,' Jamaica, "N. featured are Edmund Lowe, Alma Song: It came upon the midnight ■Miss Dodge of Barre, Vermont, Y.'- throuigh “highboys”, “lowboys”, Rubens and Lou Tellegen. is visiting her cousin, Miss Ruth •' Mother: But,' Bobby, surely you trunks and chests galore. He fi­ clear— Sunday School. , George F. Clark'," Ellington. As a companion feature, “ The Ayers. 4id something else ‘ but ’ eat aV the^ ■ Dehni3"^F. Dillon, Naugatuck. /" nally came upon the pamphlet he A Christmas Story—rMiss Wiley’s school treat? > , Only Way,” a United Artists re­ class. Good Will to Men is the title of Walenty Drozka, New Britain. vs-as seeking. Today he brought It lease starring Jean Jay, and Ben Prayer— Rev. Mr. Duxbury. a pageant that is being prepared, Bobble: Yes, mummie. After tea John Filburn, Norwich. • to The Herald office for Inspection. Webster, will be shown. by the young people of Mrs. Wests” wd saug a hymp called “ We Can It Is a “ Roster of the Connecticut Song— Primary Department. .. .Ernest landrok, Shelton. Rejected by her father, deserted class for the service next Sunday Sing, Full Though We Be.” i ' James Johnson, New York City- Militia, December, 1855.” by her friends, betrayed by her A brief speech— Edith Dpart.: » Song: ’Neath the Light of the evening-in the Federated church at- (Mother learned later that the John H. Johnson, W. Hartford. r Report of Inspection enemies and finally“ railroaded” to hymn selected had been “ Weak and Star^Junior Choir. 7 o’clock. Raymond A, Joyce, Bartford.!' The roster is in reality a report “ Siberia”— that unspeakable habi­ Sinful though 'We Be.” )— Dublin' of the inspection of the companies Recitation: Little Star— Ellen The “ Last of the World” was the, Charles Kain, Bridgeport. tat of horror and desolation! main thought of the sermon preach­ Sunday Independent. that made up the Connecticut Mili­ This, in a v;ord, was the fate of Starkweather. David Laws, Naugatuck. tia at that time. The militia was Recitation:. My Broadcast— Wil­ ed by Rev. W. C. Darby last Sun-' “ Sonia Xronsky,” beautiful daugh­ day. “ Not only is the gift that one^ then composed of the First and ter of a Russian overlord who held, liam Wind. Second Brigades. The First Bri­ with his fellows, that freedom of Recitation . and song— Bernice enjoys giving and a smile needed in gade was composed of the 1st, 3d, the world but also the sacrificial thought was a crime and that those Wilson and Doris Cole. i gift.” 5th and 7th Regiments. The Sec­ who ' differed with the “ upper Recitation— Herbert Seymour. Mr. Lisbe West of Hartford visit­ ond Brigade was composed of the classes” were doomed. / Recitation—A Young Santa ^ W I N T ^ Is He a “Home” Man?— 2d, 4th, 6th and 8th Regiments. Alma Rubens, called upon to ed his uncle, C. Hibbard West, last Claus. Sunday. OPENS The First or Hartford County play the part of “ Sonia” in “ Sibe­ Song— Primary Department. Regiment was composed of eight ria,” Fox Films version of Bartley The Tolland basketball team Recitation: Early Rising— Rich­ visited the Ellington team last JANUARY 3rd companies as follows: Cavalry A, Campbell’s gripping play, has nev­ ard Keeney. Hartford; Infantry A, New Brit­ er essayed a more difficult role— Thursday evening. The'geme result­ Enroll now in day or evening school. Give-Him Slippers Elxercise— Six Boys, Mrs. Shaw’s ed in a score for Ellington. ain; Infantry B, South Manches­ nor acquitted herself more credita­ class. ter; Infantry C. North Canton; In­ bly. Victor Schertzinger directea Mrs. Budd and her daughter of song— Ruth McIntosh. After dinner’s over and he sets himself down in .his fantry D, Windsor Locks; Infantry the production. The Connecticut Business College i favorite chair for an evening of book and pipe, liow B, Suffield; Infantry G, Hartford; For twenty-six years a famous Exercise— Five' Girls, Miss La.'- and Rifle B, Plainville. stage success, the romance of Sid­ son’s class. I Odd Fellows’ Block, South Manchester, thoroughly he will appreciate the comfort of house slip­ Ellhu Geer of Hartford was Brig­ ney Carton made immortal by Exercise: Killing the Pig— Rev. pers to rest his weary feet! ■> . adier General, and Samuel A. Charles Dickens in “ A Tale of Two Mr. Phreaner’s class. How thoughtful they are who give them to him. > Cooley of Hartford was Colonel of Cities” now reaches the screen as Recitation: A Christmas Wish— the First Regiment. The Infantry the powerful drama “ The Only James . Daniel Green C om fys...... $2.00.to $3.50 Way.” Exercise: Christmas Snow Storm Last Night uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy^, B, of South Manchester officers Snugglers...... $1.50 to $3.00 The tremendpusly heroic figure Were Captain Arthur Cheney — Six Girls, Miss Clark’s Leather Slippers .-...... $2.50 to $3.50 (spelled Cheeney in the roster); of Sidney Carton is played in the class. When the First Lieutenant, F. W. Barber; film version of “ The Only Way” by White Christmas Exercise. Fire Alarm M occasins...... :. $4.00 Second Lieutenant, A. J. Rumrell Sir John Martin Harvey, who has, Recitation: Is there a Star in j FOR CHRISTMAS | Boys’ Slippers...... '$1.25 to $1.50 and Third Lieutenant, H. B. Ly­ starred many seasons in the stage your . Sky— Beatrice Shaw. Blew man. role with a record of popularity Prayer. Recitation— Helen Aug­ I FOLLOW SANTA CLAUS’ ADVICE AND GIVE | Complete "Assortment of Oxfords, Shoesj'Arctics, comparable to that of Forbes Rob­ Frank, at Least ust. Did you have a Rubbers, Spats and Boots The inspectors in those days ertson in “ The Passing of the Third Time for Santa. were painfully franl^ as the report Floor Back” and similar excep­ Distributions of gifts and candy. FIRE ALARM CALENDAR I SCHRAFFTS CHOCOLATES I contained in this old roster shows. tional successes. Martin Harvey has Song: The First Noel— Sunday Handy so that you The reference to the South Man­ toured the whole world with the ' School. play and has just done the screen could locate it? ? = .We have them In beautiful 1, 2 and .5 pound pack- = chester Company B follows: “ In Benediction. 5 ages.- Splendid assortments of the choicest candies. | fantry Co. B., Lieutenant F. M. version under the direction of the C. E. Houfe 'S In One-Half and One Pound Humidci'S. 5 the Regiment. Their execution Insurance and Real Estate. was good and they added much to' the appearance of the Regiment.” I Stationery | AN IDEAL XMAS GIFT Read This One i Pair of Shoes 5 Beautiful Linen Stationery in different colors. 5 No doubt the Manchester sol­ = EAGLE. FOUNTAIN PENS ...... $1.00 = diers were pleased at this commen­ What more serviceable gift for anyone than a good service­ IMPORTED South Manchester dation which appeared in the -ros­ able pair of shoes in the most up-to-date style? You would German and English 5 THE “P,^” WATCHES $1.00 = ter. But, the citations were not welcome such a gift yourself. Be sure anyone on your list, ; I YALE Fi Ia s HUGHTS $1.50 5 Tinker Building, Main and Birch Sts. always so flattering. Note this would be equally appreciative. one: “ Infantry Co. C, Captain H. CANARIES 5 Xmas Cards, Tags, Seals, Red, White and Holly I V -• I Wrapping Paper, Tinsel Ribbon and Cord, Paper = :\ C. Vining, North Canton— The Guaranteed State arms and equipment in pos­ = Wreaths,'Tree Trimmings, etc. 5 'X session of this Company were in Yorkshire, Hartz Mt. good order. Music not uniformed W. H. GARDNER Rollers and^ Choppers and no Company Records pre­ sented for inspection. The uni­ 847 MAIN STREET form of this Company would not M ilik o w s k i pass inspection. 'The clothing is old ill fitting and unsuitable for THE FLORIST service. The general appearance 5 FRED W. WOODHOUSE ' Hotel Sheridmi BnUding i E Spruce at Bissell Street. , of the Company was calculated^to Tel. 108S-2 Phone 1656 E produce a very unfavorable im­ pression in regard to a ugiformed uiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiMiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|||||,| Militia. The Inspector would re­ ill spectfully suggest it would be for the benefit of the Regiment .that this Company be disbanded.” AN HONEST DEAL After reading through the in­ spector’s reports the Manchester soldiers had a right to feel proud. There is basis for real pruie in the It seems that Manchester’s fine fact that customers seldom ask us to Santa Recommends Our militia companies are hereditary. guarantee our Used Cars. It indicates that our efforts to build up public There’s continuous and-lasting satisfaction in one of confidence were well directed. Our these receiving sets: WAPPING reputation is ample assurance of honest deals and honest values. A son, W’ilbur Hills, the third, POSTON CHIPS, lb...... "V ...... : was born Tuesday morning to Mr. W h y Y O U The finest and crispest candy ever . , and Mrs. George Wilbur Hills of this place. The young man weighed seen in town. ' : ' ten and. a half pounds. H. A. STEPHENS Should B u m Nejt Tuesday evening, Dec. 28, M ohawk RIBBON CANDY, lb...... •••••• » 0 will be the regular meeting or Cor. Center and Knox Streets So. Manchester 2 pound box 45c cents. Wapping Grange. It will be observ­ Philco A and B Socket Power ' ’ ed as Christmas night. Every mem­ A USED CAR IS ONLY AS DBPBNDABLe B Eliminators. ' AMERICAN MIXTURE or W h it e O a k ber is requested to bring an inex­ AS THE DEALER WHO SELLS IT Loudspeakers. Broken Candy...... C pensive gift for the tree. There will Prompt installation and satisfaction guaranteed. be a literary program, and games will be played. The entertainment C o a l i FILLED FRUIT CANDY ^ A Q n will be in charge of the lecturers. Mr. and Mrs. William Armou? have gone to Hartford t« live for CANDY APPLES IS ^ this winter. They have taken furn­ . Law volatile. ished rooms there. 1 Each ...... V . O G Frederick A. Easton of* Spring, 1095 Main Street. field. Mass., was a visitor at the For Choice 2. Kindles quickly. CANDY CANES •§ ^ iom e of his daughter, Mrs. Arthur All sizes, e a c h ...... Frink, as were Mrs. Lida B. Hunt- 3. Costs less per ton. ley and Charles Prescott, last Sun-, * i lay. 4. Low in ash waste. Company G, of Manchester, de­ feated the Y. M. C. A. boys of this CANDY place last Saturday evening in a 5. Bums slowly, lasts long. Give A iBox of See us for fancy packages. Select from the larg^t basketball game. The score was ■ . V ■ t ^ Just try the Pinehurst Soda Shop. 34 to 2(J. 6. Gives more heat per ton. stock in town. Half pound to 5 pound boxes. The Y. M. C. A. boys are going to • ' Simsbury this evening for a basket­ We have a full line of >, Dows OF Johnsons ball game with the boys of that 7. It is clean, s(n


