The Ancestry of Johann Diel BOHN (1711-1764) and Johann Henrich BOHN / DILBONE (1724-1786)

Chaplain (Colonel) Dan Franklin 2007



Introduction………………………………………………………………………………. 1

Johann Diel BOHN 1711-1764…………………………………………………………... 3

The BOHN Family Of Nussbaum………………………………………………………. 5

Johann Dielman BOHN b.1682, Nussbaum……………………………………………. 8

Other Possible Ancestors Johann Nikolas BOHN b.1680, Boos…………………………………………………. 13 Johann Anton BOHN b.1686, Nussbaum…………………………………………...... 14 Hans Culmann BOHN b.1660, Nussbaum……………………………………………. 14 Joahannes Dielmann BOHN b.1671, Nussbaum……………………………………… 14

Peter Diehl BOHN b.1 Jan 1677, Boos…………………………………………………. 16

Conclusions……………………………………………………………………………….. 19

APPENDIX 1 Boone DNA Project……………………………………………………... 21

APPENDIX 2 Bohn Documents Document 1 18 April 1710 Johann Nickol DING…………………...... 22 Document 2 Boos 23 December 1717 Johann Thiellman BOHN…………………... 23 Document 3 Sobernheim 16 March 1722 Johann Philipp BOHN………………..…. 24 Document 4 12 August 1725 Anna Maria BOHN…………………… 25 Document 5 16 March 1702 Peter Diehl BOHN and Anna Christiana EBHARD……………………………………………………………….. 26 Document 6 Obermoschel 23 September 1708 Johann Friederich Tillmann BOHN 26 Document 7 Obermoschel 5 May 1715 Johann Frederich Tillmann BOHN…...... 27 Document 8 Obermoschel 13 March 1720 Peter Tielmann BOHN and Anna Elisabetha MÜLLER…………………………………………………… 27 Document 9 Obermoschel 13 October 1724 Johann Henrich BOHN…………...... 28 Document 10 Obermoschel 30 January 1729 Johann Peter BOHN…………………. 28 Document 11 Unkenbach 1740……………………………………………………...... 29 Document 12 Frederick County, Maryland 1 Nov 1761 Will of Johann Diel BOHN 30

APPENDIX 3 Descendants of Hans Peter BOHN………………………………………. 32

APPENDIX 4 Descendants of Hans Cullman BOHN…………………………………… 39

APPENDIX 5 Descendants of Johann Diel BOHN……………………………………… 44

APPENDIX 6 Descendants of Johann Henrich BOHN (Henry DILBONE)……………. 63

REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………………… 66

INDEX…………………………………………………………………………………….. 70

ii iii PREFACE

When I started my hobby of genealogy in 1989, one of the first items of interest on my wife’s family history was the tradition that they were related to the famous Daniel Boone. It did not take long to discover that even though her Boone family was very interesting, it was not the same family as the famous Daniel Boone. After discovering the manuscript written by Nellie Whedon, I confirmed most of the information relating to my wife’s line and found additional information about her direct line. I focused my research primarily on my wife’s direct ancestral line and did very limited research on the other children of Johann Diel BOHN. My wife’s line is:

Johann Diel BOHN b.1711 and Mary ______Jacob BOON b.1749, MD and Catherine ______Abraham BOONE b.1779, MD and Mary EHRMAN John BOONE b.1806, Rockingham Co, VA and wife Abigail LESH Julia Ann BOONE b.1843, Wabash Co, IN and Thomas D. PACE Myra PACE b.1876, Polk Co, TX and William Henry BROCK William Lester BROCK b.1902, Polk Co, TX and Lora Bell SCHAMERHORN Thomas Allen BROCK b.1928, Polk Co, TX and Naomi WIGGINS Connie BROCK b.1953, Liberty Co, TX

I was assigned as an Army Chaplain in Kaiserslautern, in 2005 and remembered that Nellie Whedon mentioned that the seat of the BOHN family was Obermoschel. Since that was only about 40 minutes from Kaiserslautern, I decided to take a trip there and thus began my journey to find the parents of Johann Diel BOHN. My first contact in Germany was Gernot Bohn of , Germany. He is a descendant of the BOHN family of Nussbaum and had done some internet postings dealing with the BOHN family in America. He had collected a lot of family information and pointed me in the right direction for my research. I had some very serious handicaps to my research. I do not speak German and the old German script is very difficult to read. The Family History Center of the of Christ of Latter Day Saints in Kaiserslautern was a great resource. Although several individuals helped me there, two were especially critical to my work. Herr Horst Debold transcribed many of the records and was essential in helping me understand many of the documents. Frau Margareta Kneissel worked with Herr Debold and translated many of the documents. It would have been almost impossible for me to have done this research without their assistance. I was very fortunate to make contact with Dr. Udo Krauthasen in Germany. His wife is a descendant of the BOHN family of Nussbaum and he did extensive research on the BOHN family. His work was critical to my research into the BOHN family and he provided many suggestions and corrections to my research. I decided to capitalize the surnames of individuals directly connected to the BOHN, including those married into the family. When quoting directly from a text, I used the spelling and capitalization as it was in the text. The various spellings of the names are confusing, but I’ve tried to accurately reflect the spellings in the various documents. I included an appendix that lists the descendants of Hans Peter BOHN and one listing the descendants of Hans Cullman BOHN. These are not meant to be exhaustive lists of all the

iv BOHN descendants, but limited mainly to those relevant to finding the parents of Johann Diel BOHN. Since the names are very similar, it can be confusing following the family line. Hopefully these appendixes will help the reader distinguish between the various BOHN family members. I included the list of descendants of Johann Diel BOHN in order to help his descendants see how they might connect to the family. I only included three generations in order to limit the length of the appendix. Adding even a fourth generation would have greatly expanded the length of the appendix. I was at first reluctant to include this appendix. The information on the descendants of Johann Diel BOHN is not as precise as the BOHN family in Germany. Many of the birth, marriage and death records do not exist. Nellie (Woods) Whedon provided significant information on the first three generations of BOHN descendants in her article. Additional information came from census data and internet postings, primarily located at The original intent of this article did not include researching the ancestors of the immigrant Johann Henrich BOHN or Henry DILBONE. Since his family is part of this same BOHN family in Germany, I came across a large amount of information on his immediate family and decided to include that information in the article. I also included an appendix listing the first three generations of the descendants of Johann Henrich BOHN in America. Like the appendix on Johann Diel BOHN, it is also not as precise as I would like. This information also came mainly from census data and internet postings, primarily located at The German towns of origin for the BOHN family are located in the Pfalz region of Germany. Because the designated regions and even the national association of these towns have changed over the years, I am only listing the name of the town and not the region of the towns in the article. I would appreciate any comments, corrections or additions to this article. I am still active duty at the time of the writing of this article and move frequently. The best way to reach me is at: [email protected] or [email protected]

v vi vii Introduction

Nellie (Woods) Whedon wrote a 40 page unpublished article in 1945 entitled The German Bohne-Bohn-Boon-Boone Family: Descendants of Johann Diel Bohne of Maryland 1711-1764.1 Her article was based upon the earlier work of Dr. John Calvin Wright, who at the time of Ms. Whedon’s article was the Assistant U.S. Commissioner for Vocational Education in Washington D.C. Their work clearly established the connection between the BOON families of Franklin and Montgomery counties in Virginia and the BOON family of Frederick County, Maryland. The will of Johann Diel BOHN written 1 November 1761 and filed in Frederick County, Maryland on 13 April 1764 was crucial to identifying the children of Johann Diel BOHN. This research clearly disproved the tradition that the BOON family of Franklin County, Virginia was related to the famous Daniel Boone, and proved that this BOON family was actually a separate German BOON family. The primary purpose of this article is to examine evidence surrounding the possible place of origin of Johann Diel BOHN and his parents. Ms. Whedon gave an indication of his place of origin writing, “The seat of the German Boone family is said to have been in the Palatinate Province of Pfalz, near the village of Obermoschel, 20 or 25 miles southwest of the town of , and on the banks of a small stream which empties into the , due north.”2 This location is highlighted by the rectangle on the map to the left. She based her identification of the place of origin of the BOHN family on the research of John Calvin Wright. Erich Bohn and Ernst Boehlich also referenced John Calvin Wright in Das Buch Bohn (The Bohn Book) written in 1940. They indicated that Johann Diel BOHN came from the Pfalz region of Germany and associated him with Peter Diehl BOHN of Obermoschel.3 The place of origin of this BOHN family is actually Nußbaum (Nussbaum), within about 15 miles of Obermoschel. In the early eighteenth century Obermoschel was part of the dukedom Paltinate Deux Ponts (Herzogtum Pfalz Zweibrücken). Nussbaum (after 1715) was in the Palatinate Province of Kreuznach (Kurpfälzisches Oberamt Kreuznach). The legal and church records for these communities are maintained in different state and church regional archives. The search of the ancestry of Johann Diel BOHN must start with Nussbaum and then spread to other communities in the area.

1 The last name is spelled several different ways. The dominant spelling in Germany is BOHN and will be used primarily in this paper. After immigrating to America, the family soon changed the spelling to BOON and many changed the spelling to BOONE. Except when referring to the name where it is spelled differently in a document, the spelling for the immigrant will be listed as “Johann Diel BOHN” in this paper. 2 Nellie (Woods) Whedon, The German Bohne-Bohn-Boon-Boone Family: Descendants of Johann Diel Bohne of Maryland 1711-1764 (unpublished manuscript, 1945), p. 1. 3 Erich Bohn and Ernst Boehlich, Das Buch Bohn / Erster Band, Die Namensippe: Unser Name / Unsere Herkunft unser Weg in der Welt (Breslau: Paul Plischke, 1940), pgs. 12, 114-115. 1 The family of Peter Diehl BOHN went to America on the ship Loyal Judith in 1740. Peter Diehl BOHN died on the way to America. His son, Johann Henrich BOHN, was listed on the passenger list at Philadelphia as Henrich THIELBON or DEALBONE. Descendants of this family go by the last name of DILBONE. My research indicates that Erich Bohn and Ernst Boehlich were correct in asserting that Johann Diel BOHN was connected with Peter Diehl BOHN. Because of that, this article will also examine the family of Peter Diehl BOHN.

Locations of Bohn Family4

Circled are Nussbaum and Boos. The underlined locations are other known locations of Bohn family members. The locations include: , Monzingen, , , , , Waldbockelheim, Niederhausen, Bad Sobernheim, Obermoschel and Unkenbach. It is about 8 miles from Bad Sobernheim to Obermoschel.

4 Map is modified from “Radtourenkarte Naheland”. Map published by Galli Verlag, 86558 Hohenwart, Germany. Used by permission. 2 Johann Diel Bohn 1711-1764

The starting point in looking for the ancestry of Johann Diel BOHN is known facts relating to him and his immediate family. For the purposes of this paper it is important to look only at the information that might have significance to the family origin of Johann Diel BOHN. The most important information relates to the year of his birth. Johann Diel BOHN arrived in Philadelphia on the ship Marlborough on 23 September 1741. On the list of all men ages 16 years and upwards, he is identified as “Dewaile Poon, 30”.5 This makes the year of his birth as approximately 1711. Despite the difference in the spelling of his name, other lists of the passengers clearly indicate that this is the same person as Johann Diel BOHN. The list where the ship passengers took oaths of allegiance to the government has the best signature showing the spelling of his name:6

Ages are often mistaken in lists of this type. One source approximately 30 years after the birth is not adequate to conclusively establish the year of his birth. All we can establish is that Johann Diel BOHN was born around 1711. The year of birth of his son Nicholas is also significant, since it indicates that Nicholas was born in Germany. The settlement of the estate of Abraham BOHN made on 21 November 1834 in Augusta County, Virginia identifies Nicholas BOHN of Frederick County, Maryland as a half brother.7 The conclusion is that Mary, who was mentioned in the will of Johann Diel BOHN, was Johann Diel BOHN’s second wife and that Nicholas was a child of his first wife.8 According to Ms. Whedon referring to Nicholas, “His date of birth and death are unknown. It seems probably that he was born about 1736 and that he lived to be a very old man”.9 The critical part of this statement is that 1736 was only an estimate. Nicholas could have been born any time prior to the arrival of Johann Diel BOHN in America in 1741. The names of the children of Johann Diel BOHN might indicate a pattern similar to his family of origin in Germany. From his will and other sources, the best family group we have at this time is:

Johann Diel BOHN b.1711, Germany; d. abt 1764; m.(1) ______. They had:

Nicholas BOHN b. abt 1736, Germany

Johann m.(2) Mary ______. They had:

Abraham BOHN b. abt 1742, Maryland; d. abt 1826, Rockingham Co, Virginia Margaret BOHN b. abt 1743, Maryland; d. 1814, Frederick Co, Maryland Mary BOHN b. 1743/53, Maryland; d. abt 1825, Washington Co, Tennessee John BOHN b. abt 1745, Maryland; d. 1824, Montgomery Co, Virginia Jacob BOHN b. abt 1749, Maryland; d. 1814, Franklin Co, Virginia Catherine BOHN b. abt 1753, Maryland; d. 1824, Frederick Co, Maryland Elizabeth BOHN b. abt 1755, Maryland; d. 1819, Washington Co, Tennessee

5 Ralph Beaver Strassburger and William John Hinke, Pennsylvania German Pioneers (Norristown: Pennsylvania German Society, 1934), 3 Volumes, p. 293. 6 Ibid, Facsimile Signatures Volume 1727-1775, p. 301. 7 Whedon, p. 8. 8 The will of Johann Diel BOHN identifies his wife’s name as “Mary”. It is unknown when they married, but it is possible they married in Germany. See Appendix 2, Document 12. 9 Whedon, p. 9. 3 Adam BOHN b. abt 1755, Maryland

Based upon the known information of Johann Diel BOHN, these records were looked for in Germany:

 The baptismal record of Johann Diel BOHN around 1711.  The baptismal record of Nicholas BOHN around 1735 to 1740.  The marriage record of Johann Diel BOHN around 1735.  A second marriage record of Johann Diel BOHN around 1740, but prior to 1741.  A BOHN family that might include the names of Nicholas, Abraham, John, Jacob, Adam and Johann Diel BOHN.

With the exception of the name of Abraham, all these names frequently occur in the BOHN family from Nussbaum. No baptismal or marriage records were found that matched the family of the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN. It is very possible that the baptismal and marriage records for this family do not exist. The information from the church books of Nussbaum from 1655 to 1711 was copied and is available, but the actual church books from that time are currently missing. The church books from 1711 to 1797 are also missing, but unlike the older church books the information is not available from these records. Fortunately the church records for all the surrounding communities, where BOHN family members are known to have resided do exist. A careful examination of these church records, combined with some other civil documents are sufficient to give some very good indicators on the name of the parents of the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN.

4 The BOHN Family of Nussbaum

While the names of the children of the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN are very common, his name is not common. The spelling of the names Johann and Diel vary greatly. Johann is the German name for John. It was also written and used interchangeably as Johann, Johannes and Hans. Diel also had various spellings that were used interchangeably, often referring to the same person. Diehl or Diehlmann was a variation of the name Dietrich, Till or Tillmann. The usage of Diehl or Diehlmann was limited to the area of Germany where the Rheno-Frankish dialect was spoken. This dialect was spoken only in Hessia (Hessen) and the Palatinate (die Pfalz). This allows us to focus the research on the family of Johann Diel BOHN to the area of Nussbuam. The BOHN family name was not present in Hessia in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, limiting the research to the Palatinate. In addition the only known BOHN family to use the given name of Diehl and its variations originated in Nussbaum and the former Palatine district of Kreuznach. Dr. Udo Krauthausen traced this BOHN family back to the village of Bonnenheim, which was near . This village was abandoned before 1500 and former inhabitants of the village were called “von Bonnenheim”. The last name became BONNENHEIM then BONNEN. The name changed to BOHN in the last decades of the sixteenth century. Dr. Krauthausen’s research indicates that the earliest BOHN family ancestor is Hans BONNEN, who was born around 1525 in Nussbaum. The lineage of this family is:

I. Hans BONNEN b. abt 1525, Nussbaum; d. aft 1577, Nussbaum. He was a farmer and wine producer in the area of Nussbaum.

II. Hans BONNEN (later BOHN) b. abt 1550, Nussbaum. He was also a vineyard farmer and wine producer around Nussbaum.

III. Johann Culmann BOHN (formerly BONNEN) b. abt 1575, Nussbaum; d. aft 1622, Nussbaum. Like his father and grandfather, he was a vineyard farmer and wine producer around Nussbaum.

IV. Johann Culmann BOHN b. abt 1595, Nussbaum; d. abt 1638, Nussbaum. Johann Culmann was a baker and court magistrate in Nussbaum.

V. Hans Peter BOHN b. abt Jul 1619, Nussbaum; d. 11 Nov 1679, Nussbaum; m. Anna LAUFERSWEILER. He was a church elder, court magistrate, and baker in Nussbaum.10

The name Johann Diehl BOHN occurs most frequently as a child or grandchild of Hans Peter BOHN.11 The first record of the name Johann Diehl BOHN is that of Johann Tillman BOHN, who was born 23 May 1647 in Nussbaum. He was the son of Hans Peter and Anna BOHN. All known occurrences of the name Johann Diehl BOHN prior to 1740 and its variations are connected to Johann Tillman BOHN b.1647. The name is used by these grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Hans Peter BOHN:

10 Joseph Schmieden, Familienbücher von Josef Schmieden: Evangelisch Familienbuch: Nussbaum, p. 2. 11 See Appendix 3 for a list of the descendants of Hans Peter BOHN. 5  Johann Dielman BOHN b.26 March 1682, Nussbaum. This is the son of Johann Nicklas BOHN and the grandson of Hans Peter BOHN. Hans Dhielmann BOHN from Boos is listed as his sponsor or godparent at his baptism. This is his uncle and is the same person as Johann Tillman BOHN b.1647.  Johann Diehl BOHN b.12 January 1701, Boos. This is the son of Hans Wilhelm BOHN and Anna Christina RANFFT, and the grandson of Johann Tillman BOHN b.1647. He died on 13 Jan 1701.  Johann Friederich Tillmann BOHN b.17 September 1708, Obermoschel. This is the son of Peter Diehl BOHN b.14 January 1677, Boos. He is also the grandson of Johann Tillman BOHN b.1647. Johann Tillman BOHN is listed as one of his sponsors or godparents at his birth. This is most likely his grandfather, Johann Tillmann BOHN b.1647.  Johann Thillemann BOHN b.23 December 1717, Boos. This is the son of Johann Nikolas BOHN and Anna SCHUSTER. He is also the grandson of Johann Tillman BOHN b.1647. His cousin, Johann Dielman BOHN b.26 March 1682, and his wife Anna Magdalena BOHN were sponsors at his baptism.

In addition to the descendants of Hans Peter BOHN, the name of Johann Diehl BOHN and its variations also occur starting with the son of Hans Culmann BOHN b.1627; d.20 July 1671, Nussbaum.12

 Johannes Dielmann BOHN b.29 January 1671, Nussbaum. Hans Dielmann BOHN, son of the baker and court magistrate Peter BOHN, is listed as his godparent.13 This is the same person as Johann Tillman BOHN b.1647.  Johann Diehl BOHN b.27 May 1708, Nussbaum. This is the son of Johannes Dielmann BOHN b.1671, Nussbaum.

Since all the known cases of variations of the name of Johann Diehl BOHN before 1740 occur in descendants of Hans Peter BOHN and Hans Culmann BOHN, the focus of the research on the ancestor of the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN is on the children and grandchildren of these two BOHNs. Recent progress in DNA research has confirmed that the BOHN family from Nussbaum is the correct family to research. The application of DNA research to genealogy is still new and cannot prove the exact lineage of an individual; however it can establish if individuals share a common ancestor. In 2005 a BOHN family member living Bad Sobernheim, Germany took the DNA test. A descendant of Johann Diel BOHN b.1711, who was living in the , also took the test. All 25 marker DNA test results matched exactly. According to Family Tree DNA's patent pending FTDNATiP Time Predictor, the time back to their MRCA (Most Recent Common Ancestor) is calculated to possibly be 94% for 300 years ago; 98% for 400 years ago; 99% for 500 years ago. While the DNA test is unable to establish the father of Johann Diel BOHN b.1711, it is very convincing evidence that Johann Deil BOHN is from the BOHN family that had its origins in Nussbaum.14 An examination of all the known BOHN descendants from Nussbaum leaves these possibilities as the ancestors of Johann Diel BOHN b.1711:

12 See Appendix 4 for the descendants of Hans Peter BOHN. He was a first cousin of Hans Peter BOHN. His parents were Johann BOHN b. abt 1602, Nussbaum and Gertrude. Johann was the brother of Johann Culmann BOHN b. 1595. 13 Schmieden, Familienbücher von Josef Schmieden: Evangelisch Familienbuch: Nussbaum, p.4. 14 See Appendix 1 for more information on the DNA testing and the results of these tests. 6  Johann Dielman BOHN b.1682, Nussbaum and his wife Anna Magdalena BOHN b.1688, Nussbaum  Johann Nikolas BOHN b.1680, Boos  Johann Anton BOHN b.1686, Nussbaum and his first wife, Anna Christina FUCHS  Hans Culmann BOHN b.1660, Nussbaum

This article examines each of these possibilities. Two other names that at first appear to be possibilities are also examined. There is conclusive proof that these two individuals are not the father of the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN:

 Johannes Dielmann BOHN b.1671, Nussbaum  Peter Diehl BOHN b.1677, Boos

Nussbaum Church

The church in Nussbaum is very similar in appearance as it was in 1741, when Johann Diel BOHN left to come to America. The church started serving both Protestant and Catholic congregations in the early 1700s. The name for this arrangement is “Simultaneen”. The church tower in Nussbaum was built in the 13th century. There was some minor remodeling done after both Catholic and Protestant services started being conducted in the church. The remodeling was completed in 1753 and that date is above a door that was added on the side of the church.15

15 Geiger-Verlag, eds, Verbandsgemeinde Sobernheim: Bilder aus Vergangenen Tage, p.117. 7 Johann Dielman BOHN b.1682, Nussbaum

The most likely and intriguing possible parents of Johann Diel BOHN b.1711 are Johann Dielman BOHN16 and Anna Magdalena BOHN. Johann Dielmann BOHN was born 26 Mar 1682 in Nussbaum. He was the son of Johann Nikolas BOHN17 and Elisabeth Engel FUCHS. He married his third cousin, Anna Magdalena BOHN, on 4 January 1707 in Nussbaum. She was the daughter of Johann BOHN and Maria Elisabetha JUNG and was born on 10 April 1688 in Nussbaum. They are known to have had two children:

Johann Nikolas BOHN b.1 January 1709, Nussbaum Maria Gertrud BOHN b.25 January 1711, Nussbaum

There are no additional records on the family in Nussbaum because of the absence of church records in Nussbaum starting in 1711 to 1797. There are some additional church records on Johann Dielman and Anna Magdalena BOHN in other locations:

 18 April 1710, Monzingen.18 Johann Tillman BOHN, “Mit-Steincallenfelser Hofmann zu Nussbaum”19 is listed as the godfather of Johann Nickel DING, son of Christoph DING and Anna Elisabeth NIEBERGALL.  23 December 1717, Boos. Johann Thillemann BOHN and his wife, Anna Magdalena, are listed as godparents to Johann Thillemann BOHN.20 This is the son of Johann Nikolas BOHN and Anna SCHUSTER. He is also the grandson of Johann Tillman BOHN b.1647. Johann Tillman BOHN b.1647 is the uncle of Johann Dielman (Thillemann) BOHN b.1682.  16 March 1722, Sobernheim. Johann Diehl BOHN and his wife Anna Magdalena are listed as godparents to Johann Philipp BOHN. 21 Johann Philipp was Anna Magdalena’s nephew, the son of her brother Johann Nikolas BOHN and Charlotta Magdalena BONNET.  12 August 1725, Niederhausen. Johann Diehl BOHN from Nussbaum and his wife Anna Magdalena are listed as godparents for Anna Magdalena BOHN. 22 This was the niece of Anna Magdalena, husband of Johann Diehl BOHN and the daughter of Johann Georg BOHN and Apollonia QUAST. She was born on 9 August and baptized on 12 August.

16 His name is spelled a variety of ways in the church and legal records. In the two legal documents that contain his signature, it is signed “Johann Dielman”. The various spellings are included as they are in the documents, but when not referring to a specific document, the name is listed as “Johann Dielman BOHN”. 17 The name “Nikolas” is spelled a variety of ways. This article will normally use the spelling “Nikolas” except when referring to a document, where it is spelled differently or where a different spelling is consistently used for a person. The spelling of “Nicholas” is used for the son of the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN. 18 Monzingen Parish Register, Kirchenbuch, 1570-1798: Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Monzingen (Salt Lake City: Gefilmt durch The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1962),film 492988, p.118. See Appendix 2, Document 1. 19 The meaning here is that he was similar to a co-manager for the estate. 20 Boos Parish Register, Kirchenbuch, 1658-1841: Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Boos (Salt Lake City: Gefilmt durch The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1962), film 493226, p. 61. See Appendix 2, Document 2. 21 Sobernheim Parish Register, Kirchenbuch, 1654-1798, Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Sobernheim (Salt Lake City: Gefilmt durch The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1962), film 493341, p. 224. See Appendix 2, Document 3. 22 Niederhausen Parish Register, Kirchenbuch, 1653-1880, Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Niederhausen (Salt Lake City: Gefilmt durch The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1962), film 493242, p. 86. See Appendix 2, Document 4. 8 The baptismal record of 1722 indicates that Johann Diehl BOHN was the manager of an estate. Managers of the estates represented the nobility that owned the estate, and were the most important people in the area. This was an estate of the baron of Steinkallenfels and was located in the area of Nussbaum.23 The German word used to describe the nobility was “Reichsfreiherrn von Steinkallenfels”. They belonged to the “Reichsunnmittelbare Ritterschaft am Oberen Rheinstrome” (the Chevaliers in the Canton of the Upper Rhine stream directly sovereign to the Empire). Johann Dielman and Anna Magdalena are mentioned in the records of this estate:

 10 January 1720. Sisters Anna Magdalena and Charlotte Sophia of Steinkallenfels gave a lease to Johann Diehl BOHN from Nussbaum to serve as estate manager on the Steinkallenfels estate for six years starting from 22 February 1720.24  11 March 1726. Sisters Anna Magdalena and Charlotte Sophia of Steinkallenfels gave a lease to Johann Thielmann BOHN of Nussbaum as the estate manager for up to nine years.25 While the scribe of the document spells the name Johann Thielmann BOHN, the signature at the document is Joh. Dielman BOHN.

 14 February 1735. Sophia Charlotte of Steinkallenfels gave a lease of its Nussbaum estate to Johann Thielmann BOHN for nine years.26 The signature at the end of the document is consistent with the previous document. The scribe also spells the name Johann Thielmann BOHN in this record. The signature is Johann Dielman BOHN.

 19 February 1742. The mayor of Nussbaum testifies to the court that hail destroyed three-quarters of the crops on the Steinkallenfels estate managed by Johann Dhiel BOHN on 16 July 1741.27  5 August 1743. Philipp Heinrich of Steinkallenfels extends the lease of the estate in Nussbaum for three years to the widow Anna Magdalena BOHN.28

An analysis of these records indicates that Johann Dielman BOHN was this administrator of the estate of the baron of Steinkallenfels starting in 1710, where he is listed as a “co-manager”, until his death around 1742. The date of his death is derived from the reference to him on 19 February 1742 (indicating he was alive) and the reference to his widow on 5 August 1743.

23 The baron of Steinkallenfels owned a large number of estates. BOHN family members served as managers for the estates in the area of Nussbaum and Sobernheim. The of Kallenfels was located near the town of , but the last barons of Steinkallenfels were living in Meisenheim. 24 Reichsherrschaft Steinkallenfels, Landeshauptarchiv , File 53 C 46, Num. 188. 25 Ibid, Num. 192. 26 Ibid, Num. 197. 27 Ibid, Num. 202. 28 Ibid, Num. 197. 9 This is a remarkable amount of information on Johann Dielman and Magdalena BOHN, but this does not establish that they are the parents of the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN. However, there are several indicators that they are the most likely parents. The first indicator is the DNA proof that Johann Diel BOHN is from the BOHN family from Nussbaum. In this family, the usage of the name “Diel” and its variations is limited during this time frame to the descendants of Hans Peter BOHN and Hans Cullman BOHN. The second indicator comes from both the presence and absence of church records. In following the descendants of Hans Peter BOHN and Hans Cullman BOHN, there are church records present for the time frame of the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN in all the known locations of descendants except for in Nussbaum. There are four key records missing for Johann Diel BOHN during this time frame:

 The baptismal record of Johann Diel BOHN around 1711.  The baptismal record of Nicholas BOHN around 1735 to 1740.  The marriage record of Johann Diel BOHN around 1735.  A second marriage record of Johann Diel BOHN around 1740, but prior to 1741.

