An Historical Account of the Ancient Culdees of Iona, and of Their
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ACCOUNT OF THE EDIITONS AND MSS. QUOTED IN THIS WORK. Andfusoni Diplomatum et Numismatum Camden's Britannia, 4 vols. Fol. Lond. Scotiae Thesaurus, Fol. Edin. 1739. 1806. Antiquaries of Scotland, Transactions of, Camerarius, [David] de Scotorum Forti- Vol. I. 4to. Edin. 1792. tudine, Doctrina, et Pietate, 4to. Par. Astle's Origin and Progress of Writing, 4to. 1631. Lend. It03. Cange, Du, Glossarium ad Scriptores Me- diae et Infimae Latinitatis, 6 Tom. Fol. Balfour's, Sir James, Collections, MS. Adv. Paris 1733. Librarj'. Cartularium Aberbrothoc. V. Registrum. Barry's History of the Orkney Islands, 4to. Cave Historia Literaria, Fol. 2 vol. Lond. Edin. 1805. 1688. Bedae Historia Ecclesiastica, Chronicon, Clialmers's Caledonia, 4to. vol. i. and ii. Vita Cuthberti, &c. cura Smith, Fol. Lond. 1807-10. Cant. 1722. Charters, Copiesof.MS. Adv.Libr. W.2.29. Ecclesiastical History of the English Chronicon de 'ailros. Ap. Gale. Nation, 8vo, Lond. l'"23. Chronicon Saxonicum, a Gibson, 4to. Oxon. Bernardi Vita S. Malachiae. Ap. Messing- 1692. ham. Conaeus, De Duplici Statu Religionis inter Bingham's Origines Ecclesiasticae, 10 vols. Scotos, 4to. Romae, 1628. bvo. Oxf 1701. Cravrfiird's Lives and Characters of the Boethii Scotoruni Historia, Fol. Paris. 1526. Officers of the Crown, and of the State — Episcoporum iMurthlacen. et Aber- in Scotland, Fol. Edin. 17.^6. Cypriani Opera, Fol. Paris. donen. Vitae, ^to. Paris. 15:i2 1593. Breviaiium Aberdonense ad percelebris ec- Dalrymple's, Sir James, Collections clesie 8cotorum potissimum Vsum et con- cerning the Scottish History, 8vo. Edin. Consuetudinem ; 2 vol. 8vo. Edin. 1509, 1510. 1705. Vindication of the Ecclesiastical Brompton, .Ti iliannis, Historia. Ap. Twysden. Part of Sir James Buchaiani Histuria Rerum Scoticarum, Dalrymple's Collec- tions, 8vo. Ediu. 1714. 8¥o. Edin. 1727. 408 EDITIONS AND MSS. Dalrymplc's, Sir David, Annals of Scot- King's, Sir Peter, Enquiry into the Con- land, 2 vols. 4to. Edin. 1776. stitution, Discipline, Unity and Worship, Additional Case of the Countess of of the Primitive Church, 8vo. Lond. Sutherland, 4to. 1713. Discipline, First and Second Books of; Knox's Historic of the Reformatioun in Collection of Confessions, 2 vols. 8vo. Scotland, Fol. Edin. 1732. Edin. 1719. Ledwich's Antiquities of Ireland, 4to. 2d. Flacii Illyrici Catalogus Testium Veritatis, Ed. Dubl. 1804. 4to. 2 Tom. Lugd. 1597. Leslaeus de Origine, Moribus, et Rebus Forbes's Treatise of Churchlands and Gestis Scotorum, 4to. Rom. 1675. Tithes, 8vo. Edin. 170,5. Lloyd's, Edward, Archaeologia Britannica, Fordun, Joannis de, Scotichronicon, 2 vol. Fol. Oxf 1707. Fol. Edin. 1759. William, Historical Account of Church-Government, as it was in Great Gale et Pullman Rerum Anglicarum Scrip- Britain and Ireland, when they first re- tores, 3 Tom. Fol. Oxon. 1684, 1691. ceived the Christian Religion, 8vo. Lond. Geddes's Miscellaneous Tracts, 4 vol. Hvo. 1684. Lond. 1730. M'Farlane's MSS. V. Registrum Gibbon's History of the Decline and Fall Macintosh's Collection of Gaelic Proverbs of the Roman Empire, 12 vols. 8vo. Lond. and Familiar Phrases, 12mo. Lond. 1779. 