2nd CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL NETWORK OF MICHELIN CITIES Building the Cities of the Future: towards sustainable urban development 27-28-29 March 2019 Vitoria-Gasteiz () Europa Congress Palace

EG 2017:001 We live in an era in which cities are gaining greater significance as spaces of the first magnitude at the international level. In fields relating to the new economies, in mobility solutions, the knowledge revolution or the participation of people in public matters, cities are leading the global agenda. Cities that establish part- nerships and synergies, cities that generate networks that can be decisive for the future of the planet. Leading social scientists have defined this new scenario and precisely their grea- test exponent, the sociologist Saskia Sassen, will be coming to Vitoria-Gasteiz du- ring the 2nd International Network of Michelin Cities Congress to talk about the opportunities and cha- llenges that this new vision of the city may hold in the future. Ms Sassen will be accompanied, for example, by Mr Gil Peñalosa, Chair of the “8 80 Cities” organisation and ambassador of World Urban Parks. Two first-rate speakers for an event of the highest level. It is an honour for Vitoria-Gasteiz to host an event that will bring together the best experts who seek such an important goal as making cities an environment dedicated to people that is equally friendly, pleasant and sustainable. Based on our experience as a Eu- ropean Green Capital, together with other cities that have merited this distinction, and the municipalities that belong to the International Network of Michelin Cities, we would like to share those experiences that make us leaders and learn from those who have a lot to teach in the field of sustainable cities. We would like to extend our warmest welcome to this event dedicated to exchanging knowledge. One of the best ways to build the city of the future together.

Gorka Urtaran Mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz

At a time when environmental, social, digital and cultural challenges are emerging around the globe, we must promote the exchange of good practices among the cities of the world. Regardless of size, a city or metropolitan area must be flexible, bold and resour- ceful to accommodate its population in the best possible manner and support its development. However, this requires the support and participation of the stake- holders present in each territory and, therefore, the actors in the territory; for this reason, the International Network of Michelin Cities that we have created brings together public authorities and the vital forces within the cities. After Clermont-Ferrand in 2017, I am delighted that the members of the network have chosen Vito- ria-Gasteiz to host the second network congress on the topic of sustainable urban development. Three days of exchanges, discussions, workshops and visits that will enable us to imagine together the sustai- nable city of the future and open the way to extensive multilateral cooperation. I would like to congratulate the mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz and his team for the quality of their welcome, their enthusiasm and commitment in preparing and organising this event that will, without a doubt, be an important stage in the life of the network. I wish you good and fruitful meetings conducive to the development of our territories.

Olivier Bianchi Mayor of Clermont-Ferrand President of Clermont Auvergne Métropole Wednesday, March 27


10:00 INSTITUTIONAL PRESENTATIONS 10:30 Iñigo Urkullu, President of the Basque Country Ramiro González, General Deputy of Álava Gorka Urtaran, Mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz Olivier Bianchi, Mayor of Clermont-Ferrand María de Maeztu Auditorium

OPENING KEYNOTE ADDRESS 10:30 13:00 Saskia Sassen 1 Guillermo Peñalosa 1 María de Maeztu Auditorium

13:00 LUNCH 14:30 Estíbaliz Room

FOCUS 1 POLICY PRESENTATION: Environmental sustainability 14:30 15:30 Cities are key to solving the serious problem of climate change suffered by the planet. Achieving the ob- jectives of the 2030 Agenda led by the United Nations involves transforming our municipalities into more sustainable and healthy ecosystems that improve the quality of life of citizens. The focus will be on ascer- taining new tendencies to make our cities more sustainable with real examples being delivered by one of the members of the International Network of Michelin Cities. Moderator: Sandra Pina 1 Francisco de Vitoria Auditorium FOCUS 2 POLICY PRESENTATION: Social sustainability / quality of life 15:30 Cohesion and social progress are fundamental to building fairer and more cohesive cities. The current 16:30 global change cannot be faced without taking into account the needs of all people. In this aspect, good governance of the institutions that run the cities plays a very important role. How are cities facing social challenges? A question our speaker will answer, in addition to revealing the good practices conducted by cities in the network. Moderator: Fernando López de Rego 1 Francisco de Vitoria Auditorium FOCUS 3 POLICY PRESENTATION: Economic sustainability 16:30 How can economic progress be made compatible with social and environmental progress? The big ques- 17:30 tion that cities try to answer on a daily basis, as do countries and companies. There is a new green eco- nomy and new concepts such as a circular economy that pose a new way of growing respect for the envi- ronment. Keys will be revealed as regards promoting a more sustainable economy in cities and examples of municipalities that have already achieved it. Moderator: Víctor Viñuales 1 Francisco de Vitoria Auditorium

2 18:00 SOCIAL PROGRAM (Optional visits, according to your choice) 19:15 Electric bike Tour, Medieval Historic Centre or Romantic Tour

19:15 FREE TIME 20:30

WELCOME COCKTAIL 20:30 Villasuso Palace

1,2 More information at the end of the program Simultaneous translation into spanish, english, french, german and chinese Thursday, March 28

EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL CITIES 09:00 Lessons from the European Green Capitals: Vitoria-Gasteiz, Lisbon, Oslo and Nijmegen 10:30 Four different cities but with a common goal: becoming more sustainable every day. The 4 European Green Capitals tell us how they managed to be the most sustainable on the continent and what new me- asures they are implementing to stay green. Francisco de Vitoria Auditorium

10:30 COFFEE-BREAK 11:00 Hall

THEMED VISITS (According to your choice) 3 11:00 Álava Technological Park and BIC Araba, Green Belt, Sustainable 13:00 mobility, Network of Civic Centres, Sustainable building and refurbishing

13:00 LUNCH 14:30 Estíbaliz Room

LABS (working groups) LED BY THE CITIES 14:30 16:30 La Hechicera, Sorginetxe, Florida and Prado Rooms according to your choice LAB 1: Sustainable Mobility Florida Room This lab will delve into the complexities and courses of action for sustainable mobility: solutions to con- trol and improve the air quality, strategies to implement sustainable urban mobility plans, good practi- ces in the operation of electric bus lines and e-mobility clusters, and the environmental challenges for urban goods transportation. LAB 2: City Planning and Urbanism La Hechicera Room I This lab will introduce innovative and successful projects such as the creation of an ecological neigh- bourhood featuring environmental requirements for the future in Bad-Kreuznach (De), an industrial- zone with space-saving, innovative and resource-optimised management processes in Karlsruhe (De), as well as a sustainable university in Querétaro (Mx) that has implemented water conservation, carbon capture and electricity generation measures through alternative sources. LAB 3: Universities La Hechicera Room II The aim of this lab is to create a working group of higher education institutions based in network cities to establish cooperation mechanisms in order to facilitate student and faculty exchanges, dual degrees, internship opportunities, research partnerships as well as online collaboration among universities. This group will strengthen cooperation across the network and will enable cities and universities to further infuse international and comparative perspectives to their existing missions. LAB 4: Technology Park, incubation & innovation Prado Room Technological parks are an important part of the habitat of cities; they welcome the business activities of new and consolidated companies and help generate wealth, not only economic but also of knowledge and experience. During this lab, participants will also have the opportunity to learn about a successful business incubator that encourages and enables entrepreneurs to create new business ventures within the region. In addition, experiences and good practices will be shared to help position and improve this sector. LAB 5: Circular economy Sorginetxe Room I Cities have a very important role in driving the circular economy as they can be the driving force for change by directly influencing citizenship regarding awareness and habit changes. Resources are li- mited and we need to be aware of this, promoting alternatives and encouraging good practices. This working group will serve to pool the various actions and to look for new ideas and proposals that will help to achieve actual improvement. LAB 6: Citizen participation Sorginetxe Room II Thinking of cities directly leads us to think of the people who inhabit them, a city without people would not be a city; therefore, so we think it is really important to give people a real chance to participate. They know the real and everyday needs of each sector of the population. Citizen participation policies can help turn cities into spaces of respect and shared construction. This working group will work on the different forms of participationand how to bring about such participation.

MAYORS’ MEETING 16:30 Salburua Room 18:30 A meeting between the mayors of the participant cities to think about the International Network of Michelin cities.

PITCH & NETWORKING (cities, companies, start-ups) 16:30 Mirador 18:30 Quick presentations to discover the projects of the cities, companies and start-ups, favouring the networking.

18:30 20:30 FREE TIME

GALA DINNER 20:30 ARTIUM: Basque Museum of Contemporary Art

Friday, March 29

10:00 VISIT OF MICHELIN FACTORY 12:00 Vitoria-Gasteiz (for Mayors & Heads of Delegation)

10:00 PITCH & NETWORKING (cities, companies, start-ups) 12:00 Mirador

CONCLUSIONS AND CLOSING PLENARY SESSION 12:30 Guided by Sara Acosta 1 14:00 Francisco de Vitoria Auditorium

14:00 FAREWELL COCKTAIL 15:00 Mirador

2 rest of FREE TIME. SOCIAL PROGRAM (Optional visits, according to your choice) the day Medieval Historic Centre, Cathedral of Santa María or Romantic Tour

1,2,3 More information at the end of the program Simultaneous translation in spanish, english, french, german and chinese 1 SPEAKERS

Saskia Sassen Professor of Sociology at Columbia University in New York City, this Dutch author and sociologist is a well-known and respected figure worldwide in the study of what she calls global cities. A specialist in urban planning, she is also a professor of Sociology at the University of Chicago and a visiting profes- sor at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Known internationally as a result of the publication of her book “The Global City”, she won the Prince of Award in Science in 2013, for her contribution to urban sociology and the phenomenon of globalization. She is an expert lecturer who speaks 5 languages, and has been invited to participate as a guest at most international summits on urban sustainability (including Rio+20 Summit).

