Eon is a potential Dragoneye, able to manipulate wind and water to nurture and protect the land. But Eon also has a dark secret. He is really Eona, found by a power–hungry master of the Dragon Magic in a search for the new Dragoneye. Because females are forbidden to practise the Art, Eona endures years of study concealed as a boy. Eona becomes Eon, and a dangerous gamble is put into play. Eon's unprecedented display of skill at the Dragoneye ceremony places him in the centre of a power struggle between the Emperor and his High Lord brother. The Emperor immediately summons Eon to court to protect his son and heir. Quickly learning to navigate the treacher- ous court politics, Eon makes some unexpected alliances, and a deadly enemy in a Dragoneye turned traitor. Based on the ancient lores of Chinese astrology and Feng Shui, The Two Pearls of Wisdom and its sequel The Neck- lace of the Gods are compelling novels set in a world filled with identities, dangerous politics and sexual intrigue. *TEACHING NOTES


Since an alien selected her to be his time–travelling partner, Joss has met an assassin, con- fronted an anti–alien lobby and had her freewheeling lifestyle nipped in the bud by the high security that surrounds the first Chorian to study on Earth! But life with Mavkel is not really that bad, especially considering harmonica–playing Joss is fascinated by Chorians – a harmonising species who communicate through song. Only, Mavkel is sick – he is pining for his lost twin, and his will to live is draining away. Joss wants to help but this means breaking the rules and going back to the petri dish where it all began. She's playing with history, but if Mavkel doesn't survive then Joss could really be singing the blues… Winner Aurealis Young Adult Novel 1998 Shortlisted for the Victorian Premier’s Awards 1999 CBCA Notable Book 1999. Americal Library Association Best Book 2004.


It all begins with the scratching in the ceiling. From the moment Alison discovers the dinner service in the attic, with its curious pattern of floral owls, a chain of events is set in progress that is to effect everybody's lives. Relentlessly, Alison, her step–brother Roger and Welsh boy Gwyn are drawn into the replay of a tragic Welsh legend – a modern drama played out against a background of ancient jealous- ies. As the tension mounts, it becomes apparent that only by accepting and facing the situa- tion can it be resolved.


Rule #3: Don't stare at invisible faeries. Aislinn has always seen faeries. Powerful and dangerous, they walk hidden in the mortal world, and would blind her if they knew of her Sight. Rule #2: Don't speak to invisible faeries. Now faeries are her. One of , Keenan, who is equal parts terrifying and alluring, is trying to talk to her, asking questions Aislinn is afraid to answer. Rule #1: Don't ever attract their attention. But it's too late. Keenan is the Summer King and has sought his queen for nine centuries. Without her, summer itself will perish. He is determined that Aislinn will become the Summer Queen at any cost... Suddenly none of the rules that have kept Aislinn safe are working any more, and everything is on the line: her freedom; her best friend, Seth; her life; everything.


Girls, boys, music – great mix! And who hasn't dreamed of being in a rock band? And what could be better than hooking up with your besties and forming an all–girl band. That's what Pip, Irina, Karen and Angie did when they formed their band Not Perfect. These are four different girls lead very different lives, but when they come together and play, they are as one. These girls rock.

Bestselling author Susanne Gervay wrote THAT'S WHY I WROTE THIS SONG, and her musi- cian daughter Tory wrote the lyrics. The book explores the lives of four very different teen- age girls and their relationships with their fathers, boys and each other. All this is set around the music scene and the girls' passion for and involvement with it, from rock con- certs, weekend music festivals and the girls' own band. A recording of two songs by Tory is available to download from the HarperCollins website. Teaching notes.


Coping with severe burns, the hospital and doctors is not easy when all you want to do is be a teenage girl. Katherine was severely burnt in an accident when she was two years old. Now 17, she lives with her mother and 22 year–old sister. Their father left the family when they were very young. Katherine still needs regular skin grafts. This is a moving and well–written tale of emotional and physical damage and Katherine's need to overcome her fears. It is a positive story of individual strength and family love. Whether a person is physically damaged or 'perfectly normal' life still has to be lived and the story of Katherine and her friends relates to all teenagers. Endorsed by Dr Hugh Martin, President of the ANZ Burn Association and Head of Burn Unit, The Children's Hospital, Westmead. • Highly Commended for the Older Readers in the Australian Family Therapists' Award for Children's Literature 2002


The mini cab office was up a cobbled mews with little flat houses either side. That's where I first met Violet Park—what was left of her. There was a healing centre next door, a pretty smart name for a place with a battered brown door and no proper door handle and stuck– on wooden numbers in the shape of clowns. The 3 of number 13 was a w stuck on sideways and I thought it was kind of sad and I liked it at the same time.