If the family of Johann Diel BOHN was living in another community other than Nussbaum, where BOHN descendant were known to have lived, then certainly at least one of these records would have been located. A careful examination of the church records in the surrounding communities indicates there is no Johann Diel BOHN, who was born around 1711, who could be the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN. This leaves only Nussbaum, making it likely that the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN was born and lived in Nussbaum prior to immigrating to America in 1741. The information from the church records of Nussbaum prior to 1711 makes it possible to establish who was there in 1711 that could have been the father of Johann Diel BOHN. The known adult male BOHNs in Nussbaum around 1710 are:

Johann Nikolas BOHN b.6 Jun 1656, Nussbaum Johann Dielman BOHN b.26 Mar 1682, Nussbaum Johannes Dielmann BOHN b.29 Jan 1671, Nussbaum Johann Anton BOHN b.23 Oct 1686, Nussbaum29 Johannes BOHN b.15 Nov 1660, Nussbaum30

There is a remote chance that Johann Anton BOHN could be the father of Johann Diel BOHN and that is treated separately. Of the remaining known adult male BOHNs in Nussbaum during this period of time, only Johann Dielman BOHN b.1686 could have been the father of the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN. The church records do give the names of two children for Johann Dielman BOHN and Anna Magdalena BOHN, but the records end in the year 1711. Since both Johann Dielman BOHN and Anna Magdalena BOHN lived until at least 1742, it is highly likely that they would have had more than two children. “Diehl” and its’ variations is a family name for both Johann Dielman BOHN and his wife. Their first son was named after the grandfather, Johann

29 Johann Anton BOHN was a blacksmith in Monzingen in 1710. Before and after that time frame he was living in Nussbaum. 30 Johannes BOHN, Johann Nicolas BOHN, and Johann Diehl BOHN were included in a list of Nussbaum male residents who worked in the tearing down of the town walls around Sobernheim in 1709. They did this as a public duty in fulfillment of the duties of the village of Nussbaum. Johannes is most likely the Johannes BOHN, who was born in 1660. He lived in Nussbaum and then in Sobernheim, and was the father of Anna Magdalena BOHN. 10 Nickolas BOHN and the second son would probably have had the name of the father, Johann Dielman BOHN. An additional indicator they had more children is that they apparently had a daughter, Anna Appalonia BOHN born about 1730. She married Johann Henrich KILTZ on 16 April 1748 in Sponheim. Their marriage record indicates they were both from Nussbaum. When their son (Johann Nikolas KILTZ) was born, Johann Nikolas BOHN and his wife Agnes were godparents. Johann Nikolas BOHN is apparently his uncle and son of Johann Dielman and Anna Magdalena BOHN. Since Maria Gertrud BOHN was born 25 January 1711 and Anna Appalonia was born in 1730, it is a good assumption that that Johann Dielman and Anna Magdlena had more children. Johann Nikolas BOHN was also included in the first recorded census of Nussbaum on 18 December 1743. The census included these BOHNs:

 Anton BOHN – This is apparently Johann Anton BOHN b.23 Oct 1686, Nussbaum, son of Johannes Nikolas BOHN and Elisabetha Engel FUCHS  Johann Nickel BOHN – This is apparently Johann Nikolas BOHN b.1 January 1709, Nussbaum, son of Johann Dielman BOHN and Anna Magdalena BOHN  Wilhelm BOHN  Johann Peter BOHN – This is apparently Johann Peter BOHN b. abt 1715, Nussbaum and the son of Johann Dhiel BOHN (the elder)  Johann Dhiel BOHN (the younger) – This is apparently Johann Diehl BOHN b.27 May 1708, Nussbaum and son of Johann Dhiel BOHN (the elder)  Johann Dhiel BOHN (the elder) – This is apparently Johann Dielman BOHN b.29 January 1671, Nussbaum and son of Hans Cullman BOHN and Anna SCHUHMACHER  Johannes BOHN (young man, under 18 years of age)

The identities of Wilhelm and Johannes are unknown. They are likely sons of either Johannes Dielman BOHN b.1682 and his wife Anna Magdalena or sons of Johannes Dielman BOHN b.1671 and his wife Elisabetha Catharina VELDENZER. Even though we do not know have positive proof that Johann Dielman BOHN and Anna Magdalena BOHN were the parents of the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN b.1711, evidence indicates they are the most likely parents. A summary of this evidence includes:

 Strong evidence that Johann Diel BOHN came from the BOHN family that came from the Nussbaum. This includes both the fact that all known occurrences of the name of Johann Diel BOHN and its variations before 1750 are limited to this family and that DNA tests establish a connection to this family.  Presence of church records in communities surrounding Nussbaum rules out other possible parents of Johann Diel BOHN.  The presence of the church records in Nussbaum prior to 1711 identifies the adult males in Nussbaum, who could be the father of Johann Diel BOHN. This points to Johann Dielman BOHN b.1682 as the likely father of the immigrant.  Likelihood that Johann Dielman and Anna Magdalena had additional children.  The naming patterns point towards Johann Dielman BOHN and Anna Magdalena BOHN as the parents of Johann Diel BOHN.

All of this does not prove that Johann Dielman and Anna Magdalena BOHN were the parents of the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN, but it does establish a strong argument they were his parents. The unfortunate reality is because of the gap in the church records, we do

11 not know for sure that Johann Dielman and Anna Magdalena had a son named Johann Diel BOHN.

12 Other Possible Ancestors

The other possible ancestors of the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN are listed mainly because there is a lack of evidence to disprove them. At this point none of them seem likely, but they cannot be ruled out.

Johann Nikolas BOHN b.1680, Boos

Johann Nickolas BOHN was born on 29 August 1680 in Boos to Johann Tillman BOHN and Anna Maria SPONHEIMER. He married Anna SCHUSTER on 25 January 1707 in Niederhausen. It is not likely they were the parents of the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN, but they did have a son named Johann Thilleman BOHN. Johann Thillemann BOHN was born 23 December 1717 in Boos.31 His godparents were Johann Dielman BOHN and Anna Margarita BOHN. He was the first cousin, one generation removed of Johann Dielman BOHN. It is not likely that Johann Thillemann BOHN b.23 December 1717 is the same as Johann Diel BOHN b.1711, but it is possible. This would be possible if:

 The year of Johann Diel BOHN’s birth was incorrect. Since the year of 1711 is based only on his stated age when entering Philadelphia, it is possible that he was born in 1717. While the variation of a couple of years is very possible, a six years difference is unlikely.  The year of birth of Johann Diel BOHN’s first son, Nicholas, is closer to 1740 than 1736. This is also very possible, since the year of 1736 is only a “best guess”. All that is certain is that Nicholas BOHN was born prior to their arrival in Philadelphia in 1741.

The most likely place to find a record of Johan Thillemann BOHN would be Boos. His family is there as late as 1758, when his mother died. These records were searched for and not found in Boos:

 Confirmation Records. Johann Thillemann BOHN would have been confirmed around 1731. Unfortunately the confirmation records for Boos during this period exist only for 1721 and 1722.  Marriage Records. If Johann Thillemann BOHN b. 1717 is the same person as the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN, then he would have been about 20 years old when he married. There is no record of Johann Thillemann BOHN getting married in Boos around 1737. The marriage records in Boos do exist during this time frame. His brother, Johann Ludwig BOHN did marry in Boos in 1737.  Birth Records. Just like the marriage record of Johann Thillemann BOHN, there should be a record of the birth of his son, Nicholas BOHN, between 1736 and 1740. There are birth records in Boos during this period and there is no birth recorded of Nicholas BOHN, son of Johann Thillemann BOHN.  Death Records. There is no record of the death of Johann Thillemann BOHN in Boos.

There is no record in Boos of Johann Thillemann BOHN after his birth in 1717. It is possible that he moved away from the area, married, had his son Nicholas, and then immigrated to America. His brother, Johann Jacob BOHN, married in Bockenau in 1733 and

31 Boos Parish Register, p. 61. His name was spelled “Thillemann” in the baptismal records, as was the name of his godfather. His godfather’s name is spelled several different ways in different records. 13 then moved to Salzbrunn. However, no record of Johann Thillemann BOHN has been found. It is more likely that he died at a young age. Since there is no record of his death, there still remains the slight chance that Johann Thillemann BOHN b.1717 is the same person as the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN b.1711. It is possible, but the age discrepancy in the records, the lack of any marriage record in Boos and the lack of any record of the birth of Nicholas makes it very unlikely.

Johann Anton BOHN b.1686, Nussbaum

Johann Anton BOHN was born 23 October 1686, Nussbaum and died 25 December 1762 in Weinshem. He was the son of Johannes Nicklas BOHN and Elisabetha Engel FUCHS and the brother of Johann Dielman BOHN b.1682. Johann Anton married first Anna Christina FUCHS (daughter of Hans Heinrich FUCHS and Anna Eva DONAU), who was born around 1685 in Monzingen. It is not known when Johann Anton’s first wife died. His second marriage was around 1719, so it is likely that Anna Christina died sometime between 1710 and 1719. They had a daughter born in Monzingen in 1710. There is not additional record of them having children in Monzingen, but it is possible they had additional children in Nussbaum before her death. At this point Johann Anton and Anna Christina cannot be ruled out as parents of the immigrant Johann Deil BOHN. Johann Anton married second Maria Barbara BECKER, who died on 26 April 1769 in Pfaffen-Schwabenheim. They had several children, but all of them were born after 1720 ruling out the possibility of the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN being a child of this marriage.

Hans Culmann BOHN b.1660, Nussbaum

Hans Culmann BOHN was born in 7 October 1660 in Nussbaum and was the son of Hans Peter BOHN and Anna LAUFERSWEILER. His godparents at his baptism were Hans Culmann BOHN, Gertraudt wife of Nikolaus WAGNER, and H. Nikolaus LEINENWEBER.32 The godfather Hans Culmann BOHN was probably the son of Johann BOHN and Gertrude ______and was born in 1627 and married Anna SCHUHMACHER. His godfather, Hans Culmann BOHN, died in Nussbaum on 20 July 1671.33 Other than the record of his birth in Nussbaum, nothing is known of Hans Culmann BOHN. Since there are records from Nussbaum until 1711, the lack of records indicates he probably died young. If he had lived, there certainly would have been some records of him in the area. The possibility that he is either the father or grandfather of the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN is very remote, but until additional information he cannot be eliminated.

Johannes Dielmann BOHN b.1671, Nussbaum

Johannes Dielmann BOHN was born 29 January 1671 in Nussbaum and was the son of Hans Culmann BOHN and Anna SCHUHMACHER. He married Elisabeth Catharina VELDENTZER (daughter of Johann Matthias VELDENTZER and Elisabeth WAGNER) on 31 December 1702 in Nussbaum. Johannes Dielmann and Elizabeth did have a child the correct age and name to be the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN. Their son Johann Diehl BOHN was born 27 May 1708 in Nussbaum. He married Apollonia WAGNER around 1730, and they had a son name Johann Nikolas, who was born in 1736. This is about the same timeframe as Nicholas BOHN, son of the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN.

32 Schmieden, Familienbücher von Josef Schmieden: Evangelisch Familienbuch: Nussbaum, p. 10. 33 Ibid., p. 3. 14 Home of Johann Nickel BOHN 1759 This house is located near the center of Nussbaum (Hauptstr. 26). It was the home of Johann Nikolas BOHN b.1736, the son of Johann Diehl BOHN and Anna Apollonia WAGNER. The construction of the house was with the wooden beams customary in the eighteenth century, but they were later covered by mortar and a tile roof as a fire prevention measure. The symbol above and below the name plague is a pretzel, indicating he was a baker. The plague is located above the door of the house. (Picture taken 2005)

Unfortunately for descendants of the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN, there is conclusive evidence that Johann Diehl BOHN b.27 May 1708 is not the immigrant. First is census of Nussbaum in 1743. It lists Johann Diehl BOHN the elder and Johann Diehl BOHN the younger. Johann Diehl the elder is Johann Dielmann b.1671 and Johann Diehl BOHN the younger is his son. The key evidence is the death certificate of Johann Nikolaus BOHN. It is dated 18. Frimaire year 9 of the (9 December 1800) and states:

“Johann Nikolaus BOHN at Nussbaum, farmer, son of Thielmann Bohn and Apollonia Wagner died at the age of 64 in Nussbaum, born 1736, married 1760 Maria Elizabeth Soiné Johann Nikolas , daughter of Jacob Soiné, the marriage lasted 25 years, they had 5 children, 3 sons and 2 daughters”

Johann Nikolas BOHN, the son of Johann Diehl BOHN b.1708 remained in Nussbaum. Nicholas BOHN, the son of the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN, came to America. This proves that Johannes Dielmann BOHN b.29 January 1671 could not be the father of the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN.

15 Peter Diehl BOHN b.1 Jan 1677, Boos

Peter Diehl BOHN was born 1 January 1677, Boos and was the son of Johann Tillman BOHN and Anna Maria SPONHEIMER. He is the father of Johann Henrich BOHN, who immigrated to America in 1740 and is listed as Henrich THIELBON or DEALBONE on the list of passengers arriving at Philadelphia in 1740. He is definitely not the father of the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN, but many people speculated that he was the father. Peter Diehl BOHN was the first cousin of Johann Dielman BOHN, who is the most likely father of the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN. Because of the close relationship of Johann Dielman BOHN and Peter Diehl BOHN and the assertion that the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN came from Obermoschel, the family of Peter Diehl BOHN warrants a more careful examination. Peter Diehl BOHN married first 16 May 1702 in Obermoschel Anna Christina EBHARD (daughter of Hermann EBHARD).34 Peter and Anna Christina had:

Johann Philipp BOHN b.23 February 1705, Obermoschel; d. 20 September 1718.

Johann Friedrich Tillmann BOHN b.17 September 1708, Obermoschel; d. 5 May 1715.35

Anna Elisabetha BOHN b.1 June 1711, Obermoschel; d. 14 January 1714.

Maria Catharina BOHN b.27 January 1715, Obermoschel.

Sara Conradina BOHN b.19 February 1718, Obermoschel.

Peter Diehl BOHN’s first wife died on 29 October 1719 and he married 13 March 1720 in Obermoschel Maria Elisabetha MUELLER (daughter of Hans Heinrich MUELLER and Johanna Margaretha ______).36 They had:

Johanna Margaretha BOHN b.21 September 1722, Obermoschel.

Johann Henrich BOHN b.13 December 1724, Obermoschel.37

Johann Peter BOHN b.22 January 1729, Unkenbach.38

Johann Conrad BOHN b.6 May 1733, Unkenbach.

Some researchers have confused Johann Friedrich Tillman BOHN b.17 September 1708, Obermoschel with the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN b.1711. This is the individual identified by several internet postings between 2000 and 2005 on genealogy forums as the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN. The mistake is understandable. The name Johann Friedrich Tillman BOHN is close to the name of the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN. The date of birth is also very close. In addition Nellie (Woods) Whedon did identify Obermoschel as the seat of the German BOHN family. Unfortunately,

34 Obermoschel Parish Register, Kirchenbuch, 1639-1754: Evangelisch Kirche Obermoschel (Salt Lake City: Gefilmt durch The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1959), film 193096. See Appendix 2, Document 5. 35 Ibid. See Appendix 2, Document 6. 36 Ibid. See Appendix 2, Document 8. 37 Ibid. See Appendix 2, Document 9. 38 Ibid. See Appendix 2, Document 10. 16 there is a death record for Johann Friedrich Tillman BOHN. His death is recorded in Obermoschel on 5 May 1715.39 It mentions that his age was 6 years, 7 months, 2 days, 4 hours.

Boos Church Obermoschel Evangelische Church The church in Boos is very similar to appearance to what it would have been when Peter Diehl BOHN lived in Boos. French soldiers burned the church in Boos in 1695, and the church was rebuilt from 1706 to 1712. The church tower did not suffer serious damage from the French and dates from the early part of the 12th century. The church is built upon Roman ruins dating from the second or third century. In 1709 the church became a “Simultaneen Church”, serving both Protestant and Catholic congregations.40 The church in Obermoschel was built in 1789 after Peter Diehl BOHN left the area of Unkenbach and Obermoschel. The of Obermoschel (not pictured) is built on the foundation of the Reformed Church.41 (Pictures taken 2005)

The family of Peter Diehl BOHN did go to America. The marriage record of Peter Diehl BOHN and Anna Christina EBHARD has a note next to it that says he died “on the voyage over the sea near Philadelphia in 1740”. German records show that Peter Tielmann BOHN along with five others from Unkenbach filed for departure to America in 1740.42 His family arrived on the ship Loyal Judith in Philadelphia on 25 November 1740. His son, Johann Henrich BOHN, was listed on the passenger list as Henrich THIELBON or

39 Ibid. See Appendix 2, Document 7. 40 Bodo Lipps, Entdeckungsreisen im Landkreis Bad Kreuznach: Historisch Sehenswerte, pgs. 77-79. 41 Werner Hublitz, Obermoschel: Leiner Bummel Durch die Altstadt, pgs. 23-29. 42 See Appendix 2, Document 11. Unkenbach is in the Parish of Obermoschel. 17 DEALBONE, age 16.43 Since only the male passagers that were age 16 or older were listed, the following members of the family were not listed but probably were passengers:

Mother: Maria Elisabetha MUELLER (BOHN) Sisters: Maria Catharina BOHN Sara Conradina BOHN Brothers: Johann Peter BOHN Johann Conrad BOHN

Johann Henrich (Henry) settled in Berks County, Pennsylvania and his descendants in America continue to go by the name “DILBONE” (See Appendix 6 for descendants). It is likely that his sisters and brothers married, but the only one I have any information on is Johann Peter BOHN. Johann Peter BOHN went by the name of Peter DILBON. He married Catharina KAMP on 12 Jun 1758 in Berks County, Pennsylvania. He is listed on the tax rolls there from 1754 to 1785 and served in the Revolutionary War. He is also listed in the 1790 census of Berks County. I have no record his descendants.

43 ProGenealogist Family History Research Group, The Palatine Project. “1740 The Loyal Judith” 1 April 2006 .


Traditional genealogical research combined with recent advances in the application of DNA research to genealogy, clearly establish that Johann Diel BOHN b.1711 is from the BOHN family that originated in the area of Nussbaum. Every occurrence that we have found of variations of the name Johann Diel BOHN before 1740 is connected in some way with Johann Tillman BOHN, who was born in Nussbaum in 1647. It is also likely that Johann Diel BOHN b.1711 has a similar connection and is a descendant of Hans Peter BOHN b.1629 or his cousin Hans Cullman BOHN b.1627. Although we can say with certainty that Johann Diel BOHN came from this BOHN family, we cannot say with certainty the name of his parents. An examination of the records of the BOHN family originating from Nussbaum indicates that Johann Dielman BOHN and Anna Magdalena BOHN are the most likely parents of the immigrant Johan Diel BOHN. It must be emphasized that this is a proposed lineage and not a proven lineage. The proposed lineage for Johann Diel BOHN is:

Hans BONNEN b. abt 1525, Nussbaum; d. aft 1577, Nussbaum. Hans BONNEN / BOHN b. abt 1550, Nussbaum. Johann Culmann BOHN / BONNEN b. abt 1575, Nussbaum; d. aft 1622, Nussbaum. Johann Culmann BOHN b. abt 1595, Nussbaum; d. abt 1638, Nussbaum. Hans Peter BOHN b.1619, Nussbaum; d.11 Nov 1679, Nussbaum Johannes Nikolas BOHN b.6 Jun 1656, Nussbaum; d. aft 1720, Nussbaum Johann Dielman BOHN b.26 Mar 1682, Nussbaum; d. abt 1742, Nussbaum Johann Diel BOHN b. abt 1711, Nussbaum

Johann Dielman BOHN b.1682 was married to Anna Magdalena BOHN b.1688. This was his third cousin. Anna Magdalena BOHN descends from Johann BOHN b.1602, Nussbaum. He was the brother of Johann Culmann BOHN b.1595. The proposed BOHN lineage of Johann Diel BOHN b.1711 starting with the fourth BOHN generation is:

Johann BOHN b.1602, Nussbaum; d. abt 1638, Nussbaum Hans Cullman BOHN b. abt 1627, Nussbauam; d.20 Jul 1671, Nussbaum Johannes BOHN b.15 Nov 1660 Nussbaum; d.1 Oct 1724, Sobernheim Anna Magdalena BOHN b.10 Apr 1688, Nussbaum Johann Diel BOHN b. abt 1711, Nussbaum

There are still other possibilities, but none seem likely. While the possibility of one of the others identified in this article as the possible ancestor of the immigrant appears very unlikely, none can be eliminated without additional evidence. There is no doubt about the ancestry of the DILBONE family that immigrated on the Loyal Judith in 1740. Johann Henrich BOHN / DILBONE was the son of Peter Diehl BOHN, who died on the journey to America in 1740. Irrefutable documentation shows this family came from the area of Unkenbach and Obermoschel. Peter Diehl BOHN was born in Boos and his father was born in Nussbaum. The lineage of Peter Diehl BOHN is:

Hans BONNEN b. abt 1525, Nussbaum; d. aft 1577, Nussbaum. Hans BONNEN / BOHN b. abt 1550, Nussbaum. Johann Culmann BOHN / BONNEN b. abt 1575, Nussbaum; d. aft 1622, Nussbaum. Johann Culmann BOHN b. abt 1595, Nussbaum; d. abt 1638, Nussbaum. Hans Peter BOHN b.1619, Nussbaum; d.11 Nov 1679, Nussbaum Johann Tillman BOHN b.23 May 1674, Nussbaum; d.14 Jan 1717, Boos

19 Peter Diehl BOHN b.14 Jan 1677, Boos; d. 1740 on way to America Johann Henrich BOHN / DILBONE b.13 Oct 1724, Obermoschel; d. Jun 1786, Berks Co, PA

If the proposed lineage for the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN is correct, then Johann Diel BOHN and Johann Henrich BOHN were second cousins with their earliest common ancestor being Hans Peter BOHN b.1619, Nussbaum.

20 APPENDIX 1 Boone Family DNA Project44

Family Tree DNA of Houston is conducting DNA tests to establish family connections. Through DNA testing, it is possible for genealogy researchers to better establish - or disprove - a paternal link between individuals with a common surname. Fathers pass their Y-chromosomes (DNA) down to their sons with little or no variation, from generation to generation. Therefore, men with identical, or near identical DNA factors can be genetically proven to be descendants of a common male ancestor. The test results will not give the degree of relationship, only that you do, or do not, share a common ancestor. Gernot BOHN, a descendant of Hans Culmann BOHN, and a resident of Bad Sobernheim, Germany took the DNA test (sample 36955). Mark BOONE (sample 33386) and John Peyton BOON (sample 31499) are descendants of the immigrant Johann Diel BOHN b.1711 through his son, Jacob BOHN b.1749, Maryland. While there was one marker different from Mark and John, what is remarkable is that both Gernot BOHN and Mark BOONE took the 25 marker DNA test and came up with an exact match. While these results cannot determine the exact ancestor of Johann Diel BOHN, it does confirm that the BOHN family of Nussbaum is the correct ancestral family. These are the results reported from the DNA tests:

DYS DYS DYS DYS DYS DYS DYS DYS DYS DYS DYS DYS DYS DYS DYS DYS DYS DYS DYS DYS DYS DYS DYS DYS DYS 393 390 394 391 385a 385b 426 388 439 389i 392 389ii 458 459a 459b 455 454 447 437 448 449 464a 464b 464c 464d 19 Kit# loc1 loc2 loc3 loc4 loc5 loc6 loc7 loc8 loc9 loc10 loc11 loc12 loc13 loc14 loc15 loc16 loc17 loc18 loc19 loc20 loc21 loc22 loc23 loc24 loc25 R1b 31499 13 24 14 12 11 13 12 12 11 13 13 29 R1b 33386 13 24 14 11 11 13 12 12 11 13 13 29 19 9 10 11 11 25 15 19 29 16 16 17 17 R1b 36955 13 24 14 11 11 13 12 12 11 13 13 29 19 9 10 11 11 25 15 19 29 16 16 17 17

Participant # 31499 has his ancestry researched back to Jacob BOON (1749-1814) of Boone's Mill, Virginia.

Participant # 33386 also has his ancestry researched back to Jacob BOON of Boone's Mill, VA. They descend from different sons of Jacob BOON. They match 11 out of 12 markers; they differ on DYS 391 and is one of the markers that isn't believed to mutate as often, although there is no way of knowing when or why a mutation will occur.

Participant #36955 lives in Germany within the same general area that his ancestors have lived since 1525. He has his ancestry researched back to his earliest known ancestor, Hans BOHN born in 1525. He is an exact 12/12 match to #33386 and an 11/12 match to #31499. His second set of markers #13- 25 continues to show him to be and exact match #33386. According to FamilyTree DNA's patent pending FTDNATiP Time Predictor, the time back to their MRCA (Most Recent Common Ancestor) is calculated to possibly be 94% for 300 years ago; 98% for 400 years ago; 99% for 500 years ago, which fits very well for the time back to when Mr. BOHN immigrated from Germany until the time these descendants were tested. The FTDNATiP results are based on the mutation study presented during the 1st Conference on Genetic Genealogy in October, 2004. The probabilities take into consideration the mutation rates for each individual marker being compared.

44 Boone DNA Testing Project. . 21 APPENDIX 2 Bohn Documents

Document 1 Monzingen 18 April 1710 Johann Nickol DING45

Transcription: 1710 18/21 April Johann Nickel des Christoph Ding, stein Callenfelsischer Hoffmann zu Nusbaum, mit seiner Frau Anna Elisabetha gezeugtes söhnlein getuaft worden, gevatter waren, Johann Nickol Ding einwohner zu Sponheim, u. Joh: Tillemann Bohn, mit stein Callensischer Hoffman zu Nusbaum sambt Chatharina Elisabetha des Gabriel Schneidter einwohners daselbst und seine Frau.

Translation: 1710 18/21 April Johann Nickol, Christoph Ding, the manager of the Steinkallenfels estate of Nussbaum, and his wife Anna Elisabeth brought a son for baptism. The godparents were Johann Nickol Ding a resident of Sponheim, and Johann Tillemann Bohn, the co-manager of the Steinkallenfels estate of Nussbaum, and Catharina Elisabetha, the wife of Gabriel Schnidter, residents of here.

45 Monzingen Parish Register, Kirchenbuch, 1570-1798: Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Monzingen, p.118. 22 Document 2 Boos 23 December 1717 Johann Thiellman BOHN46

Transcription: Johann Thillemann, Niclaus Bohnen und Anna beyde ehe- und Gemeinds-leuthe dahier d[en] 23t[en] December abends gebohrnes Söhnlein, ward d[en] 26t[en] ejusdem, durch Johann Thillemann Bohnen und Anna Magdalena ehe- und Hoff-Leuthe Ihro Hochfreyherrl. Gnaden, Von Stein-Callenfels zu Nußbaum zur H.[eiligen] Tauff gebracht.

Translation: Johann Thillemann, Nichlaus Bohnen and Anna both married people residents from this parish on 23 December in the evening was born a small son, and was baptized on the 26th of the same month The sponsors were Johann Thillemann Bohnen and his wife Anna Magdalena from the Steincallenfels of Nussbaum.

46 Boos Parish Register, Kirchenbuch, 1658-1841: Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Boos, p.61. Transcription was done by Herr Horst Debold and translation done with the assistance of Sieglinde Lewing. 23 Document 3 Sobernheim 16 March 1722 Johann Philipp BOHN47

Transcription: Den 16 Martii: Joh. Nicolaus Conjux Scharlotta Losten (?) Söhnl. [ein] tauft. Compatres: H.(?) Joh. Philip Schmidt ss.: Handwerks Metzger von Mößenh. …. Anna Magdalena Bohnin, Joh: Diel Bohnen Ehl. hausßfr. Joh Philip

Translation: 16 March Johann Nicolaus with Charlotta ______brought a small son for baptism. The sponsors were Johann Philip Schmidt a butcher from Meisenheim, Anna Magdalena Bohn, the legitimate housewife of Johann Diel Bohnen. Johann Philip

47 Sobernheim Parish Register. Kirchenbuch, 1654-1798: Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Sobernheim, p.224. Transcription was done by Herr Horst Debold and translation done with the assistance of Sieglinde Lewing, 2006. Herr Debold emphasized that the last name of the parents in the text was not “BOHN”, but the last name of the sponsors or godparents was “BOHN”. This appears to be correct from this text alone, but the records of the other children of Johann Nicolaus and his wife Charlotta clearly indicate their last name was “BOHN”. 24 Document 4 Niederhausen 12 August 1725 Anna Maria BOHN48

Transcription: Anna Maria Johann Georg Bohnen und seine ehl. Frauen Apalonia Töchter. [ein] So d[en] 9 t[en] Augst gebohren, und ist darauf d[en]12 t[en] ditto getauffet word.[en]. Gevatter Leuth waren Johan Diehl Bohn von Nussbaum und sein Frau Anna Magdalena und Anna Maria weil:[and] gewesene ehe frau des Kindes groß mutter von Ebernburg

Translation: Anna Maria A daughter was born to Johann Georg Bohn and his legitimate wife Apalonia on the 9th of August, and was brought from baptism on 12th of August. The sponsors were Johann Diehl Bohn from Nussbaum and his wife Anna Magdalena and Anna Maria, a widow and the grandmother from Ebernburg.