1 A - r t k '- , \. shown the “ ghoul-haunted” bapk- .’ . CHINESE LEGISLATOR. groundfr, the lonelyi cypresa-swfp.t South Carolina back country—-all STATE ROADS COST Honolulu.— The £rst AmericoJi ^ Change in Rates the influence of his youth. ' citizen of Chinese ancestry will take BIS THAT (.AT fM The ’Importante of childhood In­ bis place as a territorial legislatvjr THE SU^V^^6R LAY fluence is ■ now given predominant $ 35 ,3 62 PER MILE whe'n^he law-making body assetr.. OFF IM Y U e WINtfeR--. Importance by the modern schools For Herald Q a s ^ e d Advertishig '/ bles soon after the first of the yeaK of psychology. " , Yew Char, born and, educated In, after June 1, 1926, the following rates for By ARTHUR RACK W e are shown a domestic trage­ Classified Advertising will be in effect; President American Nature Ass’n. Honolulu, who began life as a dy unfolding before youthful eyes, Repqrt % ow s That 200 bootblagk on the streets, and l>ir All For Sale, To Rent, Lost, Found and similar After the Christmas tree has followed by young disillusionment served its appointed purpose of profession, a photographer, w;i| advertising on Classified Page: and misunderstanding. The orphan successful at hls first try In Pol))} bringing joy to the children, It of the roving actors is shown taken P e s Were Completed First insertion, 10 cents a line (6 words to line). may be planted outdoors and lad­ tics. “ I desired to carry out In soiOT Just as the modern archeologists into the Allan bome> to be pe.tted greater and more responsible matik en tvlth gifts for the birds, for this and loved by his foster mother, \ Minimum Charge 30 Cents, ' is their season of stress. • And in Egypt, the Gobi and Yuca­ ner, my duty as an American cl^| whom he adored. Thence to Scot­ Dpring Last Year. Repeat insertions (running every day), 5 cents a If the iveather be mild and op­ tan those burleti links which make zen,” Is the way Char comment|> line. the past ages such a clear picture, land for student can infer what In­ upon his success. ^ ' j en, they have small need of our fluences schooling. bounty, for the fruit stlli Is cllng- sO are the up-to-date biographers THESE PRICES ARE FOR CASH WITH COPY. finding hidden data making possi­ Suddenly comes ^ the discovery The average cost per mile of the ^ ^ An additional charge of 25 cents will be made for ble life-like portraits of Immortals that his guardian, John Allan, Is 200 miles of new pavement added advertisements charged and billed. and near-immortals. \ having affairs on the side. Follows to the State Highway system m McGovern Granite Co] Offhand, this business of wading the discovery of illegitimate chil­ Connecticut during the last fiscal year is shown to be $36,362, in a CEMETERY MEMORIALS through dusty tombs and age-yel­ dren and deception of hfs beloved statement containe' -in the depart- Heiii-esenttHl by • > lowed manuscripts for clues may Mrs. Allan. Horror strikes the su- persensltive lad. Then comes con­ , meut’s report to the Governor and C. W.__HAKTENHTEIN [ FOR SALE LOST seemi to lack adventure. But, read­ the Deneral Assembly. flict with the hard-willed Scotch ing between the lines of Harvey A table covering the mileage and 14W Summit St.' Telephone 1021 guardian. The penniless young Poo T'’OU SALE—Apples. XorUiorn Spies, LOST—Nearly all white female fox Allen’s comments In “ Israfel" (Dor­ the cost of the various types of .lolinathan, U. I. UreonlnBS, Baldwins, hound puppy, with tan cars, about 7 an), It becomes apparent that this is cast out, completely unprepared pavepiont on the ninety-nine con­ \ HuLljardston luul Kings, $1.00 and months' old, in Bolton. Finder please tireless searcher found much the to face ani economic struggle. \S1.50 per bushel, lidgewood Fruit notify Richard G. Rich, South Man­ TJEN HUR’, SCREEN PLAY, struction jobs completed during the ]'’iirm. Telephone \V. H. Cowles, 1)45, chester. thrill of an explorer or detective in Youth Is Basis. twelve months from June 30, 1925 4G1 Wooilhrldgc street. digging up hitherto undiscovered It is upon this youth that the bi­ to July 1, 1926 forma the basis of LOST—Man's right h.and grey COMING TO HARTFORD material on Edgar Allan Poe. ographer must, and does, build his AUTO FOR SALE—I.ittlO pigs. goose, mocha glove, perhaps on Main street. the estimated cost. ' npiiles $1.00 bushel, turnips, 7oC. Fetor Please phono 9C0. Certain It Is that just about the explanation of Poe and his works. Concrete surfacing was put on ELECTRICAL SERVICE Miller Jr., 743'Tolland Turnpike. Tcl. last word has now been written The effect of this turbulent domes­ MIMm WORk OUARANTOD 364-;!. 36,14 miles of state roads, at a cost LOST—Saturday ovenlne, steamer about a life, concerning which there tic experience upon the lad cannot NORTON robe, between Manohestcr and Bolton Greatest of All Film Successes of $2,630,382, or an average of ojccthical mrrmfMCNT COL FOR SALE—Ainorlein Walnut vani­ Notch. Finder ploaso call 884-15 and ■was a world of conflict. The number be over-estimated in considering his $72,783.13 a mile. Much of the ty dresser. Intjulro 4D0 Main street. receive reward. To Play at Parsons’ Theater life and 'works. N-LIARDST. fHOMLt of volumes on the subject of Poe work being on the Boston Post MM MAMCHnmai PMDOMI VlAflON FOR S.\,LE—One maple chaniher Week Beginning Dec. 26. range from thq^ simplest of inco­ All, of his later morosenesd, sor­ road, where the width of the high­ LOST—On 1:30 Sliver Lane'bus to ...I ' set, throe pieces, small oak table, Hartford Saturday or on Hartford \ herent outlines to the late phycho- rows and tragic attitude apparently way is thirty-six feet or practically A'lctrola. Cull evenings, Mrs. A. M. Road between Fairfield street and As an especially appropriate of­ analytlcal document of Joseph can be traced back tp his relation­ double that of the normal road. T 'aln street. Rogers Paper Mill, ladles' brown fur- fering for, Nftw Year’s week, "Ben- lined glove. Call 1057-2. Woods Krutcli. These volumes. If ship with this phase of hls life— For the cobstructlcn of 104.35 >: M 1. —noostcTs and Capons Hur” comes to Parsons theater, combined with the Lincoln litera­ college days when miles o^t macadam surfacing, $3,- • Frank Smith. 313 LO.ST—Bunch of keys In leather Hartford, on Sunday night, Dec. ture, would by themselves fill a Allan refuses him money for hls 041,076'was spent, or an average 'f Goslee & Goslee -I t I’honc 844-2. case. Thursday afternoon, opposite J. 26, to remain until the following, Couple of good sized libraries. meagerest debts, and young Poe, $29,143 a mile. On bituminous W. Male's .Store. Finder please leave Sunday night, Jan. 2, Inclusive. An CONTRACTORS AND FOR SALE—Green Mt. potatoes and at South Herald office. Coherent Life Story. driven to despeifitlon, turns to gam­ macadam, the average cost was Oreonlagi, I’lppins, Spy and King organization of 35 people is coming But Allen’s work, it seems to us. bling for a way out only to lose and apples. E. A. Buckland. Wapplng, with tlie much-discussed screen $36,931 for 27.12 miles, or an ag­ BUILDERS Conn. Tel. ' anehestor C7-D. has for th‘e first time given a com­ to pile up hls debt burden. Thus it gregate of $1,001,589. Bituminous FOUND spectacle. Including a large sym­ goes until Allan, trapping the poet, Birds' Christinas Tree plete and coherent life story, ani- concrete was used on 28.2T miles at ^1/ FOR SALE—Carnations $1.00 per phony orchestra, and it will be brings upon him a humiliation un­ dor.cn. Calendula plants, flowering staged in exact replica of its pres pliflfed by vastly important refer­ a total cost of $376,093 or an High Grade Bergonlas. Rubber »lants. Palms, FOUND—Police dog. Owner can Ijjg to ■«'oodblne and poke'v^ed and ences to those influences which der which even a less sensitive na­ average of $13,303 per mile. Gravel tlyrlomcn. Poinscttlas, Cl/il's Nests, have same by calling 1337 after 6 entations on Broadway, where It ture would have suffered. • p. m. holly, the seed of a inilllou weeds made for the chaotic character of surfacing on 3.56 miles was done Pantanus, and iono Boston ircrns, all has been running for the past year. The young Poe loses all sense of at half price. Wo need room for Is on field and roadside, and the Tliere will be two performances this intriguing and perplexing per­ at a total cost of $23,172, or an Building spring crop.?. Station 2. Burnside Insects wintering beneath the after the opening, beginning at sonality In our literary hall of perspective. He feels himself living average of $6,509 per mile. trrr Avenue Greenhouse. Call Laurel In a trap. There is no sense or value MISCEI.LANEOUS leaves and grass, furnish them a 2:30 and 8:15, and all seats will be fame. HOMES 1610. Michael I’lnatello. feast. N or scheme to life. It is an eternal 1 » resgtyed. To write this story Allen^had to t FOR SALE—Geese.' Inuuiro at 3S9 But ■when the snow drifts deep, As a stage play, “ Ben-Hur” tour discover missing sources, g'oing to struggle with a trap - from...... which...... - Lydall street. Telephone'l'>72-4. Rags, magazines, bundled paper BY STRANGERS HONORED. OFFICES and Junk bjught at big’ eat oeah or the ice-storm seals from their ed the principal North American old wills and letters and linking thd’ seems no escape. Drink alone r prices. F hone 849-3 and I will ealL ). search the bounty which Nature seemed to relieve the situation. He . I FOR SALE—Hardwood. Reo truck Elsenberg. citiee for more than 20 years, leav latest information with that which STORES $9.00: hard slab 8.CO:, hard pine and has/provided, then our help is ing shattered boif office records in he considered Important of the al­ lives In mental excitements when cnestnut mixed $0,00 a load. Ftrpo, C7 welcome. With the earliest dawu other gates of life seemed closed. Wells street. Phone 154-3. Highest prices for rags, papers and its wake. Its well-remembered cha ready known facts. Charles City, la.— “ By strangers FARMBLDGS^ i magazines: rags 3o lb: bundled paper they are up and about seeking riot race scene wherein Ben-Hdr He has backed himself solidly , And there you have Poe— ex­ honored and by strangers mourn­ 30o per 100 lbs; magazines 40o per whatever we may spare from our FOR SAI..E—Chestnut wood, hard 100 lbs. call 3116. 28 Oak street. humbles his enemy, the proud Ro­ with authorities, so that there can plained and relieved^ A portrait ed” Is the inscription,on a tomb in ^ REPAIRING I wood, and hard wood slabs sawed to abundance. which any of us can recognize and T order. L. T. Wood. 55 Blssell street, man soldier, Messala, was staged by be little questioning of his Poo the Norwegian Lutheran cemetery, telephone 49G. Then may the discarded Christ­ Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer in a great story. understand. a .mile from Esthervllle. The tomb No Job Too Big or Too Small. • Legal Notice mas tree enter on Its speond per­ circus Maximus that held 100,000 And if Poe has been a fascinat­ Harvey Allen has written a boqk bears the name of Nocholai Ibsen, We solicit an opportunity to> iod of usefulness. Blud to :ts people. Altogether the services of ing figure to you, as he was ever of real consequence. ' younger brother of the famous trunk and branches some bags of estimate on your requirements.' REAL ESTATE AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD 150,000 people were\employed dur to us, certainly here is a mine of playwright and poet. The younger at Manchester, within and for the suet: suspend from Its stoutest ing the three years consumed In WATER COMPANY AND R. R. y District of Manchester, on the 22nd, absorbing reading. In such life tales Ibsen was a sheep-herder, accord­ \ limb the 'halves of an opened to- making the picture in Italy and AGREE ON MIANUS'DAM Quality and Service FOR SALIC—OR RENT—Six room da.v of December. A. D.. 1926. we’ generally manage to find great­ ing to old residents who knew him. Acfiiirofl single, liot water heat, lire place and Present WILLI.VM S. HYDE. Esq., coanut; clear at its base a space Calffornia. The pi-oduction cost ex He died in 1888. garage, best location. If Interested Judge. of grbund, and then scatter bread er thrill than In all the imagined cecded four million dollars— mor fiction hazards. Greenwich. Dec. 22.— The Green­ Phone 899-4 or 205-4. SCO Stuart J. Waslcy, 827 Main street, Estate of John Proctor late of Man­ crumbs, and parings and bones than double the cost of any film telephone 1438-2. chester, In s.ald District, deceased, For generations there has been a wich Water Companr and the New with bits of meat and fat adhering production up to this time. styled In his father’s will John Sam­ recognized “ Poe Mystery.” Of liaven railroad have reached a FOR SALE—5 room ’'ungalow, oak uel Proctor. or rolled oats or corn flakes, ; i- The all-star cast of “ Ben-Hur definite agreement in regard tp floors and part oak trim, all modern The Administrator having exhibited most anything in the Yvay of eat­ includes Ramon Navarro in the role co,urse, the mind of genius will al­ Improvements, 2 car garage. Price it.s administration account with said sharing the use of the waters of the ables. ' ) of the Charioteer hel'o: May Me ways be a mystery to common folk, & Schreii^r & Son: very reasonable and easy terms. Tel. estate to this Court for allowance, It and perhaps to fellow geniuses, but Mlanus river without awaiting ac­ 1483-13. is Junco and sparrow and chicka­ Avoy as Esther, his sweetheart tion of the courts. An agreement ORDERED;—That the 27th. day of dee and cardinal, even the blue jay insofar as any other mystery is FOR SA^ 'l—Several nice new sin­ Francis X. Bushman as Messala will be signed which will give the December, , A. D.. 1926, at 9 o’clock, will flock to the feast. Thus''may Betty Bronson as the Madonna and concerned, it seems to us well dis­ gles of U rroins. Sacrifice price. Will forenoon, at the Probate Office, in pelled. water company, according to Presi­ General (Contractors be pleased to show you them. Fur­ said Manchester, be and the same is we help them, and also help our- Carmel Myers as Iras, the Egyp dent Ebeu Putnam, exactly what it ther parMculars of Arthur a. Knofla. Thus ■we find traced, particular­ assigned for a hearing on the allow­ selVeS, for the sight of them at tian temptress. ' asked the courts to grant it. Tel. 7S2-3, 875 Main. ance of said administration account their feast will more than repay ly in the first volume of “ Israfel,” with said estate, and this Court di- In addition to the thrilling clip FOR SALE—New single. Just off E. rect.s the administrator to give pub­ us for the small effort. riot race, scenes of the slave gal the tragic story of Poe’s mother, Uaildcre of “ KeJter Hntit llotnez” Ce.iter street. $6900, Small amount lic notice to all persons interested leys, the sea fight, the Romans en and are left to conclude what effect "Wearever” hot water bottles, Teiei’hone 156.'i-2. cash. Modern Improvemetits. Six large therein to appear and be beard there­ the recollections of childhood suf­ rooms. Arthur A. Khofla. Tel. 782-3. on by publishing a copy of this order tering Jerusalem, the Last Supper the long wearing kind, guaranteed, In some newspaper having a circula­ Send a stamped addressed en­ and Palm Sunday are especial’, fering may have had. ’We are Packard’s Pharmacy.— adv. spectacular. tion in said District, on or before velope and questions of fact having., TO RENT Doc. 23rd.. 1926, and by posting a Prices will range from 50c to Shop: 285 West Center Stregt copy of this order on the public .sign­ to do with .Nature will be answer- The R togep’s Life post in the Town where the deceased c.d by the consulting .stuff of .Na­ $1.73 at the n i^ t performances and from 50c to $1.15 at the mat FOR RENT—I'our room fiat, all last dwelt, 4 days before said day of ture Magtudne of. Washingtoin H. General The forest ranger's life is un­ improvements, 215 North Main street. hearing and by mailing in a register­ inees. Seats for' all performances eventful most seasons of thjC Phone 1411-3. ed letter, postage paid on t$r before C., thi-ough arraiigomeiits made Auto Repairing and Dec. 23, 1926 a copy of this order to will be on sale Thurs., Dec. 23, year, but during a dry spell he the box office. Mall orders ■will be I A Ouick and Sure Relief TO RENT—2 fou.--room flats, all laylor & Taylor attornevs at law of Overhauling ^ is kept on the fighting jnodor’.i improvements, with ga«ige. Nettie Krest, 207 New York Avc., carefully filled. Appli’ 37 Clinton street. Call 13S1-1. S.il.sbiiry, Jlaryland and to .John Ris- from colds and sore throat. SHBLDO.VS GARAGE fires. ley Jr., guardian ad Litem of Rear of 2.5 Hollister Street. Marlon. Gerard, Edith. Hazel. Mabel Your income may run into a TO RENT—^Tenement of six rooms, Phone S3SSH-2 Residence 2 8 2 8 -3 modern, near mills, on trolley line. and Josephine RIsley, 2S Fort Pleas­ ANDOVER “ dry spell” , too, if an acci­ Rent .$33 per month. Apply 475 Center ant Ave., Springfield, Mass., and re­ street. turn make to tlihs Court. Word has been received from ST. JAMES’ S CHOIR dental injury prevents your AVILLIAM S. HYDE • working. FOR RENT—Five room flat...all im­ Roscoe Talbot from Tennessee say­ 3 Dr. M. H. SQUIRtS BATTERY WORK H-12-22-2G. Judge. ing he did not stop at several plac­ provements, window shades on; on TO SING “ GLORIA” Chiropractic and Electric Treatment. Then a Connecticut General trolley line, station 52. Apply 393 Cen­ es he Intended to on account of Authorized “ Willard” Service accident policy helps with an ter street, Harrison Store. Phone 509. so much snow and cold weatlier. Phone 487, Selwitz Block. " Station. income while you’re disabled FOR RENT—Desirable tenement of However it was lovely in Tennes­ six rooms. All improvements, garage, “ DANGEROUS FRIENDS” see. Mr. Talbot expects to spend iSt. James's church choir of thir Carbon Burning. and with additional payments . at 26 'Walker street, off East Center. Christmas Iwitli Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ tv-five voices will render at the Auto Electrical Work. for home hospital expenses. Inquire at 30 Walker street. daybreak mass on Christmas raorn- liams at A'tlanta, Ga. Mrs. Wil­ miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii]iiiiiiiii]iiiiiiiiiii|iliiiiiiiiiii,ii,iii,i,ill„j Electrical Appliances Repaired. Arrange for it now when b'CR ItENT—Four room flat, all COMING TO RIAITO liams writes they are going to ing, the “ Gloria” from Henry N Improvements. 12 Pearl street. Phone Farmer’s world famous composi­ Free Crankcase Service. things are going smoothly. 1123. have a Christmas tree with the other teachers as guests and Mr. tion, "Mass in B.” The choir has rendered one of Fanner's works on Spring Only 3 Months Away Connecticut General l‘ OU RENT—After January 1st, six An exceptional cast of screen Williams’ /brother who has:been In room liou.se on' Ridge street, all iin- another occasion. Do you realize it? JOHN BAUSOLA farceurs was employed in the mak­ this country studying for several ■ Now is the time to pick up real estate- 5 Lif el nsurance Company ni-ovement.s. C.oR 241-12 or at 97 I months. Henry N. P’armer was an English bargains. With Barrett & Robbins ' Ridge street. ing of “ Dangerous Friends” which composer of choral music of un,us- FAYETTE B. CLARKE. Agt, lieads a double feature program at Edward Maeckerlin of Hartford We offer: A nice, neat and new single in the Green section I 913 Main St. Phone 39-2 FOR RE.NT—Six room tfnpinent, was a caller in town Sunday. ual excellence. He has wrritten many for $7,000. It is up to date and a place you would like? ; 10 Depot Sq. • Tel. 292 - nil improvement.s. heat am. garage. the Rialto theater tomorrow and such ■works, besides innumerable Inquire at 31 Middle Turiipikc. Friday. The film is a farce comedy Lewis Phelps and son Charles Another fine home close to Main street on Middle Turnpike • went to Colchester Thursday eve- orchestral selections, symphonies, East, well arranged rooms, garage In basement, all fully equip- ! and T. Roy Barnes who had won an and operettas. His sacred musical E ped. ^ ; FOR RENT—Five room tenement enviable position among the light 'ning to a Masonic meeting. ■with modern improvements, on Brain- CharleA Phelps joined the Mas­ compositions, however, are consid­ nnl street, near Main, price $20 per comedians of the stage before turn­ ered his bestJ -works, and his Another new single on Walker street, hard wood trim and 5 rnonth. Apply to Aaron Johnson. 62 ons at the last meeting. floors, good large airy rooms. Be sure to look at this one. ; I/lnden street...... ing to the screen heads the cast. He “Gloria” fromi ''Mass In B” is is seen as a “show off” , a_ young Callers at A. E. Frink’s Sunday A large flat all up-to-date in every detail, with an extra z were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Platt , placed in the select class of such 10 RENT—Uecetnber 1st, new five real estate salesman given to the masterpieces as Mozart’s “ Twelth building lot on Benton street, all for $10,000. s of Wapping, Mr.' Merton Hills and room fi.Tt. all modern, on Florence night life and the bright lights but Mass.” Gounod’s “ Messs Solonelle Before deciding on the building of your new home be sura S street Ranehl, 519 Center married to a quiet home-loving son Jesse and Miss Laura Hills of Handel's “ The Messiah” and “ The to inspect the Green Hill Terrace tract on Pitkin street. You s Gilead and Hubert Porter of He­ wife. Marjorie Gay heroine of many bron. Creation,” and Mozart's “ Req­ may decide to locate there. Careful restrictions prevail. ~ Tooiti tenement. O. Henry comedies on the screen uiem.” Maple stieci. Apply to H. '1. Tryon. and leading woman for Gene Tun- There were 27 bags of mail sent • St. James’s choir has been doing In care of „. \V. Hale Company. from the local office Monday ney in “ The Fighting Marine” plays morning. excellent work under the direction TO RE.N’T—5 room flat, first floor, opposite Barnes. Arthur Hovt is of organist 'and -choir master, I Robert J. Smith 1009 Main St. | The Best Guardian of B all modern Improvements 331 The Community Christmas tree cast as the sober, self effacing‘hus­ Charles Packard. Many beautiful Lontor street. Inquire 41 Bigelow St. will be at the Town Hall' this eve­ S Real Estate — Insurance — Steamship Tickets £ band of the gay young thing across and brilliant works have been ren­ ning. Entertainment will be giv­ FOR HE.VT - Three, and four the hall with whom Gusty Gale dered by the choir this year. Tiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiq iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiin Life and Property room apartments, heat. Janitor aer- en by the school children. Every­ With the “ Gloria” there will be vice. gas range, refrigerator. ln-a- (the character played by Barnas) body ■welcome. door bed ru.-nished. Call Manchester goes to the cabarets, Having his many other compositions fitting to Construction Company, 2100 or tele­ such a program, and anproprlato \ phone 7S3-2. wife and Ills fair neighbor’s hus­ band to console each other as best THIS TOWN GOVERNED for the day. The complete program will be announced later. I'Or. RE.Ni—In Greenacres, first they may. Gertrude Short is the BY WO.MEN a^r.d second floor flats at 73 and 75 “ Manchester’s Newest and Most Modern” Benton streec Call 830. frivilons wife. Their characterlza- lions of the two roles adding much Winslow, Ark.— The women run to the comedy of the nim. All of the Winslow. • Insure Your Valuables WANTED players enter happily into the This town has a woman mayor, FIREMEN AROUSED humor of “ Dangerous Friends” and women fill all the municipal offices S ilk C k y A BOX IN A GOOD SAFE DEPOSIT'VAULT help make it a picture that will and the town Is making progress. \\.\NTEr)—Broadlcaf fobacCo sort- BY MIDNIGHT “ HRE” ' , - ■ THE V,r',JoUn.'io i, Wapplng send the tlredest of tired business The administration has proved men home ^’estocl and refreshed. so successful that anent ire wo­ The second feature attraction is . BEST AND CHEAPEST INSURANCE. ^\A.\1KD—T will pay the highest man's ticket waa returned victor at False Alarm Turned in From Hairdressing Parlors firlccs for all kinds of Junk: also buv Moran of the Mounted” which the last election. all kinds of chickens. Morris H. Lcss- stars one of the most popular of Winslow’s resident population Is Hartford Road and McKee at ncr, U'lcplio:ui 9S2-1, Shaving by Master Union Barbers , the younger players appearing be­ about.400, but during the summer 12:10 Last N%ht. • < * The Manchester Trust Co. AV.INTED—Roomers anil lioar0er.s. fore the camera. Ho is Reed Howes it entertains about 200 visitors Inquire at 31 Chestnut street, Mrs. and in Moran of the Mounted” he A false alarm shortly after mid­ LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S HAIR CUTTING. Hopner. from every part of the United I I soeina to typify that fearless service States. Nearly all the women offi­ night brought out two companies X Four Chairs— Special Attention to the Latest Modes in I* ^ ,^'ANIKD—General worker for our the Royal Northwest Mounted cials of the town aro In business for of the Sduth Manchester Fire De­ glrhs boarding house at Fouracres. Police. Howes by his acting in this themselves. partment last night. As far as can Ladies’ Bobs and Shingles. - * Aiiply Clieney Bros. Employment film is cntiflecl to add D. T. after "Women are just as able, con- Ic learned, no trace has been dis­ his name, the initials standing for Bclentlous and loyal as men, and covered of the guilty party. \\ ANTLU--J 0 repair and clean Doctor of Thrillology. He tipes make just as good officers,” de­ The alarm was turned In from sow tig ~nmohliio8 of all makos. All every thing but create an earth­ clares .the mayor, Mrs. Maude Dun­ Box 14 at Hartford Road and Mc­ work guaranteed. Tol. Mnneh-stur Kee street at 12:10. The ladder •‘uywltero. R. w. Garraid. quake, mine of his feats might al­ can. Fire and Lialiility J7 Edward street, Manchester. most be termed suicidal. Shorter nnd pump trucks from Hose Com­ Silk C ity subjects will also be offered. The pany No. 1 and the pump from No, WANl'Ei)—To buy esrs for Junk. SON MADE CONSERVATOR 4 lesponded. Used parts fur aaie. Abel's Ssrvics two features which will close their OF SALAD KINO’S ESTATE atatloii. Oak strset, Tsl. Tg|>, engagement at this playhouse this The vicinity about the location of evening are “ The Dost Chord” a Box 14 Is not thlc’Uy populated and Hairdressing Farlors Insurance WANTEU—Soms pisasurs these Haverhill,' Mass., Doc. 22.^—At It would have bejn a more or less tender love story starring Alice long evoiiingst Why uot havs that the request of/Albert G. Howard, simple matter for a pfrson to turn Main St. ^ PASQUALE VENDRILLO at Eldridge St!. phonograph fixed and enjoy the old Lake and David Powell and “ The former Princeton football player, r.n alarm at that Imur of the night favorite records once again. Bralib- Code of the Northwest” with San- svalte. ISO Cantsr atrgat. Henry V. Cunningham has been ap­ unnoticed. Howrvor, It is a risky ‘ Also Modem Pool Parlor in Rear With ERtranee dow the greatest of canines In the pointed conservator of the estate of paper and is accompanied by a RICHARD G. RICH stellar role. A comedy and current Howard’s father. John F. Howafd, stiff penalty If the guilty party is on Eldridge Street. ^ / AUTOMOBILES nows events round out the program, millionaire "salad king” now of caught. A five tube radio set will be given Mexico City. Young Howard olktms Open from 8 a. m. tp 8 p. m. < Tinker Building, South Manchester. away Friday evening. Coupons are . t ■ ■ ' FOR SALE—-New 'Whlppee coupe, his father is unable to properly cigars in-boxes o f ’20, 25 and V $160 under price. "W. R. Tinker Jr.i 130 being distributed at every evening handle his affairs because of ad­ John D. VendHUo* Manager. Cantsr strsst. Fbons 1000* performtQc*. 60,. Corner Soda Shop, Spruce at vanced aae and mental weakness. Bissell street.— adv. I


