Membres à part entière – Full Members – Vollmitglieder – Полноправные члены

ALBANIE – ALBANIA – ALBANIEN – АЛБАНИЯ Bashkim DEDJA, President The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Albania Sokol BERBERI, Judge (Gjykata Kushtetuese e Republikës së Shqipërisë)

ALLEMAGNE – GERMANY – DEUTSCHLAND – ГЕРМАНИЯ Prof. Andreas VOSSKUHLE, President The Federal Constitutional Court of Germany Prof. Ferdinand KIRCHHOF, Vice-President (Bundesverfassungsgericht) Prof. Andreas-Leonhard PAULUS, Judge Prof. Peter-Michael HUBER, Judge Peter WEIGL, Director

ANDORRE – ANDORRA – ANDORRA – АНДОРРА Juan Antonio ORTEGA DÍAZ-AMBRONA, The Constitutional Tribunal of the Principality of Andorra President (Tribunal Constitucional del Principat d’Andorra) Rosa Maria RUIZ GUERRERO, Counsellor

ARMÉNIE – ARMENIA – ARMENIEN – АРМЕНИЯ Prof. Gagik HARUTYUNYAN, President The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia Vladimir VARDANYAN, Head of (Конституционный Суд Республики Армения) International Treaty Department

AUTRICHE – – ÖSTERREICH – АВСТРИЯ Prof. Gerhart HOLZINGER, President The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Austria , Vice-President (Verfassungsgerichtshof der Republik Österreich) Prof. Christoph GRABENWARTER, Judge Prof. Michael HOLOUBEK, Judge Britta ADAMOVICH-WAGNER, Secretary General Reinhild HUPPMANN, Chief of Protocol

AZERBAÏDJAN – AZERBAIJAN – ASERBAIDSCHAN – Farhad ABDULLAYEV, President AЗEPБAЙДЖAН Rauf GULIYEV, Secretary General The Constitutional Court of the Azerbaijan Republic (Azerbaycan Respublikasinin Konstitusiya Mehkemesi)

BELGIQUE – BELGIUM – BELGIEN – БЕЛЬГИЯ Prof. Jean SPREUTELS, Acting President The Constitutional Court of Belgium Prof. André ALEN, President (Cour constitutionnelle de Belgique / Grondwettelijk Hof van België / Verfassungsgerichtshof Belgiens)

BOSNIE ET HERZÉGOVINE – BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Valerija GALIĆ, President – BOSNIEN UND HERZEGOWINA – БОСНИЯ И Mirsad CÉMAN, Judge ГЕРЦЕГОВИНА Dragana COLAKOVIĆ, Interpreter The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Ustavni Sud Bosne i Hercegovine)


BULGARIE – BULGARIA – BULGARIEN – БOЛГAPИЯ Prof. Dimitar TOKUSHEV, President The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria Enita ENIKOVA, Secretary General (Конституционен Съд на Република България)

CHYPRE – CYPRUS – ZYPERN – КИПР Myron NICOLATOS, Judge The Supreme Court of Cyprus George EROTOCRITOU, Judge

CROATIE – CROATIA – KROATIEN – ХОРВАТИЯ Prof. Jasna OMEJEC, President The Constitutional Court of Croatia Snježana BAGIĆ, Vice-President (Ustavni Sud Republike Hrvatske) Prof. Davor KRAPAC, Judge Slavica BANIĆ, Judge Ksenija PODGORNIK, Head of the President's Office

ESPAGNE – SPAIN – SPANIEN – ИСПАНИЯ Prof. Francisco PÉREZ DE LOS COBOS The Constitutional Tribunal of Spain ORIHUEL, President (Tribunal Constitucional de España) Prof. Adela ASUA BATARRITA, Vice- President Prof. Juan José GONZÁLEZ RIVAS, Judge José Manuel PASCUAL GARCÍA, Chief of Cabinet

ESTONIE – ESTONIA – ESTLAND – ЭСТОНИЯ Priit PIKAMÄE, Chief Justice The Supreme Court of Estonia Mari-Liis LIPSTOK, Legal Adviser to the (Riigikohus) Chief Justice

FRANCE – FRANCE – FRANKREICH – ФРАНЦИЯ Prof. Guy CANIVET, Member of the The Constitutional Council of the French Republic Council (Le Conseil constitutionnel)