48 Niederhausen Parish Register. Kirchenbuch, 1597-1797: Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Niederhausen, p.86. Transcription was done by Herr Horst Debold and translation done with the assistance of Sieglinde Lewing, 2006.

25 Document 5 Obermoschel 16 March 1702 Peter Diel BOHN and Anna Christina EBHARD 49

Transcription: Peter Dhil Bohn, Junger gesell Von Booß, Johan Diehl Bohnen Inwohner undt Gerichtsmann daselbst Ehelicher Sohn, Undt Anna Christina, Jungfer, Johann Hermann Ebhardt Bürgers undt Diaconi allhier Zu Obermoschel eheliche Tochter, wurden den 16. Merz 1702 copuliret.

Dieser ist auff ein reiße zu waßer in Americam ohnweit Philadelphia gestorben.

Translation: Peter Dhil Bohn, the unmarried son of Johann Diehl Bohnen, resident and judge from Boos, married Anna Christina, young unmarried legitimate daughter of Johann Hermann Ebhardt, citizen and deacon of Obermoschel, on 16 March 1702.

Note to the side that was later added by the priest: Peter Dhil Bohn died while on a voyage to America near Philadelphia.

Document 6 Obermoschel 23 September 1708 Johann Friederich Tillmann BOHN50

Transcription: Johann Friederich Tillmann, Peter Tillmann Bohnen Und Anna Christina Söhnlein zu Obermoschel den 17. 7bris 1708 gebohren, ward den 23ten hernach getaufft. Sponsores: Joh: Tillmann Bohn, Joh: Friedrich Stoltz und Apolonia Scherer Von Booß.

Translation: Johann Friederich Tillmann, son of Peter Tillmann Bohnen and Anna Christina of Obermoschel, was born on 17 September 1708, and baptized on the 23rd of the same

49 Obermoschel Parish Records, Kirchenbuch, 1597-1798: Evangelische Kirche Obermoschel. Transcription was done by Herr Horst Debold, 2006. 50 Obermoschel Parish Records, Kirchenbuch, 1597-1798: Evangelische Kirche Obermoschel. Transcription was done by Herr Horst Debold, 2006. 26 month. The sponsors were Johann Tillmann Bohn, Johann Friedrich Stoltz, and Apolonia Scherer of Boos.

Document 7 Obermoschel 5 May 1715 Johann Frederich Tillmann BOHN51

Transcription: Johann Friederich Tillmann Bon starb den 5 May 1715 undward den 7 hirauf be Erdigt, alt 6 Jahr, 7 monat, und 2 hechen, 4 tage.

Translation: Johann Frederich Tillman Bohn died on 5 May 1715 and was buried on 7 May at the age of 6 years, 7 months, and 2 weeks, 4 days.

Document 8 Obermoschel 13 March 1720 Peter Tielmann BOHN and Maria Elizabetha MUELLER52

Transcription: Peter Tielmann Bohn, Wittwer allhir Und Anna Elisabetha, weyl. Hanß Henrich Müllers Tochter, Zu Uckenbach, wurden den 13 Marty allhir copuliret.

Translation: Peter Tielmann Bohn, widower, married Anna Elisabetha, the daughter of Hans Henrich Müllers, who was dead, on 13 March.

51 Obermoschel Parish Records, Kirchenbuch, 1597-1798: Evangelische Kirche Obermoschel. Transcription was done by Herr Horst Debold, 2006. 52 Obermoschel Parish Records, Kirchenbuch, 1597-1798: Evangelische Kirche Obermoschel. Transcription was done by Herr Horst Debold, 2006. 27 Document 9 Obermoschel 13 December 1724 Johann Henrich BOHN

Transcription: Johannes Henrich Peter Tillmann (?) Bonen und Maria Elisabetha, Söhnlein den 13. xbr. (Dezember) geboren, wurde den 14 ten ditto getauft, Sponsores: Johann Henrich Bernhard von Unchenbach und Anna Maria Conrad Zimers (?) Haußfrau allhir.

Translation: Johann Henrich, the son of Peter Tillmann Bonen and Maria Elisabetha, was born on 13 December, and was baptized on 14 December. The godparents were Johann Henrich Bernhard from Unkenbach and the housewife of Conrad Zimers from here.

Document 10 Obermoschel 30 Jan 1729 Johann Peter BOHN53

Transcription: Johann Peter, Peter Diehl Bohnen und Maria Elisabetha, Ehe- Und Gemeinsl. zu Unckenbach Ehls. Söhnl. ist geboren den 22. Jan. Undt getauft worden den 30.ten Jan: 1729. Taufzeug[e] seynd: Johannes Endters Zu Sitters, Peter Bernhardt Von Unckenbach Undt Charlotta, Johannes Müllers Ehl: Haußfr. Zu Unckenbach.

Translation: Johann Peter, Peter Diehl Bohnen and Maria Elisabetha, married couple and residents of Unckenbach, had a small son born on the 22 Jan. And baptized on the 30th of Jan, 1729. The witnesses were: Johannes Endters of Sitters, Peter Bernhardt of Unckenbach, and Charlotta, the wife of Johannes Müllers of Unckenbach.

53 Obermoschel Parish Records, Kirchenbuch, 1597-1798: Evangelische Kirche Obermoschel. Transcription was done by Herr Horst Debold, 2006. 28 Document 11 Unkenbach 174054


Comment: The numbers to the right of the names on the image of the document was the fee paid by the individuals giving them permission to depart the country and go to America. The first five names are from Unkenbach. Justus Lindeman, Görg Conrad and Veltin Grün are listed on the list of passengers arriving at Philadelphia on the Loyal Judith in 1740. Peter Tielmann BOHN died on the way to America, but his son is listed on the passenger list.

54 Werner Hacker Auswanderungen aus Rheinpfalz und Saarland im 18. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart: Konrad Theiß Verlag, 1987. p. 258. This gives the location of the records in the archives at Speyer, Germany. It reads “Bohn PtrTielmann, Unkenbach; Mn(41.10) nach Am. – Sp B 2/4607:124v. The book at Speyer is photocopy of the records and has no title or publishing information. Transcription done by Herr Horst Debold, 2006. 29 Document 12 Frederick County, Maryland 1 November 1761 Will of Johann Diel BOHN55

55 Frederick County Maryland Wills, Wills, Liber A, 1737-1776 (vol. 1), folio 209. Will was made 1 November 1761 and filed 13 April 1764. The son, Nicholas, was the administrator of the will. 30 Transcription:56

In the Name of God Amen Whereas I, Han Deal Bone of Frederick County and Province of Maryland Farmer being in good health of Body and of sound mind and memory and being forthwith to depart on a Voyage to Germany do make this my Last Will and Testament as follows. Imprimis first of all I give and bequeath to my well beloved Son Nicholas all that tract of Land called No Whiskey lying in Frederick County in the Province of Maryland containing forty acres of Land to him and his Heirs forever, he the said Nicholas paying unto my two Sons John and Adam when they come of age five pounds Current Money each. Imprimis I also give and bequeath to my said Son Nicholas ten acres of Land part of a Tract of Land called Shear Spring adjoining to the aforesaid Tract of Land called No Whiskey to him and his Heirs forever and no more of my Estate. I also give and bequeath to my Son Jacob my Dwelling Plantation with one hundred and twenty-five acres of land he paying to my Son Abraham fifty pounds Current Money at the End of two years after he enters on said Land to him and his Heirs forever. Imprimis I also order that my personal Estate shall be equally divided between my two Sons viz John and Adam and my four Daughters viz Margaret, Mary, Kathrine and Elizabeth. Imprimis I also order and Will that my well beloved Wife Mary shall keep entire possession of Dwelling Plantation, until my youngest Son is of age. Imprimis I do also nominate and appoint Joest Runkle and Daniel Zacharias Executers of this Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Will or Wills by me heretofore made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this first Day of November seventeen hundred and sixty-one. Han Deall Bone (SEAL)

Signed Sealed published and declared by the above named Hand Diel bone as and for his Last Will of Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto in the presence of the said Tester, and of each other.

Michael Moyer Peter Moyer.

56 This transcription is based upon the original work published by Nellie (Woods) Whedon. 31 APPENDIX 3 Descendants of Hans Peter Bohn57

Fifth Generation

1. Hans Peter BOHN was born in 1619 in Nussbaum. He died on 11 Nov 1679 in Nussbaum. Hans Peter BOHN and Anna LAUFERSWEILER were married on 6 Nov 1638 in Nussbaum. Anna LAUFERSWEILER (daughter of Johann LAUFERSWEILER) was born about 1620. She died on 18 Sep 1691 in Nussbaum. Hans Peter BOHN and Anna LAUFERSWEILER had the following children:

2 i. Mattheis BOHN, born on 16 Jan 1642, Nussbaum. 3 ii. Johann Tillman BOHN, born on 23 May 1647, Nussbaum. 4 iii. Anna Catharina BOHN, born on 1 Jul 1649, Nussbaum. iv. Hans Nikolaus BOHN, born on 11 Apr 1652, Nussbaum. He died young. v. Johannes Peter BOHN, born on 29 Jan 1654, Nussbaum. He died on 10 Apr 1658, Nussbaum. 5 vi. Johannes Nikolas BOHN, born on 6 Jun 1656, Nussbaum. vii. Johann Adam BOHN, born on 8 Aug 1658, Nussbaum. He died in Oct 1681, Nussbaum. viii. Hans Culmann BOHN, born on 7 Oct 1660, Nussbaum. He probably died young. ix. Hans Henrich BOHN, born on 6 Sep 1663, Nussbaum. He died on 12 Apr 1665, Nussbaum. 6 x. Susanna BOHN, born on 1 Jul 1666, Nussbaum. 7 xi. Anna Apollonia BOHN, born on 17 Dec 1671, Nussbaum. Sixth Generation

2. Mattheis BOHN was born on 16 Jan 1642 in Nussbaum. He died on 18 Feb 1677 in Nussbaum. Mattheis BOHN and Anna Margaretha WAGNER were married on 13 Jan 1663 in Nussbaum. Anna Margaretha WAGNER (daughter of Nicholas WAGNER) was born on 18 Feb 1649, Nussbaum. She died on 7 Sep 1693. Mattheis BOHN and Anna Margaretha WAGNER had the following children:

i. Johann Daniel BOHN, born on 21 Jun 1665, Nussbaum. He died on 26 Jun 1665, Nussbaum. 8 ii. Johannes Peter BOHN, born on 3 Sep 1668, Nussbaum. iii. Susanna Gerdraut BOHN, born on 4 Feb 1672, Nussbaum. She died in Nov 1704, Nussbaum. 9 iv. Anna Elisabetha BOHN, born on 22 Aug 1675, Nussbaum.

3. Johann Tillman BOHN was born on 23 May 1647 in Nussbaum. He died on 14 Jan 1717 in Boos. Johann Tillman BOHN and Anna Maria SPONHEIMER were married on 21 Sep 1671 in Nussbaum. Anna Maria SPONHEIMER (daughter of Hans Wilhelm SPONHEIMER) was born in 1650 in Boos. Johann Tillman BOHN and Anna Maria SPONHEIMER had the following children:

10 i. Johann Anthon BOHN, born on 20 Oct 1672, Boos. 11 ii. Hans Wilhelm BOHN, born on 27 Mar 1675, Boos. 12 iii. Peter Diehl BOHN, born on 14 Jan 1677, Boos. 13 iv. Johann Nikolas BOHN, born on 29 Aug 1680, Boos.

57 Hans Peter BOHN was a member of the fifth generation of descendants of Hans BONNEN / BOHN b. abt 1525. This descendant list is compiled mainly from the work of Udo Krauthausen. My research of the church records was consistent with his findings. I made a few minor additions to his family listing. 32 4. Anna Catharina BOHN was born on 1 Jul 1649 in Nussbaum. She died on 11 Nov 1679 in Nussbaum. Anna Catharina BOHN and Antonius SOINΈ58 were married on 7 Feb 1665 in Nussbaum. Antonius SOINΈ was born about 1640. He died on 6 Jan 1687 in Nussbaum. Anna Catharina BOHN and Antonius SOINΈ had the following children:

i. Anna Catharina SOINΈ, born on 5 Aug 1666, Nussbaum. She died on 1 Sep 1666, Nussbaum. ii. Susanna Maria SOINΈ, born on 6 Oct 1667, Nussbaum. She died on 25 Jul 1668, Nussbaum. iii. Johannes Nickel SOINΈ, born on 22 Aug 1669, Nussbaum. He died on 5 Mar 1670, Nussbaum. iv. Anna Catharina SOINΈ, born on 24 Nov 1672, Nussbaum. 14 v. Anna Martina (Martha) SOINΈ, born on 2 Sep 1674, Nussbaum. vi. Johann Henrich SOINΈ, born on 1 Jul 1677, Nussbaum. He died on 11 Mar 1698.

5. Johannes Nikolas BOHN was born on 6 Apr 1656 in Nussbaum. He died after 1720 in Nussbaum. Johannes Nikolas BOHN and Elisabetha Engel FUCHS were married on 16 Mar 1682 in Monzingen. Elisabetha Engel FUCHS (daughter of Hans Conrad FUCHS and Margarethe SCHMIDT) was born on 2 Dec 1655 in Monzingen. She died on 26 Dec 1707 in Nussbaum. Johannes Nikolas BOHN and Elisabetha Engel FUCHS had the following children:

15 i. Johann Dielman BOHN, born on 26 Mar 1682, Nussbaum. ii. Susanna Maria BOHN, born on 2 Mar 1684, Nussbaum. 16 iii. Johann Anton BOHN, born on 23 Oct 1686, Nussbaum. iv. Johannes BOHN, born on 5 Aug 1688, Nussbaum. He died on 16 Aug 1688, Nussbaum. v. Susanna Catharina BOHN, born on 19 Nov 1689, Nussbaum. She died on 2 Jan 1757, Sobernheim. vi. Anna Catharina BOHN, born on 23 Feb 1692, Nussbaum. 17 vii. Johannes BOHN, born on 22 Feb 1694, Nussbaum. viii. Johann Peter BOHN, born on 26 Jan 1698, Nussbaum. He died on 1 Nov 1698, Nussbaum. ix. Anna Christina BOHN, born on 6 May 1701, Nussbaum. She died on 30 Mar 1702, Nussbaum.

6. Susanna BOHN was born on 1 Jul 1666 in Nussbaum. Susanna BOHN and Johann Nikolaus SPONHEIMER were married on 26 Oct 1686 in Nussbaum. Johann Nikolaus SPONHEIMER was born on 16 Jul 1665 in .

7. Anna Apollonia BOHN was born on 17 Dec 1671 in Nussbaum. Anna Apollonia BOHN and Johann Peter FALLER were married on 15 Feb 1698 in Nussbaum. Anna Apollonia BOHN and Johann Peter FALLER had the following known children:59

i. Johann Niclas FALLER, born on 13 Dec 1698, Nussbaum. ii. Johann Jacob FALLER, born on 29 Jun 1700, Nussbaum. iii. Susanna FALLER, born on 13 Jul 1702, Nussbaum. iv. Johann Adam FALLER, born on 15 Feb 1707, Nussbaum. v. Agnes FALLER, born on 17 Jul 1709, Nussbaum.

58 This last name is spelt a variety of ways in the church records, but the commonly accepted spelling today is Soiné. 59 Anna Apollonia BOHN and Peter FALLER may have had more children, since we do not have the church records of Nussbaum after 1711. 33 Seventh Generation

8. Johannes Peter BOHN was born on 3 Sep 1668 in Nussbaum. He was confirmed in 1686. He died in Dec 1698 in Nussbaum. Johannes Peter BOHN and Catharina Elisabetha NIEBERGALL (daughter of Christoph NIEBERGALL) were married on 19 Nov 1695 in Nussbaum. Johannes Peter BOHN and Catharina Elisabetha NIEBERGALL had the following child:

18 i. Johannes BOHN, born on 22 Feb 1697, Nussbaum.

9. Anna Elisabetha BOHN was born on 22 Aug 1675 in Nussbaum. Anna Elisabetha BOHN and Johann Wilhelm Anton SOINΈ were married on 6 Jan 1699 in Nussbaum. Johann Wilhelm Anton SOINΈ (son of Rupert SOINΈ and Johanetta Catharina SCHERER) was born 13 Aug 1669 in Nussbaum. He died on 22 Jan 1742 in Nussbaum. Anna Elisabetha BOHN and Johann Wilhelm Anton SOINΈ had the following children:

i. Johann Nikolaus SOINΈ, born on 9 Mar 1702, Nussbaum. ii. Johann Jakob SOINΈ, born on 22 Oct 1706, Nussbaum. iii. Anna Elisabetha SOINΈ, born on 16 Mar 1709, Nussbaum. iv. Johann Matthias SOINΈ, born abt 1713, Nussbaum.

10. Johann Anthon BOHN was born on 20 Oct 1672 in Boos. He died on 8 Jan 1703 in Waldböckelheim. Johann Anthon BOHN and Margaretha KAUL (daughter of Sebastian KAUL and Agnes ______) were married on 22 Apr 1695 in Waldböckelheim. Johann Anthon BOHN and Margaretha KAUL had the following children:

i. Agnes BOHN, born on 12 Sep 1697, Waldböckelheim. ii. Anna Ottilia BOHN, born on 2 Feb 1700, Waldböckelheim. iii. Magdalena BOHN, born on 8 Apr 1702, Waldböckelheim.

11. Hans Wilhelm BOHN was born on 27 Mar 1675 in Boos. Hans Wilhelm BOHN and Anna Christina RANFFT were married on 13 Jan 1699 in Boos. Anna Christina RANFFT (daughter of Michael RANFFT and Elisabeth Catharina ______) died after 1716. Hans Wilhelm BOHN and Anna Christina RANFFT had the following children:

i. Johann Diehl BOHN, born on 12 Jan 1701, Boos. He died on 13 Jan 1701, Boos. ii. Anna Maria BOHN, born on 29 Jan 1702, Boos. She died in Feb 1702, Boos. iii. Maria Catharina BOHN, born on 10 May 1704 in Boos. She died young. 19 iv. Anna Maria BOHN, born on 26 Jul 1707, Boos. v. Anna Catharina BOHN, born on 30 Jun 1711, Boos. vi. Johann Peter BOHN, born on 20 Nov 1713, Boos. vii. Johann Nicolaus BOHN, born on 14 Feb 1716, Boos. He died on 11 Feb 1720, Boos.

12. Peter Diehl BOHN was born on 14 Jan 1677 in Boos. He died in 1740 on the way to America. Peter Diehl BOHN and Anna Christina EBHARD were married on 16 May 1702 in Obermoschel. Anna Christina EBHARD (daughter of Johann Hermann EBHARD) was born on 1 Oct 1677 in Obermoschel. She died on 29 Oct 1719 in Obermoschel. Peter Diehl BOHN and Anna Christina EBHARD had the following children:

i. Johann Philipp BOHN, born on 23 Feb 1705, Obermoschel. He died on 20 Sep 1718, Obermoschel. ii. Johann Friedrich Tillmann BOHN, born on 17 Sep 1708, Obermoschel. He died on 5 May 1715, Obermoschel. iii. Anna Elisabeth BOHN, born on 6 Jan 1711, Obermoschel. She died on 14 Jan 1714, Obermoschel. iv. Maria Catharina BOHN, born on 27 Jan 1715, Obermoschel. v. Sara Conradina BOHN, born on 19 Feb 1718, Obermoschel.

Peter Diehl BOHN and Maria Elisabeth MUELLER were married on 13 Mar 1720 in Obermoschel. Peter Diehl BOHN and Maria Elisabeth MUELLER had the following children:

i. Johanna Margaretha BOHN, born on 21 Sep 1722, Obermoschel. 20 ii. Johann Henrich BOHN, born on 13 Dec 1724, Obermoschel. iii. Johann Peter BOHN, born on 22 Jan 1729, Unkenbach. iv. Johann Conrad BOHN, born on 6 May 1733, Unkenbach.

34 13. Johann Nikolas BOHN was born on 29 Aug 1680 in Boos. He died on 25 Jun 1751 in Niederhausen. Johann Nikolas BOHN and Anna SCHUSTER were married on 25 Jan 1707 in Niederhausen. Anna SCHUSTER (daughter of Hans Jacob SCHUSTER) was born in 1684 in Niederhausen. She died on 12 May 1758 in Boos. Johann Nikolas BOHN and Anna SCHUSTER had the following children:

i. Johann Jacob BOHN, born on 15 Aug 1708, Niederhausen. He died in 1710, Niederhausen. 21 ii. Johann Jacob BOHN, born on 22 Jun 1710, Niederhausen. iii. Johann Wilhelm BOHN, born on 13 Jul 1712, Niederhausen. 22 iv. Johann Ludwig BOHN, born on 3 Jan 1715, Niederhausen. v. Johann Thillemann BOHN, born on 23 Dec 1717, Boos. vi. Johann Nikolas BOHN, born on 24 Feb 1720, Boos. vii. Maria Elisabeteha BOHN, born on 18 Oct 1723, Boos. viii. Anna Maria BOHN, born on 8 Mar 1726, Boos.

14. Anna Martina (Martha) SOINΈ was born 2 Sep 1674 in Nussbaum. Anna Martina (Martha) SOINΈ and Johann Nicklas BAUMAN were married on 11 Feb 1703 in Nussbaum. Anna Martina (Martha) SOINΈ and Johann Nicklas BAUMAN had the following children:

i. Johann Peter BAUMAN, born on 29 Jul 1703, Nussbaum. He died on 2 Sep 1703, Nussbaum. ii. Johann Niclas BAUMAN, born on 23 Nov 1704, Nussbaum. iii. Anna Maria BAUMAN, born on 11 Jun 1707, Nussbaum. iv. Anna Elisabetha BAUMAN, born on 2 Jul 1711, Nussbaum.

15. Johann Dielman BOHN was born on 26 Mar 1682 in Nussbaum. He died about 1742 in Nussbaum. Johann Dielman BOHN and Anna Magdalena BOHN were married on 4 Jan 1707 in Nussbaum. Anna Magdalena BOHN (daughter of Johannes BOHN and Maria Elisabetha JUNG) was born on 10 Apr 1688 in Nussbaum. Johann Dielman BOHN and Anna Magdalena BOHN had the following children:

23 i. Johann Nikolas BOHN, born on 1 Jan 1709, Nussbaum. ii. Maria Gertrauda BOHN, born on 25 Jan 1711, Nussbaum. 24 iv. Anna Apollonia BOHN, born about 1730, Nussbaum.

16. Johann Anton BOHN was born on 23 Oct 1686 in Nussbaum. He died on 25 Dec 1762 in Weinsheim. Johann Anton BOHN and Anna Christina FUCHS (daughter of Hans Heinrich FUCHS and Anna Eva DONAU) were married on 18 Feb 1710 in Monzingen. Johann Anton BOHN and Anna Christina FUCHS had the following children:

i. Anna Eva BOHN, born on 18 Dec 1710, Monzingen.

Johann Anton BOHN and Maria Barbara BECKER were married about 1719. Maria Barbara BECKER died 26 April 1769 in Pfaffen-Schwabenheim. Johann Anton BOHN and Anna Barbara BECKER had the following children:

25 i. Susanna Catharina BOHN, born about 1720, Nussbaum. 26 ii. Johannes BOHN, born about 1722, Nussbaum. 27 iii. Johann Nikolas BOHN, born about 1724, Nussbaum; died on 14 Nov 1803. 28 iv. Anna Maria BOHN, born on 18 Feb 1725, Nussbaum.

17. Johannes BOHN was born on 22 Feb 1694 in Nussbaum. Johannes BOHN and Luise Catharina Elisabetha OTTO were married on 23 Mar 1720 in Nussbaum. Luise Catharina Elisabetha OTTO (daughter of Friedrich David OTTO and Catharina Elisabeth BOHN) was born in 1700 in Staudernheim. She died in 1760 in Sobernheim. Johannes BOHN and Luise Catharina Elisabetha OTTO had the following children:

29 i. Johann Nikolas BOHN, born on 15 Jan 1721, Sobernheim. 30 ii. Anna Gertrude BOHN, born about 1725. 31 iii. Anna Barbara BOHN, born in 1728, Sobernheim. 32 v. Johann Wilhelm BOHN, born on 28 Jan 1734, Sobernheim.

35 Eighth Generation

18. Johannes BOHN was born on 22 Feb 1697 in Nussbaum. He died on 21 Apr 1757 in Rehbach. Johannes BOHN and Elisabeth Barbara SCHNEIDER were married about 1720 in Rehbach. Elisabeth Barbara SCHNEIDER was born on 17 Apr 1701 in Rehbach. She died on 29 Oct 1744 in Rehbach. Johannes BOHN and Elisabeth Barbara SCHNEIDER had the following children:

i. Johann Philipp BOHN, born on 16 Feb 1723, Rehbach. He died on 23 May 1754, Rehbach. ii. Johann Jacob BOHN, born on 10 Feb 1726, Rehbach. He died on 15 Mar 1770, Rehbach. iii. Johann Gabriel BOHN, born on 18 Jul 1728, Rehbach; married Maria Elisabetha ZOLLNER, on 6 Nov 1755, Rehbach. iv. Anna Justina BOHN, born about 1730, Rehbach. She died on 3 Aug 1731, Rehbach.

19. Anna Maria BOHN was born on 26 Jul 1707 in Boos. Anna Maria BOHN and Johannes HELLWIG were married on 7 Jan 1727 in Boos. Johannes HELLWIG was born on 30 Nov 1702 in Waldböckelhem. He died on 19 Mar 1769 in Boos.

20. Johann Henrich BOHN was born on 13 Dec 1724 in Obermoschel. He immigrated on 25 Nov 1740 to Philadelphia, PN. He died in Jun 1786 in Berks Co, PA. He was also known as Henry DILBONE. Johann Henrich BOHN and Eve had the following children:

i. Johannes (John) DILBONE, born on 3 Jun 1763. ii. Henry DILBONE, born about 1765 in Berks Co, PA. He died in Sep 1817, Abbeville, SC. iii. Margaret DILBONE. iv. Anna Maria DILBONE.

21. Johann Jacob BOHN60 was born on 22 Jun 1710 in Niederhausen. He died on 23 Jun 1776 in Salzbrunn. Johann Jacob BOHN and Maria Charlotta SCHNEIDER were married on 15 Aug 1733 in Bockenau. Maria Charlotta SCHNEIDER was born on 15 Jan 1708 in Bockenau. She died on 25 May 1784 in Salzbrunn.

22. Johann Ludwig BOHN was born on 3 Jan 1715 in Niederhausen. He died after 1780 in Boos. Johann Ludwig BOHN and Maria Dorothea ______were married on 30 Apr 1737 in Boos. Johann Ludwig BOHN and Maria Dorothea had the following children:

i. Johann Jakob BOHN, born on 15 Feb 1745, Boos; married Maria Christina WAGNER, on 8 May 1768, Bockenau. ii. Johann Peter BOHN, born in 1750. He died on 12 May 1780, Schollanderhof.

23. Johann Nikolas BOHN was born on 1 Jan 1709, Nussbaum. Johann Nikolas BOHN married Agnes ______.

24. Anna Apollonia BOHN was born about 1730, Nussbaum. She died 24 Dec 1772, Sponheim. Anna Apollonia BOHN and Johann Henrich KILTZ were married on 16 Apr 1748 in Sponheim. Johann Henrich KILTZ (son of Johannes KILTZ and Anna Maria WELSCHBACH) was born on 17 Mar 1720 in Sponheim. Johann Henrich KILTZ and Anna Apollonia BOHN had the following children:

i. Johann Heinrich KILTZ, born on 29 Nov 1750, Sponheim. ii. Anna Gertrud KILTZ, born on 11 Nov 1753, Sponheim. iii. Ludwig KILTZ, born on 5 Oct 1756, Sponheim. iv. Johann Philipp KILTZ, born on 1 Nov 1759, Sponheim. v. Johann Nikolaus KILTZ, born on 6 Nov 1762, Sponheim. vi. Anna Apollonia KILTZ, born on 20 Aug 1765, Sponheim. She died on 21 Jun 1775, Sponheim.

60 Dr. Udo Krauthausen states that Johann Jacob BOHN emigrated to Brandenburg / . He also located his youngest sister, Anna Maria BOHN in Brandenburg. It is possible that others from this family moved to Brandenburg. 36 vii. Anna Margaretha KILTZ, born on 5 Jun 1768, Sponheim. She died 22 Apr 1769 in Sponheim. viii. Anna Eva KILTZ, born on 26 Feb 1770, Sponheim.

25. Susanna Catharina BOHN was born about 1720. Susanna Catharina BOHN and Johann Nickel FRANZMANN were married on 25 Jun 1742 in Weinsheim.

26. Johannes BOHN was born in 1722 in Nussbaum. Johannes BOHN and Anna Margaretha ARNOLD were married on 9 May 1747 in Weinsheim. Anna Margaretha ARNOLD (daughter of Johann Georg ARNOLD and Margarethe CLOOS) was born on 10 Aug 1724 in Weinsheim. She died after 1774. Johannes BOHN and Anna Margaretha ARNOLD had the following children:

i. Anna Margaretha BOHN, born on 12 Mar 1750, Nussbaum. She died on 28 Nov 1810, Nussbaum. ii. Andreas BOHN, born about 1760, Nussbaum.