I then gave a scripture reading and D. Peterson, J. Thurz, F. Wood, S. IRISH SHIP CALLS OVER FIFTY BUYS McCreery, R. Dey, H. Peterson, J. ON WESTERN COAST ' m e r c h a n t USES PHONE. NEARLY 800 A T T O * offered a prayer. Tacoma, Wash.— One-half of the W e Re PROFESSORS’ PU N Special singing by a male quartet Allen, A. Angeli, M. Clark, B. Par­ composed of Andrew Rankin, Les­ ker, H. Angelo, A. De Ronck, R.. Irish Free State’s merchant ma­ XMAS H. S. ASSEMBLY IN S .T .S . COMEDY Kuhney, C. Wood, R- Murphy, J. rine loaded here recently. It'was Rubbers and AS A MEMORY JOGGER ter Wolcott, Fred Tllden and Ed­ the freighter Knockfleerna. ward ' Daadus which made .its Gallasao-: T. Yanshewsky, T. Jack- STIRS CAPITAL IRE son, G./Orlswold, J^ Toscano, C. Capt. M. A. Steymans declares As Well as Shoes. initial appearance, scored a hit. So the Irish in this country must be And Learns Something About did a mixed chorus.whlch rendered Special Christmas Program at Bengston, A. Pontillo, W. Zinzzer, Large Number of Alumni Pres­ A. Manchuck, A. Carlson, W. Ram­ patriotic because he missed sever­ Manchester Peoflle and'the .two Christmas carols.'This was Rec Tomorrow Morning For ent; Soc and Buskin Mem­ say, C. Hurlburt, R. Kinne, W. al flags since arriving. Finally he Telephone Service. composed of the male quartet plus Students and Parents. replaced- the new gold and white bers Enact “Exile.” the following-girls: Mildred Berg- Carroll, R. Johnson, J. Schleben- Sam T o ly Politicians Sttre Columbia \ tri-color flag of his home p;ort gien, Helen Daley, Margaret Gill- 'pflug and S. Dolphian. TOl Main St., Johnson Manchester’s^women are polite. Director A. A. Warren of the The following members of tue with British colors and the JChags Manchester’s women ha” c de­ About 800 students and alumni man, Antlonette Jaiftroga and Grace South Manchester H^acullies All Wrong On enjoyed a splendid Christmas pro­ local State Trade cchool today Trade school orchestra will come ceased disappearing. veloped a "telephone voice.” Hood. announced the entire cast which in for their share of the' entertain­ gram at the sbeclal assembly in the One of the novelties of the enter­ Manchester’s women read the will participate in the sketch en­ ment program; H. Clnl, L. Duker, newspapers. local High school auditorium yes­ tainment was a chorus composed of Parley, terday ajternoon. The appropriate titled “ Keith’s Corner Between 12 E. Butles, S. Dolphian, J. Adams, The "Thank You” plan used by students from Miss Florence Kelly's and 1 P. M.” which will be pre­ L. Kingman, F. Wood, H. Angelo, affair brought to a close the Fall German class. This group, , which the telephone company is not prac­ sented in the Rec auditorium to­ J. Janton, A. Baldrachi, J. Thurzf, school term and brought forth the included Esther Smith. Maricn Washington, Dec. 22.— The pro­ tical. morrow morning at 9 o’clock. On­ and Leader Mr. Hanna. ^ much-desired Christmas vacation Mohr, Violet Muske, Anna Ruebln, posal by the Columbia University These and many other odd facts ly students and their parents will were uqearthed during the past period. Arllne Wilkie,- Mildred England, Faculty of Political Science for an The high light of the^eclal pro­ be admitted to see the play which Apollo Hard Candies-ln one and Late Christmas Buyers international conference to discuss week by George H. Williams, the Elizabeth Barrett, Emma Strick­ will be in the order oPa Christmas two pound tins and glass Jars at Manchester clothier who was gram, other than the awarding of land, Arthur Kemp, Dave Kerr, war debts and reparations is re­ entertainment. Over fifty ’students Packard’s Pharmacy.— adv. “ putting over” a reminder cam­ letters to seventeen members of the Wilbur Markham, William McKin­ will find an excellent line still remaining of garded by Administration executive football team x^hich is told in detail will take part. \ officials here as ill-timed and su­ paign via the telephone book. ney, Henry Jansen, George Orn- The plot concealed in the play The man who did the calling on the sport page, was the one-act stein and Earle Rohan, sang two perficial and likely to provde am­ drama, “ Exile” , written by Arthur Is being kept a seiJcet because it munition for the political enemies found that Manchester women Christmas carols in German. Doyle. This typical Christmas play would spoil the fun if revealed. of Premier Poincare and aid them were easier to approach during the Principal Quiml)y awarded Royal However, Mr. Warren states it Is ’was enacted by four members of the A Picture in their efforts to preVent ratifica­ m ofnice hours and i^ould listen Gold pins to Alice Steinberg, Helen filled with ample merriment and Mechanical Toys more attentively. Yet even to­ Soc and Buskin players under the McGlinn, Esther Metcalf and tion of the debt agreement negoti­ asserts it will more than come up W hat nicer g ift could you get ated by France and the United ward meal times they were invar­ direction of Miss Esthey. They were Eunice Koehler. John Cervini, Mae Clune, Russell to expectations. Any.of the stud­ -AND- States. Officias here, however, are iably polite and asked various ents who miss the entertainment for the home. Gould and William Gahrmann and unwilling to enter upon an.open •questions about thOvStock in the may be sorry afterward. It has executed their parts in a clever controversy with the university Williams store. been tMe talk of the school for Choose from a hundred sub­ group at this time. It is quite a task to call up ev- i mann^Sr. So clever, in fact, that some tnne now and will pot abate bursts of applause repeatedly re­ jects here. All nicely framed Swanson Stirred 'erybody in the telephone book and any quicker. In Congressional circles opinion it took more than a week to accom­ paid their efforts. Electrical Goods plish the task, working about sev­ Christmas Drama The cast follows: is divided, with the preponderant The Tough ...... L. Piccin view in opposition to the proposal en hours dally. “ Exile” Is a typical Yuletide When I have borne in memory Willie ...... C. Hurlburt 50c"’ $15 including Percolators, Toasters, Flatirons, made. An especially caustic attack It wai noticed that even on Sat­ drama, it has to do with prepara­ Irons, Curling Irons, etc. on the statement of the university urday afternoons few , men an­ tions for home-coming on Christ­ . what has tamed Boisterous ...... H. Zinzzer professor was made by Senator swered the ’phone and this seeme mas Eve in home >jf a poor family Great nations; how ennobling Ted ...... T. Cham^bers Swanson of Virginia, ranking Dem­ strange because one would imagine In a lonely farm district in New thoughts depart Mope ...... R . Kinne Johrl Olson Fancy Vases, Christmas Tree Lights and When men change swords f o r Snow ball...... M. Volquardeqn. and Electrical Sets. ocrat of the Foreign Relations that all of the men folks were at York state. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Painting and Decorating Committee, who declared that the home, at least those er.ployed in Snow (John Cervini and • Mae ledgers, and uesert R obbie'...... S. Robinson international debt settlements were the mills. It might however, be in­ Clune.) are making ready for the The Student’s bower for gold Old Black Joe ...... Mr. Roscoe Contractor. of a most generous character and ferred from this that nowadays home-coming of their two sons who some fears unname^. S. M. H. S. g i r l ___ Esther Metcalf Special, Children’s Small Wagons, 98c that Americans have been astonish­ the telephone is a woman’s chore have been away for many years. The members of the chorus are; 699 Main 3t, Johnson Block ed at the "lack of appreciation' and that men do not answer it any But Robert does not come and Dick I had, my country!— am I to be shown by the European countries. more at their homes. As to tiie is in prison for a crime he did not blamed? He felt that the proposal for a con­ telephone voice.” It was notice­ commit. The latter, however, Now when I think of thee and ference would be misunderstood able that voices wero almost the esca’fies and in his wanderings what thou art. abroad, raise false hopes and ac­ same at hundreds of homes. The comes to his own home. He is in­ Verily, in the bottom of~my heart centuate any existing ill-feeling. voice might he described as a con­ vited in bu' is not recognized by his Of those iTnfllial fears I am asham­ The AMOS-ADAMS COTI Senator Capper, Republican of tralto in tone. It su*ely must be ed. DEPOT SQUARE father and mother. He recognizes Phone 192. Kansas, expressed opposition to a affected as hundreds of voices them, but does not make his identi­ Orange Hall Block, .conference, but was milder in tone could not be exactly the same. This ty known because he realizes it will For dearly must we prize thee; we and admitted that "what our stand was, of" course just the “ hello” hurt their feelings. After eajjng who find in America might be a few years part of the conversa'.ion because supper with them, he departs but In thee a bulwark for the cause of A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND , later of course no one knows.” \ when further words were spoken men; promises to pay a return visit if he be- Representative A. Piatt Andrew, one could notice the various tones. succeeds in proving his innocence. And I by my affection was A HAPPY NEW YEAR Republican, of Massachusetts, long As to reading the ;*ewspapers it William Gahrmann enacted the part gulled: an advocate of cancellation or mod­ might be said that the. jvomen of of the escaped convict well as did What a wonder it a poet now nd ification, particularly of the French this town know the names of the Russell Gould that of a farmer. BASKETS OF CHRISTMAS CHEER wartime debt, in referring to the various merchants. Still it was then, Special Singing Amor,g the many movements of What better expression of the real holiday sentiment, proposal, quoted Zola's statement. surprising to notice hov; many Previous to the play, selections "Truth is on the march; Nothing his min