Guillermo Peñalosa Guillermo Peñalosa is passionate about cities for all their inhabitants. Guillermo advises leaders and citizen groups on how to create successful cities and healthy communities for all, regardless of age or socio-economic status. Guillermo is the Founder and now President of the successful Canadian non-profit organization Cities 8 80. Its advisory services have been requested by more than 350 different cities on all continents. Before immigrating to Canada, Guillermo was in charge of Parks, Recreation and Sports in Bogotá. Guillermo holds a Master’s Degree in Management from the University of California in Los Angeles, where he was recently recognized as one of the “100 Most Inspiring Alumni” in the history of the School of Management. In 2014 Guillermo received an Honary Doctorate from the Faculty of Lands- cape Architecture and Urban Planning of the prestigious Swedish University, SLU. This year he was selected by Planetizen as one of the 100 most influential urbanist, and was recently awarded the Dis- tinguished Individual of the Year Award by the World Association of Urban Parks.

Sandra Pina Sandra Pina is the Director of Sustainable Brands . She is also a Managing Partner at Innova- ción of Quiero. Sandra Pina is probably one of the leaders in sustainable communication in Spain. She is an expert in Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainable innovation. An Associate Lecturer at the Instituto de Empresa, she heads the largest sustainable brands event in Southern Europe, Sustainable Brands, http://sustainablebrandsmadrid.com/, a benchmark meeting point for managing company sustaina- bility and environmentally friendly brand building. With extensive international experience in the press offices of several European brands, she is currently a partner at Quiero, one of the most renowned branding agencies. She has participated as a presenter and facilitator in several international events. She also holds an MBA from ESADE and has been a speaker at multiple events related to environmen- tal sustainability.

Fernando López de Rego With an extensive professional career, dedicated largely to the world of Law, Fernando López de Rego was a Diplomat at the European Union until he settled in Alicante after being appointed as the first Head of the Legal and Litigation Service of the EUIPO (Intellectual Property Office of the European Union). His profound belief in mediation, tolerance and, above all, respect for his peers, has helped him to achieve important consensuses and diplomatic agreements in Morocco and sub-Saharan Africa; always knowing how to listen and balancing all proposals, while levelling human terrains and physi- cal borders. Expert in International Cooperation and Politics, Law, Sociology, Spirituality... Fernando López de Rego has been, and is a speaker at multiple universities on five continents.

Víctor Viñuales Sociologist, co-founder and Director of ECODES. Associate Lecturer on the Corporate Responsibility Management Advanced Program at the IE Business School since 2007. Member of the Advisory Board of the Biodiversity Foundation. Member of the Advisory Board of Triodos Bank, of the Advisory Council of CREAS Social Fund, Vice President of the Spanish Global Compact Network, member of the Social Council of INDITEX and the Panel of Experts on Sustainability at Sol Meliá. He is also a member of the Advisory Council of the Cooperation Fund for Water and Sanitation of the Government of Spain and a member of the Greenpeace Council. A former member of the Forum of Experts on Social Responsibility of the Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs, evaluator of Development Cooperation projects for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, expert at the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (Nicaragua) from 1992 to 1995, head of the Youth Service of the City Council of Zaragoza (1987-1992), co-founder of the Collective for Peace and Disarmament, co-founder of the magazine En Pie de Paz. Sara Acosta Sara is a translator and journalist specializing in the environment and works for Eldiario.es. She also contributed to creating and publishing the prestigious magazine Ballena Blanca (White Whale), one of the more innovative publications dealing with environmental issues in Spain. She has been a co- rrespondent in Paris and Brussels for various media outlets. Ms Acosta founded and coordinated the environmental supplement of Cinco Días while also collaborating with other domestic media, such as El País, and specialized publications, such as Energías Renovables.

Vanesa Sánchez Vanesa Sánchez is a journalist and has worked as a presenter for ETB television from more than a de- cade. Throughout this period, she has spent time in Asia and also in Paris as a correspondent for the Basque Public Television Service in addition to hosting a number of programmes, including a morning talk show. Ms Sánchez regularly presents events, such as the main Vitoria-Gasteiz European Green Capital 2012 ceremony, in which Copenhagen was announced as the green capital for 2014. She has also hosted international events in Brussels, such as the launch of the new Basque Country tourism image in the Committee of the Regions.


ÁLAVA TECHNOLOGICAL PARK AND BIC ARABA Álava Technological Park, established in 1992, is a commitment by the Basque Public Administrations (Basque Gover- nment, Provincial Council of Álava and Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council) to diversify the Basque business fabric towards tomorrow’s business environment and with the mission of being a catalysing agent of innovation and technological development in Euskadi, favouring the exchange of knowledge and the transfer of technology between companies, tech- nology agents and universities, promoting the creation and growth of innovative companies and offering quality spaces and facilities and added value services, in a sustainable way. The aim of the visit is to publicize the activity conducted in the Álava Technology Park through a presentation by those responsible. Other centres such as the BIC Araba, Technology and Research Centres and/or companies from various sectors like Biotechnology, Aeronautics or Engineering will also take part in the visit. BIC Araba is the Business and Innovation Centre of Álava that offers support services to entrepreneurs and companies with the aim of promoting innovative business and / or technology-based initiatives and promoting their development.

GREEN BELT The visit aims to show the approaches, characteristics and results of the trajectory followed by Vitoria-Gasteiz in relation to the planning and management of its natural peri-urban environment and its integration into the different environ- mental policies that have led to the Basque capital becoming an international benchmark, worthy of recognition as the European Green Capital 2012. SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY The visit aims to show the basic principles of the strategy of public space and sustainable mobility that Vitoria-Gasteiz has been applying over the last decade. Heir to careful planning on a human scale, the Basque capital has been able to respond in an integral way to the challenges that the transformation of the city posed in terms of its mobility, in its determination to address eminently active mobility and the modernization of its offer of public transport.

NETWORK OF CIVIC CENTRES Visit to three civic centres: Ibaiondo and Zabalgana. Find out about the operating model in place for the Vitoria-Gasteiz civic centres network: unique public facilities on hand, where sports, cultural and social facilities are jointly integrated to promote the development of cultural and spor- ting habits, as well as coexistence and citizen participation.

SUSTAINABLE BUILDING AND REFURBISHING Visit to municipal buildings, refurbished using sustainability criteria: Europa Palace, Zaramaga neighbourhood housing and the historic district housing.


ELECTRIC BIKE TOUR * Duration: 1 hour Starting place: Europa Congress Palace at 6 pm Route: A coach will take us from the Europa Congress Palace to Salburua, one of the peri-urban parks that make up the city’s Green Belt and contains wetlands of international importance registered under the Ramsar Convention just 3 kilometres from the city centre. This natural ecosystem is home to numerous species of birds and endangered ani- mals, such as the European mink. Ataria, a nature interpretation centre, can also be found in this area. We shall ride electric bicycles along the various routes around and between the main lagoons. After the tour, the bus will pick us up and take us back to the hotel.

MEDIEVAL HISTORICAL VITORIA-GASTEIZ VISIT * Duration: 1 hour Starting place: Virgen Blanca (Vitoria-Gasteiz green sculpture) at 6 pm Route: Guided visit of the Medieval Area of Vitoria-Gasteiz, declared a Monumental Complex in 1997. Guided walk around the most emblematic points of the Medieval Area and the wall. Plaza de España, Arquillos, Casa del Cordón, Old Cathedral Facade, Walls of Carnicerías, Escoriaza-Esquivel, Montehermoso, Plaza del Machete, Villa Suso, Church of San Miguel and the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca.

SANTA MARÍA CATHEDRAL VISIT * Duration: 1.15h. Start: The Visitor’s Centre of the Cathedral, at 6 pm Route: In addition to the tour, included in the visit to the cathedral, the tower and the watchtower of the city will be visited. Walking along the walkway and panoramic stairs located in the restored room in the portico and climbing in a modern glass elevator that guarantees accessibility, you will reach the bell-frame to enjoy a unique panoramic view of the Alavesa plains.

ROMANTIC TOUR * Time: 1 hr. Place of departure: Virgen Blanca (Vitoria-Gasteiz green sculpture) at 19:00. Route: We shall cross Virgen Blanca Square with its monument to the Battle of Vitoria against Napoleon’s troops, where the popular figure of Celedón, the symbol of the local festivities, arrives from the skies. We shall also visit other char- ming landmarks, such as the 19th-century Romantic “Ensanche” and contemplate the New Cathedral. Our walk will take us to a number of key locations, such as the beautiful Florida Park. We shall find hundred-year-old trees along Paseo de la Senda on our way to Zulueta Palace, the Green Capital head- quarters of Vitoria, and we shall end our route opposite the Museum of Fine Arts and the symbolic facade of the resi- dence of the Lehendakari (Basque Country First Minister), Ajuria Enea.