27. Johann Nikolas BOHN was born in 1724 in Nussbaum. He died on 14 Nov 1803. Johann Nikolas BOHN married Maria Magdalena ______. She was born on 24 Mar 1724, and died on 13 May 1783 in Weinsheim. Johann Nikolas BOHN and Maria Magdalena had the following children:

i. Anna Maria BOHN, born on 5 Apr 1755, Weinsheim. ii. Johann Anton BOHN, born on 3 Jun 1757, Weinsheim. iii. Anna Catharina BOHN, born on 26 Aug 1760, Weinsheim.

28. Anna Maria BOHN was born on 18 Feb 1725 in Nussbaum. She died on 17 Aug 1800 in Weinsheim. Anna Maria BOHN and Johann Philipp KŐTH were married on 17 Jun 1749 in Weinsheim. Anna Maria BOHN and Johann Philipp KŐTH had the following children:

i. Johann Anthon KŐTH , born on 24 Mar 1750, Weinsheim.

29. Johann Nikolas BOHN was born on 15 Jan 1721 in Sobernheim. He died on 29 Nov 1779. Maria Barbara KLANINGER was born in 1725. Johann Nikolas BOHN and Maria Barbara KLANINGER had the following children:

i. Johannes BOHN, born on 17 Jul 1749, Sobernheim. He died on 5 Aug 1749, Sobernheim. ii. Johann Andreas BOHN, born on 27 Sep 1750, Sobernheim. He died on 2 Sep 1752, Sobernheim. iii. Johannes BOHN, born on 22 Jul 1753, Sobernheim. iv. Johann Philipp BOHN, born on 17 Mar 1756, Sobernheim.

30. Anna Gertrude BOHN was born about 1725. Anna Gertrude BOHN married Johannes KILTZ. Johannes KILTZ (son of Johannes KILTZ and Anna Maria WELSCHBACH) was born 20 Oct 1715, Sponheim.

31. Anna Barbara BOHN was born in 1728 in Sobernheim. Anna Barbara BOHN married Johann Andreas BENDER. Johann Andreas BENDER was born on 17 Feb 1719 in Sobernheim. He died on 13 Nov 1791. Anna Barbara BOHN and Johann Andreas BENDER had the following children:

i. Johann Nicolaus BENDER, born on 5 May 1753, Sobernheim. ii. Johann Ephriam BENDER, born on 22 Sep 1748, Sobernheim. iii. Maria Catharina BENDER, born on 10 Jun 1756, Sobernheim.

37 32. Johann Wilhelm BOHN was born on 28 Jan 1734 in Sobernheim. He died on 18 Nov 1796. Johann Wilhelm BOHN and Susanna Margaretha SCHRAMM were married on 10 Jan 1759 in Sobernheim. Susanna Margaretha SCHRAMM (daughter of Alexander SCHRAMM) was born on 18 Mar 1741 in Sobernheim. She died on 16 Aug 1788. Johann Wilhelm BOHN and Susanna Margaretha SCHRAMM had the following children:

i. Johann Alexander BOHN, born on 4 Sep 1765, Sobernheim. He died in 1814. ii. Johanna Maria BOHN, born on 20 Dec 1769, Sobernheim. iii. Johannes Christian BOHN, born on 12 Jun 1771, Sobernheim. iv. Johann Carl BOHN, born on 11 Jan 1777, Sobernheim. He died on 23 Jan 1780, Sobernheim. v. Anna Maria BOHN, born on 11 Jan 1777, Sobernheim.

38 APPENDIX 4 Descendants of Hans Cullman BOHN61

Fifth Generation

1. Hans Cullman BOHN was born about 1627 in Nussbaum. He died on 20 Jul 1671 in Nussbaum. Hans Cullman BOHN and Anna SCHUHMACHER were married 16 Jun 1650, Monzigen. Anna SCHUHMACHER (daughter of Johannes SCHUHMACHER and Catherine BORNER) was born about 1627 in Nussbaum. She died on 4 Jan 1694 in Nussbaum. Hans Cullman BOHN and Anna SCHUHMACHER had the following children:

i. Else Engel BOHN, born on 12 Oct 1651, Nussbaum. She died on 5 Sep 1668, Nussbaum. ii. Susanna Elisabeth BOHN, born on 12 Feb 1654, Nussbaum. 2 iii. Henrich Nikolas BOHN, born on 6 Apr 1656, Nussbaum. 3 iv. Anna Catharina BOHN, born on 19 Sep 1658, Nussbaum. 4 v. Johannes BOHN, born on 15 Nov 1660, Nussbaum. vi. Hans Peter BOHN, born on 1 Feb 1663, Nussbaum. 5 vii. Anna Gertraut BOHN, born in 1665, Nussbaum. 6 viii. Anna Apollonia BOHN, born on 21 Feb 1669, Nussbaum. 7 ix. Johannes Dielmann BOHN, born on 29 Jan 1671, Nussbaum.

Sixth Generation

2. Henrich Nikolas BOHN was born on 6 Apr 1656 in Nussbaum. He died before 1698. Henrich Nikolas BOHN and Anna Apollonia BAUER (daughter of Johannes BAUER) were married on 17 Apr 1677 in Nussbaum. Henrich Nikolas BOHN and Anna Apollonia BAUER had the following children:

i. Anna Elisabeth BOHN, born on 10 Nov 1678, Nussbaum. ii. Johann Adam BOHN, born on 26 Feb 1681, Nussbaum. He died on 4 Feb 1717, Niederhausen. 8 iii. Johann Nikolas BOHN, born on 19 Aug 1683, Nussbaum. 9 iv. Johann Jacob BOHN, born on 10 Feb 1685, Nussbaum. v. Johannes BOHN, born on 22 Oct 1687, Nussbaum. He died on 23 Nov 1687, Nussbaum.

3. Anna Catharina BOHN was born on 19 Sep 1658 in Nussbaum. She died on 30 Apr 1693 in Nussbaum. Anna Catharina BOHN and Johann Nicolaus WAGNER were married on 8 Jan 1684 in Nussbaum. Johann Nicolaus WAGNER (son of Lambert WAGNER and Anna Maria GRAF) was born on 14 Nov 1658 in Nussbaum. Anna Catharina BOHN and Johann Nicolaus WAGNER had the following children:

i. Johann Lorenz WAGNER, born on 12 Jul 1684, Nussbaum. ii. Anna Elisabetha WAGNER, born on 9 Jun 1687, Nussbaum. iii. Johann Nicolaus WAGNER, born on 22 Jan 1690, Nussbaum. iv. Johann Dielmann WAGNER, born on 21 Feb 1693, Nussbaum.

61 Hans Cullman BOHN was a member of the fifth generation of descendants of Hans BOHN / BONNEN b. abt 1525. This descendant list is compiled mainly from the work of Udo Krauthausen. This descendant list is compiled mainly from the work of Udo Krauthausen. My research of the church records was consistent with his findings. I made a few minor additions to his family listing.

39 4. Johannes BOHN was born on 15 Nov 1660 in Nussbaum. He died on 1 Oct 1724 in Sobernheim. Johannes BOHN and Maria Elisabetha JUNG were married on 17 Jun 1687 in Nussbaum. Maria Elisabetha JUNG was born in 1653. She died on 16 Dec 1707 in Sobernheim. Johannes BOHN and Maria Elisabetha JUNG had the following children:

i. Anna Magdalena BOHN, born 10 Apr 1688, Nussbaum. See Appendix 3, Family 15 10 ii. Johann Nikolas BOHN, born on 25 May 1689, Nussbaum. 11 iii. Anna Gerdraut BOHN, born on 29 Apr 1691, Nussbaum. iv. Anna Apollonia BOHN, born on 30 Nov 1692, Nussbaum. She died on 11 Dec 1700, Nussbaum. 12 v. Johann Georg BOHN, born on 14 Feb 1694, Nussbaum. vi. Johann Peter BOHN, born on 30 Jan 1696, Nussbaum. He died on 25 Dec 1707, Nussbaum. vii. Johann Culman BOHN, born on 11 Jan 1698 in Nussbaum. He died on 6 Feb 1700, Nussbaum.

Johannes BOHN and Maria Elisabeth BOHM were married on 14 Nov 1708, Sobernheim.

5. Anna Gertraut BOHN was born in 1665 in Nussbaum. She died in 1701 in Nussbaum. Anna Gertraut BOHN and Johann Nicklas BLOTT were married on 3 Aug 1689 in Niederhausen. Anna Gertraut BOHN and Johann Nicklas BLOTT had the following children:

i. Elisabetha Engela BLOTT, born on 25 Jun 1696, Nussbaum. She died in Aug 1697, Nussbaum. ii. Johann Niclas BLOTT, born on 28 Sep 1698, Nussbaum. iii. Anna Catharina Elisabeth BLOTT, born on 6 Mar 170, Nussbaum.

6. Anna Apollonia BOHN was born on 21 Feb 1669 in Nussbaum. Anna Apollonia BOHN and Johann Niklas FICKINGER were married on 11 Feb 1698 in Nussbaum. Johann Niklas FICKINGER (son of Wilhelm FICKINGER and Anna Margarethe KUHN) was born on 24 Jan 169 in Auen. He died on 28 Feb 1720 in Horbach. Anna Apollonia BOHN and Johann Niklas FICKINGER had the following children:

i. Anna Eva FICKINGER, born on 10 Jul 1698, Nussbaum. ii. Johann Wilhelm FICKINGER, born on 30 Oct 1700, Nussbaum. iii. Johann Matthias FICKINGER, born on 29 Apr 1703, Nussbaum.

7. Johannes Dielmann BOHN was born on 29 Jan 1671 in Nussbaum. He died after 1743 in Nussbaum. Johannes Dielmann BOHN and Elisabetha Catharina VELDENZER were married on 31 Dec 1702 in Nussbaum. Elisabetha Catharina VELDENZER (daughter of Johann Matthias VELDENZER) was born on 16 Mar 1679 in Nussbaum. Johannes Dielmann BOHN and Elisabetha Catharina VELDENZER had the following children:

i. Anna Margaretha BOHN, born on 11 Mar 1704, Nussbaum. ii. Johann Henrich BOHN, born on 29 May 1705, Nussbaum. 13 iii. Johann Diehl BOHN, born on 27 May 1708, Nussbaum. iv. Johann David BOHN, born on 8 Feb 1711, Nussbaum. 14 v. Johann Peter BOHN, born about 1715, Nussbaum.

40 Seventh Generation

8. Johann Nikolas BOHN was born on 19 Aug 1683 in Nussbaum. He died on 26 Apr 1764 in Merxheim. Johann Nikolas BOHN and Sabina Catharina SCHOLL were married on 18 Nov 1710 in Merxheim. Sabina Catharina SCHOLL was born on 3 Mar 1688 in Merxheim. She died on 20 Jun 1741 in Merxheim. Johann Nikolas BOHN and Sabina Catharina SCHOLL had the following children:

i. Friederika Dorothea BOHN, born on 7 Mar 1711, Merxheim. ii. Anna Elisabetha BOHN, born on 4 Oct 1711, Merxheim. iii. Maria Catharina BOHN, born on 16 Mar 1712, Merxheim. iv. Johann Nikolas BOHN, born on 21 Oct 1714, Merxheim. v. Johann Nikolas BOHN, born on 11 Jan 1717, Merxheim. vi. Johann Philipp BOHN, born on 5 Apr 1720, Merxheim. vii. Johann Peter BOHN, born on 14 Jul 1724, Merxheim.

9. Johann Jacob BOHN was born on 10 Feb 1685 in Nussbaum. Johann Jacob BOHN and Sabina Catharina MAURER were married on 25 May 1734 in Merxheim.

10. Johann Nikolas BOHN was born on 25 May 1689 in Nussbaum. He died on 7 Apr 1735 in Sobernheim. Johann Nikolas BOHN and Charlotta Magdalena BONNET were married on 19 Sep 1719 in Meisenheim. Charlotta Magdalena BONNET (daughter of Jacob BONNET) was born in 1695 in Meisenheim. Johann Nikolas BOHN and Charlotta Magdalena BONNET had the following children:

i. Susanna Margaretha BOHN, born on 25 Aug 1720, Sobernheim. ii. Johann BOHN, born on 25 Aug 1720, Sobernheim. iii. Johann Philipp BOHN, born on 16 Mar 1722, Sobernheim. iv. Anna Eva BOHN, born on 20 Apr 1724, Sobernheim. v. Johann Conrad BOHN, born on 31 May 1725, Sobernheim. 15 vi. Maria Catharina BOHN, born on 20 Jun 1727, Sobernheim. 16 vii. Johann Carl BOHN, born on 30 Sep 1729, Sobernheim. 17 viii. Maria Elisabetha BOHN, born on 15 Apr 1732, Sobernheim. ix. Johann Nikolas BOHN, born on 25 Apr 1734, Sobernheim.

11. Anna Gerdraut BOHN was born on 29 Apr 1691 in Nussbaum. She died in 1755 in Sobernheim. Anna Gerdraut BOHN and Johann HEXAMER were married on 17 Jul 1708 in Sobernheim.

12. Johann Georg BOHN was born on 14 Feb 1694 in Nussbaum. He died on 17 Mar 1764 in Niederhausen. Johann Georg BOHN and Anna Catharina MUELLER were married about 1718 in Niederhausen. Anna Catharina MUELLER (daughter of Johann Mathaus MUELLER and Anna Catharina ______) was born in 1698. She died on 12 Oct 1719 in Niederhausen. Johann Georg BOHN and Anna Catharina MUELLER had the following children:

i. Maria Catharina BOHN, born on 12 Oct 1719, Niederhausen. She died on 29 May 1728, Niederhausen.

Johann Georg BOHN married Apollonia QUAST. Apollonia QUAST (daughter of ______QUAST and Anna Maria ______) was born in 1705 in Edernburg. She died on 8 Jan 1768 in Niederhausen. Johann Georg BOHN and Apollonia QUAST had the following children:

18 i. Johannes BOHN, born on 5 Mar 1723, Niederhausen. ii. Anna Maria BOHN, born on 9 Aug 1725, Niederhausen. iii. Johann Philipp BOHN, born on 30 Nov 1727, Niederhausen. 19 iv. Johann Peter BOHN, born on 8 Feb 1729, Niederhausen. v. Johann Nikolas BOHN, born on 20 Jun 1731, Niederhausen. vi. Johann Balthasar BOHN, born on 18 Feb 1733, Niederhausen. He died on 19 Mar 1736, Niederhausen. 20 vii. Johann Caspar BOHN, born on 15 Aug 1737, Niederhausen. viii. Anna Gertruda BOHN, born on 12 Nov 1739, Niederhausen. ix. Johann Philipp BOHN, born on 23 Jan 1745, Niederhausen. x. Anna Catharina BOHN, born on 17 Mar 1747, Niederhausen.

41 13. Johann Diehl BOHN was born on 27 May 1708 in Nussbaum. Johann Diehl BOHN and Anna Apollonia WAGNER were married about 1730 in Nussbaum. Anna Apollonia WAGNER (daughter of Johann Nicolaus WAGNER and Maria Elisabetha STEPHANS) was born on 19 Sep 1709 in Nussbaum. Johann Diehl BOHN and Anna Apollonia WAGNER had the following children:

21 i. Johann Nikolas BOHN, born about 1736, Nussbaum. 22 ii. Gertrud BOHN, born about 1744, Nussbaum.

14. Johann Peter BOHN was born about 1715 in Nussbaum. Johann Peter BOHN married Anna Margarethe DRESCHER. Johann Peter BOHN and Anna Margarethe DRESCHER had the following children:

i. Johann Georg BOHN, born about 1735, Nussbaum. 23 ii. Anna Gertrud BOHN 24 iii. Agnes BOHN 25 iv. Anna Elisabeth BOHN

Eighth Generation

15. Maria Catharina BOHN was born on 20 Jun 1727 in Sobernheim. Maria Catharina BOHN and Elias MATHIAS were married on 20 Jun 1727 in Sobernheim.

16. Johann Carl BOHN was born on 30 Sep 1729 in Sobernheim. Johann Carl BOHN and Anna Maria SCHRAMM were married on 1 Jun 1756 in Sobernheim. Anna Maria SCHRAMM (daughter of Alexander SCHRAMM) was born about 1730. Johann Carl BOHN and Anna Maria SCHRAMM had the following children:

i. Charlotta Magdalena BOHN, born on 15 May 1757, Sobernheim. Died young. ii. Johann Conrad BOHN, born on 17 Aug 1760, Sobernheim. He died on 17 May 1766, Sobernheim. iii. Charlotta Magdalena BOHN, born on 11 May 1763, Sobernheim. iv. Alexander BOHN, born on 11 May 1763, Sobernheim. He died on 21 Oct 1764, Sobernheim. v. Johann Jacob BOHN, born on 9 Nov 1765, Sobernheim. vi. Johann Georg BOHN, born on 28 Mar 1767, Sobernheim. He died on 30 May 1767, Sobernheim. vii. Anna Catharina BOHN, born on 6 Jan 1769, Sobernheim.

17. Maria Elisabetha BOHN was born on 15 Apr 1732 in Sobernheim. Maria Elisabetha BOHN and Johann Jacob GINTZ were married on 15 Apr 1760 in Sobernheim. Maria Elisabetha BOHN and Johann Jacob GINTZ had the following children:

i. Johann Carl GINTZ, born on 4 Feb 1766, Sobernheim.

18. Johannes BOHN was born on 5 Mar 1723 in Niederhausen. He died in Jan 1782 in Sponheim. Johannes BOHN and Anna Sara STEPHAN were married on 9 Sep 1750 in Sponheim. Anna Sara STEPHAN was born on 10 Sep 1724. She died on 29 Apr 1783 in Sponheim. Johannes BOHN and Anna Sara STEPHAN had the following children:

i. Johann Valentin BOHN, born on 24 Oct 1751, Sponheim. ii. Apollonia BOHN, born on 11 Aug 1754, Sponheim. iii. Anna Maria BOHN, born on 18 May 1759, Sponheim. She died on 17 Jul 1762, Sponheim. iv. Johannes BOHN, born on 21 Jun 1762. v. Eva BOHN, born on 14 Feb 1768, Sponheim. vi. Anna Margaretha BOHN, born on 14 Feb 1769, Sponheim.

42 19. Johann Peter BOHN was born on 8 Feb 1729 in Niederhausen. Johann Peter BOHN married Susanna Maria ______. Johann Peter BOHN and Susanna Maria had the following children:

i. Catherine Elizabetha BOHN. born on 21 May 1771, Niederhausen. ii. Apolonia BOHN, born on 29 May 1761, Niederhausen.

20. Johann Caspar BOHN was born on 15 Aug 1737 in Niederhausen. Johann Caspar BOHN and Maria Magdalena SCHEUN were married on 1 Aug 1763 in Niederhausen. Maria Magdalena SCHEUN (daughter of Johann SCHEUN) was born on 4 Nov 1728 in Niederhausen. She died on 22 Jul 1799 in Niederhausen. Johann Caspar BOHN and Maria Magdalena SCHEUN had the following children:

i. Maria Agnesa BOHN, born in 1767, Niederhausen. ii. Anna Maria BOHN, born on 25 Apr 1771, Niederhausen.

21. Johann Nikolas BOHN, born about 1736, Nussbaum. He died on 9 Dec 1800 in Nussbaum. Johann Nikolas BOHN and Maria Elisabeth SOINΈ were married in 1760 in Nussbaum. Maria Elisabeth SOINΈ (daughter of Johann Jacob SOINΈ and Anna Maria STEPHAN) was born about 1740 in Nussbaum. She died about 1785 in Nussbaum. Johann Nikolas BOHN and Maria Elisabeth SOINΈ had the following children:

i. Maria Elisabeth BOHN, born on 24 Jul 1763, Nussbaum.

22. Gertrud BOHN was born about 1744 in Nussbaum. She died on 2 Feb 1810 in Nussbaum. Gertrud BOHN and Johann Nikolaus BAUER were married in 1782 in Nussbaum.

23. Anna Gertrud BOHN and Philipp Heinrich JAGER (son of Heinrich Nikolaus JAGER) were married in Feb 1757 in Monzingen.

24. Agnes BOHN and Heinrich OTTO were married on 15 Jun 1762 in Sobernheim.

25. Anna Elisabeth BOHN and Johann GEIB were married on 22 Aug 1781 in Nussbaum. Johann GEIB was born on 10 Nov 1753 in Sponheim. He died on 12 Oct 1802 in Nussbaum.

43 APPENDIX 5 Descendants of Johann Diel BOHN62

Eighth Generation

1. Johann Diel BOHN was born in 1711. He emigrated in 1741 from Philadelphia, PN. He signed a will on 1 Nov 1761 in Frederick Co, MD, and his estate was probated on 13 Apr 1764 in Frederick Co, MD.

Johann Diel BOHN married ______about 1735. They had the following children:

2 i. Johann Nicholas BOHN, born about 1736, Germany.

Johann Diel BOHN and Mary ______were married about 1738. Johann Diel BOHN and Mary had the following children:

3 i. Abraham BOHN, born about 1742, MD. 4 ii. Margaret BOHN, born about 1743, MD. 5 iii. Mary BOHN, born between 1743 and 1753, MD. 6 iv. John BOHN, born about 1745, MD. 7 v. Jacob BOON, born about 1749, MD. 8 vi. Catherine BOHN, born about 1753, MD. 9 vii. Elizabeth BOHN, born about 1755, MD. viii. Adam BOHN was born about 1755 in MD. Ninth Generation

2. Johann Nicholas BOHN was born about 1736 in Germany. He was naturalized on 11 Sep 1765 in Annapolis, MD. He died after 1823 in MD.

Johann Nicholas BOHN married Anna Maria ______. Johann Nicholas BOHN and Anna Maria had the following children:

10 i. Adam BOON, born about 1760. 11 ii. Catharina BOON, born about 1763. 12 iii. Martin BOON 13 iv. Jacob BOON 14 v. Anna Maria BOHN, born about 1769, Frederick Co, MD. 15 vi. Susan BOON 16 vii. Michael BOHN

Johann Nicholas BOHN married Barbara BURRIER. Johann Nicholas BOHN and Barbara BURRIER had the following children:

17 i. Eve BOON, born in 1778, Frederick Co, MD. 18 ii. Barbara BOON, born in 1785, Frederick Co, MD. 19 iii. Elizabeth BOON 20 iv. Susanna BOON, born in 1785, Frederick Co, MD. 21 v. Catherine BOON, born between 1786 and 1789, Frederick Co, MD. 22 vi. Nicholas BOHN, born in 1788, Frederick Co, MD. 23 vii. John BOON 24 viii. Solomon BOON, born 29 Apr 1775, Frederick Co, MD.

62 If Johann Diel BOHN is the son of Johann Dielman BOHN b.26 Mar 1682, Nussbaum, then he is a member of the eighth generation of the descendants of Hans BOHN / BONNEN b. abt 1525. This descendant list is based upon the work of Nellie (Woods) Whedon. I also used various other sources to compile this list, including census information and internet postings. While many descendants started spelling their last name “BOONE”, I only used the spellings of “BOHN” and “BOON” in this appendix. 44 Johann Nicholas BOHN and Rachel DEBERRY were married on 25 Aug 1815 in Frederick Co, MD.

3. Abraham BOHN was born about 1742 in MD. He signed a will on 7 Mar 1825 in Augusta Co, VA, and his estate probated in Apr 1827 in Augusta Co, VA.

Abraham BOHN married about 1770 ______. They had the following children:

i. ______BOON, born between 1774 and 1790 in MD. He died before 1826. ii. ______BOON, born between 1774 and 1790 in MD. He died before 1826.

Abraham BOHN and Ann Mary ______(widow of Ulrich SAYLOR) were married in 1822 in Rockingham Co, VA.

4. Margaret BOHN was born about 1743 in MD. She died on 3 Mar 1814 in Frederick Co, MD. Margaret BOHN and Leonard POWDER were married about 1760. Leonard POWDER63 was born about 1730. He signed a will on 3 Dec 1776 in Frederick Co, MD and his estate probated on 11 Sep 1797 in Frederick Co, MD. Margaret BOHN and Leonard POWDER had the following children:

25 i. Jacob POWDER, born on 14 Dec 1761, MD. 26 ii. Mary POWDER, born on 3 Sep 1763, MD. 27 iii. John POWDER, born on 16 Jul 1765, MD. 28 iv. William Leonard POWDER, born on 16 Feb 1767, MD. 29 v. Catherine POWDER, born in Feb 1769, MD. 30 vi. Rachel POWDER, born on 1 May 1771, MD. 31 vii. Andrew POWDER, born on 25 Jul 1773, MD. 32 viii. Abraham POWDER, born about 1775, MD.

Margaret BOHN and John EVERLY were married about 1780. John EVERLY died in 1802. Margaret BOHN and John EVERLY had the following children:

33 i. Margaret EVERLY, born about 1780, MD. 34 ii. David (Deward) EVERLY, born on 26 Sep 1781, MD.

5. Mary BOHN was born between 1743 and 1753 in MD. She died about 1816 in Washington Co, TN. Mary BOHN married Jacob HOSS. Jacob HOSS was born in 1734 in Holland. He signed a will on 29 Feb 1816 in Washington Co, TN, and died on 10 Feb 1817 in Washington Co, TN. Mary BOHN and Jacob HOSS had the following children:

35 i. Elizabeth HOSS, born about 1762. 36 ii. Peter HOSS, born about 1763. 37 iii. Isaac HOSS, born about 1774, Washington Co, NC.64 38 iv. Catherine HOSS, born about 1775. 39 v. Jacob HOSS, born about 1776, Washington Co, NC. 40 vi. John HOSS, born about 1778, Washington Co, NC. 41 vii. Abraham (Abram) HOSS, born about 1782, Washington Co, NC. 42 viii. Mary HOSS, born about 1784, Washington Co, NC. ix. George HOSS was born about 1786, Washington Co, NC. 43 x. Henry HOSS, born about 1788, Washington Co, NC.

6. John BOHN was born about 1745 in MD. He signed a will on 24 Feb 1824 in Montgomery Co, VA, and died in Nov 1824 in Montgomery Co, VA. His estate was probated in Mar 1825 in Montgomery Co, VA.

John BOHN and Elizabeth ______were married about 1777 in Frederick Co, MD. Elizabeth was born about 1755. John BOHN and Elizabeth had the following children:

44 i. Jacob BOON, born in 1779, MD. ii. Mary BOON was born about 1780, MD. 45 iii. Catherine BOON, born on 3 Dec 1785, Bedord Co, VA.

63 This last name was spelled both “POUDER” and “POWDER”. I used both spellings in this appendix. 64 Washington Co, NC became part of TN when TN became a state. 45 46 iv. Abraham BOON, born about 1787, Franklin Co, VA. 47 v. Nancy BOON, born about 1791, Franklin Co, VA. 48 vi. Elizabeth BOON, born on 3 Sep 1791, Franklin Co, VA. 49 vii. Sarah BOON, born on 10 Nov 1792, Franklin Co, VA.

7. Jacob BOON was born about 1749 in MD. He died on 17 Mar 1814 in BOON Mill, Franklin Co, VA. Jacob BOON and Catherine ______were married about 1770 in MD. Catharine signed a will on 26 Aug 1822 in Franklin Co, VA, and died about 1828 in Franklin Co, VA. Jacob BOON and Catherine had the following children:

50 i. Mary BOON, born on 12 Dec 1771, MD. 51 ii. Peter BOON, born about 1773, MD. 52 iii. Jacob BOON, born about 1775, MD. iv. Elizabeth BOON, born about 1777; died in 1822, VA. She never married. 53 v. Catherine BOON, born about 1778, MD. 54 vi. Abraham BOON, born about 1780, MD. 55 vii. John BOON, born about 1783, Franklin Co, VA. 56 viii. Isaac BOON, born on 20 Dec 1786, Franklin Co, VA. 57 ix. Susannah BOON, born about 1790, Franklin Co, VA. 58 x. Daniel BOON, born on 12 Nov 1791, Franklin Co, VA. 59 xi. Nancy BOON, born between 1793, Franklin Co, VA. xii. Joseph BOON was born in 1796, Franklin Co, VA. He never married.

8. Catherine BOHN was born about 1753 in MD. She signed a will on 25 Mar 1824 in Frederick Co, MD, and her estate was probated on 17 May 1824 in Frederick Co, MD. Catherine BOHN and Cornelius SULLIVAN were married about 1775. Cornelius SULLIVAN was born about 1749. He signed a will on 1 Mar 1816 in Frederick Co, MD, and his estate probated on 18 Mar 1816 in Frederick Co, MD. Catherine BOHN and Cornelius SULLIVAN had the following children:

60 i. John SULLIVAN, born on 25 Sep 1776, Frederick Co, MD. 61 ii. Jacob SULLIVAN, born on 9 Mar 1778, Frederick Co, MD. 62 iii. Margaret SULLIVAN, born on 25 Nov 1779, Frederick Co, MD. 63 iv. Abraham SULLIVAN, born about 1781. v. Mary SULLIVAN was born on 11 Nov 1782. 64 vi. Daniel SULLIVAN, born about 1785. vii. David SULLIVAN was born on 1 Jun 1788. 65 viii. William SULLIVAN, born on 3 Aug 1792. 66 ix. Judge Michael SULLIVAN, born in 1795.