GÉORGIE – GEORGIA – GEORGIEN – ГРУЗИЯ George PAPUASHVILI, President The Constitutional Court of Georgia Zaza TAVADZE, Vice-President (Sakartvelos Sakonstitutsio Sasamartlo) Ketevan EREMADZE, Judge Irina KHAKHUTAISHVILI, Chief Adviser to the President

HONGRIE – HUNGARY – UNGARN – ВЕНГРИЯ Prof. Péter PACZOLAY, President The Constitutional Court of Hungary Prof. Elemér BALOGH, Judge (Magyar Köztársaság Alkotmánybírósága) Miklós LÉVAY, Judge Botond BITSKEY, Secretary General Diána MECSI, Head of Cabinet

LʼIRLANDE – IRELAND – IRLAND – ИPЛAHДИЯ Nicholas KEARNS, President of the High The Supreme Court of Ireland Court, Justice of the Supreme Court (Chúirt Uachtarach na hÉireann)


ITALIE – ITALY – ITALIEN – ИТАЛИЯ Prof. Gaetano SILVESTRI, President The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Italy Prof. Sabino CASSESE, Judge (La Corte costituzionale della Repubblica italiana) Prof. Marta CARTABIA, Judge Carlo VISCONTI, Secretary General Maria Antonietta BIASELLA, Head of Protocol and International Relations

LETTONIE – LATVIA – LETTLAND – ЛАТВИЯ N.N. (Name not available by editorial The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia deadline) (Latvijas Republikas Satversmes Tiesa) Laila JURCĒNA, Adviser to the President

LIECHTENSTEIN – LIECHTENSTEIN – LIECHTENSTEIN – Marzell BECK, President ЛИХТЕНШТЕЙН Peter BUSSJÄGER, Judge The State Court of the Principality of Liechtenstein Tobias WILLE, Secretary General (Staatsgerichtshof des Fürstentums Liechtenstein)

LITUANIE – LITHUANIA – LITAUEN – ЛИТВА Prof. Dainius ŽALIMAS, President The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania Algirdas TAMINSKAS, Judge (Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucinis Teismas) Lolita RAUDIENË, Head of President's Secretariat

LUXEMBOURG – LUXEMBOURG – LUXEMBURG – Georges SANTER, President ЛЮКСЕМБУРГ Lily WAMPACH, Secretary General The State Court of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Cour constitutionnelle du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg)

MACÉDOINE– MACEDONIA – MAZEDONIEN – Elena GOSHEVA, President МАКЕДОНИЯ Ismail DARLISHTA, Judge The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia Nikola IVANOVSKI, Judge (Уставен Суд на Република Македонија) Olivera FILIPOVSKA, Secretary General Tatjana JANJIC-TODOROVA, State Adviser for International Co-operation

MALTE – MALTA – MALTA – МАЛЬТА Silvio CAMILLERI, President The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Malta (Il-Qorti Kostituzzjonali tar-Repubblika ta' Malta)

RÉPUBLIQUE DE MOLDOVA – REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA – Alexandru TÃNASE, President REPUBLIK MOLDAU – РЕСПУБЛИКА МОЛДОВА Tudor PANTIRU, Judge The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova Rodica SECRIERU, Secretary General (Curtea Constituţională a Republicii Moldova) Mihaela BESCHIERU, Head of External Relations Department


MONACO –MONACO –MONACO –МОНАКО Prof. Jean-Michel LEMOYNE DE FORGES, The Supreme Court of the Principality of Monaco Vice-President (Tribunal Suprême de la Principauté de Monaco)

MONTÉNÉGRO – MONTENEGRO – MONTENEGRO – Desanka LOPIČIĆ, President ЧЕРНОГОРИЯ Mevlida MURATOVIĆ, Judge The Constitutional Court of Montenegro Dragica DAVIDOVIĆ, Deputy Secretary (Ustavni sud Crne Gore) General Milica KADIĆ AKOVIC, Interpreter

NORVÈGE – NORWAY – NORWEGEN – НОРВЕГИЯ Magnus MATNINGSDAL, Justice The Supreme Court of Norway Karl Arne UTGÅRD, Justice (Norges Høyesterett) Toril M. ØIE, Justice Gunnar BERGBY, Secretary General

Pologne – Poland – Polen – ПОЛЬША Prof. Andrzej RZEPLIŃSKI, President The Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of Poland Prof. Stanisław BIERNAT, Vice-President (Trybunał Konstytucyjny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej) Prof. Slawomira WRONKOWSKA- JAŚKIEWICZ, Judge Prof. Andrzej WRÓBEL, Judge Prof. Maciej GRANIECKI, Secretary General

