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7-26-1956 Bulloch Herald

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Herald" (1956). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 3694.

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ,.....------; National - Guard Johnny Dekle's The Bulloch Herald Page 10 StatesbOlO, Georgia, Thursday, 19, 1956 A Prlze-V""- [�tfsE leaves for Fort July -go 303 is fifth , NeWI!)lAl"!t !-__III!BL""ID!!'�iR. NA1'IOtIAI. Aw_ __!IStewart Sunday 1956 W_ Better New8paper THE --- 19 FOl' Sale For Rent e Contests BULLOCH + 56 HERALD It""--' UIIwJ ...... Dedicated To The ...... HOMES Progress Of Suuesboro And Bulloch VOLUME XVI - County ESTABLISHED MARCH 26, 1937 STATESBORO, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1956 NUMBER 37

Tobacco season opens with first

. . day's average After 28 S the good year 29th opening of the Statesboi 0 tobacco market yestei day morumg was "old hat" to the people of Statesboi 0 and Bulloch county Even so, thei e was still the Heeemmendutions for deep feeling of expectancy on the part of the fal mel, the the met banker, chant and spectator s as the auctioneer, the and war buyers, ehousemen stood by Bulloch those fn st baskets of white schools tobacco watching the clock for the word "go" EDITOR'S NOTE ThIs Is "BUY" IN 3 BD BRICK the n Then follows a fourth In series on the Attractive brick veneer with compelling urgency to see what study and survey made of three bed rooms nnd ceramic tile the first basket Blllloch Ichools a bath Good location and brings and to know what county by large FOR the of state educators lot Air conditioned Venetian RENT-Nice two-bed- flTst day's average will be, group This J unrur how week we summarize the blinds Only $10,20000 Eligible oom, nlshed apru t- Lehman,Dekle on much was sold and what to mcnt All e ncr I for (iI loan private Conveniently morrow s market be g a recommendations located might Reasonable I cnt 430 made for the white sehoolo Chns E Cone Co., Inc South Main St Realty PHONE 4-5578 FHA committee Yesterday morr.tng soles of the county. 23 N MOIl1 SI-DIIII 4-2217 5-10·tfc tickets on tops of baskets in Privates E I James C Blad I The construction of a com. FOR Ch made one row of tobacco went llke LAST MINUTE LISTING RENT-Two untur nlshed ley. William R Gerald S new school 111 the anges Gay. this 60c, 54c plete high apat trnents close in to bust-Le Holland 55c, 56c, 56c, 58c I hree bedroom house on In­ Charles M Jenkins, central Bulloch county area for ness section Hot water heater 57c, 57c. 57c, 55c, 45c 44c, 45c mnn close to South Main William I Jones Burrell M MI bpproxlmately 500 students Gas heat PHONE] LANNlE F mostP Off·ICe 45c, 60c, 40c. 45c, 60c, Eligible for GI loan keJl James L Newman 40c, 45c, $6,30000 SIMMONS AT 4-3151 William 59c 61c, (Statesboro) C Perk 61c, 55c, 56c, 56c, 54c, Chas E Cone Co Inc. ins Charlie J Rucker, 2 The conversion of Realty I 53c, 58c. 55c. 53c, 54c, the FOR RENT-Five room unfur- mal SC Iboutthe ••• 59c, 60c, 23 N MOIl1 ·1 Itedules welther present Statesboro Schooi SI-Dlal 4-2217 nished brick 59c, 59c, 59c, 55c, 59c, 54c, 58c. High duplex apart- J���,I:S The thermometer to serve the Arthur Turner postmaster of ��\�ra�a�lo�a�s�a��t��� readings 60c. 52c elementary grades E Willinrns for the week of 6 7 8 the Monday, July ' and s;�n�o Statesboro post office, an REAL ���km����geM��nt�J�� 18, through Veteran tobacco warehouse ESTATE ALD NEIL, PHONE 4 3496 HEADQUARTERS BATTERY Sunday, July 22, 3. No new construction should 6-14 were as follows: man H P Foxhall stated CITY tfc ���n�:�1 Members of the during be at ele PROPERTY LOANS ��I:vl��e�� ���n��� �� Headquarters the first half hour of planned existing to High Low yesterday's Statesboro which became ef Battery attend the National • mentary school sites In the rural Service­ UNFURNISHED APARTMENT sales that the tobacco -Quick Monday, 16 .•.• 90 70 top Is FOR fectlve July 16 Guard Camp at Fort Stewart July areas outside of Statesboro 1m RENT-Large about the same as roomy 17 ••. 92 74 bringing last CURRY INSURANCE AGENCY SIX room He stated that are Tuesday, July provements should be made at apartment, the change I The medium newly Command Wednesday, 18. 95 71 yea and common 15 Courtland Street painted Has 2 came about With the Isaac W Wise, the Pncif'ic July Ilrooklet, Nevils and Stilson large bedrooms, consohda Capt Williams arc a IItUe .• grades The Hvlng room, tlon of the Air force Will be Thursday, July 19 94 70 higher" schools - dining Savannah WOJG James which will FOR SALE Three-bedroom room, and L Deal Master redesignated overall wIll be elementary kitchen, shower and Pacific Air Friday, July 20 .•••. 94 69 average about the tub bath, Tennille and Savannah and Force/Far East Air make them better SUited for nn home Close III Shady lot on 4 Ma Sergeants Spencer 0 same as last when large closets. front and Forces Saturday, 21 ... 93 70 year 705,058 street back can Post Office B Clark (Rear) III July July educational paved All rooms Highway bus Harry Ray Hcduesg sold on program porch are outside 22 •••. pounds operung for lines and The Sunday, July 89 88 day WILLIAM B. MOVE Insurance rooms Close to Ralph f Mock bolstering of All Force THERE'S LITTLE an of 4 and Curry Agency town Available DIFFERENCE In this scene out Rainfall for the same average $4767 per hundred Middleground Register He here Will of the past and the scene on week Phone PO 4-2825 A urges patrons of the local USAF the Statesboro should be closed as as M Sergeants First Class D strengthen sup IS the date and tobacco market The was pounds soon office Roy change the faces Seen here are the the yesterday only 1.08 Inches �'bw4.2�:\1 post to become familiar port to Admiral Felix s auctioneer, buyers, the the possible Sellg:rr�.tf�t Arnett, Dun Barton Latham W Stump day on the Statesboro tobacco warehousemen, spectators-all a part of William B. I------'--:..;_= With the In Pacific Area market opening This year the can changes order to ex Faulk Millard L Command, the warehouses 5 Relieve the Hall, Robert • sell overcrowd Moye five and one half hours and spokesman further stated at thh�:;,�edb��� ------Ing Matlle Lively Elemen a maximum of 4440 baskets �n°:'b���;-;���� �e:�e �ICh���d�x, tory School and Sallie ZeUe :1��;���L�;�r�1���::��d ��� ������� With two seta of writes text North buyers Insunmce St an ne��I�1 rower book Curry Agency College PHONE MAIL SCHEDULE M:��� Marlon;'ierb�r�rs� t:::I�;O�e�E��n;��s;;n Elementary School by Phone PO 42391 at 4-2825 719 4tc 0800 the 25th of on r• The support for i956 the 6th and Mall ��;;�;�Iel�r, June, assumes J Woman's Club price trunsferrlng 7th Wilham closing ttmc at GOO a m the USNS City 15 439 cents B Moye, FOR General last s to the professor FOR RENT 2 b d - Sergeants Preston Barber Patrick agatnst year grades Statesboro SALE-New three bed St rou tiSe tates b High of furnished caving oro Richard \V This and others beautification, support price of 43 3 School when It is mathematics at room brick veneer home With Rogers and Billy group who converted and Georgia It has duple� r���';tm��� har mall for flew Located on Just been redecorated Collegeboro Steptoe by MATS to Will space IS made available The Teachers Is co carport large Brrrookl an d Sti I Hawaii, than s Aulbert J College author of Available now son be k Brannen, newly corner lot Located In Hos from the FEAF sites at the a Mal Corporal James R Byrd inspector express elected of the Mattie Lively and new textbook In Park letclosing time at 8 U III president ra college alge- pital PHONE L 1 general installations Ire 0 E II I Georg the SallIe Curry Insurance Speciallsts Sec and Class personnel Up ast»!ule • Ftcrtda Zetterower schools '" C Herman s bra Agency SHUMAN at 4 -Pouch Will be f ,Mrs Warehousemen As bee" 3437 ALSO-I'OI dispatched over and ep Bray, president whjch heralded as Phone PO 4�2825 Austin E Deal L Nes comptroller matenal divl emetrey; of should be expanded to at least ha" one the Lesley the Statesboro soctation, and a Bulloch rent, three room fUI Nancy Hanks of the Central ssrons JUnior Wom- county one ot the nished smith 1 bemus H I------�---- twelve acres each sign\ncant publica- FOR SALE - Perry lames According to an announce an's Club, this week states grower, said this IS the best Three-bcdrocrn that lions or H ment made the club 6 Make limited thls aeneratJon A ���:)�r�fnt n��1 �fll��t�rg��d today by Mayor W members Will not ask average crops around these improvements I X��a���readeJl�� ��o��at�ll�;ro���1 ��r Ihlrd AuJbert Brannen A ut J Class Bowen III a Portal unique of lalh:�I��'t 1!.���Ja�}�lr��le���t�� P').ONE SHUMAN, 113437 lantn gateway S�:�I�IIII�t� James le�u\�:�,�I���, c����IIlf.E�u� F�:a� the mayor and City tobacco growers at the States parts long time Elementary and High concept text book Can make 7 \) lfc H Bowen, E Will Polio vaccine has ly down Mall Haywood conungent support Pacific Council have ar boro market for a few Harold School wriung been payment - Boyd I' leaves Brannen Incorporated closing tllne 2 p 111 completed sold the first Rnd assume pi esent loan WiUl Edgar 0 Deal Paul F Air Force miSSion here of Into the FOR REN I-A Star loute Will Deal Ileads ..,a.