9. Elizabeth BOHN was born about 1755 in MD. She died in 1819 in Washington Co, TN. Elizabeth BOHN and Peter MUELLER were married about 1776 in Frederick Co, MD. Peter MUELLER was born about 1750. Elizabeth BOHN and Peter MUELLER had the following children:

67 i. Mary MILLER, born about 1777. 68 ii. Jacob MILLER, born about 1779, VA. 69 iii. Jane MILLER, born about 1781, VA. 70 iv. James (Big Jim) MILLER. v. John MILLER was born about 1785. 71 vi. Peter MILLER, born about 1786, VA. 72 vii. Abraham MILLER, born about 1795, Washington Co, TN.

46 Tenth Generation

10. Adam BOON was born about 1760. He died on 25 Aug 1837 in Montgomery Co, MD. Adam BOON married and Lucille ______. Adam BOON and Lucille had the following children:

i. Elenor BOON, married Abisha GRAY.

11. Catharina BOON was born about 1763. Catharina BOON and John SCOTT were married on 2 May 1786, Frederick Co, MD. Catharina BOON and John SCOTT had the following children:

i. Jacob SCOTT was born on 7 Feb 1787, Frederick Co, MD.

12. Martin BOON died between 1839 and 1848. Martin BOON married and Margareth ______. Martin BOON and Margareth had the following children:

i. Jacob Fridrich BOON was born on 3 Mar 1792.

13. Jacob BOON died in 1839 in MD. Jacob BOON and Mary BIDDINGER were married on 15 May 1825 in Frederick Co, MD.

14. Anna Maria BOHN was born about 1769 in Frederick Co, MD. Anna Maria BOHN and George FROSS were married on 30 Dec 1787 in Frederick Co, MD. Anna Maria BOHN and George FROSS had the following children:

i. Maria Magdalene FROSS, born about 1788; married Martin MILLER. ii. Catherine FROSS, born about 1790, MD; married Henry SIDENSTICKER. iii. Susanna FROSS, born in 1792; married Joseph SNIPP. iv. Johannes FROSS, born in 1793; married Mary DEVERS. v. Jacob FROSS was born in 1796, MD. vi. George FROSS, born in 1798; married Rachel TINGLEY. vii. Daniel FROSS, born in 1800, MD.

15. Susan BOON married ______METZ.

16. Michael BOHN died in 1839. Michael BOHN married Mary Magdalene BURRIER. Mary Magdalene BURRIER was born in 1776 in MD. Michael BOON and Mary Magdalene BURRIER had the following children:

i. Esther BOHN, born 12 Nov 1813, Frederick Co, MD; married Frederick NUSBAUM, on 14 Dec 1833, Frederick Co, MD. ii. John BOON was born in 1815, Frederick Co, MD.

17. Eve BOON was born in 1778 in Frederick Co, MD. She died in 1859. Eve BOON and Jacob FUNDERBURG were married in 1807. Jacob FUNDERBURG was born between 1780 and 1790. Eve BOON and Jacob FUNDERBURG had the following children:

i. David FUNDERBURG, born in 1808; died in 1888; married (1) Elizabeth REAM; married (2) Anna REAM. ii. John FUNDERBURG, born in 1810; died in 1884; married Elizabeth LEFFEL. iii. Daniel FUNDERBURG, born in 1811, OH; died in 1882; married Diana CAPLINGER. iv. Rev. George FUNDERBURG, born in 1813, OH; died in 1901; married Margaret LEFFEL, about 1844. v. Jacob FUNDERBURG was born in 1815; died in 1817. vi. Rev. Jacob FUNDERBURG, born in 1817; died in 1896; married Christina ULRICH. vii. Abraham (Abram) FUNDERBURG, born in 1819, OH; died in 1855; married Sarah CAPLINGER, about 1844. viii. Catherine FUNDERBURG, born in 1822, Clark Co, OH; married Joseph B. MILLER. ix. Elizabeth FUNDERBURG, born in 1822, Clark Co, OH; married Rev. Henry BRUBAKER.

47 18. Barbara BOON was born in 1785 in Frederick Co, MD. She died in 1853 in Miami Co, OH. Barbara BOON and Philip SHOE were married on 1 Jul 1815 in Frederick Co, MD. Philip SHOE was born between 1780 and 1790 in PA. He was also known as Philip SHEWEY. Barbara BOON and Philip SHOE had the following children:

i. Henry SHOE, born in 1816; died in 1850; married (1) Mary Elizabeth FREEMAN; married (2) Rachel LONG. ii. John SHOE was born in 1818; died in 1840. iii. David SHOE, born in 1820, Miami Co, OH; died in 1847, Miami Co, OH’ married Catherine THOMPSON. iv. Solomon SHOE, born in Apr 1823, Miami Co, OH; died in 1905; married Barbara YETTER, about 1849.

19. Elizabeth BOON died in 1820. Elizabeth BOON married Christopher METZ. Elizabeth BOON and Christopher METZ had the following children:

i. John METZ was born about 1806; died in 1807. ii. David METZ iii. Jacob METZ

20. Susanna BOON was born in 1785 in Frederick Co, MD. She died in 1814. Susanna BOON and Philip SHOE were married about 1802. Philip SHOE was born between 1780 and 1790 in PA. Susanna BOON and Philip SHOE had the following children:

i. Hannah SHOE, born on 15 Dec 1804, MD; died on 1 Apr 1862, Montgomery Co, OH; married David SHOUP, on 25 Feb 1822, Greene Co, OH; married Christopher FOLKERTH, on 25 Feb 1836, Montgomery Co, OH. ii. Elizabeth SHOE, born in 1807, MD; died in 1863, Maquoketa, IO; married Asa HIGHT. iii. Israel SHOE, born in 1809, MD; died in 1887; married Avaline ______, about 1833. iv. Barbara SHOE was born in 1812. v. Susanna SHOE, born in 1814, OH; died in 1868, KS; married Joseph N. HALL, in 1833, OH.

21. Catherine BOON was born between 1786 and 1789 in Frederick Co, MD. She died in 1819 in Pickaway Co, OH. Catherine BOON and Jacob ILER were married on 24 Feb 1808 in Frederick Co, MD. Jacob ILER was born on 19 Nov 1765 in Hesse Cassel, Hessen, Germany. He died on 19 Nov 1858 in Hancock Co, OH. Catherine BOON and Jacob ILER had the following children:

i. Jacob ILER, born on 8 May 1811, Pickaway Co, OH; died on 21 Dec 1897, Findlay, Hancock Co, OH; married Mary MCLAIN, on 8 Aug 1833, Hancock Co, OH. ii. John ILER, born about 1809, Pickaway Co, OH; died before May 1835, OH; married Sarah J. SEARFOSS, on 22 Sep 1826, Pickaway Co, OH. iii. Nancy ILER, born about 1810; married William MURPHY. iv. Conrad EILER, born on 13 Sep 1815, Pickaway Co, OH; died on 7 Jul 1901, Tower Hill, Shelby Co, IL; married Mary Ann ANDERSON, on 18 Aug 1841, Pickaway Co, OH.

22. Nicholas BOHN was born in 1788 in Frederick Co, MD. He died in 1872 in MD. Nicholas BOHN and Christianna RESSLER were married on 14 Mar 1808 in Frederick Co, MD. Christianna RESSLER was born in 1779 in MD. Nicholas BOHN and Christianna RESSLER had the following children:

i. Michael BOHN, born in 1809, Frederick Co, MD; died in 1877; married Hannah (Anna) SAYLER. ii. Emanuel BOHN, born in 1813, Frederick Co, MD; died in 1882, Frederick Co, MD; married Elizabeth SMITH, on 19 Feb 1833, Frederick Co, MD. iii. Jacob BOON, born in 1814, Frederick Co, MD; died in 1880; married Lydia GARBER, on 3 Apr 1849, Frederick Co, MD. iv. Catherine BOON was born in 1825, Frederick Co, MD.

48 23. John BOON died in 1839 in Frederick Co, MD. John BOON and Rebecca COLLINS were married on 25 Dec 1809 in Frederick Co, MD. John BOON and Rebecca COLLINS had the following children:

i. Anna BOON, born in 1811, Frederick Co, MD; married Daniel M. KEMP, in 1854. ii. Dennis O. BOON, born on 30 Aug 1813, Frederick Co, MD; died on 1 May 1882, Frederick Co, MD; married Ann Sophia WALTZ, on 7 Apr 1842, Frederick Co, MD. iii. Sena Elizabeth BOON, born about 1819, Frederick Co, MD; died in 1864; married Joseph M. BALL, on 4 Apr 1844, Frederick Co, MD. iv. John BOON v. Ephraim BOON vi. Edward BOON, born in 1822, MD; married Catherine KEEFER, on 25 Feb 1846, Frederick Co, MD. vii. Henry BOON

24. Solomon BOON was born 29 Apr 1775, Frederick Co, MD. He died 26 Apr 1853, Frederick Co, MD. Solomon BOON and Martha MERRYMAN were married on 8 Apr 1813 in Frederick Co, MD. Martha MERRYMAN was born 8 apr 1813 MD. She died 26 Oct 1854, MD. Solomon BOON and Martha MERRYMAN had the following children:

i. Sarah Ann BOON, born 19 Jun 1814, Polk Co, TN; died 8 Apr 1854, Carroll Co, MD; married Adam BOWERS, on 15 Oct 1834, Frederick Co, MD. ii. Mary BOON, born 21 Nov 1815, Polk Co, TX; married Joseph WOLFE, on 16 Dec 1834, Frederick Co, MD; married Ralph TRINEWITH. iii. Elizabeth BOON, born 22 Mar 1818, Polk Co, TN; married Daniel R. SHOEMAKER, on 10 Oct 1849, Frederick Co, MD. iv. Martha R. BOON, born 21 Jan 1820, Polk Co, TN; married Upton I. HAMMOND, on 23 Nov 1848, Frederick Co, MD. v. George W. BOON, born in 1823, MD; married Margaret F. SHOEMAKER, on 15 Aug 1848, Frederick Co, MD. vi. Thomas William BOON, born in 1827, Frederick Co, MD; married Nancy WILLIAMS, on 25 Sep 1847, Frederick Co, MD. vii. John Solomon BOON, born in 1830, Frederick Co, MD; married Ann Hesaltine TURNBILL. viii. Ann P. BOON, born in 1834, Frederick Co, MD.

25. Jacob POWDER was born 14 Dec 1761 in MD. He died on 2 Mar 1842. Jacob POWDER and Christina DIEHL were married in 1790. Christina DIEHL (daughter of Philip DIEHL and Christina UTS) was born between 1770 and 1774. She died between 1830 and 1840. Jacob POWDER and Christina DIEHL had the following children:

i. John POWDER, born about 1791, Frederick Co, MD; died in 1814. ii. Elizabeth POWDER, born in 1792, Frederick Co, MD; died in 1881, Frederick Co, MD; married John FETTERLING, about 1810. iii. Jacob POWDER, born in 1794, Frederick Co, MD; died in 1870; married Elizabeth BYERS, on 25 Apr 1818, Frederick Co, MD. iv. Mary POWDER, born in 1796, Frederick Co, MD; died in 1862; married James KEEFER. v. Andrew POWDER, born in 1798, Frederick Co, MD; died in 1830; married Elizabeth YOHN. vi. Sarah POWDER, born in 1803, MD; married George COOK. vii. Catherine POWDER, born in 1805, MD; died in 1869; married Jacob ORNDORFF. viii. Susanna POWDER, born in 1807, MD; died in 1873; married Samuel MORRISON, on 3 Mar 1828, Frederick Co, MD. ix. Margaret POWDER, born in 1809, MD; died in 1850; married William NEWBOLD.

26. Mary POWDER was born on 3 Sep 1763 in MD. She died on 12 May 1831. Mary POWDER married and John SCHAEFFER. John SCHAEFFER (son of Jacob SCHAFFER and Dorothea BROSCHEN) was born in 1755. He died in 1828 in MD. Mary POWDER and John SCHAEFFER had the following children:

i. Jacob SCHAEFFER, born in 1784, MD; died in 1854; married Susanna ______. ii. Margaret SCHAEFFER, born in 1785, MD; married Benjamin GRAMMER. 49 iii. Johannes SCHAEFFER, born in 1788, MD; died in 1849; married Elizabeth SELLERS. iv. Christina SCHAEFFER, born in 1790, MD; died in 1863; married George WARHIME. v. Rachel SCHAEFFER, born in 1790, MD; married John STONESIPHER. vi. Anna Maria SCHAEFFER, born in 1792, MD; died in 1853; married Peter PENNYBACKER. vii. David SCHAEFFER was born in 1793, MD. He died in 1843. viii. Simon SCHAEFFER was born in 1794, MD. He died in 1814. ix. Abraham SCHAEFFER, born in 1796, MD; died in 1872; married Mary LOYSTER. x. Catherine SCHAEFFER, born in 1798, MD; died in 1830; married Philip HORN. xi. Leonhardt SCHAEFFER was born in 1802, MD. xii. Hannah SCHAEFFER, born in 1803, MD; died in 1867; married David LOYSTER.

27. John POWDER was born on 16 Jul 1765 in MD. He died on 14 Mar 1837. John POWDER and Elizabeth KNISELLEY were married in 1802. Elizabeth KNISELLEY (daughter of Samuel KNISELLEY and Mary ______) was born in 1765. She died in 1834. John POWDER and Elizabeth KNISELLEY had the following children:

i. Samuel John POUDER, born in 1804, MD; died in 1870; married Hannah GIFFIN. ii. Joseph POUDER, born in 1806, MD; died in 1883; married Catherine STEPHENSON; married Angeline BARNES. iii. Margaret POUDER, born MD; married William HUBBARD. iv. Mary POUDER, born MD; married John BUTCHER. v. Andrew J. POUDER, born in 1815, MD; died in 1852; married Margaret MAYFIELD; married Nancy MAYFIELD. vi. Leonard POUDER, born in 1817, MD; died in 1903; married Rachel ISGRIG; married Mary WILLEY. vii. Harriet POUDER, born in 1823, OH; died in 1893; married John ELLENBERGER. viii. Lemuel POUDER, born in 1825, OH; died in 1896; married Mary ASTON. ix. ______POUDER x. ______POUDER

28. William Leonard POWDER was born on 16 Feb 1767 in MD. He died on 8 Apr 1833. William Leonard POWDER married and Anna Elizabeth CRUSE. William Leonard POWDER and Anna Elizabeth CRUSE had the following children:

i. Mary POUDER, born about 1790, MD; died in 1859; married George FOSS, in 1806. ii. George POUDER, born about 1792, MD; died in 1830; married Mary FOWBLE. iii. Samuel POUDER was born about 1798, MD. He died in 1799. iv. Leonard POUDER, born about 1802, MD; died in 1865; married Ann ALEXANDER; married Elizabeth ALEXANDER. v. Jesse POUDER was born on 2 Sep 1804, MD.

William Leonard POWDER married Maria Magdalena EHRENBORG. William Leonard POWDER and Maria Magdalena EHRENBORG had the following children:

i. William P. POUDER, born in 1809, MD; died in 1859; married Eliza Jane MILLER. ii. Jesse POUDER was born in 1810, MD. He died in 1824, MD. iii. Juliana POUDER, born in 1812, MD; died in 1837; married Charles T. CLOUD. iv. James Monroe POUDER, born in 1817, MD; died in 1886; married Priscilla EDMONDS.

29. Catherine POWDER was born in Feb 1769 in MD. She died on 14 Nov 1839. Catherine POWDER married John DUTTERER. John DUTTERER (son of Conrad DUTTERER and Juliana REIFF) was born in 1765. He died in 1847. Catherine POWDER and John DUTTERER had the following children:

i. George DUTTERER, born in 1789, MD; died in 1862; married Nancy REINOEKER. ii. John DUTTERER was born in 1790, MD. He died in 1796 in MD. iii. Mary DUTTERER, born in 1795, MD; died in 1864; married Daniel BOWERSOX. iv. Conrad DUTTERER was born in 1797, MD. He died in 1850. v. Margaret DUTTERER, born in 1798, MD; died in 1838; married Michael BYERS. 50 vi. Andrew DUTTERER, born in 1802, MD; married Lydia YINGLING. vii. Elizabeth DUTTERER, born in 1802, MD; died in 1824; married Mathias SPITLER. viii. Lydia DUTTERER, born in 1804, MD; died in 1873; married John TROXELL. ix. Henry DUTTERER, born in 1806, MD; married Elizabeth DICKENSHEETS.

30. Rachel POWDER was born on 1 May 1771 in MD. She died on 29 Feb 1860 in Baltimore Co, MD. Rachel POWDER married John DIEHL. John DIEHL (son of Philip DIEHL and Christina UTS) was born in 1765. Rachel POWDER and John DIEHL had the following children:

i. Mary DEAL, born in 1791, MD; married Jacob GETTINGER JR, on 20 Dec 1808, Baltimore Co, MD. ii. Sarah DEAL, born between 1794 and 1804, MD; married Tobias HENNESTOPHEL, on 16 Jan 1816, Baltimore Co, MD. iii. David T. DEAL, born in 1798, MD; married Catherina SELLERS, on 10 Dec 1824, Baltimore Co, MD. iv. Jonas DEAL, born in 1800, MD; died in 1868; married Rhoda BUSH, in 1827.

Rachel POWDER and Samuel HOOKER were married on 29 Apr 1818 in Baltimore Co, MD. Samuel HOOKER was born in 1777 in MD.

31. Andrew POWDER was born on 25 Jul 1773 in MD. He died on 28 Oct 1856. Andrew POWDER and Margaret SWEIGART were married about 1799. Margaret SWEIGART was born in 1785 in MD. She died in 1882 in MD. Andrew POWDER and Margaret SWEIGART had the following children:

i. Hannah POWDER, born in 1800, Frederick Co, MD; married Samuel HOBBS, on 30 Oct 1820, Frederick Co, MD. ii. Rachel POWDER, born in 1804, Frederick Co, MD; married Jacob AULT, in 1821. iii. Isaac POWDER, born in 1806, Frederick Co, MD; married Rebecca LINDSEY, on 6 Aug 1827, Frederick Co, MD. iv. Mary Ann POWDER, born in 1811, Frederick Co, MD; married ______SMITH. v. Julia Ann POWDER, born in 1821, Frederick Co, MD; died in 1900; married Nelson MANNING, in 1839.

32. Abraham POWDER was born about 1775 in MD. Abraham POWDER and Nancy DAUGHERTY were married in 1807. Abraham POWDER and Nancy DAUGHERTY had the following children:

i. Mary POWDER, born about 1810, MD. She died in 1836, MD. ii. Leonard Andrew POWDER, born about 1811, MD; died in 1896; married Sarah Caroline MILLER, about 1845.

33. Margaret EVERLY was born about 1780 in MD. Margaret EVERLY and Ulerick ZURBUCHEN were married in 1800. Ulerick ZURBUCHEN was born in 1769 in MD. Margaret EVERLY and Ulerick ZURBUCHEN had the following children:

i. Heinrich Z. (Henry) BUCHEN, born on 19 Jun 1801, MD; married Sarah LAKOTTE, about 1832, MD. ii. Johannes (John) BUCHEN, born on 20 May 1803, MD; married Rachel ______, about 1835. iii. David BUCHEN, born on 14 Apr 1807, MD. iv. Mary BUCHEN, born in 1817, MD; married John TIPTON, on 19 Nov 1844, Carroll Co, MD. v. Sarah Ann BUCHEN, born on 18 Nov 1820, MD.

34. David (Deward) EVERLY was born on 26 Sep 1781 in MD. He died on 2 Feb 1866 in MD. David (Deward) EVERLY married Elizabeth RINEHART. Elizabeth RINEHART (daughter of George RINEHART and Magdalena BAUGHMAN) was born in 1790. She died in 1871 in MD. David (Deward) EVERLY and Elizabeth RINEHART had the following children:

i. John EVERLY, born in 1808, MD. He died in 1820, MD. ii. George EVERLY, born in 1810, MD; married Anna Mary ______. iii. Catherine EVERLY, born in 1814, MD; died in 1820, MD; married Levi LOYSTER. iv. Levi EVERLY, born in 1815, MD. He died in 1845. 51 v. Maria Magdalene EVERLY was born in 1819, MD. She died in 1820, MD. vi. Elizabeth EVERLY, born in 1821, MD. vii. Rebecca EVERLY, born in 1824, MD; married Jacob BANKERT. viii. Joseph EVERLY, born in 1827, MD; died in 1856; married Mary Catherine ______. ix. Susanna EVERLY, born in 1831, MD; married Josiah CROWL. x. Margareta Ellen EVERLY, born in 1834, MD; died in 1864; married Granville T. WOODROW.

35. Elizabeth HOSS was born about 1762. She died about 1816. Elizabeth HOSS married James NELSON. Elizabeth HOSS and James NELSON had the following children:

i. Martha (Patsy) NELSON, married ______DUNWOODY. ii. George Henry NELSON iii. Frederick NELSON iv. Jacob NELSON v. John NELSON

36. Peter HOSS was born about 1763. He died about 1816. Peter HOSS married Sarah STEDMAN. Peter HOSS and Sarah STEDMAN had the following children:

i. John Vandever HOSS, born about 1796, TN; died in 1857, Barren Co, KY; married Nancy BASKETT, on 21 Dec 1816, Washington Co, TN. ii. Jacob HOSS iii. Mary HOSS, born about 1801, TN; died on 27 Oct 1871, Washington Co, TN; married George Haile GRISHAM, about 1814, TN. iv. Elizabeth HOSS, born in 1799, TN; died about 1838, Washington Co, TN; married Enoch T. SHIPLEY, on 1 Jul 1819, Washington Co, TN.

37. Isaac HOSS was born about 1774 in Washington Co, NC. He died on 2 Feb 1828 in Washington Co, TN. Isaac HOSS and Hannah BAYLESS were married on 20 Apr 1808 in Washington Co, TN. Hannah BAYLESS (daughter of Samuel BAYLESS and Mary NODDING) was born in 1774. She died on 30 Jun 1859 in Washington Co, TN. Isaac HOSS and Hannah BAYLESS had the following children:

i. Mary HOSS, born on 14 Feb 1809, Washington Co, TN; died on 25 Jun 1887; married John SMITH, on 15 Jan 1827. ii. William HOSS, born on 24 Nov 1810, TN; died in 1890; married Maria Jane DEAKINS, on 27 Jul 1831, Washington Co, TN. iii. Calvin HOSS, born on 24 Nov 1812, TN; died on 30 Oct 1870, Washington Co, TN; married Agasah (Axah) DEAKINS, in 1836. iv. Henry HOSS, born on 29 Oct 1818, TN; died on 6 Aug 1885, Washington Co, TN; married Anna Marie SEVIER, in 1845. v. Elizabeth HOSS, born on 11 Dec 1816, Washington Co, TN; died on 1 Apr 1884; married Philip P. C. NELSON. vi. Alice HOSS

38. Catherine HOSS was born about 1775. She died in 1825 in TN. Catherine HOSS and Jonathan NAVE65 were married on 31 Mar 1795 in Franklin Co, VA. Jonathan NAVE was born in 1771 in MD. He died on 15 Aug 1853 in Greene Co, TN. Catherine HOSS and Jonathan NAVE had the following children:

i. Abraham NAFF, born on 5 Aug 1797, VA; died on 11 Nov 1874, Greene Co, TN; married Jane ALLEN, on 9 Mar 1820, Greene Co, TN. ii. Henry Hoss NAFF, born on 26 Jul 1799, Greene Co, TN; died on 9 Jul 1842, Bastrop, Morehouse Parish, LA; married Mary Anglum TIPTON, on 22 Nov 1820, Carter Co, TN. iii. Jacob NAVE, born on 26 May 1805, Greene Co, TN; died on 6 Nov 1877, TN; married Margaret Ann EAKIN, on 10 Jan 1828; married Amanda ______. iv. John NAFF was born in 1806, Greene Co, TN. v. Jonathan NAFF, born on 24 Nov 1807, Greene Co, TN; died on 7 Jun 1888, Knox Co, TN; married Eliza C. MASSENGILL, on 22 Jun 1837, Washington Co, TN.

65 The last name was spelled “NAVE” and “NAFF”. I utilized both spellings in this appendix. 52 vi. Sophia NAFF was born in Greene Co, TN.

39. Jacob HOSS was born about 1776 in Washington Co, NC. He died about 1816. Jacob HOSS and Margaret BEAN were married on 13 Apr 1815 in Washington Co, TN. Jacob HOSS and Margaret BEAN had the following children:

i. Elizabeth HOSS was born about 1816, Washington Co, TN.

40. John HOSS was born about 1778 in Washington Co, NC. He died in 1861. John HOSS and Sarah Adams WILLIAMS were married on 23 Aug 1803 in Carter Co, TN. Sarah Adams WILLIAMS (daughter of Edman WILLIAMS and Lucretia ADAMS) was born in 1783. She died in 1859. John HOSS and Sarah Adams WILLIAMS had the following children:

i. Elkanah D. HOSS, born on 10 Aug 1807, TN; died on 9 Mar 1885, Washington Co, TN; married Penelope MASSENGALE, on 2 Oct 1834, Washington Co, TN; married Lucinda S. SMITH, on 15 Jan 1850, Grainger Co, TN. ii. Mary Ann HOSS, born about 1811, TN; died in 1888; married Henry JOHNSON, on 23 Feb 1834, Washington Co, TN. iii. Mathew HOSS was born in 1817. iv. Landon Carter HOSS, born in 1817, TN; died in 1891; married Laurette BOREN, on 25 Mar 1845, Washington Co, TN;. v. John Madison HOSS, born about 1825, TN; died in 1896; married Priscilla SMITH, about 1854.

41. Abraham (Abram) HOSS was born about 1782 in Washington Co, NC. He died on 15 Apr 1862 in Washington Co, TN. Abraham (Abram) HOSS married Mary Francis BORING. Mary Francis BORING was born in 1780. She died on 29 Nov 1849 in Washington Co, TN. Abraham (Abram) HOSS and Mary Francis BORING had the following children:

i. Sally HOSS was born in 1807. ii. Mary HOSS, born in 1809, TN; died on 6 Jul 1883, Montgomery Co, MO; married Peter DAVAULT, on 27 Oct 1831, Washington Co, TN. iii. Salina HOSS, born about 1811, TN; died on 25 Nov 1875, Washington Co, TN; married Cornelius Franklin YEAGER, on 24 Dec 1834, Washington Co, TN. iv. Margaret Ann HOSS, born on 22 Jul 1813, Washington Co, TN; died on 15 Feb 1872, Greene Co, TN; married Jesse COLLETT, on 13 Aug 1840, Washington Co, TN. v. Henry HOSS was born in 1815. vi. Franklin HOSS, born about 1818, Washington Co, TN; died in 1863; married Nancy RANGE, on 30 Dec 1845, Washington Co, TN. vii. Montgomery (Monty) HOSS, born on 8 Feb 1821, TN; died on 9 Jan 1892; married Sarah Margaret BICKNELL, on 19 Oct 1846, Washington Co, TN. viii. Nathaniel HOSS was born in 1824. ix. Caroline HOSS, born in 1827; married Ephraim LINK.

42. Mary HOSS was born about 1784 in Washington Co, NC. Mary HOSS and Joseph (Deacon Joe) BOWMAN were married about 1806. Joseph (Deacon Joe) BOWMAN was born on 26 Sep 1784 in Rockingham Co, VA. He died on 12 Aug 1850. Mary HOSS and Joseph (Deacon Joe) BOWMAN had the following children:

i. Susannah BOWMAN, born on 8 Apr 1807, Washington Co, TN; married James CROUCH, on 26 May 1825. ii. John Hoss BOWMAN, born on 9 Jan 1809, Washington Co, TN; died on 19 Jan 1874; married Selina Jane BROYLES, on 4 Jul 1837, Washington Co, TN; married Rebecca SMITH, about 1851. iii. Jacob BOWMAN was born in 1810, TN. iv. Elizabeth BOWMAN, born on 9 Jul 1813, TN; died in 1866, Andrew Co, MO; married Henry BASHOR, on 20 Feb 1831, Washington Co, TN.

53 43. Henry HOSS was born about 1788 in Washington Co, NC. He died on 29 Aug 1836 in Washington Co, TN. Henry HOSS and Mary BLACKBURN were married about 1815. Mary BLACKBURN (daughter of Archibald BLACKBURN) was born in 1792 in TN. Henry HOSS and Mary BLACKBURN had the following children:

i. Samuel Blackburn HOSS, born about 1818, TN; died in 1904, McDonald Co, MO; married Amelia MCCORMICK, on 15 Aug 1871, Pettis Co, MO; married Almeda SNELL, on 16 Nov 1843, BOON Co, MO. ii. Alfred HOSS, born about 1820, TN; died in 1892; married Francena POUDER, in 1846. iii. Julia HOSS, born about 1824, TN; married David A. PARK, on 31 Dec 1846, Pettis Co, MO. iv. Edwin HOSS was born about 1826, TN. v. Archibald B. HOSS was born about 1827, TN. vi. Emily HOSS, born about 1829, TN; married F S ARNOLD, about 1859, Pettis Co, MO.