* Minimum group size: 20 people ENCOUNTER WITH CITIZENS

27 UNIVERSITY PROJECT EXPOSITION. March Vitoria-Gasteiz, a territory between myths and realities Europa Congress Palace. Green Capital Room


10:00 MASTER OPENING LECTURE BY GUILLERMO PEÑALOSA AND SASKIA SASSEN 13:00 Europa Congress Palace. Maria de Maeztu Auditorium

MICHELIN CITIES CONGRESS ENCOUNTERS WITH CITIZENS 19:00 “The role of citizens in the construction of sustainable cities” 20:00 Speakers: Sandra Pina, Víctor Viñuales and Fernando López de Rego Europa Congress Palace. Green Capital Room

Civic Centres: YANN ARTHUS-BERTRAND FILM CYCLE - Planète Océan CC ALDABE. 18:30 A documentary that includes unusual images of our oceans, the source of life on our planet. - Terra CC IPARRALDE. 18:30 A documentary designed to raise our awareness by means of a declaration of love to our planet.

28 - Home March CC EL PILAR. 18:30h UPV-EHU. Faculty of Arts. Graduation Hall. 13:00-15:00 A photographic documentary with images from more than 60 countries that tries to raise awareness on the precarious situation of natural resources.

29 - Méditerranée notre mer à tous March CC SALBURUA. 18:30 UPV-EHU. Faculty of Arts. Graduation Hall. 11:00-13:00 A documentary that attempts to review the present and future of this ocean that harbours 3 continents. - Planète Océan CC ZABALGANA. 18:30 UPV-EHU. Faculty of Arts. Graduation Hall 19:00-20:30 Zadorra 11 10 8 13 Presagana 14 7 116


102 57 12 Latsaerrekea 36 82 Espidea 18 37 2 35 39 16 47 15 58 Bastobi 1 Zadorra 39 33 50 79 74 Bastobi 3 Artandi 10 61 71 48 49 24

64 12 32 Iturrigana



60 31 6


Espidea Gamarratea

69 Los Nogales 20 42

27 18 Pza. Mayor 44 4a 2 7

21 1 59 52 44 Los Tilos 12 de Abetxuko 1 4

7 2 Busturbi

10 14 1 20 56

6 San Andrés San Herriko

17 2

12 13 Pza. del Urrutxaga


32 8

7 Cuatro Caminos 2 1 11 5 plaza Paseo del

45 38 19

14 La Iglesia Uno de Mayo

1 22 46 16

6 25 El Cristo 50


43 42 2 12 59

Txarrakea Alegria


5 Araka Pasaje del Áncora 14 39a

3 31

36 5 57 20 31

Carretera Abetxuko 28

Pza. de la 21 6

53 Parque Zadorra 23 18 Pozoaldea 8

1 10

Cooperativa 30


13 16 Arriagana



Las Acacias 7 28 15 5 27

1 Araka 13 17

2 Iturrizabala 1

2 48

41 1 8 11 16 Uribeguela Plaza de Gamarra

7 1

1 1

2 7


1 2 Plaza Venta Azeduia 44 12

de la Caña 19 Zadorra

Paseo1 del Mirador La Ribera

7 21 2 Avenida de los Olmos 140 12 37 22

1 El Calce1a 2 20 25

16 1 25 60 18 1 51 41 5 La 69 Presa 42 1 7b 23 4 87 89 Barratxi Zadorra

18 Avenida 14 6 Eskalmendi 39 7


Pab 19b 9

38 150

12 124


del 10

144 128 19

11 31 33 136

La Peña Pab 8 29 54


110 8 Pab 14


23 Félix Alfaro Fournier 130 Pab 6 46 8 19 Pab 9 146 54 54 28

102 Río Santa Engracia



57 27 Río Oka 52

128 40 35 9 26 Río

160 5 Río Egileta 98 39

92 30

104 144 Pab 20

96 114 36 17 6 Pab 26

6 24

Río Istoria 66 La Baranda

1 27a 112

Río64 Inglares 21 6 4

25 36

35 28 78 24 50b 34 82 6a

36 15

Río Izkiz 80 17

35 24 41 34


27 20 26 35 88 2 50 Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga 32 9

15 23 Gamarra

60 Barratxi 20 2

48 28 22

Larrabazterra 33

30 34

A 50 B C D E F 19

27 18 10 9

89 18 11 3

16 20 Errotamendia 14 22 17



80 50 23 81

22 1 17 16 19 Lakuaburua GAMARRA


44 42

21 1

16 6 2 18

24 15-a 32 31

Río Iturrizabaleta Río Berrón

64 Lanbarria

23 17 40

1 9 2 3 16 15 42 22 15-c 9 10 19


2 Ihurraldea 9 20 21 9


15 Artapadura Osinagea

16 57 19 7b 27

1 13

58 1 70 2

Río Purón 32

4 18

2 32

1 2

44 5


12 2a 12


26 9 30 23

Río Omecillo16 1 Donostia - San Sebastián Aramangelu Artapadura


2 32 3 7 La Baranda 9 30

61 82 14 13

62 18

19 Plaza del Río

1 21

56 68 1 10 1 20 3

49 8 Larrabazterra

2 59 7

12 4

23 14 12 Portal de Foronda 6 19 Santo Tomás

52 15 15

9 17

49 28 Kapelamendi

54 2 Baroa


53 Río Uragana 57 78 64 20

11 6 8

48 1 24 13 7 Avenida 45 del Zadorra


Río Ega 1 Maltzaga 1 6

44 15 Miravalles 1 19

41 Urrundi

16 5 8

41 24

Río Ugalde 10 Hotels 32

4 20 1 15 53

2 10 11 1 28

38-a 15 13 8

Río OsegarpeRío16 Urederra 14

Zadorra 1 15

39 Landaberde Girona 20 2 9

35 10 48

36 Tarragona 62 20

2 2 Ihurraldea Plazuela


15 76

6 José María Díaz de Mendívil 9

16 1 Portal de 14 12


1 Agirrelanda 32 Río Bayas 3

32 de Laubidea Canal 4 de Santo Tomás 2

Río Ayuda 52 23

2 30 6 4 Alegría 51 5 4 2 Artapadura 10 5

34 1 33 1 Luis Olariaga

1 Río Zubialde

26 6

16 H Gran Hotel Lakua *****. Tarragona, 8. Tel. 945.181.000 A1

70 58 2 3 1 13d

2 18 14 31 21 50 1 29 6 4


24 Río Nervión Duque de 17 5

2 23 17 Concejo 8 8

66 7 6 1 9 Julián de Arrese

20 81

19 Río Sabando 2

6 6 10 3

10 HR Ciudad de Vitoria ****. Portal de Castilla, 8. Tel. 945.141.100 C 4

79 52

12 20 5 9

14 1 1 2 13 41 15

12 Gernikako Arbola 22 La Peña

49 46 11

Río Errekaberri 2

95 12 16 1


7 1 2 8 77 17

65 15

18 16

11 2 16 Plaza de Cataluña 13 Larragana

17 46 IBAIONDO 2 4 H AC General Álava ***. Avenida37 de Gasteiz, 79. Tel. 945.215.000 C 3 12