1 A Y



LUXURY AT LOW COST M|uiiwn»iwniaiHiwuiiinniniHinniaiamiMiniiii i i M iiiiiiB iiBBM Biiiiiiiiiinim in iiiiiiiiiim ^ Dutch Colonial Model Merges Into American Style to Give Beauty and \ Space, for Modem Family. breads -90’-0- © 1 Q 2 6 £ y Clii^rd L^^l]l)“ »^Eme8t lynn ULAi • \ ska mrnm ^ NEASE^CEDia WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE "Freddie.'* piped up a sweet young thing In red, "is the one grand little To the Home of PROF and MOL- instructor in registration, if that’s Wise-Cracking Baffles LIE ELWEIjL in CamdenTlIIe, S ill;! iif-yirtfs' the word! You can taka it from ope Ind., one night in October, 1898, Perhaps it’s (the new plays with iiii; as knows!" This last with a elgnifl- all their smart, sophisticated wise­ comes AL4RTHA DALTON, a cant .emphasis and a slow wink at nurse, bearuig a woman who had cracking lines which explain the the twins. fainted on a train. conversation between the burglar Eiweii is an artist. He has a FreddiS withered her with a chill? and Mrs. Adeline O’Donohue of son, JIM, aged 5. Late that night ing look, and then turned to Betty. New York City. / the woman bears twin giris and “ What do you say. Miss Marvin?" “ Who,” asked Mrs. O’Donohue dies witiiout reveaiing her name. he asked eagerly, with a langpilshing when the flashlight went Into her. The story then moves forward 18 look into her eyes. "Wouldn’t you eyes, “are.you?’,’ years. The twins, now growing to like to find out if you haSa moving “I am a burgler.” benutifui womanhood, have been picture possibilities?" "That’s nice; I thought you were adopted and named MARGAREiT The sweet young thing liA red a phantom.” CNTIUNCI and ELIZABETH. They have shouted, ‘;Come here, everjmody, “ Come, come, madam, I have lit­ -S. been nicknamed RUSTY and Freddie's got a new pupil!", and tle time for Idle trifling.” BETTY. clapped her hands. - x The lady In the boudoir pointed Complete information ^bout the Jim Eiweii enlists in the World Betty looked again at her uncle ' out her gold bracelet set with 44 cost of this house can be obtained War. He tlien discovers that one and, reading encouragement in his diamonds, her wrist watch set wifa from the Standard Homes Corpora­ of the twins loves him. quick look arid nod, assented. “ I seven diamonds, her sapphire ring Put in ciiarge of a machine gun suppose," she said to Freddie, "I surrounded with 20 small diamonds tion, Colorado Building, Washing­ unit at Sedan, he is shell-shocked might take one lesson to see if I and an emerald ring with two dia­ ton, D. C. Complete plass and spe­ and, througli a misup, is regis­ could qualify.” monds. cifications also can be purchased tered as JOHN POWELL, a buddy “ Fine," the young genius ex­ from this company. of his. He is removed to an Amer­ claimed with large enthusiasm. "1 Drew the Line! ' Then* the burglar picked up a Luxurious but Inexpensive, at­ ican liospital and reported dead. can already visualize you as a com­ tractive though unostentlous, the The family gets the news and is tHree-cafat diamond. ing star of the silver screen." “Berkeley” stands out as a house heartbroken. “ Please don’t take that. It was A languid looking youth named that Is “ built to live In.” Its gene­ Ono day an attorney calls at my engagement ring.” Phillips volunteered his help. Ho alogy may mark it as a Dutch Co­ the house, with proof that the “You are a widow?” he queried began to push back the chairs. "And lonial, but its refinement in the ar­ father of the twins is dead and •'/’ith solicitude. what," he asked, "are you going to chitectural melting pot hqs niade It they are the nieces of a wealthy He did not take the ring. name the picture,. Freddie? From Modern American. resident of Indianapolis. Mollie Business over, he surveyed the Switchboard to Fame?” The Berkeley holds Its own In and Prof accompany the girls to Freddie Ignored him. "Now," he room. their uncle's. any surroundings, but If the build­ said to Betty when he had his stage “ You have a beautiful oil there,” er has a few trees and a lot larger NOW BEGIN THE STORY all set to suit himself, "just imagine said he, turning his flashlight on a than the required 50 feet, so much that the audience here represents* sunrise canvas. “ The mellow tones CHAPTER XXI the better. the camera’s eye. But you must and the half-lights of the back­ OHN CLAYTON, the new-found Construction Is o f brick and forget, you know, that the camera ground are almost perfect.” frame. The coat, complete in every uncle of the twins, found a never- has an eye, although you’ve got to J How Old Is Adeline? detail Is $7,500. ■one side. From this room opens the ending source of enjoyment in remember that every little movement The burglar then prepared to Mollie Elwell. Her wholesome un There are four downstairs rooms, sun parlor, with Its seven windows. ^ you make has a meaning of' its own leave, first complimenting his client in addition to a spacious reception Upstairs are three 1-rge bed­ affectedness, her natural ways and when projected on the screen." on her poise ^nd graciouaness. hall. The kitchen has a convenient rooms, a'cqntral hallway, and bath, freedom from all the mannerisms and "Why, Freddie, you don’t say!" ex­ "Perhaps had I been born 20 In­ breakfast nook and the refrigerator .which is over the kitchen. There is posings of some of the social set to claimed Phillips. ” 'Every Little stead of 59 years ago, I should have is iced from the side entrance to ■ample closet space and extra stor­ which he belonged made a strong ap­ Movement Has a Meaning All Its followed the conventional behavior the house which opens on the cel­ age room is provided by the attic. peal to his finely developed men­ Own’,” he hummed. tality. of women encountering burglars,” lar stair landing. If desired, the large bedroom at the Very carefully Freddie Lawrence The living room, 18 by 13 feet, .^ront also may be equipped with a The girls and Prof also proved ob­ adjusted the slant of Betty’s chin, rejoined the lady. has a fireplace with bookshelves at fireplace; jects of Interest and pleasure to him with the most painstaking atten­ “ Fifty-nine. You amaze me, And so at the end of their first tion to elevation and position. madam!” week’s visit, when Mollie began to "There,’’ lie announced finally Stage Stuff GLOVES FANTASTIC talk about returning to Camdenville. when he had everything just right Can’t you just see all this going 1 HAND LOTION-WINTER he simply wouldn't hear of It. and himself properly focused in the on behind the footlights? The The most original designs are us­ Not for another week at the very "camera’s eye.” "Now we get ready luxurious boudoir, the well-groom­ ed for glove trimmings. Insets of earliest, he told them with much em­ for action. And don't forget to ed burglar, the poised lady In her ESSENTIAL FOR BAG satin, hand embroidery, braid, lace phasis one morning at the breakfast register. We will suppose, for in­ black georgette nightie— no. It and beads are in evidence on table when she had again Introduced 7 suppose 1 might take one lesson to see if I could qualifg' stance, that .you have just got word would be pajan^as— and the suave, gloves even for street wear. Prices the subject. “ In the meantime 1 have risen In ratio to variety of that someone who is dear to you has well-bred, sparkling lines passing By NINON. want you to meet a few of our so­ Mrs. Elwell. hut It Is something money, although I daresay the thing died. Remember, now, to portray from bed to dressing table where ■trimming. ciety buds and blossoms, as well as more than mere curiosity on my would sell.” deep feeling. You’ve got to act, you the burglar gathered his-pelf? a sprout or two and a couple of part.” This classic, the twins were In know; make It realistic. All set? All Every woman’s handbag should L.ACK COLLARS fqrmed by John Clayton, had been We wise-Crackers withering twigs.” Mollie smiled. It was a feeble lit­ right, ready for action now!" We are a wise-cracking age. We contain a flask—not of gin or Wash lace collars and cuffs In It would be worth their while, he tle smile and John Clayton’s heart screened exclusively for the "smart Betty’s eyes suddenly clouded with love the smart, polished, effervesc­ Scotch but of hand lotion. And she ccflee-tifited wafer to restore ccru could assure them. If they were In­ went out to her. ."It was not until set." pain, and Mollie and Rusty,, who ing line, regardless of its content. should use it jhst as conscientiously color. Press face down on turkish terested In observing a new phenome­ several months after the armistice "Since then Freddie has been were looking on, both wlficed. Not long ago I heard a mother say as she uses soap. towel. non. that we got word from the War De known as 'the talented young writer “ Marvelous!” exclaimed Freddie Keeping your hands beautiful in "I'm arranging a little party In partment that Jim had been killed and director of amateur picture — ’’Marjorie doesn’t care what I winter is much more of a chore, than honor of the girls, and we’ll have In We had thought him still In a hospl phrys.’ And as if that were not Lawrence. say or do so long as I know the quite a lot of young people to meet tal recovering from the flu." enough to wither his chances in life, Mollie, who was standing close to modern wise-cracks and say smart it is in the summer. In the first Prof and John Clayton, watched the them. You wouldn't want to be ab­ "What a shame!” he breathed In some artless debutante has taken it nothings. If we moderns can coat place, they require washing much ridiculous performance with fast­ Flapper Shop sent from your adopted daughters' quick sympathy. “ What a shame!" upon herself to switch the handicap our lectures with a sugar-coating more frequently on account of the growing nervousness. coming out party, you know." He would try, he said, to locate of ’talented’ to 'handsome.' of smart flippancy, we may perhaps large amount of coal smoke In the "For goodness sake," Mollie ex­ 75 Pratt Street And so Mollie and Prof Elwell, Jim's grave over in France, and some '•And right away Freddie went out- get our ideas across, but the kid air. And constant washing is "apt This is “Fatty Joe” ; thus urged and. In addition, virtually day they all would go over to visit and bought’ himself a new vanity set claimed as Freddie, with his left arm will, not listen to ordinary phrases to produce chapping as well as 5th Floor Elevator % laid across Betty’s shoulder and his smothered by the protestations and It. "If you’d like to," he added. and started in to teach the prettiest and words! cleanliness. — o f — wheedlings of the twins, assented. Mollie wasn’t certain about this. ones how to register 'the Divine right hand tilting her chin, bent his “ I find myself rehearsing, as I If you are careful about usiAg a face closer to his pupil’s. "I hope Alone one day with Mollie—they "It It .wouldn’t be too hard to bear,’ Thrill.’ Really, girls, you must bo sew or v^ash dishes, smart nothings healing lotion after each washing OUR GANG Betty Isn’t going to let that man DRESSES were In the library looking over some she said, finally. come better acquainted with Freddie that will make Marjorie regard me and before exposure to the cold, and I (Pathe Comedies)' • • • kiss her!” books which he had urged her to Lawrence.” as a person and not ‘just a if you dust talcum lightly over yonr for read—he asked, quite suddenly: The "buds” and "sprouts” de "1 don’t think,” Rusty whispered “ I don’t think you need worry," He, Farina, Jackie, Mary and advised John Clayton, although his mother.’ ” hands after each dose of lotion, it “ Your boy Jim. Did I understand scribed by John Clayton eventually —for they were standing not far Let’s see, Is there any connection is highly probable that you can keep Afternoon - Evening Mickey are all using the new that he was In love with one of the made their appearance. The ’’bud.-?.’ away from the one under discussion own eyes were now narrowed with displeasure at the scene before them. between all this rambling and the very respectable looking hands. Street and Sport girls?" he had explained, were the young —"I don’t think I’m going to like •Kipling poem about the critics, who Keep It With You. Mollie's hand flew to her throat. ladies, and "sprouts" wtis his dealg- him.” "The young whlppersnapper!" ^he growled. "It’s my conviction,” he ■asked, ’“ i f pretty, but Is it art?” But if your hands are particular­ INGERSOLL "I don’t understand how you came nation for the wealthy and shiftless Clayton laughed. "Oh. you mustn’t Press Her Lightly youths, for whom he entertained a say that, my dear. Nature doesn’t whispered to Prof, "that Freddie is ly sensitive to changes In tempera­ to—" she began but he cut her off. If a lady waltz with you, beware ture, or if you have a tendency t'J Dollar Pen "You may say 1 just guessed." he hearty contempt. very often turn out a Freddie Law going to get something administered No Higher rence. He is rare." And he moved to him pretty quick that will jar not to press her waist. You must an acid condition, you will need to said. "Tell me about It, please. It One of the sprouts present at the only lightly touch it the open No Lower will go no farther." twins’ party answered to the name of away. him.” ^ give them greater care. Get one today and find out palm of your hand. Unmarried Jim, Mollie told him, had admitted Freddie I.4iwrence. and Freddie’s Following the dinner the guests “ Ready for action now," repeated An excellent soap for tender what a really fine pen it isf. his love for one of the girls but had bent was amateur theatricals. Nor and their host gathered in the draw Freddy, beginning to bend his head. ladies must refrain from it alto­ hands is made by melting castlle exacted a promise of her not to try was he long In Informing Betty that ing room, and Betty, through some "This Is the big scene.” Across his gether both in private and in public. soap and adding a little olive oil face had spread a simpering grin. Very young married ladles, how­ to find out which one It was because he had written and directed the pro whim of perversity, mentioned to her when you get it to the liquid state. ^ Sizes 14-42 —“ well, because he thought he might ductlon of a thrilling movie portray uncle, in the hearing of Freddie "Camera!” he shouted. ever, may be allowed to waltz In Keep this ik a bottle and pour it on United not come back, and in that event he Ing the weird and vivid story of an Lawrence, that it had been her am­ Rus’y. looking on with eyes that private balls with persons of their your hands instead of uslhg the bar NEWEST CREATIONS wanted to be sure that both girls obscure telephone glrl’.s leap from bition at one time to become a movie were now frankly disapproving, acquaintance! soap. It is very soothing and cleans­ Every New Shade would be just the same to me as be her night trick right Into the spot­ star. clenched her fists and started for­ Just a sample from an old book ing as well. Soda Shop : fore." light in one grand jump. The name Freddie ylpped delightedly. "Oh, ward. of etlquet written about 75 years Or If you use regular soap you We Never Have a Sale. And then, just at the psychological John Clayton noticed that her lips of the masterpiece, Freddie told her. you don’t mean It, Miss Marvin! 1 ago. The exact, tiny as it is, em­ will find It advantageous to bathe State Theater [^aildingr were trembling, and was quick to was "The Psychic Kiss." should love to give you a few point­ moment for the amateur director, bodies most of that day’s social something slipped. the hands two or three times a week say that “such thoughtfulness ort'the "Just amateur stuff, you know," ers and then see how yqu register for ideas. in warm olive oil and allow it to part of a young man was something he assured her. the camera!” (To Be Continued) No Sex, Many “ Old Maids” sink thoroughly into the skin. Be­ rare In this day and age." ’ ’Oh, yes,” said Betty. "I under­ John Clayton grinned and bestowed The light touch on the waist with sides making the texture soft and , In the next chapter the Elwella And Jim, he continued, had been stand.” on Betty on indulgent look. “ Why," nary a squeeze, symbolized the velvety, this will keep the cuticle at he suggested, "don’t ycu take him get thrilling news from the war reported killed at Sedan? "Forgive "Just for the fun of the thing, you day’s utter taboo on sex as any­ the bs.se of the nails from becoming know. Couldn’t think of doing It for up?” office. me for making you talk about It. thing known and recognized. Un­ ragged and rough, and 'will make iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilUiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifliliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiuiiiniHiiiiiii married ladles unles# “Very young,” manicuring a simple matter. were obviously "“done for,” on the Another way to keep your hands shelf, neither to be seen nor heard, soft and pleasant to touch is by at the time ,or do we. dress to out?- but to make way for those who had wearing gloves at night. After '•the do other people? And to attract a t succeeded in life by getting a man, Home J'age Editorials cleansing the hands, rub a good tentlon? ' or for those who might even yet skin food well into the skin, or use Gcod Natute Do we read books that we know succeed. any good hand lotion if you prefer, It Pays To are good for us and that contain And how utterly asinine they then draw on a pair of cheap cot­ a n d knowledge we should have, or dp must have been in those days! ton gloves—several sizes larger we rush to the book stands for the Advertise than you wear ^y day. latest popular novels just to be GIRDLES FOR STOUT able to say -we have read them? Wash these out frequently so By olive Roberts Barton that they are perfectly sanitary, \ If we were to be entertained at ■The right kind of soft girdle cor­ Gcod the White House by the President, While there are ever so many (^cidents ««isociated with the driving A BABY IS TO BE BORN iS rectly placed on the hipline of a good hand lotions on the market of an automobile, but she may take would we enjoy It half so much it 4— .Advice on Exerci.se Is the unpopularity of the Amer­ dress and perhaps tied with a huge which you can buy for a small sum, Tills is the fourth of a series of automobile rides, provided the we were not allowed to mention it bow'at the side will make the fig­ The Last Christmas Gifts Vrticles on inotlierhooil. rough roads are avoided. ican abroad due to our passion for when we got home? ure seem slimmer. But placed too you can make an excellent one of By DK. .MORKIS FISHBEIN Housework publicity? I have always had a suspicion high or too low, it will accentuate equal parts of rose water and gly­ Isn’t there gifts yet to be bought? Editor Journal of the American Racial habits vary as to the A gentleman traveling In Ameri­ that tho cold-bath fiend’s hobb^r the hip curves. cerine and a little lemon juice. If Ilcdical Association and of Hygeia, amount of housework to be under­ ca expressed it thus: "Privacy is so wasn’t so much cleanliness as talk­ you add a few drops of carbolic add Isn’t there one person you want to remember with tlie Henlfli .Magazine taken by mothers during the period hard to find! The climate Is salu­ ativeness. It Is peculiar that oaq to A bottle of rose water and glycer­ something nice? , The amount and kind of exercise befoi^ childbirth. Everyone knows brious, tlie scenery satisfying, and certain person who prides himselt ine, it will add to its efllclency. that an expectant mother should of peasant women of foreign stocks the peojAe charming. I have had a on three baths a day never falls te Feather Bag Massage Effective. Don’t wait ^ y longer. Come at once and'let us take depends to a certain extent on •who do the heaviest kind of labor most delightful time. But no mat­ mention it as many, times a day i i a Lemon juice is excellent for the help you make the choice. her previous habits. practically up to the moment of ter where I am here, even in the his friends. " - hands, since it bleaches them and She never should exercise to the birth of the child. quiet retirement of my room, there Do we giv^ our alms quietly? Us-' relieves that redness that is by no There is a man who'will welcome a'ring or a pin point of fatigue, but always stop as •On the other hand, the average is a vague feeling of not belonging nally only if it is small. If we pay means attractive. Extremely red bearing the emblem of his lodge. i. ' , , loon as she feels tired. Tlie nearer American woman is incapable of to myself. It isn’t that people are large prices for things,' do. we enter hands indicate faulty circulation or the day wlieii the cliild is to be carrying on severe activities during curious| It is more of a telepathic it quietly in our expense book, or la some, error .in diet which cannot be ■There is a boy or girl who wants a watch. ’ - 'horn, the more likely site is to bc- this period. Sewing on a macliim? feeling of generality.” there a little bird that very confU remedied by a local application. There is father who needs\a new fountain pen, a toine tired soon and reciuire more that requires the constant use ot Anotlier > visitor to America sat dentlally twitters the news about? ' Massage is CffecUve because it stim­ Do we advertise our ailments? good one that will give him service and always work. rest. I the foot for its operation should not before St. Gauden’s statue In Wash­ ulates the. flow of the blood. DO we dramatize our troubles? Arq Walking is the best exercise he done. ington. The quiet restfulness of the A fte f washing your hands in we elbowing the other'’ person’s af-J There is mother ’who has wanted, certain pieces of Available. It should be taken out If the expectant mother has woman’s figure Intrigued the gen­ warm water. It Is well to dash cold loors, except during extremely bad much housework and finds that tha tleman, wlio was a connoisseur In fairs to the backgroun^d and bring­ silverware'for the dinner table for a long tune. ing our own to the frbnt? Are we, over them in order to accustom leather. Tlie sliocs sliould be additional walking out doors makes ills way, and ho made repeated vis­ them to extreme changes ot tem­ There are friends who must be remembered with in­ lier tired quickly, slie had best take a hundred mlllibn people, engaged koad, with low heels and wide its to it. He expressed his admira­ perature. , Iocs, because higli-heeled shoes only a short walk. .She must learn in a battle, of wits to advertise our­ expensive but pretty and novel gifts. tion tlius, “They ought to bring ' Don’t neglect your hands at nay cause backaclies and slip more to rest frequently between the po selves and" outdo our neighbors? \ America and make it sit here once any time, but pOTticularly not in the We have a fine varibty of gift goods and you , can iasily, with the possibility of acet- riods of housework, and, if possible, a week.” winter •when they resent it so fright­ lent. take a brief nap In tho afternoon. Is he right? Certainly this Is no make the right kind of a selection at the price you Want fully and can mete out their re­ Sunlight a Reiicflt There Is much foolish advice place for a moss-back, but are we TAFFETA AND SILVER i-f tO!pay. The sun’-a rays are beneficial, given as to the value, of massage as black from a publicity standpoint venge BO succesaCulIy. )ut too much sunlight produces during this period, the claim being as we are painted? The crisp sophistication of black )unburn and e.xhaustlon. made that it will avoid scarring ana I do not refer to commercial ad­ taffeta is being enhanced by silver preserve the figure. Massage is un­ I Violent e.xercise in any form vertising, but the matter of Indi­ flowers and girflles in-the^Iatest necessary and may be exceedingly hould be avoided. This includes vidual competition If we resent Paris evening frocks. •; unning, tennis, golf, cwimmlng, bl- dangerous. It should be permitted the ihipllcatlon, we might take a MRS. ELIOm SHOP ycling, skating and Ijorseoiick rld- only on the advice cf a physician little stock and see whether or not Jewelers — Stationers — Opticians Qg. Dancing may be Indulged In and under his direction. we are guilty of exploiting our­ GIFTS FOR ALL New S t o r e 767 Main Street. V Iccaaionally, but only for short pe­ selves. - DYED BLUE FOX An I evening ,envelope bag of novel The Heme of “ Gifts 'That Last.” riods of time. The sale ot women’s shoes has .Take dressing, for Instance. Do >hapQ is fasbionedvof metal brocade OCCASIONS I Obviously, the e.xpectant mother increased between 40 and 60 per we dress merely to be appropriate­ Some of the loveliest gray wrapA i blue, witli a fringe of ostrich at Ibould not expose herself to the ac­ cent in the last 10 yean. ly clad for the thing v e are doing are trimmed- 'with dyed blue fox. v .q edge. { 75 Henry St. Phone 1406.