PORTUGAL – PORTUGAL – PORTUGAL – ПОРТУГАЛИЯ Prof. Joaquim SOUSA RIBEIRO, President The Portuguese Constitutional Court Prof. Ana Maria GUERRA MARTINS, Judge (Tribunal Constitucional Portugal) Catarina CASTRO, Judge José CUNHA BARBOSA, Judge

ROUMANIE – ROMANIA – RUMÄNIEN – РУМЫНИЯ Augustin ZEGREAN, President The Constitutional Court of Romania Valentin Zoltán PUSKÁS, Judge (Curtea Constituţională a României) Prof. Tudorel TOADER, Judge Prof. Mircea Ştefan MINEA, Judge Ruxandra SĂBĂREANU, Secretary General Marieta SAFTA, First Assistant-Magistrate Oana RAICAN, Interpreter

RUSSIE – RUSSIA – RUSSLAND – РОССИЯ Olga KHOKHRYAKOVA, Vice-President The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation Evgeny GRUSHKO, Head of International (Конституционный Суд Российской Федерации) Department Maria FILATOVA, Counsellor

SERBIE – SERBIA – SERBIEN – СЕРБИЯ Vesna ILIĆ PRELIĆ, President The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Serbia Dragiša B. SLIJEPČEVIĆ, Judge (Ustavni sud Srbije) Branislava BABIĆ, Interpreter


SLOVAQUIE – SLOVAKIA – SLOWAKEI – СЛОВАКИЯ Ivetta MACEJKOVÁ, President The Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic Marianna MOCHNÁČOVÁ, Judge (Ústavný súd Slovenskej republiky) Mária SIEGFRIEDOVÁ, Director of the International Department

SLOVÉNIE – SLOVENIA – SLOWENIEN – СЛОВЕНИЯ Miroslav MOZETIČ, President The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia Jadranka SOVDAT, Vice-President (Ustavno Sodišče Republike Slovenije) Marta KLAMPFER, Judge Sebastian NERAD, Secretary General

SUISSE – SWITZERLAND – SCHWEIZ – ШВЕЙЦАРИЯ Gilbert KOLLY, President The Swiss Federal Supreme Court Ulrich MEYER, Vice-President (Schweizerisches Bundesgericht / Tribunal fédéral suisse / Paul TSCHÜMPERLIN, Secretary General Tribunale federale svizzero)

RÉPUBLIQUE TCHÉQUE – CZECH REPUBLIC – Pavel RYCHETSKÝ, President TSCHECHISCHE REPUBLIK – ЧЕШСКАЯ РЕСПУБЛИКА Prof. Jaroslav FENYK, Vice-President The Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic Vlastimil GÖTTINGER, Head of External (Ústavní soud České republiky) Relations Department

TURQUIE – TURKEY – TÜRKEI – ТУРЦИЯ Haşim KILIÇ, President The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Turkey Alparslan ALTAN, Vice-President (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasa Mahkemesi) Zehra Ayla PERKTAŞ, Judge Harun SAHIN, Interpreter

Membres associés – Associate Members – Assoziierte Mitglieder – Ассоциированные члены

BÉLARUS – BELARUS –BELARUS –БЕЛАРУСЬ Olga SERGEEVA, Deputy Chairwoman The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus Andrei BADYULYA, Interpreter (Канстытуцыйны суд Рэспублікі Беларусь)


Observateurs – Observer – Beobachter – Наблюдатели

Cour Européenne des droits de l’homme – European Dean SPIELMANN, President Court Of Human Rights – Europäischer Gerichtshof für Elisabeth STEINER, Judge Menschenrechte – Европейский суд по правам Mirjana LAZAROVA TRAJKOVSKA, Judge человека Erik FRIBERGH, Registrar

Cour de Justice de l'Union européenne – Court of Justice Prof. Vassilios SKOURIS, President of the European Union – Gerichtshof der Europäischen Prof. Pedro CRUZ VILLALÓN, First Union – Суд Европейского Союза Advocate General Maria BERGER, Judge

Tribunal de l’Union européenne – General Court of the Marc JAEGER, President European Union – Gericht der Europäischen Union – Viktor KREUSCHITZ, Judge Европейский суд общей юрисдикции