44. Jacob BOON was born in 1779 in MD. He died 1868 in Franklin Co, VA. Jacob BOON and Rachel KESSLER were married on 31 Aug 1807 in Franklin Co, VA. Rachel KESSLER (daughter of Ludwick KESSLER and Mary BOON) was born about 1790 in Franklin Co, VA. She died in 1831 in Franklin Co, VA. Jacob BOON and Rachel KESSLER had the following children:

i. John R. BOON, born on 7 Dec 1808, Franklin Co, VA; died on 9 Aug 1885, Franklin Co, VA; married Martha TURNER, on 22 Oct 1832, Franklin Co, VA. ii. Susan B. BOON, born on 13 May 1812, Franklin Co, VA; died on 10 May 1861, Franklin Co, VA; married Robert PATTERSON, on 24 Dec 1841, Franklin Co, VA. iii. Mariah BOON, born about 1812, Franklin Co, VA; married Bartlet D. TURNER, on 2 Dec 1833, Franklin Co, VA. iv. Ludwick (Luke) BOON, born on 7 Dec 1815, Franklin Co, VA; died in 1895, Roanoke Co, VA; married Emily ROSS, on 6 Nov 1837, Franklin Co, VA. v. Elizabeth BOON, born on 11 Dec 1817, Franklin Co, VA; died on 27 Dec 1903; married Nathaniel S. AKERS, on 29 Dec 1845, Franklin Co, VA. vi. Stephen BOON, born on 10 Jan 1820, Franklin Co, VA; died on 15 Feb 1899, Franklin Co, VA; married Mahala OYLER, on 12 Nov 1846, Franklin Co, VA. vii. Joseph Dempsey BOON, born on 28 Mar 1822, Franklin Co, VA; died on 10 Jan 1896, Franklin Co, VA; married first Keziah WRAY, on 2 Oct 1843, Franklin Co, VA; married second Mary FLORA. viii. Levi BOON was born about 1825 in Franklin Co, VA. ix. Benjamin BOON, born about 1827, Franklin Co, VA; married Susan OYLER, on 7 Nov 1848, Franklin Co, VA. x. Rev. Andrew W. BOON, born about 1828, Franklin Co, VA; married first Lucy A. FRALIN, on 4 Dec 1848, Franklin Co, VA; married second Clemmy MASON.

Jacob BOON and Barbara KESSLER were married on 17 Dec 1832 in Franklin Co, VA. Barbara KESSLER (daughter of Ludwick KESSLER and Mary BOON) was born about 1787 in Franklin Co, VA. She died in 1853, Franklin Co, VA.

45. Catherine BOON was born on 3 Dec 1785 in Bedord Co, VA. She died on 29 Aug 1866 in Boon’s Mill, Franklin Co, VA. Catherine BOON and John JAMISON were married on 6 Jan 1806 in Franklin Co, VA. John JAMISON66 (son of John JAMISON and Elizabeth MCWILLIAMS) was born on 3 Sep 1783 in Albemarle Co, VA. He died on 5 Oct 1864 in Boon’s Mill, Franklin Co, VA. Catherine BOON and John JAMISON had the following children:

i. Elizabeth JAMISON, born about 1806, Franklin Co, VA; died on 1 Oct 1890; married Goodman A. WRIGHT, on 27 Oct 1835, Franklin Co, VA. ii. Nancy JAMISON, born about 1811, Franklin Co, VA; married John McCall SMITH, on 5 Sep 1842, Franklin Co, VA. iii. Samuel JAMISON, born about 1810, Franklin Co, VA; died on 22 Apr 1881, Franklin

66 Last name was also spelled “JIMMERSON”. 54 Co, VA; married Sarah WEBSTER, on 18 Feb 1832, Franklin Co, VA; married Catherine BRUBAKER, on 21 Oct 1852, Franklin Co, VA;. iv. Mary JAMISON was born about 1811, Franklin Co, VA. She died on 1 Oct 1815, Franklin Co, VA. v. Isaac JAMISON died on 12 May 1814, Franklin Co, VA. He was born about 1814, Franklin Co, VA. vi. Catherine JAMISON, born on 27 Mar 1816, Franklin Co, VA; died on 15 May 1890, Franklin Co, VA; married Lewis WEBSTER, on 28 Nov 1836, Franklin Co, VA. vii. Barbara JAMISON, born about 1818, Boon’s Mill, Franklin Co, VA; died after 1860, Saline Co, MO; married William A. B. WRIGHT, on 18 Oct 1841, Boon’s Mill, Franklin Co, VA. viii. Henry JAMISON, born about 1820, Boon’s Mill, Franklin Co, VA; died on 11 Sep 1896, Franklin Co, VA; married Sallie SHOWALTER, on 7 Nov 1842, Franklin Co, NC. ix. Joseph JAMISON was born about 1822, Franklin Co, VA. x. John JAMISON, born on 4 Jul 1824, Boon’s Mill, Franklin Co, VA; died on 23 Aug 1900, Franklin Co, VA; married Elizabeth AKERS, on 5 Aug 1844, Franklin Co, NC; married Christian HARTSELL; married Mary ______. xi. Jane JAMISON, born in 1829, Franklin Co, VA; died on 24 Nov 1901, Franklin Co, VA; married Richard DREWRY, about 1849. xii. Jacob JAMISON, born in 1829, Boon’s Mill, Franklin Co, VA; died on 7 May 1904, Franklin Co, VA; married Lavinia F. FRALIN, on 26 Apr 1849, Franklin Co, NC.

46. Abraham BOON was born about 1787 in Franklin Co, VA. He died about 1835 in Franklin Co, VA. Abraham BOON and Susannah KELLY were married on 31 Dec 1806 in Franklin Co, VA. Susannah KELLY was born about 1782. Abraham BOON and Susannah KELLY had the following children:

i. Jacob BOON was born about 1812, Franklin Co, VA. ii. Isaac BOON was born about 1812, Franklin Co, VA. iii. Elizabeth BOON was born about 1815, Franklin Co, VA. Elizabeth BOON and William B. MARTIN married 5 Jun 1828, Franklin Co, VA.

Abraham BOON and Nancy GEARHART were married on 13 Dec 1817 in Franklin Co, VA. Nancy GEARHART was born about 1790 in VA. Abraham BOON and Nancy GEARHART had the following children:

i. John BOON was born about 1820, Franklin Co, VA. ii. Susan BOON, born about 1821, Franklin Co, VA; married Joseph NOFTSINGER, on 23 Oct 1843, Franklin Co, VA. iii. Sarah BOON was born about 1823, Franklin Co, VA. iv. Laura BOON was born about 1825, Franklin Co, VA. v. Daniel BOON, born on 10 Apr 1828, Franklin Co, VA; died on 20 Jun 1865; married Martha A. TURNER on 12 Feb 1852. vi. Benjamin G. BOON, born about 1832, Franklin Co, VA; married Margaret Ann FISHER, about 1855. vii. Martha (Polly) BOON, born about 1835, Franklin Co, VA; married Wilson A. WEAVER, about 1858.

47. Nancy BOON was born about 1791 in Franklin Co, VA. Nancy BOON and Joseph PFLEGAR were married on 1 May 1817 in Montgomery Co, VA. Joseph PFLEGAR was born between 1790 and 1794.

48. Elizabeth BOON was born on 3 Sep 1791 in Franklin Co, VA. She died on 9 Nov 1850 in Floyd Co, VA. Elizabeth BOON and Andrew Lewis WEDDLE were married on 21 Oct 1811 in Montgomery Co, VA. Andrew Lewis WEDDLE was born on 13 Aug 1787 in Montgomery Co, VA. He died on 7 Aug 1847 in Floyd Co, VA. Elizabeth BOON and Andrew Lewis WEDDLE had the following children:

i. Samuel WEDDLE, born on 26 Sep 1812, Montgomery Co, VA; died on 25 Jan 1893, Floyd Co, VA; married Mary (Polly) WADE, about 1835; married Mary BOWMAN, in 1861. ii. Mary WEDDLE was born on 28 Mar 1815, Montgomery Co, VA. She died on 23 Oct 1850, Floyd Co, VA. 55 iii. Benjamin WEDDLE, born on 12 Mar 1817, Montgomery Co, VA; married Nancy Ann LINK, on 18 Feb 1839, Floyd Co, VA. iv. Levi WEDDLE, born on 22 Aug 1819, Montgomery Co, VA; died on 23 Jun 1892, Floyd Co, VA; married Catherine HARTER, on 16 Nov 1840. v. Sarah J. WEDDLE, born on 22 Sep 1821, Floyd Co, VA; died on 24 Nov 1904, Floyd Co, VA; married Jeremiah Hanes SLUSHER, on 17 Feb 1842, Floyd Co, VA. vi. John B. WEDDLE, born on 7 Jan 1824, Montgomery Co, VA; died on 12 Mar 1871; married Louanna SIMMONS, about 1845. vii. Joseph WEDDLE, born on 30 Mar 1826, Montgomery Co, VA; died on 3 Apr 1862; married Susannah BOWMAN, on 15 Mar 1849, Floyd Co, VA. viii. Isaac WEDDLE, born on 6 Aug 1827, Montgomery Co, VA; died on 29 Apr 1900, Floyd Co, VA; married Catherine SUTTPHIN, on 11 Nov 1854, Floyd Co, VA; married Violet HARMAN, on 16 Aug 1877. ix. Joshua WEDDLE, born on 4 Oct 1830, Montgomery Co, VA; died on 25 Jun 1914; married Mary Ann SIMMONS, on 31 May 1852, Floyd Co, VA. x. Elizabeth (Eliza) WEDDLE, born on 7 May 1833; died on 31 Jan 1910; married John SPANGLER, on 14 May 1853, Floyd Co, VA.

49. Sarah BOON was born on 10 Nov 1792 in Franklin Co, VA. She died on 13 Aug 1865 in Darke Co, OH. Sarah BOON and David HARTER were married on 7 Apr 1812 in Montgomery Co, VA. David HARTER (son of Francis HARTER and Catherine KURTZ) was born on 30 Jul 1791 in Carroll Co, MD. He died on 21 Oct 1878 in Darke Co, OH. Sarah BOON and David HARTER had the following children:

i. Naomi HARTER, born on 24 Jan 1813, Montgomery Co, VA; died on 10 Aug 1864, Douglas Co, KS; married Isaac TEETER, on 3 Jul 1835, Darke Co, OH. ii. John B. HARTER, born on 7 Dec 1814, Montgomery Co, VA; died on 2 Jan 1883, Darke Co, OH; married Catharine COOPER, on 4 Sep 1838, Preble Co, OH. iii. Mary HARTER, born on 15 Dec 1818, Darke Co, OH; died on 12 Feb 1897, IL; married John A. REEDER, on 22 Sep 1836. iv. Elias HARTER, born on 5 Nov 1821, Darke Co, OH; died on 17 Sep 1898, Darke Co, OH; married Gertrude Jane BIDDLE, on 26 Dec 1844, Darke Co, OH. v. Silas HARTER, born on 4 Feb 1824, Darke Co, OH; died on 1 Dec 1861, Darke Co, OH; married Lydia MICHAEL, on 9 Nov 1845, Darke Co, OH. vi. Elizabeth HARTER, born on 18 Feb 1825, Darke Co, OH; married Joel WILLIAMSON, on 1 Sep 1842, Darke Co, OH. vii. Sarah HARTER, born on 16 Jun 1827, Darke Co, OH; died on 6 Jan 1883, Darke Co, OH; married Christian SCHLECHTY, on 14 Feb 1861. viii. Rebecca HARTER, born on 20 Jul 1831, Darke Co, OH; died on 24 Jun 1909, Darke Co, OH; married George RIEGEL, on 14 May 1854, Darke Co, OH; married John B. EUBANK, on 27 Oct 1882, Darke Co, OH. ix. Permelia HARTER was born about 1835, Darke Co, OH.

50. Mary BOON was born on 12 Dec 1771 in MD. She died on 23 Mar 1853 in Franklin Co, VA. Mary BOON and Ludwick KESSLER were married on 1 Aug 1789 in Franklin Co, VA. Ludwick KESSLER (son of Peter KESSLER) was born on 31 Dec 1759. He died on 13 May 1854 in Franklin Co, VA. Mary BOON and Ludwick KESSLER had the following children:

i. Peter KESSLER ii. Barbara KESSLER, born about 1787, Franklin Co, VA; married Jacob BOON, on 17 Dec 1832, Franklin Co, VA. iii. Rachel KESSLER, born about 1790, Franklin Co, VA; died in 1831, Franklin Co, VA; married Jacob BOON, on 31 Aug 1807, Franklin Co, VA. iv. George KESSLER was born on 24 Nov 1791, Franklin Co, VA. He died on 5 Feb 1854, Franklin Co, VA. v. Elizabeth KESSLER, born about 1792, Franklin Co, VA; married Solomon FISHER, on 19 Oct 1812, Franklin Co, VA. vi. Jacob KESSLER, born about 1793, Franklin Co, VA; married Hannah FLORA, on 3 Mar 1812, Franklin Co, VA. vii. Catherine KESSLER, born on 10 Jan 1800, Franklin Co, VA; died in 1881, Berrien Co, MI; married Peter HICKMAN, on 5 Feb 1821, Franklin Co, VA. viii. Joseph KESSLER was born about 1805, Franklin Co, VA. 56 ix. Mary (Polly) KESSLER, born about 1806, Franklin Co, VA; married Leonard H. DANGERFIELD, on 29 Oct 1829, Franklin Co, VA. x. John Ludwick KESSLER, born on 19 Jun 1810, Franklin Co, VA, died in 1896; married Elizabeth STAPLES.

51. Peter BOON was born about 1773 in MD. Peter BOON and Catherine HEROLD were married on 27 Jun 1807 in Franklin Co, VA. Catherine HEROLD was born about 1771 in VA. Peter BOON and Catherine HEROLD had the following children:

i. Fleming S. BOON, born about 1808, Franklin Co, VA; died in 1869; married Susanah KINSEY, on 24 Feb 1829, Franklin Co, VA. ii. Jacob BOON, born about 1809, Franklin Co, VA; died in 1867, Lyon Co, KY; married Mary G. HAMMOND, on 27 Oct 1853, Caldwell Co, KY. iii. Cornelius BOON, born about 1812, Franklin Co, VA; married Sevena PEGG, on 7 Nov 1833, Wayne Co, IN. iv. Susan BOON, born about 1815, Franklin Co, VA; died in 1846; married Edgar CAMPBELL, on 28 Nov 1838, Franklin Co, VA. v. Isaac H. BOON, born 15 Aug 1815, Franklin Co, VA; died on 23 Jul 1886, Franklin Co, VA; married Mary L. WADE, on 28 Sep 1845, Franklin Co, VA. vi. Mary M. BOON, born about 1821, Franklin Co, VA; married Benjamin HEROLD, on 26 Jun 1840, Franklin Co, VA.

52. Jacob BOON was born about 1775 in MD. He died between 1830 and 1840 in Augusta Co, VA. Jacob BOON and Catherine EHYRMAN were married about 1811 in Rockingham Co, VA. Catherine EHYRMAN (daughter of Michael EHRMAN\EHYRMAN) was born about 1790. Jacob BOON and Catherine EHYRMAN had the following children:

i. John BOON ii. Elizabeth BOON was born on 3 Oct 1812, Rockingham Co, VA. iii. Daniel BOON was born on 27 Sep 1813, Rockingham Co, VA. iv. Abraham BOON was born on 3 Mar 1816, Rockingham Co, VA. He never married. v. Lewis W. BOON, born on 3 Mar 1816, Rockingham Co, VA; married Amanda J. ______, about 1849. vi. Mary BOON, born about 1820, Augusta Co, VA; married Daniel MURRAY, on 10 Oct 1843, Augusta Co, VA. vii. Anna R. BOON, born about 1823, Augusta Co, VA; married James JORDAN, on 31 Dec 1839, Augusta Co, VA.

53. Catherine BOON was born about 1778 in MD. Catherine BOON and William PENNOCK were married on 3 Oct 1803 in Franklin Co, VA. William PENNOCK (son of William PENNOCK and Mary MARTIN) was born between 1775 and 1780. He appeared in the census in 1810 in Franklin Co, VA. He died about 1837 in Starke Co, OH. Catherine BOON and William PENNOCK had the following children:

i. Isaac PENNOCK was born about 1808, Franklin Co, VA. ii. William PENNOCK was born about 1819, Botetourt Co, VA.

54. Abraham BOON was born about 1780 in MD. He died about 1832 in Montgomery Co, OH. Abraham BOON and Mary EHRMAN were married about 1806 in Rockingham Co, VA. Mary EHRMAN (daughter of Michael EHRMAN\EHYRMAN) was born between 1780 and 1790 in VA. Abraham BOON and Mary EHRMAN had the following children:

i. John BOON, born on 5 Jun 1806, Rockingham Co, VA; died in 1856, Harris Co, TX; married Abigail LESH, on 25 Feb 1833, Preble Co, OH;. ii. Elizabeth BOON, born on 20 Mar 1810, VA; died on 13 Oct 1870, Montgomery Co, OH; married John ROHRER, on 26 Apr 1832, Montgomery Co, OH. iii. Abraham BOON, born about 1812, Cross Keys, Rockingham Co, VA; died on 2 Aug 1889, Front Royal, Warren Co, VA; married Eliza VAN NORT. iv. Isaac BOON, born about 1815, VA; married Mary Ann HOLDERMAN, on 2 May 1839. v. Jacob W. BOON, born 15 Oct 1815, VA; died 22 Aug 1847, Miami Co., IN; married Christiana ROHRER, on 25 Aug 1836, Montgomery Co, OH. 57 vi. Daniel BOON, born in Oct 1817, Front Royal, Warren Co, VA; married Susan REPP, on 9 Sep 1841, Montgomery Co, OH. vii. Samuel BOON, born on 1 Jan 1818, Franklin Co, VA; died on 4 Nov 1899, Wabash Co, IN; married Eunice (Emily) PRATT, on 5 Sep 1841, Wayne Co, OH. viii. Philip BOON was born about 1824. He died in New Orleans, LA. ix. William L. BOON, born about 1825, OH; died after 1884, TX; married Harriet MALONE, in 1849. x. Joseph BOON was born about 1826. xi. Emanuel BOON, born about 1827, OH; married Eleanor ENYART, about 1854.

55. John BOON was born about 1783 in Franklin Co, VA. He died in 1853 in Franklin Co, VA. John BOON and Susan FOWLER were married in 1811 in Franklin Co, VA. Susan FOWLER (daughter of Thomas FOWLER and Mary SPANGLER) was born on 4 Apr 1793 in VA. She died on 1 Dec 1884, Franklin Co, VA. John BOON and Susan FOWLER had the following children:

i. Thomas BOON was born 27 Jul 1812, Franklin Co, VA. He died in 1884, Franklin Co, VA. He never married. ii. Elizabeth BOON, born on 24 Feb 1813, Franklin Co, VA; died in 3 Dec 1896; married Cyrus PRICE, on 7 Feb 1831, Franklin Co, VA. iii. John BOON, born 14 Jan 1820, Franklin Co, VA; died 31 Jul 1887; married first Susan SHAVER, on 9 Apr 1846, Roanoke Co, VA; married abt 1871 Judith A. MOORE. iv. Jacob BOON, born in Jun 1821, Franklin Co, VA; died Floyd Co, VA; married Elizabeth ______, about 1851. v. Mary F. BOON, born about 1822, Franklin Co, VA; died in 1844; married Zachfield WADE JR, on 25 Nov 1839, Franklin Co, VA. vi. Sarah BOON, born about 1830, Franklin Co, VA; married David C. SHANKS, on 6 Apr 1848, Franklin Co, VA. vii. Catherine (Kitty) BOON was born in Franklin Co, VA. viii. Susan BOON was born in Franklin Co, VA. ix. Harriet BOON, born about 1833, Franklin Co, VA; married Peter PRICE. x. Henry C. BOON was born about 1837, Franklin Co, VA. He died in 1864.

56. Isaac BOON was born on 20 Dec 1786 in Franklin Co, VA. He died on 28 May 1841, Franklin Co, VA. Isaac BOON and Clarissa KINSEY were married on 15 May 1817. Clarissa KINSEY (daughter of Jacob KINSEY and Elizabeth HARTSELL) was born between 1794 and 1800. Isaac BOON and Clarissa KINSEY had the following children:

i. Ferdinand BOON, born Franklin Co, VA; married Eliza AUSTIN. ii. Allie Ann BOON was born in Franklin Co, VA. iii. Oren O. BOON was born in 29 Mar 1835, Franklin Co, VA. He died 24 Jan 1838, Franklin Co, VA. iv. William R. BOON

57. Susannah BOON was born about 1790. She died in 1861. Susannah BOON and Daniel NOFTSINGER were married on 15 Apr 1807 in Franklin Co, VA. Daniel NOFTSINGER died about 1810. Susannah BOON and Daniel NOFTSINGER had the following children:

i. Elizabeth NOFTSINGER, married Wilson TURNER, on 8 Mar 1824.

Susannah BOON and Jacob ABSHIRE were married in 1811. Jacob ABSHIRE was born about 1780. Susannah BOON and Jacob ABSHIRE had the following children:

i. Alice Ann ABSHIRE, born on 9 Mar 1812; died on 2 Sep 1904; married Otey KINSEY, in 1833. ii. John ABSHIRE, born in 1814; died in 1862; married Sallie Ann MITCHELL. iii. Randolph ABSHIRE, born in 1816; married Mary A. ANGELL, on 28 Sep 1840, Franklin Co, VA; married Polly KESSLER; married Cloe KINGERY; married Tessie WRIGHT.

58 58. Daniel BOON was born on 12 Nov 1791 in Franklin Co, VA. He died in 1872. Daniel BOON and Mary (Polly) SAYLOR were married on 27 Feb 1820 in Rockingham Co, VA. Mary (Polly) SAYLOR (daughter of Ulrich SAYLOR and Ann Mary ______) was born in 1802 in VA. Daniel BOON and Mary (Polly) SAYLOR had the following children:

i. Henry H. BOON, born on 17 Dec 1821, VA; died on 2 Aug 1907, Berrien Springs, MI; married first Martha Ann MICHAEL, on 14 Oct 1849. He married second widow Betsy Dodge SIMMONS on 3 Jul 1873. ii. Preston BOON, born 27 Dec 1823, VA; died on 3 Nov 1904, Berrien Springs, MI; married Solana E. WILKINSON, about 1855. iii. John BOON, born on 9 Nov 1825, VA; died on 31 Aug 1904, Berrien Springs, MI; married Sarah Hannah BACON, 9 Oct 1866. iv. Edward Fleming BOON was 31 Oct 1827, VA. He died in 15 Jul 1904. v. Jacob BOON, born 12 Nov 1829, VA; died 26 May 1914; married Mary WATSON, about 1863. vi. Abraham (Abram) BOON was born 3 Nov 1831, VA. He died in 3 Nov 1894. vii. George W. BOON was born 27 Dec 1833, VA. He died in 13 Aug 1900, Berrin Springs, MI. viii. Samuel BOON was born 2 Jan 1835, VA. He died in 1836 in VA. ix. Mary Catherine BOON was born 15 May 1837, VA. She died in 15 Feb 1915, MO. x. Thomas M. BOON was born May 1839, VA. He died 17 Feb 1852 in Berrien Co, MI. xi. Elizabeth Ann (Eliza) BOON was born 24 Oct 1841, VA; died on 4 Sep 1872; married Thomas FORD.

59. Nancy BOON was born between 1790 and 1794. She died between 1835 and 1840 in Franklin Co, VA. Nancy BOON and Daniel FISHER were married on 25 Dec 1814 in Franklin Co, VA. Daniel FISHER was born between 1790 and 1794. Nancy BOON and Daniel FISHER had the following children:

i. Nancy Elizabeth FISHER

60. John SULLIVAN was born on 25 Sep 1776 in Frederick Co, MD. He died on 24 Jul 1834 in Frederick Co, MD. John SULLIVAN and Lydia BROWN were married on 12 Apr 1803 in Frederick Co, MD. Lydia BROWN (daughter of Henry BROWN and Regina ______) was born about 1782. She died on 12 Mar 1843 in Carroll Co, MD.

61. Jacob SULLIVAN was born on 9 Mar 1778 in Frederick Co, MD. He died on 23 Feb 1848 in Carroll Co, MD. Jacob SULLIVAN and Elizabeth HOFFMAN were married on 31 Dec 1802 in Frederick Co, MD. Elizabeth HOFFMAN was born on 28 Jan 1780 in MD. She died on 28 Dec 1852 in Miami Co, OH. Jacob SULLIVAN and Elizabeth HOFFMAN had the following children:

i. John SULLIVAN, born on 13 May 1803, Frederick Co, MD; died on 23 Dec 1881, Miami Co, OH; married Mary Ann GESSEMAN, about 1835, Miami Co, OH. ii. Joseph SULLIVAN, born on 14 Feb 1805, Frederick Co, MD; died in 1890, Miami Co, IN; married Mary A. ANDERSON, on 7 Apr 1843, Miami Co, OH. iii. Daniel SULLIVAN, born on 27 Feb 1807, Frederick Co, MD; died in 1891; married Hannah OZBURN, about 1836. iv. Jacob SULLIVAN, born on 26 Mar 1809, Frederick Co, MD; died on 6 May 1887, Miami Co, IN; married Margaret A. KING, on 25 Apr 1833, Frederick Co, MD. v. Samuel SULLIVAN, born on 20 Nov 1811, Frederick Co, MD; died in 1885, Miami Co, IN; married Melinda ANDERSON, about 1848. vi. Cornelius H. SULLIVAN, born on 14 Feb 1814, Frederick Co, MD; married Maria L. MORRIS, about 1843. vii. Mary Ann SULLIVAN, born on 18 Jul 1816, Frederick Co, MD; married John B. SHREYER. viii. Elizabeth SULLIVAN, born on 7 Sep 1819, Frederick Co, MD; married ______HENNING. ix. Frank SULLIVAN was born on 25 Sep 1822, Frederick Co, MD. x. Lydia SULLIVAN, born on 18 Feb 1825, Frederick Co, MD; died in 1894; married Nelson HURST.

59 62. Margaret SULLIVAN was born on 25 Nov 1779 in Frederick Co, MD. She died on 13 Apr 1851 in York Co, PA. Margaret SULLIVAN and Jacob BAIR were married about 1805. Jacob BAIR was born on 30 Aug 1779 in PA. He died on 25 May 1865 in York Co, PA. Margaret SULLIVAN and Jacob BAIR had the following children:

i. Mary BAIR was born on 23 Jan 1806, MD. She died on 6 Feb 1875 in PA. ii. Jacob BAIR was born about 1806, MD. iii. John BAIR, born on 27 Jun 1807, MD; died on 14 Mar 1872, York Co, PA; married Juliann SNYDER, about 1831. iv. Michael Sullivan BAIR, born on 30 Jan 1811, Frederick Co, MD; died in Feb 1868, Shanandoah Co, VA; married Barbara Ann EFFINGER, on 28 Oct 1835, Shenandoah Co, VA. v. Washington BAIR, born on 1 Jan 1816, York Co, PA; died on 8 Sep 1900, York Co, PA; married Ann Maria (Mary) GROVE, about 1843, York Co, PA. vi. Rebecca BAIR was born about 1819 in York Co, PA. She died on 27 Feb 1907, York Co, PA.

63. Abraham SULLIVAN was born about 1781. Abraham SULLIVAN and Sarah FOWBLE were married on 3 Aug 1811 in Baltimore Co, MD. Abraham SULLIVAN and Sarah FOWBLE had the following children:

i. Cornelius Pauble SULLIVAN was born in 1814, MD.

64. Daniel SULLIVAN was born about 1785. He died on 31 Jan 1853. Daniel SULLIVAN and Mary Ann LORAN were married on 28 Sep 1816 in Frederick Co, MD. Daniel SULLIVAN and Mary Ann LORAN had the following children:

i. Julia SULLIVAN was born in 1817. ii. David L. SULLIVAN, born in 1820; married Julia A. STAUFFER; died in 1896. iii. Isaac Newton SULLIVAN, born in 1823; died in 1901; married Elizabeth WARNER; married Mary Jane TOWNSEND. iv. John Wesley SULLIVAN was born in 1829. He died in 1862. v. Winfield Scott SULLIVAN vi. Levi Reese SULLIVAN, born in 1838; died in 1881; married Eliza A. HAINES.