29 4 2 3 33

2 63 36 39 4

5 71 Pozoa 16 15

33 7

1 Pamplona 5 34 27

21 6 10

40 22 1

1 16 Lleida 2

31 17 17 69 14


25 29

16 16 2 17 26 29

3 Río Zaia 18 1 11 57 27

14 23 6

Getaria 34 42


8 19 13

51 53

35 Girona 59 10

41 1a

14 48 30

2 15 33 18 40 26 12 23 41

1 49

14 Zarautz 2 47 8 19 24 14 18 8 12 40

41 42 61 25 de

56 Alfredo Donnay 16



7 57 49 36 21

64 1 4

2 16 45 59 11 44

2 Plaza Zumaia 84


Orio 5 86


24 31 80 3

50 Sierra de Urbasa 32 55 60

Hondarribia 6 10 33

78 1 Portal de Bergara 7


43 53

48 34 31

Alibarra 8 9 14 Río Barrundia 15

9 8

17 74

18 31 32 47 1 58 43 23 32 56

21 4

41 Europa Congress Palace

Landaberde 7

42 25 26 12 26 Plaza Vicente 1 11 68

33 23 49 3

13 17 9 4

25 54 6 2

14 Baiona 14 21 Zurbano



37 Beltrán de Heredia 19 1 13

38 Voluntaria 15 Entrega41 70 5 2 4 15

24 7

3 74 del Cantábrico 6 24 46 7 25 17 6 76 11

21 39 56 11 9 16 2

1 Basque39 Museum-Center56 of Contemporary Art 5

12 13 42 27


20 11 1


14 9 2 12

21 32 29 54 3

50 7

45 7 Alfonso XI 23

1 10

17 23 48 3

35 48

33 58 1 21

15 Monasterio4 de Leire 2 Green sculpture 9

12 Sierra de Aralar 15

14 38 56

2 21 21 28b 13 17

Zorrostea 2


4 Belate 44 42 31

48 23 60 Portal de

35 Xabier 25

48 9 42 78 9 20 Juntas Generales 3a

31 34 68

44 54

7 50 11 10 29 33

- 18 36 26 21 31 3 28 Villa Suso Palace 7 Plaza Alfonso 20

37 Santo Tomas

12 42 52 72 24 9a 41 2 3

10 23 6 5 Parada 60

8 1 36 24

29 9 1 12 14 32

13 21 8 23 4 20

1 11

20 35 18 28 10 8 9 18 Sierra de Andia 38 58 Avenida

19 14 28 38 47 Harrobi 21

1a 5 4 23 14 4 42

44 49 4a

16 32 1 3 39 46

21 34 Girona

2 W 52 55 17 Ermua

28 19 22

3 19 Paseo de

San Miguel de Atxa 3 32-e

Ori20 40



30 1

13 17 63 40 24

2 1 Txirpia


4 27 15 1 1

Santa Olaja 15 26 Portal

36 Pab 5

12 10

24 de Acero 28 35

14 36 Pab 6

11 Irati 2-c 11 55

11 16

21 36


1 11 27

25 Pab 20 16

12 15 7

12 31 24 Legazpi

8 24 36 Francisco Javier de Landaburu

Pab 1 32 Pab


7 Baiona Getaria 1 18 4-a

25 28

12 12 2-a 62

21 Amadís Pab 2 11

Vitoriabidea 8 6 2


29 4


3 26 1-a 8 Pab 8 10 12 9 18


1 10

6 1


23 6 4

14 5

1 Pab 19 19 3 3 18 8 30 la Biosfera

8 5 Gabriel Aresti

17 28 20 32 1-h 37-b

6 19 Orio 9

2 2 27

10-a 2 4 Azpeitia 12 Arriaga

7 1 3 10

8 14 15 María Teresa León 2 1 43


24 30 117 Caballo de Pica 23

4 113 6 11 24 6

3 2

12 11 Blas de Otero Azkoitia 22 6-a

10-b 5 10

Iruñea 1 2 2 15 1 8 21 8 25

105 19 Elgeta 1 26 12 19 28 5 Gran Sol 5 8 Puer 28a 25

Alibarra Pedro Salinas 20 8 to 16 6 Ángela Figueroa15 Aymerich 24

21 2 Zaramaga 3

de 64 Elgoibar

22 2 14

103 15 22

Ernestina de Champourcin 19 U 23

13 5

Parque San Juan de Arriaga 51 8


18 r 2 29 k 6

1 2

13 10 io Antzuola 2

11 l a 28 60


3 67 17 3 57

4 20 20 1 53 20 10 7

Miguel Hernández 3 65 26

12 4 Gerardo Diego 8


Estella 12 9 5 2 65

11 8


23 13 35 7 11

18 14 51 3 21 2 17


3 5

Monasterio de Iratxe 18 12 47

13 Puerto de Azazeta


18 4 1 15 6

13 9 1 8

15 56 68 1


15 45

20 9 60 4 1 2 41 7 21 11

Puerto de 63 58 7 10 11 1 Dámaso Alonso 64 52 16 18 59 Mendoza

22 2 9 46

16 Roncesvalles 7 54 36 9 2 16 16 8 39 7

3 24

48 21 15 Herrera2 29 35

Rafael 36 7 54 12 6 4

5 70 5 8 10 42

1 28 12 12 11 59

ellington Puerto de Barazar3 Urartea 27 1

18 Alberti 3 31 C 30

Guatemala u 50 ad 15

10 16 Panama ril 10 la 23

1 23 8 1 41 de 4 28 2 6 L

2 agu 12

C a 2 8 16 Gabriel Celaya EL PILAR rd

Vitorialanda Cuadrilla de Añana i 22 9

25 5 a

8 Jorge Guillén Juan de Garay 48 u 12

9 Francisco 3 Longa 21 a 24

- -

2 12 5 d 4

1 6 Eibar

4 29

68 6 r 5

47 il R

28 l R 8

2 19 9 a 23 3


i i

17 10 o

o Elgoibar 3

Plaza Euskaltzaindia d 10

1 Puerto de Azazeta 27 e 20 j

j Zaramaga 1 9

28 44 a ZARAMAGA a 5

Plaza de 37 Sal

2 vatierr 1

2 2 a-Agu 2 18

20 5 17 4 rain Portal de Betoño 7

Puerto de Altube 6


2 2 6


9 25

América Latina Brasil 12

20 21

12 1 1 2 26

4 23 6 A Coronela Ibaibarriaga 12 Portal A 8 Plaza Llodio

18 21 La Habana 14

l l

11 2 3 1 5 5 2 a

14 a 10


17 15 2 Mendoza

16 4

6 ALI-GOBEO 1 45 8 v

5 15 11 v

6 16 7

13 10 11 e

Azucarera 14 5 22 e 7 7 Senda de los Puertos

6 17

Puerto de Etxegarate 18 s 14 11 33 s

1 LAKUA Puerto de Arlabán 1 Paseo de los Humedales a Martín Susaeta a

9 Reyes de Navarra Soraluze Loreto de Arriola11 9 9 6 8 2

3 9 2 10

3 10

58 16 4 Mondragón 10 4 Guayaquil 3a 7 7 José Domingo Olarte 1 34 A-B 3 17 Bekolarra 2 Venezuela 39 1 9 Cuba 56 2 1 12 28 3 3 5 8

10 2 24 7 Vitoria - Gasteiz 3 5 1

Pablo Morillo 2 1 29 Juan de Velasco 7 Plaza 2 5 18 1 20 Mendaro 5 8

10 54 14 9 12 Oñati

30 9 10 2

Espoz y Mina 11 Panamá Eskoriatza 3 de Zaramaga

22 6 26 9 22 3 8 1

4 52 60 62 1 6

Avenida de los 46 31 2 20 4

34 8 El Salvador 7 6 18 10 2 27 Zuia 2 7 52 Puerto Rico 6 1 11

2 Jacinto Arregui 44 E-F 4

Paraguay 8 14 8 36 4

38 C-D Lima 2 25 36 14

12 a 1- 44 22 2 9 2

54 Reyes de Navarra 12 5 1 13 3 12 Herria 10 10 16 47 18

2 18 4 5 8 19 42 5 3 38 Burgos 16 Uruguay 32 58 12 Conde Don Vela Honduras Plaza 1

46 14 24 3 23 20-1

17 29 26 8 48

32 20 1 40 44 8 17 43

30 Garalbide 17 13

27 8 Rigoberta Menchú Costa Rica 10 Senda Pedro Ignacio Barrutia 79 de

54 41 20 14 15 Helsinki 5 15

1 29 Cuadrilla de 28 2 2

6 11 50 66 32 6

23 Caracas 8 Vicente Manterola 46 3 32

34 1 29 2 12 Pasaje Las Antillas 1 8

Antonio Machado 2 6 20-7

20 4 12 Cuadrilla de Ayala 3 9 24 28 8


3 9 Amurrio 52 5 8 48


9 7 36 12 15 11 Fausto Íñiguez de Betolaza 2 4 21 8 4 60 Madrid 110 Senda Alonso12 de Sarría 3 4 3 5 3 26 20 106 22 26 Ef 14 69 2 5 B

2 13 2 54 1 7 8 de Arriaga 40 85 u 3 14 Martín Olave 42 38 48 9 10 15 le 14 6 GAZALBIDE 2 6 39 58 95 Paseo de Berlín1 v 1 2 Bernal Díaz de Luco Cuadrilla 54

9 65 2a a 50 Cofradía de Arriaga 26 1 5

Euskal 16 Perú 7 64 r José Achótegui 2 1 Diego de Rojas 1 11 11

6 Parque

a 24 5 22 46 7 S Pza. del 8 28 2 Nicaragua 63 4

Juana Jugan 4 35 12 71 p a 66 8 n

46 10 8

2 13 16 6 o

Parque Cuenca del Deba r t 60

Plaza de 11 1 10 10 13 6 7 Tres de Marzo 48 2 o

1 u 7 1

16 18 13

Martín de Saracibar 3 5 12 13 E 22 1 Gazalbide 52 16 Salburua la Constitución Fermín Lasuen 17 56 17 Senda de los Echanove 18 Lorenzo Prestamero Los Isunza 64

5 8 Estocolmo 6 1 Santa Isabel 7 66 18 5

71 Paula Montal7 San Viator 2 46 2

Paula Montal 18 Behenafarroa 9 3 9 e 7 57

Zuhatzu 60 6 20 24 T

67 14 5 10 d 3 8

8 10 31 20 8 28 o

40 2 2

1 1 2 2 13 1 15 13

29 1 42 Avenida 30 m

1 19 47 38 1 o 34 6 8 9 3 11 15

16 11 5 23 Reyes 5 Católicos 19 e d a

3 21 s

11 Plaza Obispo Ballester 17 a e s 1 4

22 1 36 7 45 P

26 10 14 15 39 Copenhague

36 Lapurdi Plaza 8

12 3 12 3 12 Portal de Legutiano 4 35 5 95 14 19

Gregorio Altube 2

2 8 11 12 Plaza Martín 31 2 6 Stuttgart 30 10 2 Basoa 10 10 21 49 54

24 52 18 Zuberoa

28 SANSOMENDI 4 Colombia 1 15 Julián de Apráiz 12 5 Ramón Rubial Francisco Leandro 12 2 2 Burgos 12 7 13 de Salinas 10 Plaza Benito Sansomendi 8 32 1 7 6