Commission européenne pour la democratie par le droit Gianni BUQUICCHIO, President (Commission de Venise) – European Commission for Mirjana LAZAROVA TRAJKOVSKA, Former Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) – Member of the Venice Commission Europäische Kommission für Demokratie durch Recht Schnutz Rudolf DÜRR, Head of the (Venedig-Kommission) – Европейская комиссия за Constitutional Justice Division демократию через право (Венецианская Комиссия)

Conference mondiale sur la justice constitutionnelle – Schnutz Rudolf DÜRR, Secretary of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice – WCCJ Weltkonferenz der Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit – Всемирная конференция по конституционному правосудию

L’Association des Cours constitutionnelles et institutions Haşim KILIÇ, President of the AACC équivalentes de l’Asie – The Association of Asian (President Constitutional Court of the Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions – Die Republic of Turkey) Vereinigung der Asiatischen Verfassungsgerichte und Successor: N.N. (Name not available by gleichwertiger Institutionen – Ассоциация азиатских editorial deadline) конституционных судов и эквивалентных органов

L’Association des Cours constitutionnelles ayant en Mohamed ACHARGUI, President of the partage l'usage du Français – The Association of ACCPUF Constitutional Courts using the French Language – Die (President of the Constitutional Council of Vereinigung der die französische Sprache verwendenden Morocco) Verfassungsgerichte – Ассоциация конституционных судов, использующих французский язык Representing also UACCC


La Conférence des organes de contrôle constitutionnel Prof. Gagik HARUTYUNYAN, Chairman of des pays de nouvelle démocratie – The Conference of the the CCCOCND Constitutional Control Organs of Countries of New (President of the Constitutional Court of Democracy – Die Konferenz der Verfassungskontroll- the Republic of Armenia) organe der Länder Neuer Demokratie – Конференция органов конституционного контроля стран новой демократии

La Conférence des tribunaux constitutionnels des pays de Prof. Rui Constantino FERREIRA, President langue portugaise – The Conference of Constitutional of the CJCPLP Courts of Countries of Portuguese Language – Die (President of the Constitutional Tribunal Konferenz der Verfassungsgerichte der portugiesisch- of the Republic of Angola) sprachigen Länder – Конференция конституционных Isaac PAULO, Cabinet of International судов португалоязычных стран Exchange and Co-operation

Abilio Antonio MONTENEGRO, Chief of Protocol

La Conférence des juridictions constitutionnelles Mourad MEDELCI, Vice-President of the africaines – The Conference of Constitutional CCJA Jurisdictions of Africa – Die Konferenz der (President of the Constitutional Council of Verfassungsgerichte Afrikas – Конференция органов Algeria) конституционной юрисдикции Африки Moussa LARABA, Secretary General of the CCJA Fouzia BENGUELLA, Member of the Constitutional Council of Algeria Mohamed BOUSOLTANE, Director General of the Center for Studies and Research, Constitutional Council of Algeria Mostefa BOUAKEZ, Chief of Protocol, Constitutional Council of Algeria

La Conférence ibéro-américaine de justice Óscar URVIOLA HANI, Pro tempore constitutionnelle – The Ibero-American Conference on Secretary of the CIJC Constitutional Justice – Die Ibero-amerikanische (President of the Constitutional Tribunal Konferenz der Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit – Иберо- of Peru) американская конференция по конституционному Ernesto ALVAREZ MIRANDA, Judge at the правосудию Constitutional Tribunal of Peru

Le Forum des juges en chef d’Afrique australe – The Lombe Phyllis CHIBESAKUNDA for the Southern African Chief Justices Forum – Das Forum der SACJF Präsidenten der höchsten Gerichte des Südlichen Afrikas – (Chief-Justice of the SC of Zambia) Форум верховных судей Южной Африки Evaristo PENGELE, Sen. Research Advocate to the Chief Justice Doris Mulekwa NAMBELA, Assistant to the Chief Justice


L’Union des Cours et Conseils constitutionnels arabes – Mohamed ACHARGUI, President of the The Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils – UACCC Die Union der Arabischen Verfassungsgerichte und -räte (President of the Constitutional Council of – Союз арабских конституционных судов и советов Morocco)

Representing also ACCPUF

Constitutional Court of Korea – Cour constitutionnelle de Ilwon KANG, Judge Corée – Verfassungsgericht von Korea – Конституционный суд Кореи


Hôtes–Guests – Gäste – ГОСТИ

Federal President of the Republic of Austria Prof.