Sixteen–year–old Lucas Swain becomes intrigued by the urn of ashes left in a cab office. Convinced that its occupant – Violet Park – is communicating with him, he contrives to gain possession of the urn, little realising that his quest will take him on a voyage of self– discovery and identity, forcing him to finally confront what happened to his absent (and possibly dead) father… Winner of the Guardian Prize for First Fiction 2007 Shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal 2008

BROKEN SOUP JENNY VALENTINE 9780007229659 When the good–looking boy with the American accent presses the dropped negative into Rowan's hand, she's sure it's all a big mistake. But next moment he's gone, lost in the crowd of bustling shoppers. And she can't afford to lose her place in the checkout queue – after all, if she doesn't take the groceries home, nobody else will.

Rowan has more responsibilities than most girls her age. These days, she pretty much looks after her little sister single–handedly – which doesn't leave much time for friends or fun. So when she finds out that Bee from school saw the whole thing, it piques her curiosity. Who was the boy? Why was he so insistent that the negative belonged to Rowan? GAME AS NED TIM PEGLER 9780732285760

Ned is a teenager with an encyclopaedic knowledge of Australian bushrangers. He is also autistic. Erin is a sixteen–year–old trouble–magnet trying to make a fresh start in a new town. Ned never speaks. Erin rarely stops – and when she stands up to a bully the conse- quences are catastrophic. Now Ned's on the run, branded 'disturbed and dangerous' by police. To set things right, he'll need to be as game as Ned Kelly… Themes of vulnerability, difference, bullying, autism, justice, friendship and empathy ema- nate from this fine novel.

CBCA Notable Book 2008 * Teaching Notes


Told in the voice of Private Tommo Peaceful, the story follows twenty–four hours at the front, and captures his memories of his family and his village life – by no means as tranquil as it appeared. Full of vivid detail and engrossing atmosphere, and leading to a dramatic and moving conclusion, Private Peaceful is both a compelling love story and a deeply mov- ing account of the First World War. Winner of the Blue Peter Book Award 2005 in the UK, the prestigious Di Cento Prize and the I Primo Bibliotechi di Roma (The Prize of the Libraries of Rome) in Italy, and Belgium's Le Prix Farniente and Le Prix Ado-Lisant. Short listed for the Carnegie Medal 2003, Whitbread Award 2003, and Winner of the Red House Book Award 2004. *Teaching Notes.


Miles Halter is fascinated by famous last words – and tired of his safe, boring and rather lonely life at home. He leaves for boarding school filled with cautious optimism, to seek what the dying poet Francois Rabelais called the "Great Perhaps." Much awaits Miles at Culver Creek, including Alaska Young. Clever, funny, screwed–up, and dead , Alaska will pull Miles into her labyrinth and catapult him into the Great Perhaps.

Looking for Alaska brilliantly chronicles the indelible impact one life can have on another. Winner of the Printz Award. Winner of the Silver Inkie Award.


The novel based on David Williamson's screenplay for Peter Weir's classic Australian film, Gallipoli (originally released in 1981, starring Mel Gibson).

On the morning of 25 April 1915, the first wave of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps landed on the Gallipoli Peninsula under intense Turkish fire. When the Anzacs crept away, defeated, eight months later, 7594 Australians had been killed and more than 19,000 had been wounded.

About one–fifth of the men engaged in this tragic and mismanaged encounter were under the age of 21 – boys who were fired with loyalty for a nation itself not yet 15 years old.

This is the story of two of those boys . PEACHES JODI LYN ANDERSON 9780007216116

Murphy is good fun but trouble. Birdie is homeschooled, sensible, but very shy . Leeda is rich and snobbish, loved by all but her mum: she is also Birdie’s cousin. Birdie;s dad owns a peach orchard and things are not going well. Her mum has left and dad is not coping and she finds herself doing more than her share of the running of the business. As a penance, Murphy is sent to work in the orchard after being caught stealing. Leeda arrives at the same time and the three girls find themselves forming a most unlikely friendship.

This is a moving, joyous coming of age story which will resonate long after turning the last page.


Ginny’s favourite aunt has left her 13 little blue envelopes. Inside little blue envelope #1 is $1,000 and instructions to buy a plane ticket. In envelope #2 isdirections to a specific London flat. The note in envelope #3 tells Ginny: Find a starving artist.