-FIa. rangements for the city to as tobacco (rom each load as It basket of tobacco when 7 Construct mUSIC and publication which has of very comfort leave Statesboro sales phy been payments $5150 pel monlh Wyman II Deal, Paul E I 01 d slime the now enters the vanous produced a I able three bedroom and for Brooklet Colonel Will co responslbtlity for the warehouses as III s slcal education facuulides on by collaborat- or refinance den Rushlllg available began Sheppard wurehouse ham WIllie C TO SING HERE-Members of announced mg group of or fur Mnll Groover, Charles ordmate FEAF and PACAF ac beautification and future M C addltional experienced col. completely partly clOSing time lhe upkeep recently Hodges tobacco was the provide space for CURRY INSURANCE AGENCY IhouseIlIshcd about 2 225-Hlgh R lenell Oak Ridge Quallet to tobacco assn. of the old lege classroom 111IIes south of way Post Hollll1gsworth J tlvltles for General Smith smg section of EastSide She stated that first sold III Cobb and agriculture at Southeast professors who Phone PO Office gOing west With at for e because of Foxhall's 4-2825 For details Harville Jr, K the GTC gymnasium ThiS \\111 I· ·bles have given It their at contact n)flll for VirgIl Harville ThiS of lomght Aulbert J Brannen of CemetelY brtng both warehouse Bulloch High Sc�he001 advantage JOSIAII Collegeboro Register Jr Joe P bolsterll1g Genelal Back lOW left to Cat Shep IgJ cumulative ZETfEROWER Johnston, John K light \Varehouses of old and new sections of the thousands of years ______Atlanta and all west for Smith S command Will not affect paId Statesboro Byron 8 An Improved momtonnncc POll1ts Freeman Calv1l1 Newton and All parents 111 �����alnotr�;eso\��rk:�eouts01�I�t Dyer county agent of success II' \COllegeFOR RENT - Owens, Billy Phillips Marlon M has been named cemetety under the calC of the Bulloch With t('ochlllg their sub connection county FOR Three bedroom Macon the combat miSSion of FEAF In persldent of faclonly most of the ware estimated that the program IS SALE-Beach cottage at through and Les Robeson Bottol11 row and the ClOp lhls year two bath Robll1soll E left and Will result In a surrounding alen nre Ject, maklllg It Beach bungalow Avallabl� Atlanta George Stewart, the Far East the Georgm rlonda lobacco Cit) grent housemen the farmers would NEGRO SCHO comprehenSive Tybee ror II1fOrmatlon to Bob \IIge� to have �hough bring about the sante re���nended and August 1 PHONE 4 Robert G Thackston Preston E 1 nght, Weber and Bobby Warehouse Iy Q.nce thell chlldlen had pracllcal sce JAMES at 2282 for Mall _ AssocmtlOn for the Improved appeal of the heal amount TAYLOR Taylors closlIlg tllllC 330 m expressed ty Willing of money the P 1 urner WllItfleld Immunlzcd as despite Street ItI' -Stal at the cC111etclY ngamst polio �0011 ness to 0 f uca 1 he l�formatlOI1 route to Dover L C0l11111g yefll annual meet ns cooperate Icduced thiS r�� Ion p Pitman Corn cOl1l1ect· Privates First pOSSible DI Hubert U acreage year fhe B�1I0cl�doC���lt� s����: Publlshll1g �a:I��et s�lm I Class Ilmmle C mg of the ThiS move KIllC, On behalf of New held 111 of a��I�O;�� mg WIth Post E I orgaJl1zatlon b('c3me lhe members of sales should make a bUlldll1g based puny York, and Highway Office Bowen Paul P';;�I���:d Ronald W necessary, Medical DlrcctOI of the today lot of plogram, upon Toronto, for E Denmarl< Vidalia all Bowen Bulloch tho club we WHEELER bound Savannah With H Satutdny July 21 Mayot explumed hecallse want to expless OUI IS the the recommendation of a SUI London, publishers of the APARTMENTS out� Clarence P AklllS, George Boyd, freddy concert County Health Center people happy' way he text, FOR SALE-Beautiful let for Holhngsworth, Ron S0111 said thiS sll1cere beheve It buildlllg FlOrida and Eastern V B Deal Gospel 1\1r Blannen hos been acllve portions of the old ceme weel\ appreclOtlon lo those Slimmed up the hours to Will supplant most of size aid S LeWIS Coley, Guy Charles opcnll1g lots, any Locnted In new St.ltes Danny T tel were who the b��!t mall LlI1go R Enms, Ben E on the local tobacco mal kct al y bemg unaVOidably agreed to help us ;\11th the of the 1956 market �ey r�rle\V�ng tJ comm:ttee, college algebrd texts now deshable SUbdIviSion See A S h�rf-Sb1���lm� Boact' G:' Jr, Lenwood H Hodges The I Mall McNure, George most sll1ce ItS those peak of the proJect,' Mrs said In use In and 2 closll1g time 445 111 Joseph F Kendnck Frank G beglllnll1g neglected by IIldlvlduals polio sea� Bray We ����eers p����s colleges and lIl1I- HUNNICUTT at 226 West MaIn P W Charles \V at GTC son l�WI��:m 1Il1l��� bedroom;og�mpl���I� -Star Newton, Nutter entlusted With IS fast want to thank verslllCs 111 furnished WlIldow route leaves Jack 0 MOle lhan ,I hundted membels thell C{lIe npPIonchlllg and the members of School Wllilum Jallles Elemcn English nll- 5t PHONE 4-3206 7-5 Fans-TV Statesboro Joe C ParrIsh Kirksey Mallard James tonight Many BARBER'S AUTO SALES speaking 20tp WIth of If the the Loungc-rree mall for all D of the FlOrIda Tobacco those responSible for the polio vaccine IS to Farm Bureau for S I I W IIow H II N tlOns The lIsed the Parking Close to POlllts be Privates Parnsh, Donnie F PurVIS, The of the Georgm up give alJowmg language by all atllactlOns tween E 2 Alvll1 W Allen sponsors Gospel protecllon us to co Reasonable rates Statesboro and James D Walehouse ASSOClD.tiOIl keep the against thiS dread appear before them and OPENS ON 'VEST MAIN ��ry �I100 J ae II(SOil am WOI authors IS and under. FOR Mettel CeCil W Ranew and Bernard Concert lit the GTC attended liEd e\� Simple SALE-House with 2 366 �f10NE 9123 Bunch Wilham gymnllslllm It IS for lhelr 8 30 9tc Daley A Scott the away o� rom ��t�a es 010 a 0 '''seuse, Ilnperatlve that the and the I a�e, stalldable even students be ft in NEW at 8 0 meetlllg t�ad I1107tl understandmg )alY by sq good condition, 10' INCOMING Jr William P Dasher ""-""- tomght ciocl{ remind t11e shots wal Announcement wns EdWin _ As a be ehouses made low Other officers nOllled to serve gether the glvcn which had to thiS T��O�tate Board of Education level The cated 418 South Main St with MAIL SCHEDULE E publIc that advance result, op IInme

Rotary, . are rar In the G�ound-Up Installation! majority, T-4-L Is Housetop SUMMER DRESSES motor, case! made light, SAVINGS AND TIME especially lor, and Is ad. DEPOSITS vertlsed only ror athlete's YOU Values Up to $8.98 loot, CAN'T BEAT THIS Tobacco Carnival • even· tho' It is good lor slmllar -ANYWHERE Sew for the home Itches. family, your will be increased Just gIve it a try. Your ONLY from 2 cent to 40. $5.00 per back at any drug store If not THURSDAY ... and save. completely pleased, Today at ONe GROUP OF FRANKLIN'S 2/"SftVANIA TV 21/2% PER ANNUM REXALL DRUG STORE, WlrH SUMMER DRESSES ., G�aranteed fOl' 20 --y-- FRIDAY years! NALOLIGNT Values Up to $5,98 OURS ALONE! FULL F, 8-KEY PIANO 88_ It is also stated that SIZE-with every sewing con. CONCERT effective November Hal numbered to 30, 1956, ONLY SATURDAY venlence seen pleaalnll chlme·tone. keY' SAVE $3.00 you've on nationally advertised portables at MONEY moke it to enamel fin· and ealY learn. Bright red from then on interest on TWO GROUPS OF many dollars morel Easy 10 thread round bobbin rotary, Savin�s Deposits will WITH 51 GAUGE, 15 DENIER And iah. Great fun for any 1i"le boy or girll adjustable. stitch control!' Numbered tensIon be paid on November 30 and 31 SUMMER DRESSES regul.tio�, TOYS May of-each Hose hinged presser foot, automatic darner! Stitches year Nylon $2.98 Values MONDAY forward, DRY FOLD The Cowboy on HI. Horsey-The 8·Key Concert instead of and reverse! Streamlined too-modem June 30 and December as Carnival Sale blue metallic Plano-The Railroad Hand Car-The Jet Airplane 31, heretofore. Three·Hour CASH- AND ..5ee ONLY �.s 1tewest $2.00 finish! See it The ScenIc Cruiser-The Sports Cars-Automatic CARRY Service. JULY 26, 27, 2S It, try today. --y-- Pick.up eft.7V- All Groups Have Junior, Regular and Half Sizes Washing Machine and 2 Pairs for - Delivery Service Same $1.00 All Sales FInal No Alterations, Tohacco Carnival Sale First quality. Or Relunds Exch�ges AND 30 Day. II ,mvANlA's ONLY SSe We Invite You to Visit Us for Further Details You need 0 margin of Model 'surround lightlike this --y-- Laundry Your Sanitone Cleaner �htefrlo/t� On Courthouse Square - THE BULLOCH -Phone 'BELK'S tor. better s'electlons, better buys BELK'S for certified better COUNTY BANK 4.3234- Curtis va,ue._ THE SEA Youngblood ISlAND ... BANK The ne� laundry Company service West ...... that washes Main St...... -Statesbor�, Georgia Statesboro Phone .. Belk's Store· Main Ga. .... 4 Department gries '," an� folds 5594 Nor�h Street, Statesboro, your faihily washing '. PORTAL' Phone Union 5 ..6251 Stilson News services. There is no offering taken up at these services. Portal News Come, we Arc sure The - 8 you wJII ell­ Rites held for Bulloch Herald Page Joy tho preaching. The Rev. Stilson farmers still at Miles C. Wood Jr. Is 1956 husy pastor. Junior hasehall Mr. J. A. Banks Statesboro, Georgia, Thursday, July 26, MRS. ERNEST ATf'lIWAY League players CARD OF THANKS The Bulloch - J. H. L. Herald 9 A. Banks, 72, died Anderson, Holland. Ell Farm Jo Brannen tobacco HOME FROM HOSPITAL Friday, We wish to luke this THE and Betty Page for market H . .I. T. B. �ppol'­ Features getting July 20, at his I(ennedy, Akin, Akin, ready home at our smcere Friends are to to Family Statesboro, know express glad Mrs. 