1 . i. t 1) \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERAtJD, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 22, 1928. PAGE NINl^ Basketball Game h Chihf Attrd^ Here ------1—------: , ' '■ — — '' ■ —- ■■■■-— ■ — ' — "■ ■■ A THREATEN LEGAL ACTION His **Rep** at Stake Seventeen S. M. H. S. Grid Stars C R A a AEINA UFE tASSIES TO STOP HORNSBY TRADE In Christmas Match Receive Letters; La Goss Lauded OEPOSE COHMINITY Q O M n <$> Seventeen members of the 1926 Cardinal Stockholder Con­ S. M. H. S. football team were Hartford Club Has Classy Talent; “Bell” Browng awarded letters ^ at the special and Connaughton Foremost Stars; Local? sults Lawyer— Club^s Di­ £I£NUT Christmas assembly yesterday after­ noon ip the High sohool asselnbly Team Has Picked Tough Foe for Opener;! rectors Were Not Inform­ hall while over nearly 800 students 'Large Crowd Expected at Hollister St. SchooLj and alumni cheered. Although the Joe''5ffilieira8 ed of Deal. team did not win the majority of If you are looking for a bill ’o V, its games. It did, nevertheless, fare on which sports predominate, acquit itself in a most commend­ ANOTHER BOXING you will find that menu at thej,, St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 22.— Sug­ XMAS STUFF able manner. It was the best grid Hollister street school this even-Jj gestion that legal action may be Spasm No. 1 team S. M. H. S. has had since the It’s been Just one thing after ing In the form of a basketball^ taken In an effort to block consum­ She: I suppose we will have to sport was revived here several another in the world of sport dur­ TOURNAMENT HERE game between the Manchester^ mation of the deal which sends do something about Cbiistmas this years ago and no little credit was | ing the year of 192’6, fast coming Community Girls and the Aetna% Rogers Hornsby to the New York year. due Coach Tommy Kelly. to a close. Life lassies from Hartford. /*Th&S Giants, was seen here today in a | He: You can abolish it without AMD All Are Praised During the football season, a ON * A R Y 5TH main course will be served at 8:30g statement made by Mark C. Stein- , making me ilghtins mad. III A(MT In presenting the letters. Princi­ week-end in October and Novem­ with Johnny Manlon fulfilling theg She: Beautiful as It is, I’m glad f berg, t a; member of the St. Louis j NeuliA pal Clarence P. Quimby payed the ber that didn’t furnish at least duties of the waiter. After Cardinals’ board of directors. it comes only once a'year. entire squad a fine tribute. He call­ piece de resistance, there will has •rtwi.v; three startling upsets was'' the de­ The trade was made by Sam He: That’s more than you can ed attention to the fa«4. that S. M. C. B. A. A. To Sponsor Show dessert, if dancing may be termed g .soy for the bill collectors. cided exception. Breadon, president of the St. H, S. had its football foundation Hardly had football made its such. A well known local orches- s Louis National League club. She: I don't think v\e ought cc laid by the ’26 eleven and said it tra will furnish music for the terp-1 liy to do much this year as we'vo exit from the sports stage than the At Cheney Hall Two “ Breadon did not consult the was built so firmly that It appeared fight game tool^,^up the series of sichorean lovers. .| stockholders or board of direc­ been doing. destined to remain Intact. Prlncl- i On the financial outcome of to-| He: That’s a good Idea. Instead upsets where the grid athletes left tors when he put through this pal Quimby even went so far as to * night’s game, hinges the key to tha '^ of making your gift list from the off. Weeks From Tonight. deal,’’ Steinberg declared, “ and in say the team was the most deserv- j future of the local quintet. If the S , city directory, just make It from During tho first week of Decem­ trading Hornsby, who is second ing, perhaps, of any that ever re­ attendance is sufficient to warrant § thj telephone Ik ok. That’ll sa .c a ber, on successive nights, a trio of largest,stockholder of the club, it, home games will be continued.^. lOt. ceived its M’s. He complimented ring surprises were added to the Secretary John L. Jenney, of Breadon has deprived the Cardi­ / each of the seventeen as they step­ If one hundred persons are pres- She; Pleasb quit yoijr clowning, long list of unusual happenings nals of one of their principal as- ped forward to receive letter and Cheney Brothers’ Athletic Associa­ cnt.Jt is safe to say the Communi-1 and try to be huiv.au for once. that have featured the year. tion announced last night that ty Girls will prolong their stay a t l sets He: Once as I've already dis­ the students gave each a hearty “ This naturally depreciates the Wallace Surpluses. home. However, it is expected g covered, Is too often. hand. another amateur boxing tourna­ y^ilue of stock in the club. Billy Wallace of Cleveland, for­ that the attendance will greatly g Hysteria No. 2 LaCoss Complimented merly of the Pacific coast, provided ment will be held at Cheney hall on “ Hornsby’s lawyer is going to Captain Clarence “ Bab” LaCoss exceed that figure: at least it lag She: We just must send some­ ■Wednesday evening, January 5, two look up some- points to find out was the recipient of one of the most the opening thrill. He knocked out hoped it will. S thing to Billy. “ Kid” Kaplan, former feather­ weeks from tonight. Two Old Timers 1 whether or not Breadon, under He: Aw, get him a pipe, a shot­ sincere compliments ever pajd a the club’s charter, has the right to Xot?e: Color Th4 kj high school leader here. weight champion, in the fifth The revival of amateur boxing In Manchester will face a most S transact business in this fashion. gun or a rizar. A PAIMT €HOP'*' round. Manchester went over most auspi­ worthy opponent In the Hartford 3 She: Are you out of your mind? “ Captain LaCoss is most deserv­ ciously when this same organization insurance lassies. The Aetna Life 3 It may be possible to have the ing of his letter,” Mr. Quimby said. No one, except those familiar Billy’s your neice. undertook the proposition a short quintet won a close game here last ^ deal declared off through legal . !‘He is an athlete who, throughout with Wallace’s- punching power, He: My wli.at! ^ince when? while ago and there was much in­ year. In its only contest this sea- g action.” I AKJD his school career in sports, has al­ gave him so much as a chance. Dur­ She: Don't bi ridiculou.s. Billy DOM T terest as to when the next card son, the Hartford girls trounced 3 President Breadon, however, | ways given his very best every ing the first four rounds Kaplan is Ella’s girl. would be staged. Mr. Jenney in­ Collinsville 28 to 7. In Hartford’s S seemed not in the least disturbed. | IT- minute that he has been in a game. swarmed over Wallace and seemed P c. Well, why shoiiM-wo seed forms" us that there were exactly lineup are found two old time vet- j He said: ' He has given far too much to have to be winning as he pleased. her anything ' \Vliy ca- 't Ella— 462 paid admissions at the recent erans who have been playing has-3 “ I expected to be criticized by She: Can’t you understand? This his efforts go for naught. His sacri­ Then, just as the crowd was some. But those who have criti­ show. Added to the complimen- ketbali for many years. They are g Is Christmas. T’nis Is tho time of 3 ^ fices are more entitled to further sympathizing with Wallace, because cized most might be a bit sur­ taries, this means that at least 525 “ Bell” Brown and Anna McNevins.^ tl-.e year we send remembrances to recognition than a mere felt letter. he appeared to have a strenuous prised to learn that I have been evening ahead of him, it happened. witnessed the bouts. They proved a This pair was at one time on the J those who are close to us. That is why I am going to present Bristol and New Departures and ’ ^ ^ besieged all day wi,th telephone A punch that didn’t travel more big success from every standpoint. Ho: It’s a quaint custom. I won­ him with this gold charm which There was only one small fault also members of the famous M’’ calls, congratulating me on my der what the Siamese twins give bears the Initial M and I hope he than six Inches fioored Kaplan for judgment In parting with Hornsby with the last smoker and that was Bloomer Girls who defeated tho__ ^ each other. will always see fit to wear it, and the count of nine. Wallace ^hen for Frisch and Ring. I am hot at the ring Itself. The ropes were slack Travelers a few years ago. ^ Outburst No. S value It, as much as his services proceeded to finish him in a mas­ The main star In Hartford's cast^ all sorry I made the move.” She: You’d be more helpful If were valued.” terly manner, the knockout coming thus opening the way for possible Hornsby said he would not op­ Injuries. However, another ring has is Catherine Connaughton. She -i. you would su.ggest .oomethlng In- Following are the seventeen with less than 15 seconds of the plays the pivot position and is the pose the trade and would try to kead of sitting tliere trying to Im­ round remaining. been secured for the next tourna­ get rI3 of his stock in the club. players who received letters: Cap- ment. It is the one which was used most dependable point scorer of personate Eddie Foy, or somebody. ,taln LaCoss, Manager Walter Hen- Debatable Decision. the lot. She was practically the ^ MiT Tue b a l l formerly at the Kacey Hall on BIs- He: I’m net trying to Imperson­ nequln, Robert Treat, Lopls Farr, The following evening Mickey whole show here last season ‘ if S ate Eddie Foy cr nobody, end even AND lifT IT h a r d ’ Walker took down a Chicago deci. sell street. Walter Kittel, George Keeney, Lud­ Entries are now being made and memory serves us right. “ Dot” If I was It would not be an Imper­ iS His M ental:" Sion over Tiger Flowers. The ver­ wig. Hansen, Clarence Shannon, will be announced In due time. Roos Is a newcomer. She was a S sonation to Ecoft at, young lady. (jOLF SLOe4Kl-^> John Lathrop, Gerald Holmes, Al­ dict has been much debated ever star at Suffield Prep last setison i.' She: Y’ou make me sick. since. Seven bouts will constitute the bert Lupien, Dominic Farr, George card. Further particulars will be with Mary Fitzgerald, a substitute ‘f .| l\ He: Well, you ar<-ii’t e.xactly a Regardless of the merits of the on the Aetna five. Anna Wiedako cake of strength-l iving yea.‘ t your­ Ornstein, Willard Hills, John Shan­ announced later. By JLVLMY POWERS non and Salvatore Vendrlllo. The decision, the fact Is, Mickey Walk­ hails from New Rochelle, New y; self, ' She: I wouldn’t have your dis- Ladies and gentlemen, allow me averaging better than 71. He had letters were awarded by the student er, not Tiger Flowers, is middle­ BUT, WHY NOT PUT York, where she has been cutting pisltions for a million dollars. to present golfing gentleman who to beat George Von Elm to do^ It, council which had taken Into con­ weight champion. A NET UNDER HER’? a wide swath in feminine basket-S He: And yours would-be a ter­ will' be very much In the headjines too. sideration both the advise of the The surprise feature to this ball circles- ^ bout centers around the fact that Manchester will use Its regular^ How many games did Kansas rible pay at any price. within the next few weeks defend­ Cooper has a fast full swing with coach and the individual efforts of Chanute, Kas.— Mrs. A. H. Tur­ each player. Walker, after losing his welter title lineup with Evelyn Gilman and win and lose in the Missouri Val­ F l!v\ • ing his $10,000 title in the Cali­ a tremendous pivot. He gets fine ner has a hen and a problem. Her She- You don’t love me an/ fornia open, ^h'e first major event length and plays every stroke with and later suffering a knockout, biddy, a Rhode Island Red, makes Charlotte Foster held in reserve^ ley Conference basketball race last Here is the stafting lineup of both season?— F. G. W. ^ mor-! , of the ripening links season. complete confidence. He hits every came on to win over the shifty Its neat on a limb of a tree. -It lays He: <). let's not ptt persoial. Flowers in a heavier class. teams: ' Won 16 and lost 2. Step right up, Lighthorse, and shot not only crisply but savagely, FIREMEN’S SETBACK an egg every other day, but the You hiitny how sont’;ive my «:o:;8 preferring a full mashle for 170 A return match between these Manchester - Hartford! bow for the people. egg falls to the ground and is Scranton yards rather than an easier mashle two probably will be an outdoor broken. Mrs. Turner says it is im­ Wiedako With what clubs did Bill Wam- arc. - ^ . This is Mr. Lighthorse Harry Hose Company, No. 1 finished rf hy play during his major league Slio: Bon boo. rr v/ord.s to Uiat Cooper. He has more color>than A1 iron. with high score in the Firemen’s affair for next sunjmer In New possible to Induce Biddy to take a effect. • ^ , York. Walker’s manager. Jack Jackson Brown ^ career?— R. I. W. Jolson has burnt cork and the way His mental slogan is “ Hit the setback tournament sitting held at nest nearer the ground. - He (with despairing gestures): 1 Kearns, is too smart to let Walker If Cleveland, Boston and Philadel­ he is lading the galleries 'away ball and hit it hard!” Hose House, No. 3 on Monday. The Welles know it would come to this. Here, start for anything but big dough. MAIL ORDER WIFE Connaughton ? phia, American League. from the established stars is noth­ In the way of dress he Is on the West Side unit accounted for 1,884 c take the bank roll and buy your­ dapper side, carrying with him tho Try to Beat This One. 1.. ing if not a crime. points while No. 2 was second with McLaughlin McNevlnff' What has A1 Simmons of the self a neweillt or something.^ flame and enthusiasm of youth. However, to my way of thinking, Hiawatha, Kas.— Edward Hear- Lighthorse Harry has color— 1,840. No. 3 made 1,801 and No. 4 rg Athletics batted during each of hia S!;o (LrlgiiiGiiiTig;-: ^ You're a Color, punch, personality and trailed with 1,801. the biggest upset of the three was ley answered an advertisement and I*- Plus. He’s a good-looking dudd ana Shearer \ RooR .. three years in the majors?— G. H. dial’. blazing genius— what’ll it be turned in by a comparative un­ was married. The couple asked Ho: .And you'd be e.Npi iisive n. I guess his meanderings around High Individual score was made l price.______Referee: Manion, East Hartford. In 1024 piminons hit .808; 1925, him up a bit with Elinor Glyn’s “ it” funny pictures. with 174 for a total. Roberts of Tacoma and other points the judjge refused. “You have a .380, and last season, 848. that sure gets ’em. Women flock Hagen? Who is that egg? The fourth sitting will be held west. mail order wife and you can’t can­ after him on the fairways in Sarazen? 'Shucks, don’t show next Monday evening at the same All that Roberts did was knock cel your <^rder,” the judge told Has Jack Sharkey, the Boston MALONEY PICKED -TO droves, and don’t kid yourself but your dragging up. place. This sitting was scheduled to out Joe Dundee, who ranked Hearley. \ THAT’S ECONOMY " - heavyweight, ever been knocked what the gents do, too, because the Cooper? That’s th« man. Light­ be held at No. 4 house but has been mighty close to Champion Peto ------: II out, and if so, by whom?— F. D. A. boy ha^ A-bility. horse'Harry Cooper. He has more shifted because of repairs •being Latzo before his !5an Francisco en­ NEVER SENT A BILL The Schweppes had twins. Fath^jj color than.a paint shop. Once, Romero Rojas turning the WIN FROM PERSSON There’ll be S- R. O. signs tacked made on that building. gagement that resulted so disas­ er Schweppe was a very thrifty;!! trick In nine rounds'ih 1024. up on the El Caballero clubhouse at trously. Winchester, Va.— Dr. Isaac M. man, and as he saw the doctor S Brumback, old-fashioned family about to -weigh the babies he New York, Dec. 22.— Another Los Angeles Jan. 6, for on that The strange part of it is that What players figured in that date all the country’s leading par Dundee and his manager went to doctor and Confederate vete/an, called after him: so-called logical contender will be never sent a patient a bill. He “ Put both on the scales and di­ much-discussed trade that took eliminated tonight at Madison clippers will be assembled to gun Varsity Players Name the coast as a sort of a vacation, George Grantham to the Pirates?— for the 10 grand and Lighthorse not to fight. Dundee had been work­ died recently, leaving an estate vide by two, doctor!”— Lustlge Square Garden as a result of the valued at $150,000. Blatetter, Berlin. , C. F, N. ten-round bout between Jimmy Harry’s title. Tliere will be an in­ ing so often in the east It was fig­ Pirates traded Grimm, Maran- Maloney, Boston heavyweight, and ternational flavor to the classy Letter Men at College ured a change of scenery would ville and Cooper to the Chicago Harry Persson, champion of field in the lean and gaunt Cassius help. Cubs In exchange for Aldridge, Sweden. A bout between thevwin- of England, Mr. George "Light­ He took on Roberts for about Grantham and NIehaus. ning” Duncan. one-fifth of what he would have ner and Jack Delaney, who knock­ Alexandria, La., Dec. 22— Did years. Deciding to try out his plan Christmas Day, Duncan and received in the east, and was ed out Bud Gorman on Monday, is you ever hear of a college football he assembled his varsity squad of Cooper will start a 72-hole oxhibi- knocked out without landing so' a possibility. tion match for a nice juicy side bet varsity squad selecting their own 24 players ani told them to ballot riow much did Bobby Jones de­ Maloney generhUy w'as favored letter men? No! Well listen to this. secretly for the men they consider much as a real punch. feat George Von Elm and Watts • just as a warm-up. today as the winner, largely be­ Lighthorse Harry is only 22. Ha Henry E. Walden, athletic direc­ ed deserving ’•L's.” “ Vote for as There is no figuring how costly Guun in winning the 1921 and cause of his senaational knockout tor at Louisi.ana College, of Pine- many as you Bke and all receiving the vacation Will prove. I would $ay V 1925 national aniateur golf cham- is little, slender and graceful, with of Arthur De KUh hnd Persson’s a game full of fire and dash. He ville, member of the Southern In- more than 15 votes will be given at least $100,000 as a result of the \ pionships?— ^^R. G. J. recent defeat by Pat McCarthy. just copped the $5,000 open at tercollgiate Athletic Association, letters,” said the coach. knockout. It means probably that ^ Von Elm was defeated 9 and 8, The semi-final bout also was ex­ Monterey. has introduced th^ novel method Tliey selected 20. Seventeen were much to Roberts. and' Gunn 8 and 7. pected to have an Important bear­ He is English-born, although he of honoring the gridiron players at unanimous and the others lacked Dundee FecuUar Type. ing on the heavyweight situation. spent most of his life in Dallas, this institution, He claims It la ab« only *wc or three votes. The larg' Dundee ia one of those peculiar It will bring together Monte Muun, Tex., before signing up with the Bclutely safe and sound and recom­ est uuiRber of votes the men not re- types of fighters 'Who are slow to When and where did Francis the Nebraska ex-colleglan, and Kansas City Country Club. mends It to the world. ooivlug letters lerelved was hve. warm up. Every time I have seen Kaute Hanson, the blonde-'Vlklng, Usually a college’s staff of coach- Ouimet stage his wonderful victory He won the Texas open when he . "They gave more letters than I him la action he looked anything against the famous British pair. over the ten round route. was 18, and he commands the es or athlot.'c council or faculty of hut Impressive for two or three 20 to 50 men and then this council thought they would,” said the Vardon and Ray, to win the na­ same awe in the west r.nd Pacific rounds. IN A DRV COUNTRt, TOO or committee dishes out the hon. coach. ‘But that doesn’t mean they NBW YORKER tional open golf title?—-E, B. T. regions that Bobby Jones does in would do that fvery season. They One who didn’t know that he the south. This Lighthorse gentle­ ors. Often the results are good and Silver Plated I In 1013 at Brookline. simply voted foi the men they be­ was courageous would gather from dc iSSQ Hester: What d’ya mean, my man came into bloom rather sud­ receive the players' and public’s ap­ GonuiUtt O IU proval, but sometimes mistakes are lieved deserved the 'nonors and is the serious expression he always What was the outcome of the guardian ought to start a hospital? denly, reaching his greatest zenith there anybody who knows better wears early In his fights that he bout between Geoi^ge Godfrey^and Hector: Well, he’s got an alco­ last year when he won the Califor­ made, Coach Walden had been making than the players who should bs was decidedly nervous. Scared Tiny Jim Herman held at Vernon, holic ward to ^egln with.— Judge. nia open with four brilliant rounds, the selections personally for five honored?’ might he the better word. Calif., in 1925?—-F. D. 8. Perhaps Roberts had been tip- Ooclfrey won on technical knock­ ped-'Off in advance, for he made a out In third round. rushing fight and reached the but­ When was Walter Steffen cap­ Five New Managers Will Battle for Supremacy in the ton for a kayo before Dundee had ^I|i0 Srligljt tain of the University of Chicago a chance to show the real football team?— J. . L. K that he possesses. on Christinas morning will be multiplied In 1008. if you give him a Valet AutoStrop Razor, Did Walter Wesbrook participate American League, Adding Zest to Pennant Race AND IT,W A8 LEAKY, TOO In any other sports except tennis a daily enjoyment for years to come. while at Michigan?— R. H. J. Amateur Sailor: I say, Harry, Wesbrook was on the track we’re two days overdue. Why do There are many styles o f sets to choose squad, i»ole vaultfng H>elng his you suppose we’ve not sighted from, $1 and up. t o r sale at all drug, land? How many hits did Ty Cobb cigar, hardware and specialty shops. make in his first game in the ma­ Companion: Can’t imagine, ex­ cept possibly that ever since the jors?— R. J. L. One— a two-bagger. compass fell overboard I’ve been How do you pronounce Knute steering by the barometer.— Tit- Rockne?—W. H. Bits, London. Noot (ns in snoot), Rostaiee. How old is the women's Astern AN ALIBI golf champion?—B. S. T. Seevnteen years old. Her name "Why do you go to the balcony is Dorothy Page, Madison, Wis. when I sing? Don’t you like to Where was Jim Bottomley of hear me sing?” the Cards born?— J. T. "It isn’t that. I want the nelgV At Nokomis, 111., in 1900. hors to see that I’m not beating you!”— Magazine. JAIL MUST WAIT WELL, PERHAPS LEFT TO RIGHT: RAY SOHALK, BILL CARRIGAN, DAN HOWLEY, GEORGEL^RIARTY, JA'CK McALLISTBR. \ ------Boston.— William L. Thornton Chicago, Dec. 22.— Fire new managers will battle for suprem­ arty. The first named is still number one backstop of the Chicago They were discussing whether v;a3 arrested after a revolver went acy in the American League next year. Here they are pictured In White Sox. * animals had reason or instinct. off in his home. It was found he Dan Howley and Jack McAllister have both won fame as minor "Many a dog has more sense than front of the hotel where the Baan Johnson organization is holding Sharpens its own blades had'no permit to carry a weapon, leaguers but have no particular big league background to commend his master,” said one man. £0 he was given a sentence of six Its annual meeting. , ^ ’ them. “ O, I Say!” cried someone. months as the statute provided. Three of the new managers have served their apprenticeship aa The addition of five new managers to the American League Is "You don’t know my dog,” said But it was suspended lor 62 yea.s. players in the league— Ray Schalk, Bill Carrigau and George Mori* sure to stimulate interest in the 1927 race. the lirat maa.”— Pasaulnc. Turin.

i M i^&ESTER EVENIN'N G I M A L D , WEDNEOTAY, D B a 22,^192«.: P A G E t e n " #%

•{ By-Frank Beek yLAPPER FANNY SAYS; S E N S E AND n o n s e n s e GAS BUGGIES— H em Is Optimistic, U N othing Else ..'ot AS SOON AS , I. SAW \ .A R E N T NO ■ HURRY, HE DON'T CROW LISTEN I OH, THE CAR'S AS <5000 FIXING t h a t PIECE OF CHEESE i No one can mix wine and gaso­ TIRE \i7ltL HOW HARD HEP’ FALLEN YO U ' DON'T WANT THE TILL THE A CAN YOU line nowadays and get by with It. AS SOLD. MR. BLUNT A BUS TILL CHRISTMAS' EGGS ARE SLAP ^ PATCH IS SO LID D O C K DIDN’T ACTUALLY''61VE COST MONEY FOR* IT, I BOOSTED THE GENEROUS Traffic la too. congested. T O WITH YWB EVE.; ITS TO*BE HATCHED, OVER TRE HOLE COMPARED TO ME A CHECK,‘BUT ‘ “ WHAT PRICE PRICE « 500.? THAT MONEY YD^ A SURPRISE -FOR AND TH E IN T h a t t u b e , .5 THIS TUBE ^ THIS W ENT DIPPY OVER DID YOU> NETS ME $70 ON General Manager— “ So you’re Q U O TE 'S THE DEAL, AND q, haVe Nt g o t HIS.* W IF E .. $70.. CHICKENS BROTHER? I'M BABY IS NOT buying bootleg whiskey! I thought ITS LOOKS. ALL HE ITS AS 'GOOD COUNTED IN A ONLY DOWN, WANTS IS A LITTLE HIM FOR, I’M HANDING - IT YETI 6 E T < you didn’t drink.’’ THE CAR?j -TO -YOU FOR A \T H A T r m e AS - IN THE BY TH E HURRY-- BUT IT'S OUT. Officer Manager— "I don’t. We DEMONSTRATION. IF ONE BANK-- BANK _ YOU’LL HAVE TIRE HADN’T GONE FLAT, CHRISTMAS F/xeG moNT, use this for ink eradicator.’’ PRESENT A W A f t TO GET A i I’D HAVE\ CLOSED THE NEW T U B E . First Girl — “ Wouldn’t your DEAL l XST NIGHT. mother be awfully angry If she saw r .:- i you In that scant bvthing suit?” Second Girl— “ I should say she would. It’s hers.”

