After Life Communication Plan

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After Life Communication Plan [Title of the project] “SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS FOR VERY SMALL WATER SUPPLIES” [Acronym] LIFE12 ENV/ES/000557 RURAL SUPPLIES. [Website] [Project’s total budget] 693.459,78 €. [EU Contribution] 352.055,46 € (49 %) [Duration] from July 1st, 2013 to March 31st, 2018 [Partnership] - City Council of Abegondo (coordinator partner): José Antonio Santiso Miramontes (Mayor). - Augas de Galicia: Francisco Menéndez Iglesias and Roberto Rodríguez Martínez (Manager). - Environment and Territorial Organization Counseling: Agustín Hernández Fernández de Rojas and Beatríz Mato Otero (Counselor). - Health Counseling: Rocío Mosquera Álvarez and Jesús Vázquez Almuíña (Counselor). [Main Work Team] - City Council of Abegondo: Carlos Ameixenda Mosquera (Project Manager), Isabel Manteiga Moar (educational programs) and Ignacio García Presedo (Technician) - Augas de Galicia: Roberto Arias Sánchez and Raquel Piñeiro Rebolo (Technical Direction); María Nieves Fernández García (Administrative Affairs). - Health counseling: Ángel Gómez Amorín, Manuel Álvarez Cortiñas and Elvira Íñiguez Pichel (Technical direction); Julia González-Zaerra Barreal (Economical affairs); Mª Dolores Barcón Orol and Ana Pazo Vázquez (Technicians); Oliva Cadahía Mariz, Patricia Daporta Padín, Guillermo Neira Piélago, José Manuel Míguez Mayo, Teresa Fernández Fernández and Ana María Carballo Martínez (Public Health Laboratory Service of Galicia). [Volunteer technicians] Patricia Bergantiños; Silvia Bogo; Alejandro Carro; Lara Fernández; Víctor Otero; Carlos Padín; Nadyr Vázquez and Alberto Veiras. [Monitoring team] Dimas Ramos Fernández. Monitoring Expert. IDOM - NEEMO LIFE TEAM [Main technical assistance] Sondeos Mar, S.L.; Xargal Baixo Miño S.L; Juan Antonio Vázquez Miranda; Fundación Universidad de A Coruña; LIGAL; EUDITA, SGS, APPLUS Norcontrol S.L.U., Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. [Layout] Miguel Fernández Pardo. [Ilustrations] BRANDA. LIFE RURAL SUPPLIES sustainable solutions for very small water supplies p | 3 [This publication is part of the actions carried out by Concello de Abegondo (City Council of Abegondo), together with Consellería de Sanidade (Galician Ministry of Health) and Augas de Galicia (Authority river basin of Galicia Costa) in the project Life Rural Supplies, co-funded by the European Commission, through the Life environmental programme (]] Special thanks to Rafael Carrera, Brian MacDonald all the members from the users associations that they represent: Comunidade Xeral de Augas de Galicia (COXAPO) and National Federation of Group Water Schemes (Republic of Ireland) Photo courtesy of the National Federation of Group Water Schemes (Republic of Ireland), in appreciation of their close collaboration during the project LIFE12 ENV/ES/000557 AFTER LIFE COMMUNICATION PLAN LIFE RURAL SUPPLIES sustainable solutions for very small water supplies p | 4 [índice] the project life rural supplies ...................................................................................................................................... 5 communication plan tools ............................................................................................................................................. 6 pilot facilities ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6 drinking water ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6 wastewater treatment based on soft technologies ...................................................................................................... 8 good practices ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9 communication plan strategy ...................................................................................................................................... 11 objectives ................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 action plan for the replication of the project in others concellos ..................................................................... 13 Regional television documentary about the project ................................................................................................. 14 responsables del plan de comunicación ................................