14 9 1 25 18

90 8 2 8 5

2 62

41 19 1

6 3

20 Senda 4 Valentín de Foronda 6 Reyes Católicos Pérez Galdós 29 6 6 Simón de Anda 14 28 Fernán González 58

14 1


Bolivia 1 23

10 16 Amsterdam

Huetos 47 2 8

4 1-a 1

4 16 a 20

Mar Tirreno


16 4 5 p

1 Plaza del 15-b


3 22 14 9 56 Lisboa

o 22



86 r

5 Senda de los Donantes de Sangre 52 Errekaleor

2 Ecuador

7 Gorbea Emperador Carlos I 2 Paseo de Estrasburgo u


6 Plaza Pascual 8 19

23 4 46


2 1 20 15 17

18-a 7 Ballester 8

12 24

Avenida 15 128


de Andagoya 50 12

23 Pablo Neruda 16 32

100 13

3 9 91 Urbina 14 9

53 25


11c Mundigalay 18-b 13 26 48

8 Bremen Borinbizkarra Elexalde 3 10 20 11


18 11 9b 38

9 2

17 Bruno Villarreal 22 6 11

4 46 8

Düsseldorf 7 Madrid d


1 35

50 Paseo del Aeródromo


46 Avenida de Londres

12 96

16-c Plazuela Tenerías 44

22 15

4 3

6 18 49

30 2 1 5

3 5 12

25 17 15 5 1 48

2 Eulogio Serdán 1

14 o

10 2 1

24 4 6 5

14 10 Luxemburgo

Navarro Villoslada

e e 3c de los Goros

16 16


19 16 1 Senda de los Canónigos blo U 17

3 2 a

de Viana de

de Viana de 7 P


2 30 l s La Haya

16 í

12 23 89 1 é b 1

Perretxin 3 1 12 20 a 42 5 11 10


8d s


2 52 2 rr a


5 15 i 19 39 1 2 o 15

2 22


20 J

82 P

23 9 3 1 P 18


Borinbizkarra 11 12 19

10 8 1 11 a

1 35 8

Plaza d 38 Heraclio Alfaro

5 4

6 7

16 19 Argentina 3

25 5 16 n

8 11

90 3-a

7 4

18 Bulevar e Parque de

2 36

47 S


4 Santo Domingo 12 1 CORONACIÓN 2 5 SALBURUA

9 2

Mar Báltico 7 4 10

7 1

Parque Aranbizkarra


5 Burubizkarra 13 San Ignacio de Loyola 6 34 S

19 38 10

7 33 14 32 7


14 2 5 7 a

17 3 1 4 Beethoven 5 l

15 14 l 4


8 11 b 12

21 5 Molinuevo 86 10 Viena 23 4

u del los Pablo Huetos Neruda 9 u

13 Diego de Borica Y Retegui TXAGORRITXU 9 16 13 11 r

15 Portal de Legutiano 15 r

6 Obispo 7

21 u

12 Asestadero 8 7 18 3 30 u

Cruz Blanca 6

3 a Las Roturas a

Zalla 6 1 2 28 9 4 32

10 11 12 2 18 6 5 27 4 6 Máximo 29

11 12 1 40 10 44 27 y y

100 Mar Báltico 7 1 Coronación de la Virgen Blanca


1 Guisasola 2

4 12 4 12 2 14 39 2 Valladolid l e Jardines 2 18 28

35 15 14 13 de Echávarri Bolivia

1 Plaza de 10 100 Anglo-Vasco n 1 n l e 8 3 Hortaleza

122 53 Pza. de


Mar Tirreno 5 33 Vicente González 11 a a

Máximo Casado 6 4 4 1 1 2 1 2 22 20 10 t 30 16 n 23 20 38

40 la Ciudadela 2 26

9 3 84 34

e 1 12 Avenida de Paris


51 19 20 s 44 2 4 3

4 20

r 4 9 32 10 34 7

24 19

e 94 Joaquín Collar 22

33 Chile 6

1 2

d Monseñor Mateo Múgica 10 1

25 30 Kutxa 1 28 90 18 n 21 45

12 3 21 6 9 37 38 22 A 3 5

Ceferino de Urien 35 88 Mar del Norte Sebastián Hurtado de 9 2

9 7 7

66 1 6 5 4 4 82 5 ARANTZABELA

36 10 1

Paseo de Atenas 25 36 México Aldabe 8 19-a

2 36

82 Plaza Zaldiaran 1 10

25 38 28

8 2

Telesforo de Aranzadi Declaración de Río

10 30 10 3 36


21 78 7 53 16 Monseñor Estenaga Sierras Alavesas

3 7 22 1

Plaza San Martín Enrique de Eguren 1 7 2 16 6 16 32 10 6 1

24 n 11 11 6 7 27 9 ia 30 1 Pedro Orbea 12 Pza. de las Avenida 8 de Bruselas 35 1-a t n 5 5 2 80 s 32 Tourism information 32

Errotaurra i 17 11 22 1 2 Leoncio Garnier 2 de Abendaño 39 r o 22 1

h t 1 11 1 3 20 28

C Provincias 17

83 10

4 r 1 47 7 10 27


5 26 12 Zuazobidea ELEXALDE o 25 3 7 67 20

76 2 10 2 León 13 16 1412 Amizkarra Vascongadas

29 2 s M 6 n 69 37 a José Miguel Barandiarán 64 76 1

H 6 13 19 Avenida de Roma 19 17

28 27 81 9 1 30 39 26 5 5 6 74 1

17 35 Badaia ERROTAZARRA20 15 2 4 13 1 7 1

4 2 6

1 Océano 68 29 18 31 20

Hospitals Beato Tomás de Zumárraga 1 Palencia 30 55

64 6 9 Carta de Aalborg

2 27 71 25 23 23 Los Herrán 16 Zalburu 2 58 33

33 10 Plaza 2

14 1 35 29 de Leceta 2 20 60 6 72 10 11 11 2 6 36 9 15 2 Victoria Kent y 24 2 2 37 39 8 35 1 35

7 4 11 14

1 r 21 r 25 25

12 San Antón 35 10 Cruz Verde Cruz

66 52 Verde Cruz 13 22 31 Aranbizkarra 34

27 48 3 Plazuela 25 18 26 70 n 19 a 6 8a

1 Sebastián Fernández 15 15

11 Carta de Atenas 13 13 l Curitiva 40 7 l 4 8b 3 2 15

74 e Ignacio Ruiz de Luzuriaga 12 Pza. de la Unión Arana 3 2b 38 Las Arenas 71 Pasaje de Arrieta 32 o Aldabe Plaza 40 64 21 Arana 18 26-a


Post office 34 10 C

1 23

14 4 Francia 32 22 14

30 16 31

17 10 16

52 San José 22 7 Senda José Luis 22 18 35 2 8 95 Océano 3 Gonzalo-Bilbao

13 35 1 20 Gorbea 3 BORINBIZKARRA San Ildefonso 6 16 Pintor Mauro Ortíz de Urbina 19 Parque Lermandabidea 93 9 31 11

Luzurio Zabalgana 16 30 1 12

Perretagana 6 EL ANGLO 60 Pintor Aurelio Vera-Fajardo


Zadorra 14 22

37 7 2 15 4 23

3 20 12 1 49

Harria 6 15 26


1 87 Próspero Mérimée Jerónimo 8 Roure Domingo Beltrán de

10 19 69 de Arana

33 35

6 42

5 5 Masparra 12 17 10 16 26

9 10

8 21 3 28 La Paloma 2 5

12 17 27

3 2 Andalucía 4 Andalucía Police 19 1 2 2 25 27 Aragón 5 16 1 29 1 2 13

18 13 Pintor Clemente Arraiz 15 1 8 7 46 Mendigularra 26 8 26 6 11 26 10 33

3 8 7 La Esperanza 9 13 85 29 7 9 Pintor Vicente Abreu 12 2

7 18

4 2-c Atlántico 14 9 16 17

9 12 n

5 2 Sancho El Sabio í

6 3 Pintor Gustavo de Maeztu 7 22

2 58 19 2 Pintor Ángel Sáenz de Ugarte 14 6 18 1 12 8 5 41

5 u 1 Errekartea 1 12 21 Pza. del 22

2 Ortuoste 8

19 4 8 q 2 25 40 9 25 4 Logroño 8 46 3 7 24 13 2 7 14 a

5 4 3 Marqués de 2

de Sucre

Bus station 2a 12 Arantzabela Antonio 5 o

11 2a 10 Harria 23

7 Júndiz 11 3 Avenida 39 59

1 15 4 J

Ajanalde 83 1 1 1 13

11 Plaza de 9 21 5

6 29 1 C la Alameda CASCO 11 1

3 9

1 Arroxeta

40 25 38 8 15 53 2 Zaroa 20 2e 8 Judimendi 1 22 Txiribia 10 8 17 18 20 31 3 1 Alejandro Dumas 33 27

Arenal 50 16 10 9 SiervasSiervas

23 29 MEDIEVAL /

10 El Torno 3 8

Colegio de San Prudencio 10 5 16 2

17 4 Avenida 18 de 19 Camino de Santa Teresa Prudencio María Verástegui 77 6 José San Martín 9 51 Bulevar de Salburua