Its all over but burning up the j ULD thrash and paying the bills. Father says Christmas puts a mortgage on his income till July 4th.

Boast Of a Near-Sighted Man Oh, I’ve bumped into things when lllllllll- I ought to know better, Qi«w t r wtA stwvicg, me. And burned up a check for a cir­ JlUyriiu ^ Cepyrij^ 192$. by Mniopo>»L«n Constant worry is sometlilnff to cular letter. D y ercy crosp^ And talked half a day to a tele­ ^pri7 about. S R . 1 P P Y graph post. Qd N o t INTELLIGENCE TESTS I've walked down the street with M e Y - ^ o P , my wife’s Sunday hat. MOVIE STAR. And played with a skunk that I A N N O V lM I thought was our cat. N6r I’ve been struck down by taxis I t-ni6M oydcf, > u , didn’t quite see. “N And often as not I put salt in my A niiha^s tea.

I’ve shaved with cold cream and put glue on my hair. . V . -••'u. J And swallowed hair-tonic (for which I don’t care). I’ve stepped oft of docks into ten ■>, \ feet of water. And worn a chemise that belonged to my daughter.

We could suggest a set of resolu­ tions to be adopted New Year’s Dry, provided we were exempt.

We never enjoy church service on Christmas morning. We Imagine we smell turkey burning and it takes our mind off of sacred things. etltyf/thr PLCtfity/iH Jthnnn ffafurts Int.______Oscar H olds H is Own The report of the committee on FRECKLES AND fflS FRIENDS New Year resolutions is awaited. v VUEU-,CAAir The woman who wanted a four- l U , TMCB AkV WQOR. door sedan for Christmas got an L&rrER TO SANOy w oo s s e R i/ <5or. ENBS p e e r ? electric washer. CLAUS RlfiMT DOWN SAOSS TO IK MAIL BOX The name of the actress and the Teacher: "Now, Willie where did SO A&'LL 6ET 'correct answers to the following you get that chewing gum? Tell me IT GJUiCKf questions appear on another page: the truth.” A&AP- 1 — ^Who is shown in the accom­ Willie: “ I don’t want to tell the panying picture? truth, teacher, and I don’t want to j 2—^What was the verdict of the lie.” Hall-Mills trial jury in the recent Teacher: “ Don’t you dare be im­ ! hearing of the case? pudent to me. Tell me at once 3— How mahy members arewhere you got that chewing gum.” there in President Coolidge’s cabi­ Willie: “ Under your desk.” net? 4— How many days are there In In Demand ■\the month of July? A fair complaint for divorce \ B—Into what large body of wa- Applied upon the grounds \ ter does Mobile Bay open? Her cruel husband made her lose 6— Is Governor A1 Smith of New Some four and twenty pounds. (York a wet or a dry? And many a dame and damsel with ! 7— What is the legal voting age .More weight than they can carry. ' for women in the United States? Are hoping they will have a chance J v K 0 1 9 2 6 BY SCRVICE; ww. 2 i - .1 j 8— In what city is Cornell Unl- That brutal man to marry. ~ 11^1 , ■ . I, . . . yersity? $ALHJSMAi\ .SAM M ore Tough Luck ^ B y S w a n 9— Does Nevada have as many “ So .your wife didn’t have a 3 ; representatives in Congress as happy Christmas?” •5,FVS— CBH You "f^\_ Y C 'n o N PiLOH(rl "BCT TiLU \T Pennsylvania? “ Not altogether. She gave 140 WvAEAE- Trt' SToRE.. J S'oO'RE. Trt' WHH / Vot> DoHT -To TH' 10— Who was tried in Dayton,gifts, and on counting up the re­ A WRHIeD, eWEf? prrvTOHE.'^ TevdEL<^Y STORE. l^ -T — TVi’ C^evN / B t)2 0 THlVr T 0 0 6 E. Tennessee, on a charge of teaching turns, she figures '.hat she received LOoKin 6»- y ‘$K\fPE0 oofr?^ •volution in public schools? eleven short of that number.” Tor. ^ -THERE. WITH 4F;l o o o S 7 / - > J A JOB H A L COCHRAN^

by Jb'ontame F ox WASHINGTON TUBBS H Mickey \nimseu) McGuire B y C r a n e

OUtA LUCY,SON. ------^ Gee vMvz'. ' f o l k s * w e CALLED U9 GVERM WOtTA NNE anoas, RvK' >Ne \N PKLIA BEACH, gohna AH* ev/6RS -DEV^N ONE CAN’t flNP ANSaoOY O' tUENS'S DATeO FOR A UP. 9A?!tY

M A W A l N T h u r t ! O C A T iTJ

u n r x .B m a n ! MV L i t t l e m a n ! (READ THE STORY THEN COLOR THE PICTURE). V. The next place that the Tlnles ping things as nicely as they could. stopped was where all finished toys Old Santa watched them tor a were dropped. They reached the while. .The way they labored made -wrapping warehouse at a busy time him smile. Said he, “ You’re very of day. So many things, they’d nev­ helpful, and you’re doing very er seen. Their interest, ’course, wns good.” very keen, and Santa said, “ Unless Poor Clowny tried to work too - c> you help, please keep out of the fast and then got all mixed up at way.” last. The string that he was tying A tribe of dwarfs were working with was quite a clumsy sight. It seemed he did his wrapping wrong fast. The bundles were among the ^ HAD a l w a y s h o p e d T H A t W M E M ^ o NE last to wrap and tie and get all set and ’course It took him twice as long. The other Tlnles eyed him to put in Santa’s sleigh. Each lit­ \ B e V . D IP k n o c k T H ^ ’M^SUIRE tle toy they made you know, must and then laughed out In delight. poW H , IT v Id u L p b e be protected from the snow. That’s “ And now,” said Santa, “ I must ;Why old Santa always made them go. Of course you Tlnles surely :( o u !* j^rap them up that way. know that it’s near time to hitch Then Scouty said, “ I’ll lend a my husky reindeers, brave and iliand. Just show me 'till I under- strong." 'litand the way to put the paper on “Oh, gee,’’ cried Scouty, right •md tie the string up tight. It seems out loud, “ I’ll bet your reln^^eers u have an awful task, and that’s make you proud. Say, If you’re go­ e reason why I ask to be allow- ing to the barn, -we’d- like; to go E along.’’ ^ 'tfA to help you out.’’ And Santa V ' bX aiiia Sf MM ‘ »ld. “All right’’ , . 80 all the Tinles raced around au paper, toys and string were (The Tlnles help hitch Santa’s SyiiSicBtc) ad, and 4(hen they gtarted wrap- relndeen story.),

■ .-A' ■ .V u: .-i-f v'.r PAGB E LEV l^ MANCHESTER EVENING H ^ A L D . WEDNESDAY,' DEC. 22, 1926. V r ' « 1- -

I ' V • . ,, The Best Stores Advertise Tjk^ Best Places U> Shop

iu u w m A f »v i<*»~»*i* <* *■!- * ^ * * » »«* o < > < » < » < < A < v w y v w

^£asy Money Suggests The Need \ • K Of Coution In Business Outlook j ' : ;.\ ume should materially Increase. ■- I . By JULES S. BAOHE | The satisfactory progress of re­ tt«UI of the Banking Hotue of J. S. covery in Eutope, as shown by the Bache Jt Cohpany Dawes report, and othe evidences, (Written Expressly for Interna- would seem to indicate that the I'., tltaal News Service) foelgn situatlo'n, at least in its New "tork.— I do not know of effect upon us, is likely to be fa­ Rny other Influences which should vorable. effect a setback In business during The continued ease in money khe coming year except a material makes it. advisable to be constant­ [further falling off (If It takes ly on the lookout fo inflation. Ipl^ce) in building .construction Business does not show any effects [and in automotive production, both of this except as may have devel­ of whlch» Industries have been oped in installment selling. As largely at the basis of the busl- this progesses, it would appear [ness activity of the last, two or that more and more caution is be­ , three years. / ing used to. see that first payments are sufficient in amount to keep The gradual fall in commodity sales on a sound basis. Iprices In'the United States may Icontinue. The decline has been In- While there has been no other In­ Ifluenced by a similar trend of dication of inflation in business, All A. & P. States [world prices. Thus far the falling It is true that the oversupply of open Thursday, Dec. 23 [off in prices generally has not money has developed a boom in I greatly affected the 'volume of real estate, and to some extent In CLOSED profits, as most manufacturing building. In real estate we are and Friday, Dec. 24 ■* t [plants genefally seem to have been already facing the effects. The [meeting this by greater efficiency gradual Increase of population may I- in production. A change in busi- in time offset any excesses in the i until 10 p. m. Christmas Day | ,neee activity, if it "shows decline, building line. will affect correspondingly the em­ The general outlook is conserva­ ployment of labor. With the ex­ tively optimistic—for seme months ception of the two interests men­ at least. tioned in the opening paragraph, I do-not see any likelihood of any jgreat change in the volume of busi- Durand’s Page & Shaw’s and less activity, and^herefore cannot Apollo chocolates, holiday boxes, -ee any prospect of pronouuved all sizes. Packard’s Pharmacy.— adv. , _ firmness in money, unless this vol­ \ •r HOLIDAY Sugar 10 lbs. 65« Potatoes ibr. 49c

---t- Tiif To make the txirkey dressing better! Pure Christmas candy! ^ To make the i 2LB PO U LTR Y PKG mbbon Can PKG BclPC SEASONING OCEAN SPRAT. Canned on Cape Ctkd! SN O W B A LL. Every kernel pops! CAN m scsim PKG Ciranberpy Sauce to the '' Popcorn j Serve grape juice at holiday parties!^ Extrafancy, large, Smyrna figs! y r Mandiester Evening Herald F i g s ______LB Grape Jirice >- h e entire family will appreciate it for the Walnuts, Filberts, Brazil Nuts and Almonds! NONE SUCH. For real pieslj . whole year. For daily its editions FA N C Y T PKGS LB ewry new item i features, articles, sport MIXTURE items and comics that make it a looked-for Mince Meat 2 kfixed Nuts arrival. . ' , ‘ Selected sun-dried fruit! ' / F o r old fashioned pumpkin pies! I 11 o z Why not have it sent to your home or to LARGE PKG friends or relatives? Only $6 a year by mail. CAN Currants \ A six months’ subscription by mail coSts $3. FnmpWn _ r ------• i. Fancy glac^ peel! * Stretclji the memory of Christmas 365 days Selected dates in a sanitary package! long. y PKG r Telephone 664 Citron Peel D ates Selected Cape Cod berries! \ SoUd pack, fancy squwh!l LARGE r I LB \CAN Cranberries sSquash^ i SUN-MAID or DELMONJE iPhone A Pie Shop Lemon at the same low price! R aisilis «®*®“** 3 ^*"*“* ^ XMAS SPECIALS Oraasge Sweetf meaZyi selected nui^y ■ The fipnous Christmas pudding! j ^ A - IB Plum Puddings...... /... 75c, $1.00, $2.00 /LB 'I; W X Including hdrd sauce. TIN \ Fruit Cake Cdecorated) extra fine...... 50c lb. s.bZSiSi.'' W aln u ts Tutti, Frutti Squares ...... 50c dozen ftiim l^ddliM A dainty dessert for the evening lunch. SWANSDOWN. Ideal for fancy cookingl Fresh front selected ^jples! VERY SPECIAL! ORDER EARLY F lour Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus. A decorated cookie for the kids. Limited number, 10c a pair. Pumpkin, Squash, Mince, Apple, Lemon, Cream, Pineapple P ie s E ^dlar size 35c and 40c. Holiday aize» 50c plus 15c charge for plate, rebate on plate. Start Christma# day-and eml yow X hrtoti^dtena witii Holiday Layer Cakes...... 50c each * UieYt&A'coiitiols It#'coffee. ^ t^ -j^ A & y _ c o ffe e . . , It’s alwaysfteih^ Extra large, extra fine. > " 'nTKerea»»onefli» ROAST CHICKENS $1.75 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 LB E iG irr LB The best poultry that money can buy. COFFEE' pKGi No orders taken fof‘“.!;'8cial goods after 12 ®*clwk LB O’clock FHd&k We do not want to lose any business but WE C m c L E SUPREME ‘ « K; • • MUST INSIST that if you wish to have your orders Agig the store lor your c( y ^ e d pr

■V. .V -‘d ' t r iS'■ TV’ '•Jjh^V.- '. "' wm ■•ifef .' i. ?'S ■^::H tf PAGE TWELVE MANGHEStER EVENING HERALD. TJJESDAY, DEC. 21, 1926. . ■■ . . . •■-. . - . I •■■- ■______

\ The Best Places to Shop \ The Best Ston^^Advw


niiiiniiiiiiniuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiHiiiil one of those turkeys. have arranged to merge'their shlp- little l^dys aild girls, This will he TEN TUR)[EYS FREE There will be a double feature ■ ping lines but they fall . out over in conjp^tion with the rest of the ^ ^1 WEEK AWARD picture program, besides everything whose name shall be first in the hpliday program on Friday after­ AT STATE TONIGHT else. “ As No Man Hus < Loved,” a new firm’s title. Then they declare noon: ' . ' FOR BROKEN NECK I |HPM Screen adaption of the nation’s war to the finish. ms love story, “A Man Without a • ■ On Thursday, Friday and. Satur- . Country” will be one feature, and :day of this .week the State'will pre­ TaFLYaBOi^-PARlS Real Farm On State, Ten Tur­ Peter. B. Kyne’s “ More Pay, Less sent a specially selected Christmas key Given Away and' Dou­ Work,” featuring Madge Bellamy holiday program of vaudbvUle and TO PARIS, V U NEW YORK ^ New Haven, Dec. ,22.— ^Watson GOOD TMINOS TO CAT ble Feature Make Up Fine and Charles Rogers, will be the pictures. Much dare has been spent S. Woodruff, Jr., of Orange, who^e Program. other. ^ .in making the seleclion of this pro- neck yriis broken oh December 13, > As for the barber in Wlsconsjj Before jazz dances were known {‘gram and the managenaent' feel it French Pilot Will Undertake 1925', Ip an. automobile accident in who also is coroner we can or anywhere except in the jupgle, the 'Will be ds fine a program as can be Northampiton, Mass., whiled driving suggest the sign: “ Inquests for tl ■ The state theater will present a Novel Ffight in Spiking War two Smith College students to 'real farm on the stage, and will belles of the days danced the more Viewed anywhere. The vaudeville Ic ’Bald.” stately dancjs, hicluding, the quad­ of the most select type, and will be O ^e States. their. dormitory^ has been, award­ give away ten live turkeys tonight. ed $21 a week daring tbe period of I My! What Dandy Turkeys | The farm will he real and coniplete rille, schottische,. gavotte and a pleasant surprise to the State’s When it snows in Neyr^ork yij French mazurka. In the film all of patrons. Everyone of the five acts Paris, Dec. 22.— ^Plans for an at­ 'his incapacitation by Compensation can hire a sleigh for $25 an he to detail. This is a most unusual tempted circular ^ight> from Paris This mornine when we had oar ^Toricejs sprt^ oat ready' the old dances are introduced. are of the highest quality, and will Commissioner Charles Kleiner. In Pretty, smpoth? ’ to put in the refrigerator, almost every customer that came In, novelty. ______to Bubnos Ayres to New York and. A fine surprjse entertainment Peter B. Kyne’s latest story be fitting attractions for the holl addition he is to have expenses paid made a remark about like the above. about Gappy RickSi the explosive day; The feature picture has been. Paris have been'complet­ these now amounting to about $G,- will be on well, here comes tl apex of bi^ ability as a laugh mak­ many were pulverized and turned home In Orange, has been paralyzed a big bird, just phone 2000 and we can supply a tender Tom er. • Christmas nfeckties. Last year d( Turkey that will weight from 14 to 18 pounds. Turkeys, Geese into brown paint. ever ' since the ' accident 'hnd little you notice how popular beards On Friday afternoon the. State hope is held for his recovery. His came right after the holidays? The Turkeys will sell at 62c a pound—^please phone your will have a spemal Christmas tree Schrafts Chocolates in one, two car was npset In a collision with a order now. party for the kiddies. Santa Claim and five-pound boxes. Corner Soda horse-drawn vehicle emerging from “ Stop and shop” is the word bcl will be present for the last time Shop, Spruce at Blssell street.— The store will be open tonight until 7 o’clock. a side road onto the college high­ fore Christmas. Afterward it bej this year to distribute gifts to good adv. way. Woodruff alone was injured. And Thursday and JViday evenings until 9 o’clock. comes Just “ Stop.” We will have native roasting chickens from Walter Foster .*3 Ducks, Chickens and C. Nelson, but the supply will be limited AS WE EXPECT A LARGE NPMBER OP CUSTOMERS WELL BUY TURKEYS We shall have a supply of the very best to be ob­ WTIKN THEY FIND WE HAVE THE.^l AS SMALL AS 7 TO 8 POUNDS. Please order your chickens early. tained. You may leave your order with us in fuU con­ Tender Fowl for Chicken Pie. Brlghtwood Pork. Fresh Sfaouders. fidence that we will supply you with the VERY BEST Legs of Lamb Hams to Bake. at most reasonable prices. Pork, Veal, Lamb and Beef as usual. , Fresh Vegetables Pinehurst MaHcet News TELE. 1200 I Just wish we could get all of our cus­ Ours will be the best—Cdery, Lettuce, String Beans, tomers to come in to the store Thursday Peas, Cauliflower, Rareri^s, Radishes, Alligator Pears, or Friday. It would really be worth your Mushrooms, Spinach, French Endive, French Artichokes, while, just to see the window and interior displays of Fruit and other “Good Things Okra, Cucumbers, Tomatofes. I Turkeys to Eat’’ that we have ready for your Christmas table. Fancy Baskets of Fruit, Nuts, Candies, Imi»orted Delicacies from Fancy Fruits \ all iwrts of the world. Come in and select your foods, or * Table Pears, Fancy Apples, Florida and California phone 2006. You can depend 'on Pine- Oranges, Tangerines, Malaga and Tokay Grapes, Grape are a little h i^ er in price than the Thanksgiving biixls, but they are worth more. You hnrst Quality. Christmas Candles (2 Fruit, Lady Apples. sizes) with holders if you wish. see they had four weeks longer to live and grow fat. Our Thanksgiving turkeys were 1 Chickens Fancy Layer Figs, Pulled Figs, Dates, Mixed Nuts. Large W’ard’s Fruit Cakes. j of the highest grade, but we can honeistly say that our Christmas stock will prove even Heinz Gift Baskets $5.89 each. ' Fancy Italian Pastries and Confections, French Flexible Flyer Sleds $3.75 each. Nougat. more satisfactory. Our price is \ = Meat suggestions for Thursday. g S iXative Veal for Stmv. Pinehurst Hamburg 25c lb. E GARRONE BROTHERS S Lean Pork Chops. 1099.Main Street Free Delivery Phone 1158

