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Arthropod Pest Index Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-56787-9 - An Introduction to Arthropod Pest Control J. R. M. Thacker Index More information Arthropod pest index Acyrthosiphum pisum, 213 Cochliomyia macellaria, 198 Adoxophyces orana, 153, 161, 165 Contrachelus nenuphar, 150 Aedes aegypti, 37, 45 Cosmopolites sordidus, 161 Aedes scutellaris, 192 Costelytra zealandica, 137, 138 Aedes spp., 288 Culex pipiens,37 Anagrapha falcifera, 153 Culex quinquefasciatus, 192, 204 Anarsia lineatella, 161 Culex spp., 142, 175 Anastrepha ludens, 204 Cyclas formicarius, 150 Anopheles albimanus, 151 Cydia funebrana, 161 Anopheles arabiensis, 192 Cydia nigricana, 161 Anopheles gambiae, 192 Cydia pomonella, 7, 100, 153, 161, 170, 204, 262 Anopheles ludens, 204 Dacus curcurbitae, 161, 204 Anopheles melas, 192 Dacus dorsalis, 204 Anopheles spp., 37, 100 Dacus oleae, 204 Anthonomus grandis, 7, 100, 161, 204 Dacus tryoni, 204 Anthonomus pomorum, 263 Daktulosphaira vitifoliae, 221 Anticarsia gemmetalis, 153, 155, 232 Delia antiqua, 204 Aphis gossypii, 100 Dendroctonus brevicomis, 172 Aphis spp., 267 Dendroctonus frontalis, 161 Archips podana, 263 Dendroctonus ponderosae, 161 Argyrotaenia spp., 260 Dendroctonus pseudotsuga, 161 Atherigona soccata, 236 Dendroctonus rufipennis, 161 Autographa californica, 153 Dermataphagoides spp., 45 Bactrocera oleae, 161 Diabrotica spp., 234, 299 Bemisia spp., 267 Diabrotica virgifera, 215 Bemisia tabaci, 100, 101, 102 Dikrella cruentata, 238 Carposina niponensis, 161 Diuraphis noxia,7 Cephus cinctus, 232 Drosophila melanogaster, 286 Ceratitis capitata, 7, 161, 178, 191, 201, 204, 237, Drosophila spp., 287 colour plate Dyocoetes confusus, 162 Chaeborus astictopus, 100 Dysaphis plantaginea, 262 Chilo suppressalis, 100, 161, 264 Elatobium abietinum, 213 Chrysodeixus spp., 267 Empoasca fabae, 20, 235 Clepsis spectrana, 164 Empoasca spp., 209, 225 Cochliomyia hominivorax, 23, 191, 193, 197, 200, 204, Eotetranychus willametti, 216 colour plate Ephestia elutella, 182 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-56787-9 - An Introduction to Arthropod Pest Control J. R. M. Thacker Index More information 334 Arthropod pest index Ephestia kuehniella, 138 Operophthora brumata, 119 Eriosma lanigerum, 209 Oryctes rhinoceros, 136, 155, 162 Erythroneura elegantula, 130 Orygia pseudotsugata, 152, 153 Eucosma gloriola, 162 Oryzaephilus surinamensis, 183 Eupoecilia ambiguella, 162, 204 Ostrinia nubilalis, 7, 20, 162, 223 Frankliniella occidentalis, 100 Oulema melanoplus,7,232 Glossina austeni, 202 Panonychus citri, 100 Glossina mortisans, 191 Panonychus ulmi, 100, 263 Glossina palpalis, 202, 204 Papaipema nebris, 231, 232 Glossina spp., 191, 202, colour plate Pectinophora gossypiella, 7, 162, 173, 204, 231, 235 Glossina swynnertoni, 191 Phenacoccus manihoti, 123 Graphognathus leucoloma, 234 Phylloxera vitifoliae, 209, 221, 233 Graphognathus peregrinus, 234 Pieris brassicae,45 Grapholitha molesta, 162 Pieris rapae,7 Helicoverpa spp., 100, 153 Pityogenes chalcographus, 162 Helicoverpa zea, 101, 150, 153, 155, 225 Platynota idaeusalis, 162 Heliothis spp., 100, 153, 225, 232 