65. William SULLIVAN was born on 3 Aug 1792. He died on 21 Apr 1854. William SULLIVAN married Catherine HOPPE. Catherine HOPPE was born in 1804. She died in 1876. William SULLIVAN and Catherine HOPPE had the following children:

i. Mary Catherine SULLIVAN, born in 1825; married George W. STONER. ii. Jesse SULLIVAN, born in 1827; married Amelia E. BROWN. iii. Francena C. SULLIVAN was born in 1829. She died in 1852. iv. Margaret Ellen SULLIVAN, born in 1833; died in 1900; married Jesse MYERS. v. John H. SULLIVAN, born in 1835; died in 1886; married Mary LABRIERE. vi. George W. SULLIVAN, born in 1841; died in 1892; married Lucinda MILLER. vii. Augustus SULLIVAN was born in 1844. He died in 1863.

66. Judge Michael SULLIVAN was born in 1795. He died on 21 Feb 1866. Judge Michael SULLIVAN and Catherine SMELLSER were married on 20 Jul 1813 in Frederick Co, MD. Catherine SMELLSER died in 1813. Judge Michael SULLIVAN and Hannah BROWN were married on 21 Dec 1813 in Baltimore Co, MD. Hannah BROWN was born in 1790. She died in 1840. Judge Michael SULLIVAN and Hannah BROWN had the following children:

i. Uriah B. SULLIVAN, born in 1815; died in 1874; married Lydia BRILLHART. ii. David SULLIVAN was born in 1817. He died after 1866. iii. William Brown SULLIVAN was born in 1819. iv. Henry Hoss SULLIVAN was born in 1821. He died in 1840. v. Rebecca SULLIVAN, born in 1823; died in 1901; married George W. MYERLY. vi. Josiah SULLIVAN, born in 1831; died in 1895; married Ellen STANSBURY.

Judge Michael SULLIVAN and Sarah Ann CONAWAY were married on 18 Sep 1843 in Carroll Co, MD.

60 67. Mary MILLER was born about 1777. She died on 23 Jan 1807 in Washington Co, TN. Mary MILLER and Edward Prothero REEVES were married about 1798. Edward Prothero REEVES was born on 7 Aug 1777 in Sampson Co, NC. He died on 6 May 1841 in Clinton Co, TN. Mary MILLER and Edward Prothero REEVES had the following children:

i. Elizabeth (Betsey) REEVES, born about 1799, TN; died about 1883, Sullivan Co, TN; married John Peter LISENBY, on 30 Aug 1820, Washington Co, TN. ii. Catherine REEVES was born about 1800. She died about 1818, Washington Co, TN. iii. William Pouder REEVES, born on 15 Dec 1803, Sullivan Co, TN; died on 20 Aug 1885, Washington Co, TN; married Mary Catherine DEVAULT, on 11 Aug 1831, Washington Co, TN. iv. Peter Miller REEVES, born on 16 Jan 1807, Washington Co, TN; died on 21 Sep 1891, Sevier Co, TN; married Matilda C. DEVAULT, on 10 Mar 1836, Washington Co, TN.

68. Jacob MILLER was born about 1779 in VA. He died in 1858. Jacob MILLER and Elizabeth RANGE were married in 1798 in Washington Co, TN. Elizabeth RANGE was born on 21 Jan 1777 in Albemarle Co, VA. She died on 25 Aug 1843 in Washington Co, TN. Jacob MILLER and Elizabeth RANGE had the following children:

i. Mary MILLER, born on 16 Jun 1799, Washington Co, TN; died on 6 Jan 1859, Washington Co, TN; married Daniel DEVAULT, on 6 Jan 1825, Washington Co, TN. ii. Peter Range MILLER, born on 13 Nov 1800, Washington Co, TN; died in 1870; married Sarah DEACON, on 22 May 1823, Washington Co, TN; married Margaret DICKSON. iii. Abraham Elias MILLER was born on 19 Oct 1802 in Washington Co, TN. iv. Catherine MILLER, born on 25 Dec 1804, Washington Co, TN; married Daniel ZIMMERMAN, on 25 Aug 1824, Washington Co, TN. v. Jacob MILLER, born on 12 Jan 1807, Washington Co, TN; married Ann CLARK, about 1835. vi. Eliza MILLER, born on 18 Feb 1813, Washington Co, TN; died in 1876; married John BOWMAN, about 1835. vii. Matilda MILLER, born about 1813; married John CAMPBELL. viii. John MILLER, born on 15 Mar 1815, Washington Co, TN; married Elizabeth CLARK, about 1838. ix. Chilnissa MILLER, born on 5 Apr 1817, Washington Co, TN; died in 1904; married Washington Fain RESER, in 1840.

69. Jane MILLER was born about 1781 in VA. She died on 3 Jun 1864 in Le Roy, McLean Co, IL. Jane MILLER and Reuben CLEARWATERS were married on 19 Jan 1802 in Greene Co, TN. Reuben CLEARWATERS was born in 1781 in Guilford Co, NC. He died on 9 Apr 1865 in Le Roy, McLean Co, IL. Jane MILLER and Reuben CLEARWATERS had the following children:

i. John CLEARWATERS, born on 7 Feb 1804, Greene Co, TN; married Mary RAGSDALE. ii. Nathan CLEARWATERS, born on 7 May 1807, Greene Co, TN; married Mary ______, about 1835. iii. Elizabeth CLEARWATERS, born about 1810, OH; married Henry HUDDLESTON, on 19 Dec 1828. iv. Susan CLEARWATERS, born about 1812, OH; married Levi WESTFALL, on 28 Aug 1828, Montgomery Co, IN. v. Jacob CLEARWATERS, born about 1814, IN; died in 1895; married Susannah Elizabeth STANSBERRY, on 3 Oct 1839, McLean Co, IL. vi. Melinda CLEARWATERS, born about 1815, IN; married Powell RISTON, on 26 Jun 1838, McLean Co, IL. vii. Mary Ann CLEARWATERS, born on 13 Feb 1820, IN; married Patton CAMPBELL, on 17 Nov 1836, McLean Co, IL; died about 1843, McLean Co, IL. viii. Cassandra Jane CLEARWATERS, born on 22 Oct 1821, IN; married James KIMLER, on 30 Jan 1838, McLean Co, IL. ix. Reuben CLEARWATERS JR was born on 22 Aug 1824.

61 70. James (Big Jim) MILLER James (Big Jim) MILLER had the following children:

i. Sallie MILLER ii. Jacob MILLER iii. Azor MILLER

71. Peter MILLER was born about 1786 in VA. He died in 1863. Peter MILLER and Mary HUNT were married on 27 Aug 1817 in Washington Co, TN. Mary HUNT was born about 1789 in VA. She died before 1860 in Washington Co, TN. Peter MILLER and Mary HUNT had the following children:

i. Samuel Hunt MILLER, born on 18 Jul 1818, Washington Co, TN; died on 17 Jun 1894, Washington Co, TN; married Eliza A. RANGE, on 5 Nov 1840, Washington Co, TN. ii. Dr. Elbert S. MILLER, born on 11 Apr 1820, Washington Co, TN; married Maria JAMES, about 1848; married Bettie EVANS; married Queen E. PATTERSON, about 1868. iii. Elizabeth MILLER, born on 3 Apr 1822, Washington Co, TN; died on 27 Dec 1873; married Alexander S. MCNEIL, on 6 Oct 1853. iv. Sarah Caroline MILLER, born on 10 Apr 1825, Washington Co, TN; died on 7 Apr 1874, Washington Co, TN; married Leonard Andrew POWDER, about 1845. v. James S. MILLER, born on 21 Oct 1827, Washington Co, TN; died on 15 Sep 1899, Washington Co, TN; married Mary E. EVANS, on 20 Dec 1859. vi. Nancy Clem MILLER, born on 9 Jan 1830, Washington Co, TN; died on 1 Apr 1890, Sullivan Co, TN; married Vincent Franklin EASLY, on 23 May 1850, Washington Co, TN. vii. Mary Frances MILLER, born on 14 Sep 1832, Washington Co, TN; died on 7 Nov 1874; married ______THOMPSON. viii. Margaret Juliet MILLER was born on 16 Nov 1834, Washington Co, TN. She died on 22 Jan 1836, Washington Co, TN. ix. William Reeves MILLER, born on 19 May 1837, Washington Co, TN; died on 2 Oct 1891, Sullivan Co, TN; married Nancy Jane (Nannie) PERRY, about 1865. x. Emily S. (Emma) MILLER, born on 21 Oct 1839, Washington Co, TN; died on 24 May 1880, Lincoln Co, TN; married Iverson Twyman (I. T.) RODES, about 1861.

72. Abraham MILLER was born about 1795 in Washington Co, TN. He died in 1847 in Washington Co, TN. Abraham MILLER and Eunice BAYLESS were married in 1816. Eunice BAYLESS (daughter of Daniel BAYLESS and Martha DEAKINS) was born about 1783. She died in 1828 in TN. Abraham MILLER and Eunice BAYLESS had the following children:

i. Elizabeth MILLER, born about 1816, TN. ii. Martha MILLER, born about 1818, TN; died in 1899; married Isaac Jester REESER, in 1839. iii. Margaret Ann (Peggy) MILLER, born about 1820, TN; married James MELVIN, about 1849, TN. iv. James Andrew MILLER, born about 1824, TN; married Elizabeth A. LEONARD, about 1848. v. Daniel G. MILLER, born about 1826, Washington Co, TN; died on 4 Mar 1903, Montgomery Co, KS; married Jane B. KLEPPER, on 16 Apr 1846, Washington Co, TN. vi. Mary (Polly) MILLER, born about 1827, TN; died in 1887; married Asor KOONTZ, about 1845.

Abraham MILLER and Barbara SHERFY were married on 15 Feb 1829 in Washington Co, TN. Barbara SHERFY was born about 1796 in Shenandoah Co, VA. Abraham MILLER and Barbara SHERFY had the following children:

i. William Elijah MILLER, born about 1830, TN; married Fannie S. ZIMMERMAN, about 1869. ii. Sarah Jane MILLER was born about 1831, Washington Co, TN. She died in 1880, Washington Co, TN.

62 APPENDIX 6 Descendants of Johann Henrich BOHN (Henry DILBONE)67

Eighth Generation

1. Johann Henrich BOHN, born on 13 Oct 1724 in Obermoschel. He immigrated on 25 Nov 1740 to Philadelphia, PA. He died in Jul 1785 in Berks Co, PA.68 He was also known as Henry DILBONE.

Henry DILBONE had the following children:

2 i. Johannes (John) DILBONE, born on 3 Jun 1763, Berks Co, PA. 3 iii. Margaret DILBONE. 4 iv. Anna Maria DILBONE 5 ii. Henry DILBONE, born about 1770 in Berks Co, PA.

Henry DILBONE married Eve ______.

Ninth Generation

2. Johannes (John) DILBONE was born on 3 Jun 1763 in Berks Co, PA. He died in 1786.

Johannes (John) DILBONE and Anna Maria STAHL were married on 10 Aug 1785 in Berks Co, PA. Johannes (John) DILBONE and Anna Maria STAHL had the following children:

6 i. Henry (Resky) DILBONE, born on 3 Jul 1786, Berks Co, PA.

3. Margaret DILBONE, died about 1825, Berks Co, PA. Margaret DILBONE married Jacob HENRY. Jacob HENRY died in 1806, Berks Co, PA.

4. Anna Maria DILBONE died about 1795.

Anna Maria DILBONE and Johann Carl (Charles) GEIGER were married on 26 Apr 1774 in Berks Co, PA. Johann Carl (Charles) GEIGER was born on 2 Aug 1749 in Philadelphia Co, PA. He died in 1828 in Montgomery Co, PA. Anna Maria DILBONE and Johann Carl (Charles) GEIGER had the following children:

i. Maria Elisabetha GEIGER, born on 13 Mar 1776, Berks Co, PA. ii. Catherine GEIGER, born on 18 Oct 1777, Berks Co, PA. 7 iii. Jacob GEIGER, born on 28 Feb 1779, Berks Co, PA. iv. Anna Maria GEIGER, born on 19 Oct 1780 in Berks Co, PA. v. Margaret GEIGER, born on 1 Oct 1784, Berks Co, PA. vi. Charles GEIGER, born in 178, Berks Co, PA. vii. Heinrich GEIGER, born on 7 Oct 1789, Berks Co, PA. viii. Georg GEIGER, born on 13 Feb 1791, Berks Co, PA. He died on 22 May 1862.

67 Henry DILBONE is a member of the eighth generation of the descendants of Hans BOHN / BONNEN b. abt 1525. This descendant list is compiled from census information and internet postings. 68 The Will of Henry DILBON was written on 29 Jun 1785 and proved 20 Jul 1785 (Berks Co, PA, Will Book B 1781-1817, pg. 131 File No. 1630670). The will identifies wife Eve; sons: John DILBON, Henry DILBON; daughters and sons in law: Ann Mary and Charles GEIGER, Margaret and Jacob HENRY. The wording in the will indicates that Eve was likely a second wife or third wife and not the mother of the four named children. 63 5. Henry DILBONE, born about 1770 in Berks Co, PA. He died in Sep 1817 in Abbeville, SC. Henry DILBONE and ______had:

i. John DILBONE, born about 1800, SC. 8 ii. Henry DILBONE, born about 1810, SC 9 iii. George DILBONE, born about 1815, SC

Tenth Generation

6. Henry (Resky) DILBONE, born on 3 Jul 1786 in Berks Co, PA. He died on 20 Aug 1813 in Miami Co, OH.

Henry (Resky) DILBONE and Barbara MILLHOUSE were married in 1805 in Lancaster Co, PA. Barbara MILLHOUSE was born in 1778 in Lancaster Co, PA. She died on 18 Aug 1813, Miami Co, OH. Henry (Resky) DILBONE and Barbara MILLHOUSE had the following children:

i. John DILBONE, born on 25 Nov 1806, PA; married Pamelia DENMAN, on 9 Jan 1827, Miami Co, OH. ii. Margaret DILBONE, born on 1 May 1809, Miami Co, OH; married Samuel Davis LINDSEY, on 15 Mar 1827, Miami Co, OH; died on 9 Dec 1874, Miami Co, OH. iii. Priscilla DILBONE was born in 1810, Miami Co, OH. She died in 1823 in Miami Co, OH. iv. William Henry DILBONE, born on 28 Jan 1813, Miami Co, OH; married Lydia BALTZELL, on 25 Feb 1831, Miami Co, OH; died on 13 Jan 1879, Mercer Co, OH.

7. Jacob GEIGER was born on 28 Feb 1779 in Berks Co, PA. He died on 7 Dec 1851 in Montgomery Co, PA.

Jacob GEIGER and Christina SCHOENER were married on 20 Feb 1798. Christina SCHOENER was born on 27 Sep 1781 in Montgomery Co, PA. She died on 31 Jan 1841 in Montgomery Co, PA. Jacob GEIGER and Christina SCHOENER had the following children:

i. Catharine GEIGER, married John PEARCE. ii. David GEIGER, married Kate YERGEY. iii. Rebecca GEIGER, married Christian YERGEY. iv. Joseph GEIGER v. Christianna GEIGER, married Jacob STICHER. vi. Samuel GEIGER, born on 6 Jul 1798, Berks Co, PA; married Sarah EGOLF, on 28 Mar 1824, Montgomery Co, PA; died on 12 May 1854, Montgomery Co, PA. vii. Margaretha GEIGER, born on 4 Mar 1800, PA; married Christian YERGEY. viii. Mary A. GEIGER, born on 5 Apr 1801, Montgomery Co, PA; married George HATFIELD, about 1818; died in Apr 1877. ix. Charles GEIGER, born on 3 Jul 1806, Montgomery Co, PA; married Hattie Esther LINSENBIGLER, on 14 Dec 1834, Montgomery Co, PA; died on 18 Jul 1894, Montgomery Co, PA. x. Sarah GEIGER, born on 9 May 1808, Montgomery Co, PA; married Henry BEAR. xi. Jacob S GEIGER, born on 7 Aug 1810, Montgomery Co, PA; married Rachel McKinny QUINN; married Mary Ann WAGNER, about 1846; died on 14 Apr 1885, Berks Co, PA. xii. Henry GEIGER, born on 23 May 1812, Montgomery Co, PA; married Catherine WEISS, about 1835. xiii. John GEIGER was born in 1821 in Montgomery Co, PA.

64 8. Henry DILBONE69 was born about 1810, SC. He died about 1858 in Appling Co, GA.

Henry DILBONE and Priscilla ______were married about 1839. Priscilla was born about 1815 in GA. Henry DILBONE and Priscilla had the following children:

i. John J DILBON, born about 1842, Appling Co, GA. ii. William H DILBON, born about 1843, Appling Co, GA; married Sarah A BYRD about 1872. iii. Joel W DILBON, born about 1844, Appling Co, GA. iv. Thomas Jefferson DILBON, born 2 Jun 1846, Appling Co, GA; married Anna Rebecca BYRD, on 29 Apr 1871, Appling Co, GA; died on 19 Apr 1923, GA. v. Sarah E DILBON, born about 1848, Appling Co, GA. vi. Margaret R DILBON, born about 1851, Appling Co, GA. vii. Eliza W DILBON, born about 1856, Appling Co, GA; married Rachel Missouri HESTERS about 1873.

9. George DILBONE70 was born about 1815, SC. He died about 1858 in Lowndes Co, AL.

George DILBONE and Mary E MOORER were married 22 Feb 1841 in Lowndes Co, AL. Mary E MOORER was born about 1825 in Orangeburg District, SC. George DILBORNE and Mary E MOORER had the following children:

i. William H DILBONE, born about 1842, Lowndes Co, AL. ii. Samuel G DILBONE, born on 7 Jan 1844, Lowndes Co, AL; died on 29 Feb 1904, Lowndes Co, AL. iii. John Westley DILBONE, born on 15 Apr 1846, Lowndes Co, AL; married L E CRUM, 24 Mar 1874, Lowndes Co, AL; died on 14 Feb 1876, Wilcox Co, AL.

69 As early as the 1840 cenus Henry DILBONE and his descendants started spelling their last name DILBON. 70 After the 1860 census many of the descendants of George DILBONE began to spell their last name DILBURN or DELBURN. 65 REFERENCES

Ancestry.Com. 1 July 2006. . These databases are located at this website and utilized for Appendixes 5 and 6:

Ancestry World Tree71 Indiana Marriages to 1850 Maryland Marriages, 1655-1850 Ohio Marriages, 1803 to 1900 Pennsylvania Church Records - Adams, Berks, and Lancaster Counties, 1729-1881 Tennessee Marriages to 1825 Virginia Marriage, 1740 to 1850 U.S. Census Records

Bentz, Werner, Helene Bentz and K. Herbert Küstner. Einwohner in Nußbaum 1540-1900. Kirn: Verbandsgemeinde Kirn-Land, 2000. Written in German, but easy to follow even without knowledge of the .

Bockenau Parish Register. Kirchenbuch, 1694-1798: Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Bockenau. Parish register of baptisms, marriages, deaths and confirmations. Salt Lake City, Utah: Gefilmt durch The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1962. Family History International Film 493227 filmed at Staatsarchiv Koblenz. Records in German.

Bohn, Erich and Ernst Boehlich. Das Buch Bohn / Erster Band, Die Namensippe: Unser Name / Unsere Herkunft unser Weg in der Welt. Breslau: Paul Plischke, 1940. Written in German.

Boone DNA Testing Project. 15 October 2005. . Site maintained by Dell Boone Ariola and Rochelle Cochran .

Boos Parish Register. Kirchenbuch, 1658-1841: Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Boos. Parish register of baptisms, marriages, deaths and confirmations. Salt Lake City, Utah: Gefilmt durch The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1962. Family History International Film 493226 filmed at Staatsarchiv Koblenz. Records in German.

Family Tree DNA. 15 October 2005. .

Finzel, Hans. Chronik der Familien Soiné: Stammlinie Nussbaum-Weinsheim 1600-1992. Bad Kreuznah, 1992. A self-published family history book of the Soiné family of Nussbaum and Weinsheim. Written in German.

Fisher, Tina. The Boons and Boones Mill: A Genealogical History of the Boones Family of Boones Mill and a Historical Pictorial of Original Artwork by Tina Fisher of Boones Mill, Franklin County, Virginia. 1988. This is a typed manuscript. It relies on secondary sources for the origin of the Boon family and incorrectly connects the family to Daniel Boone. Still it has some very good information on the Boon family after their arrival in Franklin Co, VA.

71 Information in this database is not reliable. It is family trees submitted by members of Information from this database was utilized only when it was consistent with census data and other sources. 66 Fligel, H. Deutung Einer Urkundlichen Gelchichte Des Oberants Böchelheim, Insbesondere der Stadt Sobernheim. Sobernheim: 1865. Written in German. Has information on inhabitants in the area of Sobernheim.

Frederick County Maryland Wills. Wills, Liber A, 1737-1776 (vol. 1) Liber GM no. 1-2 1777- 1794 (vol. 2-3). Salt Lake City, Utah: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1950. Family History Film 14019.

Geiger-Verlag, eds. Verbandsgemeinde Sobernheim: Bilder aus Vergangenen Tagen. Horb am Neckar, 1990. Written in German. Has information on the church at Nussbaum.

Hacker, Werner. Auswanderungen aus Rheinpfalz und Saarland im 18. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart: Konrad Theiß Verlag, 1987. Written in German.

Hublitz, Werner. Obermoschel: Kleiner Bummel Durch Die Altstadt. Otterberg. Written in German, has information on the churches in Obermoschel. No publication date was given.

Krauthausen, Udo. Die Familie Bohn aus Nußbaum/. 1994. Unpublished manuscript. This was a draft manuscript, not meant for publication. Written in German.

Lipps, Bodo. Entdeckungsreisen im Landkreis Bad Kreuznach: Historisch Sehenswertes. Bad Kreuznach: Kreisverwaltung, 1991. Written in German. Gives historical information on various sights in the area of Bad Kreuznach. Has significant information on the church in Boos.

Merxheim Parish Register. Kirchenbuch, 1597-1798: Evangelische Kirche Merxheim. Parish register of baptisms, marriages, deaths and confirmations. Salt Lake City, Utah: Gefilmt durch The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1962. Family History International Film 493215 filmed at Staatsarchiv Koblenz. Records in German.

Monzingen Parish Register. Kirchenbuch, 1570-1798: Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Monzingen. Parish register of baptisms, marriages, deaths and confirmations. Salt Lake City, Utah: Gefilmt durch The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1962. Family History International Films 492987 and 492988 filmed at Staatsarchiv Koblenz. Records in German.

Niederhausen Parish Register. Kirchenbuch, 1653-1880: Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Niederhausen. Parish register of baptisms, marriages, deaths and confirmations. Salt Lake City, Utah: Gefilmt durch The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1962. Family History International Film 493242 filmed at Staatsarchiv Koblenz. Records in German.

Obermoschel Parish Register. Kirchenbuch, 1639-1754: Evangelische Kirche Obermoschel. Parish register of baptisms, marriages, deaths and confirmations. Salt Lake City, Utah: Gefilmt durch The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1959. Family History International Film 193096 filmed at Protestant Landeskirchenarchiv, Speyer. Records in German.

Pfaffen-Schwabenheim Parish Register. Kirchenbuch, 1659: Evangelische Kirche Bosenheim. Parish register of baptisms, marriages, deaths and confirmations. Salt Lake City, Utah: Gefilmt durch The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1962. Family

67 History International Film 1197050 filmed at Zentralarchiv der Evangelische Kirche in Hessen und Nassau, Darmstadt.72 Records in German.

ProGenealogist Family History Research Group, The Palatine Project. 1 April 2006. .

Reichsherrschaft Steinkallenfels: Urkunden: 1301-1771; Akten: 1366-1782. Koblenz: Rheinland Pfalz Landeshauptarchiv. Records in German.

Schmieden, Joseph. Familienbücher von Josef Schmieden.73 Available on compact disk: 2000. Records in German, but easy to follow even without knowledge of the German language.

Nussbaum Family Records. Evangelisches Familienbuch: Nussbaum. 1990.

Sobernheim Family Records. Katholisches Familienbuch Pfarrie Bad Sobernheim St. Mattäus 1664-1880. 2000.

Sponheim / Burgsponheim Family Records. Evangelisches Familienbuch: Sponheim / Burgsponheim 1990.

Sobernheim Parish Register. Kirchenbuch, 1654-1798: Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Sobernheim. Parish register of baptisms, marriages, deaths and confirmations. Salt Lake City, Utah: Gefilmt durch The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1962. Family History International Film 493341 and 493342 filmed at Staatsarchiv Koblenz. Records in German.

Sponheim Parish Register. Kirchenbuch, 1652-1798: Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Sponheim. Parish register of baptisms, marriages, deaths and confirmations. Salt Lake City, Utah: Gefilmt durch The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1962. Family History International Film 493230 filmed at Staatsarchiv Koblenz. Records in German.

Strassburger, Ralph Beaver and William John Hinke. Pennsylvania German Pioneers: A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals In the Port of Philadelphia From 1727 to 1808. Norristown: Pennsylvania German Society, 1934. Records in German.

Waldböckelheim Parish Register. Kirchenbuch, 1654-1798: Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Waldböckelheim. Parish register of baptisms, marriages, deaths and confirmations. Salt Lake City, Utah: Gefilmt durch The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1962. Family History International Film 493231 filmed at Staatsarchiv Koblenz. Records in German.

72 I saw the microfilm of these records at the church archives in Darmstadt. They had a different numbering system than used by the Family History Library. The Pfaffen-Schwabenheim records are included with the microfilm of the Bosenheim records, and the film index is confusing. The number appears to be Film 1197050, but could be 1197049. 73 These family books are based on the actual Parish Records and are organized by Family names. It is typed and includes all the vital information contained in the actual records. The one for Nussbaum is particularly significant, becaus the actual Parish records for the time period can no longer be found. However; Dr. Krauthausen indicated that a photocopy of these records does exist and there is a copy at the Protestant Church Archives in Boppard. 68 Weinsheim Parish Register. Kirchenbuch, 1660-1839: Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Weinsheim. Parish register of baptisms, marriages, deaths and confirmations. Salt Lake City, Utah: Gefilmt durch The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1962. Family History International Film 493246 filmed at Staatsarchiv Koblenz. Records in German.

Whedon, Nellie (Woods). The German Bohne-Bohn-Boone Family: Descendants of Johann Diel Bohne of Maryland 1711-1764. 1945. Unpublished manuscript.

Wingfield, Marshall. Franklin County Virginia, A History. Berryville, Virginia: Chesapeake Book Company, 1964. Has very good information on the Boon family after their arrival in Franklin County, VA. He incorrectly assumes that the family is connected with the Daniel Boone family.

Winterburg Parish Register. Kirchenbuch, 1590-1798: Evangelische Kirche . Parish register of baptisms, marriages, deaths and confirmations. Salt Lake City, Utah: Gefilmt durch The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1962. Family History International Film 493276 filmed at Staatsarchiv Koblenz. Records in German. The records from Rehbach are contained in these parish records. The records are also located in the Evangelishe Church Archives at Boppard, Germany.

Zacharias, George Merle de Fere. Transcript of Evangelical Reformed Church 1747-1875, Frederick, Maryland. Transcription made in 1897 and 1903. Church records of communicants, confirmations, marriages, baptisms and deaths. Salt Lake City, Utah: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1949. Family History Film 13935 filmed at Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore.