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido. LIFE12 ENV/ES/000557 AFTER LIFE COMMUNICATION PLAN LIFE RURAL SUPPLIES sustainable solutions for very small water supplies p | 5 the project life rural supplies Is the first in depth study of autonomous supplying systems in Galicia and one of its main objectives is to otorgate the ability to spread from the Council of Abegondo to other Galician councils that share the same conditions. Studies carried out show disturbing results, since they have detected bad conditions in water for consumption, unnoticed by the users, with an evident health risk. Given the impossibility to supply the whole population through municipal networks, from the Life Rural Supplies conclusions, it is primordial to create work methods in where neighbors are involved in the diagnostic and study of feasible and possible supplying solutions, at a reasonable price. [El objetivo primordial es la mejora de la calidad sanitaria de la población rural] users attending with interest to the explanations of Rafael Carrera (COAPO), on the measures to be implemented to protect its spring LIFE12 ENV/ES/000557 AFTER LIFE COMMUNICATION PLAN LIFE RURAL SUPPLIES sustainable solutions for very small water supplies p | 6 communication plan tools The proposed Communication Plan aims to continue with the development of the dissemination tasks of the model determined in the project, for the provision of water services for the dispersed rural environment. Below, the tools resulting from the successive projects of the Life program carried out in Abegondo (A Coruña - Spain) are detailed, which will be used to achieve this goal: pilot facilities drinking water Plan 1. New installation framed in compliance with Directive 98/83/EC Users: 131 Rushes: 50 1.215,30 €/user 3.184,10 €/rush Case 2. Installation of the water treatment for compliance with Directive 98/83/EC Users: 127 Rushes: 51 252,33 €/user 628,35 €/rush LIFE12 ENV/ES/000557 AFTER LIFE COMMUNICATION PLAN LIFE RURAL SUPPLIES sustainable solutions for very small water supplies p | 7 Case 3. Water treatment in a small system out of the RD 140/2003 (spanish transposition of Directive 98/83/EC) Users: 22 Rushes: 9 676,95 €/user 1.654,77 €/rush Case 4 Recovery of natural fountain for compliance with Directive 98/83/EC Life Water Way Project will develop a strategy to recover traditional sources as a micro-supply solution in areas where do not exists centralized drinking water networks LIFE12 ENV/ES/000557 AFTER LIFE COMMUNICATION PLAN fuente natural en Santiago de Compostela LIFE RURAL SUPPLIES sustainable solutions for very small water supplies p | 8 wastewater treatment based on soft technologies Case 1. Sanitation system by proximity of the nuclei of Cullergondo and Xuanzo Users: 186 h-eq Rushes: 50 1.719,92 €/ h-eq 6.389,09 €/rush Case 2 Sanitation system by proximity of the nuclei of Seixurra – San Román Users: 520 h-eq 576,64 €/ h-eq LIFE12 ENV/ES/000557 AFTER LIFE COMMUNICATION PLAN LIFE RURAL SUPPLIES sustainable solutions for very small water supplies p | 9 good practices construction and maintenance of groundwater abstraction One of the conditions to maintain the natural quality of groundwater sources is to adopt a proactive policy for the protection of catchments. It is the responsibility of the holders of small supplies to establish the protection measures included in the guide, which provide guarantees of water supply in adequate quantity and quality, safe and clean: • Proper location of the catchment • Adequate construction and maintenance • Treatment systems to correct eventual problems construction of individual wastewater facilities The filtration of wastewater from septic tanks is one of the main causes of contamination of aquifers. The observation of good practices in the construction and management of individual wastewater facilities takes on special importance in the case of Galicia, since the filtration of sewage is one of the main causes of contamination of wells. Technical instruction applicable to the supply of rural nuclei This document serves as a guide for all those technicians involved in the processing of the various procedures, as well as for any individual, entity or consulting or engineering company that wishes to initiate any of these procedures. • Hydrological cycle and groundwater • Autonomous systems and synthesis of the observed problems • Structure and content of the projects • Criteria for the estimation of water demands and flows • Design criteria: pumping, storage tanks. • Identification of the pressures • Construction materials for installations and pipes • Recommendations about different treatment systems LIFE12 ENV/ES/000557 AFTER LIFE COMMUNICATION PLAN LIFE RURAL SUPPLIES sustainable solutions for very small water supplies p | 10 guide for the development of control and management programs for small community water supplies
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