Platyptilia carduidactyla, 162, 164 Heliothis subflexa, 192 Plutella xylostella, 100, 162, 292 Heliothis virescens, 162, 192 Popilla japonica, 142, 162 Homona magnanima, 162 Prays citri, 171, 163 Hypera postica,20 Prays oleae, 163 Icerya purchasi, 7, 23, 123 Rhagoletis cerasi, 175, 204 Ips paraconfusus, 172 Rhagoletis pomonella, 175 Ips sexdantatus, 162 Rhopalosiphum padi, 235 Ips typographus, 162 Rhyacionia buoliana, 163 Keiferia lycopersicella, 162 Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, 163 Lacanobia spp., 267 Rhynchophorus palmarum, 163 Lasioderma serricorne, 182, 193 Rhyzopertha dominica, 182 Leptinotarsa decemlineata, 138, 266 Sanninoidea exitiosa, 163 Liriomyza spp., 267 Schistocerca gregaria,65 Liriomyza trifolii, 265 Scolytus multistriatus, 163 Lissorhopterus oryzophilus, 235 Sitophilus granarius, 183 Lobesia botrana, 162 Sitophilus oryzae, 183 Lygus hesperus, 234 Spodoptera exigua, 153, 163 Lymantria dispar, 7, 153, 162, 164 Spodoptera frugiperda, 163, 220, 287 Macrosiphum spp., 267 Spodoptera spp., 100, 175, 264, 267 Mamestra brassicae, 153 Stomoxys calcitrans, 204 Mamestra configurata, 153 Synagrapha falcifera, 153 Mayetiola destructor, 207, 209 Synanthedon hector, 163 Melanagromyza obtuse, 216 Synanthedon myopaeformis, 163 Melanophis sacchari, 213 Synanthedon pictipes, 163 Melanoplus spp., 209 Synanthedon tipuliformis, 163 Meloidogyne spp., 267 Tenebrio molitor,37 Melolontha melolontha, 204 Tetranychus pacificus, 113 Mononychellus tanajoa, 123 Tetranychus urticae, 100, 129, 163, 175, 216, Musca domestica, 7, 37, 100, 162, 190 267 Myzus persicae, 100, 213 Thaumetopoea pityocampa, 163 Myzus spp., 267 Tipula spp., 231 Neodiprioan sertifer, 152, 153 Trialeuroides spp., 267 Nephotettix spp., 100, 264 Trialeuroides vaporariorum, 129 Nephotettix virescens, 214 Tribolium castaneum, 181, 183 Nezara viridula, 20, 234 Trypodendron lineatum, 163 Nilaparvata lugens, 100, 224, 264 Varroa spp., 45 Oedaleus senegalensis, 231 Wiseana cervinata, 136 Ommatissus lybicus,65 Zeuzera pyrina, 163 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-56787-9 - An Introduction to Arthropod Pest Control J. R. M. Thacker Index More information Beneficial species index Bacteria Metarhizium spp., 144 Bacillus popilliae, 137, 138, 142–143 Paecilomycetes fumoroseus, 145 Bacillus sphaericus, 137, 138, 142–143 Verticillium lecanii, 144–147, 233 Bacillus thuringiensis, 24, 135-143, 145, 149, 157, 208, 209, 215, 263, 268, 284, 291, 292, 295, Lacewings colour plate Chrysoperla carnea, 115, 123 Photorhabdus luminescens, 148 Chrysoperla rufilabris, 115 Pseudomonas fluorescens, 141 Serratia entomophilia, 137, 138 Parasitoids Xenorhabdus bovienii, 148 Agrypon flaveolatum, 119 Agrypon spp., 119 Beetles Aleiodes indiscretus, colour plate Adalia bipunctata, 115 Amitus spp., 119 Crytolaemus montrouzieri, 115 Anagrus atomus, 115 Cybocephalus nipponicus, 115 Anagrus epos, 130, 238 Delphastus pusillus, 115 Anagrus pseudococci, 115 Harmonia axyridis, 115 Anagrus spp., 119 Hippodamia convergens, 115 Anaphes iole, 115 Rhyzobius lophantae, 116 Aphelinus abdominalis, 115 Rodolia cardinalis, 123 Aphidencyrtus aphidivorus, 117 Stethorus punctillum, 116 Aphidius colemani, 115 