Federal for Arts, Culture, Constitution and Josef OSTERMAYER Public Service

President of the Federal Council Michael LAMPEL

President of the Supreme Court Prof.

President of the Administrative Court Prof. Rudolf THIENEL

Second President of the National Council Karlheinz KOPF

Ombudsman Peter FICHTENBAUER

Chairman of the Constitutional Committee of the Peter WITTMANN National Council, Member of the National Council

Deputy-Chairwoman of the Constitutional Committee of Angela LUEGER the National Council, Member of the National Council

Chairwoman of the Justice Committee of the National Michaela STEINACKER Council, Member of the National Council

Deputy-Chairman of the Justice Committee of the Johannes JAROLIM National Council, Member of the National Council

Vice-President of the Administrative Court Anna SPORRER

Vice-President of the Supreme Court Brigitte SCHENK

Vice-President of the Supreme Court Ilse HUBER

President of the High Appellate Court Graz Manfred SCARIA

President of the High Appellate Court Linz Johannes PAYRHUBER-WOLFESBERGER

President of the High Appellate Court Innsbruck Klaus SCHRÖDER

Dean of the Law Faculty of the University of Prof. Heinz MAYER

Dean of the Law Faculty of the Prof. Josef MARKO

Director of the Bundestheater-Holding Georg SPRINGER


Former President of the Constitutional Court of Austria Prof. Ludwig ADAMOVICH

Former Federal Minister of Justice, Former Member of Hans R. KLECATSKY the Consitutional Court

Former Member of the Constitutional Court Prof. Peter FESSLER

Former Member of the Constitutional Court Heinrich KIENBERGER

Former Member of the Constitutional Court Prof. Siegbert MORSCHER

Former President of the First Chamber of the Court of Peter JANN Justice of the European Union, Former Member of the Constitutional Court

Former Member of the Constitutional Court Prof. Kurt HELLER

Former Member of the Constitutional Court Prof. Herbert HALLER

Former Member of the Constitutional Court Prof. Hans Georg RUPPE

Former Vice-President of the Administrative Court, Prof. Wolfgang PESENDORFER Former Substitute Member of the Constitutional Court

Former Substitute Member of the Constitutional Court Prof. Theo ÖHLINGER

Former Substitute Member of the Constitutional Court Prof. Johannes HENGSTSCHLÄGER

Member of the Constitutional Court Prof. Rudolf MÜLLER

Member of the Constitutional Court Claudia KAHR

Member of the Constitutional Court Johannes SCHNIZER

Member of the Constitutional Court Prof. Helmut HÖRTENHUBER

Member of the Constitutional Court Prof. Markus ACHATZ

Member of the Constitutional Court Prof. Georg LIENBACHER

Member of the Constitutional Court Sieglinde GAHLEITNER

Member of the Constitutional Court Ingrid SIESS-SCHERZ

Former President of the Supreme Court, Substitute Prof. Member of the Constitutional Court


Substitute Member of the Constitutional Court Lilian HOFMEISTER

Substitute Member of the Constitutional Court Prof. Gabriele KUCSKO-STADLMAYER

Member of the Administrative Court, Substitute Member Nikolaus BACHLER of the Constitutional Court

Substitute Member of the Constitutional Court Prof. Barbara LEITL-STAUDINGER

Former President of the Administrative Court Prof. Clemens JABLONER

Professor at the Department of Constitutional and Prof. Magdalena PÖSCHL Administrative Law at the University of Vienna

Professor at the Department of Constitutional and Prof. Ewald WIEDERIN Administrative Law at the University of Vienna

Professor at the Department of European, International Prof. Verica TRSTENJAK and Comparative Law at the University of Vienna

Professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Prof. Erich VRANES Business, Institute for European and International Law

Professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Prof. Harald EBERHARD Business, Institute for Austrian and European Public Law

Professor at the University of Graz, Institute for Prof. Franz MERLI Comparative Public Law, Political Science and Administration Law

Professor at the , Department of Prof. Walter BERKA Constitutional and Administrative Law

Professor at the University of Salzburg, Department of Prof. Stefan GRILLER Constitutional and Administrative Law

Professor at the Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Prof. Katharina PABEL Department of Administrative Law

Head of the Constitutional Service, Division V of the Gerhard HESSE Federal

Head of the Office of the Legal Adviser, Austrian Foreign Helmut TICHY Ministry

Corps diplomatique – Diplomatic Body – Diplomatisches Korps – Дипломатический корпус