'thanks' to of tunity . Georgia, Thursday, 26, 1956 say Portal A Allen Stephenson, Wolter Hot­ ror I-"O;;;.;;;;;o,_...._�=-;;;;:=.a== ...:=:t-=-=:==n July By MRS. W. H. MORRIS Ernest Attaway is at home people Register. lifelong resident of and deep-felt. Dr. H. apprccl�tJon -====O:=-_======IIZIIIII wins 2nd in 4-H after a Bulloch land, 1-1. Olliff, Dr. John the of groups, being patient in the Bul­ By MRS. EDNA BRANNEN county, he was expressions glndnesses Cherokees, Creeks, Returning the Bulloch group Tobocco work is still before going WELCOME ISSUEO TO loch County in farmer. Mooney, Lee Brannen, W. G, and the tlorul offerings Farlll Bureau Blues, Grays, Pioneers and visited Stone Hospital States­ The Mountain, the here. Most farmers nrc Junior Baseball of of the death of Seminoles. strong AITEND SERVICES AT boro, We hope she will soon be League Cobb und J. 1'. Olliff. und lit the time Leaders for each University of and Col­ Portal wish to talent Oeorgla thank the are G. contest were not through gathering tobacco, PRESBYTERIAN feeling as good as new. people �i��; aSlv�il ��St\��tl��:�S h\��l�� Surviving his wife, Mrs. our mother, Mrs. l. group named. Bulloch hod lege of Agriculture, and had dln­ CHURCH of Portal, and the The \�illinllls.he HERALD community, her parents, Dr. and Zndn Anderson body remained at the God's richest biesslllgs three of the six leaders. ncr at Rock a good many will hnve at least of Mrs. C. Danks; one son, May They Engle, then visited Members the Stilson Pres­ also Mr. and Mrs. residence until time Miss Betty Jo Brannen took were Mr. Wilbert John­ Miller. Mrs. James for the entertains at oJhnny Deal, Sue the Sinclair dam at two more and Mrs. Druce Green of Blackmon Hilton Bonks of Trapnell Penny Miliedge. pickings of to- son, for their Register; one family second In the green Church to services. place 4H byterlan wish extend cooperation with and Smith-Tillmon Mortu­ Robert" and , Club Trapnell and Annette Mitchell. ville. Langley, S. C. visited Mr. and children, Beckie, Linda and wi����: a��scoc some have nu their barbecue sister. Mrs. C. W. of camp tolent contest at bncco, may more. lnvltntion to nil hrlstluns supper lust . of Anderson of ary Statesboro wns in Mr. O'Neal WlilillOlS and Camp Intorested Mrs. Ernest lust week. lim, Washington, charge groups were set up Fulton who arc Attaway Georgia, of Fulton last weck. Miss county police provided Primitive Baptists, Thursday night, it them Statesboro; one Linton arrangements . Nevils Connie in Bap­ Mr. M. A. James making pos- joined here for severn I brother, gnmdchlldren. Farm for or I'ifle Most farmers arc busy tists of Savan- sible for them Bureau last week establishing improving Harris of shooting, swimming, un escort on nil tours and out gettlng or Methodists, who do to secure lost week. G. Banks of I Wayne county WAS the tobacco off the nah spent his equip. days Statesboro; and one The ACP permanent pastures and handicraft, forestry, wildlife, of dry sticks not have Sunday visiting ment for their Junior Ii Trapnell enter- per- first. town Friday. preaching every Sun­ League E. r;���������������������� family land, Oregon, where she had Program manent and recreation. Two and Mrs. Levi Mrs. L. Womack grandchild. cover on land interesll- _ getting ready to put it on to daughter, Morris and to in and talned the Nevils Farm Bureau crops day attend our get action soon. just returned from RS Thursday is set the market. preaching Mr. Morris and daughter, Mrs. A. .L. a dele- where the cover was established night always groups participated In these ac- Every warehouse in services each family. DelPonte, Funeral group to aside for Sunday at services were held at Wednesday night, July gale the National or stunt and talent con- tivltles each Statesboro is morning Mr. and Mrs. Jack Griner and Mrs. Etta Barnes, 18. Education Improved under a day. booking tobacco 9 and spent last Mrs. II. J. was at for next previous tests o'clock. VIe start PORTAL 4:30 - Trapnell Association. between services of SEWING in O'clock if cover counties. The The so that when lhe farmers family Jacksonville, Fla., Sunday Florence, S. C., the Sunday afternoon SMITH TILLMAN the piano and year program the has lasted afternoons were devoted carry promptly at 9 a. m. and CLUB MEETS assisted Ray, W. C. stunts were not for those visited his of Mrs. W. at Lower Lotts Hodges, county presi- for its normal life placed some tobacco to market will who sister, Mrs. B. E. guests M. Lunn. Creek Primitive Lamar and Francis span or has to tours of Grant's they COmo to hear the sermon The Portal with the dent, attended the reason. Bulloch umered Park, the and Mr. Sewing Club met Mrs. Albert Nevils meet- been or Edd find u place to put It on the each Bensley Beasley Howard and chil- Baptist damaged destroyed due state Sunday, will have the during last Church, conducted by favorite Ing. He asked the I'S announced Brunson, Ronald Pa- capitol and the new last Thursday arternoon at the songs. to to cnuses ngrl- floor without weekend. dren, roe and Lu of arc MORTUARY group keep other than lack of Starling, any waiting In chance to Jesup, Elder Rollie Riner. ��ilEc:,;s:'����nMs����� The the tricia cultural and be at your own horne of Mrs. Corner with Burial- was group appeared by re- leadership school In Thigpen. and Carol God- building, teAt.h Mr. Bird, her training . line. Cobb and Foxhall are book- Mrs. Robert Smith visiting parents, Mr. and 1------.....---- The. 1957 national proper maintenance, he ex- church for services or �nd eight members in the church quest. When it was announced mind and to if Agrlcul- bee in the stunt Sunday and Jane present. Mrs. Mrs. J. E. this cemetery. go possible. It Is tural plalned. The 1957 like program. ing tobacco (or the first time children, Belly and Parrish, week. Mr. Dan B. mon Conservation for ACP, school, because we have a Bird served Gay and son, th th at R s I n to be held at Program 01 �ae'::,a 5- Pat of her guests lemon Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wesleyan College 1956 will One the other of D�i��n:shc::;:r�ne�a%I��� this season. The others ware- Savannah, visited her Brannen and Pallbearers were c cost-sharing with farmers car- of�heer hlghlight.s from minute break after cheese his hley, cooperators of the \arge of a�ot or u I Macon from progarm, �ot "stem to stern." Some of which Mr. cake, and ale little nephews, 24-Hour Ambulance Service � programaYf waJ y" August 12 to IS . for Thursday was housemen have been to- servjce parents, and Mrs. J. C. Ginger daughters, Susan and out certain cost-sharlng maintenance night's program is at Dekle River Soil he was 'rying. approved pub. the visited booking 9:45. We have topped with icc cream. Bunks, Edwin Earl geechee Conservo- prevailed on to invite He . some 45 minutes of group Rich's one for Sunday Beasley Sr., several last Sandra of Banks, pointed out that the 144 measures. entertain. bacco several years. Let's school days ••• Vidalia, visited his n District, have the others to afternoon. after preaching so we In­ Kennedy, Reginald Anderson, recently com- Join him and to do I!c ment by on Allnnta week. mother - the all last PHONES county presidents to- uces as een e A state ACP pottcemen, hope farmers have good vlte to Thursday. Iverson 4·2722, 4·2991 & 4·2289 et d an old the meeting inhteresbt conservatl�napprove bypr:hc- handbook, con- you come if you will WSCS MEETS Anderson, and Elvin An- rebuilding pond songs group liked to hear. in Capt. nn Each was devoted to Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Mrs. Sadie Rowland gether January had asked for of h e Fortson, amateur evening tobacco and gets a good Sanders and son derson. farm near agriculture, ac- I f hiIC h a price every Sunday to The Woman's �heir Portal. Miss Maude such a secre�ary t. pract He vespers service and the of Honorary pallbearers . White magician. called recreation morning Savannah the SOCiety of Arnold, of carried the school and that cost-s IS up several for what they have to sell. spent weekend Augusta, visited Mr. were 26 North Main trai?ing cording F. Bradley, tainln�armg ��sbl o�0 7 in Stilson Church Christian Service of the Byron Dyer, E. L. Ander­ Statesboro, Ga. Mr. Carl has one rou on a'" he did to. Joh� � to with his the large gym on the Presbyterian wIth his Mr. and Portal and Mrs. J. E. Rowland word tour of the surely wont a good dele- state ers and the help tricks, camp parents, Mrs. Jr. lost son Sr., Joe admtnlstratlvo officer of specavalflacation w�ImhC including Methodist Church will meet Tillman Sr., I. G e best blcolorHod�es wildo� all the wa to to the Nessmith twins grounds. Ray Sanders. Sunday. lespedeza �oun�ry, y Port. gation attend. The short the such ' Beth and next Lem Agricultural Stabilization practices must meet In Mr. Monday afternoon at the Mr. Moore, Mikell, W. R. e borders I have ever seen on course will the Jean. Two free and Mrs. and Mrs. L!;; • help and order to \V. M. Morris Joe . Conservation be swimming periods Willett of .. . community Committee. eligible for cost- church and the s farm of Statesboro. and The were held In nnd present program, and Mrs. L. , .... WIth at the county chapters' leaders In Bulloch daily the modern family returned to Savan­ Gray D. Branan and ,..._....,__ s�uth carpet grass present In the sharing, is developed annually county group "How Real is the e border IS over a all of making announcement, at nah after last Kingdom to son Dickie, of Just year and doesn't look too but phases Farm Bureau work. the State at pool camp, supplied water spending week Toomsboro, were good, Bradley that "ACP by Agricultural Stabili- stopped Indian to by Us?" Id and the are now emphasized Springs from dinner plants 12 next Mr. Lester • • • Chapman Bulloch ,_=�- guests of Mr. and Mrs. year expects the is a zatlon and Conservation Com. eat lunch on Springs. 