Aphidius ervi, 115 Birds Aphidius matricariae, 115 Alcippe brunea, 130 Aphidius spp., 119 Aphidoletes aphidimyza, 115 Fish Aphytis lignanensis, 115 Gambusia spp., 130 Aphytis melinus, 115 Aphytis spp., 119 Fungi Bracon hebetor, 115 Beauvaria bassiana, 144–147, colour plate Chrysocharis spp., 119 Beauvaria brongniartii, 144–147 Cotesia plutella, 292 Entomophthora spp., 146 Cotesia spp., 115 Hirsutella thompsonii, 144 Cryptochetum iceryae, 123 Lagenidium giganteum, 144 Cyzenis albicans, 119 Metarhizium anisopliae, 144, 146, 269 Dacnusa sibrica, 115 Metarhizium flavoviride, 144 Dacnusa spp., 119 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-56787-9 - An Introduction to Arthropod Pest Control J. R. M. Thacker Index More information 336 Beneficial species index Diglyphus isaea, 115 Orius laevigatus, 116 Encarsia formosa, 115, 129 Orius majusculus, 116 Encarsia spp., 101, 129, 267, 268 Podisus maculiventris, 116 Epidinocarsis lopezi, 123 Epidinocarsis spp., 119 Predatorymidges Eretomocerus spp., 101, 115, 268 Aphidoletes aphidimyza, 115 Leptomastix dactylopii, 115 Feltiella acarisuga, 115 Metaphycus bartletti, 116 Metaphycus helvolus, 116 Predatory mites Pediobius foveolatus, 116 Amblyseius barkeri, 115 Peristenuc digeneutis, colour plate Amblyseius californicus, 115 Prosena siberita, 118 Amblyseius cucumeris, 115 Scutellista cyanea, 117 Amblyseius degenerans, 115 Trichogramma bassicae, 116 Amblyseius fallacis, 115 Trichogramma evanescens, 116 Amblyseius montdorensis, 115 Trichogramma spp., 119, 129, 260 Galendromus annectans, 115 Trissolcus spp., 119 Galendromus occidentalis, 115 Hypoaspis aculeifer, 115 Nematodes Hypoaspis miles, 115 Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, 148 Neoseiulus idaeus, 124 Heterorhabiditis megidis, 148 Phytoseilus persimilis, 116, 129 Romanomermis culicivorax, 147 Typhlodromalus aripo, 124 Steinernema carpocapsae, 148 Typhlodromalus manihoti, 124 Steinernema fletiae, 148 Typhlodromus occidentalis, 116 Steinernema glaseri, 148 Typhlodromus pyri, 116, 263 Steinernema riobravis, 148, 149 Steinernema scapterisci, 148 Protozoa Predatoryhemiptera Nosema acridophagous, 152 Anthocoris nemoralis, 115 Nosema algerae, 151, 152 Cytorhinus lividipennis, 214 Nosema bombycis, 151 Deraeocoris brevis, 115 Nosema cuneatum, 152 Macrolophus caliginosus, 115 Nosema locustae, 151, 152, colour plate Orius albidipennis, 116 Nosema spp., 151, 152 Orius insidiosus, 116 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-56787-9 - An Introduction to Arthropod Pest Control J. R. M. Thacker Index More information Subject index Abiotic environmental manipulation, 236 Augmentation, 121, 128–129, Glossary page 315 Abu Mansur, 5, Glossary page 302 Aum Shinrikyo, 12 Acari, 120 Australia, 261, 269 Acetylation, Glossary page 307 Autocidal control, 191 Acetylcholine, 66 Autooxidation, 69, Glossary page 307 Active ingredient, 83 Aventis, 13 Adjuvants, 88, 89, 143, Glossary page 310 Azadirachtin, 29, 43, 46, 186, 215 Aerosols, 87 Aggregation pheromones, 160 Bacillus thuringiensis, 138–142 Agostino Bassi, 143 Bacteria, 137–143 Agricultural development, 4 Baculoviridae, 152,153, Glossary
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