1 802. Macpherson's, John, Critical Dissertations Gillan'j Life of Sage, 8vo. Lond. 1714. on the Ancient Caledonians, Svo. Dubl. Remarks on Sir James Dalrymple's 1768. Historical Collections, 8vo. Lend. 1714. Mackenzie's, Sir George, Science of He- Goodall's Preface to Keith's Catalogue, raldry, Fol. Edin. 1680. 4to. Defence of the Antiquity of the Introductio ad Scotichron. Fol. Edin. Royal Line of Scotland, 4to. Lond. 16.s5. Gudmundi Aiidreae Lexicon Islandicura, Dr George, Lives and Characters 4to. Havn. 1683. of the most eminent Writers of the Scots Nation, 3 vols' Fol. Edin. 1708. Hay's Scotia Sacra, Fol. MS. Adv. Libr. Maitland's History of Scotland, 2 vols. Fol. Henry's History of Great Britain, 12 vol. Lond. 1757 8vo. Lond. 1800. Marian us Scotus. Ap. Pistor. Rer. German. Hieronymi Opera, 9 Tom. Fol. Basil. 1 5 ^8. Martin's Description of theWestern Islands Hofnianni Lexicon Universale, 4 Tom. Fol. of Scotland, Hvo. Lond. 1716. Lugd. Bat. 1698. Martine's Reliquia Divi Andreas, 4to. St Andr. 1797. Innes's Critical Essay on the ancient Inha- Martyrologe, English, conteyning a Sum- bitants of the Northern Parts of Britain, mary of the Lives of the glorious and re- or Scotland, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1729. nouned Saints of the Three Kingdoms, •Tocelini Vita S. Patricii. Ap. iNIessingham. Svo. 1608. Johnstone's Antiquitates Celto-Norman- Malmesburiensis, Guhelmus, De Gestis nicae, 4to. Copenhagen, 1786. Pontificum Anglorum. Ap. Savil. Rer. Isidori Hispalensis Episcopi, Originum Angl. Script, post Bedam, Fol. Franc. Libri xx. Ap. Auctores Latinae Lin- 1601. guae in Unum redacti Corpus ; 4to. S. Messinghami Florilegium Insulae Sancto- Gervas. 1611. rum, seu Vitae et Acta Sanctorum Hiber- niae, Fol. Paris. 1624. Keith's Catalogue of the Bishops of the se- Milne's Description of Melrcse, Svo. Edin. veral Sees of Scotland, 4to. Edin. 1755. 1769. EDITIONS AND MSS. 409 Monasticon Hibernicuni, or the Monasti- Registrum Sconense, impensis W. M'Far- cal History of Ireland, 8vo. Lond. 1722. lane, Fol. .VIS. ibid. Moslieira's Ecclesiastical History, (j vols. Report of the Committee of the Highland 8vo. Lond. I7s2. Society of Scotland, Svo. Edin. iS05. -Myln, Alexandri, Abbatis de Canibusken- Ricardus Hagustald, (or Richard of Hex- neth, Vitie iipiscoporu.n Dankeidensmm, ham). Ap. Twysden. 4to. MS. Bibl. Faciilt. J arid. Sacheverell's Voyage to I-Columb-Kill, in Nlcolson's (Bp.) Scotish Historical Lib- the year ItiSS. Added to his Account of rary, Svo. Lfind. 1702. the Isle of Man, 6vo. Lond. i;0_'. Irish Historical Library, Svo. Dubl. Sclden's Titles of Honor, Fol. Lond. 1724. 1672. Nisbet's System of Heraldry, 2 vols. Fol. Shaw's History of the Province of Moray, Edin.lSOi. 4to. Edin. 1775. Sibbald's History, ancient and modern, of Obrien's Irish-English Dictionary, 4to. Pa- the •>herilfdonis ol Fift. and Kinross, Fol. ris, 1768. Edin. 1710. Svo. Cupar Fife, 1802. This is Parkeri, de Antiquitate Britannicae Eccle- the edition quoted, when the other is not siae, &c. Historia, Fol. Hanov. l')05. particularly mentioned. Pennant's Tour in Scotland, 1769, and Sigeberti Gembiacensis Chronicon, ab anno with to the Hebrides, 1772, Voyage 3 381. ad 1113, 4to. Paris. 1513. vols. 4to. Warrington, 1776. Simeon Dunelm. Ap. Twysden. Petrie's History of the Catholick Church, Sinclair's, Sir John, Statistical Account of Fol. Hague, 1662. Scotland, 21 vol. .