Because of envelope #4, Ginny and a playwright/thief/ bloke–about–town called Keith go to Scotland together, with somewhat disastrous–though utterly romantic–results. But will she ever see him again? Everything about Ginny will change this summer, and it's all because of the 13 little blue envelopes.


The funny thing about stop signs is that they're also start signs. Mayzie is the brainy middle sister, Brooks is the beautiful but conflicted oldest, and Palmer's the quirky baby of the family. In spite of their differences, the Gold sisters have always been close.

When their father dies, everything begins to fall apart. Level–headed May is left to fend for herself (and somehow learn to drive), while her two sisters struggle with their own demons. But the girls learn that while there are a lot of rules for the road, there are no rules when it comes to the heart. Together, they discover the key to moving on – and it's the key to their father's Pontiac Firebird. This critically acclaimed, totally compelling book is perfect for readers looking for both a fun ride and a life–changing journey.

LEAVING JETTY ROAD REBECCA BURTON 9780207200151 'If there was one thing you could change about yourself,' Lise says, 'what would it be?' 'Lots of stuff,' I say, without giving it too much thought. 'What about you?' She doesn't answer. For ages, she doesn't answer. She creases an unused sugar packet on the cafe table into tiny, deliberate folds, then unfolds it again. Then she says, quietly, 'I'd change everything.' 'Everything?' I echo. She nods. 'My clothes. My body. My self.' Leaving Jetty Road is a compelling coming–of–age story about three friends, Nat, Lise and Sofia. When the three girls make a joint New Year's resolution to go vegetarian for a year none of them foresees the changes that will occur in their lives during that year. While Nat and Sofia meet boys and fall in love, Lise immerses herself in long hours of study. She hopes this preparation will help her overcome the panic attacks she experienced in Year 11. She also discovers – to her delight – that the vegetarianism that they have pledged has resulted in something she has always longed for: weight loss.

As the year progresses and the end–of–year exams loom, the three girls experience various ups and downs: Nat's relationship breaks down, while Sofia's thrives, and Lise struggles with an eating disorder that could threaten her life. It is during the aftermath of these events that Nat and Lise must come to terms with their lives. Although their ex- periences are different, they discover a new optimism for life. * Teaching Notes. THE CAVE Susanne Gervay 9780207198144

For Sam and his school friends the compulsory school camp is a time of great testing and endur- ance. Not only do the boys have to struggle with tough mountain climbs and canoeing trips, but there is the final descent into the cave – the ultimate test of all. And all of these physical chal- lenges are accompanied by hot days, freezing cold nights, inadequate and badly cooked food, no washing facilities and plenty of flies. It's no wonder this experience is a living hell for most of the boys, especially since there is a lot of bullying and nastiness to contend with as well. For Sam this particular camp becomes a personal journey of growth as he grieves for his beloved dead grandfather and searches for his own masculine identity. The Cave is a young adults novel that questions the traditional forms of masculine rites of passage and challenges the reader to consider alternatives. As the boys endure the seemingly endless hardships of the camp, they question who they are and what they hope to become. * Teaching Notes

LIVING NEXT TO LULAH Nette Hilton 9780207200571

As the seventh born of the seventh born, Ari Greimshaw has a gift of second sight. She didn't ask for this gift, which she assumed at birth, and she doesn't want it either. She especially does- n't want it when Colin Bucket dies, because Ari is certain that her gift and her misuse of it has sent Colin to his death. Ari also fears that in a moment of jealousy she has also committed her best friend, Lulah, to a similar fate of potential harm. In attempting to accept responsibility for what she believes are the result of her actions, Ari inadvertently triggers circumstances which reveal a dangerous love triangle with Lulah at its base. This is a mystery that is set around Ari's efforts to come to terms with her place in the death of a boy. It is also a superbly told coming–of–age story that follows a young woman as she deals with the confusion, misunderstanding and regret that can often accompany one on the journey from childhood to adulthood. * Teaching Notes

ARE WE THERE YET? David Levithan 9780007191406

Sixteen–year–old Elijah is completely mellow and his 23–year–old brother Danny is com- pletely not, and they can barely tolerate one another. So what better way to repair their bro- ken relationship than to trick them into taking a trip to Italy together? Soon, though, their parents' perfect solution has become Danny and Elijah's nightmare as they're forced to spend countless hours together. But then Elijah meets Julia, and soon the brothers aren't together nearly as much. And then Julia meets Danny and soon all three of them are in a mixed–up, turned–around, never–what– you–expect world of brothers, Italy, and love. Experience the sights, smells and magnificent art galleries of Venice, Florence and Rome along the way.