3 9

12 14 Pintor Vicente Abreu 4 5 Taxi stop 2

22 Oilamendi Serafín Ajuria 6

Landabiña Pasaje Ramiro de Maeztu Nueva Fuera 4

7 ERDI AROKO Plaza de 1

3 51 13 14 1


1 Perretxin 15

Pacífico 5-a 16

5 14 49 Plaza 1

16 Margarita Nelken 13

2 14

Adriano VI 5 7 8 13 de Jesús

2 Parque 2 de Jesús Arantzabela




5 56 16

58 Tomás Alfaro

11 1

13 9 GUNEA 12 3 5 2 18

1 60 38 Simón Bolívar 9

47 3 Portal8 de Elorriaga

49 5 11 1 8 4

43 San Martín 4 12

Zorrolleta 6 2 10 21 11 6

41 Cercas Bajas

7 Plaza de 32 1 61 11

39 Tram stop 1 Pablo Picasso Ricardo Buesa 5

16 2 Asturias Lubiana2

46 75 79 12 2

19 1

1 Félix María Samaniego

9 23 SANTIAGO 27 Primitivo Herrero Rubio

4 59


Clara Campoamor Abrevadero 8 49

Gustavo Doré Senda de Salvador Allende 51 6 19 55

26 15

14 Madre Teresa de 4 Calcuta Pintor Aurelio Vera-Fajardo 1 Plaza Francisco 9 María Zambrano Alarcón 48

19 3


6 43 Nadine Gordimer

2 16 1 16 1 35 José de Anchieta 12 a 3 La Libertad

i 10 Juan de Ayala 47

71 10 Avenida de Praga

1 33


46 73 Santiago 8 e Gabriel Martínez de Aragón Urbiztondo l 44 65 44

33 4

5 Margarita Xirgu Subirá

Zuazobidea 45

8 5 6 16 Streetcar lines 7 6

9 e 69 17 2 1c 31

Bastiturri 44 12 Pza. del Conde

25 42 48 33

17 2

V 19 13


7 Oilamendi 5


13 Condado de Treviño 32 7 25 11 Joaquín José Landázuri

Joaquín José Landázuri 2

5 46-b 31 Toni Morrison 2

11 22 28 de Peñaflorida 34

10 10 16 D

13 26 1

11 9 2 Miranda de Ebro

69 13 20 7 40

17 24

44 de

Isabel Orbe o Arkaiabidea

del Mediterráneo del

Mediterráneo del Pedro de Asúa

15 12 20 8


17 21

28 r 5

9 4

37-a 7 2

40 Cola y Goiti 3 1

38 4 18 i

2 Zearsoloeta 29 1 2

de Quejana

7 Los Sáez s 2 13

Pintor Jesús Apellániz 7



Bike hire Pje. Joaquín 3 2 Ramiro de Maeztu 15 39 4 10 8

18 Diputación Foral de Álava 13 1 Los Astrónomos


1 2 21 San Francisco 9 1 3 8


20 17 2 Pza. de 2 Mariano 6

15 9

José Landázuri Pza. del 2

54 1 1 9 14 42 45 Zurrupitieta 27 11

63 í

2 22

l Santa Mª Josefa del Corazón de Jesús 1 2

15 Senda de Ankara

19 23

Portal del Rey 12 14 5 10

63 43 22 4 Plaza IBAIALDE

11 San Miguel 11

Avenida 15

24 a 25 6 Provincia4 4 Galileo 10 22 46

8 1 Hospital

1 9 2 13


18 2 María Lejarraga García

22 1


D 5 3

5 2 3 12

Lermandabidea 21 5 12 1 16

10 Pepe Ubis 8 1

12 Avenida de Varsovia

114 1 26

1 7 1

Bike lane 48 9 12 Pintor Miguel Jimeno de Lahidalga 2

- 16 Los Manteli 1 8

25 37 3 7 13

57 29 2 4 16 10 16 44 4


Santa2 Lucía N 14 1 5 8 Gabriela Mistral

9 Dolores Ibarruri Gómez Médico Tornay 1 1 7 Luis Álava Sautu 36 15 a 37 1

2 5


11 10 11 38 La Alberca Vieja

10 6 c 40

20 1

14 2

i 10 L

14 1 13 1 Nicosia o Diego Martínez


Perretagana 53

n 15 18 2 16 15

12 11 18 23

10 2

13 e 13 86 e

s 5 15 42 Plaza de 1 José Mardones Avenida de Budapest

16 17 14

Masparra 25 13

2 15 9


19 Juan II Benito Guinea

5a 21 3 1 10 de Álava ARKAIATE

6 Zorrolleta 12 7


33 9

7 11 s 27 28


6 8 14 1 15 15

3 Airport

7a 2 22 4


4 2 San Valentín de Berriotxoa 1 11 i 15 2 Lovaina

18 14 2 2 n

38 26

Labastida 12 18 30 SANTO TOMAS

84 Sofía

Miren Martínez Sáez del Burgo 6 22 Polvorín Viejo



2 Fueros

7 11 2

Pintor Pablo Uranga 10 12 g

8 49

10 20 a 19 6b 16 12

Antoni Tápies 10 1 Bucarest



18 10 Magdalena 20 Olaguibel

Santa Catalina Parque ñ 59

6 21 2 11 18 Vicente Aleixandre


10a 32 24

4 Buztinzuri 33

10 u 22 8 4

61 18 2

r 22 53 13 17 51 17 U 8

26 7 1


r n 29 11 9 112

11 4 2 20 22 i 51 9

I o d Ricardo Sacristán 15 15 30

20 34 Tallinn 16 2 18 a 28 2

5 s Plaza 1 3

8 d 3 Vicente Goicoechea 19

30 13

Madre Vedruna 10 43 23 Jorge Fernández Ibarra

1 Marta Mata I Garriga

1a a 12 12 13 82 9 2

12 21 2

I 5 15b 36 1 7 RENFE train station 42

10b Gerardo Armesto Pza. del2 49 8 v 13 2 4a t 34

62 5 7

7 l 7 15 El Prado Postas 33 23

u 47 Abendaño


1 4 37

13 Zabalgana Plaza Jesús Riga 7 51 110 a 3

13a 65 1 Becerro de Bengoa 55 Elorribarra 7

1b 24

r 77 11 General

45 S Pintor Carlos Sáez de Tejada 46 7 18

43 4 8 19 9 La Valletta 25 36

28 41 4

r 3

4 63 2

49 54 13 45 16

1 46 2

Juan Gris 6 2 i 26 María de Leizaola

12 32 7 8 13 80 Loma 21 9 La Paz 36 13b g 10

6 2 34 1 48 1 Concepción Arenal Ponte

Pza. de 14 6 18 Koldo Mitxelena 5

3 15 29

9 Avenida Nuestra Señora de Estíbaliz 58

o 25

6 9


Araneta 8 36

23 4

10 18 25

49 Los Herrán la Ilíada 8 8 Rail line 11 Juan Gris 36 31 Luis Heintz

71 Errekatxiki


1 2 25 i 78

34 46 Pje. de Postas los Fueros 13

60 Bizenta Mogel 68 15 Parque del Este


11 k 1 6 50

10 25 7 6 22 T

3 2 8 3 7 1 38 1

9 2 32 10 8 24

Pintor Obdulio López de Uralde 2 17 eodoro Olarte Aizpuru

Jardines Obispo 5

o 1 1 23

3 2 28

20 5 Independencia 1 108 8

7 Paseo de la Unesco General Álava Plaza Sefarad 27

1 1 Pza. Santa Bárbara 38

2 7 21 Pje. del General Álava

42 2 13 25 17 31

12 6 3 28-a 22 12

Pintor 16 19 Vilnius

58 1-3 1

47 51 7 18 25 23 44


Ramón Fernández 29 13 22

13 Paseo de Salvador de Azpiazu 15 12 43

5 Zuazo de Vitoria Pintor Ignacio Díaz Ruíz de Olano 17 45 4 3 Etxezarra 32

5 19 24 4

17 12

16 19 31 42

10 37 1

28 4 13 32 Parque


Shopping centre 2


12 Los Astrónomos 24

50 1 6 1

de Piérola 13

Portal de 2 1 5 35 20 5 5

17 1 3 8 41 17 8

10 15 13 17

10 33 23 8-a e 50

45 19

La Florida 13 1

40 39 7

8 Doce de Octubre 19

61 1

10 28 56 104 3 12 8 19 3 7

r 5 de 4 Arantzabal 12

2 2 19

44 6 15 3 6 14 2 3 28

r 25 4 25 5 4 37

31 48

29 8 11 2 7 7

12 e 13 Avenida 11 de Gasteiz ENSANCHE 39 6 17 11 50

16 28 4

13 41 20

4 20 1-a Plaza

5 13

Plaza 44 9

k 102 7 17 1 Parque

49 1 Monseñor Cadena y Eleta Avenida de Bratislava

17 5 1 52 Castillo de Buradón 2


10 7 a 13

10 1 2 Etxezarra 6 14 11

29 4

7 de


13 18 9 Celedón 46

52 8 Ricardo Puga

39 San Prudencio 1 Venancio del Val 56

14a 3

Fuentecillas 5 36 1 Judimendi 21

22 19

15 9 18 Zurrupitieta 10 16 Lascaray 27 17

Zorrolleta 11 8 2 2 29

Sofía 8 20 5 3 11


12 1 33 53

1 Jesús Guridi 21


32 Pintor Adrián Aldecoa 15

12 38 2 Pza. 12 3


4 29 4 Pza. Ntra. Sra. 1 José Lejarreta 11 2 24 Santiago Ramón y Cajal 11

4 18

Elciego Paseo de la Florida 35

18 20 7 3 2 25

7 de Arca 5 7


Zuazobidea 35 45 Los Aramburu

2 11 de los Desamparados 16 14 2 Senda del Río Ali 31

15 4 10 7 8

16 9 11

35 33 15

10 48 1

19 5 4 35 15 Kutaisi 23 18


24 10

18 1 9 14

3 Arca

Vicente Aleixandre Vicente

6 1 40 Aleixandre Vicente

16 6a

4 12 32

3 2

2 16

7 9 24 2