15 feet tall. continuing long-range pro- the rocks. defeated C. H. Bird last bahia to come into its own. mittee and They boys Effingham county ���y J�:��onMr�I��:inC����iS��l� Sunday. lOW! Eo;" tIIo FLORIDA '0'" SOIL BANK DEADLINE gram of conservation cost-shar- the heads of the held their first official other ATTEND FUNERAL Mr. F. C. Rozier meeting boys afternoon in week to visit and Mr. and Mrs. A. U. w...... c•• W,,', of Brooklet Mr. P. F. Martin in EXTENDED other in Thursday soft- Tommy AT Mincey the Stilson TO JULY 27 ing and should not be confused agricultural agencies Monday night and divided in Carol Morrison. HOMER, S. C. and Mrs. �;,�J,u'''' ball. Jim and idn't know .lust how aood 8 a stand the state, He MI'. F. N. Mincey little community got perfect V Rowe that the Bradley explained. Mrs. IIa James Carter was called son, James � a�nounced said a und Mrs. Stelill M., spent last Sun­ :�!�t!�e meeting of the agency Lee to Homer, S. C. last ���:err:���I�t�:�gr��: of Savannah were visitors Thursday day in Helena with Mr. and Mrs. because of '��d �:s I�h� •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• here last the death of his Arthur Brown. b����nra::e�7n:idu��\ ���ba::�u;�l hs���anO:e/ltn ���:��n: r�����g;�nr� :rt�� :�i� Sunday. They spent the st teoh ther d He sprmg. It IS bank ��a��r:�:at�e ;he�d Mr. ay. didn 't really lookIng good had been extended a week ���rlh:�eCps��e �:��lil������;. s��t/u:;'n�� Nora who brother·in·law, Sim Black. nfternoon at now book for 1957. Morris, has been Jay Bird Springs. ink any of It came but and that not he well. up, would be . competing programs," Mr. and It·. appltcaltons visiting relatives returned Mrs. W. L. a saId. here, Bishop good stand and a lot Is al· Mr. Frank SImmons and sons taken b ASC office the to Those the funeral had through Following announce ment Langley, S. C., with Mr. and attending as their guests last week F from ady seeding out. Field grass In the 'd 11 27 While the ACP for each suc. of the state Mrs. Bruce here were Mr. F. N. Mrs. J. W. Register community have program, county Green for a visit. Jernigan of Homer­ nd clover had ccssive Mr. nnd it done an of scrub r��y, R��e �lso urged those year is called a "new" ASC committees and representa­ Mr.and Mrs. Joe C. Carter, Mrs. H. L. Allen, ville and Mrs. Jack over.topped job Cribbs Richardson nd it down where It was .outstandinll that SHEPPARD'S Mr. kept oak on ·wanted to ask program, it is a con. tives of the other and and Mrs. Paul Allen, of killing thClr farm. They telephones actually I girls, Barbara and Sylvia Miami, Floridfl. ard to see. • Vickey for them as soon as 111 of Allen, Mrs. R. E. Brown 2, 4, 5·T in frills to do the possible tinulng program which has been agencies each countyagriC�\\U�a�w e Savannah, spent several and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bowen and �sed days Mrs. Curtis Mr. Earl Lester has. a lob. whIch had because about 200 more sub. for 20 years, ad· Mr. and Mrs. Youngblood. sons, Bill and in. operation th� visiting H. N. Andrew of Sa­ go�d Pines. scribers ure mmlstratlve ... irst. year stand of bahla on hIS planted eariter are ou needed to make the ����e :I�� sp��U��t th�r�:::;�i Shurling, and Mrs. Fannie vannah, spent last commg bee� offic�r E. Saturday with arm at rural explamed: Mrs. of Arcola. It IS competmg a� a result of this effort. telephone program what It car cost.sharing applicable to the WAREHOUSE I'loyd Smith. Mrs. 1&2 Cribbs. Mosley A. J. Bowen. Howeve,�, he, �ontmued, the people really do want. rIes a new authOrIzation for rformance of the approved Janie pe. . Mac . Shuriing spent Sun· funds each on Enough subscribers make the year, and revisions practices farms In the county. day visiting Lillian Morris. to. and Nevils News scope service sound adaptions arc made on-I------Statesboro, exte�ded to meet current conserva- • Georgia W��� Gr���: 1------must be procured before such nually an�r��c�:rd t�� can t.ion problems. has of VISIT se�vlce be started, he Congress P'reston t Savannah, spent Sunday visit· authorized $250 million for the Mr. and pOInted out.. agams ing Mrs. Levi . Morris Martin meets at 1957 ACP. That authorization is nnd Dasller's The New Consumer called off theIr family. family Finance Office at Corner Re�lster in addition to the program for last Thurs· $450 million Mr. and Mrs. Ellis surprtS� cl'viI ts Beasley authorized under the conserva. h hill East Main and Seibald day but It Will be a and of Streets flight. rig Faye Savannah, visited tion reserve for f'ISh f rl feature dUrIng the C. part of the soil their Mr. and F'd 0fitas week early fall, parents, Mrs. B. ry ay P. b an.k WASHINGTON, July 19-The E. Brunson, their president, Beasley. We in Loans Civil Rights Bill now before the By MRS. JIM Specialize stated. The group asked Mr. Bradley said one of the more ROWE House "effectively the Brunson to find out the cost and important changes in the ACP destroys for sovereignty of the several to possibility of procuring a 1957 is in the so-called $25.00 $1,500.00 states," Congressman Prince chartered bus to attend the Na- "initial establishment" con- Preston said today on the floor ON tional Farm Bureau convention cept. ThiS concept has re- be�n of the House in the in Miami this December. tamed, but for 1957 It be denouncmg * will, proposed legislation. AUTOMOBILE * SIGNATURE The oup discussed "things pOSSible to offer gr". . cost-sharmg. . * 2ND MORTGAGE * FURNITURE generally, 1I1cludmg the out- Likenmg the powers granted look for tobacco this year. It 1954-55 year. However, the ex- the federal government by this Under was ."Operated the Supervision at the Georgia Industrial pointed out that the acreage ports of flue·cured tobacco law to those of a police state, for harvest will be the . Loan smallest probably arc near 535 million S81,'d "H ere 111 th'ie h a Ii s CommiBsioner:" since 1953. It Perst�n appears likely that pounds for lhe year just ending. the 1956 will production range This about 25 per cent larger O[d t��Sg �hoen��:s�tm��t �fe a cl�: NEVILS METHODIST between 11 .i.s and 18 per cent be· than 111 1954·55 and the largest �ha�r would 0 press our citizens WSCS TO MEET DIXIE low AUO. 2 FINANCE CO., last year's on except for In a wa thar The \NC._ record-�reaktng �ecord t�e strongly suggests Aulbert WSCS of the out-turn. The domestic con- the Brannen and T. SAVE on Nevils penod. All facts conSidered,1946-�7t 1e we profess to J. Methodist Corner East Main dict�torshiPs Sheppard again �htlrch will meet and Seibald sumption of flue·cured tobacco total 1956·57 supply of flue· p.ise" August 2 at 3:30 o'clock at the during the July 1955, Julie 1956 cured welcome Bank of tobacco, carryover plus their' friends and customers church with Mrs. Wilton (Old Statesboro Building) is Preston said that, "Such a low for an- Rowe marketing year estimated the new crop. may vary only and Mrs. Jim about as Rowe as hostesses. 150 million pounds, very about two per cent from that which is proposed is not the.Ides , other little different from that in the 1955-56 level. tobacco Just needless. I"t IS WICked an d �eason. Sell with men of ex- 5 Mr. and Mrs. George Stanford ::::::::::::::::======:..i- dangerous." te r lin of visited 9 Daisy Sunday after­ and who al'e .. noon with Mr. Preston quoted the French perience not afraid to back Jllamorous� and Mrs. C . .f. ability To the f!iJ,yt/ia,m Martin. eye, the new Corvette and poet Lamartine's lament, "Oh, ALL mMS IN Mr. the new Chevrolet are far Liberty, Liberty! What crimes their AI.L PATTERNS SHOWN and Mrs. R. J. Morris and different. 