K I L R U S H P A R I S H N E W S L E T T E R- SUNDAY 3RD OCTOBER 2021 PRIEST ON DUTY: FR PAT LARKIN 065-9062729 INIS CATHAIGH PASTORAL AREA Co Parish Priests: Fr Pat Larkin - Tel 0659062729 Mob 087-2300627 Fr Tony Casey - Tel 0659059008 Mob 087-9936950 Assistant Priests: Fr Michael Sheedy - Tel 0659051093 Mob 086-2603314 Fr Peter O’Loughlin - Mob 086-8250016 Parish email ~
[email protected] Parish Website~ www.kilrushparish.com Parish Office Tel ~ 0894026161 ENVELOPE COLLECTION 26TH SEPT FAMILY PRAYER 50/50 DRAW Renovation Fund: €1,480 God be with our Family, from the Congratulations to this youngest to the oldest. Priest Collection: €300 weeks winner of the Lighting up our relationships, sowing grace 50/50 draw Online donations: €20 into our troubles. Pat Shannon, Pound St. Thank you for your continued support God be with our family, weaving love into our who won €239. Next work, our rest & our play. draw Saturday 9th with all our collections. Amen October after 7pm mass. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS ROTA Sat 2nd Oct. 7.00pm Statues of the Sleeping Nora Shannon & Michael Hogan St. Joseph are now Sun 3rd Oct available in the Parish RECENTLY 8.30am Mary Clancy Shop in the Church 10.00am Madeline Smyth, Mary Moody BAPTISED 12noon Caroline Howard, Carol Clynch We welcome into the Sat 9th Oct. 7.00pm Christian Community Brian Clancy, Susanne O’Shea Ayda May Culligan, Sun 10th Oct. 10.00am Kaylie Linda Cahill & 8.30am Joan Lyons Bella Rose Van Groningen 10.00am Emer McGrath, Anne Hogan 12noon Carol Clynch, Nuala McNamara CELEBRATION OF FIRST HOLY COMMUNION BOOK SALE –3 FOR €5: Congratulations to the boys & girls from Gaelscoil Uí Selections of books are available at the Choimín who received their First Holy Communion Parish Book Shop in the Church.