15 Castillo de Villamonte 2 20 3 34

5 27

17 7 31

27 11 Canciller Ayala Pio XII

4 2 45 Teodoro Dublang 30 4 6 1 11

21 Pintor Juan Ángel Sáez

4 12 12 1 9 51 Castillo de Aretxaga 2 9

17 2 19

1 16

45 16 39 Paseo 31 9

36 2 1 27 25 21 7 2 13 46

36 48


8 27a


11 49 3


2 3 19 21 2 1 33 30 10 5 15 4 1 36 14

Lapuebla Micaela Portilla 1 Angulema 10 21 Eduardo Dato

50 47 25 Ramón Ortíz de Zárate 7 50

7 37 32 22 1 6 32 13 53 23

9 11 1

14 Eduardo Velasco 10 18 24

50 5 29 5 50

Paseo de la Música 31

5 22 12

33 de Labarca 32 1 24 3 12 21 33 6 22 15

6 23

20 41

Basaldea 10 17 10 2 La Eneida

1 17 3 33

17 12 6 La 41 Florida 35 4 37 2 7 17 38 Baráibar 11 1 2 Plaza Amárica 53

14 49 Portal de Castilla 37

3 2 15 23 8 33

18 46

9 28 15 7 48

20 15 14 32 35 Avenida de Judimendi 30

15 8 3


1 Fueros 18

13 Paseo de la Cruz Roja 19 28

2 1 16 4 30

43 41 6 3

Lermandabidea 12 1 Ibarredi 5 34

29 21 34

Bidegana 29 7 6 39 23 35 21 8 41


de Castillo de Lantarón Plaza 4-a 4 Lope de Larrea de Lope

6 8 Castillo de Eskibel Larrea de Lope 51 25


2 29 Castillo de Portilla 1


18 39 48 43

Yécora 13 13 2 24

Juan XXIII 32 16 1 7-b 51a

9 13 48

45 23 19 2

37 26 12 7

8 98 28 56 14

47 5 2 11 2 22 4 8 58 Federico14 34

8 15 Sor Sofía 9a 53-b 43

9 8 18

Paseo de2 Moreda de Álava 38b

Bidegana 25 60

2 6 22 14

Parque de Salinillas de Buradón 23 Castillo de Fontecha 9

13 9-a 45 12 33 21 Barriobusto 6

8 Paseo Carmelo Bernaola 26 55 67

2 6

Ural-Mendi 16 3

Rioja 10 26 22 12

Ariznabarra 10 46

25 12 4 1

11 Las Calzadas 22


18 16

22 a

28 8 41

Labastida 12 13 17 18 14 8 9 62-a

28 20 7 8

30 4 2 34 1 12 Manuel24 Iradier 2 u

11 San Antonio 19 52 64 21 1

96 5 36 r 11 Paseo de la Senda 32 47

27 16 2 Ferrocarril

32 12 Castillo de Mendilucía 3 5

7 29 Jacinto Benavente del Norte 14 14 27 24 6365 2 38 40 15 18 1 u

3 4 40 P A

Castillo de Assa Etxezarra uente me 6 40 30 s Askarra

2 64 t

3 2 44 o

75 4 y

23 Felicia Olave

4 b



8 1 38 l 34 19 15 4 5 70 36 16 27 5 43 c Castillo de Astúlez 46

31 57 a 6 24 52 2

Kripan 14 10 Castillo de Ocio a a

17 17 74 59 23 Is 8 45

Bulevar de Mariturri 2 1 1

62 18 28 58 4 78

D 9 16 46 33 61 S

36 s ere 8 10 Castillo de San Adrián 44

74 o 4 34 6 35 10 21 l c 72

20 7 h 3 1

94 o Castillo de Fontecha 1 2 16

Senda de Zarauna 26 s 3 IsaacAlbéniz

7 6 14 74 39 42 29

17 2 Ariznabarreta 1 Florida

9 38 47

4-a Las Neveras3

7 Castilla 3 30 36

13 4

Zuazobidea 31 22 1 1

1 5 6 80 11 17 37 10 17 12

3 5 Federico García Loºrca

7 11 8 5 5 11

11 54-e 2 15 7 19

21 86 7

Paseo de Labraza 46 20 52 82

40 15 24 6 2 23 92

22 9 26

24 22 8 La 23 10


13 5 José Erbina 2 z z 1


22 Plaza Porticada H Castillo de Zaitegi Castillo de Gebara 11 4 i

44 u

42 m 9 7 o 15 2 a 31 98 96

1-a 3 a 13

64 4 24 10 n ñ

33 35

19 Landaluzea o Paseo de la Universidad Ingeniero Alejandro Mendizábal

s 8 M 24 5 5 15 u

2 62 16

Bilodabidea 3

52 32 2 1

10-b e 56-c Parque 66 19 LARREIN

d 37 86 12 Avenida Itinerario de Antonino Capital de M Euskadi

48 de 6



6 5 2 3 2 36

Mendigorritxu Elvillar Teodoro González de Zárate 1 Castillo de Quejana Paseo de la Unicef 7 7 92 6 5 18 14

3 68 Portal de del Prado Castilla 39 86 Portal 26a 48 4 Felicia Olave 9

Fuentecillas 19

19 19 3 Castillo de Quejana 17



58 28 11 43 11 C

56 24 5 15 5 9 9 13 2 1 13

Paseo de Eskibel

15 Avenida 6 44

26 28 Oyón 7 72 e

29 18 15

34-a Elvira Zulueta a 1 45 d Avenid 16 60-a 42 Duende A 14 6 ARIZNABARRA 2 58-b Paso de

41 H A

16 13

26 20 1 3 Martín Luther King

84 Fuente de la Salud E G

3 Paseo de Juan ºPablo II

4 26 40

28 2 3 Francisco1 19 de Vitoria 21 6 14

21 5 4 12

8 Villabuena de Álava-Eskuernaga 10 4 1 Alba

55 51 15 9 13 24 53 7 15 O t 53

10 2 Castillo de Bernedo Castillo74 de Bernedo K 15

55 44 5 H 10

B a 8 14 8 1 11 62 23

12 15 45 Castillo de Arluzea M 16 a 12



10 2 59 21 rí m

7 Paseo de Fray 5 11 13 a

Reina 5 6 39 3 1 31

16 29 3

7 14 43 é A

68 10 14 9 s

7 o 3 5

6 14 Txistularis J

70 10 6

38 8 11 3 8

1 1

33 52 78 José Antonio Andónegui 11 18

5 12

36 10 12

32 61 1

20 Alboka


7 31 30 B

11 22

13 9


30 9 39 11 28 1

Corazonistas 10 32 Pza. del 1

17 1 7 11 7 13 25 5

24 Areitio Ferrocarril 13 19

5 62 10 P 20b 12 69 11 2 2 Dulzaina


2 2 14

14 26 19

Arangutxi Navaridas Avenida de la Ilustración 80 2 a

1 4 1 r r 26


12e 88 27 Pasaje de Oreitiasolo 68 s

27 84

e Dantzari a

18 2 o 4 6

20a 8 9

21 1 17 IZARRA a 21 A

Nelson Mandela 2 Pza. de 7 v 36 2 4

o e

57 Paseo de Páganos 24 2

14 6

8 l d 7

43 10 e

2 1

26 Rene Cassin

18 1 l e

2 16

37 a 45

2 B 9 4 San Cristóbal 2

11 1 u in Bilodabidea 22 20 LosApráiz

25 3 31 1 k

Bartolomé 2


24 92 B

12 e P

31 2

54 32 25 94 r

de las Casas

100 r

19 11 102 5

17 4 d 5 E

96 18 40 9-a

14 22 Avenida Miguel de Unamuno 11


19 Avenida del Mediterráneo 39

Lanciego 3 e José 3Uruñuela



Nieves Cano 2 23 18

Basaldea Lech Walesa 10

27 12 3 48 l A


6 5 6 E Juan Ibáñez de Santo Domingo 11 o


24 Rosalía de Castro Julio Caro Baroja I i


1 8 13


106 6 18 14


Baños de Ebro 1 Paseo de la Antonia 16 n


Concha Espina

Oyón 11 Escultor Carlos Ymbert

4 22

13 20

7 20 65 o 12


17 3 29

46 9 Las Trianas t

1 Cervantes 6

Dalai Lama Castillo de El Toro Zendaguren Q

26 S 8 N n

49 Juan Bautista Juan

34 Jardines Jorge Díez Elorza Bautista Juan J

6 10 31

13 2

B 8 A

e 9

20 19 22

28 Abraham Lincoln 2 55 14 12

2 8 a


33 1 9 32

25 2 Castro Urdiales 4 15 1

n 1 Justo Vélez de Elorriaga

tá 8 Heraclio 13 Fournier 1

19 11 51 12 61

d n 47 2 4

110 45 Nieves Cano Flandes Raimundo Olabide 24 I FI a 10

Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda 11 10


Francisco Tomás y Valiente p 4 2 15 11

53 37 1 Tullonio

1 11 7

a a

120 10 2 2

27 1 6 17 19 24 35 8

59 17 13 r 63 r 21

8 6 Lasarte 7 r 7 11 r

CIUDAD JARDÍN Alberto Schommer 9 26 a 5 15 1-a a 1 31 Nieves Cano

2 A 13

12 C g

36 10 14 36 33 g Gámiz

Gerezpea d Escultor Joaquín 20 1 Gámiz H

29-d 23 11 Plazuela de 2 i 12 Lucarini i

14 45

r e 1 r 28 62

19 66 Jardines 4 Plaza Guillermo

r OREITIASOLO 56 12 40 8 1 Escultor Lorenzo 19-a 16 O MARITURRI 10 e

Zurrupitieta Júndiz 3 19-c los Naipes R J

13 2 a Avenida Avenida 20 Plaza de

Navarra de la Libertad n 16 103 2 Elio Molinuevo


16 56 Fernández de Viana a Bizkaia 9-c

19 1 51 20 3 5 Plaza Amadeo E i Plaza Amadeo Salbatierrabide 52 30 r 18 H 23 a 20 la Antonia 11 25-a 9 4-a Z 46 D la Estrella M