WSjOCSCJC3«X3Q63«SaCX3S50aC3S3{3830CSS50J30S3C^^ aiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliuliiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilin BUFFALO MARKET CO. I Service — X^ality — Low Prices | Roasting Chicken 4 S c -S O c Phone 456. 1071 Main Street. Phone 456. Native Fowl HERE IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR I T U R K E Y S I THE BEST Roast Veal.... 30c-35c Tb Roast Pork.... 30c-3^ Legstamb..... 36c T u rk e y 55<= Fresh Shoulders...23c Shoulder Lamb . . . 2^ VealStew...... 25c EXTRA FANCY TURKEYS ...... 60c Ib. • s FANCY ROASTING CHICKENS ...... 35c to 45c lb. 158c lb- 58c ‘b . 4 to 6 lbs. FRESH DRESSED TURKEYS, the kind you’ll like, Fresh Spare Rihs.. :25c Lamb Stew . . ;r. . . . 15c Veal Steak ..^ .....55c FANCY FOWLS, heavy ...... 35c lb. ONE GRADE, and ONE PRICE ...... 62c lb. i ROAST P O R K ...... 25c lb. E ^ R A FANCY FRESH DRESSED CHICKENS, FRESH SHOULDERS...... 23c lb. 5 to 7 lbs each ...... 50c lb. Fresh PigsTeet:..,lSc Chops...... 43c Veal C hops...... % ROASTING CHICKENS about 4 lbs. each ...... 45c lb. i EXTRA FANCY fresh killed FOW LS ...... 42c, 45c lb. i Fresh Fish Every Day This Week d u c k s g e e s e Rib Roast Beef 28c-35c Sau^eMeat..... 33c Sugar Cured Hams..32c FANCY VEGETABLES AND FRUITS A full supply. I Home Dressed Pork | Sausages...... 33c Smoked Shoulders. 25c ______»___ _ Pot Roasts...25c'30c NATIVE FRESH HAM. WANTED—-Experienced Butcher for Thursday and .NATIVE FRteSH SHOULDERS. Friday. CornedBe^f .... .12c EckhardtsFrankfts29c Swiffs Bacon...... 45c NATIVE FRESH PORK • ■ ...... SMALL LEGS SPRING LAMB BONELESS ROAST OF LAMB ;

S b o n e l e s s RIB ROAST BEEF ...“. ____ 38c Ib. i TOP ROUND ROAST ...... 39c lb. 5 BOTTOM ROUND PC)T R O A S T ...... 35c lb. QUAUTY BAKERY I PRIME RIB ROAST BEEF ...... 35c lb. 5 I SAGE CHEESE, PLUM PUDDING,HG PUDDING, RIBBON CANDY. g T ry our Home IRade" Sausage M eat ...... 30c lb. 3 MOHR’S RAISDJ B B E ^. MOHR’S COPfE? EpGS.; 881 Main St. Taylor & Gowans Tele. 780 .ss Small Tiink Sausage .m*,.*'...... 40c. lh«. cs •x . \-y- May Your Christmas Be a Happy One and Grocery and Friut Specials May the New Year Bring You I Delicatessen Department | All That is'Good. 1 You’ll find Home Baked Chickens. All kinds ' of | 2 Pies, Home Made Phxm Pudding, Home Made Ppund 3 You will want a good old fashioned {duni pudding for S Cake, Home Made Fndt Cake, Home Made Mince Pies § C e l e r y 1 8 c PureLard...... l8^ Native Potatoes 55c Pk. the holiday feasts. They are the best ever. Nothing i - 35c. I but the finest ingredients are used in our variety of We will Roast Your Turkey, Stuffed, with any dress- = Christmas Fruit Cakes, ornamented any size to order. ing to.your order at $1.00 eaclu ' 5 A pfdes...... 38c Cbverblomu^^^^^ RockTurmp^.. ...3clb. Scotch Short Bread, plain or ornamented to order. 5 , ------^------;— —------^ *■ ^ 3 We have the old fashioned English Fruit Bread 50c = HOME MADE SQUASH PIES. ^ s a loaf. i HOftlE MARE PUMPKIN PIl^S. 3 Navel Oranges. . . 65c BteCo(f^V.....47c]b, Sweet Potatoes 3 lb. 25c Irish Fruit Bread 50c a loaf* S Extra Large Pies be made to order. g Some of those fine Mince Pies and Pumpkin Pies we ■3\ ------1 ^------— — — ------— ------5 Florida Oranges...55c Ceyldn Tea . . .^ 65db. Iceberg Lettuce. .. 15c had Thanksgiving and got so many compliments about. For anyone wanting something of the best in Bakery; I Fruits and Fresh Vegetablies | - *'■ V ■ ■ s Goods, it will pay you to see our & play. 3 g. Extra Fancy Yellow Globe Turnips 30c. 3 Our Meat and Chicken Pies made to order are a treat. S Finest^ Celery,. Lettuce, Cranberries, Mixed Nuts, g YOU ALL A S': ’ •, • s I Please order early and save disappouitment. I ' ------^ ^ ------^ ^ I Thesea re only a few of our Cluistmas Specials for particular people. I Manche^er' Public Market | .... ry. f A. Podrove, Prop. Phone lO I Herald Advertising Pays—Usevit IniluiiiiiimiuniiuiiiiuiiiiuiuiuuinmMniiiiuiiiiuiiuiiuiuiniHuiiiiiHiiiinS ■■■ - v's-i' • I, '"t THREE HOUDAY DANCES AtC.H.Tryon s ON RAINMW’S PROGRAM Sanitary Market Holiday pleasure eekers need go no further than Bolton Hill I where the Rainbow dapce paviiion Phones 441-442 “The store that holds faith with the people.” is to be the scene of three big Gomer”Main and Maple Streets. Telephone 2006 dances. Tonight a Lucky Number WE WISH YOU ALL dance will be held at the favorite F. KELLEY, Prop. resort. Thirty beautiful prizes will ^ A MERRY XMAS be given to the lucky persons hold­ ing the right tickets. Poultry Specials For Christmas afternoon the Rain­ bow will feature a “Sunlight Hop.” Xmas Dancing will be enjoyed from 2 un­ For Your Order Your Christmas Turkey, Duek or til 6 p. m., and Bill Tasillo’g 10 TURKEYS TURKEYS if H piece orchestra will play. The best ever. Saturday night Tasillo’s orches­ tra will play again for dancing from 8 until midnight. Prices 59c and 63c lb. Chicken Tonight—Best Quality— The Rainbow management is Fancy Native Roasting Chickens I planning a big New Year’s Eve from Bolton, 5 lbs. to 6 lbs. each, party. 49c and 55c lb. Christmas a! Geese 49c lb. _. a A new type of field-glass which Native Fowls 45c lb.' Lowest Prices. Phone 403 can be attached to the spectacle Pork to Roast 33c lb- frame has been invented. lieg of Laint) 35c lb. i» — '■ I ‘ Fresh Shoulders 35c lb. Rib Roast Beef 35c lb. Pot Roast 28c lb. Table Fresh Rhode Island Sausage Meat 35c lb. A. H. Phillips Small Link Sausage 39c lb. Christmas, one of the merriest times of the year, is So. Manchester Store Groceries TURKEYS Hotel Sheridan Bldg. Not-a-Seed Raisins 10c. here again. Besides a time of exchanging gifts it Currants 13 l-2c. means the reunion of many families, celebrated ■with a Seeded Raisins 12 l-3c. Citron 55c lb. feast. We have a wonderful assortment of Christmas JQ c lb. Special, for. Xmas Shelled Almonds 1-4 lb. 32c. Shelled Wahiuts, 1-4 lb. 35c. speciq,lties th at will add much to the success of your din­ 5 lb. Box Kibble’s Table Raisins 43c. 1 lb. package Farm House Choc ner. Tender, Plump, Juicy olates 89c. Large assortment of home cooked food.' Ass’ted Chocolates 1-3 lb. package Chocolate 49c. .5 lb. Bo.v Chocolates $1.55. Large assortment of Smoked' and Cooked Meats includ­ Xmas Cut Candy 23c lb. Mince Meat 29c lb. ing our own Baked Ham. $li9 Sweet Mixed Pickles 33c lb. Long Island Long Island Tender Fri- ^ Fancy Box, Ribbon Tied. Sage Cheese 48c lb. Swedish Lutefish prepared ready to cook. Milk Fed Roasting Pimento Cheese 45c lb. cassee Fowls, Young American Chees 45c lb. Geese, lb... 44c Ducks, lb. 44c 1 lb. Box Valley Farm Assorted Roquefort Cheese 12c and 25c. Pfeffernusse Smoked Salmon Chicken, lb. 48c- Chicken,,lb 44c lb. 40c Chocolates - Swiss Cheese 55c box. Almond Macaroons Smoked Halibut Strictly Fresh Eggs 60c dozen. Fancy Tub Butter 49c lb. Springerle Swedish, Scotch and Hol­ Pint Jars Seldner Dressing 49c. Anis Drops land Salt Herring Pork and Veal Specials 45c Premier Salad Dressing, large 33c Lamb and Reef Specials 1 lb. Box Cordial Cherries Pure Jellies, home made, all Mailanderle Pickled Herring TENDER LEGS OF LAMB ...... lb. 36c TENDER FRESH SHOULDERS ...... ••...... lb. 24c kinds, 29c. Cinnamon Stars Russian Sardines BONELESS LAMB ROASTS ...... lb. 35c FRESH LEAN ROAST ...... lb. 30c Best Coffee 49c lb. OLD FASHIONED SAUSAGES ...... lb. pkg. 35c Tasty MarcshmaUows, large can Chocolate Stars Sagryn PRIME RIB ROAST OF B E EF ...... lb. 25c and 33c 39c Imported and Domestic TENDER SIRLOIN ROAST ...... lb. 34c FRESH LINK SAUSAGES ...... lb. 30c 1 lb. Jack Homer Fruit and 2oc. ^ Braun Lebkuchen BONELESS VEAL ROAST...... lb. 35c . Confectionery Sugar, 3 lbs. 3oc. Health Bread BOSTON ROAST ...... lb. 30c Nuts Chocolates Carnation Milk 11c can. Basler Lebkuchen RIB ROAST OF BEEF ...... lb. 28c RUMP VEAL ROAST ...... • ...... lb. 25c Corn Starch • 9c pkg. Lebkuchen Men and Women. Cinnamon and Sugar Rusks Plum Pudding 35c. Sylte Fig Pudding 39c can. Smoked Goose Breasts French Marrons 65c. Kok-Korf (fior stuffing the Turkey) 2 lb. Box Pure Sugar Ribbon Fresh Lingon Sausage Meat 2$e lb. Pickled Kumquats 75c. Vert Limpor Candy Sweet Pickle 49c. Kalas-Sil Ness Biro 75c. Anchovies Brown Beans Assorted Fruit 75c. Yellow Peas Bell Poultry Seasoning 9c pkg. Sardellan Butter 43 c Anchovey Paste Bond-Ost‘ Cut Rock Candy Store Caviar Kummin-Ost Pure s m Fruit Edam Cheese I IT Open Baskets of Fruit $1.35 to $2.00. Polka Grisar Lard 19c lb. 3 large Grapefruit 35c. Swedish Chocolate Cocu,. Pineapple Cheese Tonight California Oranges 49c to 79c Stoneless Dates Red and Green 16c fZ Until dozen. * Maraschino Cherries i; ^ Figc Tokay Grapes 15c lb. Pressed Figs Ib. pkg. 9 o’clock Malaga GraiJes 30c lb. Table Raisins Stuffed Oranges in glass. Tangerines 40c dozen, Pickled Peaches in glass. IT WAIT ON YBUiSSEE.F' Bananas 10c lb. Glacier Mints Brandied Peaches i n glass. Baldwin Apples 55c basket. Marshmallows 3Pkm25c5.' r»' Baldwin Apples 75c basket. Peaches in Grenadine in Fall Pippins 75c basket. Shelled Pecans in glass glass. ' ■i Figs and Dates in glass. Pickled Pears in gla$s. ♦ Fancy Assorted Chocolates California Prunes, 2 lbs. 25c Filled Dates in glass. Fresh Fruit Salad in glass. 5 lb. box $1.49. 3 lb. box $1.00 Meal Not-a-Seed Raisins Dates Nuts Heinz Fig and Plum Pud­ Creme De Men the Jell. Fancy Budded English Walnuts 1 lb. box 39c sweet and juicy 38c lb. ding. Rum mid Sherry Flavoring. package...... 8e • Mixed Nuts 28c lb. Ward’s Paradise Fruit Cake Maggi’s Seasoning. Hand dipped. Over 20 differeift 19c pkg. Brazil Nuts 25c lb. Ward’s Plum Pudding Pate De Fore Gras kinds. Crystalized Ginger Swedish Potata Flour ____ * ■ ■■■*1 - Candied Citron Swedish Syrup Vegetables Bitter and Sweet Almonds Fancy Celery 20c. Orange and Lemon Peel Imported and Domestic Walnut Meats Do Your Christmas Shopping At Mixed Nuts 25c lb. Iceberg Lettuce 15c. Parsley 10c. Sardines Thompson’s Sweet Cider Walnuts 31c lb. Spinach 29c. Smoked Whitefish 4 Cranberry Sauce Parsnips, 4 lbs. for 25c. The ^Self-Serve^Manchester's P u b lic Fantry Oranges, Grape Fruit, Mushrooms 49c lb. Imported and Domestic Beverages Cranberries Hubbard Squash 5c lb. Canned Fruits and Fresh Fruits and 5 lbs. Yellow Onions 25c. NUTS ■ 5 lbs. Bed Onions 25c. Martini and Manhattan Cocktail, Swedish, Arrack and Vegetables All New 1926 Crop ^Where There’s Life— 3 lbs. Spanish Onions 25c. Vegetables Military Punches, Kummel, Vermouth, (Grenadine, Bene­ Republic Hawaiian Sliced Fresh Italian Chestnuts, lb. ... lOc There’s a Phillips Cabbage 5c lb. Florida Oranges, Sweet Potatoes 6c lb. dictine, Creme De Menthe, Chartres. Pineapple, large can ...... ^.25c Mixed Nuts, lb...... - Store” Oysters Every Day 89c pint. Sunbeam. Fruit for Salad, can .. 29c We sold over 1,000 pounds Than)ts- ...... large nize 37c, small size 23c Extra Fancy Grapefruit, 2 for . .23c Heavy Cream, Strictly Fresh Eggs, Brown’s Butter, Fancy Bartlett Pears, can ...... 25c giving. ' Sunbeam Fresh Plums, large can 2Dc Diamond Stamped California Budded Fancy Grapefruit, 3 for ...... 2.3c V Fresh Oysters Packed in heavy syrup. Walnuts, lb...... ------Sunkist Oranges, dozen ...... 63c Diamond Stamped California No. 1 Otto Stahl’s and Arlington Delicious Pork Sausage. Burt Olney Tender Sweet Fancy Table Grapes, lb...... 22c Peas, can ...... I8c Walnuts, lb...... 42c Golden Ripe Bananas, lb...... 9c JUUL’S CASH MARKET Store Closed All bay Saturday, Chtistmas Day. David Harum Sweet Wrinkled Paper Shell Almonds, lb...... ,39c White Malaga Grapes, lb...... 29c Harry lull. Prop. Peas, large can 27c, small can I9c Large Washed Brazil Nuts, lb. . .23c 539 Main Street, Next to Gas OflBce. Tel. 2339 Sunbeam Pumpkin or Squash, Long Napel Filberts, lb...... 27c Crisp Celery, bunch . 10c can ...... • •...... I9c Jumbo Georgia Paper Shell Rock Yellow Turnips, lb. .3c Burt Olney’s Squash, c a n ...... 19c Pecans, lb...... 69c uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiiiii'iihiiKiiiiKiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiim iim iiiiiiiiiiiim iin Iceberg Lettuce, head ...... '.12c FOR CHRISTMAS Burt Olney’s Golden Pumpkin, Walnut Meats, 1-2 lb ...... 49c can ...... I5c Fresh Roasted Peanuts, 2 qts. .. I9c French Endive, lb...... -49c Queen of the Valley Squash, Fancy Jordan Almond Meats; Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries , Reserve a Table can ...... 12 I-2c 1-2 lb...... 590 quart ...... 12c Fancy Turkeys 62«* FOR YOUR E Grandmother’s Prepared Red Wing Pure Preserves, Christmas Dinner Mince Meat, Dromedary Dates, pkg. 19c lb. j a r ...... 25c Fancy Chickens i TURKEY DINNER with all the fiilings...... $1.50 | 2^2 Ih. jar ...... 59c Fancy Pork to R o a st...... 29c lb. = We are now reserving tables for S Fancy Necessities : Fresh Shoulders...... 19c lb. I NEW YEAR’S EVE | Pickles, Olives and Jelly Christmas Puddings Sausage M eat...... 29c lb. After the Show at State Theater | Silver Lane Pickles, Sunshine Fri/t Cake, Sunbeam Fancy Currant^, I ...... quart 40c, pint. 27c Ih. can ...... 89c lb. package ...... 23c Legs of Lamb .'...... 37c lb. I Special Dinner, Excellent Menu, Phone us fora | 2 lb. c a n ...... • • ...... $1.75 All kinds. Republic Cleaned Currants, Fresh H am ...... 40c lb. = reservation. | Pin Money Pickles, jar ...... 25c 4 lb. can ...... • .$3.50 I Chickens Roasted for Christmas | Sweet mixed, ilicalilli, watermelon R. & R. Fig or Plum Pudding, lb. package ...... 19c and chow chow. lb. can .29c Fancy Citron, lb...... 33c Groceries Pin Money Pickles, jar ....••..33c Heinz Plum or Fig Pudding, Sweet onion and cocktail onions. , ...... lb, 45c, 2 lbs. 75c Fancy Orange or Lemon Peels, lb. 33c Very Special! Burt Olney’s Corn 2 cans 25c Pin Money Pickles, j a r ...... 59c Cluster Table Raisins, package • • 32c Heinz Rice F la k e s...... ’... 17c pkg. L At Our Restaurant | Mince Meat Melon mangoes. Dromedary Citron Peels...... 22c White Rose Spaghetti and Macaroni, 1 lb. pkgs. 18c S Try Our Business Men’s Luncheon Served = Sunbeam Selected Olives, quart $IjI0 Grandmother’s Mince Meat, White Rose C a tsu p ...... r ...... 25c E 11.30 a. m. to 2 p. m. daily. 50c. = Stuffed or plain. 2 1-2 lb. j a r ...... * -59c Dromedary Lemon or Orange Gold Medal Pancake F lo u r...... 11cpkg. i SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS 5 Sunbeam Fancy Pepitolives, (Prepared) Peels ...... 15c Monarch Coffee, 3 lb. pkg...... $1.49 None Such Mince Meat, pkg. 12 I-2c = Blue Plate 60c. , - Chicken Dinner $1.00 = 10 ounce j a r ...... 43c Layer Figs, Ib l ...... 27c Sunbeam Stuffed Olives, Grandmother’s Mince Meat, Vegetables and Fruits 8 1-2 ounce j a r ...... 25e 2 packages ...... 23c E xtra fancy, 2 1-2 inch figs. Fancy California O ranges...... 50c, 58c, 62c dozen Spitzenberg Apples...... • *33c dozen Bananas ...... "T...... 9c lb. I WARANOKE H O m - BAKERY I We Make To Order Fancy Baskets Of Fruit At Any Price Fancy Emperor Grapes...... 20c lb. Banana Apples...... 69c peach basket^ Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs...... 25c I AND RESTAURANT | Fancy Ribbon Gandy, 2 lb. box — . 42c T ■ Fancy Cranberries...... 15c quart 1 . J. J. Williams, Prop. E Made from pure sugar. '' Mixed N u ts ...... 30c lb. I Main Street So. Mapchcstej S California Butter W alnuts...... 50clb. iiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiHnHHiH . -jj