011 tobacco. are committed in name. "He judgment daughter were \Vednesday din­ But these two champions have one thy said future historians ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. TWO in common-both may superb quality describe Walton Nesmith. this era by saying, "Oh, were born to to the road as Due to cling Civil Civil increased labor costs we al'e Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Rights, Rights; What forced Martin and were of it! Mr. though they part crimes nre committed in and Mrs. R. J. Morris and CHAMPIONS thy name." He the to were urged House to unload tobacco daughter Sunday dinner Chevrolet's astonishing roadability fl'om 6 a. m. to 10 m. and guests of Mr. reject overwhelmingly the Civil p. and Mrs. R. C. is a big reason why it's America's Martin. Rights Bill which he described short track cannot stock car racing cham­ as "repugnant in detail." unload on Mr. and Mrs. Walton Nesmith OF THE every Sundays. and pion. It can and does out-run and 1------children, Judy, Marty and out·handle cars with 100 more NEW BOOKS AT _ Sonia, Mrs. J. W. Taggert and LIBRARY sons, and Miss horsepower. When you wed rock­ America's RELIGIOUS BOOKS Storl or fill in set Ramonia Ne­ ROAD ... largest seiling car- your NOW smith were Sunday dinner solid stability to superb 2 million more owners than engines any Two new arrivals at public of Gorhom flat guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. such as the V8 that flashed other make. Be sure sil. 225-h.p. "Bible to Sterling Nesmith. library: Study for make the Corvette to a new American Grownups"· Farnk Eakin ver Mr. and both Chevrolets! by big at Mrs. J. E. lODAY'S lOW and - Hagan sports car record then you a (Guide for both individual and family visited relatives get in group needs). "Certain of PRICES. the Statesboro real championship combination. People AnticipClte wed. during the week. - the Bible" (some Biblical men Mrs. A. J. Stop by for a sample! and Sanders and little and women seen in a new piles dings, anniversary and daughter, Patricia light) your of pac�( Ann, by Maurice Samuels. Statesboro, visited Saturday with bir\hdoy gifts that must be Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hagan and Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Rowe. bought. costs tobacco High�r of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Price of tight. services and will Pulaski visited with Th� Saturday supplies Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Rowe. increase 1he Mrs. price of Gor­ Malcolm Hodges visited Wednesday with Mr. and maximum hom Mrs. Sterling flat silver on 0. H. Hodges. weight Mr. and • Augl)SI 1st. Mrs. J. B. Hurst of Savannah were Saturday din­ ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim IS 300 Rowe. pounds- All Mr. and Mrs. Orders. including moil Gene Joyce �nd Po1Nered _I'th 'the attractive up I daughter of Pooler hlghea't and spent a few phone orders, received days last week with S'tyled 'to lead and Mrs. 'today 'tomorrow! to Joyce's parents, Mr. and Remember, be assured of by July 30th will be filled Mrs. G. A. Priced 'to i'1't Lewis. your budge't !!!!!!!!! getting your Mr. and Mrs. at Wilton Rowe JU81 IMnk of Ihe fun of on present low prices. and pure ownin, cor. When Ihat 230 tobacco the floor children, and an Old! Ibis h.p.· Rockel Engine without it Randy Libby. summer! aings ill. were Saturday powerful lonl, you'll fiing keeping sitting night guests of DUI righl with it I AI Mr. and Mrs. Ihat's only hnH Ihe story of thil olons: cruising 811eeds Litt Allen in Rocket fucl on the floor so Pollern big, beautiful, Rocket economy is hook prlcu ,hown ore fo, 0 Statesboro. YOUR budget.priced oUl81unding, in because only _ fruction of long, please ,ill'piece ploce.,elting: knlle, Engine "88". Right now you'll be potcnlial your space fork, Mrs. Jim Rowe visited get­ power i& We In rela­ ling high Ira de-in for old cor. being ulled. But 175 IlOr$e­ Specialize tives in INVESTMENT HOL:DS your Add ���=��'O:,o�I!��d� :!f:r�tt:�: Savannah Ihis 10 pOlf)er in reserve is as during the Oldsmobile's high reanle worth rently for YOll 10 advance, in the weekend. call on to meet Original Designs WHEN ••• YOU GO here's your smarlcat inveslmenl! nny safety silUftlioli. past. tTrade Mark Mrs. H. C. Burnsed has Yel, and Let's Inlk it Over. From Your re­ OVER TO ,fter." a wfto'. lummer'. We'll IIhow you fllell Buy turned home after OL08,' nnd which spending last drIving ••• If �ou .u� "owl milk., it clear Ihat Local on �'88fil"res Manufacturer The is ,IIc buy in I "88" will give you more plea.ure July in than you ever (In" A Statesboro thought poasible fn D t:::de�;�' Ninelv-E{ght SlIper 68 Industry Since 1922

= GOTA� Wo = lHI_o §MlllliI SUfJ;MER COLD OLDSMOBI LE Thayer _ SHEPPARD'S A QUALITY PRODUCT broullht to AN -JEWELER /�- :.a- you by SINCE 1919-- TAKE .. OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALERI_ � "" ,�...... �II'II ..... Monument 20 South Main Street for WAREHOUSE 1 & 2 Statesboro, IOO.UTI c::��!:�,�';,. Woodcock Motor Georgia ' ...... (0.( .. 1' ,.,1 Inc. Company, CHARLIE NESMITH-NO 1 Floor -PHONE 4-3210- Company Man-Day Franklin ROBERT LANIER-No 1 Floor 666 108 SAVANNAH AVE. Chevrolet Inc. Statesboro, Georgia Mlln-Night QA. Co.� OTIS W. ------STATESBORO, 45 WATERS-No.2 Floor Man-Day BE CAREFUL ••• DRIVE SAFElYI West Main Street _ ED ANDERSON" 60 East Main Street Phone 4 .. THOMAS ANDERSON-No.2 Floor Men-Night 5488 Statesboro, Georgia Phone PO 4·3117 One killed, seven SAFETY HINTS Elliott The Bulloch Herald - Page 10 from the Red Cross Hagan in wreck A Prlze Winning NATIONAL AWARD OltfsE - WINNIII injured - opens campaign Newspaper 11';�:m'ill.lrrrJJ§ 08 The Board of Edu J Counly ..... <6c __ G Eilioll Hagan Screven calion and the neal' - Superintendant I956 19 56 Denmark 0 county farmer businessman will SCh00 1 S ..e.c urvey of Schools are 10 I o highly com Betler + A man was Newspaper THE J M TINKER killed and a worn offIcIally open his for \\ I'''''''''''' CJIJw,J 11_ 000 campaign continued trom 1 mended for actlng IIh dlspntch Contests BULLOCH II� an and SIX page HERALD I children ForSale--- For injured Wed representative from the F rst In order to more ode 00/44 Rent CONSULTING FORESTER provide II_""'" cr-Ioo/I 18 when District to the United ----..J nesday July lWO auto States In pending futher fuclllties for 0 P I abeyance quare Neg pils INDEPENDENT TIMBER mobiles collided at a _ head on near Congress barbecue Dedi.rated To Tire IMMEDIATE POSSESSION August study 1 he committee has been III the shortest time possible OJ' Suuesboro And Bulloch CRUISER Denmark on 4 In Progress Unfurnished SIX room house the Statesboro Sylvania County Informed that asphalt ute for The unfinished phases of the HOMES at 317 Jewel Drive Two bed 10 Vine SI - Pembroke The event has been set Statesbore Ga HIghway for - building prngrmu relate to pro VOLUME XVI rooms screened hot I Douglas Williams 43 of 330 0 clock In the the rloors of the new Wilham ESTABLISHED MARCH 26, 1937 afternoon AND CONVENIENT porch Ollie" 4 at NUMBER 38 LARGE water Phone PO 2261 VISions for a physical education healer venetian blinds was killed lhe bascbnll James which was nnd two baths Register Inslanlly Sylvania park BUilding omit Eight looms floOl furnace hardwood Iloors Residence PO 49484 building al the 11Igh school cen Mrs A V Anderson of Pc 11 A special mvuauon for resi plus laundry loom screened ted when the contract was Jet and of Reasonable rent PIIONE <1 3453 broke tcr the housing pupils driver of the other ve dents of Bulloch county to at or 4 9585 I tc for the new building will be assigned to the nrfgfnel William ���d Fa�'cfth A S DODD JR hlcle was unconsoious tend the district wide and :I��I Pco;�dit;;;�ar tonight rally laid before the start of the James School able Ice and terms and 1m • • in the Bulloch barbecue has been Local pr Real Estate Counly Hospital Issued by a tobacco market next term Also shades will sells mediate Six be The general recommendations possession. APARTMENT FOR RENT-Un children were In the car With group of Screven county Citizens MORTGAGE LOANS FHA provided where needed In order fOl the Negro schools Will be Three-da event het at the sales headed Chas E Cone ReaI C0, I nc furnished Available now Can ttmc of the nccldent by State Representative Iy to pi ovlde some measure of In our next article be now GI---CONVENTIONAL-FARM Her W presented - seen 2 bedrooms old son Colbert Hawkins and y SI large eight year Herbert 23 N Main Dial 42217 Mayor control 1 begins J this sencs today room HOMES FOR SALE nnd glare living Natural gas heal Jimmy Hurn II bolh were Willard H Lariscy lbs. in IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Screened fronl Prlvate 3,460,312 porch Dodd The five Subdivision FHA seriously other s days Injured address IS entrance Hagan opening Five rooms and bath plus Convenient to town four children all of Approved whom suf expected around 4 0 clock fol screened in attractive and school 319 Savnnnah Ave 25 porch fered shock and nunor bruises AtthcendofflveseUmgdays Wednesday July as Call PO 43414 75 23 N Main SI - Phone lowing opening ceremollles locallon Lot 70 ft 210 ft Ifc 42471 . 