ABSHIRE BAUGHMAN Alice Ann, 58 Magdalena, 51 Jacob, 58 BAUMAN John, 58 Anna Elisabetha, 35 Randolph, 58 Anna Maria, 35 ADAMS Johann Nicklas, 35 Lucretia, 53 Johann Niclas, 35 AKERS Johann Peter, 35 Elizabeth, 55 BAYLESS Nathaniel S., 54 Daniel, 62 ALEXANDER Eunice, 62 Ann, 50 Hannah, 52 Elizabeth, 50 Samuel, 52 ALLEN BEAN Jane, 52 Margaret, 53 ANDERSON BEAR Mary A., 59 Henry, 64 Mary Ann, 48 BECKER Melinda, 59 Anna Barbara, 14 ANGELL Maria Barbara, 35 Mary A., 58 BENDER ARNOLD Johann Andreas, 37 Anna Margaretha, 37 Johann Ephriam, 37 Johann Georg, 37 Johann Nicolaus, 37 AULT Maria Catharina, 37 Jacob, 51 BERNHARD BACON Johann Henrich, 28 Sarah Hannah, 59 BERNHARDT BAIR Peter, 28 Jacob, 60 BICKNELL John, 60 Sarah Margaret, 53 Mary, 60 BIDDINGER Michael Sullivan, 60 Mary, 47 Rebecca, 60 BIDDLE Washington, 60 Gertrude Jane, 56 BALTZELL BLACKBURN Lydia, 64 Archibald, 54 BANKERT Mary, 54 Jacob, 52 BLOTT BARNES Anna Catharina Elisabeth, 40 Angeline, 50 Elisabetha Engela, 40 BASHOR Johann Nicklas, 40 Henry, 53 Johann Niclas, 40 BASKETT BOEHLICH Nancy, 52 Ernst, 1, 2 BAUER BOHM Anna Apollonia, 39 Maria Elisabeth, 40 Johann Nikolaus, 43 BOHN Johannes, 39 Abraham, 3, 31, 44, 45

70 Adam, 4, 31, 44 Johan Diehl, 26 Agnes, 34, 42, 43 Johann, 8, 14, 19, 41 Alexander, 42 Johann Adam, 32, 39 Andreas, 37 Johann Alexander, 38 Anna Apollonia, 32, 33, 35, 36, 39, 40 Johann Andreas, 37 Anna Appalonia, 11 Johann Anthon, 32, 34 Anna Barbara, 35, 37 Johann Anton, 7, 10, 14, 33, 35, 37 Anna Catharina, 32, 33, 34, 37, 39, 41, Johann Balthasar, 41 42 Johann Carl, 38, 41, 42 Anna Christina, 33 Johann Caspar, 41, 43 Anna Elisabeth, 34, 39, 42, 43 Johann Conrad, 16, 18, 34, 41, 42 Anna Elisabetha, 16, 32, 34, 41 Johann Culman, 40 Anna Eva, 35, 41 Johann Culmann, 5, 19 Anna Gerdraut, 40, 41 Johann Daniel, 32 Anna Gertraut, 39, 40 Johann David, 40 Anna Gertrud, 42, 43 Johann Dhiel, 9, 11 Anna Gertruda, 41 Johann Diehl, 5, 6, 8, 9, 14, 15, 25, 34, Anna Gertrude, 35, 37 40, 42 Anna Justina, 36 Johann Diel, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, Anna Magdalena, 8, 9, 10, 19, 24, 35, 40 14, 16, 19, 20, 21, 24, 30, 44 Anna Margaretha, 37, 40, 42 Johann Dielman, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, Anna Margarita, 13 16, 19, 33, 35 Anna Maria, 25, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 41, Johann Frederich Tillmann, 27 42, 43, 44, 47 Johann Friederich Tillmann, 6, 26 Anna Ottilia, 34 Johann Friedrich Tillman, 16 Anton, 11 Johann Friedrich Tillmann, 16, 34 Apollonia, 42 Johann Gabriel, 36 Apolonia, 43 Johann Georg, 8, 25, 40, 41, 42 Catharina Elisabeth, 35 Johann Henrich, 2, 16, 17, 19, 28, 34, Catherine, 3, 44, 46 36, 40, 63 Catherine Elizabetha, 43 Johann Jacob, 13, 35, 36, 39, 41, 42 Charlotta Magdalena, 42 Johann Jakob, 36 Elizabeth, 3, 31, 44, 46 Johann Ludwig, 13, 35, 36 Else Engel, 39 Johann Nicholas, 44, 45 Emanuel, 48 Johann Nickel, 11 Erich, 1, 2 Johann Nicklas, 6 Eva, 42 Johann Nickolas, 13 Friederika Dorothea, 41 Johann Nicolaus, 24, 34 Gernot, 21 Johann Nikolas, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 32, Gertrud, 42, 43 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 Hans, 5, 19, 21 Johann Peter, 11, 16, 18, 28, 33, 34, 36, Hans Cullman, 19, 39 40, 41, 42, 43 Hans Culmann, 6, 7, 14, 21, 32 Johann Philipp, 8, 16, 24, 34, 36, 37, 41 Hans Dhielmann, 6 Johann Thielmann, 9 Hans Dielmann, 6 Johann Thilleman, 13 Hans Henrich, 32 Johann Thillemann, 6, 8, 14, 23, 35 Hans Nikolaus, 32 Johann Tillemann, 22 Hans Peter, 5, 6, 14, 19, 32, 39 Johann Tillman, 5, 6, 8, 13, 16, 19, 32 Hans Wilhelm, 6, 32, 34 Johann Tillmann, 26, 27 Henrich Nikolas, 39 Johann Valentin, 42 Jacob, 3, 31 Johann Wilhelm, 35, 38

71 Johanna Margaretha, 16, 34 Adam, 44, 47 Johanna Maria, 38 Allie Ann, 58 Johannes, 10, 11, 19, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, Andrew W. Rev., 54 39, 40, 41, 42 Ann P., 49 Johannes Christian, 38 Anna, 49 Johannes Dielmann, 6, 7, 10, 14, 39, 40 Anna R., 57 Johannes Nicklas, 14 Barbara, 44, 48 Johannes Nikolas, 19, 32, 33 Benjamin, 54 Johannes Peter, 32, 34 Benjamin G., 55 John, 3, 31, 44, 45 Catharina, 44, 47 Kathrine, 31 Catherine, 44, 45, 46, 48, 54, 57, 58 Magdalena, 34 Cornelius, 57 Margaret, 3, 31, 44, 45 Daniel, 46, 55, 57, 58, 59 Maria Agnesa, 43 Dennis O., 49 Maria Catharina, 16, 18, 34, 41, 42 Edward, 49 Maria Elisabeteha, 35 Edward Fleming, 59 Maria Elisabeth, 43 Elenor, 47 Maria Elisabetha, 41, 42 Elizabeth, 44, 46, 48, 49, 54, 55, 57, 58 Maria Gertrauda, 35 Elizabeth Ann, 59 Maria Gertrud, 8, 11 Emanuel, 58 Mary, 3, 31, 44, 45 Ephraim, 49 Mattheis, 32 Esther, 47 Michael, 44, 47, 48 Eve, 44, 47 Nichlaus, 23 Ferdinand, 58 Nicholas, 3, 4, 10, 13, 14, 31, 44, 48 Fleming S., 57 Peter Diehl, 2, 6, 7, 16, 17, 20, 28, 32, George W., 49, 59 34 Harriet, 58 Peter Diel, 26 Henry, 49 Peter Tielmann, 17, 27, 29 Henry C., 58 Peter Tillmann, 26 Henry H., 59 Sara Conradina, 16, 18, 34 Isaac, 46, 55, 57, 58 Susanna, 32, 33 Isaac H., 57 Susanna Catharina, 33, 35, 37 Jacob, 21, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 54, 55, 56, Susanna Elisabeth, 39 57, 58, 59 Susanna Gerdraut, 32 Jacob Fridrich, 47 Susanna Margaretha, 41 Jacob W., 57 Susanna Maria, 33 John, 44, 46, 47, 49, 55, 57, 58, 59 Wilhelm, 11 John Peyton, 21 BOHNE John R., 54 Johann Diel, 1 John Solomon, 49 BONE Joseph, 46, 58 Han Deal, 31 Joseph Dempsey, 54 BONEN Laura, 55 Peter Tillmann, 28 Levi, 54 BONNEN Lewis W., 57 Hans, 5, 19 Ludwick (Luke), 54 BONNET Mariah, 54 Charlotta Magdalena, 8, 41 Martha, 55 Jacob, 41 Martha R., 49 BOON Martin, 44, 47 Abraham, 46, 55, 57, 59 Mary, 45, 46, 49, 54, 56, 57

72 Mary Catherine, 59 BRUBAKER Mary F., 58 Catherine, 55 Mary M., 57 Henry Rev., 47 Nancy, 46, 55, 59 BUCHEN Oren R., 58 David, 51 Peter, 46, 57 Heinrich Z. (Henry), 51 Philip, 58 Johannes (John), 51 Preston, 59 Mary, 51 Samuel, 58, 59 Sarah Ann, 51 Sarah, 46, 55, 56, 58 BURRIER Sarah Ann, 49 Barbara, 44 Sena Elizabeth, 49 Mary Magdalene, 47 Solomon, 44, 49 BUSH Stephen, 54 Rhoda, 51 Susan, 44, 47, 55, 57, 58 BUTCHER Susan B., 54 John, 50 Susanna, 44, 48 BYERS Susannah, 46, 58 Elizabeth, 49 Thomas, 58 BYRD Thomas M., 59 Anna Rebecca, 65 Thomas William, 49 Sarah A, 65 William L., 58 CAMPBELL William R., 58 Edgar, 57 BOONE John, 61 Daniel, 1 Patton, 61 Mark, 21 CAPLINGER BOREN Diana, 47 Laurette, 53 Sarah, 47 BORING CLARK Mary Francis, 53 Ann, 61 BORNER Elizabeth, 61 Catherine, 39 CLEARWATERS BOWERS Cassandra Jane, 61 Adam, 49 Elizabeth, 61 BOWMAN Jacob, 61 Elizabeth, 53 John, 61 Jacob, 53 Mary Ann, 61 John, 61 Melinda, 61 John Hoss, 53 Nathan, 61 Joseph, 53 Reuben, 61 Mary, 55 Reuben JR, 61 Susannah, 53, 56 Susan, 61 BROSCHEN CLOOS Dorothea, 49 Margarethe, 37 BROWN CLOUD Amelia E., 60 Charles T., 50 Hannah, 60 COLLETT Henry, 59 Jesse, 53 Lydia, 59 COLLINS BROYLES Rebecca, 49 Selina Jane, 53 CONAWAY

73 Sarah Ann, 60 Christina, 49 Conrad John, 51 Anna Catharina, 29 Philip, 49, 51 CONRAD DILBON Görg, 29 Eliza W, 65 COOPER Joel W, 65 Catharine, 56 John J, 65 CROUCH Margaret R, 65 James, 53 Peter, 18 CROWL Sarah E, 65 Josiah, 52 Thomas Jefferson, 65 CRUM William H, 65 L E, 65 DILBONE CRUSE Anna Maria, 36, 63 Anna Elizabeth, 50 George, 64, 65 DANGERFIELD Henry, 36, 63, 64, 65 Leonard H., 57 Henry (Resky), 63, 64 DAUGHERTY Johann Henrich, 19 Nancy, 51 Johannes (John), 36, 63 DAVAULT John, 36, 64 Peter, 53 John Westley, 65 DEACON Margaret, 36, 63, 64 Sarah, 61 Priscilla, 64 DEAKINS Samuel G, 65 Agasah (Axah), 52 William H, 65 Maria Jane, 52 William Henry, 64 Martha, 62 DING DEAL Christoph, 8, 22 David T., 51 Johann Nickel, 8 Jonas, 51 Johann Nickol, 22 Mary, 51 DONAU Sarah, 51 Anna Eva, 14, 35 DEALBON DRESCHER Henrich, 2, 17 Anna Margarethe, 42 DEALBONE DREWRY Henrich, 16 Richard, 55 DEBERRY DUNWOODY Rachel, 45 ______, 52 DENMAN DUTTERER Pamelia, 64 Andrew, 51 DEVAULT Conrad, 50 Daniel, 61 Elizabeth, 51 Mary Catherine, 61 George, 50 Matilda C., 61 Henry, 51 DEVERS John, 50 Mary, 47 Lydia, 51 DICKENSHEETS Margaret, 50 Elizabeth, 51 Mary, 50 DICKSON EAKIN Margaret, 61 Margaret Ann, 52 DIEHL EASLY

74 Vincent Franklin, 62 Susanna, 33 EBHARD FETTERLING Anna Christina, 16, 17, 27, 34 John, 49 Hermann, 16 FICKINGER Johann Hermann, 34 Anna Eva, 40 Ebhardt Johann Matthias, 40 Johann Hermann, 26 Johann Niklas, 40 EDMONDS Johann Wilhelm, 40 Priscilla, 50 Wilhelm, 40 EFFINGER FISHER Barbara Ann, 60 Daniel, 59 EGOLF Margaret Ann, 55 Sarah, 64 Nancy Elizabeth, 59 EHRENBORG Solomon, 56 Maria Magdalena, 50 FLORA EHRMAN Hannah, 56 Mary, 57 Mary, 54 Michael, 57 FOLKERTH EHYRMAN Christopher, 48 Catherine, 57 FORD Michael, 57 Thomas, 59 ELLENBERGER FOSS John, 50 George, 50 ENDTERS FOWBLE Johannes, 28 Mary, 50 ENYART Sarah, 60 Eleanor, 58 FOWLER EUBANK Susan, 58 John B., 56 Thomas, 58 EVANS FRALIN Bettie, 62 Lavinia F., 55 Mary E., 62 Lucy A., 54 EVERLY FRANZMANN Catherine, 51 Johann Nickel, 37 David (Deward), 45, 51 FREEMAN Elizabeth, 52 Mary Elizabeth, 48 George, 51 FROSS John, 45, 51 Catherine, 47 Joseph, 52 Daniel, 47 Levi, 51 George, 47 Margaret, 45, 51 Jacob, 47 Margareta Ellen, 52 Johannes, 47 Maria Magdalene, 52 Maria Magdalene, 47 Rebecca, 52 Susanna, 47 Susanna, 52 FUCHS FALLER Anna Christina, 14, 35 Agnes, 33 Elisabeth Engel, 8 Johann Adam, 33 Elisabetha Engel, 14, 33 Johann Jacob, 33 Hans Conrad, 33 Johann Niclas, 33 Hans Heinrich, 14, 35 Johann Peter, 33 FUNDERBURG

75 Abraham, 47 Abisha, 47 Catherine, 47 GRISHAM Daniel, 47 George Haile, 52 David, 47 GROVE Elizabeth, 47 Ann Maria, 60 George Rev., 47 GRUN Jacob, 47 Veltin, 29 Jacob Rev., 47 HALL John, 47 Joseph N., 48 GARBER HAMMOND Lydia, 48 Mary G., 57 GEARHART Upton I., 49 Nancy, 55 HARMAN GEIB Violet, 56 Johann, 43 HARTER GEIGER Catherine, 56 Anna Maria, 63 David, 56 Catharine, 64 Elias, 56 Catherine, 63 Elizabeth, 56 Charles, 63, 64 Francis, 56 Christianna, 64 John B., 56 David, 64 Mary, 56 Georg, 63 Naomi, 56 Heinrich, 63 Permelia, 56 Henry, 64 Rebecca, 56 Jacob, 63, 64 Sarah, 56 Jacob S, 64 Silas, 56 Johann Carl (Charles), 63 HARTSELL John, 64 Christian, 55 Joseph, 64 Elizabeth, 58 Margaret, 63 HATFIELD Margaretha, 64 George, 64 Maria Elisabetha, 63 HELLWIG Mary A., 64 Johannes, 36 Rebecca, 64 HENNESTOPHEL Samuel, 64 Tobias, 51 Sarah, 64 HENNING GESSEMAN ______, 59 Mary Ann, 59 HENRY GETTINGER Jacob, 63 Jacob JR, 51 HEROLD GIFFIN Benjamin, 57 Hannah, 50 Catherine, 57 GINTZ HESTERS Johann Carl, 42 Rachel Missouri, 65 Johann Jacob, 42 HEXAMER GRAF Johann, 41 Anna Maria, 39 HICKMAN GRAMMER Peter, 56 Benjamin, 49 HIGHT GRAY Asa, 48

76 HOBBS HURST Samuel, 51 Nelson, 59 HOFFMAN ILER Elizabeth, 59 Jacob, 48 HOLDERMAN John, 48 Mary Ann, 57 Nancy, 48 HOOKER ISGRIG Samuel, 51 Rachel, 50 HOPPE JAGER Catherine, 60 Heinrich Nikolaus, 43 HORN Philipp Heinrich, 43 Philip, 50 JAMES HOSS Maria, 62 Abraham, 45, 53 JAMISON Alfred, 54 Barbara, 55 Alice, 52 Catherine, 55 Archibald B., 54 Elizabeth, 54 Calvin, 52 Henry, 55 Caroline, 53 Isaac, 55 Catherine, 45, 52 Jacob, 55 Edwin, 54 Jane, 55 Elizabeth, 45, 52, 53 John, 54, 55 Elkanah D., 53 Joseph, 55 Emily, 54 Mary, 55 Franklin, 53 Nancy, 54 George, 45 Samuel, 54 Henry, 45, 52, 53, 54 JOHNSON Isaac, 45, 52 Henry, 53 Jacob, 45, 52, 53 JORDAN John, 45, 53 James, 57 John Madison, 53 JUNG John Vandever, 52 Maria Elisabetha, 8, 35, 40 Julia, 54 KAMP Landon Carter, 53 Catharina, 18 Margaret Ann, 53 KAUL Mary, 45, 52, 53 Margaretha, 34 Mary Ann, 53 Sebastian, 34 Mathew, 53 KEEFER Montgomery (Monty), 53 Catherine, 49 Nathaniel, 53 James, 49 Peter, 45, 52 KELLY Salina, 53 Susannah, 55 Sally, 53 KESSLER Samuel Blackburn, 54 Barbara, 54, 56 William, 52 Catherine, 56 HUBBARD Elizabeth, 56 William, 50 George, 56 HUDDLESTON Jacob, 56 Henry, 61 John Ludwick, 57 HUNT Joseph, 56 Mary, 62 Ludwick, 54, 56

77 Mary, 57 LEFFEL Peter, 56 Elizabeth, 47 Polly, 58 Margaret, 47 Rachel, 54, 56 LEINENWEBER KILTZ H. Nikolaus, 14 Anna Apollonia, 36 LEONARD Anna Eva, 37 Elizabeth A., 62 Anna Gertrud, 36 LESH Anna Margaretha, 37 Abigail, 57 Johann Heinrich, 36 LINDEMAN Johann Henrich, 11, 36 Justus, 29 Johann Nikolas, 11 LINDSEY Johann Nikolaus, 36 Rebecca, 51 Johann Philipp, 36 Samuel Davis, 64 Johannes, 36, 37 LINK Ludwig, 36 Nancy Ann, 56 KIMLER LINSENBIGLER James, 61 Hattie Esther, 64 KING LISENBY Margaret A., 59 John Peter, 61 KINGERY LONG Cloe, 58 Rachel, 48 KINSEY LORAN Clarissa, 58 Mary Ann, 60 Jacob, 58 LOYSTER Otey, 58 David, 50 KLANINGER Mary, 50 Maria Barbara, 37 MANNING KLEPPER Nelson, 51 Jane B., 62 MARTIN KNISELLEY Mary, 57 Elizabeth, 50 William B., 55 Samuel, 50 MASON KOONTZ Clemmy, 54 Asor, 62 MASSENGALE KŐTH Penelope, 53 Johann Anthon, 37 MASSENGILL Johann Philipp, 37 Eliza C., 52 KRAUTHAUSEN MATHIAS Udo, 5 Elias, 42 KUHN MAURER Anna Margarethe, 40 Sabina Catharina, 41 KURTZ MAYFIELD Catherine, 56 Margaret, 50 LABRIERE MCCORMICK Mary, 60 Amelia, 54 LAKOTTE MCLAIN Sarah, 51 Mary, 48 LAUFERSWEILER MCNEIL Anna, 5, 14, 32 Alexander S., 62 Johann, 32 MCWILLIAMS

78 Elizabeth, 54 Sallie Ann, 58 MELVIN MOORE James, 62 Judy, 58 MERRYMAN MOORER Martha, 49 Mary E, 65 METZ MORRIS ______, 47 Maria L., 59 Christopher, 48 MORRISON David, 48 Samuel, 49 Jacob, 48 MOYER John, 48 Michael, 31 MICHAEL Peter, 31 Lydia, 56 MUELLER Martha Ann, 59 Anna Catharina, 41 MILLER Hans Heinrich, 16 Abraham, 46, 62 Hans Henrich, 27 Abraham Elias, 61 Johann Mathaus, 41 Azor, 62 Johannes, 28 Catherine, 61 Maria Elisabeth, 34 Chilnissa, 61 Maria Elisabetha, 16, 18 Daniel G., 62 Maria Elizabetha, 27 Elbert S. Dr., 62 Peter, 46 Eliza, 61 MURPHY Elizabeth, 62 William, 48 Emily S. (Emma), 62 MYERLY Jacob, 46, 61, 62 George W., 60 James, 46, 62 MYERS James Andrew, 62 Jesse, 60 James S., 62 NAFF Jane, 46, 61 Abraham, 52 John, 46, 61 Henry Hoss, 52 Joseph B., 47 John, 52 Lucinda, 60 Jonathan, 52 Margaret Ann, 62 Sophia, 53 Margaret Juliet, 62 NAVE Martha, 62 Jacob, 52 Mary, 46, 61, 62 Jonathan, 52 Mary Frances, 62 NELSON Matilda, 61 Frederick, 52 Nancy Clem, 62 George Henry, 52 Peter, 46, 62 Jacob, 52 Peter Range, 61 James, 52 Sallie, 62 John, 52 Samuel Hunt, 62 Martha, 52 Sarah Caroline, 51 Philip P. C., 52 Sarah Jane, 62 NEWBOLD William Elijah, 62 William, 49 William Reeves, 62 NIEBERGALL MILLHOUSE Anna Elisabeth, 8 Barbara, 64 Catharina Elisabetha, 34 MITCHELL Christoph, 34

79 NODDING POWDER Mary, 52 Abraham, 45, 51 NOFTSINGER Andrew, 45, 49, 51 Daniel, 58 Catherine, 45, 49, 50 Elizabeth, 58 Elizabeth, 49 Joseph, 55 Hannah, 51 NUSBAUM Isaac, 51 Frederick, 47 Jacob, 45, 49 OTTO John, 45, 49, 50 Friedrich David, 35 Julia Ann, 51 Heinrich, 43 Leonard, 45 Luise Catharina Elisabetha, 35 Leonard Andrew, 51 OYLER Margaret, 49 Mahala, 54 Mary, 45, 49, 51 Susan, 54 Mary Ann, 51 OZBURN Rachel, 45, 51 Hannah, 59 Sarah, 49 PARK Susanna, 49 David A., 54 William Leonard, 45, 50 PATTERSON PRATT Queen E., 62 Eunice (Emily), 58 Robert, 54 PRICE PEARCE Cyrus, 58 John, 64 QUAST PEGG ______, 41 Sevena, 57 Apollonia, 8, 41 PENNOCK QUINN Isaac, 57 Rachel McKinny, 64 William, 57 RAGSDALE PENNYBACKER Mary, 61 Peter, 50 RANFFT PERRY Anna Christina, 6, 34 Nancy Jane, 62 Michael, 34 PFLEGAR RANGE Joseph, 55 Eliza A., 62 POUDER Elizabeth, 61 Andrew J., 50 Nancy, 53 Francena, 54 REAM George, 50 Anna, 47 Harriet, 50 Elizabeth, 47 James Monroe, 50 REEDER Jesse, 50 John A., 56 Joseph, 50 REESER Juliana, 50 Isaac Jester, 62 Lemuel, 50 REEVES Leonard, 50 Catherine, 61 Margaret, 50 Edward Prothero, 61 Mary, 50 Elizabeth, 61 Samuel, 50 Peter Miller, 61 Samuel John, 50 William Pouder, 61 William P., 50 REIFF

80 Juliana, 50 Maria Magdalena, 43 REINOEKER SCHLECHTY Nancy, 50 Christian, 56 REPP SCHMIDT Susan, 58 Johann Philip, 24 RESER Margarethe, 33 Washington Fain, 61 SCHNEIDER RESSLER Elisabeth Barbara, 36 Christianna, 48 Maria Charlotta, 36 RIEGEL SCHNEIDTER George, 56 Gabriel, 22 RINEHART SCHOENER Elizabeth, 51 Christina, 64 George, 51 SCHOLL RISTON Sabina Catharina, 41 Powell, 61 SCHRAMM RODES Alexander, 38, 42 Iverson Twyman, 62 Anna Maria, 42 ROHRER Susanna Margaretha, 38 Christiana, 57 SCHUHMACHER John, 57 Anna, 14, 39 ROSS Johannes, 39 Emily, 54 SCHUSTER RUNKLE Anna, 6, 8, 13, 35 Joest, 31 Hans Jacob, 35 SAYLER SCOTT Hannah (Anna), 48 Jacob, 47 SAYLOR John, 47 Mary, 59 SEARFOSS Ulrich, 45, 59 Sarah J., 48 SCHAEFFER SELLERS Abraham, 50 Catherina, 51 Anna Maria, 50 Elizabeth, 50 Catherine, 50 SEVIER Christina, 50 Anna Marie, 52 David, 50 SHANKS Hannah, 50 David C., 58 Jacob, 49 SHAVER Johannes, 50 Susan, 58 John, 49 SHERFY Leonhardt, 50 Barbara, 62 Margaret, 49 SHEWEY Rachel, 50 Philip, 48 Simon, 50 SHIPLEY SCHAFFER Enoch T., 52 Jacob, 49 SHOE SCHERER Barbara, 48 Apolonia, 27 David, 48 Johanetta Catharina, 34 Elizabeth, 48 SCHEUN Hannah, 48 Johann, 43 Henry, 48

81 Israel, 48 Maria Elizabeth, 15 John, 48 Rupert, 34 Philip, 48 Susanna Maria, 33 Solomon, 48 SPANGLER Susanna, 48 John, 56 SHOEMAKER Mary, 58 Daniel R., 49 SPITLER Margaret F., 49 Mathias, 51 SHOUP SPONHEIMER David, 48 Anna Maria, 13, 16, 32 SHOWALTER Hans Wilhelm, 32 Sallie, 55 Johann Nikolaus, 33 SHREYER STAHL John B., 59 Anna Maria, 63 SIDENSTICKER STANSBERRY Henry, 47 Susannah Elizabeth, 61 SIMMONS STANSBURY Betsy Dodge, 59 Ellen, 60 Louanna, 56 STAPLES Mary Ann, 56 Elizabeth, 57 SLUSHER STAUFFER Jeremiah Hanes, 56 Julia A., 60 SMELLSER STEDMAN Catherine, 60 Sarah, 52 SMITH STEPHAN Elizabeth, 48 Anna Maria, 43 John, 52 Anna Sara, 42 John McCall, 54 STEPHANS Lucinda S., 53 Maria Elisabetha, 42 Priscilla, 53 STEPHENSON Rebecca, 53 Catherine, 50 SNELL STICHER Almeda, 54 Jacob, 64 SNIPP STOLTZ Joseph, 47 Johann Friedrich, 26, 27 SNYDER STONER Juliann, 60 George W., 60 SOINΈ STONESIPHER Anna Catharina, 33 John, 50 Anna Elisabetha, 34 SULLIVAN Anna Martina, 33, 35 Abraham, 46, 60 Antonius, 33 Augustus, 60 Jacob, 15 Cornelius, 46 Johann Henrich, 33 Cornelius H., 59 Johann Jacob, 43 Cornelius Pauble, 60 Johann Jakob, 34 Daniel, 46, 59, 60 Johann Matthias, 34 David, 46, 60 Johann Nikolaus, 34 David L., 60 Johann Wilhelm Anton, 34 Elizabeth, 59 Johannes Nickel, 33 Francena C., 60 Maria Elisabeth, 43 Frank, 59

82 George W., 60 Wilson, 58 Henry Hoss, 60 ULRICH Isaac Newton, 60 Christina, 47 Jacob, 46, 59 UTS Jesse, 60 Christina, 49, 51 John, 46, 59 VAN NORT John H., 60 Eliza, 57 John Wesley, 60 VELDENTZER Joseph, 59 Elisabeth Catharina, 14 Josiah, 60 Johann Matthias, 14 Judge Michael, 46, 60 VELDENZER Julia, 60 Elisabetha Catharina, 11, 40 Levi Reese, 60 Johann Matthias, 40 Lydia, 59 WADE Margaret, 46, 60 Mary, 55 Margaret Ellen, 60 Mary L., 57 Mary, 46 Zachfield JR, 58 Mary Ann, 59 WAGNER Mary Catherine, 60 Anna Apollonia, 15, 42 Rebecca, 60 Anna Elisabetha, 39 Samuel, 59 Anna Margaretha, 32 Uriah B., 60 Apollonia, 14 William, 46, 60 Elisabeth, 14 William Brown, 60 Johann Dielmann, 39 Winfield Scott, 60 Johann Lorenz, 39 SUTTPHIN Johann Nicolaus, 39, 42 Catherine, 56 Lambert, 39 SWEIGART Mary Ann, 64 Margaret, 51 Nicholas, 32 TEETER Nikolaus, 14 Isaac, 56 WARHIME THIELBON George, 50 Henrich, 2, 16, 17 WARNER THOMPSON Elizabeth, 60 ______, 62 WEAVER Catherine, 48 Wilson A., 55 TINGLEY WEBSTER Rachel, 47 Lewis, 55 TIPTON Sarah, 55 John, 51 WEDDLE Mary Anglum, 52 Andrew Lewis, 55 TOWNSEND Benjamin, 56 Mary Jane, 60 Elizabeth, 56 TROXELL Isaac, 56 John, 51 John B., 56 TURNBILL Joseph, 56 Ann Hesaltine, 49 Joshua, 56 TURNER Levi, 56 Bartlet D., 54 Mary, 55 Martha, 54 Samuel, 55 Martha A., 55 Sarah J., 56

83 WEISS Goodman A., 54 Catherine, 64 John Calvin, 1 WELSCHBACH Tessie, 58 Anna Maria, 36, 37 William A. B., 55 WESTFALL YEAGER Levi, 61 Cornelius Franklin, 53 WHEDON YERGEY Nellie (Woods), 1, 16 Christian, 64 WILKINSON Kate, 64 Solana E., 59 YETTER WILLEY Barbara, 48 Mary, 50 YINGLING WILLIAMS Lydia, 51 Edman, 53 YOHN Sarah Adams, 53 Elizabeth, 49 WILLIAMSON ZACHARIAS Joel, 56 Daniel, 31 WOLFE ZIMERS Joseph, 49 Conrad, 28 WOODROW ZIMMERMAN Granville T., 52 Daniel, 61 WRAY Fannie S., 62 Keziah, 54 ZURBUCHEN WRIGHT Ulerick, 51