Isolates from LEPIDOPTERA Biological Integrated Pest Management Research Catalog compiled Robert W. Holley Center for Agriculture & Health 16 January 2014 538 Tower Road Fully Indexed Ithaca, New York 14853-2901 (USA) Includes 1411 isolates CONTACTING ARSEF COLLECTION STAFF Richard A. Humber Curator and Insect Mycologist
[email protected] phone: [+1] 607-255-1276 fax: [+1] 607-255-1132 Karen S. Hansen Biological Technician
[email protected] phone: [+1] 607-255-1274 fax: [+1] 607-255-1132 Micheal M. Wheeler Biological Technician
[email protected] phone: [+1] 607-255-1274 fax: [+1] 607-255-1132 USDA-ARS Biological Integrated Pest Management Research Robert W. Holley Center for Agriculture and Health 538 Tower Road Ithaca, New York 14853-2901 (USA) ii New nomenclatural rules bring new challenges, and new taxonomic revisions for entomopathogenic fungi Richard A. Humber Insect Mycologist and Curator, ARSEF February 2014 The previous (2007) version of this introductory material for ARSEF catalogs sought to explain some of the phylogenetical rationale for major changes to the taxonomy of many key fungal entomopathogens, especially those involving some key conidial and sexual genera of the ascomycete order Hypocreales. Phylogenetic revisions of the taxonomies of entomopathogenic fungi continued to appear, and the results of these revisions are reflected in the ARSEF catalog as quickly and completely as we can do so. As many of people dealing with entomopathogenic fungi are already aware, there has been one still recent event that has a more far-reaching and pervasive influence whose magnitude still remains to be fully appreciated, but that leaves much of the mycological world (including insect mycology) semiparalyzed by uncertainty and worried about the extent and impacts of changes that still remain unformalized and, hence, a continuing subject for speculation and prediction.