55IDerchants by were Mary Anna Faulk 10 through Tuesday 31 the Statesboro tobacco with July Price $700000 moderate • • Jean Do�lar Faulk elghl Carl Faull market sold eVlVa promote d01l11 OBSERVES FIfTIETH 3,460312 for a total of R l besi Days pounds payment LOSI OR STRAYED-SIOmese SIX $1467 five - and merchants In Stales FOR RENT!oj 7 loom Ilouse nt Thomas Strickland 1111 eglns Filty cat Mule WIth brown feet Guard settIe at ANNIVERSARY OF RS 520 69 Chas E Cone Realty Co, Inc 210 snvnnnan Ave Also fOI 0f Pem bro ke boro are cooperating in a big tall and head Left our home 23 N Main St - Dial 42217 I ent an tmenl at the corner Sheriff Stothard On At the end of the first five at CaI promolion tomorrow and apar of last week If Deal of Bul Wednesday afternoon July loday of South and Friday night vary Coliege St Grady loch said the oc II the WMS of the seiling days of lhe 1955 market Saturday offering special bar MARYDELL PLANT anyone has infcrmntlon about county accident Fort Stewart Gracewood NEAR Sl FOI tnrormauon call E1D a A revival this cut cured at 1215 m Wednes Church held Its tota: 01 3615326 pounds 01 meeting at unusual gains in three gigantic Dollar please call HARRY P FORT STEWART Baptist regular Very mce 6 rooms and bath PREElTORIUS at 49283 July 23- had interest will SACK RESIDENCE 13335 Hc Wednesday He said the car meeting nt the home of Mrs tobacco sold for $1 743609 be conducted at Days The merchants With two lots On South 531 tfc five offlcers large driven Tlllrly and 424 en 19 stocked their shelves WIth by Mr Wlihams was 0 1 Harry Smith In observance of Calvary Baptist Church In Foss Sl Less lhan 2 old listed men of 101 AAA Gun Bat Mrs Anderson s side Statesboro the week be 01 merchandise In y�ars of the road tnllon during plenty quality FOR RENT-Lnrge lwo bed arrived at Fort Stewart The total opening 25 at FI����ce day July ginning Monday night August an effort to attract the citlzens Inc Dekle IS �:yal An;��ersl�;�gra�: sales were 688 984 for ��� f:a��:� !::I�� °co Johnny ��e ��I�a�fs pounds 6 and continuing through Sun of this area and give them the st���m ba�� l:�scr:s�'feIOng $30398691 This with 23 N Main 51-Dial 42217 ,;gal�fer��er!l�r resident of �r�7�,�� f�helh;;;�l,��n��r�,e�� compares 12 benefit of the arc water heater DODD APART Bulloch and ���,:.�a���d �;s I day nlghl August The theme savings they counly the on the M�S � i_.�� the 1955 sales of a securing guns firing opening day of the revival WIll MENT North Main St Cnll or veteran of World War II There were 13 members be Fetlowshlp offering BUY IN 3 BD BRICK range present 705 see ch making up COlS and 058 pounds for $336 I 14 57 and A S DODD JR at 4 2471 He IS survived h IS s Mrs Smith served the each WIll Attractive brick veneer With pasture amp by paren t refreshments message night Into the of a 01 4 9871 5 3 trc M getting grind sol Involve some The cilmax of the big three and tile G WIIlID us at the close of the from form of fellowship three bedrooms ceramic dier s life was met meetmg The day by day sales Four Ii Club pasture cham With little as related to day event will come Saturday / :nd �rs �anlel 25 the chrislian exper FOR In the July through Tuesday July at 6 0 clock sev RENT-Nice two bed pions South Georgia Jim renee evening when r:tth Aeoo�onI31����oed a��n��i:� �el�gl��rlia��e Bergeuux Extension Serv 31 of this are 8S follows room unfurnished o�IS�:yC��SSS features of this year eral will be apa.rt Agricultural Extension Service Mrs Ice The big prizes given blinds O n I y $10 200 00 EI Igi bl e Vlrgtma Manley of States re������dlng Salls and fertilizer speclalist speakers for the revival ment All private districts arc year s Will be the luly 25-688984 1 he Include a 21 (II Conveniently Johnny Dekle son boro Mrs training Wednesday will be men away pnzes for loan located Jeraldine Harville of recommends buying fertilizer on young who have Reasonable rent 430 of Mr nnd Army Test on for 91 Inch RCA set Mrs Lehman Dekle Training Friday a pounds $303986 been ordained into portable TV St PHONE 4 5578 Statesboro Mrs Martha James baSIS of cost per unit or per the mlniatry 26-697742 a Laundromat �o;�t�f�aln than Thursday luly from Calvary Church and the Westinghouse Ch2� NE M��:�IR��:�I ��21�nc a�:'vlt�sd for automatic washer bOlh cour �; B�,II��� $29228553 .• >� C���Zy v':.'��n �:��;� onl�alU����rnJ':.'I; ��u;;:'e pounds schedule for the week WIll be by ...... '"'...C:.l:ll_._ �ar;�\:fi�:;�f ::;i�ter �,'�� o:o��a�!/��� �����r 01 Bulloch �:� Friday July 27-642 772 as follows tesy the Tire and important a Phllco pounds for $252261 09 Supply Company HI FI July 27 lo NCO s T���Tbe�:�o�Eh��:eTl:'? In �:���fl�,�b����n�� ��������� Monday I1Ight Augusl 6 the 195G-Demonstraling gun flrsls in 90mm AA firing for accuracy is trial tire On rlghl F��a�F1-Ii��e ��f�r'��:� 4 H at the ����;�II1�!�:eboii:I�;a;,:�,s��� automatic cour he correcl Lee ��:m�� Monday July 3()-715336 Inman phonograph by melhod of a round Into a man close to South MaIO ��Sss �:�t o�Ho�t���t� college Williams and Bule Wllhams CO���CI�;mYdU�,�a�nln: I·A-�-�-ve-R-2�-P'-:-IE-�-�-�-r-0-�-0-W-yO-� Rev Gerrald WIll speak placing fuse setler on a Isl Ll William Harper demonslrales how 10 delermlne the a A lure of Fire Insurance 01 s for GI loan $630000 a�d grlcuItadersExlenslOn Serv both of training day by Inspectors the BENSON IN pounds for $301 761 88 on of tesy Nath TV Sales and Omm IS SFC Carl Sherrod A EligIble SIMMONS AT 4 3154 Slatesboro and G B FellowshIp ConfeSSIOn gun Blry of local unil Other of lrlal fire and melhod of From r are Ice Th d A Th SURANCE AGENCY accuracy correclion I Unlverslly of GeorgIa WIlliams b Tuesday July 31-715478 and Service and four cash prizes members of A Chas E Cone Realty Co Inc of PulaskI Repentance Blry Stalesboro arc I r SFC WIlham Cone 3 Ted Cowart 3 Allen FOR RENT-Five room unfur Sgt Sp Sp Rodgers MlSgt Paul Moore Funeral Jec�ve O;��IS les� ,���':�m�ne pounds for $31722528 the Rev W 01 $25 each by the Bulloch James St 42217 IS servIces were held al Tuesday night Sp 3 Paul Waters and 23 N Main -Dial ntshed brick aparl Johnny winner In soulh the and CaSSIdy SFC Franklin Hagin Sp 2 Jack Edwards and Sp 3 Earl Bowen duplex 3 30 m knowledge practIcal r������������������������������������!!,'1 Fci ment Brick east P Thursday at Lower TM�furlheflmh"ulilngD fu�wnwill��koo Rents for IS south work � _ gorage GeorglO Verlyn of the 90 mm an leu oc re � Lolls Creek Prlmllive personnel days-3 460 312 tor lowshlp of ���hB�\ t�cS�t�and� monlh pounds Prayer ------$7500 per MRS RON cenlral and George IS soulh Bapllsl and crews Church gun oration and the Dixie Financeorp• • ALD NEIL PHONE 4 3496 west conducled by Elder Har $146752069 Wednesday nlghl the Rev ThIS s s REAL ESTATE ns year Governor Day and a $25 credit lo a Editoria 6 14 tfc Cribbs and Elder J M TId Inman Gerrald WIll speak on Company lSI·vama Ieads Each WIll recClve . $40 and a fesllVltles WIll fealure a The local have � well BUrial dIsplay warehouses of Ffl savings account at the First .J. y CITY PROPERTY LOANS UNFURNISHED lrlp lo the slale 4 H Club was In the church and Fellowsillp Spiritual /til' t7 APARTMENT Con demonslrallOn of anllalr been full each day during this Federal Savings and Loan Com L;"4mV()tlV'I' 1.:1(;"'" FOR In cemelery Thomas endshlp /:yIPT' Service- roomy gress Allanla In Seplember craft and tank of season -Quick RENT-Large firing Instead of Harvey part the and the to the pany To be eligIble for these Someone to blarne f01' falaI wreck six room apartment, Pallbearers were DeWitt Ken Thursday mght Rev 1/ eechee L newly the usual review of bacco IS sUII III the re "I CURRY INSURANCE AGENCY The dlSlrlcl troops coming pretty prizes customers arc - / painted Has 2 bedrooms champs also sland nedy Rodney HarVIlle Douglas D ckerson Will speak " The fatal wreck at Denmark last 18 Og eague large George Governor Gnffln IS � Wednesday July a scheduled lo good 1 he better of red to at � 15 Courtland Street IIvmg room room chance to wm one of three Williams Jr grades on of Soul Will qUI only register any dll1lOg DeVaughn Roberts arrive with Minkovitz Fellowship about 1220 could have been AVOided It cost the life of a man Sylvanm leads the Lillie at Fort Stewart at 930 Bulloch tobacco arc or all of the � !Jaw kitchen shower and tub bath state awards-a $250 scholar Joe Akms J P Johnson COUlty places partlclpallng - Honor nlllg � and a baseball With FOR SALE Three bedroom 4 The revlCw Ike Mmkovltz of 1 hospitalization of lady and SIX teen age children and at Ogecchee Icague closels front and back and a Saturday morning H Mlnko brll1gmg good pllces he lugs In the promotIOn Each merchant ri?) large shIp lrlp lo the nallonal ary were AlVin Friday IlIght the Rev W D ..... ��. home Close In lot on pallbearers of Vltz the time the Mrs 18 games won and only 3 losses Shady porch All rooms are oUlslde 4 H firing range and eqUlpmenl and Sons announced lost have been of 0 sorry grade Will banners In the Will plesent lady A V Anderson one of Pem Congress In for Anderson W B Bowen H H JOh'1SOI1 \vlll speak 011 Fellow display I .� paved slreel rooms Ohlcago WIll / for 857 The olher Close to lown Available slarl at 10 a m The week that Thomas has which lowers the VI dows of th elr stOles 111 d I f.JJ:; bloke s finest matrons IS In the Bulloch Ito I slandlng first for second Olliff firing Harvey average sh of Love Icating I County Hasp now $150 and $80 Carol AkinS J Ernesl p team arc Insurance Agency Call AM at demonslratlOn WIll be been na "Klry standings SW3msboro Curry Seligman for lhlrd conducled ned shoe merchandise dalla sold 606000 pounds the that they are part of the big 1,.. YAK I where It IS hoped that she will be OK 111 tllllC but Phone PO 4 2825 NeVIls Sam NeVIls and Ellzah Saturday night a church Wide suffering 184 for 818 Brooklet 145 6 14 tfc lanks of Ihe 160lh of Ihe sold an fOl � The by Armored manager lhre� Mlnkovllz openmg day Metler lo be Dollar Day promollon palll beyond and WIll be or paslure program now III AkinS soc131 WIll be enjoyed deSCription perhaps Crippled 736 13 10 and stores In Rockyford for 565 un Group anllalrcrafl guns of Statesboro estimated 300000 pounds life same Ils Slxlh year IS Barnes Funeral Home of Sylvanl8 followed by 0 church play They ore about the mrllmed for In the hospital IS little JllnmlC Harn Meller FOR lhree bedroom sponsored by the 108lh and weather... 