‘ .^ WEDNESDAY', DEC. 22, 1926;"' / S 3

PAGE FOURTEEN 'I I . . I I I ||| n ■■

«>- FINED FOR KEEPING ‘ SPECIAL TONIGHT EMERGENCY DOCTORS UNLICENSED DOG Frank Deptula of Kerry street BEAN SUPPER Dr. Moore and Dr. Salvin will was before the Manchester town court tliis .morning on the charge be on emergency call tomorrow. of 'keeping ah unlicensed female School Street Rec Buffet dog. He was brought into court on Everybody Invited. complaint of Dog Warden Fred Temple Chapter, O. E. S. will In­ Krah. He was arrested by Officer R. I'. Wirtalla. Both men testified that Only Two stall its new officers at its meet­ COMING EVENTS ing tonight in Odd Fellows hall. they had seen the dog at Deptula’s at the Aftsr the business session a Christ­ place. Judge Johnson found him RAINBOW mas social will follow in charge of guilty and Imposed a fine of ?5 and Store Open Tonight Until Nine O’clock • a committee headed by Mrs. Ethel costs. TONIGHT— Lucky Number Dance, Davis. Members are reminded to 30 Beautiful Prizes. bring a useful, Inexpensive gift. A Boxed correspondence paper and cordial invitation is extended to envelopes at Packard’s.— adv. CHRISTMAS D.W— Sunlight Hop, all those who are members of S to 6 p. 111.— 10 Piece Tasillo Or. other Eastern Star chapters and are living in Manchester. CHRISTMAS NIGHT— Gala Dance, We Still Have a 8 to 13 p. m. F. C. Strickland has arived home from Boulder, Colorado, to spend MASON SUPPLIES Christmas Gifts At Tasillo's Orchestra at All Dances. Admission 50 Gents. the holidays with his parents. Mr. Strickland is assistant professor LIME Large of English literature and dramat­ ics at the University of Colorado. CEMENT the for ABOUTTOWN Mrs. Moses Blow has returned PLASTER Popular Women Assortment Of from St. Francis hospital where Price and she underwent a serious operation Children' four weeks ago, and is convalesc­ BRICK of ' The children of the Swedish Con­ ing at her home, Ni. 58 Oxford gregational church on Spruce street street. FLUE LINING TOYS will have their Christ,mas entertain­ HAND BAGS ...... $2.98 ment at 6:30 on Christmas day. While the municipal trees were KID GLOVES, pair ...... $2.98 m illuminated Monday evening, the DAMPERS Bacmo kid gloves in tan, mode, A large assortment of pouche and The lodges of the Daughters and decorations were not completed brown and gray. Fancy cuffs. under-the-arm bags in leather or Sons of St. George wTll combine in until yesterday. The tree at the ' TILE silk. giving a Christmas party for the Center is particularly well locat­ SCARFS ...... $2.98 Toyland children of the members' families ed this year, also the one at De­ A FuU Line. > STEP-INS ...... $2.98 In Tinker hall tomorrow evening. pot Square. Silk or Imported cashmere scarfs Sleds ...... $1.25 to $8.95 Give us your ord;r. In plain colors or figures. Heavy quality crepe de chine step- Tomorrow evening at 7 o’clock Leon F. Catlin of North Elm ins in dainty models. Erector Sets...... $1.0 Oto $10.00 . the primary and kindergarten de­ street w’as called to Rutland, 'Ver­ We deliver the groods. STATIONERY ...... $2.98 partments of St. Mary’s Episcopal mont this week o^Ing to the ser­ Gilbert’s Tool Chests ...... -____25c to $5.50 church S.nday school will have ious illness of his mother. Whitney and Cook’s glove skin LUNCHEON SETS ...... $2.98 their Christmas entert^.inment. On stationery with a peacock quill. Porto Rican hand made and hand Dolls ...... 50c to $1.00 Monday evening the Highland Park Kemp’s salted nuts, the best. In G. E Willis & Son embroidered luncheon sets. school will have its Christmas party bulk or in sealed tins. Glace nuts. Tenttn Sets ...... 50c to $1.98 at the Porter street school 't 7:30 Packard’s Pharmacy.— adv. 2 Main Street Phone 50 PHILIPPINE GOWNS... $2.98 and the senior department at St. All hand made and hand em­ BED SPREADS ...... $2.98 Friction Toys ...... 50c to $1.49 Mary''s church school Tuesday eve­ broidered gowns in plain white., Krinkle bed spreads in stripes of ning at 7:30 in the parish house. blue, rose, gold and lavender. D rum s...... 25c to 99c Toy Telephones ...... 50c to 99c The Manchester Public library SILK CHEMISES ...... $2.98 will be closed Friday evening, A large assortment of silk che­ SILK CUSHIONS ...... $2.98 Uncle Sam Banks ...... $1.25 to $2.25 , Christmas eve. mises In lace-trimmed or tailored Silk taffeta cushions in many dif­ models. ferent shapes and colors. Carriages _____...... $4.98 to $19.50 The. Junior choir of the North StructoToys_____ ...... $1.25 to $6.98 Methodist cbnri'ch met at the home HAT BAGS ...... $2.98 SILK SLIPS ...... $2.98 of the Misses Lydall on Hudson Patent leather hat bags that would Autos...... $12.50 to $19.50 street last evening, and after the A silk slip, is a most useful gift. make a practical gift. We have a large assortment in stock. Roller S kates...... $1.79 and $1.98 regular rehearsal of Christmas Lest You Forget music enjoyed a Christmas party, Stuffed Animals...... 99c to $3.98 exchange of gifts and a dainty re­ SILK BLOOMERS ...... $2.98 past including ice cream and candy. Your -wants in Men’s and Boys’ wear can ATOMIZERS $2.98 D esks...... $7.98 to $12.50 Good quality crepe de chine Imported and domestic atomizers The children remembered their pas­ bloomers in white, or flesh. tor, Rev. J. E. Duxbury, w’ho assists be wonderfully well taken care of at Glen- in lusterware or plain glassware. Air R ifle s...... $1.49 to $1.98 the Misses Beatrice and Bernice TOYLAND—BASEMENT Lydall in the w-ork of the choir, ney’s. CAKE AND SANDWICH with a gold coin. CUT GLASSWARE ...... $2.98 TRAYS ...... $2.98 You will find many different use­ Handled cake and sandwich trays Stanley F. Rice of this town has Thanking you all for your generous pa­ ful items in this fancy cut glass­ in, fancy china ware. ware. ‘ purchased a part interest in the Soda Shop at the corner of Main tronage I wish all a Merry Christmas and a and Asylum streets in Hartford. Mr. very prosperous, happy New Year. PRACTICAL GIFTS Rice has been employed at that place for the past five years.

Minnie B. Sargent has sold her For Mother, Wife or the Bride-to-Be 7-room Dutch colonial house on Mather street to Herbert L. For­ TURKISH TOWELS ...... $1.25 ALL LINEN LUCHEON tune of Edward street. Mr. For­ GLENNEY’S A good quality, large size towel with SETS ...... ••...... $2.98 tune will move his family to their jacquard colored borders in blue, rose, TINKER BUILDING This is sometimes called a waffle new home shortly after Christ­ gold, peach, 'lavender and nile green. mas. The sale was made through set. A 59 inch cloth and 6 napkins to the Wallace D. Robb agency. match in beautiful checks, also a linen TAPESTRY crash luncheon set with colored bor­ RUNNERS ...... $1.50 to $3.49 The Community Girls’ basket­ ders in blue, rose, gold, green and ball team will play the Aetna Life We have just received a stunning lavender. girls of Hartford at the auditorium assortment of tapestry runners in beau­ of the Hollister street school at tiful color combinations. Sizes: IS x 36, eight o’clock this evening. 18 X 54, and lS ;x 72 inches. ITALIAN LINEN LUNCHEON SETS ...... $5.98 At the Zion Lutheran church to­ TAFFETA morrow evening at 7 o ’clock the CUSHIONS ....$2.98 to $3.98 A stunning luncheon set made of children will have their service, All silk taffeta cushions in oblong, pure oyster linen with hand embrolder- and on Christmas morning there oval, round and heart shapes. All the ery and Venetian cut work designs. 30 will be a service for the congrega­ wanted colors: blue, rose, gold, etc. inch cloth and 4 napkins to match. tion at 6:45 a. ni. Kibbe’s Tom Thumb BATH R U G S ...... $1.00 to $2.98 Fancy Ribbon Candy These are the well known' Martex LINEN TABLE CLOTHS AND Ribbon Candy, bath mats— guaranteed fast color. NAPKINS ...... $3.98 to $12.98 2 lb. pkg...... 44c Checks, stripes, and all over patterns 2 lb. pkg...... 75c in the wanted shades. A beautiful, all linen cloth in many different designs, size 54 x 70 inches TOWEL SETS ... .$1.75 to $4.98 and 54 X 84 inches. The napkins to These are Ue well known Martex match come in sizes 18 or 22 inches. ASSORTED CHRISTMAS CUTS ...... lb. 25c towel set— guaranteed fast color. The AMERICAN MIXTURE ...... lb. 25c set consists of towels and face cloths. RIBBON CANDY ...... 1...... lb. 35c A useful gift. HAND EMBROIDERED TOWELS .... .$1.00 and $1.25 P. & T. BOXED CHOCOLATES...... $1.00 to $3.00 WOOL MIXED All hand made, and hand embroider­ P. & T. FANCY HARD CANDY ...... 2 lb. box 75c BLANKETS, pair ...... $7.98 Your -Wm Your choice of an all wool double ed towels Imported from Porto Rico. A CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES ...... 25c blanket in beautiful plaids of blue, dainty linen towel is always appreciat­ P. & T. CHRISTMAS SURPRISE PACKAGES...... 25c rose, tan, lavender or gray. Large size. ed by the housewife. may dislike making k ; you Contains chocolate novelties. CANDY TOY S H O P S ...... 50c may delay making it; but y ^ Contains chocolate novelties. cannot deny the importance o£ CHOCOLATE A . B. C. B O X ...... 25c Boxed Christmas Cards, 2 5c to 99c CHOCOLATE NOVELTIES ..••...... 5c to 25c making it—at once. SALTED PEANUTS ...... 50c MAIN FLOOR SALTED MIXED NUTS ...... lb. $1.50 SALTED ALMONDS ...... ••...... lb. $1.50 SALTED PECANS ...... lb. $1.75 The Manchester Trust Co. ASSORTED HARD CANDIES ...... lb. 49c XMAS GREER’S HOMESTEAD CHOCOLATES ...... -lb. box 59c South Manchester 1926 SCHARFF’S BILTMORE CHOCOLATES...... lb. box 39c / And through CANDY— MAIN FLOOR. tho years. . . .

—A— Gulbransen Piano The management qf the hotel open for 90 days, during which a COMMUNITY CLUB HAS SANTA OAUS VISITS served the Klwanlans an excellent LEGION AUXILIARY membership drive will be conduct­ PARTY FOR CHILDREN turkey dinner today. After the ed. Mrai Mary Tournaud was chosen $295 KIWANIANS TODAY meal Krickel K. Garrick, Secretary captain of one of the teams and A Hickok Belt of the Federal Reserve Bank of OFFICERS INSTALLED Mrs. Oliver Chartler of the other, The Community Club Christmas' the losing side to provide a supper 3 Years to Pay. Boston gave the men an insight party for the children was held in. A gift any man will appreciate. into the workings of the Federal to the successful team. the assembly hall of the White Waddell Repotts $650 Receiv­ Reserve that it would be Impossi­ The officers of the newly organiz­ house on North Main street yester­ Beltogram Sets consisting of fine leather snap-on belt, ed For Christmas Work in ble to get otherwise. It was a very ed auxiliary to the American DRIVER OP CAR CM3ARED day afternoon. ’The hall was gay interesting talk and one of great IN DEATH OP VICTIM with red and green paper stream­ KEMP'S initial buckle and beltogram to match Town. Legion were duly installed at a value to the business men. meeting lu the state armory Mon­ ers and the nearly 40 children who I i day evening, by Miss M. A. Clark Middletown, Dec. 22— John T. were present had a merry time’ Close to 60 members of the George H. -Waddell, treasurer of of Easthampton, organizer for the Kolinski, whose car struck and fa­ playing various games. Bertha Vln-' the town Christmas committee re­ $3 $4 $5 Manchester Kiwanls club attended Connecticut district. They are the tally injured James Murphy of Dor- cek won the prize in tho Charles­ the noonday luncheon at the Ho­ ported that up to this noon $650 following: ham avenue, this city, on the night ton contest, an:l Bessie Carson was , Belt sets without beltogram, $2 up. tel Sheridan today. Each man had been received for the work of December 16, was absolved of the winner in the game '-f hanglrig;. ■ brought with him a present which and that the committee Was plan­ President— Mrs. Jennie Sheridan. criminal responsibility after a hear­ the stocking. Th.^ children then, was placed in a large box and num- ning to provide 66 dinners on First Vice President— Mrs. Helen ing by Coroner Smith today. Mur gavhered around the Cliri.stmas tree Sterling Silver Belt Buckles, initial or emblem, $3. .bered. . As the members entered Christmas day. Newman. phy in attempting to cross the on the lOAver flour wi-ere Santa the > dining hall they received Secopd Vice President— ^Mrs. street in front of his home, dodged fclaus greeted the:a anil gave lo numbers and in turn drew their Gertrude Bausola. fr6m in front of another machine each a box of candy and au orange prizes. Frank Cheney Jr. and F. Edward Zimmerman, well known Secretary— Mrs. Olive Chartier. directly into the path of Kolinski’s The candy was honin'-.il by Ever A. Verplanck Inpersonated Santa local barber, .has received word of Treasurer— Mrs. Minnie Sault. and sustained injuries from which Ready Circle of Hin.;.s Daughters Claus in the distribution of gifts. an injury to his brother, John Zim­ Chaplain— Mrs. Leontine Heat- he died in Middlesex hospital the After the party the children as-’- 'They included toys of all descrip­ merman, of Rockville. The Rock­ ley. \ , following day. sembled ontdaor.s In fru-nt of the Arthur L. Hultman tions and were turned over to the ville man who is a foreman in the Mistress at Aihns— Mrs. Agnes clubhouse whore a group picture town Christmas committee , in J. J. Regan manufacturing com­ Quish. “ Speaker never gave.me.any. in­ -was taken. VISIT OUR BOYS’ DEPARTMENT. . which the Kiwanis club is inter­ pany, slipped and fell on the side­ Several members were admitted structions as to how to pitch that Mr. end Mrs.’ V/at>'i.'ur.i were as-, ested and will be given to poor walk Monday l^racturing his arm. at the meeting and it was decided game,’’ said Myers. “ I pitched to sisted by Stella Poliuskl and Steph­ boys and girls. Ue is 73 years old. to allow tb« charter to remain win,’* en Beebs acted as Sar:ta Claiit. "