^vo. iidin. V. Y. Pinkerton's i^nquiry into the History of Smith's, Dr., Life of St Coluraba, Svo. Edin. Scotland before 1056, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 179S. Spelmanni Concilia, Decreta, Leges, et VitiE Antiquae Sanctorum, qui ha- Constitutiones in Re Ecclesiarum Orbis buaveruiit iii ea parte Briianiiiae nunc Britannici, fom i. Fol. Lond. I(j39. Scotia vel yocata in ejus insuLis, Svo. Spotiswood's Account of Religious Houses Lond. 1789. in Scotland. Ap. ilope's Minor Practicks. Pistorii Rerum Germanicarum Scriptores, Svo. Edin. 1734. 3 Tom. Fol. Ratisbon, 1726. Spotswood's History of the Church of Scot- Ptolemaei Geographia, Fol. Francof 1605. land, Fol. Lond. lo55. Stapleton's History of the Church of Eng- Registrum Aberbrothoc, (Majus) Fol. MS. land, compiled by V^enerable Bede, 4to. Bibl. Facult. Jurid. Antw. 1565. Transcript, impensis W. M'Farlane, .\IS. Fol. ibid Tertulliani Fol. Paris. (Minus) 4to. MS. ibid. Opera, 1616. i'ranscript. impensis W. M'Farlane, Poland s iNazarenus, 8vo. Lond. 1718. MS. ibid. Tordaei vJrcade--, Fol Hafn. 16 '7. I'wysden HistoriiE .inglicanae Aberdonense, Fol. MS. ibid. Scriptores x. Transcript, impensis W. M'Farlane, Fol. Lond. 1652. MS. ibid. Prioratus Sancti Andreae, impen- Usserii Primordia, sive Britannicarum Ec- sis vV. Al'arlane, Fol. MS. ibid clesiarum Autiquitates, itu. Oubl. 1639. Cambuskenneth, Ff;l. MS. ibid. Vetcrum Epistolarum Hibernica- Inch-Colm, impensis \V. M'Far- rum Sylioi;e, -tto. Duol. 632. lane, Fol. MS. ibid. • Discourse of the Religion professed 3 £ 410 EDITIONS AND MSS. by the ancient Irish and British, 4to. Ware's Antiquities ahd Writers of Ireland, Lond. 1631. by Harris, Fol. Dubl. 1762. Wood's Antient and Modern State of the Walch's History of tlie Popes, Svo. Lond. Parish of Cramond, 4to. Edin. 1794. 1759. Wormii Monumenta Danica, Fol. Hafp. Walker's, Dr John, Essays on Natural His- 1643. tory and Rural Economy, Svo. Ediii. Wyntown's, Andrew of, Cronykil of Scot- 1808. land, 2 vol. Svo. Lond. 1795. INDEX. AbVs Head, whence named, 197. Adulphis, a bishop of this name, 53. Abercorn, an early bishopric. 111. Viewed Aeneas Sylvius, his design of visiting lona, also as the seat of a Culdean monastery, 303. 306. 177, 178. Aidan, his mission to the Angles, 37. 57. Aheiiady, barony of, 178. A seat of the &c. 84-, 85. No evidence that he was or- Culdees, 19'2. dained by bishops, ib. Reliques, 20. View- Abernethij, antiquity of, 108. Church there ed as the founder of Mailros, l(j9. Cha- dedicated to St Bridget, 111. Chronicle racter, 199. of the monastery referred to, lOS. but Alcuin's testimony concerning the Scots, now lost, 11 2. Hound tower, ib. 113. 203. Not a bisliopric, ib. A college there, 11 4'. Aid/rid, king of the Angles, 224. Gives the The Culdean monastery converted into monastery of Rippon to the Scots, i227. a Priory ot canons, iu. The church given Aldhain, formerly celebrated, 187. to the abbey of Aberbrothoc, 1 l(j. This Mdkeltn writes against the Britons, 229. donation long contested, 118, 119. Par- Alexander I., his devocion to Columba, 186. tially recalled, 1 19. The church made a Erects the abbey of Scone, i07, 208. prebend of Dunblane, 1'22. Seal of the Charter, ib. Reforms the church of St college, 129, \M. Andrews, 214. Character by Popish wri- Abernet/ij/, hords of, Henricus de, 115.