9 II for 450 MIllen SALE-New F��rms���T;2up ex apartment Bngade ThIS demon Douglas He Will Ibedroom the Standard Statesboro manage The Rev J \V Grooms son of Mr and Mrs I Harn was home Close Co of Ken was 111 charge of ar pas Rrady Furnllure Store Max, onl\ DuCIC who the most 8 14 for 363 Slalesboro 4 18 asbestos Siding 911 stratlon Will consist of on the shoe of flrmg department the tor of who IS thiS The thermometer 111 tucky ral1gements Calvary away well s Store lovelace 5c and readings badly 11Jured of lhe SIX teen agers who were ndlllg home fa 181 and 221 �va�r:blju��wbe��cn���e��r��� Silhouette the M47 Statesboro store Waynesboro W targets by week In n reVIVal ncar for the week of Insurance pita I Park PHONE L J H ExtenSIOn RI.tes held for meetlllg IOc Sto e The ChIldren s Shop Monday July from the Statesboro swimming pool WIth Mrs AndClson when for 086 Curry Agency Gurley tanks and radlOncontrol 81r For the last three years Mr Cuthbert Ga announces that 23 29 Phone PO 42825 SHUMAN at 4 3437 ALSO-l'or agronomlsl saId the d,slnct Shuman Cash Grocery McCon through Sunday July the fatal colliSIOn huppened killing a Bulloch county farmer plane targels by 90 mm anll .....n omas has traveled Games Metler at rent one lhree rOOm lhe south the time for the services each nell s 5c ]Oc were as [ollQwS lOnlght Syl furnished champIOns have demonslrated B1'00 e and Store Western and the othels 10 the where a1\ of them suI\. FOR SALE-New three bed kl tIdea s alrcrafl guns east for BrauCi pulling hospital apartment on Grenade St near how to Brothel S Shoe IlIght for the reVival at Calvary Low vanm and Millen at establish and malntam Mrs. Allmond 1______High fered \Vaynes room brick veneer horne With Available ano v 0 u beyond deSCription hospital July 15 pastures for CompJny pie sly Will be 800 P m He adds that Monday July 23 91 71 bora Games 5 Localed on PHONE L J top production Yes thiS wreck could have been If either of Sunday Aug carporl lalge SHUMAN 43137 traveled II '! slate 01 MIS t r for lh.e IS lo be 24 93 71 plevenled .Funelllt serVIClS fOl1\'1[s Mose almosphere hoped NOTICE Tuesday July Sylvamn at Rockyford States corner lot 7 5 Hc InternatIOnal Shoe lwo had their Company He Informal and 25 94 71 people dQJ1e duly boro nt Millen at Met ------Allmo ld Sr 69 were held at friendly deepl� You must be Wednesday July Brooklet Insurance Agency has present To start With we ale told lhat Bulloch Pohce Curry Wide experience I' the re n County leI and Phone PO 4 2815 4 30 0 clock afternoon prize drawing In order to win (doublehe der) Waynes tall trade as Monday man III shoe buyer for h:t officer had thiS that caused the fatal wreck their hands boro at Swainsboro al the Elam Bapllsl Church In :P�,I���lc�I;�I�:l����t�t��I�I�� �����da�u:yUI�728 :� �� Goldsn Ith 5 Store III tend the services 28 91 68 n short tllne before the aCCident but turned Department JenkinS conducted Saturday July only happened M( county by mpills Tenn 29 94 69 h m ovel to a relative him the Dr Leslie Williams and the Rev Auto Store The Ozburn Sor Sunday July who promised to keep off high He s a grad ale of Gulf Coasl 111 hiS Sam Shaw Bunal was III the f1cr Ford Co Ellis Drug Co The ramfulJ for Ihe sume way new Chevlolet automobile Had thiS officer done MIlitary Acnde ly a d moved to Boat races at Be schools if church cemetery The Barga n Cor ler Frankllll IJCrlod was 047 Inches hiS cll ty and carried the man to Jail at Stntesboro and locked get Statesbo a from � afayette Ala v co H n RadiO and TV Sel M hlln up u ltll he got sober he would be alive today hiS car bal11u \\ Ith h s Wife Billie Jo Mrs Allmond dIed 29 In and The ------. July Lake kovltz Sons College would not be a wreck and the IIltle from Pembroke With and their three children Indy Johnny lhe Bulloch County Hospllal Cypress GrImes Ellis _ teacher's Pharmacy Jewelry 1 SIX teen children would be at home life iIlstead 14 and age enJoymg speech' Dena 10 9 Ton Illy 7 after a long Illness More than 75 famous ooat Furniture Store Farmers Hard of III the where she IS nre of bemg hospital hovering between lIfe H P Womack cOllntv school They members the F resby racers Will take part in the boat ware Hoke S Brt nson Akms arc death It IS that wlli terlan Church ilve on Survlvmg five daughters races at SAL and although hoped she recover superintendant announced thiS "fhey Cypress Lake Sunday Appllal ce Co Waters F rnlture promotes Mrs Wallie Mrs Floyd But thiS man who had been all over the com week Ihat there will be South Main street extenSion Sparks afternoon Al gust 5 accordmg Lalllcr Jewelers The Bulloch driVing three Chesler and Mrs MIllry Taylor III a condition too teachers 111 the white to offlcmls of the Southeastern TImes The BowCl Furlllture Co mUlllty drunken had powerful connections to speech DISCUSSing the damage caused all of Slalesboro Mrs MIlch schools of Bulloch Boatlllg ASSOClRllon who arc The Co Southern R E. Southwell be locked up as a drunken driver should have been Had county for rats ExtenslO 1 CllY Drug by Service of and Mrs another arc Crosby Reglsler the race a or a year They Mrs Car to sponsormg Outstandmg Auto Store BUrton Shoe Store Effective R E South he been little fellow stranger he would huve gone to marketing speCialists say the Akins R W Andrews of Charleston today men dnvcrs from fOt r states MorriS who has taught for se Jappy racmg Ben Frankl n 5c and 10c Store well IS re the Bulloch county where he should have gone It sounds ra Jail pests fOllr or male litters S C four sons P All appOinted passenger Walter Will be here to several years III the Bulloch partiCipate Aldred Brothers Donaldson for the Seaboard hald but that IS what the officers arc out a 1 the for per year And the litters avcrnge mond of Beaufort S C Mose presentative highway Schools There Will be ten races and Co County mostly States from SIX to 10 fhe Smith Clothlllg Central Gn Air LlIlc Railroad at BrunSWick and when fail to do their make It pi esence of show 20 Allmond Jr of Chattanooga they duly they pOSSible boro Mrs Frank MIkell who 50 laps TI e races beg n at 2 Gas Co McLellan s Stores J one paIr of I ats In the hogs Southwell was born In for aCCidents like thiS to spr 19 Tenn Allmond of Stales GeorglD happen was added SIdney p m With the feature races to last year and did can mean rats L Hodges Dry Goods States Statesboro was 50 by fall Akll1s Will enter 20 bora and James C Allmond of Georgia grad He was turned loose and we are told that he some Jappy after 3 m Inlmedlalely work after Christmas and begm p bOl a Buggy and Wagon Co uated from Duroc III a sale Oliver two sisters Mrs Fanllle Laboratory High took off for and a where It IS purebred hogs There Will be water ex Bryan county package shop Margaret Ann Dekle who IS skIIng Everett Motor Co Henry s Fav School and entered the service at a 10 Tuberville and Mrs salt two Sylvan Friday August Agnes Kelly hlbltlons between races that he bought PllltS of hquol drank one IInmedlately bemg added thiS year durlllg ante Shoe Store Manly Je\\ el of the Seaboard Railroad 111 Alex of the both of Statesboro four brothers Boyel manager the aflernoon ra and had the other In the foot of the car he was driVing at the ers Bulloch Herald Bulloch T 1943 and he has served 11 va All lh,ee of lhese auction barn announces Jack Larrllnore of Millen B F leachers I he local announce and time of the aCCident He was on hiS from the promoters nnd Sears Roebuck rlOUS In the way package WIll do some work Mr started h s of Claxton Lester Supply capacltlcs passenger probably FOR SALE-Hollse wlUI 2366 When You Akms pure larrimore that have a Are they prOVided 4000 Co Fletcher Cowart Drug Store traffiC He has been shop m Bryan when he IS supposed to have turned out In in bred herd several of Fla department Slalesboro and then lhelr sq ft 10 good cond lion )0 hog years Larrimore Jacksonville foot for the OPPORTUNITY OFFERED square paVillion Ifhe Shop Franklm Rex stationed at Savannah front of the approach 109 car at Denmark causlllg the wreck services WIll be offered to the en ted Main With II II whIle sllil a 4 H Club and Sam larrimore of Slales Georgia 418 SOUUl St ago boy m case of rain spectators all Store Franklin Chevrolet Florida and thal cost him hiS life and and for seven Portal School and the J 00111 loom and has bUIlt It II1to one of the bora and Camp Blanding suffering misery Soulh living dmmg FIR S T thirty grandchildren A sectIOn IS re speCial being Co Inc The FashIOn Shop comes to BrunSWick from Jack others easl kitchen brcnltfast room 3 bed 111 Bulloch HIgh School whIch better Duroc herds the state thlee great grandchildren served for colored rooms den 1 bath 3 ches spectntors Men and Boy s Store Bulloch sanVille where he has been em will make all pOI One of hiS herd sires Per Anyone running a package shop IS not supposed to sell speech avaIlable lo Lake IS what was W 181 ge cal POI t Also has d sap Pallbearers were Cypress Drug Co H Smith Jewel sll1ce 1946 Southwell s of the schools In You Are fect Sun was third senior nephews played anyone under the IIlfluence of and It IS true that he hIgh Bulloch We arc for an ex known as Old MIll Turn liquor peal ing staln\ ay fOl storage 111 looking RIggs er Home FurnIshing Co B B offIce WIll be localed In the Save On boar at the illinOIS