BLACK TAXI James Moloney 9780207199899

A laugh–out–loud comedy about bad–hair days, a gorgeous boy, big bums, another gorgeous boy and oldies with attitude.

Rosie Sinclair lives in the awful suburb of Prestwidge. She inadvertently becomes involved in a jewellery heist because she has the 'luck, to be driving her grandfather's black Mercedes'. The Mercedes is central to the story. It provides Rosie with a new job as a Black Taxi operator for elderly people – courtesy of her grandfather Paddy Larkin – and the reason for her current troubles with the thieves involved in the jewellery heist. Against this backdrop we see Rosie's 'normal' life unfold – school, friends, family and boys.

* Teaching Notes SEXY 9780060541514

The most provocative young adult novel yet from New York Times best–selling author Joyce Carol Oates.

Darren Flynn is popular, good–looking, and has a spot on the varsity swim team. But after what happened that day in November (did it happen?), life is different for Darren. Now his friends, his family, even the people who are supposed to be in charge are no longer who Darren thought they were. Who can he trust now?

In her third novel for young adults, the author of the acclaimed Big Mouth & Ugly Girl leads readers on an internal journey of self–discovery, moral complexity, and sexuality.

FREAKY GREEN EYES Joyce Carol Oates 9780007183142

To the outside world, Franky Pierson is a lucky girl with a charmed life. With a celebrity dad – TV sports commentator, Reid Pierson – and beautiful artist mother, living in a state–of–the –art designer home and wanting for nothing, their world could be described as perfect. And Franky could almost believe this is true – after all, her father keeps on telling her that it is and she would never disagree with him.

But why is her mother spending time away from home? How come her step–brother is barely speaking, and her little sister won't stop whining? Why are they all provoking dad in this way? knows the answers. Freaky Green Eyes is Franky's inner self. Only she dares to look at Franky's life and dares to suggest that all is not as it should be in the Pierson household. But is she strong enough to do anything about it – before something truly terrible happens? A really compelling novel that keeps you turning pages from beginning to end.

GOOD GIRLS Laura Ruby 9780007242047

Audrey is a good girl: a good student, daughter and friend. She's also the last person anyone expects to be with Luke DeSalvio, the biggest player at school. On the night she dumps him, someone takes her picture doing something good girls just don't do...

The next Monday, messages begin popping up on people's phones and email inboxes. Soon everyone knows, including her teachers, her mum and her dad... Now she must discover strength she never knew he had, find friends where she didn't think she would, and learn that life goes on – no matter how different it is to how you think it's going to be.

BOY MEETS BOY David Levithan 9780007191390

Meet PAUL. Gay his whole life, and finding love as wonderful, confusing and heartbreaking as every other teenager in his high school. Meet Paul's friends: JONI – his best friend, who may not be his best friend any more; TONY – his other best friend who can't leave the house unless his parents think he's going on a date... with a girl; INFINITE DARLENE – homecoming queen AND star quarterback in the football team; KYLE – the ex–boyfriend who won't go away; RIP – the school bookie who sets the odds; And NOAH – the boy who changes everything. Witty, engaging, refreshingly upbeat and slightly surreal, David Levithan's debut has been attracting glowing reviews in the USA. After all, being in love at high school is a challenge for any teen – regardless of sexual preference!

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9780732288631 Singing the Dogstar Blues Alison Goodman 9780007127894 Owl Service Alan Garner

9780007263073 Wicked Lovely Melissa Marr 9780207200861 That’s Why I Wrote This Song Susanne Gervay 9780207198502 Butterflies Susanne Gervay 9780007229635 Finding Violet Park Jenny Valentine 9780007229659 Broken Soup Jenny Valentine 9780732285760 Game as Ned Tim Pegler 9780007150076 Private Peaceful Michael Morpurgo 9780007209255 Looking for Alaska John Green 9780732282271 Gallipoli Jack Bennett 9780007216116 Peaches Jodi Lyn Anderson 9780060541439 13 Little Blue Envelopes Maureen Johnson 9780060541408 Key to the Golden Firebird Maureen Johnson 9780732200151 Leaving Jetty Road Rebecca Burton 9780207198144 The Cave Susanne Gervay 9780207200571 Living Next to Lulah Nette Hilton 9780007191406 Are We There Yet? David Levithan 9780207199899 Black Taxi James Moloney 9780060541514 Sexy Joyce Carol Oates 9780007183142 Freaky Green Eyes Joyce Carol Oates 9780007242047 Good Girls Laura Ruby 9780007191390 Boy Meets Boy David Levithan

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