24 22 García de Salazar Gipuzkoa SAN CRISTOBAL ADURTZA A

21 2 García de Salazar

a a

20 3 1


11 59 1 61 1 24 18 8

r 2

7 6 10

28 4

26 a Mahatma Gandhi 101 16 11 18 99

13 u

Zuazobidea 4 63 12 12 22

67 Escultor Isaac Díez

12 10 18 102 57 n 16 21

4 2

20 Trikitixa 23

13 a 3 16 23 21 12 15 1

9-a 31 23

17 Leza 14 103 Aguirre Miramón 21 12 2 2 13 18 33 11 87 55 10 Parque María de Maeztu 22 19

23 A 17 5 1 Errekaleor 25

8 10 53 29

7 2 10

8 26 22 15 15 24

Alto del Prado 194 29 45 14 Pza. Heraclio

28 13 Antonio Miranda Álava 14 74

172 19 9 23 16 7 1

5 6 148 14 9

Herminio Madinaveitia Txirula 9 Fournier 7 19 136 1 17

39 28 11 13

2 16

Armentia Tanis Aguirrebengoa 96 13 4 Jardines Maurice Ravel Txalaparta 4 54 30 3 31 107

11 20 7 Paseo Paseo

150 Paseo El Caserío 1 2 39-bis 23 C 4 16

2 5 14 168

14 15

122 2 1 19 66 1 18 104 6

134 1 1 31 28 1

22 13 7 49 14

2 1 76-88 34

5 Avenida 90 Paseo de la 9 13 27 11 25 1 Los Buesa 22 de 1 30 Venta 100 de

20 8 4 19 21-a 39 18

32 4 Comandante Izarduy 21

18 Mendizabala 20 30 1

22 18 de

Zapardiel 12 3 25

7 14 44 29

1 12 Los Molinos 60 12 3 21 Domingo Martínez deAragón

20 del Batán 7 17 126 35

4 Plazuela 1 ERREKALEOR

Paseo de Cervantes 12

12 Jacinto Quincoces 16 3

9 2 7 8 16a 34

23 de la Zumaquera 9 7 1 Adurtza 40 6 10 13 24 23

José Luis Compañón "Compa" 41 7 17 13 23 Camino del del Camino Camino del del Camino 7 34 3 3 44 5 49 Santo Tomas

3 19 11

6 2 4 2 29 2 27 56

23 53 6

8 35 15

Plaza de Tullica 27 1 68 12 1 4 1 26 13 20

4 Zumaquera 37

6 43 12 17 10

7 5

14 5 43

11 23 70 1 2 17 29 42 16 Pablo de Xérica 51 25 15 1 11 49 61 14 MENDIZABALA 23 74 45 15

30 17 MENDIZORROTZA 37 76 8 16 1 5 2

Arriurdina 7 13

1 17

12 5

7 10 43 12 16 Laserna 32 63

19 72 Errekaleor

16 5 5 9 3 18

24 13 10

41 32 78

17 1 15 11 Plazuela 20

36 88 26 22

18 86 24


2 1

128 3 90

1 45 28 20 Parque de Viñaspre 40 24 44 Martín Fiz Mauricio Valdivielso 3 Camino de Mendiola19 96 19 28 25 23 22 6 5

2 Zumabide 19

30 Miguel Mieg

4b 27

24 8 15 1

Uzbina 27

6 15

17 1 11

26 44 49 30 29 34 4

19 Atxo Apellániz 33

12 13 55 27 Alto de

20 9 Campo de los Palacios 7 31 2 Jacinto Quincoces 21

46 28

Arriurdina 36 32 9

4 18

2 1 34 18 50 14 Iturritxu 11


Mendigorritxu 18 61 1 1

25 Biak Bat C 50 2 Juanito Oiarzabal 6

12 22 40 2 Arkatxa

2 a Perretxin

10 1 m 9

23 3

Txikia Txikia i 23

130 Mendiko bidea n 48 José 44 María Cagigal


30 46 San 56 Prudencio 63

5 54 4

Artzarana 16

29 6 Portal 21

60 12 10 Heraclio Fournier 58 8 14



Avenida 15 OLARAN

20 66

19 62 2 T 3 Jesús María Velasco

d 68 14 ú 14 e 70

n 74 Emilia Pardo Bazán Ma a 24 17 ig

e Obispo Bivere ite Zúñ 134 l 29 4 iga Jubileo d ñ

1a 20 Zú 15 13 e 12 22 Uzbina Maite


22 S 33 5 a 28 30

13 n 31 6 24 5 6 24 6 Eugenio Lázaro A 7 3a 4 8

d de Oviedo 6 7

8 11 r Luis María Uriarte 61 23 2 i 9 á A

40 5 8 60 r 26

San Saturio 24 n m


Ultreya 11 9 e de Espada

n 10 49 37 t ALTO DE 3 Zarauna ia 48


8 1

51c ULETA 10 12 10 6 5 Beístegui Hermanos (BH)

22 Antonia María María Antonia 6 Compostela 12 María Antonia

49 15 9 46 9

32 14 26 13 1 16 9 4 32 14 15 5 4 22a

14 3 Juan José Díaz 7

Paseo del PeregrinoHospitaleros 6

12 9 19 140 14 1 2 21 6

16 10

43 n

4 20 á José Ignacio Ustarán 3

Sarburúa 11 13 Aratz


36 14

15 16 3 28 34 1 5 a 37

Bustaldea15 18 19 18 5

18 18 B 56 4


Paduleta 7


11 17

13 8 22 Avenida de Olárizu 15

24 13 1

12 17


17 2

25 32 27


19 44 16 l


31 22

35 E

37 33

41 4 39



45 48 51 1

47 29 1 53

29 3 24 43 21 19 2 57

24 8 26 Batxikabo


3 51 21 5 62

23 20 Aizkorri 28 56 Tarazona 18 27

28 24 Paseo de Esmaltaciones San Ignacio 20 Júndiz

26 30 25 17 30

33 32 10 53 26 58

AnbotoLegunbe19 22

20 1-a 37 8 55 23 PUENTE ALTO 2


34 28 12 8 4

Paduleta 57 2 6 31 Pagogán

21 14 18 16 3

30 26 24 22 36 Parque Kapildui 36 9 18 Goikoberaza 33

2 l

9 2



i 7 44

d 39

4 8 r

Olarizu 1

17 Errekera 23 14 a

24 45 22 8 44 11 p 33 Malizhaeza a Albertia 16 8 Z 3 10 14

13 2 20 10 43

26 13a 3 47 26 Campo de los Palacios

41 30

27 35 9 20

33b 36a 29a 2 28 3 4 5 27 Erronka Garbia is a certificate granted by the Public Environmental Management Agency, IHOBE, that acknowledges events that include environmental measures in their design and organisation to minimise any potential negative impact on the environment. Therefore, several sustainability measures have been implemented regarding the hiring services and infrastructure, power and water consumption, waste generation and the mobility of attendees and participants. EG 2017:001

Erronka Garbia is a certificate granted by the Public Environmental Management Agency, IHOBE, that acknowledges events that include environmental measures in their design and organisation to minimise any potential negative impact on the environment. Therefore, several sustainability measures have been implemented regarding the hiring services and infrastructure, power and water consumption, waste generation and the mobility of attendees and participants. EG 2017:001

Erronka Garbia is a certificate granted by the Public Environmental Management Agency, IHOBE, that acknowledges events that include environmental measures in their design and organisation to minimise any potential negative impact on the environment. Therefore, several sustainability measures have been implemented regarding the hiring services and infrastructure, power and water consumption, waste generation and the mobility of attendees and participants. EG 2017:001

Erronka Garbia is a certificate granted by the Public Environmental Management Agency, IHOBE, that acknowledges events that include environmental measures in their design and organisation to minimise any potential negative impact on the environment. Therefore, several sustainability measures have been implemented regarding the hiring services and infrastructure, power and water consumption, waste generation and the mobility of attendees and participants. EG 2017:001

Erronka Garbia is a certificate granted by the Public Environmental Management Agency, IHOBE, that acknowledges events that include environmental measures in their design and organisation to minimise any potential negative impact on the environment. Therefore, several sustainability measures have been implemented regarding the hiring services and infrastructure, power and water consumption, waste generation and the mobility of attendees and participants. EG 2017:001 Information and program:

Technical Secretariat phone: +34 650 368 720