state Og did come to and the two as we have been county sprmg at the at Cecli s Bryan buy PllltS told attic Lifetime roof Insulated 111 person at AL S The body remall1ed nght Kennedy home MorriS Co Altman Pontiac Co Hotel BrunSWick Geor Red Reliable lo sell fOlr 111 1955 and the other one lethorpe did then man and air conditioned and Cross names perleneed Agenl Smllh TIllman on US 301 or turn he certainly the that sold him the liquor when gas HOUSE B�ilding IIBESTII Morluary Chapel right at Lovell s Supermarket The Fw (formerly 3rd IS the son gla centers outSide the 0764 DlRmond Flash time fOl the services he was drunk contributed 111 a to Statesboro on U S 301 soulh) Materials until Jlmps Store Statesboro Natural Gas 1 _ already certamly big way 2 of Dl8mond the hIgh area even If It means �l j��i<:6'�ne ��� new lhe Flashy Service \V C Akms and Sons the fatal aCCident that happened a few mmutes after leavmg retaIning officers m the one NOTE I will consldCJ n CONSOWELD cst rated production reglstery eighth grade at or more and the lobacco warehouses the package shop and returlllng to Denmark small house as pal t payment on ROLTITE CEMENT At the an lU II meet of the the Duroc breed centers WANTE'D ng GEORGIA PLAN The Bulloch Herald School Whether he had been arrested or not IS more than we Ute of this home SKILL Holds of Col survey purchase SAWS Bulloch county chapter of the The University Georgia Josh Lan er chair nan of the know but we have It on reliable that the man 3 the WII JOHN L JACKSON SAW American of • • ea1·IS the authOrity bought DeSignate ongmal SALESMAN BLADES Red Cross held at the lege Agriculture boughl Jap J K D d Merchants Committee of of carned him to a relattve mstead of to ham James School as a class D KWIKSET LOCKS Statesboro SurgIcal Benefits and Hos s III the DUroc promote policeman Jatl RegIOnal on 27 py entry Georgl8 Chamber of Commerce express Full Tllne or Time Labrary for action center means that a FOR SALE-SIX room house Part I summer We are on that the man {ThiS only STAIRWAYS uesday IlIght of last week the Breeders ASSOCIAtIon es hiS appreciation to all those guide rely,ng good aulhorlty bought with asbe3tos aluml pltalizatlOI1 mmimum amount should be ex siding Large Territory a boar 01 thc at a a short time BOAT PLYWOOD folio vlng off cers a ld d rectors sale In 1955 for herd who 111 lhls promotIOn liquor Bryan county package shop before num wall to wall Better helped The Chairman of Ihe Counly at thiS center On heat awnings FIR PLYWOOD for 1956 57 Contest farm b oc {We C lhe falal aCCIdent pended IN we e Awards RIll the and KOOLVENT METAL AWNING 1/4 3/8 elected Newspaper in The the college which IS spo lsored by Boord of Education states carpeting liVing dining IN BULLOCH COUNTY y mg plumbing wlrlllg shlftmg and Frn lCIS was chcu ompany room a" con COMPANY 1/2 5/8 3/4 THICK Allen cha rman Rl fus ThiS entry grand lP Chamber of Commerce We would hate to be In either of their shoes for If \\ e Completely Ihat Ihe board accepled the of partitions and mallltenance to NESSES Anderson first vice Ion of the show and sale A Purcelh diVISion said dltloned WIll sell cheap Phone preSident Press Ralph recommendations which we were we would feel that had we done our duty the aCCident Phone ADams Georgia Association make It usable for a maximum 4 2734 5 10 lfc 4 8888 KNOITY PINE PLYWOOD JI11Jny Gunter second Endorsed the Meclicul The lappy IS entering of the Statesboro Rock MI and vice by Georgm lIogs manager Mrs Deal and their have been as part would never ha\ e happened of five Savannah pubhshmg years Georgia DIXIE BOARD plesldent M ss Isabel Sorrier In the Sylvan .. sale 20 of Ihem veil CorporatIOn announced thiS two children Shields and Kenny of the stud nd survey Illude OffIcers belong lo lock up drunks out on the hIghway 823lc WEATHERTITE Association and recogl1lzed these two herd J K Deal of Bulloch PiUm, Park SHEATING secretary and C D McAIl StCI by And a re SIred by week lhat live at 117 West Inman 111 4 Make to street cally th,,; � ear ns a gUide III these new speed automobiles and them until long range plans 12 treasurel fal between al 111 the high keep SHELVING (liARD TO boars and rowed county genel nechanlc Stalesboro Is prOVide In new constructIOn GeOlgla hospitals Apph He said If any school they arC sober o lectors fOi 0 lC 19 and 24 of th,s year 11a ntena lce tment of the self GET) yeal term National February dep81 the needs of the com contained primary rooms as Editorial the sale would MYF to meet l11eetmg Operators of should not sell anyone liquor DOOR JAMS Mrs Paul Car all must own car Association slated lew hele has been pia Jr. package shops an C B McAI Earnll1gs Mr Boyer plant rnul1Ity that school would be addition to the ncw Wllhdlll - nre Sluff FLUSH DOORS lister Isabel J 2 m mated to the of as when they already under the Influence of the 13/8 13/4 Sorrier W Cone slart at P pOSitIOn to until the James center !lor the pupils be unlimited \\ youth pernutled operate PAINT Paul Fra Apply by rlUng to \ maintenance de The JUlIor MethodIst It s too late to thiS unfortunate wreck but It IS lklll1 JI 0 John sistant forema lIthe remedy mg prOVided for on an lin Including of Pittman Park patrons community BUILDERS HARDWARE and MISS FellowshIp time to take to sec that It doesn t Mooncy Ma de White Care of Box 329 partment think It wIse to ample steps happen agam mediate baSIS at the onglllal Opporlulllty t st ch Will hold an slISI)end oper SCREEN DOORS DlrectOl s fa M hod Chu two yeal tel n M Deal a 10 g tlllle e.,ide,t -THE PEMBROKE JOURNAL Wilham James center WOOD DI A 12 C of C Ice cream supper at the home LOUVERED DOORS M Deal DI Leslie WII Statesboro Georgia meeting of Bulloch county has been l_a_lI_o_lI _ hams Ike of MI and Mrs 1-1 0 Everett 5 Secure at the earliest time M nl(O\ Itz J Rufus With the new plant here since Anderson on Park Avenue on \\ ednes .c pOSSible additional at G C Coleman set for 7 shortly after. Rockwell moved acreage .. FIRSTS 8 belween lhe the new WIlham James cenler M E AIderman Walker P Hili Jr Aug. time he has day August M,s Alfred Dur ng thiS per Recommend·allons rnade lor N Donnan hours of 6 30 P III and 8 00 to prOVide needed space for ad FHA LOA N S Bob Donaldson chalrlna 1 of fOllned mallltenunce as egro LIFE AND HEALTH general dltlOnal D recto s for malll P 111 • faclIIlles play and park FOR SALE-Two houses on I Seaman Williams R00f· O. lhree yeal lerm the progm 11 comn Ittee of the s gnments w thll1 the C You Can't areas for Immediate J oe Inglam Brooklet Althur INSURANCE COMPANY Beat First and Bulloch tenance tment Prior to liS ing Smith street Ing Place Statesboro County depal These young people of Pllt In E S Attorney at Law schoolF; Bulloch removal Contact JAM Sparks Porlal Ernest Brannen of Commerce an with Rockwell he 6 PrOVide a combmallon WEST VINE STREET Chamber employment man Park Methodist Church are - county system 28 Selbald 42117 at Aldred Brothers St Phone FranCIS Allen J A that there Will be as a local con ALDRED Pafford nounced today was employed Ice cream audltoflum-physlcal education PHONE PO 42371 spa lsonng thiS supper of about Store on East Main St Slatesboro, J mmy Gu ller and at the next S NO'! E-Thls IS the fifth III a series on an expendIture $,00 Grocery Georgia WIlliam Z two speakers regular tractor the of the EDITOR bUilding architecturally deSIgned With purpose glvmg be lo sub dIVIde the 894tc I! Brown the Chamber of Com In Mr Deal as as made library lo well meeting of appoll1tll1g lo the bUIlding ft nd the and SUI vey made 0f BU 11 och county sch00IS according developed I!iiiiiiiiiiiii Purcelh profIt study by cutting a door and bUIlding �:::::::::::::::::_��__����������������--������, merce on Tuesday August 7 at slstant foreman Mr educallonal speclflcallons to a of state educators ThIS week we the and an addlllonal IS It1 llI1e ask that glOUp lepOlt a wall class a I 0 clock at Mrs Bryant sKit pomted out that this fhe Junia 5 are ng by complete the planl for modern be at Brooklet s of fr of the made to and room lo prOVIded new chen They are WIth Rockwell poltcy pro the me nbers and ends genelalrecommendatlOns prOVide complete high school program at Ihe Within the or usual des by pellllOnlng off the library CeCil Broadwell ExtenSIOn motmg from church forego thClr houslllg f01 the neglo pUpl I S III grades 1 12 WIlliam James cenler IS thiS adequate whIch was deSIgned for such an FORGET horticultUrist and Loyd Farmer galllZ8tlOn It through sert on Wednesday evenmg DON'T our In Bulloch county for an esllmated Next ill the senes Will be the At 8 both channel lhat of come the Eve arrangemenl Gospel P.M. at ExtenSIOn economists mnny Augusl 8 and by GTe are schools outSide the cost of $500 recommendatIOns for the sepo Tonight These Statesboro recommendallons members of the ExtenSion Ser general forcmen and supervisors rett reSidence prepa cd to spend Gym no additional area at the maximum faclII rate umts of the school COllce�t careel I Construct except Willow Hill 2 Utilize county nc deliCIOUS Vice at the U llverslty of Geor began their management 25r. and enjoy so he at four where It IS recommended that t es at the four With Rockwell J K DEAL 11 pdc Ice cream and cuke fac litles the elementary I elementary system gin at Alhens Corporation home